The Oshawa Times, 18 Mar 1961, p. 2

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GOOD ~ By JACK GEARY FRENCH REQUEST OWN SCHON, The Oshawn Beparate Behook Bowrd will be ry 19 vole sgetn (possibly wt & special mesting March 22) OR B COTLERTIONS quikstion ta wineh i has Aeveied cons siderable time of late Bhonild the Bosid constivet & Wilingusl shes) for FrencheCanadian #udems, as hes been repeptedly 18s 7 The Bowid turned down sch #8 motion recently B45, but this did not Bis- pose of the aller bedaisk the fesling is still strong in some French « Canadian sireies that such & school is needed WN & w representations k- long these lines (with new information) are &x- pected to he made 10 the bosrd without delgy RR TEQUESL TOT # with ERIVY Afr "Eon French-Canadian groups serio) pt Endanie Lisadents, Afspite claim thet shen » Woula neve gn of more than 160 but some trusted FRANK MEAGHER Fike They point out thet three French bilingual classes presently conducted by the hoard (where only French is spoken) have & (otal enrolment of no mere than WH they feel thet the expense for such s geno wong nok be Justified £rgim Frank Meagher Is hosed chairman The best estimate is thet there sre helween 200 and 300 French-Canadian families in Oshawr NEW SCHOOL, GIVEN THE GREEN LIGHT The Board of Education cleared & high hurdle this WEEK The decision to proceed with construetion of the northwest sit R. 8, McLaughlin composite schoal in the an estimated cost of $1,800,000 (with 10 technical train ing shops, two of which will be unequipped) ends one of the longest hoard stglemiates in modern time As an indication of the changes that took place in the planning in the past few months original esti mates of the school's cost (that Included a swimming pool and auditorium) were in the neighborhood of $2.538,000 the pool and auditorium were deleied estimaten en pared in after strong protests and the approximately #1,000,000 Another controversial Issue concerned the technical training shops (Were they ton costly and numerous? Was thelr location right?) the shops, pool and audi torium did more than split the 1060 board into separated camps, they also hecagye a red-hot municipal election issue Whatever the individual taxpayer may think of the wisdom of Monday night's vole, it was reached after more than 10 weeks of study and debate hy the 106] board, by an overwhelming f=1 vote, in & manner that leaves not the shadow of doubt as to what the board's overwhelming majority wants The decision was not without opposition, despite the ahsence of Trustee A, E, O'Neill from Monday's meeting « Trustee Margaret Bhaw stuck to her guns, as she has all along, that there are ton few technical school graduates to justify the expense for 10 technical train ing rooms, Bhe was eritieal of the location ("the hulk of the students are from south of King street') She also sald that the board was not honest in its decision tn bring the cost down, because several deleted items would have to he put haek in later Trustee Robert Btroud didn't feel that it was fal tn saddle the newly-elecied board members with the problem of deciding what to do about the new school What he stressed was that the problem was complex and deserving of a long-term study before intelligent de glsions could be formed, Mr, Biroud and two other trustees even contacted the Department of Education for an opinion, but were told that the trustees themselves widely must find the answer to the problem. Mr, Btroud felt that the sehonl would be filled aver the fivesyear plan that is why he voted in the affirmative CITY TO KELL 25 HD LOTK Remember the fuss and furor in 1060 when the city announced that it would sell 85 serviced lots in the Hills and Dales subdivision?, This irked some citizens no end, They protested ta councillors, wrote letters to the editor, and asked such questions as "How callous and money=hungry ean the Couneil got? Don't they know that 28 new homes an the lois would obliterate the view af the city's new $1,260,000 Hillsdale Manor (home for the aged)? Why don't they develope this into a pleturesque park area are a sound investment far the future? There was no doubt about it these citizens re garded the sale as a blatant disregard of the rights of the senior eltigens of the manor wha, in the late evening of lite, would have their view obsoured hy a subdivision parks The majority on Counell turned & deal eur to such protests, pointed aut that the potential annual tax rev enue 'fram the lots would he in the neighborhood of ST800 annually, even if the new homes did "black out" the manor, The tax yield, they pointed out, would help reimburse the city for same of the services in stalled, such as sewers and water Whether ar not the city has made a wise decision, the 38 lots were advertised for sale this week via public tender, together with some other eity properties, inelud ing the old Parks Board headquarters on Park Road narth NEW MORMON CHURCH TO RE OPENED Oshawa's newest chureh building will he officially opened tomorrow night, It is the Chureh af the Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ at the earner of Rossland Rd, W,, and Thornton's road, Thomas 8 Monson, head of the ehureh in Canada, will attend Meadowbrook CosOp Housing group will hold its Victory dinner April 2. They built 38 homes in 1060, bringing the o0=0p total for Oshawa to 128 since 1084 when the movement was first organized herve | Until this week's snow hlita, ity ploughs had only been out twice since January 1, The snow and ice contral bill between January 1 and February 18 this year was $40,208 -- $30,000 of which was for sanding and salting. Last year's hill for the same tem and period was $71,410, This vear the eity 13 budgeting for $87,000 for snaw and fee control. which figure is based on a 10-year average Chris Lowther of the city's planning department, has resigned to take a similar position in Kitomat, B.C, BRITISH STAR MARRIED Sir Laurence Ohvier and | ried Friday by » Justice of ( rently appearing in Bew York bhibigd 2 British wetress Joan Plow: | the peace # Wilken, Com, | plays J Ji anthem Which we sing REPAY AS LOW AS » KING 87 right, shown in rehearsal for | wear New York City, Olivier AF Wireohot hecnine we consider the Green { ' . } ; Wirepholo (1a he the head of our site. and movie last year, were mar: | 58, and his bride, 25, are cur k m WEST we revere Her Majesty Queen ' Elizabeth as our Queen 0h "The honorable member (or UST EK OF Frost Describes Ralph Connor's Local Vendetta By DON BEENEY WINNIPEL (CP)=Mrs, €, W Gardin, 8, widow of the Cang dian clergyman who wrote un der the name of Ralph Connor ind sold more than 5.000 006 Canaan Press Siall Writer copies of his #0 novels, died in TORONTO (CP)=The farmer 'OWh He mentioned {ohn Fil hospital ¥riday and present mayors of Thesss lerton (PC=Algoma Manito Rev, | W om, a town of 1800 population 'H) autheast of Ble, Mane He sald the Fore had have hecame embroiled in & lo. thwarted Justice in the town hy that Vow the Yory political machin wis stempting to control the Lrordom hest known for his hooks, The Man| From Glengarry and Glengarry! Behooldays, died in 1947 Baul nr Hot PUrsiing charge eal vendetta And the lef ean He i p i ky haotleg He was senior chaplain of the p dy y od hold not get Involvel ud bl ed ih fu A TBA B Canadian armed forces during mier Frost sald Friday er and stiemple i] i "ihe First World War, Later he What has befallen some of the 16-year-old girl wrote novel sel in Cape Breton, | 3 / TT . residents sounded funny to the Mr. Frost had (he legistalors Niagara Peninsula and Que legislators, but Mr, Frost indi: laughing when he gave a re pq, cated 1 was serious busing ume of the facts contained In material on file in the atlorney sir 1 think we'd general's office hetier keep out of thi My He said in 1958 the provincial Frost seid, after reading a police took sworn statement tatement of facts about Thessa- that Constable Ray Goodall wa lon taken from the files of Wil drinking illegally at Powers liam Bowman, director of pub. restaurant and that Powers had! le prosecutions made indecent advances to GRAND VORKSE, B, €, (CP) The whole matter is one of Young girls, As a result, My, Thirteen - Doukhobor wo men those vendettas that occur Io. Goodall was charged under the! some of whom sald they were cally." he added, "We shouldn't| Police Act with aecepting a|!he "Internal women's commif get involved In local disputes, bribe, threatening, legal pur tee from God," were arrested CCF Leader MacDonald first €hase of liquor, raised the issue Monday when! nd drinking in Powers' restau he charged that the attorney. Ant on general's department and the Although My, Goodall and My hey were protesting the (rig donartment of municipal affairs| Powers denied the: allegations of John J, Verigin, leading | had failed in their duties tothe eouneil found Goodall guilty | spokesman for the orthodox see: | wards the town. He raised it|0f drinking and forced his resig:| Hon of the sect, charged with again ¥riday during discussion nation of the department of municipal in the town ""§ would say More Stripping By Doukhobors {marching singing magistrate's eourl hymns into They say Verigin 15 not gullty | J ; My and should he freed without affairs estimates of $01,668,000 Lindsay Battles (rial BLAMES '"REVUBAL' The women stripped on the | Mr, MacDonald said i street of this southeast Koole 1 To Keep Service nay-aven town near the United States horder, tying up traffie LINDBAY (CI)=Town coun: on the southern trans-pravinelal oll and Chamber of Commerce) highway took action Vriday to ensure After singing hymns about 80 continued passenger train serv: minutes they marched Inte the op : court where the trial was halted, | Mayor J, C, Haltom said the They were charged with con: CNI's decision to discontinue 8 tempt of court, RCMP, armed! dally Belleville «= Poterhorough: | with tear gas, arrested the Linduay « Toronto run would women had developed Into a vendetls heonuse the town eouncll was {frustrated aver Attorney « Gen {oral Roberts' refusal to take a {Han against a former restaur ant operator, George Lee Pow: | ors, now helieved to he a waiter in a Bault Bte, Marie hotel The dispute, which started in| 100K between the town council and the restaurant owner and i make this « hs ohief alien constable, spread to] tke this community of 000 myo women daclined a ¢ rown | | ihe only ane of its sige without involve the fwn mayars offer that they would not he theee | passenger service, He snid # | eagiatiutes, the Jot ral deals hrief arguing for continued ser {ment of immigration and the 10: {vie is heing prepared for dis ) ) 4 held in jatl while pales en eal Progressive Conservative as: (yibution to the CNR, the de: 0 wh ARAL Sn n a. Donald intimated that | partum of ig A . . Sign Sitter 'Obtains Job prosecuted if they their homes, They were being returned (on INTERPRETING THE NEWS | Trouble Ahead my on wen Meadaweraft, 36, a steamfitter out of work move than a year, olimbed tho sign Friday morn ng and said he would stay there | until he got a job, Police and | firemen cut short his stay in the | i-font advertising sign pion | : . (Wpnarontly paid off, He has a Job |} {offer fram "one ar two places," [1 For Macmillan lane of them # grocery chain, i Hy ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Nall Weller "This government's in trou pmillan look a little fanted TOVE IN FIOKLE leaden hin #, In a orisis, sald the magagine afternoon when they removed The wards, spoken with eon: pho Spectator, Maomillan might Nm by ladder vietion, came fram a veloran find that Tory love is fickle He sald he hasn't heen able observer of the British pavlia: | Sespacially if Kennedy emerges|t0 find work since he injured his mentary scene as the dominant figure on thelleft foal. in an industrial aeel | fhe news had just heen internationals s cone, eclipsing [dent in October, 1040 flashed that South Africa wan the prime minister's prestige as {quitting the Commonwealth, anfa pacificator » {Aetion that Prime Minister Mac:| Tt i5 easy to make a vase Pl M t {milan had worked hard tolagainst the government hut an ee ing [wai there 1s much 10 he sald on the | gas ! Earlier the pavlinmentary other side, South Africa's de P | t F | / man had watehed a stealing parture from the Common 1 0 8 Irms Commons debate in which La (wealth, for instance, se em & {hor members roared and joeved likely to he vegarded as in! and stormed, in a genuine dis: |evitable, and the immediate po play of emation, aver the Con [litical consequences may nat he servative government's decision sorvious [10 pay one man the princely sal: Lord Ralishury's action sym QUEREC CITY (0M) I'he government is arranging a meeting between shipping firms and 8t Lawrence River pilots 10 discuss the ship-owners' de {mands that Canadian Take ves ary of £24,000 a year to vun/holiges a strong feeling i, \ BON Ihe fsols ho exempt fro the nation's railways Fory relght that Colonial Sec sory pilothge JR Mpa This ROvVerRment & in trou: retary fain Macleod is moving Minister Raloer said Friday ble." vepeated the ahserver, ve: far toa quickly in Rhodesia nht lealling reeent storm stanals that! Salisbury's support derives He told the Federation of the {meluded mainly from elder Conserva: (81 Lawrence River Pilots the is { 1 The decision of the Mar tive supporters. Young Conser sue is whether the Canadian {Aves os Salisbury to relinquish] vatives, as a recent gathering | lakers are competent ta navi Nis offions In several Conserv: showed [Hve associations as a protest Leod FAgainst the government's peli Perhaps Macmillan need not Tol in the Rhodesias he dismayed, In adopting a lib 3. A sense of deift in econ: (eral line on most issues, he is! omie affairs, as reflected in probably taking the shrewdest eritielsm hy anxious supporters course open to a Tory prime that Retain is taesing hehind minister. He thus capitalizes on the captinent in the vate af in: hasio British tendency 16 oon Astral growth orvatism, while fovestalling § The feeling in some quar any moves ta auttlank Mm on ters that President Kennedy's the left, where his main danger dynamio pace 1s making Maes (lies are firmly behind Mac: gate the 81. Lawrence without pat assistance Mr. Raloer said the owners regard the compulsory dues as AN unnecessary burden and are prepared to push their demand in the strangest possible man ney He assured plats the ment will guarantee full preted Hon for their incame if they agree 10 drap the dues on Ca avern Insult To Queen Member Charges (sponsored by Conservative MV somplion Maurie e Allard, Sherwooke (whieh called for sn Mistinctive (Canadian flag, 7 Mstinctive Ca inadian anthem and # new Ra tional holiday come to # Mr, Mandiwik's Wighlighted = sharp spit on symbols of egy between Progressive Con CETY Rives from other paris of the country Mr. Allard said Canada shold have a lag and anthem shom of hy France ana reflecting what he wailed the Mr. Mandiik Man of the Wl suggest that Canada lacks Ill soverelgmiy because iW Aves nd that is # foreign anthem NOT FORVIGN the anthem of a foreign nation Sherbrooke (Mr a Insult her hy proposing in this Wid Is D d Wil thet she approve a differ | ow ea ent flag" the Manitohs MP said i (agsaulting an 18year-old youth, | 0 ¥ LEGAL, AD KINGTON, Ont. (CPi ners wt Joyeaviie, Cone Bey anh Wings pani aniianies Rew Husband Faces Murder Trial wan cath on lwo women (9 hey WEIL ABD (CF) (Barish sofye thew legal prowiems. § aw with the shokgwn daring of Ws graduates Geraldine Tepper nd ; wile, Shiriey, 71, Raymond Gag Mary 5. Warray, oth of Kings By JOWN ¥. BIRD He was in aeons with is fon, 1, Friday was commas on have heen sppointed 9 do [| Canadian Press Mall Wiker is WANG Banned 00 WE for (righ wt the pert Roses. egal wid work for prisoners in 3 id aad Aa TAWA, 41) = Al where on the Heid of that flag Wie. Gageon was (4 BI y such ficids as Myris procashe { rmiman descent 1994 the Com: ® VE the Umon Jack wonder March § while viswing ings snd morigages 4 Vides thet # French "There pre millions of Mr. and Mrs. | emasmier . - mons ¥reey : Canadians whe wpvort me in (Canadian clang wis anny (FEET, Mrs hemaswrinr described {Wartiament 10 mei the Geen firm an inruder came ie the Nicholas Ma narnik, Mar "MORE BRITISH! Rowse Rese miamight slier her (gHatie, made the satement 001 A one pot, Fos Toseoh hohand had gone (6 parehsse ng debate on & priviie DH Pigeon (PC Iohietie - 1] As sigarets. When he retwrned, he Montcalm) asked: 1estified, he was locked into the Dn yom think tn your speach hatheoom by the intruder hi yo wre more British than Ca- Mis, [emasnier fled 19 the nadian?" siraat, A shot was heard as Hw "Emm eviitied 16 my opinion Sashed owt. Mrs. |emesunier just wo ym re entitled 1o your seid that widle she was onside opinion," Mr. Mandrik rephied, she hesed & second shot "0mm em TE The Wik Sid not VIAL Fy Canadian sover: nd from GQueher reference to Britain or Canadian sl wn Oakburn lawyer, sald supporters Home Owners | YOU CAN a0 not have a Mistinctive flag Gnd Bave the Gueen ~ -- WIAD )S That nations! anthem 1s nt Allard) asks ws BREWERS RETAIL ALLIED INVESTMENTS 51 KING ST, OSHAWA RA 3-3993 EAST FHONE ANYTIME FOR PAY OR EVENING Bonded 1 390 APPOINTMENTS B k Li i 17 Affiliated Offices Across Ontario e-Lining Member of Installed For Ment Gan ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS' ASSOCIATION | AWHEELS hh ato a ai Be --_--_ | drinking on duty |Vriday after they stripped and| 2 | | YOUR clothes BEST FRIEND AND WE ARE CELEBRATING WITH "CLEANING COMMENTS" That is Watch for Helpful We've L chosen clothes care points that are mest impartant for the proper upkeep of your Ta help you help your clothes nur objective this coming week wardrobe cleaning comments that will keep your clothing fresh and actually make them wear longer! Wateh for them next week, Cleaning EASTER WILL SOON BE HERE hi Time to cheek vour Spring wardrobe. And undoubtedly time 10 present your Te Comments favarite dry cleaner with clothing In need of a tharugh and reliable cleaning, i Why nat check now Faster Sunday is on April 2nd. Be prepared | § Every Day DRY CLEANING AS IT SHOULD BE i Next There's no doubt about it! Your dry cleaner is qualified 1a give veur elathes R the expected care and attention, Remember , oy your sleaner 1s your clothes BE Week best friend! ie be \ bh ml Satisfaction Guaranteed By Members Of : \ En Dry Cleaners & Launderers Institute © 8 (Ontario). i AND CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS nadign lakes, be |

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