The Oshawa Times, 18 Mar 1961, p. 1

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VOL. 90---NO. 45 ---- ac. Pil START BUCKING LAKEHEAD ICE Arthur #f the | ake River ice in The leebreaking tug James | snd Port Whalen gets wp before siarting out ta clear the pas sage hetween Fort Wiliam HERI hiesd he wires Byerages helween 15 and 6 Verwoerd Now Wants enefits To Retain South South Aly LONDON (Reuters) African Prime Minister Hendrik hase Verwoerd hid publicly today retain the advantages of Bri: ci ok 5 ish Commonwealth membership and hey in relations with Britain after) his country quits the arganiia tion May #l ing wa Verwoerd maintained HHERL cor Afriea's relations with would he improved following hi decision Wednesday (0 leave the family of nations Al the same added aturally | Weak 10F BOLE EOunLEiE will have ta disen for quit nations dil ane reason that other leaving the Cam uth Africa had to r¢ the United EMNATTANS Guth er ritain MONwealth iH ba tayed in I felt |} lieve my [riends Kingdom, of 1) Fad ment." time, Malayan Prime Minister Tunky Abdul DEFENDS APARTHEID Rahman . said withdrawal of In a long defence of his vacial South Africa would "greatly en: segregation policy Verwoerd hance the strength of the Came said; "Race prejudice and dis monwealth countries." He eXorimination against people are pressed complete satisfaction" lohviously undesirable at Bouth Africa's decision 10] "However, when one group quit on hecoming # republic) threatens another, is culture May #1, {and its way of life and ils stand he twa leaders addressed ard of living, then prejudice and separate press conferences fol discrimination become nevil lowing the windup Friday of thelable' i0-day Commonwealth confer Verwoerd forecast a further ence, which saw sharp eriticism breakup within the Common of South Africa's vacial segre-\ wealth "if the process of inter gation policy. The eriticism prompted Verwoerd (a with J Behan's Clear About Toronto draw SETUP SPECIAL TIES TORONTO (CF) Brendan Behan hasn't even started play Verwoerd said South Africa ing Toronto yet, hut already opes Lo establish special hi ones relations with Britain imilar to. those between Bril #in and the Republic of Ireland Ireland, though not a mem: Toranto is well hehind on points her of the Commonwealth, has The Irish playwright-turned the same close velations with master of ceremonies tried aul Britain as Commonwealth mem: the (Keefe Centre Friday in hers, These include preferential preparation for his week's run treatment in trade, unrestricted introducing a jazz show that travel between the twa coundopens Manday night. He tries, cheap rates of communi: emerged firing from the hip cation and other special ad Your O'Keefe Centre looks vantages like a sanctified garags Verwoerd said he hoped Bril Your Taranto liguor law ish « Bouth African commerce enough for you hecanse equally valuable to both coun: you've used to them, For me they're a puzzlement : Tarantanian 1s a leaves the arts to ure gond tries, would remain as it 1s now About half of South Africa's cur \ vent trade 1s carried on with|who Britain wifi The prime minister also said I'he New tourist hu he believed current defence roan should spend a free week agreements with Britain could end in Toronto obtaining a few he maintained, including a pact painters on how not to attract allowing the Royal Navy ta use 1 fellow his York tourists." .Diefenbaker Reviews South Africa's the Cammonwealth will strengthen the arganigation His nationally - televised ad dress was a sequel ta a speech earlier in the day in which he reported ta the House of Cam mans on the Londen eanference South Africa's self « imposed exile was & matter far, genuine regret hut Justice and wight must emerge trivmphant in the end, he said at the Conservative meeting Canada's firm stand on the issue of South Africa's apay theid palicies of racial diserimi nation had carried intn the in he said ternational field the principles My. Diefenbaker embodied in the Canadian Bill turned ta Ottawa just 13 hours'of Rights earlier fram the ¢ OMIMARWERIN 1 pis vepart 10 the Commons prime ministers' conference in Mi Diefenbaker said Prim Landon, told a cheeving audi: \rinicior Verwoerd himself had once of 13430 that the South Af raised the apartheid issue in rican decision ta withdraw fram Landon Thus, he indicated, the South CITY EMERGENCY Afvican incident had not sel & PHONE NUMBERS precedent far future withdraw hased an oriticism of na tianal palicies a ® ae A of us agreed that na na ¥ \ 5 POLI KE RA 5.1134 tonal paliey af any county FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 OTTAWA (CM) here will always he a light in the Cam monwealth window to guide South Africa back, Prime Min ister Diefenhaker said Friday night He told the annual dinner gathering of the Progressive Conservative Association thal South Africa has anly to agres ta the hasie principle of non discrimination ta be welcome again in that world family of nations "My fervent hope is that South Africa will yeturn to the Cammaonwealth in due course wha had re hould he examined ar con (Midered without the corfsent of that country. ® Fhe Oshawa Times ard oy 6 fais For 1U.S. Takes Its Stand On Africa UNITED BATIONS BN, ¥% (AR) ~The 1 mised Vids nkilied Western colomal riley MH Wil Meer RR IROEPERGEH ore on Anica as the Geers miss OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 196} HV aA ry # Light, enw beginning eatby Son. Awy, Changing 18 sccasionst rain or Arnie, milder, aorigs Son ion Maw fomgnriment i nd vs gi EIGHTEEN PAGES Wands for reforms in Farin : 0 END ERROR i it : gHesR ARE he ] INERl OR ARENR ARE CERSHINE Soil Aries for Hs policies Wh Sonthwest Mica bt many were Aowiiiul whether this was # IEEE RESINTE, OF SIgnified # Fert (hangs. Bome Splomats wonderd if US. chief Aelegale Aligl Blevenson had acled on We nn withowt White House Asscimidy BERRA 8 WH AB REERAZ Wisthng WHR & AINICaR Vomiies The U8 Ok 0 BR Malement KF NAsY men ERIN YE IB WINER Western ribs method of FIRB LEFIHGFY The | wid move had BEER male RILEY Wgh level consuiiabion and InGicwies the Kennedy rdmmst wana he hesiaie 19 LINAS A Pasion wes speed the BRENIY EA RIN wit Francis Carpenter, US AEICgRIOn spokesman, in # for mal staiement Fndsy meht ssid the U.S, decision to vale for the ANEMIA FREOINBION WARS Made aller Blevenson had con with male dpartment of ficipls and after approval by President Kennedy and Siale Secretary Dean Rysk Free Lunch Idea i Called Indignity Ruanda-Urundi and fresh YORONTO (CF) = A proposal hat the city provide. free funches for Toronto's hungry hildren was called "a blow 19 ALBERTA COOL (hin th B1EH3 vite talks con TO INVITATION he were termed negative and tructive'" Friday hy social " y 2 p workers and clergymen ne DION, 4 Fol forente = wellare Committee hrugeed off as #8 promo prraposed Thursday 10 ask hin a alowhnife hurches to allow their facilities BA re IIA 0 he used in a ely subsidized tion tn the three Prairie PrOgFAm 10 feed the children We ie the Florence Philpott, director of PrOVIREES 10 FEMI Social Planning Council of Northwest Territorns Metrapohtan Torontn, said the Mayor Horton had WilER | on oram would represent # how : we Minister Olean to the human dignity of Tor vaker and the three pro cial premiers ahout the pro anta's needy families posal. Alheria, Baskatehes wan and Manitoba formed a part of the Northwest Terrie WRONG GENERAL tories until divided into sep the colorful mayor of Yel u der Charge lawknife is trying a pre mole greater interest in the | » annual dog derby there, | | ow 1t rawn don't think we eon: | wf A Arik palin Fh { PIT did with an #lly on h shied ig # £7 WAAY pasion Bk AA6E BEF IBSHES CONCEFTINE Fd ERI IR VEE ES The L.B. aonouncemer LEFLAIN LO NRVE & Sharp an the $9-nation hoy confrmmien with such hot potaiaes as South AINER's Wine # UN inves aung Belgian getian f 4 Caltahng CF Wirephola vessel WH " Wha WITEMAL) [ar fering in domestie al Linu Lanai al the Cam manwealth conference was "im mature he said. "If you find # group of nations who cannot together and forget differ then I think you are acl ng like a child Phe prime minister of Malaya at his pre conference di to cribed South Africa's apartheid ystem as "sheer tyranny of a kind we cannot imagine ecauld exist in these days,' Rahman said the showdown with South Africa enhanced (he standing of the Commanwerlth Frime Minister Nehru of India said at another press conference Friday he warned South Africa the Commonwealth might disin tegrate during conference dis cussions aver that country's ra: HUI Bill Whale 7M. and his wile of 49 years, Mis, Grace Whaley, alse 70, appear in court at Los Angeles as she isked separate maintenance, claiming he deserted her in 1022 at Hamiltan, Ont, Each had helieved the other dead gel Ene IE commented grate units in 160% though wold Mr. Manning that "It sounds as sider changing our status at present." [| TORONTO (CF) =A Taranta| The letters said Gen, de Ver: carvied an a na aan elal policies Bul he added that the with the ( ealth would ' be nah " Me hd sewage worker who accused a ress followed orders which re 4 . Hungarian general and freedom (sulted in the deaths of . 21,000 thousands of Berhs and Jews during the Hungarian invasion withdrew his charge Friday of Yugoslavia in 104] press conference and admitted Mp. Mladenovich (a meet the Of H Ri ] ts Baskn Miadenovich wrote 10] My, Miadenavieh agreed Gen uman g heard ten, Louis Dalnoki del mentioned in a hook issued hy gressive Conservative govern: lional television netwar dam Fighters, would be in Tor: fawn apartment a political trump card In isthe bill as ineffective "But Um convinced the unit ity Work newly returned from the Com: . anplauded hanquet audiences City or er io The general said any crimes trangly ¥riday night in a han TV hroadoast 50 hy the German eivilian group He said his stand against traduced Mr. Dielenhaker as Harris street, was seriously | palicy was in line with hs 8oV:| penawried leader of our party." Hohson Leather Company shor One Guest Killed hefare noon today The Bill of Rights has al: MeeGill Univesity praising the was cleaning the inside of DETROIT (AP) One man {Digfenhaker sald in Ms hall, Mr, Digfenhaker's speech axplosion He was rushed to the Oshawa an upper floor of a suburban AMriean issue - MRL lace, Oshawa five fighters were) Howard Mienke, about 68, a ing them of "dredging up gloom j " Li HEINE Wp & (limate af damages are aval: Kita, 48, suffered smoke inhala: (support hy crying fear and de A similar nate was sounded Ispized on the importance of the sald the Liherals ave "revelling . . haker's interjection that without [employed in hapes of political 0 ight Bills disouss apartheid the confers) They Want (a have unm . . ASR. LA the usual position of not discuss Shay feel that {ferbid the wse of union dues for eampanies ta deduct the nickel Pearson interpreted this hanee their chances of some legislature battle, organized 1a:[Social Credit party campaign had not agreed, the matter test plan The ecard, distributed 10 mem: "n 8 at y R HOEY frac ased | Space Flight fLahar Relations Act, veceived| HOM WHI SAY the customer does The former Liberal day after hitter debate Another | OCHA € vodit party, Bath earpor WASHINGTON (APR ikely In the legislature next supnarting the party finanelally, Phat is very interesting and AHINGTON (AF) \ \ AHONEN| © og Py I ha i Jl. Carson of the Heitish Cos ALB LRUAAL LB chief said Friday the first 1.8.1 The eked heavily By lambia Bleetrie Company said wealth assefiation when soon and the first asteanaut isl elections in whieh itn one executive afficers of the! have had some indication thatlaraund the earth this vear from 13 members, fought Bib Vancouver and Distriet Lahar| (his Will happen: that questions) James . Webb, administratop/ (rly against second reading: Council have ated tn & (how (on in all Us forms iF they Space Administration, told the!Social Credit gavernment {Po serve the ends of political | they have sel al subjects af disoussion {that the first Mereury training her RO, Federation of Labhar/caurse whieh will merely stir up| Notably, Mr. Dietenbaker dig Mission a manned hallistie| (CLC) and the Vancouver Labor ivauble and expense far their! pretation This is to send a manned{will ask all. members of atfili:| "Na customer of the RO The Mereury capsule to an altitude|ated unions to deduet five cents|Bleotvie has ever had a penny drawal of Bouth Africa from fighter of the mass-murder of Serbs and thousands more Jews + 8 ( 's 1 e e1 | 1€ night, He met his accused 8t 8) Canadian Hungaring invited he got the wrong general general at & press conference Paronto newspapers after he ds Verress was not the man Vervess, president of the World fhe People's Republic of Yugo OTTAWA (CR) The Pro: hour speech Federation of Hungarian Free: siavia. The two mel in a mid ernment obviously feels it has) Yel the Liberals had ridicaled ing hu) Hunganan National "I'm wrong ahout your htical Hy ations name," Mr, Mladenovieh said sland on human vights : Y J A i APPL 1] Prime Minister Diefenhaker AUDIENCE APPLAUD od h (named in the hook committed & | the erimes," monwealth Ahartheid haitle af party supporters or hy others Landon, sounded tha EME! Uhh snake during the hour-long Badly Burned that were committed wepe done quel speech ab the party's an * Gonos G8 Pharvaldson that took aver after hig Hungar nual meeting party association presidnt, In Frankn Hilvestel, 48, of 43 180 brigade had been withdrawn South Afriea's vacial apartheid Sihe distinguished and world: bummed in an explosion at (he ernment's os y " haine that He vead a telegram fram thls produced the Bill of Rights African Btudents Association all Fellow warke ' rs sald that hel IN ote aze i ] ready heen used in the courts ta prime minister for his "positive deving furnace when an eleetvie| pratect individual vights, My. | stand" an apartheid hulh exploded, touching off the lost his life and two other guests [were injured in a fire that swept {Awelled mainly an the Common: [wealth eanference and the Bawthiq oveai Hospital By city amb: |HIghand Park hotel today Hut he 1 § t Heal pune Rd hh ook, He called a extinguish (he blaze (factory worker, was Killed, ! [eaused hy the explosion, No es: Glen Hall, 48, and his wife, {and preaching recession." He hie [ savidd they wan't win eleetion|®" fon and injuries crying Canada and the greal ness of her future Protest Pe ed mare strongly earlier in the day gg Opposition Loe ad er Pearson hy Trade Minister Hees, who (statement, drawing My. Diefen: (in the misery" af the un (Mr, Verwoerd's readiness (o B8I0 HLS REG VICTORIA (OP)==foon after|are asked to enclose with thelr nee would have found itself in! ployment inerease in Canada J ence would h \ WiEe said at a seminar on eco: British Columbia legislation to payments a card requesting the ! . [namie affairs A ) $ | We Joversiat affairs greater unemployment will en political use survived an H-haue fram (heir contributions ta the I as meaning that if Dr. Verwoerd | time getting hack inte power." [hor Friday unveiled a navel pro: | funds could not with propriety have The bill an act to amend the NETS by the council and fedora. WILE, DISCUSS . sooond reading a1 7:08 am, Fri-|20L Wish 1a contribute ta the external C g S ; (ations have heen accused of ] arathon session on the hill is affairs minister added omin oon a RHIAN Spa h the hill | ; he | week AL Vancouver, Viee: President very significant in terms af (hel NOW United States space manned space flight is coming [1AhAT in the September Pravin in § statement should think undoubtedly, Wwe sohoduled 1a" ga inte arhit|eveased its vopresentation 10 178.0. Federation of Labor and! concerning racial diseriming: of the National Aevonautios and/The bill was intraduced by he [quahly ivvespansible manner should ever arise will in fact be American astranautical society] Meanwhile, the 115.000 « mem: propaganda not dispute Mr. Pearson's inter: THEM=will Yaceuy Counell (CLEC) announced they members PRUE Wiisier vie wed af 15 miles and prapel it 200 fram their monthly payments to ladded ta his bill an account of [te fives & departure as wn | Miles along the Atlantic missile|the B.C. Bleotrie and B.C. Tele:|a political donation, No ous Avoidable, teat range. phone companies. The unionists tamer aver will" ROUGH REUNION until she saw his name in & | AIO-ASIRR Rations were Wilant, They had welcomd week's U5. voles raping. Por Ld Settlers Slain [d By Terrorists By MAKIO PIREIIA FUANDA (AF) Portuguese troops have heen flown north ward (0 the AngolatCongs hor der prea of his Portuguese West African 1eritory where tribal terronsts have heen hack nk 10 Aeath and muiiating any whites they found on remote An Bola plantations, Al least W planters and members of thelr families were reported slam, Portuguese colonial rulers here turned (a armed might in hopes of ending the Maw-Man style slaughtering. The same planes that hurried wn troops WEE hack terrified settlers Faced with the prospect "of BYOWINE Congn-like massacres colonial authorities here in the capital said today they are con fident they ean put down the Wandy anti-white uprising de spite the hindrance of torrential rain HACK UF VICTIMS Negroes swing ing machete knives have killed and hacked up countless men, women and children in the last three days One report said 28 persons Congn across the border, Some these reports said Negroes nd whites alike were ailacked,) Commercial panes joined & huge refugee mirift, Fle ol ters crammed truck after truck for the ride nto 1 uanda, where they (old how Negroes hacked 10 death every while they saw, FAME AS MAUMAU The raids were similar to the MauMau pttacks that plagued British-ruled Kenya a few years Pr adundieds ol ihesmen " scended suddenly during esrly Marning darkness Wednesdn f slashing and murdenn h their mg knives in planters' homes near Maguela, Uige, Qui: hayi and Quitexe, Home of the yefugess hore the savage wounds of machetes and many flew here without & single possession, Nine hadly miliiated persons came Wn Gh the first Planes Wednesday night one of whom died after Brriving, Bome seltlers are dese from the first Portugnese whe came to West Africa & year he: fore Columbus discovered Amer. heh Jn the i" years since, he ware wrdered ah a op! WHILES IN ANEOIE NAVE INCTEASE plantation 4 : i Quite A yr eh nas. Song than 1590 miles northeast of this! 7 : costal eity, A young girl was Ve Bantus=a ratio of 8 to 1, reported cut in half near Viege J tone mutilated settler died after Keon has heen Sein Ri heing evacuated here, ilisin away from Angola's doe (This dispatch did not men Africans there have heen to tion any outsiders among the little shout democracy as the (attackers, hut Portuguese news| work the politically isoipted col: agency Aigpatches teceived inlony for coffee, diamond, sugar, Lighon sald the terrorists were colton, palm oll an h prods 'farelgners' ar came from The uel exports, Election Threat Made By Lesage imatie commutation," yg THE CANADIAN PRESS |Kender for the op) Boston Unlon | i 1 : dAberal Premier Jean Lesage VAUONAIE Leadership at Its eon 0 ro lon Jd be PealiAes | gyiday hinted In the legislature | vention Rept, 21 {mating ih of Te 10 aa pn eo: that Quehee may he heading for] The Liberals were elcted 1n [Mating [10 bred" aa i } Soll i seeond pravinelal election in| power last June 28 and (ook af took offive in dune "ow" han " itis mare than # year Fh 3 with & Sinai 14 willed in more commutation Angry with opposition taunt: IY The sanding now isi Lihe than under (he ing of a government measure, | @vals 84, Union Nationale 41, In: t previous Liberal he sald dependent, ane : government , m R vale gy fe | "If (he opposition eontinues| The Ldherals, eaming (0 | i Wi understandable" helihis" systematic obstruetion, | DOWer after 16 years of Union a. d, "Different men APPROACH will nat wait until it has chosen! Nationale administration, have ngs in a different way La new leader, We will submit its Drought down & program of leg: He was addressing a seminar | systematic obstruction (a the) 18Iative changes and reforms of at the national Progressive Con: | peaple Wagering dimensions, fervative convention where hel Then he added: "We will vate! Developments in other legis: wis asked for government pol: an the budget and go to the pen: | 1Atures oy in this field. Noting that ple," Winnipeg=The Manitoba leg: lank fo Amend he" Crminal ASE (he wormy siting WktiEe" formally adopied ihe ans arke hi government's palie [ih dealing with. capital Dun: | Marked hy exchanges of harsh hy iments Foiley that hd : : (ds, the premier said lishment, Mr, Fulton said hel "Ids | i : a.lemned bh 8 ' [onuld not veveal details of the. "aE 1 said in the legisla | hy (he needs of the in girls five assembly 1s very serious, vidual pensioner and rejected legislation yet, HE the government eannat pro-|@ COF resolution that pensions very ease is considered by coed with its affaivs in a nop: De Increased §30 a month ine the cabinet On its Own merits, | mal way, we are going to the Stead (he sald, The cabinet was not people," Edmonton = Lands and For (trying (0 determine whether the . : ests Minister Willmore of Als Jury was right in convieting an| UN BAYS 18 READY [herta announced eonstruction of Becysed for murder A Elepl "We are as ready for an elec: a 885,000,000 pulp and pews: which meant an automatic|tion as Mr, Lseage is," sald print mill will be started this death sentence, as the law now | Daniel dahngon (UN = Bagol), summer at Whiteeourt, 100 alands who is presumed to be a con. miles northwest of Edmonton. | telephone hook recently and called him, Whaley, whe says she was the one 1a leave home, was not ecstatic ove the phone call, sa they wenl 10 court, where Mrs, Whaley Was granted 8 token glimony Whaley is a retired head waller, AF Wirephoto 'No Policy On Death Penalties | OTTAWA (CP)==Justice Min (teter Fulton said Friday (hat the Conservative government in |Feviewing death sentences Is nol trying (on acl like an appeal! court aver juries and stressed [that "there is no policy of aute rr HECKLED AND ARRESTED A SL Patviek's Day cele hrant heekles a Negro whe | has just been arvesiod for fail | Ing 1a obey polion orders ta | move on during a racial dem | avvested after vesisting polies ORSETATION In downtown Savan: | attempts to disperse a ovowd, nah, Georgia, The Negro was | =AP Wirephota |]

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