The Oshawa Times, 18 Mar 1961, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Severdey, Merch 18, 1961 HOME OF THE WEEK MOISTURE ON CENINGS QUESTION: Last March we bovight & new home and moved into it the same month. We no et . ey : " tieed when the temperature was eteriorates and the brie 7 7 oa 78 on the thermo We have & ply. slowly crumbles away, 15 hag: Wied | whowt fo i avs garter of pens on the spots that are moist, Sat, the ceilings woma hav as rusty What would you recommend? | MOWIIe oh them, There are naitheads showing. House. Is ANSWER: This condition fs lowvers in the attic and loose fill three years oid Ye want 10 known as efflorescence" and. insulation, wt ne vapor herrer paint next year, How Can WE ig due to water working is we Fold 4 OR re faster, the CRIRngs keep the rust from coming, through the brick and foreng @ nn wa of plas Mihi theowgh or showing when Welkaline salts out 10 the SITRCE, gece con he done 10 Correes paint? To remove the white sediment, situation before the cold ANSWER: For the best pos wie a eonereie and IRENE | oo cthier nels IW) sible results, shghtly counter. cleaner and eloher, following a-| ANSWER: Not knowing more sink the naitheads, Then touch bel directions carefully, avail poy' she structore of JOUF wp with # restAnkiitive paint, ahie at TRESORTY SNES and fiamise, whether you have & hase or shellac, Cover with putty, some large pant dealers, OF TERE OF CTAW) SPACE OF REIHET; | smoothing down to surface of scruh the affected srface With (ce of siding, €ie,, it is Sifeuit! plywood, Then paint o mateh a fiber brush and a solution ofl C5 cee any recommendations rest of the hove one pert munatic acd mn Wee ceneral this may be due 16) parts of walter (nse @ Woden! mid A peo ' 9 mid house @r, OF MOE WEATHERING" ASRESTOR container), allowing the solution 2% Lu wp from' we Ma FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE By ROGER C, WHITHAN RUSTY NAH READS QUESTION wood overhang, me an neh thick, that ers, chimney leaks. | suggest you send 25 cinta to Nations Mineral Wool Association, 1270 Suth Ave, Mew York, New York, for a copy of thelr excel fent booklet "Control of Mos fre in Homes" which gives complete, Aetaied information ahowt handling this protilem TARNISHED SCREENS QUESTION: We have copper window screens which are qs tarmished now at the end of the season, How can the tarmsh he removed? Is there any way 19 prevent tarnishing? This was the first season for the screens ANSWER: To remove the tar mish, wipe the screens with # solution made by dissolving salt | a8 much as possible, in ordinary vinegar; then rinse with clear water against future tarnishing them with spar varnish thinned To protect (he screens hal turpentine. Be sure (0 cover gi SHINGLE STAIN MIX areas of the screen, partiewlarly 2 where the mesh enters he AERATION I om Interested frame in & particilar shade fox a shingle stain. What maternal is STAINED PICNIC TABLE waed tn Aarken shingle Haw" QUESTION: We used owr red. ANSWER: Colorin of, thine wond pienic (able & ot this past ned with Jinwaed hid the con wmmer and the | come NHERCE Of paint, 1% id tbo od ad ne 10 hak Ai shingle stain. Don't fint each VETY HARES ARG. 4 Wot 1% can of stain separately; the re- the hest way to clean this? suits won't he woilorm. When you have oiimined the shade de sived, Intermix all the cans wm order 1a get uniformity of shade and color. Dome individually, there may he & vanation w shades afler the stain is applied, ANSWER: Cover the table top. with a one inch layer of dry Fortland cememt, powdered whiting, or other absorbing ma- feral, mixed to a thick paste with henzine (he very careful of fire hazard) or nonflammahie , liquid spot remover, over this place a sheet of plastic or heavy RAVESEED CROP canvas 10 retard exaporation.| EDMONTON (CP) -- Canada As the paste b discolor: produced a record 604,000 000 ed oF dry, replace with fresh, Ii pounds of rapeseed in 1960. A the stains have peneiraed very substantial market was pro deeply, you may have to plane vided hy reduced crops in or sand off the surface Sweden and France and record CXpOrts are expected QUESTION Is there anything '0 TEMain io more than 24 min-| v the house, from yon Can Rp 10 new ashestos| HES, THER FINGRE olf with plemy soma _nder the 4 atthe low shingles on the roof 16 make of clear water, Then newtralkt' en A them fade? We had to replace | 17€ any trace of acid Wy wash. some shingies and the new ones, ng With a solution of | pint of stick out like & sore thumb, I'd ammonia in 7 gallons of water, like them to match the other followed again by rinsing with shingles withowt waiting for ear water Be sure 0 wear them ta weather fieavy clothing, goggles to pro ANSWER: Quickest way tect the eyes, rubber gloves 16 would he (0 paint the new Protect hands, while working shingles with #8 PYA vinyl plas with the acid solution because fic paint, mixed to match the of its highly corrosive quality color of the rest of the roof, 7 Ien the brick surface I" This type of paint is excellent NOTOUEhlY Gry, apply @ Iason for ashestos shingles, both roof TY waterproof preparation 16 and siding the brick walls, to prevent en y ! moisture inte the with an equal amount of & mix ture of half hinseed oil and hall [Special Offer! | \ ALUMINUM \ CLAPBOARD Real Estate Douglas L. Gower ® REALTOR # For oll your Reel Estate Mesds PHONE RA B-4651 D, W. WILSON LTD, REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 56568 MODERN | SHEET METAL 313 OLIVE AVE OSHAWA 3 RA B-B163 f WN E60 Hr ------------ Yeisen trance of brick PAINTING (CHROME QUESTION: We are moving th a new apartment and will ve 10 use kitchen table and chairs at one end of the living room. These have chrome Can the chrome he paint a the metal doesn't show? GREASE. ON KEDWOOD QUESTION: Our redwood pie table has grease stains all aver it. How can we remove (he | grease' How hl 7 ' ! ; 1 # BAT) " ¢ i | VAs file fo pre tain ir ("44 ANSWER the (able urface with a layer of pasts made of powdered whiting and eg nonflammable Nquid spot re ed mover. over this place #& sheet, ANSWER: Yes Wash the sur plastic to retard evapora face of the legs 1a remove all When the paste is dry or (race of grease and grime Pull | replace with fresh, gloss finish hy vigorous rh grease has heen re- bing with fine steel wool and Applying a coating of turpentine, Wipe off dust and | table will apply top quality enamel | protect the surface arainst QUESTION i nel ation he w Ereane: ! 000 is covered with old - fashioned ais J 4 steel tile which has begun to rust through, can we cover this] with the new and modern plas tie tile, or should the old stuff he removed first? ANSWER: | would recom mend removal of the old tile serve the original color? first. The adhesive used for the 18 ANSWER: This condition plastic tile may have some IF IT'S RUGS CALL usually caused hy overexposure effect on the usual enamel fin WAY tn sun, or to an inferior grade ish of metal tile, thus 100sening NU- of finish, Remove the present!) Woll-te-Wall Breadieem finish down to hare wood, using I'he ent steel tile can he Carpets Stair Runners, of paint or varnish remover, fol: repainted, Remove the vs mm Mary St RA 8-468) lowing label directions care: spots with fine steel wool and fully: denatured alcohol for shel turpentine; or use one of the jae, Band smooth and wipe off | hguid rust FEMOVINE prepara | the dust then apply top quality (tions now widely available at] desired finish following dive: hardware and paint stores, fol tions on container lowing lahel instructions care fully, Then remove all trace of Cover IN LIVING COLOR! ix -- tion discolored until all moved par varnish to the | {A O% EQ FT | i , = : ' IE err 32); HOME DESIGN NO, 132 ren ern. ew Atl on Gracious, comfortable ving is evident in every line of this | larged Book of House Designs hy vestibule and hall, the im- | entitled "A New Selection of outstanding HomOgral design The pleasing well-proportion | pressive ving dining area | Low Cost Homes for Cana with fireplace and terrace, the | dian $1.00. Contains ed exterior symbolizes (rue | modern kitchen arrangement | 114 designs including | storey hospitality, while the three | hedroom floor plan is design: | and accessibility of basement | 1%; torey, and phit level ed 10 take advantage of every and garage, Here indeed is a | homes, plus much useful in well planned home for com formation on bhwiding terms inch of space in a room arrangement convenient passage provided fep-ni Our hathroom 4-DAY PRE-SEASON of RA B:B16 ng Nolte (he CHECKED CHERRY FINISH QUESTION: | have an old cherry mahogany hedroom suite whose surface has become had y checked, What must he done to restore the finish and pre jirce fortable Living Mandard | and requirements, Order your Builders" blueprints costing copy today, Also included in | $9.70 a set are obtainable this Design Book is full in | t'anada for this Design formation on how to order the 142 jow available blueprints in| No al this This 20th Century MIRACLE BUILDING MATERIAL offers these advantages: i Ends Costly Paint Maintenance i Adds to Home Yalue ¥ Ret Proof May be Applied to Any Surface NOW... COVER YOUR $ a7 y WHOLE HOUSE 2 (4 WALLS OF SIDING) 24' x 24' x 8 -- HOMEOWNERS ONLY fire The Buliding Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, Insulates Enclosed please find 81.00, Tor which send me Book of House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cost Homes For Canadians," (Please make remittance pay: CRUMBLING WALLS crease. soap, dirt, ele. from ahle to The Oshawa Times.) | QUESTION; The brick hase: the tile surface and dull the {ment walls on our 40-year-old! gloss of the present finish with home are good for the most! steel wool, Apply a coat of rust part, but in others they have al inhibitive paint, allowing plenty white sediment on them. This'of time for thorough drying rm -------§ WE. McLaughlin Heating for o FUEL OIL + STOVE OIL eo Prompt Delivery 104 King W, RA 3.348) ¥ Waterproof ¥ Fireproof NAME covivrrrrvrrrrr PAT TERN 277 Address NEW AIRPORT MOTEI LONDON == A new 286-room motel with a restaurant and gasoline station Is to be bulltiwho fought in the 1014:101% war, near the London Alrport, This| js being scrapped by the Horn will make the fourth hotel and! church Council, The Council is {motel to be built in that ared|fed up with the vandals who {In a little over a year, The four have ruined attempts to reno will provide rooms for over 10001 vate (he sunken, relief map of visitors and airlines passengers, New Zealand, The council was trying to restore the map al a (cost of $650 hut the work done! by men on it was pulled to pieces every night hy the van dals MONUME RCRAPPED HORNCHURCH A moni ment to the New Zealanders IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST in FUEL and Heating Equipment DELCO by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St, RA 3-4663 By RUTH W, SPEARS Houses to suit different birds is the secret of attracting them, Bluebirds like a deep nest space, Wrens want & tiny house, Pat-| tern 377, which gives actual-size guides and directions for the two houses shown, Is Bbc, This pat tern also is in the Bird House and Feeder Packet No, 81 which gives full-size cutting guides and directions for 10 unusually al tractive designs - all for $1.76 Address orders to The Home Workshop Dept, The Times, Oshawa Bank Financing Available--Ne Down Payment Oshawa Home Construction Co. 130 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA RA 8.3671 CALL NOW! , ,, ® We will be glad to give Home: owners a FREE ESTIMATE, NO ® OBLIGATION, Building Supplies Chicago authorities say 10 per cent of men between 45 and 60 have a H0-60 chance of death from coronary heart disease NATIONAL 10-6-4 Natural Organic base turf fertilizer cares fully prepared for reliable results, 80 Ib. $4.50 40 Ib. $2.50 3,000 to 4,000 sq, ft, per 80 lbs, Zz . oper mir ca 16 CELINA ST, RA 32312 "Garden Supplies Since 1909" WARLEIGH SUPPLIES (OSHAWA) LTD, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.3012 "Kover Lum" ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD SIPING Whether you're buying er selling real estate prop: erty, the hands te drop your problem inte are ours! OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL -ESTATE BOARD PATTERN mr Building a ME ROOM? Save time with... Mamma rings a bell for din ner and the Cape Cod collage catches every Be Actual: | sige pattern 240 for this action| windmill is Be, Or send $1.75 for Packet No, 11 which con tains this pattern and three other large sheets of actualsize designs for windmills and weathervanes Address orders ta The Home Workshop Dept, The Times Oshawa i Channel 8 Toronto, Tomorrow: | ALL THE KING'S MEN starring BRODERICK CRAWFORD a! Ed a COMPLETE NEWS, lonial WEATHER, SPORTS Solenial Beard Plank Board Coppertone Squa Aero Board ; THE DONNA REED SHOW COMPLETE NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS See your lumber dealer Manufactured by: Canadion Forest Products Lid, Pacific Veneer & Plywood

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