The Oshawa Times, 18 Mar 1961, p. 9

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Jesus Prays for His When His howe had come prayed. "These WOIRE spike and Wiad wp His eyes (9 Benyer said, Father, the wr is come, & Thy Bon, thet Thy wim glory Thee 4h BIBLE LESSON Sa 713) Jesus Prayers To His Father By NEWMAN ( AMPRIAA Jesus Chist pray Father in Hewven Him These words nid hited wp His ¢ and said, Father come; glory Th Son alse may glonty lon V7: 1 As Thou ha iH he GOL) } that Thou honidest f pray not hols hut that Thou wll flesh eterna POWEE DYES should give many as Thou ha And his they might naw true God wham Thou 17: 44 | have glorified '} earth: | have finished the that Thou gave is now, 0 Father with Thine Owi glory whieh | had and hast 56 Service Of God Not Big Display BARCLAY WARREN performance By RB The | religion ean he an emply shelf hringing no spiritual Wiessing 10] the individual, Jesus cites three| examples in his Sermon on the Mount, (Matthew 6: 1-18), If we give alms with trumpet-hlowing make our prayers purposely | CONSPIeUnNIS or display ou fasting with disfigured face, alll in order that we may he seen of men, we have our reward We get the acclaim of men, The alternative 1s Hlustrated in rn gard to prayer, thus, "But thoy when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray th Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in si evel shall veward thee apenl The same principle applies nur ohservance of the Lord Day. We may he legalistic and proud of if, Isalah sald, (58:18 14), "i thou turn away thy fonl fram the sabbath, from' doing thy pleasure on my holy day and eall the sabbath a delight the holy of the Lord, honm able; and shalt honor him, not! outer ol in n VIENNESE VIENNA (Reuters) chestras and theatre companies from Britain and the UK will perform at the 1061 Vienna I tival, 10 he held May 27 to June 25, The London Bymphony Or chestra, the Los Angeles Strings and the Theatre Royal from Windsor, England, alyeady have aocepted invitations FEATIVAL GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH E. A Lovell School Jahn & Centre Sts Carl A. Karteche Rey SUNDAY SERVICES 1030 AM 9.15 SUNDAY SCHOOL THIS IS THE LIFE REGULARLY OM TELEVISION AM I dead kes he Loarth {"Phese Own ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY "For | have hs Thon hast goven Him power over WIRE WIR wl flash, thet He howls pve serne Wie 10 ss many. #5 Thou hast DYER Wim, And Ws We cernil, het they should know Thee the only fine God. and Jess Cnt =m V1 45 DUNBARTON DUBEARTON ~ Grow of the WA hime of Mrs, Walier Tursdpy - #ilernoon The WHS held z= Tuncheon mesting wt the Unned Chirk £ one 0k on Thursday with Mrs, Hodgson rs guest speaker Some of the ladies aiended the f. Patrick's Fea wand Fake Sale gt Fairport Chureh tater the witernomh On YWednesduy whieh Is during Boly Lenside Drama Club ent the religions may of Aramethesn Hugh Mel onaihis Generil Hosp : J 4 ry " known wey "Fhe Thow San Wty i MiRy The Village met at the Lande wh ye bad ry anifesied Thy £4 th STA ' Warig Vhpi ¥ have £4 Wh id i WEES m Me wird Aarih Werk, the win pre | seh w Wi wna "na Ihe Sow they have ihings whetse on Me are of fish | where he srgery last Friday Help the Baseline Home and Bchonl Association and en oy yourself on Saturday, March 2, when their ¥un Fare will he held, There will he Home Bik i White Elephant Fish ele, There iH he some thing for each member of the family. The proceeds wre 1n he used 10 help provide an educa ional for the ehilgren he last concert of Whithy Concert Series was held on Balurday vening sl the Henry Street School, The Cane dian Opera Festival Company | wesented Ornheus in the Underworld," Those attending from this area were Mrs, J, H McClement wand Mary Beth Wiss Elspeth Lay Miss Fydia Kononow Theodore Hartford and Suh seriptions will avail ahle for next Mr. and Mi visited their niece as Young, and My Yaronto on Baturday Miss Lorna Hamilton heated her Lith birthday on Bun day, March 12 Mis. Clyde # AWA inderwem ot TEXT fake m ron them # ne & plants W | them: | pray mo t for them Me, In al Mine Ain in them way fo warg, ni hou hast GIVER Thine And ae, and Thine np are the y glorified ohn V1. 8-00 ¥ athe } wham 'Fhou yi h Me where i ey alse ' n Me, h that they dry, whieh Me, for Thou the foundation John 17: 44 ' ) It i whold My oi | { given Wi I of the befor arid " mi Mi Margaret soon he Edin Walter Willis Mrs. Thom Young in ele find Aoing thing own wa no In thing own noi peaking thine own word then halt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and | will cause thee (0 ride upon the high places of the and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken if If honor the Lord on His day, He will reward us, The trend to Bunday work sports and entertainment em phasizes the desires for the riches and pleasures of this life choke the Ward that i unfruitful, (Luke 8:14) always points tn the heart, Do we veally love Him? Have we renounced our sins Laken up the cross and are we {following Him" If we are, then [the expressions of our faith ave not painful hut delightful, They pring from pure love, Our de ire then, 15 nol to gain the fay ar of men hut tn exalt Jesus preasire Quinton has heen confined to her home through iness for the past two weeks Mrs, George Howe of Toronto spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs, Gerry O'Connor Mr. O'Connor and family MIVFERENTY TYPE The two towers of the Char tres Cathedral are topped hy totally dissimilar spires one | Romanesque, the other Goth Wi hecome Iesis Hebron Christian Reformed Church k north ef highway 2 en and yeu see he One Bins Thicksan ehirehl Church of the svery Sunday, Back 1a Ged Hau" i pm, CKLB SUNDAY, MAR. 19 they have recsived them, and have and they have believed thet send Me" » SCHOOL LESSUN By Aitves J, Busichny Circle Holds | March Meeting Wen Wo them fhe gavent Me, nd 5 pry for thew: § prey net for ihe world, wi for them wiih Thow hast gen Me, for they wre Thine. And #8 Mine wre Thine, and Thine wre Mine "= John V7 908 GANS TEXT ED thet | came ot from FW r Ahn VI'% THE GOLDEN TEXT hind The presence vf the Lord wf word 17:16 "I pray not tht Thou showldest take them hut that Thou shouldest keep them from the ¢ mi il hi 1onn AUSTERITY LAPSE SEOUL, South Worea (AP) Nr Fhe second army command will gilie court-martial about 0 officers for attending parties at. high priced restaurants where host esses entertain customers, Of will help Jlomate the sale of ficinls say the army must live Canadign fruit, They will di up to the spirit of the austerity play canned. Ontario fruit to the program ordered hy the govern: British public at the London ment Dally Mail Ideal Home Bhow - Fruthiulng LONDON DISPLAY CATHARINES Bosse, 21 Danna Prudhoe, 28, have left to spend # manth in London where Ont, (CF) and they BAHAI'S BELIEVE af all the Without truthfulness progress and sue When af the world of all of this haly is. the foundation virtues humanity cess In the worlds of God gre Impossible for a soul attribute is established in man, all the diving qualities will alse becomes realized Far 29 GLADSTONI Write RA 5:7578 further infarmation Please PHONI 10 AM van HARMELEN 7 PM Yan HARMELEM Christ the Bavior of men. When hy an aot of faith, Jesus Christ hecome our personal Ba we delight tn serve Him the heart, in every wa oan na 101 from SCIENCE CHRISTIAN FIRST CHUREH #4 COLBORNE §7 ther €hureh, Tha First Chur in Bastian, Massachusetts SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM SURJECT i" " " 3 MATTER day evening meeting a! B00 o'clock Includes testimonials af healing threugh Christian Seience f The M h 1] Wedne THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND JOHN 578 AND MRE, MARSLAND RANKIN MA JOR 11 AM 7PM THOU ART THE MAN" GUILTLESS OR GUILTY?" Citadel Band, Sengsters and Dedication af infants MAMIing Service P.M ==SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES Tuesday 2:30 p.m The Hame League WEDNESDAY, 8 PM ==Frayer and Praise Meeting WELCOME 2.00 wd with the 44 Viedgs (ovis meting Wy Becretary Diane {Martyn i was gecided to call {the VFhe girls took notes E lad READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE Manday 7:00 pm. ta 9.00 p.m Tuesday and Thursday 2.00 pm. ia 4:30 p.m EXCERTING HOLIDAYS ™ on and Missionary Alliance L} w §t al Cadillas V, Freeman, Paster "A MAN , Al TER GOD'S CWN HEART "A TRIANGLE OF IT AM 7 PM TRUTH" FIRST BAREIS CHURCH Hartop at Glenwood A ' B Frank Swackhammer Minister Philp, Musical Kev, N Mr, H Direetor 11:00 AM THINGS MOST CERTAINLY BELIEVED (3 THE GIFY OF FORGIVING GF F100 PM LIFE ASKS THREE QUESTION Mursery and Jr. Chureh fos I a BIBLE SCHOOL LIER] ACT lHustrated with an ariginal drawing Mid-week Fellowship [HE PRESBY KNOX SIMCOE §Y (Four Blosks tre The Rev. Robert B® Minisiei Mi. David Jenking, Musisal Director NORTH m K Mi a) MA 0:45 Chureh and Bible Classes 10:00 AM YA JOR WITH QUALIFICATION YOU'LL DEBATE" 7.00 PM CHRISTIAN FAITH SELF RESPECT ® AM Schon | A) [ERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ST, LUKE ST, PAUL'S KING 57. E. & WILSON ij Now In Br ew pon Rov, Derek Allen, BA, TED, Minister 44% Baveilay RA BAD Mi Frank Walle Qiganint and Chait Master | sarngr al Nipigon and Rossland Rd. W | MATTHEWS Meeli able church Ri FENNETH 930 AM 4d AM SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHOOL 230 AM YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLASS AT WOODVIEW PARK 1H00 AM THE RIGHT ATTITUDE! CHURCH 11:00 AM.. STEWARD HIP Carvary BarmisT CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS Attiliaied with the illawan Paste Re ot Evangelieal Baptist Che ¥. W NIVEN AITKEN 1ehey in Canada 0.45 AM BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL 11:00 AM. --"THE CROSS GE OF THE PROPHET FISHERMAN TO AGES " IN THE PETER APOSTLE" WEDNESDAY AT LONDON BIBLE AN EVENING OF 7.00 PM ASR INSTITUTE MUSIC AND TE M CHORALY STING HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 1351 CEDAR STREET 1.00 PM EVENING SERVICE Speaker: Paster Winter SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 3:00 PM PECIAL WELCOME UAVIE (REIT E, « Wa wmesting of the © snd | (Cycle was Red # the Bowe oF Wis " mm Marek 7. The WRF Urs im Hoithy wr. ond Mrs apd tad 1 Be Bastin 5 # ' Fy Ay Em antitind Horch (oh fewry, Wander and Br low Wy # bmn. I was agreed vi isin pind oh of wid Wat weticies showid be siaried 770 dau RIETLY 0k (amily now, by esih mewber for the ™ Swndey #ierhions wiait to be Reid wn the fa. Wr. and Mrs. 7 wd Karen vised Wr. and Wis AIRE SleRanson. . Cmemes The ihn ard Ws Ht WEEKERA BRE sBIvVEd (he we akan by Wie, Morey Burgess $5, Leet We, Wis. Dowiglas id A Dmihes ape bi Cans cotebration in Veer boroweh, where they saw wm Chie snd Yrs. Valk Murray the theme being © Fanh Yor Dosa § ' iH CLR NEWS ne oF hy A , The second mesting of Magia Miss Vers Michael, Pickering Crave Gini AH Clb was held PEW Slirbay wilh her sister at the home of Wrz. Charles Mrs, V.. Wikkidal snd famiby recnbam. The mesiing oven Wr. and Mrs. Witham Wank Baotl shaw snd family, BHhener of the previ were weekend guests of Wr wd Mis Snowden, David wna Jin Mr. and Coser Wik (IBIS Freeman Wis WEA A wi Es WEEHERR gras Wr Ws wh (fh of & has Va f asad aids {Wut CEH SHerm Be Ry Far freiend Friesen FET IER CRI BNE minutes A ddd Rookie Cooks 4 "Ha learn lo make HEB erry short enka, frit Jelly and Wises RETURN HOMY Mrs. Babhert Jarvie 7 (HINER Botner aller aR ENJOY EDIE (nip through the Southern US A She wis # Sunday dinner guest of her son, Mr. and Mrs, Gor don Jarvie and femidy, Oshaws Mrs. Del Hendshes fetided Hil howe honey of Younger sister, M Dors {ha 0 Wi Zi w WE ihe fidvew Semis Frank Lee, Oh Visors with ind My Ry her MH 6G 1 members of the fof Fhe VA En Awrihiary with me the Wome of Mr fAova nowaen on Thursday, March 20 sf % p.m BYNG AVENUE PENTECOST Al CHURCH iW figey Vani f fs} (O'Neil Vred Yuesis Mrs WrAher shi " | ar EYERINg BIW ehh Harnd Ar, and Mrs, Harry Freeman, Maple Grove WEE Sunday ge of Mr, and Mrs Charlie Snowden, last weekend J Mr. and Mrs, ¥. Wiklida) 6 HA ANG (amily were BUnasy guests of her parents. Mr. wnd My y i i Michael, Pickering J 4 | Wwown ddiddosl é Hamilton r rad BA BIAZ6 wd CARRE Mackin bam hae Mi I I | Wi and Mrs. Albert and Belly I7 ERIE §1 | & A, MeMiLLAM, Pastor Digl 9 AM A AM WNBAY SCHO I FOR MEW BRAN IFAM MOREMING WOKS / PM FAMILY GLSPE PENTECOST AL 245 Simcoe St REY, KR, A, BOMBAY SUNDAY AT 7 PM "PETER POOLE"; GOD'S GRACE, ale ng af an 10,00 AM THE TESTIMONY Of BEFORE HIS EXECUTION the first white man svar 16 he sxe Alri Fastar Bami lad him 1a BIBLE CLASSES 11,00 AM MORNING WORSHIP Tuesday, 7:30 PM ~C AYP Wednesday, 8:00 P.M Prayer and P 8:00 PM Men's Feiler} Al tad ink I Wilk Friday, Meeting «na sr. PENTECOSTAL cHuren 611 KING ST, WEST Rev, J, M, MacKnight---Pastor RA 5-1661 Residence Church RA 8.5371 11:00 AM.=7:00 P.M REV, & MRS, NORMAN SCHLARBAUM Rev. Sehlarbaum Is Dean of Men Pentecostal Bible College Mrs, Sehlarbaum will be singing. in beth ser FLAN NOW ON ATTENBING BOTH THESE SERVICES $45 AM SUNDAY Transpo at Eastern SCHOOL 1atian RA nie SUPER HI SER NI O18 CHURCH Ti ar § A PARKING SUNDAY NIGHT IN BOTH BEE EVANGEL ISM RSERY ICES ARLE CHURCH OF WY wn itied 16 he assess 49 wpe Worhen swid we fai FRA Frdey | hdr Eola are and Yvonne Yandercihove shook trustess 0 reel ares al alaiad ad GHAI E oA Sed i" # Court Allows Jet" 5 owes" sus than (hee mies from # pre whovics wn Widdiaton Town wis closed in 199 Mr. Jwticn Fills. Rw WEAWERT SRPRERIE Al piv The wn moyen by the Inna from hb Ad impr ements and ad 4 Fustien ¥. 6. Mackay tha | Appeal Schoo es mice rom 3 Sorlstk Comte, mrs net UnIR ree thvee - mile fe sehen 5. But, with # agent by Mr. Justice §, AW wan of sehosl buses, ime AA HH, rey, moron "oie 9 aomcryed iw wy the Yandercthores oe farther FORTEC (EW )~T wo Bowman there mies of (hele the On Wimitation Mid Rol conse Wim cont wliowed with coms, herger AAA IRR Jagd who Weld that An the Wit prev ents sepsis were entitled io be auered as from (ang Ii advantage oA BEYRERIE STIG BH HIIIAT§ these mids (0 clementary elucis Yr. Justice 16. 6, Morden suid lion E BLOOR ST. MISSION fais (ire PORT oy Ay 4 MTT UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP of CHAVA ADELAIDE 40USE 199 CENTRE ST Merch 19h | ihn Vikan 1:00 AM HORBING WORHHP WE, DONALD WHITBREAD 2:00 PM SMOAY SCHOO. Mid-Week Service Wednesdoy ot 8.00 PM « Is Welcome Ra -- WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH FLOYD S71. AT GIBBONS Hare Toten, dg MT, cried wiv Tian hat! A a 11:60 AM MORMIMG WORSHIP Hsary Care dining Whe merming Hiviek 10:60 AM AN Snaey 2:00 FM Frimary Kmdergarion, Marry EVERYONE 15 WELCOME ! HARMONY UNITED CHURCH flolmes. BA BP "W gi ry yd J and Ene Fase Hg ( ALELM Waa 1G 8 16 AM JNOAY SCHOO 11:00 AM GARTEN 60 AM 16 WORSHIP 19 Mi CLALE or k aad iE | CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH ( BA, Minister Organist -Chelrmasier Fey Mi V/arien ¥ Digkson, Kellington, y [ 7 F.M.=Noung Peoples Union "FACES ABOUT THE CROSS" ", Cpeaks' COMMUNICANTS CL Pre rm ---- AM 11:00 AM 0 gy Schosl (2) Siman Peler P.M yer Service on Wednesday af 8B p.m EVERYBODY WELCOME a EE A NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD. MINISTER == REY, H, A, MELLOW, BA, ORGANIST ME, J, R HOWE TS SON SUNDAY SCHOO! 9:50 AM, & 11:00 AM, 11:00 AM Sermon; "THE HOUND OF HEAVEN" Baby-Sitiers Service by COME DOUBLES CLUB CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS HYMN-SING in the Ladies' Parlor, "FRIENDLY CHAT, OVER CKLB 6:30 P.M 7:00 PM 2:50 PM St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER; REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, D.D, Organist and Cholrmasters MR, KELVIN JAMES, ATEM, ' "SACRED AND SECULAR" Intermediate and Junior Classes Beginners and Primary Classes JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE ST, UNITED CHURCH REV, J, K, MOFFAT WILL 11:00 AM 9.50 AM 11:00 AM 7.00 PM wnlor, Nursery, PREACH REV. MERVIN A BURY MA BD Minister Khwddid Williams, Chelr Biraeto and ore BARBY CRECHE, | URSERY A AND CHUREH SEHOOL 11100 AM, Mr YOUTH DEPARTMENT 10:00 AM hE of New Members 00 AM "TH fh In THE THE SEVEN WORDS FROM THE CROSS" Read: 5, John 19; 29:30 Bue: "0 Divine Redeemer' (Gounod) Mrs, James Bell and Miss Carol Edwards Rock of Ages' (Buek) Soloist: Mrs, Gordon Hawker FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Anthem A WELCOME ANGI iC AN CHI RCH. OF ( ANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST, GEORGI CENTRE ANB CRASS, BA 5 CHURCH RHAGOT Lh UNDAY, MARCH 19 HOLY COMMUNION CONFIRMATION EP. CHRISTIAN TREET LENT § ¥.a0 11:00 00 AM AM PM Bishop Wilkin SCIENCE R CHRIST MEMORIAL MARY AND HILLEROFY K THE VEN 0, CLEVERD 8.00 AM 110 AM CHURCH STREEY H PH MN INE F £:00 PM Albert Street United Church 5 CH, ATKINSON, Minister SEARLE, Organist and Chairleader MRS eve 11:00 AM LENTEN SERIES THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST! (5) "CHRIST THE SAVIQUR' THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR AROADCAST CKLA THE FACE OF CHRIST" JUNIOR TO SENIOR SUNDAY SCHOO NURSERY, BEGINNERS, KINDERGARTEN FRIENDLY CHAT CELE 10 PM -Mid:Week Lenten Service THE BETRAYAL IN GETHSEMANE" 1.00 PM 2.00 PM 045 AM 1100 AM 2.50 PM Wednesday Film and PRIMARY HOLY TRINITY CHURCH AND BARRIE STREET AND BLOCK REV. HW Bo RICHEY, | Th WRT AST OF ALBERT 6 HOLY EUCHARIST MORNING PRAYER HOLY EUCHARIST EVENSONG %.00 1 1100 12:15 4:10 AM AM PM PM SAID) ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD UMBENT: THE REV 8.00 AM 1100 AM OUTH & Wi R, A SHARP F 100 PA KIN Avi A ST. MARK'S CHURCH ON RD NORTH ON BEURL REV WOM ENE RA § AM (Al AM at SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Chugh In the heart of the eity with the Warld on Its heart, MINISTER; REV, JOHN K. MOFFAY, BA, Director of Musie: Me, R, G, Geen, LTC M LENTEN THEME THE DIVINE ANSWER TO HUMAN NEED" MEETING OUR NEED FOR LOVE" BROADCAST OVER CKLB CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS WHAT 15 MAN , IOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE 41, CHURCH THE MINISTER AT BOTH SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL nermediate and Yau Hall 11:00 AM PA 00 PM Ww Pees y the

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