The Oshawa Times, 17 Mar 1961, p. 5

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THE CAWA TIES, Fridey, Merch 17, 61 § WHITBY and DISTRICT Easter Seals Whithy Buress Office; 111 Dundas $6, West } S «wo S0IES Lagging John Mitchell, chatrmman of 13, 9999 had been rstwrned fo fhe the Wiithy Batary Claws Kas fond trczewrsy, Wovaes Wises, ter Sagi Campaign, regoris hat manager of the Tovonte-Dowin- spon (on the Camomgn ie leg fon Wark in Wiithy ong. To Gate, slithoueh the cam Mr, Mitchell says het this oan is two weeks oI8, less year the fund fs aiming at the than oneAiiid of the tergst Ras seme largest as last year, $5109, fess peaches, and RgAm WEES COGIERs 19 re On Marek 2, 909 [stiers, eon spond 19 the rppesi taining Easter Seals, were sent. Money received for the sole ot 19 residents of Whithy nd of the Easier seals is weed sole swrrownding Gstniat, By March by for helping the erippied chil ---------- mm GEER 8 Ovbarie, In Whithy, the R 0 Eolgry Clb has thiee enppled i children whe receive assistance | P i 11 At YW Group other press of the province have # greater pumber of chiidren 88, Andrew's Presbyterian Church Young Women's Group Mamager: 1lovA Robertson AT ST. JOHN'S SEPARATE SCHOOL CARNIVAL who FRAEITE such aesistance and funds re thersiore pooled 19 Be the grestest amount of pid 19 all children whe require it The Ontario Society for * i i 2 Costumes displayed pt St John's Beparate School's lee earnival on Thursday showed ingenuity and patience on the part of many parents, Prize ghove, Front row, left to right, Brian McMonagle (Grade 2); Loretta Arbour (Grade 1); and Marie Keenan (Grade 4) the Community Arena" on away with first prize for cos. | Thursday afternoon, Holding tumes during St. John's Bep- | the horse up were teachers arate Bchool's lee carnival at | Mrs, M, Willams and Miss Father Quesnelle K of C Speaker At the semi-monthly meeting Niagara Falls, As a result of of Whithy Knights of Columbus!nominations from the floor Council 4805 held at St, John brother Frank Cans was chos The Evangelist parish hall onlen as alternate for the Grand Wednesday, March 158, Brother|/Knight and brother Harry Bax Maurice O'Connor reminded the [ter as alternate for the Deputy members of the Holy Hour|Grand Knight, being held Sunday, March 10,| Brother Jim MeCarroll report at St, Francis De Sales Church, fed that more names were need Pickering, Rev. Father Troy ofled to make up the bowling the Holy Ghost Fathers will be teams for the annual Knights of guest speaker, Knights with Columbus howling tournament their families and friends arvelwhich is opened to all councils invited to attend, in Ontario, This event will be Grand Knight James Smyth held in Toronto on April 80, was in the Chair for the meel| poother Harry Baxter intro ing which was attended by 853,004 the guest speaker, Rev members, He announced that onipathey -- Quesnelle of 8t Hunday, March 36 at 700 pm. Gregory's parish in Oshawa Oshawa Couneil I5 holding In: pather Quesnelle, having re doetrination Night" and mem: ooniiy loft St." John's parish for Two teachers "trotted" bers of Council 4805 ave cor {his new duties, is well known in| dially invited, Another IMPOr {iki district, Father gave a most tant event 18 taking place onlaniightening talk on the *'Holy March 26, the "Public Speaking ghroud" and a discussion period Quien Pinala 0. heid " Bh followed which proved to he pris 'very informative, Members were urged to give Ponty Grand Knight Rd this event their support with &|gamanski thanked Father Ques: good attendance, nelle and Grand Knight Smyth Grand Knight Smyth pounced that alternates were pquired for Grand Knight and! Father's interesting talk, eputy Grand Knight for the, On behalf of the members riheaming Convention at| present, brother Frank Canal ex: winners in grades are shown | held Ms monthly meeting on Monday cvening at the Sunday school hall, The president, Mrs D, Kernohan, opened the mest ing with 2 hymn, the seripture peading was led by Mrs Meurer, Mrs, W, Andrew gave # reading on Bt, Patrick's day Mrs, 1, Campbell Jed in prayer A business meeting followed with Mrs, V. Turner ging a re port on a Preshytenal meeting y/ Crippled Children Administers the fund and in each district of | the province, a representative of § the society, a nurse, is available to mssist Rotary Clubs and they society wn is work in the local -- Be Defective Mechanism ini MARY DOLIMONT BOOSTS EASTER SEALS Mr, Mitchell nsks thet local citizens send their donation 1» the Rotary Club of Whithy, in care of the Toronto - Dominion Bank, st Whithy Middle Row, left to right, | Jeffreys (Grade 6) and Chris. Billy Phillips (Grade 8) and | Mhe Koriekags (Grade 7) Michael Keenan (Grade 6), | ~Qshawa Times Photo Back vow, left to right, Mary -- - bardoel (Grade 8); Garry By ROSS GIBSON | On March 18, the Senior and {Junior Boys' Central Ontario | Secondary School A ior Baskethall Finals will he played at Whithy's Henry Street High School, Some of these teams playing lin these finals will be Ajax, | Whitby, Port Hope, and teams from the Bay of Quinte areas, The games start at 12.30, The approximate starting times for |the afternoon games are 12.50, 11.80, 2.80 and 8.80, In the eve: SE0( 'COSSA Finals At Henry High which she snd Mrs, Kernohan pitended in Toronto, The bush ness meeting adjourned and this was followed by a social howr with the following hostesses Mrs, W, Andrew, Mrs, 1, Cas bell, Mrs, FF. F, Mathison, Mrs Warne and Mrs, Maurer Various games on Patrick's Day were enjoyed by all, Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Prizes given for the contests Protests Law Restricting Karis A township resident recently protested 8 Go-Kart Track re strieting bylaw planned by the Township of Whithy council Veter March, owner of Go Kart property st Highway 491 and the Townline, said track operators had deserted him leaving 8 $6500 lien against his land Council has been considering 8 licensing bylaw, which i pass led, would severely restrict go [art operations in the town Shp "Passing of the hylaw would strangle me," said Mr, March "I am going to attempt to run the track to offset the lien and tax expenses,' WEF Henry's senior team is the only Whithy team in the finals Although Henry's team does not a1arch urged council have a great deal of finesse, consider its bylaw they do play aggressive haskel-| phe play is in the hands of) ball, Henry's forward Nine in: patenavers who dre complain: cludes Tom Tushingham, Wkely ine about the noise from the! to he the fastest man at the graoke Once the bylaw receives tournament; Stan Sharman, B|their approval it will then be good faker and scorer, and|yerurned to council for further! Allan Gibson, a former guard! consideration who has heen moved up be: Reeve Heber Down told March cause of Rick Wyatl's Injury. | that the council had never heard to re A coroner's fury decided at any Ushridge inquest Thursday of iron pipe with plugs inserted travelled through the lung The homb consisted of # piece -- Bomb Death Cause bomb penetrated Ws che ha, afternoon that David Scotland. into each end, The pipe was fill- heart and became lodged in his 21, of Toronto died as # result ed with potassium chlorate, sul- spine, Part of bis right hand had of the defective mechanism of @ home-made homb David was apparently holding the homb in his hand when it ex ploded just north of Mount Albert, He and a friend, Gra ham Ducker, who works at the Fast General Hospital in To ronin went out into the country on the afterncon of Saturday,! Feh, 25, 16 try out g new timing divice with a8 bomb, Graham | was only slightly injured by the explosion and related his exper lence at the inquest, Graham testified thet he had known the deceased since 1954 and at that time they had ex perimented with carbon dioxide] capsules, They would take out} the carbon dioxide snd insert| sulphur and potassium chlorate into the capsule and ignite it! with a fire-cracker fuse, On Vriday, Veh, U4, Orman had phoned David at work and had gone to his house for sup per, After supper he had helped Playing guard will be Gerry as much criticism as was di- David to make the time-homh Brooks, the tallest man on the pected towards the operations of device with batteries and an {approximately 8.30, A small ad-|and deserves everyone's sup-| noise, | [re made, ning, the final junior game will he played at 7.00 and the final senior game will be played at team and Dave Gibson, a sturdy the go-kart tracks, aggressive ball player, The A new muffling system on the {Henry team Is good and needs karts will stop mueh of the mission charge of 50 cents willl port, | - | Here's luck to our senior team | from all Henry's students and Joan Cronin, Mrs, Williams teaches Grade 8 and Miss Cronin, Grade 2, =Oshawa Times Photo tended congratulations to hroth: er Thad MeCarthw on his daugh- ter Julie Ann's recent accom: lishment in public speaking, waving won the Ontario Counties Public Speaking Cup, Rey, Father Quesnelle closed the meeting with prayer, A spe: cial prayer was said for the late hrother Frank O'Connor of Osh awa Council who passed away last weekend, Council 4805 will meet again on Wednesday, April 5 at 8.15 p.m, in the parish hall Ladies Aid Buy Plants For Easter Whithy Baptist Church Ladies Ald held its monthly meeting on Tuesday evening in the Sunday) school hall, The president, Mrs, D, Adams, epened the meeting with hymn and prayer, The de- votional service was in charge of Mys, H, Neal, Various re. ports were yead and approved, During the business meefing Mrs, R, Vanstone was appoint ed convener for flowers to be an also added his words of thanks sent to sick parishioners, It was {on behalf of the council for|decided that the group would buy Faster lilies potted plants for the Church, Mps, Len Rich will be general |canvener for the WCTU dinner | | BROCK revive Shows ot 6:35 & 9:13 9:30 WHITBY Feature Starts ot 6:55 & 9; +2270 LIFT UP YOUR HEART AND TO LIGHT UP THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD FOREVER! RALPH BELLANY GER GV 1 3 1 9) k \ \ Y | {at which time the Ladies Ald {group will be catering, This will itake place in the Sunday schoo! {hall en April §, On Saturday, March 18, Mrs [Adams and Mrs, Barron will be [co-conveners for the catering at a4 wedding reception, The meet. ing closed with a hymn and re freshments were served by Mrs. | I, Hess, assisted by her group A social hour was enjoyed with | | meelng, » NATIONAL RIRD SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 08, {from everyone in Whithy, HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Shamrock Rock WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs, Gordon Richards of Tee avenue entertained her group of ladies, The winners of the games were; Mrs, De Pratlo and Mrs, Teunissen, Lunch was served by the hostess, The regular meeting of the| WA of the United Church was uge Uuccess held on Tuesday, March 14 in the Sunday school auditorium By EILEEN PATTERSON |with some forty members pres: | Mrs, M. Carleton of Kenmore,| To the relief of Anderson stu-|ent, In the absence of the presi: | New York, has returned homeldents, Friday saw the end of the|dent Mrs, I, I', Richardson, the| after visiting Mrs, A, Rousseau! mid-term examinations! first vice president Mrs of Palace St, [ The Bhamrock Rock, held in firice presided Shu, welcomed! J a i f {] e Irs '§ Mr, and Mrs, Charles Bottortf| "1! of the event Wat & Eay he Jue beth Bits via "; and sons, David and Dwayne of|fuccess, The large crowd that! 'ud J ous ' : Hadid "lattended witnessed the initial| After the very sumpluous Honolulu, Hawaii, are spending| "1% : meal, the meeting was called to a few weeks with Mrs, Bittorf('s Performance of 8 new andi coger eng ney "Gordon MeMahon parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Anonymous rock and roll groupiioie sfoniy' on the TB survey Appleton of Gilbert Bt, W, consisting of hove from Whithy iio will be taken very soon in land Oshawa, They were a big \ ] 'lour community, She urged Mr, and Mrs, John Stewart hit with the students, i . | Archibald of New Toronto are| Also adding to the lively at everyone to take Sho fost ang weekend guests at the home of mosphere was square dancing!' Yeryons wer X Ray yo well Mr. and Mrs George Archibald {under the direction of Mrs, Fred RES i, Fallaise led in the of Byron ft, 8 Ing, This was thoroughly enjoy:|yovenin period and since the Mr, and Mrs, Richard Hamil by al the participants and)wopghipn study this year Is on ton and their daughter Ruth oft definitely consumed any ex:|iwomen of the Bible", she Toronto were weekend guests at|"®58 energy chose for her subject, "Martha" the home of Mr, and Mrs, Wm.| With exams over, a few sport: (he most misunderstood I", Ash of Chestnut 8t, W, {Ing events will be scheduled inlwoman of the Bible, {the future, The first such event| Martha had the awareness of Mrs, Oscar Clarke of Toranto will be a girls' basketball game the physical need of Jesus while was a weekend guest of Mrs, P {on Thursday, when Anderson Mary was more concerned with N, Spratt and Mrs, MacLaren plays host to Pickering, spiritual things, Each had a spe: of Lyndview drive, ---------------------- cial way to serve her Master Miss Rose Coffey, formerly of| and while Jesus rebuked Martha Whitby, now of Toronto, visited he was not unmindful that she her many friends, wad looking after his comfort, fhe was an attentive hostess Martin, son of Mr, and Mrs entertaining a heavenly guest, John Treffers, is eelebrating an industrious homekeeper, res his 18th birthday today, His sponsive to Jesus' teachings, It companions of Colborne school was- with Martha that Jesus | and friends wish him Many proximately §1500 and are wait. |inoke of more serious things of happy returns of the day, ing to hear from 40 per cent of {life and death, Mr, and Mrs. M, M, Atkinson their canvassers, Good housekeeping is impor and family will be Sunday|, Campaign chairman, | Ron tant, but not ha Inpartant as 3 N (Armstrong, sald yesterday that|good soul, Mrs, 'allaise remind: guests at the home o Mr. and) Red Cross canvassers ave stilljed the group that in the new 4 making "back calls' on the|organization of United Chureh Deborah, daughter of Mr, [people missed during thelr first| Women, they will need both and Mrs, Ray Thomson, is cele: round, {their Mary's and Martha's to brating her fourth birthday to:| Although the Red Cross organ. fill the need, day, Best wishes ave offered to izes an annual campaign Mr,| Mrs, Price conducted the busi: Deborah, Armstrong points out that the ness part of the meeting ealling last drive for funds was 18 for veports from all groups and Mra, Douglas Read, of Athal months age secretaries, It was decided to street, 1s in the Oshawa General Work done annually by the hold a friendship tea in June Hospital where she underwent whithy Red Cross includes thelfor the women of the congregas surgery, Her many friends wish supplying of nearly 3000 quarts|tion, both WMS and WA ladies her a prompt recovery, {of milk to needy families; eon: working together for this proj Red Cross Drive x Hits $1500 Mark Results of the Red Cross an: | nual canvass for funds indi: cates they have recelved ap commented Mr, March, set off the bomb, alarm clock, When the alarm went off an electric current would go through 8 wire and United Church WA Meeting convener for the Friendship | group, took charge of the next part, of the meeting, introducing Mrs, Joyee Burns, who is well known for her publie works in the town, fihe spoke concerning the Gar: Club and its role in the community, In a very interest: ing manner, Mrs, Burns told of the growth of the club since 1047, its purpose and the help to heautify the town and parks and also of thelr Junior garden club, landscaping and flower ar- ranging, They J lant beds in Coronation Park, Centennial Park and the safety island, A rose show is held each year and they take part by entering floats in pa rades, ete, fhe also told of the 34 baskets that are hung in the downtown area every summer, Mrs, Burns demonstrated the making up of one of these baskets and it is certain that everyone will ap: preciate these baskets much more after realizing all the work they entail, | She also gave a few pointers of what not ta do with eur flow: er arranging and very ably made her point hy doing it and then showing how the same flowers ean be made into a love: ly arrangement, Mrs, P, Pascoe and Mrs, Hila {Smith were the lucky recipients of the flowers to take home, Mrs, Ross Hall rendered the solo "Just for Today", Mrs, A, Sturgess expressed the thanks of | the. group to Mrs, Burns for her instructive address and Mrs, | Hall for her solo, The meeting closed by repeat: ing the WA Henediotion, I ------ SAVINGS BANK Holsteinborg Savings Rank in Denmark, founded Nov, §, 1810, in the oldest existing savings { phur and powdered charcoal BROUGHT TWO BOMBS On Saturday, Feb, 26, Graham and David left for the out skirts of Uxbridge and grrived there at about 2.90 p.m. They carried with them two bombs and the timing device, When they srrived they set the slarm clock to go off in five minutes and housed the homb in two tin cans, They then went to the car for shelter CONNECTING WIRES The first bomb exploded suc cessfully and they returned to} the scene of the blast where) David proceeded to dig a hole| into a snowdrift to set off the second homb, Graham connect-| ed the first wire to the bomb and returned to the car to get # tin can when David connect: ed the second wire and the ex-| plosion followed, Graham testified he had been about three feet away from David when the blast occurred He said 8 wall of sir hit him| and his ears were ringing when the bomb exploded, He went to ald David who asked him for help, When he felt his pulse it seemed dead, Graham then drove to 8 near: by farmhouse and notified the volice, Graham testified that he thought the contact in the alarm clock was too close and the bomb exploded due to David's ignorance that the timer was still on, EXPLOSIVES A HOBBY Mrs, Marlene Scotland, the wife of the deceased, testified | been blown off by the explosion, The deceased's friend was called back to the witness stand and stated that sil the ingredis ents of the homb could he pure chased by anyone at 8 drug store, Assistant Crown Atte Bruce Affleck who had condye ed most of the inquiry suggest ed to the five men jury that a recommendation be made for prohibitive legislation on the sale of known components of home-made hombs and that lege islation be recommended that home-made bombs of this type should not be exploded without police permission and Inspee. tion, Mr, Affleck suggested that the whole incident could have heen avoided if a nreliminsry check had heen made After 10 minutes of delibera. tion the jury ruled that David feotland had died on Peb, 28 on John MeGilliveay's farm out side of Mount Albert by an exe plosion as a result of a defegr tive mechanism of 8 home-made bomb, He had heen negligent in setting the timing device, The jury recommended that 8 law be enforced to prohibit the sale of ingredients of homes made hombs, They also recome mended that police inspection of home « made hombs enforced, David's father who identif his body said he knew David's hobby with hombs when he was considerably younger, He sald David was mechanical ly inglined, that she knew her hushand worked with explosives as #8 hobby, Bhe said David had made a similar device without the alarm clock a year ago, HBhe stated that her husband was 8 well adjusted person and that he was a perfectionist, "As far as he was concerned the mechanism was foolproof," RUMMAGE & HOME BAKE SALE Sat, Mar, 18, 10 am. to 1 pm, Oddfellows Hell-=Brotk §, Ausplces of , , , The Order of the Eastern Stor slad Mrs, Scotland, Police Constable Houldsworth of the Ontario Provincial Police who investigated the aceident sald that the type of alarm clock used was not accurate and could be out several min: utes, He also testified that he had interviewed the bank man: ager where David worked, The bank manager told him that David's character was excellent and he was well liked at the bank, PUNCTURED BY PLUG Dr, T, Lennox, the coroner, who presided at the inquest, stated that David had died when the plug in the end of the pipe: Finance Information Is Confidential Last year about 64% of all new cars and 75% of used were financed through eutes mebile dealers Financing a car through the dealer hos number of ads vantages, One in that bank or loan eredit is not affected, \ Any individual \ or firm Is rated é jar " a » oan credit of the bank, "A WN DONALD --_--_._.e_ss ds A popD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON 87, §,, WHITBY MO 8.5231 C.I.L, Paint Dealer Painting & Decorating YOUR Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Mure bank in the world, ; CB ducting Water Safety and Dis lect, Mrs, C, Rr was ap oad Mv. Dove Buna, aster Ald programs; loan cun: pointed as delegate to the an. their 11th wedding anniversary today, Their friends wish them { every happiness, FRYPA MEETING On Tuesday evening the Faith Baptist young people met for their regular weekly meeting, This week the meeting took fa 8, Patrick's day contest tak:/the form of a St. Patrick's Day) jing place : Mrs, Len Rich thanked Mrs. [part of the recreational activity|pops 1, Maplebuds 0, Peppers Townsend 204, J, Gates 201, M. | {Hess and her group for taking with all who attended taking/ mints 2 [charge of the social part of the part, After the recreational part] Triples aver 550: G. Wiles M8 {of the meeting was over the de: |\ h == vational part was brought by 457, A. Anderson 635, I. Mothe one of the young people's youth sill 419, party, Games formed the main British bird lovers have un./Advisors, Bill Wilde, offielally chosen the robin as| Following the message the Brown 501, B, Pascoe 5% and their national bird, through the young peogle enjoyed vefresh./D, Moore 553 | Sorreapondence columns of The Menta and jwere then dismissed \ prayer, 0 hoard supplies which include nual Presbytery WA meeting to hospital beds and wheelchairs, (be held in 8, Andrew's United [Chureh, Oshawa on April #7, WHITBY Bentley 265, 230; G, Wiles 384, Sealed Tenders Addressed: Mus, J Whitehurst, Program| BOWLING NEWS [348, 24%; T. Shaw 235, 20: A {Anderson 23%, il hg Jrown LADIES' CANDY LEAGUE [233 E. Walker 330, B, Pascoe Points for the day: Allsorts/229, A, Hewls 220, A. Mikacel Gumdrops 4, Humbugs 3, 318, D, Moore 2134, I, Mothersill Jellyeans 2, Lifesavers 3. Loli:/311, 208; R, Peloshok 205, F, 2 MeKim 200, | e/e will be accepted until § pam, tor price rear directional signals, blue "INCOME TAX r Part-time Bookkeeping | \ Rentley 698, H, Rastarae |) Moore 600, T. Walker G10, H,| Shaw 588, Statements Prepared Y B, O. SERVICES | Singles over 200: HH. Basta] 714 BURNS ST, W, MO S020 % rache 2387, H, Moore 219, M,| 13velt system, seating for This wait = be bumper to consist of heavy » gow sontrally mounted, two hus type side mounted war vision mien, 90 Wen in wid for a service vehicle TENDER FOR 3/4 TON PICK-UP TRUCK (Ne special tender forms required) Truck Tendon, 4, R, Frost, Clark Town of Whithy Thursday, March 23, 194) a 3 ten plekup truck, The follawing must be included es an Inherent part of the tender Two sunvisars, heater and defraster, dual electric windshield wip: windshield washers, spare the, toh Sheri spathight, font o shorten eab mounted, ear angle iron with tow hook ab, and preference will be aiven to low loading height, sembsancpied body, body aren, and economy of spetation, Full detall as to specication on unit being quoted on must ascompany tender, TOWN OF H, INKPEN, Chalmen, Sanitation & Weitere Committe, WHITBY | cing will be confidentially yours, | NARRY DONALD LYD, bank loan for the purchase of an automobile: natural . duces the eredit available, Finanging through a cor dealer leaves loan credit available for other things, Financing is a big part of an automobile dealer's business, and he must handle the ins formation involved just as eons fidentially es would a bank er a trust company, On more than ene occasion, I, and other in id company, have been approached by aes queintances 0 wanted to know the basis on which somes one bought v from ws, We do net tell them, It's a stands ing le wh us thet finance H fon Is stistly config tial, The better finance companies employ a dealer-endorsement of the purchaser's agreement, Such compand grant extensions when netessary, re-finance the unpaid balance when advisable, and otherwise assist the pum chaser, As an endorser of the paper, the dealer has a per sonal interest In seeing that his customer's interests are pros tected In short, there ave ree sons why you should finance your car through your eer dealer, Select your dealer cares fully and advantageous finan GAD pralde 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITRY '

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