section Wn the district pbc speaking contest finals for secondary school students from Walton, Peel, York North and Ontane Counties. Shown with Dr, Wilson from the left pre Carel Blaxley, 18, of | PR. V. 5. WIHLAON, hale man of Eishicoke Towns Hydre Commission and presi Aent of the Omtans Mumeipal Electing A present ed electric Flack wif ners of the imprommte speech Fab atiem y the Newmarket Distnet High School, Grade 11, the winner in the prepared speech see: tion. - Pavia Macleod, V1, & Grade 1% student 7 Neill Callegiale, (shaw, Whe Was second and Jacqueline Kil | fil "| BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | Unity Seen Canada Need (RRES (the feasibility of phasing & Rew Canadian Press Business FAlor indus nto an ans where 4 TORONTO (CF) ~~ A wnified 7 wiry Is ining, (Canadian pespie can go (6 sue OWA consider providing lomns | cesses unthonght of wp 16 now, hd 14% Incentives 16 new indas IH, George De Young, recently 16s. In pearticwar, | am im pointed chairman of the Na Pressed by (he possibilities of tional Productivity Cownell, suid IONE new processed and man- Thirsdey might in & panel dig "actared products (6 export, cussion on Canadien trade made from the Industrial me To ranch such gonls, however, TIE WE ROW €xpor! Mr, De Yowng sated, there 1 Douglas Gibson, general mist he eo-operation among wif Ienager of the Bank of Move parts of the economy ~ man Pes, stated; agement, government, labor, "There is no chance of keep pgriewiture, primary and secon Ing wp in the technological race dary production industries. Helin & closed type of economy ed that tries to do & Wit of every: at's feel that one unem- "OE. A country, unless it is on ployed member of the Cana. he scale of the United States inn team 1s as important ms 07 Fussia, has to specialize W it another, whether he We wheat!!s 10 keep pace. I has to hor farmer, miner, fishermen or 'O% 18eas and techniques, cap) steelworker. Let's get & job for #1, And even corporate know Wim in Canada" how it is to Je efficient in He spoke at # dinner and "Me directions panel discussion held under the joint sponsorship of the Cana dian Exporters' Association and the Board of Trade of Metropol tan Toronto Robert Winters, president of Rio Tinto Mining Company of and former minis! y patrick, 14, a Grade 9 student at Oakville « Trafalgar High | School, whe was third, The | contest was sponsored hy the Ontario Municipal Fleetrie Association Omari Hydra Photo Next Sunday, from 15 a.m. wn dW THE WEATHER OFFICE says 6 will he sunny and eld in Ontario and Quebec WEATHER FORECAST this 6, al ig. dn Patrick's day. Some snowflurries are forecast for paris of Quebec Saturday and THE OSHAWA TWAS, Fridey, Merce V1, 1969 3 temperatures will he warmer in hoth Peng i Sunday Schoo! | Sun Will Shine ToOpenSunday A Little Warmer uch ~CF Wirephoto PANCERS TO ENTERTAIN The Oshawa Ukrainian Dancers will present part of the program at the concert presented by the Citizens' {at Port Hope April 12 Tafa Ea 8 28 8 & (Canada 144 Timmins Kapuskasing region. ¥ Sunny and & Wttle milder today. » Synopsis: A high - pressure Saturday mainly cloudy with # ares causing clear skies and 'ew snowflurries, Winds hight / low temperatures in Ontario is increasing to southerly 15 this TORONTO (CF) Official ter of public works, sald Can had . I i ada should follow & policy look forecasts issued at 5 a.m, EN ing to freer world (rade coneluded tl 12 noon, st Adelaide Howse 19 Centre street, parents will bi be able to enroll their children in the new Sunday School spon Scouts Assist | Oshawa Student (226 Clubs With Program At Hillsdale The SOOMEOTER BN ¢ tainmen Hillsdale The ne trn-omi COMMENCEINE Manor #1 sinment project hy this ser ehih mianihs ago. speaking finals Wednesday The 15th Troop of the Oshawa night, The winner of (he Im Boy Beau i 18th Osh iprompiu speech section was awa Cub Pack the eve: Carol Blaxley, 18, a Grade 11 ing with Ing-song student al Newmarket District The #0 61 under High School. The oratorieal eon the guidance of Beoimaster test was held in Thornhill High fames Hare and Cubmaster W.\8chool Auditorium Bruce Both of these capable young Mr flay Gorey) speakers will represent thes and far the acl with| district in the provincial public thelr awn of entertain: speaking finals for secondary ment. Daughter Lynda and 800, sehool students on April § at the Billy, sang # songs, theniKing Kdward Hotel, Toronto Linda Boivin joined the group These two winners were chosen ta perform with ballet and (a0 |fram nine speakers taking part aapeing in the distriet final contest pirit of Bt An Opkville girls, Dianne F Mitchener, 16, & Grade 11 sty dent wt Oskville Trafalgar High School, was declared (he winner in the prepared speech section of the Halon, Veel York North and Ontaria Coun ties Secondary Schools philic nemen Club ning of enier aia folk #l Wednesday h largest sines the Hillsdale 6 Mann a Nie fo the We ner IB f i Hing WET irs Em anda mil na hyena 16% Ing and a ie am Herhe in a late Alp action ii in an Iris ng served | the impromptu sneeches was Da [Jacqueline Kilpatrick, 4, a In Collisi n 0 185 on In the prepared speech sed Phursday today School, was second, Janice which wa olved In a colli:| Miss Mitehiner, who was the early this morning at 45 Carolyn drive, Oakville Aamags A ic vid MacLeod, 17, a Grade 13 {Grade § student at Oakville The Oshawa Police Depart-|tion, Susan Janet Nelrgrath, 15 Richard Henderson, Mark, 18, of Newmarket, a sion with model autoiprepared speech winner, spoke The aceldent, which oceurred|and is the daughter of Mr, and COMING EVENTS 'Second In Contest West Rouge Actor Miteh and ner nowmes Mrs. |eslie hie fond of arf horsehack nding ana The Impromptu ner, Miss Blaxley sil ject { resides gal sewmarket of Mr, and ley. This interests BEF Are wimming Seen wil ke in I Hewion the daughter Honald Bla young lady has wide her hobbies stamp collecting mn Ine A Canad i ik 155 and | Mi BYEnue and n clude. reading anda philosophy Other in the district clude Grant Bouthwell, 17 Grade 11 student at O'Nelll Col and Vocational Institute of Oshawa: Ria Huisman, 15, of Acton, a Grade § fudent gal Acton High School; Judi Knehel of Part Credit, 14, a Grade § student at Allan A. Martin High Schon! CIOCKS PRESENTED Following the addresses, Dr V. KB. Wilson, chairman of ¥ilohi coke Hydro Commission and president of the Ontario Muniel pal Eleetrie Association, pre sented eleetrie elocks to each of the three winners in the pre pared and . the wha took part final contesi speaker In leginle cational Association and thell various Municipal Hydra Ut ities that comprise the OMIA The ehalrman of the meeting was Harley MeCallum, of On tario Hydra, member of the On tario Educational Association program committee, The judges were Miss Hose Lynch, separate school Inspector Miss Me Andrew, teacher at Thornhill High Behool and W. M. Rang herry, an English master at Lakeshore Teachers' College 'Engage In impromptu| capped young people and assist speech sections, The contest is them to find suitable employ sponsored hy the Ontario Edu: ment chairs, "While | am strongly opposed to Increased harriers Against » imports, | do agree that & re Se ] D duction of imports into Canada a rive is desirable and should be one underlying objective of Cans The Ontario Society for Crip- dian economic policy." pled Children, In cooperation; | aise believe, however, that with 226 service clubs, recently in this new era of revived inter opened its A5th annual Faster national competition and of the campaign. This year the emergence of great trading campaign must raise $875,000 giants with enormous produc in order to provide the needed) jive CAPACILY . ervices for more than 15.000 esponsibility upon the govern handicapped hoys and girls In ment and people of Canada to the province, This is the one agree 10 (ake Special measures time all year that the public)" case the very serious prob invited to contribute 10 tN8 jems of adjustment that result CRUN therefrom, and to promote the OF the many services of the development of our secondary socigly Is the provision of tem-\ manufacturing industries porary foster home care for severely handicapped children SHOULD EXAMINE STEPS whose mothers need some re: "We should examine the pos pite fram their care hecause of sibility of aiding an affected in iliness or confinement will not|dustry to improve productivity let them take care of their child or to transfer to the production temporarily, The society alsolof new and more competitive makes arrang ments for diag: goods nostie clinics so that children! "We should living. in some of the remote! parts of the province may have the bene "af" "secu PLATO SAID "tie, "4" | ERRTH ROUND IN 400 BC oeeasional guidance to First to record that the earth 1s round was Plato, the Greek philosopher, in #0 BC, But Bocrates, who died that same year, Is credited with the theory If you believe in experi: ence rather than theory, Classified ads are your means to ACTION To sell, rent, hire, find the job or business you're after, call for an ad-writer's help at RA 5-8402 Darlington Berl fre also Investigate There Is also a loan cup: which provides wheel walkers, crutches, leg perthes stools and other orthe paedic equipment when required Faster Beal funds make cer tain that ne erippled ehild in our provinee will go without treatment and assistance thal he or she might need, The only appeal to the public will be a letter and a sheet of Faster Heals, Its hoped that everyone will 'give this letter special attention, and will support this work hy using the Waster Reals on their mailings and by send ing a contribution in the pink envelope that has been sup plied The campaign runs from Mar 2 to Apr, 2 ward there is a special; | | | | (Bt | | sored hy the Unitarian Vellow ship of Oshawa, according to John Naylor, chairman of the religions education commities Classes will be formed for ehildren from age three through age 14, Other classes may be started as registration warrants The regular church school ses sions will begin this Bunday "Everything is in readiness', Mr. Naylor reported, "Our re ligious education commitiee and teachers have spent consider able time in planning and prep aration, and we will look te the future with confidence." Members of the commitiee teaching staff at the moment in elude Mr, and Mrs, John Naylor, Mrs, Gladys Harper and Reg Lancaster OBITUARIES PERCY RR, HOPKINS The death occurred at Oshawa General Hospital Thursday, Mar, 16, following & short illness, of Percy R. Hop kins, 126 Rosedale avenue, Mr Hopkins was in his 70th year Born at Castleton, Ontario, Noy, 1, 1801, the deceased was @ son of the late John and Eliza Hopkins, A resident of Oshawa for 40 years, he was married in Cuthbert's United Church, Toronto, in 1086 An employee of General Mo tors for many years, Mr, Hop kins retired last fall, He was a member of Local 222, UAW, A devoted member of Knox Presbyterian Church, he was a member of the session of the church Mr, Hopkins served with the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War and was an ardent fisherman He 18 survived by his wife, the former Kathleen Gilchrist; # daughter, Bandra, and a son, Rae, all of Oshawa Also surviving are a sister, moving inte Quebec, This will result in the development of a southerly flow over most of Ontario today and Baturday bringing & return to more sei sonahle temperatures fake ¥rie, Lake Huron, Nia gara, ake Omario, Haliburton southern Georgian Bay regions Windsor, London, Hamilton Toronto: Bunny today and Sa turday, a little milder Saturday Winds northerly 15, becoming light this afternoon and increas ing to southerly 15 Saturday Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk land Lake regions, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny and a little milder today. Sunny with cloudy periods Saturday, Winds light today, southerly 16 Saturday, afternoon Forecast temperatures Low tonight and high Saturday Windsor Ah Bt Thomas eee 40 Kitchener wh London ovvervees 1] Wingham ,,, wm Toronto ,., VH Peterborough ... Mn Trenton cvveveeer 20 Bt, Catharines ,.. i] Hamilton ah Muskoka +eeveree 30 Killaloe 0 Karlton 25 Budbury reeeeeee wn North Bay revere 0 Kapuskasing «ees a0 White River EE] Moosonee ,,, 25 rere e rere renner nr rere RANE reeer rere 0 Ireland Still WASHINGTON For more than & century, Ireland has heen saving goodbye to sons and| daughters who leave to. seek work in other countries | The population of the job-poor Republic has. shrunk alarming ly==from six and a half million during the potato famines of the 1840's to less than three million today, Some 40,000 Irish men and women continue to go abroad each year Yet the Irish have lost none the warmth and kindliness are perhaps their home chief attraction, the noted author, H, V, Morton writes in an article entitled |The Magle Road Round Ire land" A FRIENDLY AMBUSH The friendliness 1s inspired by a sense of the dignity of man kind, Mr, Morton says in quot ing 'his favorite Irish story Two disgruntled men were hiding behind a hedge, waiting of that land's ation includes some 70,000 Amer: .. Losing Her Youth the pages of a single #11-page directory that serves the entire Republic After Dublin, Cork Is largest eity, It has diverse in dustry=-an automobile and a tire factory, woollen mills, dis tilleries,, breweries, tanneries, and bacon-curing plants, But lack of raw materials makes Ireland an uneconomic unit, Mr, Morton says, At Por: tarlington, he found a modern power station burning peat to produce electricity, Furnaces almost outrace the peal cutters TOURISM IS TOP INDUSTRY Touvists have become Ire: land's greatest money-maker; they spend about 85 million pounds a year, The annual visit leans, most of them brimming over with ancestral pride, Ireland offers much to the visitor==incredibly green fields; lakes, woodlands, and purple mountains; charming villages' the) Quality seal Is the hallmark of § ity in the Rug Clean) As a member of NIRC, ¥ NuWay Rug Cleaners have § the knowledge and equipment to do a thorough, professions! rug cleaning job NU-wAY RUG CLEANERS 174 MARY $7, RA 8.4681 "All work dons in Oshaws by quell ' fied Oshawa technicians)' ' | ML | PEN | 9D THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL AT OSHAWA STORE ONLY KING ST, NS O1INVe 3 i ra o Rate Is Up HAMPTON ( Staff) Tax payers In the Routh Darlington folklore; fine hunting and fish. ing; old castles and citadels; historic shrines, The centuries: (Mrs, W. G, Potts (Florence), of Cobourg and four brothers, Wilbur, of Rochester, N.Y. to shoot their landlord, Raid one: "1 wonder what's keepin' He's late this evenin'," WEST Warming 10 he Soir OF wil OSHAWA STUDENT SECOND by Kinsmen and "einetles student at O'Neill Collegiate and "Trafalgar High Bchool, was ment reported only one acel-lof Port Credit, a Grade 9 stu 4, of N64 Wn south, Grade 8 student at Newmarket driven bh Vdatr Dick, 30. ton the subject "What Tt Means near the Hitleraft street-Minto ao wv viol | Invades New York Patrick's Da followed The second place winner In {Vocational Institute, Oshawa Damage Is $85 [third dent in the od from § a.m. dent at Allan A, Martin High Oshaws was driver of a ear District High School, was third of 468 Hades one, Oshawa, [io be a Canadian", She resides street inter eaused BRA] DANCE WEST ROUGH (taf) Koon {to invade the New York theatre {world in search of fame and {fortune is Canadian acter Ray {mond Rellew, of West Rouge Hay, In his th year, a pey former on stage, sereen, radio and television, is not going to the United States in a huff he cause the employment situation {In acting oiveles in Canada is deteriorating I intend to survey the situa tion In New York so that I can work with American perform org, broaden my seoape, and reach a better understanding of the theatre on both sides of the fenes he elaims,. "My real BINGO hone and lave 1s in Canada," he CORONAT ON [added ORANGE TEMPLE RasED IN TORONTO \ . A Mantreal horn, Toronto rals ATURDAY, MARCH 18th oq Ravmand Reliew first por ' \ formed on stage al seven years when he plaved the part of a tshepherd 1 a nativity produc tan in Taranto Ten vears later, Ray was awarded a seholarshin at the Canadian School of Television Dramatic Arts in Toronto. Fol lowing this two-vear course, he won enlistment inte the ranks of the Actar's Lane Warkshap under the direction of Ei Ril of the New Yark Actor's Studio Ray's first break came two years later when he play "guest spot" in "Movie {8 directed hy the CRs nl) tar. Henry Kaplin, He was of 100 v a ung men to audit for the part af the hitehhiker This performance set the trend of part to which Ray was pasted fram then on. Sinee then he has acted in princinal yells in neoeductions of "On Camera" Oh Television Theatre' ["Genewal Motors Presents» "Cannon Rall™ and the "Heri tase" series He has acted in such TV pro duetions as "Wall of Fear" "A Clearing mn the Woads.M "The Vigtlantes." "Monservatt." and the films, "Maybe Kid" and P30 the "Saints" in the "Heritage series VARIETY PERFORMERS In Canada, sald Rav, avers are as valuable to the culture of the nation aa valiely per The Hall ( ity A th |B | BINGO HARMAN PARK ASSOC aT. Jd | Ad 12} HALL (guiner Bloor § FRI, MARCH 17 ! 45 20 fh 4 f i 5 THE WEALTH 1 | IS SHAR A= $4 Len | ANNUAL SPRING FLOWER SHOW REED'S GREENHOUSES Palm Sunday' : March 26h To) 0 Saat Wa EASTER PREVIEW REED'S FLORISTS SPRING BAZAAR | ! MRS UCHAK yi HN'S HALL oe a 18 lo play the Aa w Ah formers (i.e, singers, daneers musicians hut unlike the who have lars are not re en) variely performers | weekly show | contract left in when a production fin when the show 1s aver in the until the next Hime mayhe," he said, "Act Ing 15 a very insecure business," he added Ray actors tained hy an "Aotors mid-air Ishes are hanging 50 actor elptmed that because not held any retaining contract by the Cana ian networks ng work aid were hy many Ameria They and valuable talent hecause were go for he losing ta to look have ta eat" Canada is {8 ae tars seeking tures are HrOener pas NEED CANADIAN FILMS The actor maintained that the y Rraadoasting Corpor ation needed its own film out fit to make all-Canadian films "In this way more employment could he miven ta more and more Canadian talent," he said The TV series "Cannonball sald, was papular heecause setting took place in Can hut he questioned whether Canadian he i" ada he peante realized that it was film ed hy an American and emplaved COMPANY American actors ads sald th series to date He only was the tage" series hy Canadian Phil Hersoh, "I there more enterprising film nramoters like hm, with great visions for Oa nadian TV. then the Canadian dramatie enlture would reesive AR SROTIOUS sald the actor RELOW US QUALITY bi | Aw that a3 of shows an Can has 10 he Canadia but its quality is enough to ampete American AWS the viewer We American added, , "bat Amey have to watch Ca on their TV" Hey were Ww boost is per cent an television said With: the viable ta via have ry, cans don't dian shows A\ | AR he all-Canadian | Public School Area can expect a mill rate increase of 5.4 mills in 1061, Two-thirds of the town ship's population Is concentrat:| ed here Township elerk Walter Rundle Wins Class . Al Festival warned that the 70.8 mill rate, compared with 76.4 last year, Is The second highest mark of pot based on final figures the evening, #2, went to Normal The township will levy for Howen, of Oshawa, for her per: ahout $800,000 on actual 1068 ex: formance of Handel's oratoria(penditures of $728,367.82 aria "Art Thou Troubled", atl" Hospital debentures and in UNE . the Peterborough Kiwanis Mu: opeases in some loeal school A UNERAL oF iio Festival on Wednesday, Miss rates helped to hoost the rate, | HENRY R, WILCOX Rowen won first place in the Rut the county rate shows an|. The funeral service for Henry class for mezdo oratoria solo: 08 decrease, from 18.9 last/®: Wilcox, 353 Gibbs street, ists vear to 13.4 for 1961 Who died at the Oshawa Gen fudith Ann Kashul, of Osh." "§ohaol rates in the township|&'8! Tuesday, March 14, was awa, was first; Klizabeth Blaine largely determines mill rate," held at the Melptosh-Anderson Dyer second and David Knowl (said Mr. Rundle. "There may | 'uneral Home at 2 pm, Thurs: ton third in the class for violinlhe as many as 14 ditferent/98Y, Mareh 16, sololsts 16 years and under, |vates in the townshi n, depends| eV RB \ Phely marks were 7, 88 and|ipg upon the school area in| pstor of the Oshawa Free #9, respectively [which you live." fothodist Church, conducted James Tomlinson, of Oshawa,| Reeve Garnet Rickard said the Nerviees Interment was in was second in the violin s0l0/ihe Rawmanville Hospital addi:|@ihawa Union Cemetery class for performers 10 yoars|iian meant a 2.1 mill rise.|.. The pallbearers were Alfred and under, He had a mark ofl Some school sections show an| \VICOX, Eli Waters, Hootar i inerease, said the veeve, "but Lemon, William Sargent, C, A Diane Hoar and Ronnielthe tax vate for township and|Garrard and Ron Myers Beech, of Howmanville, Were county pu f ---- S-- ~ Merton, of Castleton; Ross, of Toronto and Eiton, of Peterbor ough The funeral Norma Bowen service will be held at the Melntosh-Anderson funeral Home at 2 p.m, Mon day, Mar, 20, followed by inter ment in Mount Lawn Cemetery |Rev, R, B, Milroy, minister of {Knox Presbyterian Church, will {conduct the services Dargan, former him "He's late, shurely," said the {other, "'T hope nothin' has hap pened to the poor ould gentle {man." Revisiting Dublin for the first time in years, Mr, Morton found the Irish capital to be one of the most pleasing survivals of 18th century life in the British Isles, The exquisite Georgian build: ings reminded him of dignified arvistoerats pausing to pass the time of day and exchange a pinch of snuff Dublin, he says, is still in touch with the country, as all loapitals were two centuries ago [No one would he surprised to spe horsemen and women, boot od and spurred, taking tea in the eity's best hotels Surprisingly, Mr heard not a word of Gaelie Morton old Skellig monastery, which clings to a misty ridge 600 feet i dren," Mr. Morton writes, "The a singularly insensitive traveler ( tragedy which, to the benefit of other lands, has dispersed an ardent and attractive race around the world," ported worth of drugs last year, nearly £4,000,000 more than in 1950, above sea, has been called the "most western of Christ's fort resses in the ancient. world," "Rut beautiful as the land is, t does not support all its chil faot lies behind all the Irish laughter and all the tears, Only ould remain unconscious of the DRUG EXPORTS British manufacturers ex A record £44,000,000 JUST EK, OF BREWERS' RETAIL 3801S IIVIDOSSY--0D XI Bonded 1 3.98 e-Lining Installed AWHEELS For Most Gan spoken in Dublin, The large shops accept United States and Canadian dollars Much of Ireland's present vit: | ality is centralized avound the! capital, Dublin telephone sub | seribers take up more 'han half | -- Poses AWA h | third in the givls' and boys'|deerease JTPOte shows u sight duet, 11 years and under, They! Mill rates for had a mark of M4 for 1961 Judith Ann Kashul and Elizgas| Oqunty purposes, 13.4; Town heth Dyer, of Oshawa, were the shin - general, vesidential and| Only entry in the violin duet'fapms, §8; hospital debenture class for contestants 14 yearsis 1: commercial and indus: | and under, Their mark was 8, |ipial. 11.8 Judith Ann Kashul with al South Darlington Area School mark of 8 won first place inpoard: 18.3 wills Secondary| the vielin solo class for perisehool numbers are followed by| formers 14 vears and wader, In rate in hrackets: No. 7 (40 | cond place was Richard SkoriNa. 10 (30). No. 13 (19): No of Hampton, with 8i14 (31.5); No, 15 (20); No. 18 marks, Third place went 10/(30); Ne. 17 (32); No, 8 (Qm; David . Knowlton, of Oshawa, IN. 19 (31): No. 20 (18): Ne. with 88 marks 21 (31): No. 2 (1%): and Neo.! Richard Skoveyko placed first 33 (37.5) with #8 marks in the class for) South Darlington Area deben violin soloists, 12 years and Wh: tape: 85 mills. No. 20 (11.3) der. Second place went to Lamy [separate school, M7: Durham MeAvay, of Oshawa, with 8/nish school, 139. Roads: 18 marks mills, Five (buildings only) 1.8 Bette Weir, of Oshawa, won mills Hampton street Hghts, the first place award in they y dane sala class, 17 years and under, with a mark of 8% the township evke $30 te $5,000 without endoren or hankable security, Loans, Lite Insured These taxes will he pavable in Iwo installments. The Hpst is due June 1, 1881; the second is due Dee. 1, 1981; Interest rates) [of halt of one per cent per! In {s normal routine, telmanth will be added to unpaid hummingt s daily energy axes ENERGY ouTpuY The Fastest Growing All 17 SIMCOE ST, N, WIPE = offfiiatod far a 10: A four percent charge will be pound mad-is about 3 Umes made an all current taxes mot that of he ordinary human. 'paid by Deo. 3, Lo] | Many Plans and Repayment Schedules to Suit Your Budaet Conadion Loan Company RA 5.654) 13 Offices Thioughout Ontario NOTICE THE ONTAR . MEDICAL Wishes to Announce That The Following Members Have Established Temporary Offices As Indicated Below: DR. Z, FEKE, 206 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA DR. R, A, GILL, 117 KING STREET E, OSHAWA DR, DR, D, J, MacLEAN, 152 DR, D. H, ROY ROWSELL, 286 KING ST. W, OSHAWA DR, H. VERVILLE, 286 KING ST, W,, OSHAWA DR. $, WITZEL, 111 SIMCOE STREET §,, OSHAWA TELEPHONE NUMBERS REMAIN UNCHANGER WM, GRANT, 286 KING ST, W,, OSHAWA N, RASKIN, 117 KING ST, E, OSHAWA 10 COUNTY SOCIETY (OSHAWA CLINIC) SIMCOE ST, N,, Oshawa (OSHAWA SLING)