The Oshawa Times, 17 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Man fat fist Beefs 1H LIER B EERIRE £78 tg ZHIGE Fim We The ARIE ie Oh. 90--MO. 64 Price Vet gr I§ Lote Fer Loy The Oshawa & OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1961 <3 me a Y lacs ~ Slightly warmer westhey wl le welemned in this ares (90a) wih LABRET, el tiaddaned Cawsnng Figen Mm Ekle ted TWENTY PAGES PREMIERS SUGGEST EARLY ARMS TALK 22" Local Pilo "We Must Maké Out Of Gas : 6 b. 2 Lands In Field War Impossible 4 wi A » 4 a £ : wy monweaith leaders wound wp i" hn Kf to In their I0-Aay conlerence here io Ay with a strong plea for world disarmament Our aim must be nothing less " 4 FRetly oF Ihiongh some ehinery 19 he set wp by the United Nations, or by both means," the communique sid I stressed that all disarma- ment agreements showid he sub: ma URAL i - nt 4 A TER ted | As for of Ihe Bek ed Ap WAVES BATTER ABANDONED FREIG of Long Beach 22-man wa mashed hy 1hel hy the Coast Guard, Fhe url today after her ' mer Libert hon } f Dom Weel ah om al pen i Calf Pounding [7T PEt ingloy ¥ reef off tk ¥ FRIEM EY Wii rd Agron WW Wolo not e Palos Verds irepholn) not hur Beare ystained $200) Pakistan Chief U U. S. Recognize Presi-| agreed strongly with Verwoerd s Pakistan| prediction The Melhourne Age The Commonwealth | likely 10 disintegrate hut emerge stronger for stand on principle The London Daily today that the conference au althorized British Prime Minisies + Macmillan fake firm aver China he (Reuter Khan Im China LONDON dent Ayub inday called Communist armament talk ) oo a said for Kast Bri place al any nm West ad " in ish Commonwealth IeaAETS WEE repoited urge the United a 'reals tie!" attitude Peking A is rean in io lake toward Lal Mall said whose country | nl the Organization China should he for membership ations uh A when A to also said] stand consid Spinster Boutheast member § Treat that ered United He made the statement al in the " press conference before joining other Commonwealth leaders for| 00 ecre 8 the last session of their historie| 1-day eonderence, | LONDON (CP) A Jad The ¢ ge furmally aged spinster today told & spy it AAA 414 noon after trial how she walked aut of a Commonwealth leaders ap|lop-secrel British navy weanons | proved a final eo m m un ique research centre with confiden which was expected to touch onital documents under her arm world disarmament and South| Miss Ethel Gee, 46, a civil Africa's forthcoming exit from worker at the centre, 1s one of the family of nations, announced|four persons charged with he: Wednesday ing memhers of an espionage rm DEBATE CONSEQUENCES Miss (jee said she took the The South African question gocuments Jan. § from the caused a great debate threugh:|sirang room at the Underwater out the Commonwealth oniResearch Centre at Portland on whether it would flourish oriEneland's south enast disintegrals a result of the OF just put them in an official withdrawal envelope, put them under my Prime Minister arm and walked off," she said woerd of South She said she deeided to take tone for the debate during his{the documents British navy withdrawal statement at thelpamphletes--afier reading a 14 of Commonwealthip nin guestionnaiye on sub Wednesday. Helmarine detection meant the hegin She sald the questinnnaire Commonwealth's|was shown tn her hy her 8h year-old fiance, Henry Hough Africaltan, another defendant in the [trial An expert called hy the pros eeution has said the question naive appeared to he a trans from Russian (ieee told the another defendant in the South Africa's case, 37-year-old (iordon Loans gond thing dale, last July after attending a hallet performance with Houghton She described Tonsdale gum-chewer wearing an wrist wateh and sporting American aceent he Crown charges that Miss Gee and Houghton, alse an em af the research centre secrets ta Lonsdale, who them aver an Peler and his wife, Helen as Ver the Hendrik Africa sel conference leaders here ald his move ning of the disintegration Britain through Zealand, government politicians and newspa sued strong protest Verwnerd's prediction Prime Minister lation Rahman, who | Mis Landon confer: met From tn New leaders pars | & #Eainst Malayan Tunku Abdul ittending the ance, declared departure 1s he Commonwealth can now mean something and play 1s part as a vesult of this stand far the peace and good of man he said EXODUS immigration aff a large increase ployes South Africans of tn Australia newspapers eourt she as ornate an A kind SEE Australian forecast 1 the flaw British stock Australian Check 'Spy Passports walter clals Have wrned Kroger al dis OFTAWA (UF) Authentic pey marks, seal erial numbers dates in thing atherwise phoney passports he twa documents were entered as evidence in a London found hy Beitish investigators in ROMP officials (the London hame of Peter an leaks that may Helen Kroger wha ave on trial British fraud with three other persons for ponsiiracy violate Brian Official Seerels Act . Deputy Commissioner Melel lan sald the passports are mad out the names of Thoma lames Wilks desorbed Paronte storekeeper, and Mary Jane Smith harm Maontve an the passports the Kragers He 1 185 and wo trial have looking for made he sihie Wi ving 0 Suspect And are a senapal invest lain haw the wai miarmation a SHAS have oul ASE correct on i 11] ems As a \M seerelary ear an. the on ROMP Cam mission Mot le said Thursday Hd Ap Deputy 3 a Phatagraphs Are in al hase © Asari Ley he N) mm Lanadian nak manutas wider on wed pas [names wm Of 1898 dates and SUA numbers man and a whi naw Males. He We ANA wit a a Alheria Ihe an wamar live in did IRA MEeS They are od with on MYAIVEE Ih any or farm he sald They y therieclly respectable Deopie™ | § 1 5 Fges From China Two Lost CHICAGO (AR)~--Rescuers day plucked William MeCay i and from | rubble of a collapsed huildi he had heen huried 2 how however was ahi doned for two other men tombed under the falling deh of the huilding which caved Fhursday on wrecking er razing the four-storey strueti Fourteen others were injured the cave-in McCoy himself had shoul while trapped that hoth his le were hroken President Washington next The Mail said make united call far China 1 future d GHANA FORCED HAND Verwoerd Thur ht he decided to quit the Common wealth aller a virtug! witimatum from President K Nkru mah of Ghana. Nkrumah served notice that he might either have to move for South Africa's ex pulsion or Ghana self might decide ta pull oul UN TRIUMVIRATE Premiers Like Russian Idea LONDON (CP)=--=A "fair num- her of the prime ministers ¥ her" of Commonwealth prime cause it could give Africa a ministers were reported Thurs: Asian nations & stronger day to he "impressed" with the al the top. The proposal, sé idea of appointing three deputylto derive from a general d secretary-generals of the United|cussion rather than fram | Nations, hut all agreed that Dag particular country, was strong Hammarskjold hould as head of the The topic wa meet Kennedy In month Macm will Commonwealth nt ino IVE conseinn Han F] i where hrou Talk ) Wi nearl Hope irmament a aay ni FH] WaIme | Prime Minister Diefenhake raised as the| stand, it was sald, supported Commonwealth prime ministers, | general hroadening of the sec nearing the close of their confer: tariale, bul Canada was 7 ence in London, discussed meth committed to any prapn ads of meeting the Russian pro-| Sources sald many other col posal An appoint a felt the same way secretariate in Ham Ihe UN 'discussion was 1 marskjold here was unani-| biggest single item on Thy mous agreement that the pres:|day afternoon's agenda, a se N secretarial three-man! tries replace N secretary f alarm wn Oshawa haulevard Calls am pointment of three deputies hihi aah, he Boi seemed in impr a fair num nisters atienaers ail f Olawa He sent ward from the and the emergency truck of the Five Department to 137 E th k INNES Was Quickly put oul ter pausing S100 dama Antara news agenoy said tod Quoting reports fram Bag The OFD reported there were & no ambulance in the pey hulldings in the town had he demalished answer Rubble, volee remaini supported hy non-white nations im (AP) night known inded Big Money Big Pain For Finder 18 ANGELES (AP)~Find ing that 8240.000 cash on a street has heen "ons for handyman lohnson has made NErYnuE ' he said Thursday in his hame. "I can't eat, I'm m the did in 3 hie n fn an hn ' mn £w a week 0 today dache i rang hei Dou I wreck modest ek tn Bul I If mn las Willian me a k stomach money wasn't thought all " PATCHED ming wa President over ane eye covered hy a | handage, holds & doll for daughter Caroling, 8. Kennedy got the cul, described as "preity deep," when his head New UN and what 1 Kennedy right, If hisppened I'd do the same thing What he did, alier Dinding the [canvas hag containing the $40 00 in unmarked 10s and 20s {while out hunting a job, was call the Federal Bureau of In vestigation Brink's ane of the money money hack Tahnson ry Total strangers knocked his door tn campliment him has received 100 to 125 letter nl ne i aver alin Incorporated, from whose armored trucks had fallen, got the Ihe pleasant-faced e was an avernight eeleh mn aid 8 hi aly three-quarter mending what v's! The other allike "you should have heen res hung or au should he hit wt! the head with a twa-hy-four al. A stranger the street ne Ang three Here home eat UNITED NATIONS (CP)--Be lief grew in the United Nations today that the United Slates and Russia are near agreement on the makeup of a commitiee oni 10 resume disarmament negotl ' alions, tog) HA SONS anson Isley and hu them did have sald com things ABARI Adlal Unio Foreign Gromykno may today far their sfourth exchange in 11 days an the arms issue. Stevenson inld reporters after the last meeting Wednesday that he had ar ranged tentatively to see Gro myka Friday I'he two powers were reported tn have agreed on Aug. 1 as the date to resume negotiations thal hroke down last June when the Communists walked out an the 1-nation eammitiee meeting in Geneva Flsewhere in the UN Russia was reparvied ready to challenge again the credentials of Joseph Kasavubu as chief of | state in The Congo when the situation there comes up in the assembly next week he Stanleyville regime of Communist-hacked Antoine Gi enga keeps an observer at the UN and the Russians are ex pected to propose him as the recngnized representative, The Communist hlae and a few Afro Asian nations reecagnize Gigen: ga's regime as the only legal Conga gavernment Food, Clothes Bley Min Ambassador and boviel Andrei meet Again om Taknson knife dad nl (in ng thraal fl he VOul rs mt 1al a | Labor Party .o Expels Members all LONDON (Reuters)--=Five op Wr pasition Labor members of pal IN: liament were expelled fram the AN parliamentary Labor party OF Thursday night far flouting the affigial party line hey are Michael Foal, Syd Ne ney Silverman, Emrys Hughes nd) 0, Davies and William Bax a olutie get 1 consi Asser from has Sout ley I'he five were austed far fare ING a vale against the Conserva tye government af Prime Min ister Macmillan during debates an armed forces appropriations Pheir action ran counter in parhamentary Lahar party pol ley Party leaders argue that such voles give the public a false impression that it is ap posed ta all national defence Measures {3 fin AY lo 1a a he on ent general should re- of anti-climactic meeting Buckingham Palace, and im portant visitars' lounge at 1 MeLaughlin at 1.4 IAKARTA, Indonesia An OFD alficial said which has an estimated papi nd fram 1 Phursday to - Cancer Causes MONTRY dens AL (UF) hreathe { nual Genetles Society of Canada convention ala eal And weary main in charge followed South Africa's resig But conference sources said) Lh fram the Cammonwen that the propasal for the ap: YY RANERARY diately afterwards, Prime M ister Diefenbaker hoarded RCAF Comet Jet airliner In Cellar Fire alrpoart that he was very tr A twa station sen! land would he making nn sta three fire track PUMPETS ment ta repoariers a.m. today A fire in the hasement af the home, awned hy M. R. Cum An earthquake razed the larg . aE that bly {1 part of the town of Ende marpiag hal hassihiy Hh Mares Island Thursday larted hy spantaneaus combus Hon in a pile of ally rag ton of 10.000 ta 15.000, Anta sald casualties are nol Ham. taday but that 80 per cent of 1 The department also od a false alarm Thursday Murder Charge Against Toronto Man FORONTO whem 4 43-year murdering 1. Paliee Donnelly (CM Ronald Ramsey Pharged today with Fah Donnelly FOAMING house Wednesday, died ames ald Parantn Ye man, wa aperatoy Bannedly shame PORImIRE -howse sai Ramsey ved al heaton ay rahbed al night a 0 hasta Rlgerians Agree To Peace Talk PUNIS (AR) \ ohel exile today eed | ATCIAl peace France, A Mohamed "Yast ™h erian government in negatations with ssued hy Rebel Information Ministey rebel had A RIREATION 10 Weel with a COM MWRIGWE government asen he mar Lesage Threatens To Call Election WUERREC (UF) | wer Je day threatened CAN PASS Na an ie Wa MARY call a ge al proving on peaple dgment on the abstraction jal the Union systemaue HORAIe partly appasiuon Thursday whieh with substanos have pannected Many Lists el Piviy an moto {heen exeiting facto Main cen oan he address will deal pn marly with careinngenes WS praduce effects similar a thase caused hy radiation. Among! these are azn dyes, hanned last All DAVE vear in Canada as a colorant { Alege nN far hatter and margarine Indium daitca Te This dye definitely produced University. CARCET 10. vals sald Miss Main ativraotive young woman fram northeastern In Iwas hanned in Furape agn dine and sulphate and lahaeea niekel an aves vehicle fume Placed in the ny A VONg PATON al Ques Ningsioy a M CARER TY SUNY OF Sa Ca dane Univer wha A Wa ehowan yeah ada mo 1% mlerview Hay ¥ an new eam Among th Apers 1a he he one hy H, F Main TOSRATOR n de Alb and sist SA In nm along hat might ing 1a read 1oday Stich, Miss chief Q An hay WH hat May foambhination Re ha She af these faciars } He nal A CAUSE Cantey LL nee Will with AL {ans a Ve A TRS whan Tharsda \ 8 YW May ATOR he done Wm Cal ada on the eifecis of radiation] twin hay WY NEONG substance aediy Whi he onlagists CATON od N aver ANY Dlay ALLE Wis mduee about ™ ils and hiolagists atiending (he an seneln ® Tose South PRESIDENT struck a table as he stooped to push up something for Car doll is a gift from The Girl Beouts { Hope For Peace Talk nhly dockel nin the Beeu for veforms in mn failed hy he dered nhly certain Africa the rejected for west Alviea and he engine prop The rity th guese African tereitary wn seven needed In whieh withd Commonwealth nesday in a hitler dispute aver mp. Diefenhaker was South Afs Is racial segregation policies, rican High Onmmissioner Wil: years UN res lutions calling on it to place une CRASH SHREDS PLANE WING emen el (AP Wirephotn) The Afro-Asian group decided night ta instruct Asian members of the steering commitiee to urge that the ques tion of Angola he placed on the Afro United States lined up with the Boviet Couneil Wednesday on a resolution call Party The res voles In hut it is pass the a ew / ley UN trusteeship so it can eventually achieve independence oak damaged wing of the plane than the compleie abolition of the means of Waging war of any kind," the 13 leaders said in & final communique They called for resumption "without Aelay" of East-West disarmament talks and brogden ing of the negotiations to include other nations 'since peace 15 the ject to effective inspection and comin. These controls showid he worked owt by experts n each stage of the agreement The Commonwegith prime ministers called for a strength. ening of the UN forces in The Congo and noted "with eon: cern' the situation which has concern of the whole world developed in the Southeast Asia The communique did not men- kingdom of 1408 tion by name any of the new They defended nations i wanted brought into and principles of the United the falks, although Pakistani Nations charter and stressed President Ayuh Khan said earl: importance of preserving "the lex today thal negotiations would internationsl and independent he "futile" unless Communist! character of the secretarial" Ching were included against Soviet proposals for The communique noted with: changes in its structure out comment South Africa's de- They said the Commonwealth cision to withdraw from he "shared with #ll nations # Commonwalth--an issue which fundamental common interest provoked the longest and most-lin maintaining the integrity of heated debate in the history of the United Nations ss & force the talks for orderly, political, econamie The Commonwealth leaders and social progress throughout sald future Fast-Wesl disarma- the world." ment talks should he held in Earlier, Ayub said Communist close contact" with the United China should be given a place Nations al any East-West disarmament Other nations could he asso- talks and should he "consid: ciated with the talks "either di-' ered' for UN membership, Dief, Comes Homy To Big Welcome [ OTTAWA (CR)=Prime Minis: see the South African represents (ter Diefenhaker returned fram ative and sald "our relations the Commonwealth prime min: will continue to be based on isters conference today and was| friendly relations," greeted by a crowd of Conserv:| Justice Minister Fulton » ative party annual meeting dele-| State Secretary Dorion returns: gates waiving placards salutinglwith My, Diefenhaker him for "a Joh well done." The prime minister said that "Out of the decisions of this from the outset of the confers aonference will come a stronger ence the issue of South Africa's and. more powerful Common [eantinued membership in the | wealth than ever before in his:|Commanwealth with her poliey tary," he said {of apartheid "transcended all Mr, Diefenbaker and his party|others," arrived hy RCAF Comet al Un: Phe Commonwealth could lands hase, Formalities nvalvsl not continue to exist when thers ing the cabinet and diplomatic was discrimination. The policy corps were swept aside Whenlof non-diserimination will als ahaut 100 convention delegates| wavs he accepied now as the swarmed about the prime minltheme around which the ams al ot: md via dai manwealth will be built," Ahoy CAIs Can gle 2 g a X ha gates went to the eivilian side "ud was Asked haut Bouth Af 0 the aifban hy mistake and woerd's View that the eonfers arrived late a 4 3 ; "Among th diplomat to gret|$16%, Market, th, wat af he wealth "I know of only ane member holding that view," My, Diefen- haker sald, "The future of the Commonwealth is more assured now than ever before," the structure | lem Dirkse-Van-Schalkwyk ATILL FRIENDLY In his avrival speech Mr. Dief: Ienbaker said he was pleased to ---- which oath single engine Thursday a Beach alrport, Twe ul sal plane were k with a small private plane the Pampane in the raphe) &

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