The Oshawa Times, 17 Mar 1961, p. 9

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ih SEEN WERE 18 (he first wit of the pew church he ing erected by the congregs " tion of the Church of Jesus Reticence Of Commission Disturbs Area Planners i to wee the preset whit for Sunday School purpeses afler he auditorium section 18 erecied at a lpler dale ~LIshawn Times Phot Let School Addition Contract The Oshawa Board of V.duca tion will ask city council for total of $93.000 ta hiild a fom mom addition tn the Conan Public Behonl, The total inciud the cost of architects' fees and furnishings well as constr tion cost An Oshawa awlnrd Construction Company, will ri ceive the neptract to build the school addition, They submitied the lowest hid of 853.47] general contractors subhmitied tenders Stark Plumbing and Healing Company won the plumbing and heating contract with the lowesl tender price of $25.008. Vive firms submitted tender Hill-Cornish Electric Company vill provide electrical installa ent to tion. They quoted the lowe date! id on the contract, $6284. Vour and! other electrical firms submitied tenders on the schonl Christ of Latter-day Saints ( is located at the sovth-west which will be officially open: | corner of Rossland and ed wt # special service Sun | Thornton's roads, is madern day night, The church, which | In every detail, It is planned Gahmhert nw led ged receipt of the study bt regrett ed no mans had heen sent It is difficult to form an opin ion on the basis of the report i said Hel," he SMEARS He said it would he passinie to are not have SOMENTE aliens (the ORp @ fn econrdi sluny f worn. Lhe want In Avice Bewildered members of / a (Oshawa Regional Planning on how best sociation are trying 1a Figure findings in the mut why officials of the Ontario NOT AFFILIATED Water Resources Commission J ne twice promised tn come 10 O80 wonyifle © representative Wa and then twice DACKER (he refusal (0 send mit with nn explanation might he "hecanse we The ORPA asked that an affiliated with either the De- March meeting) but he wanted OWRE representative he sent 10 partment of Planning and De- the maps "so that we can make last night's meeting 16 com: yelopment or the Department 8 proper evaluation ment on an area engineering of Municipal Affakrs on Feb, 6 Deputy study prepared hy Municipal Bowmanville Mayor Willrid ment Commissioner Planning Consultants Ca. II. Carruthers Perhaps the Found, ORPA secretary, wrote of Toronto OWRLC is hesitating on giving Mr. Galimbert that map sels This S006 considered an engineering advice w hie hi were heing reproduced and cop the problems of might conflict with construction ies would he sent waler Wi follow Mr and letter in the ORFA ants Oshawa, Whithy, Bowmanville bi and the Townships of Whithy the East Whithy and Darlington tor and Redfern, Consulting En: yeh BINEErs, 15 A $0.000 (in AREA STUDY VALUABL owns disposal Pet EXIERROn oO atert ty the The area study was deemed ip Bowmanville Bul Me of the meeting (Mar. 16) especially valuable hecause Wiplan," hi doesn't really (hy place (fifth floor, city hall) inoked at the area and made' sere with proposals put fm recommendations in lerms of ward in the MPC study." ASKS MORE INFORMATION population, geagraphy and topes Whithy Mayor Stanley Mar ir. Galimbert replied in graph Political boundaries tin thought the OWRC would letier dated Mar, §: "reluctant| were disregarded entirely feel more obligated to comel|to accept this invitation at thi The study has been in the down here H we were ORPA's hands since November | planning hoard, not just an as 1960. The first request for alsociation criticism of the plan came fan. #0, 1061, when @& i nate Eales of two Bow WILE firm I Asse Ralph Seven study upplying muni AWEFS storm drainage area that Is Are now ha copy of & Municipal Consult te Mr. Galimhert stating, | are pleased to provide' maps. The letler 15 dated Ih Mar Found 4 from program ing It could he flicting engineering advice' Mayor Carruthers said Pros cipal ystem disposal palentiglly con SIENINE & {a leller wa VE] whiting contract construe $60 012 companies | ds an the general Slwere: H. M. Brook Hon Company, Osha Kastwond Construction Com pany, Peterborn, $55.025; Mel | Ron Construction Compan [Whithy, $56,744; Fidelity Con itrnetion Company Oshaw 808.204; Van Hoof Constru Company, Whithy, $58.61% and Hartjes Construction Company, Vil gn areal time He noted the and wondered ORPA make-up how the ORFA carvelates with municipal offi cigls in the water and sewags vorks fields in this area, and also your connection with the 3 planning authorities Heke 56. 821 Board "You must realize," the lel Pickering, $36,420 {ter continued that it would] Companies submitting tender: not he desirable that we attend (on plumbing and heating were a meeting of an indepndent or-|(e0rge Hamers Plumbing and for! BANIZation without the know Heating, Whithy, $23,760; B, A ledge of officials in the water| Robinson Plumbing and Heal and sewage fields in the arvea."| ing, Searhorn, §95,080; North should tell us Mr. Galimbert wanted "more Oshawa Plumbing and Healing hy Township Representa "But they should aveid any information ahout the ORPA he-|O 8 ha wa, $34,061; Bradbury tive George Lafthouse sald / contentions issue: all we want fore we can aceept an invita Plumbing and Healing, Oshawa anly wanted COMMents and we is advice and comment! tian", ; $20,020 thought the OWRC could help Said Oshawa Mayer Chis: MI Lofthouse talked to My Electrical us tine Thomas: "It may he pro Galimbert hy telephone and ex tenders were: Vickery REleetri "Their comments might tell fessional jealousy plained {he Association. M7 |oal Whithy, $7480; Ferguson us if we are on the right track. The OWRC's purpose is to Galimhert still refused to come |Kieetric, Port Hope, $6515, and We have a lot of information in| dispense free advice and infar-| Then Mi Lofthouse phoned |B, A, Robinson Company, Sear | Berry . i hara, $6050 the study and we want to use itl mation te all who ask for it.|P? intelligently I can't! understand why they iA : Berry promised to sens somone l "But they (OWRC) seem re 4 » here" would refuse to come her Finally, a letter was received Seventeen appeals were al luctant ta discuss it with us as A group FIRST LETTER yesterday, the day of the meet "We want to know what areas! On Feb, 2, 1061, the Waler|ing, from Dr. Berry, He replied we can expect to develop in the) Resources Commission answer that "we are not in a position next B0 years, where to puted the first letter fram (heito deal with this proposal al services, the order of prefer: ORPA, It was signed hy GG, M this time prepared at some ence and how best to standard: | Galimbert, director of (he|later, date to discuss this with ize services and methods OWRC's Sanitary Fngineering|the city and the other munic (lowed out of 36 cases present ed at a recent Court of [sion heaving in Oshawa's hall. Five appeals were allowed The two {man Louis Hyman, Qf ans (W. 8. Pogson, ruled favorably H throughout the planning area." | Division palities involved in this report on six business appeals and 11 Work Of Parole Board Explained | PUA Appeas. ik dameale en rules under clauses ir ob anv.ul the. inalite and then rules wu aAuses in ge Assessment Act, Tax col inent authority on penal reform tonal facilities far self-imprave the 4 arene Cox and As ment? If the inmate's dossier | 4 and crime prevention, said \ : : . {sessment Commissioner Eldon \ indicates aleaholism, has he oy [Kerr represented the city Thursday night, that Me she recognized this and sought R 3 figst twa years of the apevation the help of AA sevviees if | Section 124, subsection 1 (8) of the National Parole Board, available? of the Act says appeals may he made "far the cancellation, ve nearly 4500 pavoles had been cuninamny ASKED duction ov refund of taxes ley granted, and only 301 paral ape wamison expressed hape ed" on certain types of hnild:| eos had to be veturned 10 prison. ina the public interpretation of {ings (and under certain candi. | Mr. Edmison translated this the term-parale, will improve ditions listed in the Act) vacant into an average vialation vate He asked that petential employ ot these months or mare dus period : must he vealized that the aver that when the vacant period is With * Prisaners Pavale oo inmate of a penal institu and the Public" as his Wheme. [ion nas an unfortunate sociolog Mr. Ndmison was addressing less than four months, the pe duction ar refund shall not ex Ned suas of the { eal background, Here My. Ed members and guests af Whe Cas ican navaphrased Rupert ceed 10 per cent of the huilding lax nadian Club of Ontario County [paake "Ysa many (inmates af Part 2 adds that when the al A dinner meeting at Hotel | i),) . have been magnifi period is four months or move (jenosha. The meeting Was Gontly unprepared for life" five percent of the building tax] chaired hy J. GG. Dancey, vice Mr. Edmison paid tribute to is added fo Sach addional president 3 the magnificent work being done Chiplete Mom R Byer ARG phos The speaker Is a member fly the Jahn Howard and lisa pi mont. ww : the National Parole B 0a hineth Iv sacleties. In Tan Anse (! of su RESUoh | ex which commenced aperations cases, ane of the stipulations of plains a condition unde whieh on Jan. 1, 108, taking aver the [3 harale certificate is that the Hon. WH. L. Rowntree, QC, Duties tax Jeluctions a» re functions of the farmer Remis oo ialen is "ta accept the super minister of transport for Ota | Rhy May he Made { the ap sion Service of the Department ican and assistance af a Joahn|io, will address the annual $ afl Reant i8 Hable fap business of Justice Howard, Bligabeth Fyy, av oth: | Driver Award Banquet 'o at and has Jt Carved wi bush o SEN or alter-care society in his arv!tendered Oshawa commereial 4 v | FUNCTIONS REFINER her hame Ay 4 drivers in Hotel Genasha Satur conducting A Seasonal = busi Mr. Bdmison in defining some; =p 0 day evening. Mar, 18 Ness. would not Apply) due to} aibpets " NP finetiom hii H. Daniel, A Toronta man, (he JR of ele Fao, w | that par 4 h I. Kk. Creighton; speaker is a graduate the : v for Telia leniency, but is part of the car Holt reighion University of Tarenta and Os ma ph WM elie tsi rectional and refarmative pro soicaie. HN. Bion aoade Hall. Ho has hoot # Wem Success Wl applicants were cess. Those Jail inmates, who MN Bio: 1G ber of the Ontaria Legisiature usiness Ross Latimer have given Some indiauon TN vice-chairman: Mrs. J singe October, 1956, and was iy ign ig A cay: N.C. Fraser, director appointed minister of transport Keld Neilson, Nick Maiborada Mill Valley Lumber Ca. All Mas : pay wiah 1851 year. Under his divection! and are resolved to stay out of i. Edmison: TK. Creigh ho" work' of the department em (vauble, are granted the privil- V4" honarary vice-president; these had moved to new loca " [phasizes legislation and public ego to complete their sentence in|' NH, Daniel and Brig Hons Buildings education to make drivers safe the community outside, under! MARRS and responsible under all traffic! Weeks, these supervision Thomas M - conditions demalished The determining laclors con EMTOR NAMED Mr: Rowntree has been chai do Shard a (HONass sidered hy the board when study- | James Hornick, assistant city man of (he legislature labor Roreas i Bassell Really Hald ing ale applications a re editor of The Taranta Daily Star, committee and is curently w fice vac AREY) broad and numerous has been appointed to head the/chairman of the select comm! 1 we ast six are all Several of the questions the staff of the weekly Watchman: mittee an the cost af drugs. He(CAReY™ appeals: Central seard puts to itsell ave Warder at Lindsay. The Ward:/has a vecord of service with/Sage and Housing A pals x sell N on, published for more than 100jthe Canadian Navy holding the Hon Cedar Glen (Oshawa) Lid Has the inmate as Y COANE years, was recently acquired hylvank of lewlenant commander Graceiwl Homes: Interstate In sd ar is it A surface wily? Has he or she taken ad of Oshawa 11 NO OFFICIAL STATUS , (OHPA members voled las was sent fo 1 A ¥ B rp VEAr 10 remain an association OWRC general manager, in with no official status) ing him or a stalf memher to mA Ad Oshawa Planning came to Oshawa chairman and ORPA Member Since then, the invitation has william Woodeack: "1 think we heen rejected, accepted again, have heen treated most unfair and then rejected a second!|y time "I can't - y their action WANTED COMMENTS Whit tentious issue somewhere SER Any reason If there is a con they firms submitting | | city dis man court, Chal J. A. Edmison, QU, a pram: vantage mn HON, |, I, ROWNTREE To Address Safe Driver 'Banquet were Mrs Ki G Mrs Dancey (i. Dan guests divector br. © Mrs of M J Consumers Gas Rundle, Jahn Mf three huildings | }. & Val Mart carpara | Change the Times Publishing Co [His hobbies are boating and vestments: Amelia Sachlas and tearventry, (James Pernokes [he nn! Way Revi: Latter-Day Saints Open | New Churc The members of the Ohaws Ward of the Church of Jesus) Christ of | atierAay Saints wre! lanking with anticipation 19 the OPRIIRE service wn thelr new cheek, pt the corner of Thorn: fon and Rossland roads, his Sunday wt 8:08 pm This building, costing in the neighborhond of $7509, is the first phase of a lowr-phase ex pandatie iiding which willl cost & Iohal of U0 when completed. This Hest phase is! the Bunday School section of the! bwilding and will he used as » temporary chapel wotil the see | mA phase or chapel is added! in the near future Coming from Toronin 19 pre side over the opening service will he President Witham Day: ies of the Toronto Blake (Dig cise). Thomas 8. Monson, pres ident of the Canadian Mission of the ehurih, will be a special) speaker at this service The local authorities of the church, under the direction of Bishop B. Earl Bayers, are look mg forward 1a an overflow con gregation in attendance for this Imkigl service Irish Tunes Will Feature Pop Concert he Band of the Ontario Beg ment, in presenting the third) and final of is winter series of Pon Concerts tonight at the O'Neill Collegiate and VYoea tonal Institule will present a medley of Irish tunes to com memnarale the ohservanee of 8i Patrick Day in Oshawa isting the" hand tonight will he the Oshawa Chapter of Sweet Adeline the wom chorus of harhershoppers, | Included in the medley, in| which the public will he invited ing, will he 12 popular Trish |8 hey include: "We're My Wild Irish Rose" Hose nl Fralee he River Bhannon| It Takes An Irish A Little Bit of mn "When Irish Eyes) smiling "Mother Ma I A Tong, Long Tipperary My Irish That Tumhle Athlone" and Come Into The Oshawa Times 7, PAGE WINE OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 196) ! TEACHERS PREPARE FOR ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL In forthcoming weeks the the OCYE auditorium, Mrs, | teaching methods, From left | tor of music, Searboro; and teachers of music in the Osh- | Alma Widmeyer, # Grade 1 | are Wallace Young, director | Wesley Wildman, supervisor awa public schools will be | teacher at Cedardale Public of music, Oshawa Publie ! of music, Bearbor preparing for the music fes- | Behool, is caught hy the cam . " . tival presented each year in | era as she demonstrates her | Sehonls; Keith Bissell, direc: ~Oshawa Times Photo Holy Cross Fund Drive Launched By Cardinal Carding) MeGuigan,i Bey, Philip Coffey, pastor Ld was the|Holy Cross Church, (old his Cross! parishioners, "anything Tel loyalty asked you to do you have Greg- always done. | know we could raise $200,000 without any eam: The parish dinner was held PRign at all ALT ask you fol to launch the "Combined Funds| BIE is what you can afford] Canvass,' pf Holy Crossl@nd not any more, It is from | Church, to "raise $206,000 to|your generous hearts thal wei | meet parish financial needs have heen able to carry on @ aver the next three years parish hig 0 any Ratlonah The (is . J hies ¢ asked the parishion ; The Cardinal told the Holy | oeS'ta he home on Sunday after ross parishioners that he could when the eanvassers call feel from the inspiration they "90 WHER He CANVARSES FRM had given him, their determin: OUTLINE CHURCH HISTORY ation for working together for hadi the greatest cause in all the! 4 4 Belly, general chairman world, "for your church, and|®f the Combined Funds ean. Lfor your children" He asked] Yn, outlined the history of the them to work and to sacrifice church, He said, Holy Cross for the campaign Church was eatablished 4 The years ago as a mission of Bi i he combing i fund raising Gregory's Church, In July, 1959, campaign 15 to aid the parish Father Coffey assumed. the and the cause of Roman Catho:| give of the new parish, singe lie education in the Archdiocese then the progress has heen fan OBJECTIVES CITED tastic. Starling in an old honge The Archdiocesan ohiectives| PME for $10,000, the priest are: tn edueale the people tel @rvived and took over a debt of a hetter understanding of (hel ¥9000, Later the house was eon [needs of the parish and verled ine # school | Archdiocese and to their ownl In 1042 the basement of the need of supporting the ehreh,| present church Was built, A ved I'n raise permanently the stan [etter day necurved in the par dard of giving in each parish!15h in 1630 when the chuyeh was through the increased offerings completed and paid for vi of the peaple each Sunday. Tol Later school roams were ada: mye i 'Ne ) provide out of the new money|ed to the school building along hele, je Melony, pat pledged, a substantial portion| with portable classrooms uni | | Levigue Dave Dineen for Archdioeesan - needs, and| today Holy Cross Sehoal is the Ganhoof™ Leonard A Pelow, provide capital money for local! lavgest elementary sehonl in Michael "yaocki, Henry Tens parish needs Oshawa, and seeand in sige only pant "Evin Coe, | There ave eight parish oh: (10 OCV] " os jectives to the combined nd prep OF DEBT HOSTESS COMMITTEE canvass, They are: To raise the J " Hostess ehalrman, Mrs canvass goal in pledges over| Mullen: hostesses: Mrs the next three-year period, to Eyre, Mps, Medati, Mps, D, ansist the archdiocese in its vast Logan, Mps, Dittrich, Mrs, wogram to provide Catholie Dobroshinski, Mrs, RB Gannon, {igh Schools throughout the Mrs, F, Kunkel, Miss D. Kunkel, diocese; ta visit all wage eam: Mrs, K, Hamm, Mrs, W, Blase, ers in the parish, with the in Mys, J, Langley, Mys, H, Kirhy, tention of encouraging a greater Mrs, P. Brady, Mys, BP. Claney, awareness of the true meaning Mrs, Bouekly, Mrs. Vandeloo, of the fifth precept of the Mrs, It, Beach, Mrs, B, Bagriff, chureh; to encourage all par Myps, M, Currie, Miss Mariorie [ishioners ta place the ehureh Domagala, Mya, 0, Kraut, Mrs, first in their lives; ta foster vo J, Gresh, Mrs, J, Bharke, Mrs, cations in the parish through Jean Booth, Mrs, C, Fitz eral, ONeAUTARING parents to set a Ms, 6, Killingheek, Mrs positive example ta their ehil: Hickey, Mrs, M, Piantek, Mrs, dren through their willingness Gallant, Mrs, H. Faruga, [tn sacrifice for the support of Miss Theresa dordan, Mrs, the ehurehi fn enequrage Harrigan, Mes, H. Canfield, cleaver realization that the Miss Cathy Puskas, Miss Helen chureh has a practical place in Way, Mrs, i, Bonfordi, Mrs, P, aur whale life; tn promate lay voll, Mrs, H, Anthany, Mys leadership and lay responsibil MeAlnine, Miss Pat MeAlpine, ity consistent with the wish of Mrs, J, Callahan, Mis. Jf, Lyans, the ehureh in our time and to Mps, 0 Hogan, Mrs, 8 Coe, promote greater parish unity Mrs, J, Sabyan, Mrs, R, Oke, through eneouraging everyone (Mrs, M. Puskas, Mys, 1. Ivan, Mrs, KR. Reid, Ms, 1, Really, tn work together toward one g ehmmon goal Mrs, Jf, Kryhul, Mrs, J. Maher Dental Health Is Theme Of Addres hy Bn Henry Reed remind: Dr. William Bayka was thei prevent had dental health vather ed the Westmount Kiwanis speaker at the weekly noon{than extraction, and it will sur members of same important laneheon of the Westmount Ki: prise you that in a recent suv:|dates coming up for the eluh, {wanis Club held at Adelaide [vey aver ane hundved mithon Tuesday, Mareh 21, the West | House people are in need of dentall mount eluh will conduct the Pr. Bayka pointed oul that eave program for the Oabourg Ki tooth decay can strike persons! "Only 30 per cent of these wams Club; Sunday, March 36, of any age who have their awnipeaple are being treated at the will be the annual fewer shaw teeth, and decay has heen dis:|present time," pointed out thelat Reed's Florists and nest [oavered In infanis as young as|speakey Tuesday night will be the ves a vear ald. Tooth decay and] He mentioned that Oshawa isjlar monthly meeting of {he {teeth are very impoviant to ourffortunate m having flueride inl Westmount Junior Fish and way of living-as so much de-[its water supply and told theiGame Club al Simeos Hall, pends OR OUP ARPEATARCS Kiwanis oluh that ehildven's{ when members fram the Unian Tooth ave the only part of the/teeth today are in much better/Rod and Gun Club will demons human body that will not healleondition than they were 10istvate Ball casting ta the mem: {themselves, they must have thelyears aga hen fluoride was|bers attention of a qualified dentistfivst put in our water supply President Reed also woleamed 10 repair the damage done to! Dr. Hayke was introduced bythe club's guests, John Macho the teeth hy decay Pr. Gordon Adair and wasiald, Dong Gower, and Gord Dr. Ravka told the Kiwanians thanked on behalf of the club Hawker that bad teeth will cause badlhy Ken Zimmerman, Westmount] Robert Stroud, past saveraey health, and teeth must be taken Kiwanis President Henry - Reed) of Kiwanis, made & presentation care of if they are 1a last added the appreciation of thefta 1960 Westmewnt Kiwanis 91 feel that the cowntry's num: luk ta Pr. Bavke and hoped] President Cy Pawel, in recog ber one health problem is Den-/that he would Jom thew farinition of Wis work Wn farming tal Health." said Dv. Bavke, [their meeting asain the Bowmanville Kiwanis Club and more children suifer with! Kiwanian Don Ormiston spoke] Next Thursday the Westmont pad dental health than withita the members on the Kiwams| Olah will he honored with a visit pola Radia Auction which will belfvam Liewlenant Gavernar Wik WHE is the (ah of the dentist ta taking blace on sail 13, andisen Gemmell, of Peterborough, commitiee and the hostess coms mitiee Br General chairman, 4, 1, Kelly; canvass commitiee chairs men: J, Maher, I, Kamath, B, Langton; mtial gifts chairman, I; Byrne Teams chairmen: J, Gibbens, FP, Monaghan, M. Darlaston Canvassers: William Puskas, Alex Korkush, Frank Byrne, Boh Gannon, Pat MeAvoy, John O'Driscoll, Tony Esposito, Harry McGuire, Pat Clancy, doe Cals lahan, Jack Osier, Bill Eyre, doe Lyneh, Jack Gannon, Bers pard Kidd, 1, MeDermolt, D, Dillon, J. Hickey, G, Kehoe, J, Lache, P. Bradley, Ivan J. Tome linson, Thomas McKeever, Frank fihepard, Frank Robi chaud, Frank O'Neill, Boh Sime ene, Thomas Coipham, FE, Duval, Joe Delsordn, Lasln Ivan Joe Hachey, Mike Hoar, Gerald Krukkert, Gus, Goresk, f" Legere, B, Komel, G, Donevan, Prank Haensgen, doe Bgekeres John Foley, Ellery Duval, Free Konkel, Don Logan, 5, Vander: lain, Gilbert Cyr, V, Beech, 7, [O0'Capnor, Bteve Bonfordi, Mars tin Bulkoeski, Bill Sadler, J, Sahyan, Ron Oke, Jim Lyons Joe Bosco, Steve Coe, Ear Marshall, 1. Kunkel, Bd, Gop: eski, Don Larkin, Alex Mae: Donald, Frank Haar, Waller James Archbishop of Toronto honored guest of Holy { Parish, al its parish dinner Thursday, at Si ory's auditorium in Hung {Irish The Where Flow: Heart Hei [Art chre CONGRATULATED Clergy of the Archdiocese and his parishioners today joined in extending congratu: | lations to Very Rev, Dr. Paul Dwyer who is celebrating the A8th anniversary of his ordin: ation to the priesthood, He | was ordained at the Basilica of BI. John Lateran, Rome, Last Sunday, Mar, 12, he cele: brated his 12th year as parish priest at the Church of Sf, Gregory the Great in Osh: Awa Ski Club To n bong of bong: Down Shack in If You're Irish The Parlor." The hand wirection of Francis | he the under Francis vill It Decide Titles The Oshawa Ski Club, Kirby will hold its annual elub cham planship races Baturday and! al unday, March 18 and 19 Present snow conditions at the club site, 20 miles north east of Oshawa, are reporied as good, with about six or eight| inches of snow { The ski meet will include jun ior, senior and pee wee events, All races will he run unless snow conditions are prohibitive On Saturday, the junior and senior slalom races will he held at 10 am. the junior and sen 10v epross-country event will he held at 2 pm. the pee wee jumping will he at 1.30 p.m and pee wee slalom will he al 12.80 pm Sunday junior and senioy downhill races will take place at 10 am. Junior and senior jumping will he held at 2 p.m There is ample parking space [for spectators CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi: dents of Oshawa and distriet wha are celebrating hivthe days today David Gatehell RR |, Oshawa: Robin Bdey, 704 (Gilbert street west, Whithy; Harry Shackelton, a8 High 8, Bowmanville; Elmer Layng, Raglan; Jack Code, aa Cadillae south: Danny (iravelle, 82 Elizabeth Cres. Whithy: Neil Dillon, 161 Al- hert 81; Myrtle Cornish, 213 Celina 81; Ralph Jeffery, 207 Seugog Ave. Marianne Koss, 14 Rowe S§i. Heth Crawfarth, 217 Anderson St, Whithy; John Eadie, 81 Pavk Rd. §., Donald Layton, 496 Miller Ave: Mrs, Phillip Shart, RR 2, Oshawa: Dongs las Greer, 8 Windsor Si, Ajax; Reg. Bernier, 67 Cal harne street east; Menna Pyek, 34 Edward S03 Emerson Procknow, Bows manville: Kv Scera, 87 Bans ting Ave. Bleanar Tonkin, 205 Huron St; Leon Bowser, 302 Oshawa Blvd. south 'and Robert Werner, 163 Lilae Court The Hirst five persons 1a inform The Oshawa Times of their hivthdays each day will receive double tiokels ta The Regent Theatre, goad for a four-week peviad. The ewrrent attraction is "The Mariage Go-Rownd" Reports an birthdays will he received only hetween the hours of & a.m. and 18 am. Phone RA +HHM | M, The chairman of the canvass Ww, noted that at present Holy Cross parish doesn't owe a dime In anyone, He stated Plater through the wisdom of Father Coffey a ten-acre tract of land was bought near the lake, part of which was do: nated to build 8, Phillip's sehonl." Mr, Kelly said: "We are here to celebrate our past ae: eomplishments and to honor our pastor who has worked so long and sn hard." Ope of the teams chairmen, Martin Darlaston, announced that $20,300 had alpeady heen subsovibed hy the eanvassers, The $296,000 three-year total will he used fap: parish Npheen, $81,000; completion of §t, Philip's pavish, $30,000; avail: able far capital expense $40,000 and Diocesan aid to the high school program $48,000, CANVASS COMMITTEE Those among the ARMY GRADUATE Private John HE. Oshorne; a clerk with Na, 4 Field Ambu lance, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, Camp Barden, graduates from Central Com: mand's Junior Non-Commis sioned Officers' Course for men of all Capps at Camp Borden. He is the son of My, and Mrs, John W. Osborne, 106 William street east, Osh: awa, The six weeks course includes instruction in drill, map using, signals training, field exercises and methods of instruction, with emphasis an producing highly trained junior. leaders for the regulay army | National Defence Photo Skating Club Carnival Reviewed The Maveh meeting of the di rectors of the Oshawa Skating | elub held at the Owl} deen's Arena veeently with President AL. Robson presiding. | ing v Final plans for the Annual Skating Club Carnival, ta he held March 18 at the Children's Area, were made. The eos ume committees reported eas umes for almost 200 skaters are almost camplete. This has been a tremendous undertaking and thanks are due ta the many interested mothers wha helped with this task : ne Carson, a new appointee 10 the divectarale, was Inte duced and given the assignment af publicity direeio Mr. Robson reported on the excellent progress of the retard od children under the supervis| sion of the professionals, Paul Matton and Miss Barbara Amn Smith Tests for the Ww ilians MW he CANVASS reminded the members 10 get behind this project 100 per cent, Team captains far the Kiwanis Radin Auction were introduced in the members, They were: Al Atkinson, Boh Hraneh, Fred [Densham, Tom Faivhrother and was | have heen completed season and the Club cam will he held an March sing day of our 1960-81 98 SEASON'S etivil

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