The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1961, p. 8

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Omwrrhi with the president, Ms. 10th Guides And Brownies GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES get foe revdeg. 0 Mother And Daughter Banquet COCVILENY CIUB en TieTR Leeland ad Aleglag id EETEIREY § yapons and es inkred by te vps of th (#6, Fanboy & Wackthorn cane that had come i, §. Veterson (lions. Laval RO y RONET g of fram fesiand Yagor Fanliw weny's rapt 5 were The Beversnd KB. A Coin ks, Shatars; Linde (iy Fos Frese CREF el hones # fiom of Borders We read from commitiass,| VAs Se Hast peRiar sr. Sandee Ways, Buson Fwy COD % # the land and the orange Marck Wo A. #8, Wh whi Und rion ibid snloved from the A ' ? W fall, 8 fag foils owing sets, Wayne Tagamet whet ay wis Wake Mise Mose anmowness (hati j ont: tum r Sha h in H Coy ih % Ww RETR Wis. Bargsant leh in the ing he i" Hors hat wm the gacoedion Terry 4 yr ' 4 or ida FIR WR 1 FEMARRE if A Wie x iH re } . i# / ' Uf Wars i" i an 7 fhe BF ant, We of 2 Aa Yrs. Cha A " gt IREERRE som, pian and Terry Keys, land Rartin gave the Wiese becom. Class Wadue. Banden Ar OR a ter Sater Bay tart od Jb Chen Church IW The 10% Biows on, Ur Wego, James Winker, Inde here wt Wy hii us hor wy EIA [ies Fark, Tovonts, on April #) it was panownced that @ Aes ont cic, pended wd Yon Be Waker, Sun Bowers, UCL ER o SITE Barucons ah ATE CHANCE col 1, Two delegates represent STL [45 WI be held on Apri 18 o vy Usesiend Wanteiw {ind Usd FRUISIRATATY TERGRRTRT § FR- (8 RITAREORE Ihe RILETRGNG K ; [9 Borthainel ey Chasirh vs. Maw FEEIRAR Fae be Meewty Wl wae FREE El ak 1 WRF Tes was served by the Cheer TE Kingsway LA sie mies #1 The April mest will be Ween he ganant. The Baney Wakes 2 Po A 3 ¢ tending Cony Hati Spr Ak Shiels Guide Castain. Wee Dow $7 g Aershah to owgantin Rk PIeet fe Grow. Bent week wil be # wi (Yat on | fuel # IREk sashes on Ay we ¥ Ee io yh v: wend thy sue Bid ' " wy Tike Kil (ow TRE RERE (WE, soring faelion parade with Wis here of the growp 9 wt the home of Mes. J gid i » er Plu ad 0 Yb . fr - ie ors er IN Ur Kenneth aes Aras ® Be YUaynard Belem in ohargs ; We ests 4 WW gave Rk FEA REIOR ' ¥ KEE fav tHE flor Phe, Hiv, Fruok Foon iom, Mes Wages md Wer FOr The somal "Bight On" wis AA, DOUBLES CLUB Worse before Moreh 72, L (om, Mir CRATE ERENCES gers paaseniad with fie fiom seid and planned for Wey The March meting of B. Wie nest meetin Urn, Maier HInend Ramin. tie 10h (rset Comm fr, Dowglas Turner wnterionk (Seorgs' s Anglican Chneh A pod on W Yes. W. EE. Cardner, Halo Wes, Whale therked all these WAKE ETT it is miso Dowiiey Clay was held recent Wary Murr Wij Mariana Why BEIgEd DYEGRIE FRG FETE | ed that the pest mesting Vy, wn the form of = howling TR SCOUT MOTRERY AUK. nel wre ahowt 75 meh Rankin, Yrs. Hone Hayes, Hin he IDET, Borat The were will include a viel tw sar & perty, Pres were won wy Mr. The Merch meeting of the al patients in Canada, ScEnpye Clarins (allmme ! ada 10 Frit & | 4 live LECTION PROGTm Henry Etmansii, Mrs. Desmond Seat Mathers Auntibery wae cent of wil the hosph Mes, Barn tendered Ya in. Dest | ident. of the 10 An Emi aiie program was Lowry, Mr. Guy Chambers held ot _ Worthmineter United aie] ede the comntry, jor Mary Marin, Terrtone Cor Le itice. Mrs. Burns oresented by WE, and Hrs, Ken Mis, Les Parliament and Yrs p---- -- Gide wigamiaer for the Bgl Ui end the new president was mith Kose consstng of fms Glenn Branton or AR 4 Garkaer, Migteiot TFOMGEER Mis. Haves then 164 and Commentary nm thelr wr Free dent, Mrs. William HA BRE ME Cartimean £rnee Wray, Wm duced we Rew presemien ser Ten Browwies flew wo to SElTEshments were served Wy couples. Members were asked 6 WRAEE he: es p vere Bi Ro Wr. and Wes. Rose and IRE remember change Wn date of . | 75] BRITA HRA ist Heverend and Mis. Allen, with next meeting, which will be i thinritwish i Hubbard, Vin je fupey " C4: Stoman Exenda Clark Win (he 8t. Vatriek's Dey theme he | April # rine Beg Print f A 4 Ia b omy. Bifred Reid, Joges Warmer, 0g wressed The clu e attending the Wed. ASKED: fatif s A y Evi " a i oi ah vi ny Christine Bobi added SA ROME LEAGUF Hoty Week. All those who were J Pam 4h Rj ih pid ¥irenae The regiier meeting of ThE oie tn attend were asked 10 butler, Wales. The mothers of CREW goation Army Home TERE ies cod on 58 & ZrOWS Flarenek Brownie pinned ther wings oh was held on Tuesday RING he E W Rothenbmsh, #8 each Brownie was present yoo 14 ONT, REGY, ASSN, AUX von Butler, #8 With & small gift A few choruses were sung 16d! The regiwlar meeting of the "" ne Rob The eveping closed the hy Mrs. Major Rankin and the [adies' Auxiliary, Oman Beg at f il JAS Bine Fans anne CETRENLE WEFE MAAK BY ment Association. wes held # : he UND.ALL FOR SOUARE DANCE FUN Wie fi DLL AR UR the Armies wilh the pres HANDS-AROUND- 80 ; dre. tare Servet wna gent. tre Fred vor end | The House of Charm?" ' -- Three memhers of orations for the chapter's | Have in charge of tahie decor Mrs. Robert Clarke 148 In Ihe [ng frs, Betty Sheridan resd den Juliies Chap 4 dd neg 10 he Reid Ihe | ciions, and Mrs. K, A tdevationsl period. The (heme the ming and Mrs. Wiliam ! 4 A p bf Fi 4 y as "St, Pat Mrs, Cl MeNeill gay . asi g Order, Danghts : Isha Mrport. Leti 10 0 | onc rer of decorations {wi §t, Patrick ir arke McNeill gave the treasurer's re pire, pre putting finet ov f " Freeh . 5 led In the singing of # wma port on & paper Aol, part of the 4 cinvensr; Mrs, 6G, § {IRE WR TIRES FhH {otlowed hy praver by Maior, Mrs Worry Davies was wel h 1 n B Rankin Mrs ¥ Frne ' Sar pean comed hack after her ness oMAKE UP TIQUETTE . . " if rewster | fon the Snipure o | Ms Jin She thanked the group fon the ' Authoress Throws Kind Light On Jo ram 7, McCann | he A ' Twin a 5 Ld] HArE SPOKE 0 sole would b ld the n j ify We held gt the next . CLOTHES SENSE » SKIN CARE Canadians As They Really Are Wed In Toronto | aiawineste, Women's Eanes vist ka 3.3414 | SOCIAL NOTICE | Mr. Nomen Gower seve a * WAR STYLIND, AND MANY MONE SUBNET We developed a course thot will cover Ol talk on the Henry Museum the ging has heen slow YEA iE Of Oshawa eres - _-- " ohn Buller won the prize Canad an Wi deiiahifu ", as wlan heen strong. Even nw n At the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Marsh 16, 196) 78 TN oni by hm Dh enieh vy. th Aiea misusing Fd | Bg 1 url ' 4 ET aang, le ly Mrs, Walter MOsier | Plaase call RA 34641 ond ask for Mrs, Sally Jones { ! bi GIRL GUIDE ASSN ana Crelchion, Rha ond tray awe changed vhysically WelClalr Aventis { arena, | 1 Villiam Bow J A x ler, tn members of 6 built Kittiwait and the Si. \when Judith Margaret (ireen| LODGES AND SOCIETIES ish 16 announce the (Rinsowar LA) for more information, Club and Vo ek Beawny, MERRY A of Brewsle am Thom Gayl i Mar 4 A urd me The regular meeting of the i r tion on Manda f Wi the mountains and thes / ) ! A K «som of My !BSIngsway Local Association o | " In the AFR of MYSLEry ) ne, We wien have plesc) | BETA SIGMA PHI witendance ot 7.00 pm, April 11 hon Sve Lund Georne Allime. the Girl Guide Association ws Thursdey 4ill 10:00 p.m. surrounds Canadis 0 & Burn care Festival at Si ' i He 1s A Tat The guest speaker at the for a practice ham, all of Oshawa. The mar- NEI recently with 10 member Or RA 5-260) after Thursday pean', she ex i €Fe There 1s no longer ' Ha Y i Tuesday evening _ meeting of Sister Kate Glover will con rigge is tn take place on Satur. Present. Miss Vera Moyse pre things are unden) 4 MIF AINE heealse mB / AL aud the Asuehteri Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chap refreshments for the April day, April §, at Northminster sided speek French. Our i Canadian' Rote of Mr. and Mrs, Wendell Moorelier of Beta Sigma Phi 8b he! meeting United Chureh Mrs. J. BR. Matthews read the lined with scarlet-coated polier ei national hatlet iA Brewster of Oshawa, The bride home of Mrs, GG, Murray Fraser men. We live under a bh of i wh as Glenn Gould f nom mn oF Mr, and Mrs Kingston rod east snow. In the forests w il i Laois Marshall bring their! Hirlam MeCamn of Harrison Dorise Kennedy wha round our frontier eit In ire hack tn Canada from! N.Y gltended Pickering Col The Artist's Landscape' dians, buffalo, wolvs wildeats! around the world Eis And is & graduate in indus Introduction of the speaker and moose, roam freely. All hoy | core WITHIN {rial I n of the Ontario Col-lyas made by Miss Doreer PIR ! es of Al ehildren gre horn with kule p "nN Laughlin and the thanks of the EAL 4 um, a, onsclos Comtonism| "Fastor 1obn Morgan ofr weve: voiced. by MP what you ka § ETrTeT we avoided & Il cost ( af i | : in thelr hands, 1) : pd belated Harold Ball p limited opportunities for w f fit & / Hi Whi Given In marriage hy her! Mrs. Bryan Cole presided gis can do at / rich quick and any den MW hi h will save us.\father, the bride wore an ivory Mes. Kenneth Young reported ih AA Tir H mera f " nh al K | this phantasy is greeted wit by A nt fy ew ti HE siibdress with matehinglon the ways and means, and : ; dishelieving smile ih AKINE the miadiei hat and accessories and carried Miss Betty Leask read the re "We are thought of kindly | Ye are made up of hela houguet of daffodils and fern [port of the Nominating Commit . Yi TIT 11113313111] even if & little patronizing, We fF Bnd we cannot know Vhall Ehe was attended hy Mise jee, Miss Leask was also ap l gre the eldest daughter In the Ar without considering our Joan Hodge as maid-of honot pointed to attend the forth i ; British family and as such have|"™ who wore dark green with| coming meeting of the CAC al all sorts of rights and Privileges Perhaps It 16 because we|while aecessories and a covsage!the home of Mrs. Unah Jones whic) da not think fot, {hve had no revolution nr been of carnations | Bimene street north f / but py Bh we have and + drawn inte eivil war, that wel Mr. Tlovd Poupard meted as! Mrs, Fraser reported on the to have have not developed violent na hest man social aetivities, with particular ; X "Phe pride that we share in|Vonalistie views A reception was held at thel reference to Founder's Da) f the Royal Family is the pride of | Perhaps it is this vague, [Pride's parents" home, Lakeside| April 80, at the Hotel Genosha ' family. This special thing is 0 unod-natiuved attitude for which!|street, Oshawa, Yor the occasion Mrs, Young read from the hank of our possession it 1s our are despised, this tolerance, the bride's mother chose pale of Beta Bigma Phi A own this inability to seream hatred|turquoise satin with light vellow| Tt. was also decided to hold ha ' Py BRR . lat other nations, perhaps it is| Accessories, The hridegronm's|the meeting for the Ritual o WE ENOW WHAT WE here that Canada may be usefull Mother was' In peacock hile! Jewels at the home of Mrs ARE NOY » & world which rears und|flowered silk with heige acces | Kenneth Young, Hunter sire A ' " 4 M H Phere ie ko many Ines screams, spits and hisses at its|Sories. They each wore a carna. | Anni | 2 by thel CRADE "A! ¥ .° VY that We are not, We are i nemies, present and potential [Hon corsage Refreshment Oy ny G RADE A English, American or French, white ar black The newly wedded pair will hostess, assisted by Ihe presi YORK 10 0F, Tin y EXTRA TATHA , J j VINK } yet we can't bear eriticism of Perhaps our very indefinition|!'ve In Toronto dent, Mrs, Cole, rounded out Lhe i i aa 1 [+] {A 25 or one ar the other from an out-\may work for peace in the evening bs! SAUCE TIE Euro sider, We are a strange mixture! councils of the world." " " A on 1] pp y ce ' in the British-American sand: Mrs Creighton was intro Hara INDY AI I ¥ 1¥ wed PYTHIAN BIRTERS | 8 INONATION 408 TIN : nk EE YO Heeg pp y ; wieh duced hy Miss Velma Kaiser|cheese or chee 8 spreads, tuna Fhe flan Lik fie : Ay "We are a small society at and sincerely thanked hy Mrs.|or salmon, ennked 1 nn Tuesday evening rol ; Litt y | eats, fowl, |; y > : a -- the beginning of things 5. V. Barlow who presided and luncheon meats may hel er Kay Large, presiding GATTUSO '3¢ OFF DEAL 1501 TIN 6 TO a POUNDS EXTRA . in ay HN The temple was opened with] § d 50 | 4A frozen successfull for ind NE / ie ssentation of the Pythiar i wiches, acearding ta the Food the ae talon Maradrel Sle if TOMATO SAUCE and Nutrition Department, Mac HE hy y d | 8 £nns | H donald Institute, Guelph Sister Mary Northey will pre MeNAIR'S GREEN SPLIT PEAS or 13-0F, PKG | ant two hird cages and stands \ [tn Hillsdale Manor from the) Hi POT or PEARL BARLEY y {temple I'he annual penny sale| § ---- a bt 2 ETA vill he held Ma 1] ister] BE BALLEY WHITE SINGLE ROLL h {hers {MA Kav Elliontt is ticket convener. | 8 Ten dollars was donated to TOILET TISSUES LB. lth Cancer Society. IL was voled } NE BA A " & prev ow] ETT lta snonsor a fall fashion show.| B HABITANT 15 OF. TIN SHANKLESS M 45° le ie het weer BER or VEGETABLE SOUP PIONICH 45° San I It was decided to hold an oo FRESH STAMPS evening euchre on April 13 at] 8 ARCHWAY a . - we Orange Temple i i PORK LIVER a6¢ Yi] dy WIFE PRESERVER " Kisters " mn to be in B COOKIES ba FRESSWOOD'S . TOP i VON, NRG, RE You can wash vour finest 4 py oN 1000¢N " ~ i WIENERS 40¢ N . ORCHARD kip ANCY [1] hing in an automatio dishwash:| HOUSEHOLD HINT BD KING FANS 00 IN Fresh. TASTY or IF you use the right deter-| Tq mend holes in glove fin TOMATO JUICE i PORK SAUSAGES uw 40¢ 5 PINAY gent and use It In amounts not Lh exceeding what is prescribed hy! ers, you ean make use of a lip FRESH ATLANTIC the manufacturer, Water should | Stick ease with a rounded end| S88 SURGET FINE . WIRE : BROAD 121 01, FkG a COD FILLETS ih 90e¢ not exceed 160 degree as a daring egg ; : a NOODLES | Rode ares 1 GOLDEN RIPE NO. | Faglal Tl nt TAT || mes CO Ceananas FEENER GREEN LIMA BEANS : hu A N ib. 14¢ AVIMER CHOC 5 OF VIN TONIGHT | RCRA Rr NATURE'S BESY CHOICE DOF TIN "0'Keefe Country Junction" CREAM STYLE CORN___ | ohntinii C a= a li med apes U@©S Chon =~ HK [S a IMPORTED US. NO, 1 Frosh Crlapy CREAMETTES REDL.CUT 70 PRO 3 : CELERY : 2 saws ron 19%¢ mewn. 1© NT OSHAWA 101LY Hime 10 OF, UN 1©)¢ SANE RRNERRRRRRNRRRNNS | IN CTRRITEIRRL Values from 98¢ to $1.49 10:00 p.m, | POPPI _UORN.. YA 1 ©)? & oir Terrific savings during our ETI presented by O'Keefe Brewing Co. Ltd, D0G FOOD AL sis A ---- i Lui 0 EAH | REE FRENCH CREATION TTT TT | ER patos fl Wa Salutes CS LLALELE ' ALS BACK CUBMNT From Paris. comes this tw i loaselv-draped shor : 18 3X Wheal ly We Ny , plece me I Th vi hl a hn : a RY wes " Soi Wheat 2 3% DY Pond Open Thurs, & Fel, until © pom snag Bi neckline, Uny sleeves and is | 8 PACKERS 23 45¢ CR Cl | HOUSEWARE SALE TS ROUGE NILL \ 4 with ne lars 2 $ x with ar without a o0at. The | black button The My » " RU Wy WHITBY dress Is of red granite wool | slim Hy TRACY ADRIAN

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