: fe Osho Times i Pidhishes By SCF) IEW Hers Mark 14, dad wif Fiykkag rian g Power And Confidence Required For Prestige The ssgument shout the state of US prestige ehioad hes died down. Bt wes followed by & brief debete here about the state of Cencda's prestige ot the Upited Nations -- & flurry thet started, it seems, when & correspondent for a Toronto newspeper drew some pretty ferseaching conclusions from the wey UN delegates are paged Still, prestige is Important 1B WIEIRa- tions! affairs, since it is the megswre of the sttitudes of other nations. Frestige depends to 2 great Messe On Power, but 'there gre other factors There » trust judgment; & small influence at the UN out of t because other nati Canad ang or eXBIRpE pation can exert gn gil proport 5 Sie $ rus BNA OELY ES enviable Canede ¥ rest throug powe In the Comme speek great magpie POs theough trust ia can first become an conferences, Cana on Bi country end, significantly, 8 highly industrislized state that is free of any blemish of co placed to lopiglism. Canadg earn the respect s of the is admirably of the newer member snd trust ted IW etions, WA Wer 15&8% Commonwealth. At the Us Canads bas the seme sdyanegs ing for her she will onby pu to use. Perhaps it wold be wise for this Eountry 15 return 1 the "honest yokes" role played so successfully when Lester Pearson wes minister of external afin Power is the meas of Upited States prestige, Historian Lowis Hacker recently wrote; "In the eyes of the outside world, of the new nations end those strvghng to cast off sacient the United States suryve as able me Wi this Wey cape oA challenge to Leninism? Mf we can prove tyrenmies, will 8 PROPIR KRpr oA becoming powertul pnd offering » reel our capacity for lerge seele growth; een micglly, not only £eping leke CRY, #8 we shell eisH tege of demonstrating to the new lead thet democratic sions, hesed ers on popular consent to nations eng their eas sutheritarian ones" Cangda will not match the Unite Btetes n lifetime Canada too can read the lesson of power, in ou but "the better way" Little Vultures Wait evel Brice 0 #8 ent plan and put i to dash the If workable disa the great powers Fmam into t, they gre going ne tiny but ambitious coun: look snapping hopes of that opportys on Dg Wars Bs up tries their nite tor Nits of neighbors Guatemala the ol Miguel another There Case President cently If Guatemala will on (British Honduras) all water and land forces, Guatemala passed up World War I and World Was this not fail" Ydigoras, then, death and corruption Ydigoras . said je breaks Belize war out, move n with Our aN mn both I, but Is chance time we will sits like a vulture for The British colony nestles slong the has another on of Guatemala. It he has his eve northeast been British in since British woodeutters landed there in the 1600s, 80 Guatemala's claim is based more on desire than legality, but that did Ydigoras from campaigning on a plank that claims the coast one form o not prevent territory for Guatemala. He starts each year with the label: "The year of the Belize." But stponing any pesitive sequisition of now, Bp parently Pp there war the on until is another great of 1 world who looks forward to catastrophe, Any would Bact OnE few people mn action Guatemale might take be relatively unimportant, and ohahly fads obscurity naughty Guatemalans got a would into alter the sharp spanking, But the Ydigoras quote reveals the danger of thinking that dis. armament sutomeatically means peace. Di capacity armament will Limit or eliminate to War large gill not elimi make on any scale, but it certainly nate There will And irm ambition, greed and hate still alter will juvenile de crises. even dis getting and be dis the putes there the world's great powers the of linquents among the thing ways may he even he problem states to do the same = A proce dure that In mi more difficult than the big step involving the There will he ments, for example, that arms are for imagine in great powers Argus needed cannot his done so, internal security One away had Castro tossing guns hecause other countries Time For Children It may be that we are over-doing our efforts to keep young children "husy and We the dao we give out of trouble happily give them this, that and other thing in ow great them The recent desire to what's "good" for them time? suggested by the Willard Abraham, State University's special He eldom do we see groups but do question is comments of chairman of Arizona department ol observed children education, feeling Too an the gras ol Itting on with their inspecting i ool da toes its « mj Ness rarely do we see them ant hill, the petals of a flower, the tricate h of a cocoon, or other beauties of 1 to they eloser three feet 20 or He thinks that was their parents and teachers Tlye Oshavon Times TL WILION, Publisher and Generel Manse €. GWYN KINSEY Editar indiworl aturg which are than we. are closer by two or ned hy 30 years," ve have to guard them from fimes sombining The Gshawe Thine 1871) and the Whithy Gazefly and established (B83) Wn published dally and lalutory holidays excepted) Dai hon Ontarig ing Oshawe (estat ished he h Sung Memban Associaty Circulation siation. The fo the we tol Newipaisis Publishers ene. Audit Bureau of y Provincial Dailies Anse exclusively antitied eoviblisatic ww despatched in the er cradited ta I or ta The Amcciated Prams or Reuters and alsa the local news published there All tights et wes! despatches are ale a erved ot Canadia The Ca the nadian Ottices. Ihomaen Building. 42% University Ave aronta Ontaria. 640 Catheart Steet, Montreal, yy SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oshawa Whithy. Alas Torn Perry. Frings Frenchman's Bay Ennion, Claremont Detiveieq Pickering Bowmanville Abert Maple Grove Liverpool Taunten by carrie In Brooklin Hampton Tyiong Dunbarton wkend Brougham Burketon Greenwood, Kinsale Raglan Blackstock ontypos! and Newsas! not over 4% mall fin proving of Ontanal outside srean 12.00 shawhers 15.00 per Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 1961 17,223 us, from our demands and expectations from the "realistic world" which is rush» ing to topple their fragile make-helieve ane. They need time for the hobbies of their own hased their chaice, daydreams of hooks There out design, conservation and their own interests are of on moments when their way so they can grow Most of all, Prof they need time wonder the thoughts rather than in the we have to get Abraham, why their says to answers and to seek in complex "real world" of encyclopedias, libraries and parental They will reach that world fast enough anys Their minds must have a chance they answers so soon imposed on them ways to dwell before ditate, be quiet do nothing, They excursions, phonies and erganized games, What he an infinitely fine line hetween pressure Can create, to me maybe even seem to need a vacation from walking of calls for is the and guidance, between overindulgence between hand and meditation and thoughtfulness on the other Other Editor's Views HIGHWAY BED CRASH (Stratford Beacon-Herald) Hospital beds are becoming almost as and reasonable enrichment, loafing and laziness on the ene commaon on Canadian high» ways as students continue to push the bed-pushing craze, As one possible good result, a hapless motorist may now be a8 cars able to switch from his wrecked car to # hospital bed with the least possible delay. Bible Thought Heal me, O Lord, I shall healed; save me, and I shall be saved, Jeremiah 17:14 Fram the Lord alone dently expect all that we really need Rejoice in that confidence, and be can we contk READERS' VIEWS * oy Te £ CHTELL) TE GRAE B/G OTTAWA REPORT Bits And Pieces = St bet Mar Sorgen Rote From Parliament ~~ BRAM i's, re or, 8,01 Coa s, Ve 1 or NICHOILBON The chances y becoming ong ical parlies next federg he One By or PATRICK nf of ni the i Lhe aniey prospects Knowles of Parlig sident of Em member Vice-nr Congres Party VOW Lahn Ne w h hook ill he in April by Me. an cover. 1s | range over the union movement th emphasis on § in political mats attempt . 19 and cone SUCCERN author in the will also platform degree of Pari The that he hopes printed in me eainor language ONE NEWFIE TO ANOTHER Heard the hroadeasting nf Parliament Mr. MeGrath Mr. Chair an, T would like to ask the chalrm the BBG what the Hoard interpretation nadian talent?" Mr. Pickersgill: "It has to he Canadian, but it does not have tn he talenl THE LIBERALS PRAYER One of the most-heard quotes hereahouts these days was ule tered on a CBC program hv a spanerman CRO bhroadeaster - Liberal supporter named Charles Templeton. This quote, as repeated hy Senator G. 8. Thorvaldson and other politicians in their speeches, puns like this: "The hope of the Liberal Parly Is that there would he a depression, for that ne for us to get into pawer UNION Herter, former in 11.§.A,, has of the Hon the Interna for Atlantie commit of Toronto new vould he way hack BOOST FOR Mr. Christian seeretary of heecome a member arary Council of tional Mavement Unian Membership Ir eounetl 18 restric roup selected from those wha have held high office in their eauniry ar in NATO, and have led in advancing Atlantic unit Other members of the ecouneil ara Hon, Lester (Mike) Peal son of Canada, who was one of NATO Phree Wise Men"; Gaetano Martina, former Hallan foreign minister and another of the "Wise Men"; Lard Ismay of Britain, a former NATO secre tary-general; and Robert Schus man. former premier of France and father of the Schuman plan Mr. Herter's fivst public act since reliving from the impor tant post as secretary of stale Is of immense significance, to our allies and to the Kremlin LAME DUCK SHOT DOWN When Paul He the mar Liberal cabinet minister wha was defeated in an election before he could start work as a minister, asked a question of Defence Minister Harkng \ the House, he got & witherin retort. Al that he commented tha winds like a buekshet answer Postmaster Hamilton wil hack: "You don't use a ta shant a goose." tal tale this select ted tn a small Hyer for quip rifle WHAT A GALLERY The ive hall in 11 Parliament Bullding, through which afficial entry 1s made impre ANOTHER PLANETARIUM LONDON {(CP)--London resi dents may soon bee getting an ather planetarivim hecause of the increasing interest in astrons omy. A possible site is the House of Time at Greenwich, BY-CONE DAYS WB YEARS MH fick AG bestiog Mf #E Aawh. fon WE RARE TRE Dief Defended On Race Stand CLAN VERIO ES bk FIRE Pills wie 05 sem KET PET. VE shins fiery Bid AE fo gv Mr Harem WIRY. the OOF AT Ee Bey Rik Bt Ww wef fhe fast of Hs 9 REEVIER Wh The Fats thee sent Ails Hk the f Yi Gl Argue. wraer PEE RNER 8 TW 4 ChE seuing io » sweash wt o that Fria Ww Frat aiviiusy @oiih BE oH Bate WP TARERE 1A kasy the city ad JR hf i looks em ih fnuis win Fig WEE BUSSE # IF 5k Eonrw igiosiny WA for te " a Be SUL TRE GRE W lead the IBRATERETY WR The Kew " 4 bud ye " keg of Sits Bhriam mit of the the (Couliar Wawa ¥lp tially § a SF Ve E10 HW wy 0k TED CITIZEN We. Aigie # 9 be a ye fof ' #4 REP 4 FAR wk om We gah s« Ares wit of VORs A% Li SPE id La WY RIRERE. WHR Re ir ne Bek A WAR NBER WW Whe EA RE RIERA Rf SIAER Hey, A HM pastor of the VIR AES sents, B. Stirling. RB. 6G. Fer § J. Blaliey: teenonrsr, BINS can sumone ts of the Js rE #5 secraipry, Bor EOVEIRIRER. Reyer the ' o hd Commmonwerlih can vert wrsid fheral ms of the Leg EEROIA South Africa re presented WE. BN Sia is i ne HERS ALS, Wik r wid sorirait of Bimal TE WEEE IVETE 9 be bn 0 the Libersl com. PET) GEICRES wd Pg TGIRR FREE Lakes Ms place, the bulk of the natives would preter 19 be Ih & an Legion were hosts to cowntry sti 2 member of the w ommorwesith the i Sr. Argue bad dix vinild have seer i Distenhaser pnd FP f Neh / / VILWE Rpt Kicking Swath LE RRB I ow ERIE thing 5 heby he, iy we eA Wacks Ww the Were ed ANNSAD das Ee i KER -- A ON FS Fra yk 1 SIE REAS wen Wee WB TH BYE Bike EO. WR SE EWE Wh ERGY whl look Kak WERE) Fr FS asad d pes EERE YEREE they have IBA IARA by ies a) with fuer 3 i : |} # rs BIER wieh 1\) he members of Branch 48 of 3 you Resin. | mm JOHN BONAROWSKL (Publicity DRL) BOWE, KEAN Wailing ow Ski ASS and district hes March Wizard is and roads with of Kingston high y were blocked 19 motor traf dead RINE bined to tree & Aecision & Verwoerd at the Prime Mis tery' Conference in Londs STUD WRONG WY RB na BY 8 Exception fh Hiri peiron whe is the sity ng Sty, | must sey Wii hat they ly clean #5 yk vr EF 4 VF Wi hithyy EXCUSE ' Dear Bh OK REAMY PRUNING hE ik Vigié ed they ARE 56, M 4 ) they have J o«REree with 4 Wik Poy I. B Anal ENE CRIN BEDES SIRE Vi icles all the | bit tn VISIBLE £4 pie MF 8H fo fis ) 4 think they £8 Nes ' ' Fittls LWice B VERY ented ear that Lhe police worst offenders in firemen plways seem Ihe lice ar fH AIA 49 much more iL trict than the firemen's but would this he BR EECHSE OF 8 FRASORT WONDERING EHELE view MORE Pegyed" on Mirty city gona pot. A whether is # gar: ERT 100KS not envered win or woula ap CRIS the contrast to the 8.00 Gin LF vn LnES fferent pre odisibis i vehicles to he so me mons net gal ar all our mn ) InIsLers nm fem road the auto driver hance of seeing » therehy reduein ne ly of #n £1 y mn from the A forecast 18 aceur Wl f 3 attended #n intercity Roysl York Ho iceman wha Canada i re ne meet tel, Toro {Lo get min Eyerybody. a winner 4 4 Prizes in a Big 5-Pin Bowlin IA) or When you pick wp your fies Bewling Covpen, be sure you Fill in the contest entry form on the reverse side. 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