THE OSHAWA TIMES, Therdey, Merch 16, 1967 3 CAPSULE NEWS Murderer Will Appea FEHR TED (EW) ~ Pasi Ba to We paiead By $1089 & yesy ts Gowt. 28. semtenced Feh. 12% (0 85.700. The commission stiered fang for he moder of We 580 tep-sister, Bon Wiwmberger, 71 filed moticr Wedneshar that Ke With moor l (Be Camron g Damage $500 In Collision fame Wie await # GY EITERREASY SM ARKE IRV FTEA Polar FPepretavent De me was wiwed whew # amy Aevoen Wy Ronald Wie Bowakiey, ZI. of 108 Saenensy HERES al & (ERNST. AEryasn A fosehe B. |avesane. TT. of 51 Eiony steges aiden #6 (Foe REE AE BERET syees ann ew Spent Central CI Juniors Win COSSA Championship and My ney Lod Ye mae id he WR Wat esAa w fala ihovn f Eanlam By 19 ADS BARAK Warrh Fenty ne fh Rew w Wr he FACIE Wai HIAaRETY § Can igi ¥ ae # on We Wa [Tue (/ ser (Re Bs af g vim ww es WW ANE AeRy tony. Good Rae 18 Fare, ae a hanes gv wien (6 a with thie WAAL fomed » ( oy ni VW TRE. WIARTON LSE. TH BOOSEY AS fr Semicon teem faved : (Fi - wa fn £LEB08. MW» BE off aoe # 4 Ref ml if "@. aichonat ig WaCRES al - Bs yr Wen OIRE 7 4 CT epics, Thes ¥ vRa ee 5 ? i ES : fr ARO po CRIS . eal £RA w 5 foe with Dionesam. (ented 7% 7 Benet; feel. Fiver me & frowe (We fo the Tow { Taseriwsis Fund. Char stall and aan s weer Hoke 8 RE IVE FE § REAERE We wan ja of Tuck f erly Rr sng fox yon. Tom KIN EH take from the semor 15 wt Doneoan Nel, wad Central. This tesm € A frm; Fhe Fnernt Winters fie damaged tw (he wishay. Dea age 19 the Bowckiey yemvele wa to the frat and w AEE 7 Res WwW wi he ed RERERE 7 if We 4 7 wae i ROSKE SARIS TORRONE (CF) Fovonts Wored of Beplth Wednesday RELES O8 WHE might destined to swpooet & 5 FLINEHN, Ont. (EFT ondon wi ation that FIRST BEDSPRING Board of Resith pled Wednes- ambianer servicer shodd be fey that #% milk sold Fere provided by the Ontario Wespl- INVENTED IN 1853 must come from farms within tal Serviess Commission. The the §ondon milk shed and must hogrd Meagrecd with 86. The aA rnings moentrh waerssed by Artries located mae opinions hat privately sp br = Wlactksmith, Tames 7. within the city, The ring came crated amividances series pe Liddy. of Waterton. BY wer a 56. Thomas firm sought often in 2 A ¢ auate and smb in 195% # heener to continne selline lances cold property he consid But if yowve bedeprings milk in mess recently annexed cred an extension of ewsting fa SE. AF ARVIIIRE Flee yw 4 ke 19 trade for cash " ¢ y p nl 100 Classified ads Ao #. Sm {ce i 4 pions of (peter . ' 4 by GAS PASCE Phe P Sinan Ch (ORR hy the city hospital services y BER we SAY NY EREREE WD TIRES VOW Ir WEATHER FORECAST WING AWARD WINE POG TITLE ; . nes yon VANCOUVER (CPi~The 1068 TORONTO (CF)--Ahowt 7.008 CITY AND * Wowie wm ates VY RCE more Pei ar 15. at 4 ¥ lock tor on aden 's help, ; f Vin y EG # fd # DISTRICT S And Cool : i Te ate ro, Warmer Friday Pt 0 1 i PE gt he, co. pn lh WRER jerry FARR . 2 For srs Fw ih Frwy Sarammak Wr The " 3 £7 VASO RER Fei Yawk we fem fr WRARREET hd Yeatio ern wr Anas Aayeh bai Ko Central bs very prod of Frames finally fin fot we now wre Weng confront ef with mark The (teachers ; gre Pwsily king Daners od hs he ¥ 19 Ws. we Rape «ome with some TCE Ha igh Mark GIRLY SPORTS wm the Bes WE 8 R FIR BN Pw AR #9 Siar AIREY wy E @ ¥ iif "a WRT fone aad E p fon we bys Wi 0 wie SRNR " THE WEAT Ls / Rk A rey WER OFFK 4 WA Hew SLAs ad fo fliga ris / 7 WFR BRA Camm # he i WH i pT A Hief engineer of CFPL radio at the Canndian National and television, Tondon, Ont, The Sportsmen' s Wednesday id was aonownced Wednes- Best of bres tle for pointers meeting of was won b ldhorn Schmappy weintion of Doe, ooned by J. OVHare of anotick, Ont TO CHOOSE LEADER OUEBEC (CF) The Union itionale party announced inesday is f enmvention be held Guchee City 212% of the yeni ion to choose # As DETR ww the party the 'ounded i the late constables Maurice BACKS DOWN VANA (AP) award is Glen A. Rowtaille, United States went on Seplay IN clown teams ow 6 CUBA ( ¥ 0 oh HA AN § Yn Wine Show 2 f ' AR (5 tdi dq EF TOPAY ant in tthe pone i BUREAL Gf foreig Ll I J to EPR TT VOTE TO ARBITRATE SARNIA (CP)--Sarmia Police aciation members have N meh Send 1 pEmtration herr e Mis with fh ssion, Constable Ron afion pre Wednesday. The tion has asked for for first-class winner of the Colonel Keith 8. dogs of 5 shapes, sizes and in LAAs RW Rodgers memorial engineering breeds from Canada and the f Aefepied Green WHER : $4. In the Grads be held. A € /7, 4 ©ry tern Chan pe (0 ss By srday dered | Calegiats 6 report o Additionally a and honds me in the ¥ and to the Har A a A. Aarnan sharks fram turned over Centra' Bank for en play-off man the |ake- position iskethall Cham Daneyan won the draw Blom elore Central a March 21 Bedding Fam 7 nner of the ww ' Donevan for Cond luck 11 Mi pr the no- wil Sept "on VRE Com 3 Turner, as Aer 30] aries, he task Sn "i fanny W INET sibyiect I Duplessis hank i Ann oH Forecast lemperi will play at 5 o'clock maleh wil the cham the team 2 5 Dugent » frey YOobink { ! e inda Shaw and ex- 9A MIXED CHOIR 1 Mar 1esday went 10 nach and yh CUSTOM-BUILT STEREO FMAM 2 SW RADIO-PHONOGRAPH Petethorough 19 Kiwa Musis Stewart directed Ride the Sever Walk hard work has ths and we hope to hear them gain in Assembly, soon chotr won first place in 1s part the Mi They and Alone ang 5 the Y, £ You'll Plenty heen put t Rudy, Chariof Fah ry 4 ys7ka Rows J nd Hani ming roup SCHOOL SPIRIT ng a i £ that The i A ns cla But Cer howed plenty. Career Day will J held Wed from of school spirit although only nesday, Mar. 29. Miss Bissons ir cheerleaders and a handfull is very busy now trying to get Vere present people to speak on the various h OReilly, Bonnie oeeupations Two discussion er, Tish Bussanich and of one hour each are fee cheered the team on in the afternoon. All stu toy The Cheering Club had depts in grades 10-13 take part | painted and they help: in this event ed hoost the cheering. Thank extended tn Miss Miocich BANTAM BASKETBALL Our Boy's Bantam Baskethall OBITUARY team is tied for first palce with Donevan Collegiate, This means two games, with the winner decided in total points. The MRS, CHARLES COOMBE (winner of this series will hold The death oceurred at Port " terry Community Memorial ' editor © vil Can frontage is called for Dior o the Ro al na Hospital, Wednesday, Mar. 15 planned office bullding bh atehie magadne Willi oe the former Olive Katherine felch Transport, Kitchener|b¢ Ihe speaker at the » Oshawa Artists oe unt he wl 17 feet | Meeting of the Ouhawi Stamp|orariord,, beloved wife of Win At Festival he property Line, Lo male) nu Children's her 74th year : i ethack mday evening, Mar, 20 Born in Reach Township, she 70an Weir, of Oshawa, won the stamp club recently was the daughter of the late We first place and one second REFUSED hown a film on Dutch Myr and Mrs. Henry Crawford. Dace awards Tuesday in the lowed con She was married in Toronto 55 Peterborough Kiwanis Music wrious aspects ofl vears ago Festival ietherland Mrs. Coombe has heen a resi She was given B6 marks in dent of the Port Perry distriet Winning the plano solo class for lifetime he contestants, 16 years and under years in West. She also received 83 marks in for some #nlthe class for piano soloists, 14 her hushand Years and under and was sed stores in Man. ond Monday with 85 marks in the Greenbank the class for piano soloists, 13 of nto ¥ GOOH £6) eotlides na Tuesday fo IVENIE dy of spectalors home Lean bike Crom Glen Vis Board Grants 5 Applications addition Ling se Con fo other othicer di held THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL AT OSHAWA called nen the visi ey weltir ana fan One of the ted and charged liquor a place othe n his residence, He wa released on $100 hail, Bowman with are which ha Vas @rre group will fihulid a house A ' Adjust project heyond exi ranted JonEned n The nar havi in 14 Tubes, ® 19 Valve Functions, 13 Pushbuttons including A sound registers, wep and conti y BASSE ond TREBLE contrels with visual indicotors; (2) powerful push-pull output stegew Magic Band; Bandwidth control with twa switched positions; retable built-in Ferrite am tenne, Built-in facilities for TAPE-RECORDER (recording end playback); extra extern! loude speakers; microphones and phonograph, 8 speakers; four 4", two 10" and two 7" mounted in 2 individuel acoustically designed cabinets, i vas granted Allingham ¥ given than later (1 abl Somerville committe a house Hi LAaya | Ld of | {permission to build a A4-doot lot, where 0 Mo EDITOR TO SPEAK Fhe dial She Arena tik} Mem Full steren A-speed record player chang let tridge; indexing of ALL record sizes as selected, Latest CANARIAN DESIGNED and manufactured cabinet, HAND-RUBBED OILED SCANDINAVIAN FINISH WALNUT 72" x 16" x 30", special area tor Tape-Recorder, Records or TV sot, with stereo ond LP, core KING §T, WEST p a | nCARPORY J i Annapoli wenue to hulid neh then TH ed permis within a on quarter JUST E, OF BREWERS' RETAIL I wa Dowtan af im Council fo na ern apert BASE MED ' nN | ammimitec Fi ont Ra I ul | rea wader tn on rd (EIT Test HY 1 } i] as refused Wi Drew streel of n Oshawa | her SONS anada and he and general and in This truly fine set is assembled right here in Oshawe with the highest quality imported most of and C di cabi com and labor, Limited number available, PRICE 395.00 iregul ent n nsion lannes y 1 AMBULANCE Fhe Osh ire oried a quiet hed CALLS Daepartment day Wedne fire call allow eal At No Extra Cost Full Warranty operated d re no | Chester int wat house - « i0-fant front ard | treet from the aid vould a hid a nl ed an dur and « twa ambulance { Lhe Cl n ui da ith inkin hous COMING "VENTS FUCHRS DOG FINDS VALUABLES FORONTO (CP) A found S10.000 nit a varth of po foet uf Tue How tan unemployment ards and not 2 RUMMALD reg il floor area tamps and week | pn Wi RUMMAGE f Cent LIBERALS TO MEET ree : Pw WA OTTAWA (CP) I'he Liberal . I Federation of "POP a INI( f K | #4 I I a convention at the Banff Schoe ine Arts Sepl 1-24, i announced Wednes [HE ( AR LGIMENT day. Delegates from 200 Young Al Lihoral libs as well as uni WEE | | 1} iy delegates will attend Og | MARCH A dnesday under all night fow ported I'he aniy hou Vere Ie olen fre Youn past offi tao Vil h apni Canada + nken I'he goods ed aff the for alk il of owner We wa ently to hridge wh thieve tnahle to id wer them, police NOVI HUE ol Albert Thi BINGO HARMAN PAI ASS is the ore the another when band present its vies of The the trombone | band of the Regiment which will { be in action this Friday night section of in FRI, tUntario Cancer the OCVI audiloy mone or Pap | mm af Musielan Allan "Nirvana" Ils Aled member of Port Church and a Order of astern Corinthian Lodge, To he was a Perry United member of th War ng rontn (.. Mr her Coombe 1s survived hy hushand, Charles and one Alvin, of Toronto, Three randehildren, Paul, Phillip and a Douglas, also survive Ihe remain al the Dermott and Panabaker Fu Home, Port Perry, for erviee in the chapel, Saturday Mar, 18, at 2 p.m, Interment vill he in Pine Grove Ceme I Prince Albert. Rev. John Hrahan, minister of the Seugog ell United pastoral charge, will conduct the services in on Mi or "re mm neral i I" i" en s | Cooper will he the instrumen aloist af the play the From tal evening and will trombone solo let | Musicians are | years and under Maria Drygala first with 85 marks years and under piano solo class, Daria Kuch, of Oshawa, was placed first with 87 marks in the class for piano soloists eight years and under O'Neill Collegiate and Voea tional. Institute and Central Col legiate Institute groups won first places in their classes The band from OCVI received Hi marks for their work in the class for collegiate or high school bands, The mixed choir| from OCCI*was given #2 and | Oshawa, was in the 13 marks, respectively, for the two selections it sang in the class for mixed voice choirs under 21 years of age | TROMBONE SECTION TO FEATURE POP CONCERT Allan Cooper, - Ken Wooster, Henry Price and fohn Allison. The cancert starts at & pm Oshawa Times Photo Brake-Lining Installed AWHEELS Far Mest Can Inspest these wonderful sets any efterneon until 6 p.m, of 637 SIMCOE ST, S, For Parts and Service RADIO WHOLESALERS OSHAWA CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, §, & BLOOR AT 401 HIGHWAY 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PRIME CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF STEAKS ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS eo THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS 59: 79: SIRLOIN, T-BONE & WING RED BRAND BEEF LEAN MEATY BLADE CROSS curv SHORT RIB LEAN BONELESS BRISKET SKINLESS Colle WIENERS FRESH PORK SHOULDER FRESH (Leg of Park) HAM FOR FRYING Legs or Breasts FRYING and ROASTING Chickens 39 39 29: 3-4 LBS, Gg: Ib 99: i 69: 49 39 C Ib NO, 1==WHITE Mushrooms TULIP Margarine DAVID'S--ASST, Biscuits - Fko, CHRISTIE'S--24.02, BREAD CANADA PACKERS KAM 12:02. TIN 49: 23 19. 2-39 39: Ib Delivery Service and have @ delivered anywhere in Oshawa Shop for your $20 and over FREE oder $10 to $20--23¢ $5 to $10 -- 35¢ Under $5, -- 45¢