The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1961, p. 3

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LA ma THE WEATHER ws " Fox RETHE for flwrrie (a fakes mnd some pe OFFICE Gang nny Cntane H0#Y Fienits 4 Na SRW fil WEATHER FORECAST exert | _. Central CI Juniors Win COSSA Championship and My. Bentley fov gong wp the Lakeshore Wietriet Vantam Poles Department Wednesday TREAD No We wold Wee (6 sex the WOT5 cor driven hy Ronald Michael hd come wy with his win so lets Bonckiey, 2, of 185 Saguenay SppOrL our Bantams and (REET street and a tramsport Aeiven 4 al the wnanaarr Loonie Trbheln BESET GAWE On Friday Waskathall game will be held in Dieeat Winters &fhey gym. The proceeds from his age 10 the RBowckley vende wae Al By 16 ANN BARGE, On Saturday, March 4 fral's Jonfoy Backethall "Tegm travelled fo "Belleville to (ake w wart fm the COSA (Central On 4 tarin Secondary Schools Asse afation) chamrionehtn games eA tn Onidnte Secondary Schinsl Our Todor team fook first for the Mistriet Vr Aefaating Bowmanville High School un a home - and - home series. These wine gave Central the naht fo am to COSEA and left he team with & record of no "noses fn the first COSSA game wich was plaved at 12.08, Cen tral met the Fonior team from Guinte Secondary School, This was the first tough opnosition for the Central team and i was a hard stredie before the boys and the Willy terrain of sowth- | were victorious with # 752% win ! ern Guehee today. W be Marens Famits was Wgh scorer | mainly sunny in the province for CCT with 14 neints and (Wey Semele petted 11 points 16 hoost the CCY senve WIN TO 2 aber (CF Wirephots) Wi id their time to help with the post rx Thanks go aise to Quinte Ber wida School for HEwg Sen wonderful hosts LOSE. TH DOSEVAN Our Senior team fated in Wid to qo to COSEA. In » play off game with Donevan. Central wae defeated S146. aithoneh wid first place a year. Mem hers of the Sentoy team were fim Longley Tymoshik, Woh Preen Babe, Mush Nicholichen Fed Wonchesky, Tony Saramak is the team manager and Mr Matlveen is their coach. The hows played hard al year and Central is very provd of them Exams are finally finished but we now are hing confront ef with marks. The (eachers are busily marking pavers and we hope coming wp with some Wigh marks GAA DANCE Activities mre way once move and will hegn with = good start this Friday 2 Can Hs oH ace footy aad denidiness in Northern Ontar | 10. There will be some moder: alion in temperatore wn On i tari Friday, Scaiiered snow ¥riGay J PL forecast for of Gichee wi regions was Aerated by # Wich School, Felleville This win put Moles vainst Central In the ham getting wonder Sunny And Cool amma i #7 % Warmer TOs La fice By nop §@ stro gretic mny ay moner I ake Yesie sor, mny ANG no Yinas ght « Mil ie Londen arto Wry Frida ith 10FhH Frida Board Grants 5 Applications |; A threes Ca tea ol Adjustmer Ved lay night granted ad Journed four two The d of Charmin of ¥. E. ( ) \ feals ions Ir he ta Hi tent ained { f round south nn nave TTR : 19 font lot, where ) ) i refulred Lior ind refused Lou eit of ih ind In nl nail RAREMENT Fi wl Bon Aires | ment Lakevi tn add 1 An tein ol CARPORT REFUSED Wer in | earner evening when ower anual GAA dance will be held, At this dance entitled Kiwh Killarney, Wiss Central he and crowned by Fran Minaes, our resent Queen Those running (or tral follow Haines lona 12 naa DISTRICT on fin came tlaved at 60 Central walked away with 4 ind of HN or will add we Fry Fhe Deng o ort ant Central pend other frwttpd nk four » Heng s, at the Oshawa Fouls maved @ 4 W 46 i this mom , dd Fomine he d fim 7 Heroin 126 mre is 153A Nancy FEsposite Furse 124° Terry Ji Sandy Wilson, 1 Thomas, 11K; Carol 1A: Helen Debick McK acheran, WF, Judy mi 19% Carol LL On the 131 Wisvin 4 heyy ind dads Kirkland fotra Lal 7 foi @ : o FIA Eh y Kose f office closed Ww Ip fenmifer Stallibrass IHF Betty Inge Grabowski, 160) er, I Pat Riordan Carol Ann Haber, 190A Tee, OH; Bark Harmer Aline Blowin, 97; Helen God frey, 9%; Nodine Fyman, 9D finda Bedding, % Lorraine Shaw, 95; and Nancy Taylor 9A MIXED CHOIR Tuesday, Mar Choir went to take part in the Festival, Mrs. Blewart the group. They sang ' Chariot and You'll Walk Alone Plenty of hard work has heen put into this group and we hope to hear them sing again in Assembly, soon The choir won first place in is class Again 'A9 with 16 CON dad 15 nord Whe in cond anny temperatures driv ¥ 4 ' i wa richly the wid 4 : nder of the game, sunk 19 ef nee md the for t Find and nets ('s fey en Hickey Zin t Vorecast tn via Low tonight and high ¥i During the entire EXTENSIVE. DAMAGE, Fwy played much better WH ANY Vator kethall than they did in the er IT zy fl TAME game Thoma Biter Fonda to an Metlveen and cham man Congratulations x ellent coach, Mr his boys for winning the mnshin and to the team John Korchynski Members of the Central team Ire Oley Skochko, Marcus Ken Hickey, Walt Rudy sider, Prank Szvszka, Bob ranvk fim Rowden, Jerry f teh and Ranier Stimming GOOD SCHOOL, KPI It w unfortunate that exams COSSA collided again this ear, But Central showed plenty Career Day will be held Wed of school spirit although only nesday, Mar. 20. Miss Bissons (four cheerleaders and a handfullis very busy now trying to get of spectators were present people to speak on the various Buteh O'Reilly, Bonnie Crout-i occupations. Two discussion Tish Bussanich and Glenigroups of one hour each are Lee cheered the team (0 vie: held jn the afternoon. All stu tory, The Cheering Club had depts in grades 10-13 take part posters painted and they help: in this event ed boost the cheering. Thanks . are extende iss ich | BANTAM BASKETBALL are extended to Miss Miocich ur Bay's Bantam Baskethall team is tied for first palce with| OBITUARY Donevan Collegiate, This means two games, with the winner MRS, CHARLES COOMBE, The death occurred at Port decided in total points, The winner of this series will hold Perry Community Memorial [or the Wednesday, Mar, 15, 70) T 4, the Mixed Peterborough 10 Kiwanis Music directed Ride the Never Yoromta pre Peterborough came oy the ¢ Vaunto day 1{ on at wrner of Fines road Wedne ind al porieqa. Con CUROE noon Wa tahle J, MacDonald Ory injure "re amu Don ( of Bowmanville mnvesti- yy FANS EJECTED IANVILLI staff) Alliston Ju Hooke had ta be ejected from! owmanville nia Tuesda [! Juvenile playoff ame between thelr home team nd the Bowmanville team, Con table Hon Parker called foi tance other officer the when the visi hegan pelting sawman players and fans with halls, Une of the group arrested and charged with having liquor in a place other than in his residence, He was Inter released on $100 hail, on | a Wiloot lot, where 60 feel EDITOR TO SPEAK frontage Is ealied for editor of the Royal Cana ' ind Fen fan the ene Al { dur i] er of four Just fans ii now hulld # house addition which will project beyond existing sel hacks, was granted Lioyd Allingham, Bomerville treet as given commitiee permission to build # house Wi The » planned office building hy Man Philatelic magazine will of the former Olive Katherine Oshawa Artists Transport, Kitcheper|(be the speaker the nexticiawford, beloved wife of Win At Festival wist he bullt 17 fot | meeting of the Oshawa Btamplonaries Coombe was in roperty line, to-mateh (Club, In the Children's Arena, |per 74th year isting sethack Monday evening, Mar, 20, Mem-| Born in Reach Township, she Joan Weir, of Oshawa, won | hers of the stamp club recently was the daughter of the late/'W? first place and one second | hown a film on Dutch My, and Mrs, Henry Crawford, [Place awards Tuesday in the I yiy Annapolis It showed their con: She was married in Toronto 55 Peterborough Kiwanis Music 14 refused permission to bulidneotion with arious aspects of lyvears ago Festival within a quarter ineh'yife in the Netherlands, It wa Mrs. Coombe has been a resi] She was given 86 marks in Hine hown by Charles Dowton of dent of the Port Perry distriet Winning the plano solo class for contestants, 16 years and under She also received B38 marks in ommimtiee th Film Council for most of her lifetime She tose Kargul has spent some years in West mension ern Canada and for some solthe class for piano soloists, 14 years and under and was see ond Monday with 85 marks in Ihouse in « oi } na! years she and her husband he Vi n ie operated general stores in Man the class for piano soloists, 13 years and under lication was chester and in the Greenbank Maria Drygala Mi Area | 2 foot bh fhe was a first with #5 marks years and under piano solo | felenin |a al She from the WORUE, stam i Carport oft property WER RLed Drew street Ji Dianne: 2 AMBULANCE n allow suff Ihe Oshawa Fire I'he present ap orted auiet refused 4 4 He here were only two Oshawa CALLS Department Wednes fire calls| ambulance call Hturned in during the i Kargul wants to build a ay 12:-fool house 6n with 40-foot frontage ideyard Is required day no Oshawa, was member of Port in the 13 Church and a Order of Kastern da ot [A 12:font COMIN(: "VENTS Perry United member of the | class, Daria Kuch, of Oshawa, | was placed first with 87 marks DOG FINDS VALUABLES Star, Corinthian in the class for plano soloists TORONTO (C1) A sniffing | the {on flanking street side A letter the city Lodge, To from ongl EUOHR f | f Buen sha ¥ " gigs. i Wi RUMMAGE \ hureh I pm RUMMAG 6, | i py Of aireel A ¥ [) "POP CONCERT THE ONTAR ANI WEET OC.V.i MARCH | ADM EGIMENT Honum "th apm NOVEL HUF at (A { Ma $130 JA Church h 16th TIME REUNION DANCE BINGO HARMAN PARK ASSOC i$ 5 FRI, MARCH 20 «( $418 $10 5 $40 Jockpots HORUS {heer office feet ldevards total floor id a house dog would allow suf and not reduce nea rontn Mr Coombe is survived hy, her hushand, Charles and one!elght years and under son, Alvin, of Toronto. Three O'Neill Collegiate and Voea pandehildren, Paul, Phillip and tional Institute and Central Col ogiate Institute groups won first places in their classes Douglas, also survive The band from OCVI received found $10,000 worth of post [feet hy age stamps, unemployment. in flelent and Ihe urance Weodne only an Lamps money or der day night under a bridge few hours after LIRERALS TO MEET Stan Seneen, Jeyry SANE . [Chaserewsic Fund, Our staff and and Hudents were hecked to hear ahowt Tom's aecident of peedy recovery ng for yom seman eam will be picked from the senior players at y Beit will Simeone Hall GIRLY SPORTS The ment Mar petition £1. In the Grade 19 eolor teams Green defeated Yellow 04, Blue defeated WET feated Pius leave If points Hace nament War Good uel Juninr f VETER spot hore pionship. Donevan won the draw snd therefore Central will play 0 he play pionship. Good luck tn the team and its coach, Miss Nugent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, Merch 16, 196) 3 CAPSULE NEWS va Murderer 'Damage $500 | In Collision flamage wag rstimated at ap provimataly $00 in the ene wens dent renovied 6 the Oshaws me was ipinred when # fo vietowy ach Good fuck 10 fog K Levesque, 21, of WW ¥arrelt, Bloor street east, collided at the eoener of Athet street east and. TORONTO (CF) ~ Desi Ba- tn he paised by 51.000 2 ges 19 yew stymet koni. 21, sentenced Fel. 24 10 55.708. The compvission offered p 4 ¢ Wang hey of Wis Fine The transport, owned by Pe hanged for the me sung 14d gf 4:0 Bus stepsister, Bya Binmberger, 71 Doneyan's domaged in the mishay, Dam. Med notice Wednesday that he will appeal the conviction RULES ON WHE LOSDON, Ont. (CFF sndon hoard of health riled Wednes day that af milk sold here must come from farms within the London milk shed and must he processed by Aairies loc "ov within the city, The riding cghie vgs Har. 24. # benef BOARD SAGREES TORONT (CP) Torontn board of health Wednesday might declined 16 support & 54 Prrmar ang recieti on that ambiance sevviee should be pewvided by the Ontario Hospi tal Serviees Commission. The board disagreed with $1. The mas' opinions thet privately op erated ambndances seryiess sre after a St, Thomas firm sought often in a 4 ¢ quate and amis a laser to continue selfing lances cold properly be consid milk in areas recently annexed cred an extension of existing Wy the city hospital services WING AWARD WINS DOG TITLE VANCOUVER (CP)~The 1951 TORONTO (CF)--~Ahout 2.000 winner of the Colonel Keith 8. dogs of all shapes. sizes nd Rodgers memorial engineering breeds from Canada the award is Glen A. Robitaille United States went " i : chief engineer: of CFP radio ot the Canndian | CUBA CRACKS DOWN and television, London, Ont. The Sportsmen's Show Wednesday HAVANA (AP) -- The Ciban ~ward was announced Wednes- Best of breed title for pointers envernment in a move to bols- day at the annual meeting of was won by Fieldhorn Schnappy ter is foreign exchange re- 'he Canadian Association of Doe, owned by J. O'Hare of ordered all Cuban resi Broadeasters Manotick, Ont Wednesday to convert : their international ewrreney into VOTE TO ARBITRATE. TO CHOOSE LEADER Cuban pesos by April 3. It also SARNIA (CP)--Sarmta Police OUEBEC (CP) ~ The Upon ordered Cuban nationals here Association members Rave Nationale party announced report all hank deposits voted to send to arbitration Wednesday is first convention abroad, Additionally all stocks, their wage dispute with the no- will be held in Quehee City shares and bonds must be lice commission, Constable Ron- Sept. 2123. Main task of the turned over to the National ald Turner, association presi- convention will be to choose # sank for ewitody and will "'re- dent, said Wednesday. The as- nermanent leader for the party main subject to the bank's dis- sociation. has asked for the founded in 19% by the late wage for first-class constables Maurice Duplessis me "Oshawa" CUSTOM-BUILT STEREO FM-AM 2 SW Cantrgt oF Tom 14 the front end FIRST BEDSPRING INVENTED IN 1853 Redsprings weys invented by = Wacksmith. Tames V, Liddy. of Watertown, BY in 195 But if yow've hedesprings to sell, or anviking else you'd Ike to trade for cash Classified ads do #. Sim ply gather wn things yow're not using and digl BRA 35492 for an sd-writer's help wit go to Me We want to wish him the hest luck In the future and # We're alk pit Tom! An all stay Fioneyan and Central. This team play the ANSiars from Badminton Club tourna played Wednesday 15, at 4 0 dlock Senior Color team com Blue defeated Green Wa in Red 72; Green ih, and Yellow de 169. These game Green wn first place with and Yellow in second with # points The Grade 9 Baskethall Four he held Baturday Neill Collegiate Central the exams started, ihe Girls' Teams from Donevan, and Centra in a first place play-off in the race for the I ake District Baskethall Cham Wr fed ETYES Aerts with 2% n to Before Neill 21 at § o'clock the match will for the cham Neill March winner of Donevan RADIO-PHONOGRAPH ¢ THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL AT OSHAWA STORE ONLY KING ST, WEST OIddNS OLNVY ¥ 3NIL 14 Tubes, ® 19 Valve Functions, 13 Pushbuttons Including 4 sound reg , sep ond y BASS ond TREBLE controls with visuel indicstors; (2) powerful push-pull output stages Megic Band; Bandwidth control with twe switched positions; rotable built-in Ferrite ame tenne, Built-in facilities for TAPE-RECORDER (recording end playback); extra external lode speakers; microphones and phonograph, 8 speakers; four 4", two 10" ond twe 7" mounted in 2 individual ecousticolly designed cabinets, y ist Hi 1, abl, SSY---02 h 1 Ll Full stereo A-speed record player 9 p with stereo ond LP, core tridge; indexing of ALL record sizes as selected, Latest CANADIAN DESIGNED and manufactured cabinet, HAND-RUBBED OILED SCANDINAVIAN FINISH WALNUT 72" x 16" x 30", special area for Tape-Recorder, Records or TV sot, 31VIDO S JUST E, OF BREWERS' RETAIL 3801 This truly fine set is assembled right here in Oshawa with the highest quality imported fs an: and labor, Limited number available, PRICE 395.00 Inspect these wonderful sets any efterncen until 6 pm, ot RADIO WHOLESALERS 637 SIMCOE ST, §, OSHAWA CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, §, & BLOOR AT 407 HIGHWAY At No Extra Cost Full Warranty For Parts and Service songs 1390 Brake-Lining Installed AWHEELS For Mest Can they were reported stolen from The remains are al the Mi Dermott and Panabaker Fu neral Home, Port Perry, for 85 marks for their work in the| prvice in the chapel, Saturday, class for collegiate or high Mar, 18, at 2 p.m, Interment|school bands, The mixed choir will be in Pine Grove Ceme: from OCCI was given 92 and 88 tory, Prince Albert, Rev. John! marks, respectively, for the Reahan, minister of the Scugog two selections it sang in the class for mixed voice choirs | under 21 years of age | OTTAWA (CP) The heral Federation of Canada # Hl hold a convention at the Banff School of Pine Arts Sept LA, 10 was announced Wednes day. Delogates from 200 Young Liberal lhe as well as uni tv delegates will attend Young was he by it appar post offic dog | 1d \ taken walk The sed off the hridge when soll ini owner goods were ently to thieves were unable to sald United pastoral charge, will them conduet the services ver police TROMBONE SECTION TO FEATURE POP CONCERT here 1s the trambone the hand the band of the Regiment which will { be in action this Friday night Seen when Allan Cooper, Ken Wooster, Henry Price and John Allison. The concert starts at 8 pm Oshawa Times Photo Cooper will he the instrumen: | Musicians tal soloist of the evening and will play the trambone Musician Allan | "Nirvana, From left are | pressats section of another in Rts of the series Pap Ontario Concerts in anditorium of solo the OCVI { TROUD' FOOD MARKE 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS o NO, 1---=WHITE THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS 5 0 ¢ Mushrooms Ib PRIME RIB " 79: CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF Margarine STEAKS sown 39 Biscuits Pho, 59: BREAD 69: 49 39: ads 49 23 19: 39 39: Delivery Service Shop for your $20 and over FREE SIRLOIN, T-BONE & WING RED BRAND BEEF FRESH PORK SHOULDER FRESH (Leg of Park) HAM FOR FRYING Legs or Breasts FRYING and ROASTING Chickens LEAN MEATY BLADE CROSS CUT SHORT RIB LEAN BONELESS BRISKET SKINLESS Celle WIENERS KAM oz on order and have it delivered anywhere in Oshawa $10 to $20---25¢ $5 to $10 -- 35¢ Under $5, -- 45¢ CANADA PACKERS

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