The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1961, p. 30

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THE OSHAWA Tims, i , Meveh 16, 1961 } £1 ARE = Me ms Mer Wikak, il eid # Sov S2--Legel MOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS fn the Estate of GEORGIMA $1--Ategal 5 THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRED MOLY BERNE, LATE OF THE CITY OF CSHAWA HM THE COUNTY OF OMTARIO, AES, Widow, decessed HCE REPAIRER, DECEAGRD Al persons hearing deme NOTICE TO 5GEINEt the svete of CRECITORS Gesrging Mex, late of We City of Cshows, Ww the All PERSONS having cisime Comty of Omario, Widow, ogsinst the Estate of FRED dacagesd, whe died on or HOLUBENKS, lots of he oor the 22nd dey of Fel City of Ovnows, in the Coun: riery, 1961, are hereby notle ty of Ontario, whe died on or fied to send in 19 the wider: ahowt the Tir doy of Decem sigrad Versonal Represents. ber, AD, 1959, are hereby tives of the said dersgsed on nonfied 15 send full partic or before the 10m dey of Wars ts the undersigned, on April, 1961, (ll particiders or before the 10% doy of of their claims. Immediorely Aor, AD. 1961, after softer the said date the Perr which dete the Estate will be sonal Regrasentatives witl dis distritnned, with regard only tritaste the sesets of the said 15 claims of which the under Ae ansed having regard only signed hell then hove had 16 claims of whieh they shell nines then hove notice Fhanry DATED of Oshews this DATED or Oshows this Tih - Senin Seventh dey of Merch, AD doy of March, 1961 atu 4 Vetian 96! AMES POUNDS end Varian GUS KLEOM, Fanrinss Execintors, Aid som By their selicitors, & ata MGIBEOM £ BASTEDOD, Barristers kb Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street Morth, CSHAWA, ONTARIO, Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange PYRENEES 1 AW SIHORS Ry Fin fanedion rove Tovomiy Wines Easinagn Work 8 (EAMES REINER RRTUAR endl Br Mr Rash, 4 Fhe BH AWB TINGE INDUSTRIALS NN be Bwies Wigh Low so. CF go Vid "We Wr Bik Big » Ww Ad # Ws nN Bw bwias Wigh Low om. OW go Foruanty ms wy Mh M% #1 Comp iid "ud we he Kawviag ow" ve od ad aud » Fase ad Pos Siren 9 Pow Tov THY Pom Tar pr iH Bay Heian 5 hd " on od La... Wgh fom a.m. (J ga an 4 Wi Hig Shy ile ev Bos $e $e ie Tis a pada ud Reinds wig my Ravin fo Seid eis ea untune d ar Miami (aR waging A & Frvoene Bugle pr Pont ar Fv Aik Hwtmw Mm Z v, Maven 1, 10% BEF) Remand Fase ar [ober md formas ( rd v, 5 PRR AE Tak ors oA med Ewniy Wasn 7 ng wm Taestoy, Wire [44 wi # le ckied Foods 0 Wins 45h vwvvy Ea ! » Rend AE A oad hens iw He w Aig fra Fai Wh oe As Bat 6 We ig Lon w # 8 le Adria ' ie Wie 9 A Som. wns SROWY- Wher ro Ramm wie 75 we He vig wg lng Jo SE Pras Sih Whe 2% tan wh Fimas, cravings of we fy ir i "ww ¥ p y Voll VrakA gr # wy id ww ' pang A Shen Fearne FPL, Cn Gv bin Aan Wai LW wf Besw Wasion A Wasiow ® Wacom & pr West A We Wonk § A Wand A w Lark Aegis Wer Wager 5 Hoieme Bb sual Me dad & Cordele AA ad for Betws Rowk Ate pr Fran Racrifke Wah ih maw Tow Bde TREC RE (h(n k (80 AWRY GER ITH MORI BH A Timas Clasntind DEATHS EONWBE Wye Katherine MM the Commands Woot fr Very, o% Yosnesher, | Wareh 5, oe FFamieih Raat oo of FRaries ve wis Kd wy ow "wy Both Can deta ld ued His Bars a ny win SOPHIE HOLUBENKD, € Execitrin By her Solicitor, + add FP. MANGAN, 717A King Street Eger, Oshews, Omens foeksy £ ik wig way BA Kelly wis f wtyaéi as ud Labeda Fuki ahh Evin A bh A w ® ity iid id Vay Wy Vd y % 7 ' wy 4 ad $i hawe (oie Rirminta Kaley # A (maimbes th Carat an $iar Lodar, Tories) ww her THER yews «#45 he Rages MS Walisrmat Fort Pasty for servies om #2 pm Warmest Vise fimo Cametery RUSSELL, Crna -- I5 Gidhawa Fon ein Hosp al mm Wednealiny, Waren i5, 1081, Gigan Crmig, wi her Bist yaad Belovrd wits of the iste Gewrgs Was | oi (I Wt on Reed Borth) #4 did Wher oi Aon oF Londo #8 Garin Hh OSRaws; Boss of "Wes HWowaed Bissh, Victoria, BE. The ints Mes Buseell is resting #4 Melntosn ArAurson Funeral Home, wg ald vice In the (hepsi op Fras WW, £ pm Ioisiment Mow Lametary WHANK, Herr of IAs wh Ath Wh AJAX AND PICKERING GENERAL HOSPITAL AJAX, ONTARIO ANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING Maotice is herelwy given thet 6 general meeting of the share: holders of Alax and Pickering General Hospital wil be held ot B00 pm, Tuesday, March 28, 1961, in the Murses Ketidence AND FURTHER NOTICE oproved, to confirm with or witha verietion, & ial Resolution passed by the Directors of the Corporetion on the 17th dey of January, 1961, te amend Section 12 of the By-laws to now reed "Eight Directors, vlected Directors, o Bogard Meeting" AND FURTHER MOTICE approved, te confirm ih 5h 1% is Is Ww "w Fran aner Guan Mines Gant Yi id a 1 wy i "w Hof Lakes © 13 Heshn iy at v. b x r "wm 4 mw 14 50 Bliss a Vhoka N hore w swans A Vigsatars Farkas Frutnhe Fen "hy las 85 Gas | ad Bos AV { Hoe AV or Hoywi Bank IN MEMORIAM diadldd Kerr Lahn hls Lake |ing Eatin Am Ent Am rt RH keith ion i, Ine i 1 aradn hdd fanx ion 7 fie Ed Masi end CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from | from Page | an AA HishaiR in Ok id awe Oenkra oswitai mh se sh@iy | Masch 14, 1001, Henry Richard Wiesel (9% Gite Bisset) ReinveR Rashard of the lols Clara 4. Beck ppd [other of Mes MH. Lemon In We Wh yews | Fhe inte Ma. Wheox is resting wt the) Wehniom Andarson Funersl Ho m # | Berviee Wn the chapel mm Thersdsy March 166 pt 2 pm. Interment Vimo LCamuiary LOCKE'S FLORIST and all i or Le w ud "wh wn is hereby given to consider, and if » Yale Lend dad Vikon Com a wis wh 76.408 2 Bales 0 WH 52 Legal THREE HV Johnson outhosrd motor, vERE 1056, helonging to Mr, Brown, Bi beimre Mach Ld oF m po will be sold to sever ir and storage, Hanne RA Marine Sates, 10 Fay Bieest, Ompwe NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors wm of which @ majority shell be shell constitue 6 quorum of 50-~Articles For Sole LOYD baby Hon, Brey, $29 FURNITURE for snl Bearonm sie, ENEame In End condition YA miter 6 UNPAINTED hovkenses, $e with the Rhy unfinished furniture desks, $i4; hookepses 599; y Breapsrs 8240 room dividers $15; Feed cahinets 88; ehest of drawers,! $17, Wilson Furniture, 10 Church Blrest DEATHS Hore! requirements ETERNAL hropie memorials, Belestion' WICK in GELREING WYER for spring. Hand himehed. Guns: Matihew ek rr instalintion. Thspiay ui) wi WHAWA SHOPPING 15 Hous Lawn Cemetery wifes, ih $454. Ex ve FRpFESERLALIVES nr 100 CENTRE & Wid sompany. dames Matthews 24 HOUR FHOME SERVICE RA B-6555 IN MEMORIAM loving memory of BMITH In loving wha passed awny March dear hushand and fat ww Bmith, whe Pp ¥ 6, 1090, Fest of GRE Resident Fhe Maw was Bret, the # We Hitle thought the -- Ad oily these wha have lost san teh The pain of parting without farewell Mark gash- day we miss you Friends may think the wound hewled But they Witle know the That les within our heart Tovingly remembered hy and daighiers Elsine and SMITH In Igving memery dear son, Donwid Woodrow Smith passed away suddenly, March 16 We clten think of bygone vere all together Hy chain is broken now But memories will live forever Lavingly remembered hy Dad mother EREVIRGE, Ro Cali BA B06 "hid EINES for Funere! srrang I, Lshawa three pikes 5. Kitehen site, Yelephone memary of 8 is hereby given to consider, ond ald Word with or without verietion, e Spegiel i Resolution passed by the Directors of the Corporation on the 26th day of February, 1961, approving 6 Bylew to consider qualifications of Bogard Members Hiabty for JH RyE FRIETIRETER wie Einel -- famity wy or wk BEVEIE, ERA Ws Rear marin IN MEMORIAM CARTER oF hy SMITH AEnr hrther in loving memory of # Dongid Wosdrow Bmith, whe passed sway March 16, 160 Our heprts sili ie With sadness And secret tenes sill Now What It meant tb lose you No one Will ever know When the Asys are sad and lonely And BYRIYLIINRE Koes WIGhE We seein 14 hear you whisper Cher 4p And cRFFY oR Each tims we ses yor hots You seem lg smile nd oid Pon't ery, Vm only seeping We'll meet again some Any Members all to attend KD Morley President and Chairman and Interested persons are cordially invited inrie heads, complete dressers, aRdah chairs, aptigue sols tables, mirrer, lot of srticies heap sapiens and bresding cages. KA 52---legal TENDERS OFFICE buteher, restanrint sup i Tenders will be waed, buy, sell service. B) April 7 at 4 pm. for the Man, Askin, Brovkin CLEARANCE of odds and ends, spring Alterations and Additions to Simcoe Street United Church filled matiresses, Bunranteed constrve gular 82905, wll slaes $16; flap Oshawa, Ontario and Specifications COVERIRE clear puts of discontinued pat terns, 25¢ per Ioot; space SRVEr Aaven:| port 896; mismatched continental heds| obtained from the assets will be distributed hay Herbert G. Cols, ing regard only to claims 1) Simcoe St, § that have been received ter quality), sll slices, while they | last, 842; maple hunk heds, complete] upon deposit of ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor with spriniks and matiresses $56; we: | piece Berta sofa hed set, lovely design,| 17 King §t. East, Oshawa, Ontario and others having the estate of PUESBURY, City of Oshowa, | send full such claims te | is y claims against JAMESIE BERYL the OSHAWA SOFFOW K J coneenled wife Daren Karen 3 Macinnls, MONUMENT COMPANY in loving memory of # 9 d and father, James Cpr SPECIALIZING IN bi passed away March 16, 1990 Monuments, Markers, # Wile space Memarials, Cornerstones, are we fries / Statute ry of all types if Rd FEL BF DNF BYES rk fl w ast yu RR, 4, KING §T. Ky peimemineed by with, RA B:-3111 or RA B-BB76 hoping] Margie and family SFENCER In loving memory GERROW FUNERAL fics "owes Waren' th, 1088. CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of gl) RA 8-6226 And his hand we cannot touchy 390 KING STREET WES §7 late of of the Boord Secretary Ham fo are required of the undersigned the Executrix, on before the 17th day of April, 1961, after which date the Estate's [a whi 1954 days tho { , i HYDRO MEN STRIKE TORONTO (CP) ~~ Members 87, THOMAS (CP) o! the International Association § (CP)~A patient {of Bridge. Structural and Ona: who had been missing since Feb, mental Ironworkers (CLC) VM from the Ontario Hospital walked off a construction job at/ here was found dead Tuesday Ontario Hydro's Lakeview in a barn on the farm of Wil steam plant Wednesday, The 30|liam Dufty, RR 1, Union, it was members were acting in sym reported Wednesday, Police {pathy with a group of their un-|identified the body as that of {ion dismissed by Hydro for re-| Julius De Blacre, formerly of {fusing to accept inside work dur- Chatham and said desth was ing last Thursday's snowstorm, due to exposur ORTH THE STORE FULL OF BARGAINS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT GIRLS' 100% ALL WOOL LADIES' CORDED SPRING COATS BENGALINE DUSTERS This is the beauty\te pick for Spring, Sophisticated 8.99 ® Blue 13.88 PENNYWORTH'S ANNUAL MEN'S SPRING WARDROBE SALE DRESS SOCKS Reg. 56.47 particulars PATIENT FOUND DEAD Laks received until , solicitor for Eve Fh or of ~Badly missed by brothers Glenn, Nell who and sisterin law Buby and family and Drawings may be | office of Architect, Oshawa, $60.00 Lowest or any tender will not necessarily 4 accepled In loving memory of our Donald W. Smith, whe pass ed away March 16, 1660 Sometimes i is hard $0. understand Why some things have ta he in His wisdom Ged has planned Beyond our power 1a ses Ever remembered by Mr. and Mrs Richard Fowler 1] Mii 0 SWEDISH HAMLET Yiterbium, yitrium, terbium and erbium are chemical ele ments, all named after Yiterhy a hamlet near Stockholm |Bweden BLL we DAVE 56 MARY IMEMATFIES Of the one we loved 50 much His memory 15 our keepsake, With which we'll never part, God has Wim In His kaeping, We have Wm In our herr aly missed by brother Richard na Sister F Tussle Hghtly marked, regular 8219, one only 807, Wilson Furniture, 80 Church Breet BOOM lots of regular apd pre fasted wallpaper, as low as 10 single rolls for $2.66, regnipr border free on all room lots. At Edgar's Faint and Wah, paper | i King West For special eccasions or everyday wear colors, AJAX HARWOOD NORTH Sizes 7112 Reg, 14.95 ®. 2 pockets ® Loose back ® 6 pearl buttons CHIX GAUZE DIAPERS CELLO PACKED Reg, 4.95 dow, . ..... 2.88 poz, LIMITER QUANTITY, AT OSHAWA, ONLY SLIGHTLY COUNTER SOILED ® Black ® Red Reg. 18.08 ® Mauve OSHAWA 21 BOND ST, WEST BOYS' 2 PANT SUITS #3:BUTTON OR 2:BUTTON SINGLE BREASTED * MELBOURNE FLANNELS * WOLANA VISCOSE AND WOOL o SIZES 6 TO 16 12.88 . 18.44 MEN'S FIRST QUALITY SANFORIZED JEANS 2 8.00 GIRLS' ORLON CARDIGANS Rivet reinforced sizes 100% Spun Nylon, 100% Orlon 39 30.44, Reg, 9.99 100% Wool, Subs, Reg, 7% 3 FOR 1,00 BOYS 0ORDUROY REVERSIBLE SPRING WAIST JAOKETS ® Sturdy zipper @ 4 Pockets @ Sizes 6 to Ts ® Elastic at sides, [EERE ERE SISMAN SCAMPERS Sturdy leather uppers with long-wearing composition soles and heels, Some seconds, Reg, 4.95 2.917 FRIDAY 10 AM, TO'8 P.M, OLEARANGE HOUSE IN AJAX OPEN EVERY WEEKEND ; NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS SATURDAY 10 AM, TO B P.M, BOYS' "* ROMEO SLIPPERS Sizes 6 to 3, 79¢ GIRLS' BETTER DRESSES 3.88 Cottons, Velvets, Nylons, Sizes 8 - 12, Reg, 5.99, BOYS' SHEEN DRESS PANTS Hall elastic waist, 499¢ and 6 only, Reg. 1 GIRLS' = 2 PIECES PLEATED PLAID SKIRT AND MATCHING LONG SLEEVE "T" SHIRY Sines 2 to 3x, 99 Reg. 3.98 fly, 3 pockets, Shes | SHIRT . , | PAIR OF SHOES | PAIR OF SOCKS | TIE TOTAL REGULAR SELLING PRICE... 9.47 SELLY FOR Assorted Suits 2 pr.pants 32.77 COAT 12,88 2.99 5.98 88 1.00 56041 NOW YOURS FOR ONLY 44.00 a PRINCESS BED SHEETS Snow White bed "2.00 54" x 90", Reg, 3.98 pair 5 os Sizes 8 to "9 44 FRIDAY 10 AM. TO 8 P.M. OLEARANGE HOUSE IN AJAX OPEN EVERY WEEKEND NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS SATURDAY 10 AM. TO 6 P.M, KLEENEX CE 2.89 200 tissues 8ix@ iii nnns Kotex we 45 Reg, S1¢ ., MEN'S DRESS PANTS Top dyed Viscose se KOTEX LADIES' -- 2-PIECE COTTON SUITS Sizes 10 . 16, Colom: 2.99 Blue, Brown, Reg, bee, Ser 0. - 3.99 MISSES' 100% ALL WOOL SLIMS a arrived bw wg ag! Jurnde: Slims to tter your figure, . to 20, Reg. 9 9.99 1 88

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