The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1961, p. 29

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WR esh Estate For Sole (W5--Rash Estate for Sule AS--Resl Estate for Sole (48 --Rest Etots for Sale Abert Eotnte Wonted | THE OWIAWA TIES, Thondey, Merch 16, WH 27 WEEKEND MARKET BASKET oh Beppo, so rs oy We Qt 11 Bs AB gi Be zy rn os ey 8, THING OF SELLING AT Automobiles bor Sete " Less itah, fanhassser. recess Aovh 1. Wikaok say levis. does Wenn, Woh Good ind Fas, RENE. ok tremags. Wh BW dnd, Rowers rremns hh bi (AR HOME OF FARMZ 'A CRE RADT 15 uid ¥ Aa a w. FFs ge - A vide po el rove Fp BUY AT p og Soir t pe Ab FERN som frame fee a (od T4'0 donl BH ties LIST NOW % We Bt od og 3 , PAT and DONS agg roy rrr BOLAHOUD Fives, Wh oiises, mamers Er wow Vy Sons prime. on £6 v A AE 7 See Ef WELT A ne ian Lose ha BGT BE BLT -- CILOA aos 4 Enis ot | fe vd fot gross, High Fill das re puro me, phe PA A < ' WB AIHAM Cor i les by... S A GATES | "+ r x ding WM Villon lors 17% f TED lr ey Wy a Aho 4 NG aly tod ah FA ! 4.8 V BEAMLTOR WEG ANCE Coden tans wah Aecosiat lo soil arias Merv Bing, Brasiiin (#98 ~ ' : fat, SIRI. Wart ROR % £316 75% BOTIRE om "Talis At ky BUTCHER 432 Simcoe sour |W, McAULEY 167 SIMCOE § RETIRING? hes J Tame rm a bg) Pe SI i i Wo 4 (een 5 RE BHO 7 Evens Wh Lh Fad ve {er FECIAIZING | KRAFT DER | 2 for P56 | REALTOR | RA 56544 |X nr LOWER (C115 Sat wi? 2ol™™ PL 5 A. WILLOUGHBY i Wo Af heh, Wm : | Bites THEE J a, J bo lecel Wifled fissh mests MR ISELH wm. I EE. PEYTON, Sclesmen i { MOST § ph AND SOMS LTD Pd pooh 4 ond home oohad home L PIE CRUET Mix 2% | 52 PRMCE SF 1 ALMOSY NEW p WHY MOT SEE THE | LLOYD REALTY REALTORS HT x Pol . j y ' i Z MN price; b- £7 hr 4 i r ia, i pf dd we | ips sland; for 2c | BA VIVE or MO 5745 wm bos snd Hone home ForLom) NG PROPERTIES ST WITH LLOYD rer 46 yesrs of Services 108 Btls, Hs, en i eT i yL 3 {JEAN 3 lor Ze £, 4 p > Abiko : § ia £ pa hp ' OY. i | 9.100m income home. 3 ops. | 00 [pe SH Br god | At Seperart ror es, THEN CALL 1 MOVER GT Automobiles For Bole | rocirs aar, br eof 4 fee A Vl _. ; ' flack GRIGGE, RSVES Rrive OLE HOME COMED. BANAKAS .. rire M06 § 7 tummies OF best. 2 a ¥ ; . # vctionty sew Hots f AM YUBKEYS | Bettvmoms, Estrg siosh. # me 16 6 rest god ney; 19 EG HS f / LH ING FE 155 WETEOR With soot hon, Wem Woktns, opie Bropmme IHEYS | Lp wapect Kol fol ny hock, wie Flasisars 6% A SPLIT LEVEL Fa. wie wile, ans, Rewer, (eek Pr Chon. INES B15 rrr 0G py 4 ils if fosing ov Ff S544 or SAL ran bore, fi 3 / $14 566 06 £7, sive. WRoHE see. Ww wore RUE Jo che for Fi RINOLESS BACON wl ) Aer, 0. . A : 9. Pow BONY 7 PR, EY, wind, wom fos ayer, pukins, oh 56h [on $4966.56 RA ibid 3. ALE ey pe Ermences rd : V choice of Wvee op ' [a Cad Ect sachin We Speck Sorc Lergueges eredecking Lake © ¢ pag Mud gy Bad dl POLRSHAAY sieheinh mash foes ony Ay Adie hohe lo 0 Creme EEE 5. Save for yeluchie 4 : 6 : _-- 4 hidp' . Taig, rene WE Rew _-- HEADEHEESE fo os Gr 6 large rooms rics 2 Werks of ODRER bh pr # bt 44 h -- 47.9400 mony Viiage, 44 Frond ri Pulp yu Bg 3 yy Mii Ty [Fine ARGS LE ri : y py y CLAY RIN RIES v ad ee : ~£ (1 6E Ee A £56 PORES. #3 FREE DELIVERY 7 ry hos oh a8 with bslorce Cr an at 2 Te Vis WOBEUAE conn At contitinn, Woe' saan 2 TIE WIImOW renee a soy ak ; on 1essonaiie ress RE irked Reo! Estate for Sale SOF £ ri cher b ne BW Miller of y val ur Sng A oh IR 'oy 4 $ 505 Bown. SRE BNE MGYE g when Pisces previes As W take 4 Also grande 16 4A Ay id 7 prey ' 2 yy: yi lor pole or free] gifs Nn home, 1enes pring, ls 4 WAP RORHE svger BW, (99 Rows, Woewane do +54 i 7 22 SIMCOE ST. NORTH [meri Writs fox 79, ions Himes acome home, Mi | hos two heres of Tiiage Iond | BORE 50000 DOWN BERG ruGmIie Fue, Rove Fm AL ad West oer, Teevhone, &100m eh, ue Res, Wee Rew. Con Fries $i DOE, Lake pres PRImests, Lave. Cope on Lave On Very 55g, mcely dasorsted, BR Bid J n wr BORTTE ToRARN 15 I aatihiR, oncke, Cuoed oA 0 be : wV KATATE Wes Be RA 3 3732 hows akon lpia on ts Lasts w detect Only $8900 with | REALTOR 0 cs only $5,500 == OF & CAF ph Femme wi or OR wn ----_ (A fit soured fore 1 por TL acs. es $1 604 down : CEHAWA & OFPING + ull i Aun { ia Rudin ASB isd LD per sant. Bia penne to [A MLL 4 #44 i RE $98 45--Raol Estate For Sele | EIGHT ROOM HOU J SE | 2 geres om b psy west of CENTRE ONG, BRO modern backers Y. Ghe |FU0% ---- ee wa, His Bh i THERE bedsnom brick hovet fiw oh IHICNe, WW Go § ONG BR 8, i ' ron & bid W WETEGR Ridepy 00, radi, sis #5 F} ders Hy gy rick. VG 106mm Ince Fame , £0 nd Any " SH walsh, wim h by Fink Kapil ps ek Vg P77 sid 2h IREIARLS A wakes, only twp. PH medeIn EER VERIENER 5 G R.A . A 3 Geass Md, $1 bo. MERA Bh 4 poi Besutifid - comer 168 wit Price reduces Vor Goer sie RA J 6 568 IVASRAICE--REA. ESTATE Horner for more Me 65 . WNow RIFER, soi se WAEHor me oF a i In Hast sepiibiar RA S84 7 pons FA FY ' ell od Ranks Cok . | formation st RA B-5173 Vv HE iH oo re # $0 ROWE, pistly 55100 Wnisiow id We have other good homes Open 9 00 a.m. 169.00 pw FRG viet ig | BUYING # sii1 Peek moner? For "5 i i" (pres, wim Phone Uke n 336 | fams, sis. Some cider homes Timer 54501 =Fort Hope | pow 5000 DOWN [ere reer Vist service Seren) Harti Lond de Re os low #5 $500 down. Col | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $11,70000 tll price bars [ne dik yivk Ay Fri gus fl vor Pg is PORT PERK . Bb on 7 veal vols oll %¢ § ar LUCAS PEACOCK Mammam. $10rms and Bee ne Tain tod tote oh Te 7 WHO ELSE WANTS Asn rT or" 0 PEN H = U St ma Et orm, ons (UCAS FT cy gre, [Ba a ANEW CARY [saves fon oa By : RA 54330 RA B5109 | 2¢ fest br coling He minim. Lees pol of o BUY IF NOW WITH A ir A EL is Af 1 y ne y y 4 ' i ie wh terme, WH 1 LOW LOB IAVEANSURER CLOSE TO MOETH GMA i Reolt d Recltors pA fina - Ry § "Ian pe f 1 3 lorge bed FULL PRICE $8000.00 . 5% VAUKRMA., 18 Bad condition Po KE EXER EEEE #EER FF « Ay prs hs gs iF i A RA BE123, RA B-5124 oF ksh HIRE, |W TONEREE, #4 Ehming . ' , : / Ywo-kedroom bungeiow, 19ige | Bh 6 26 bam Aysiak, TEisihone RA 546 £ rr Ay Ph eo ZA ORE GOH Fgh WS kitchen, new QRIGGE, NeW 1145 y i sui x ID ¥ A IEE £H 01 SIMCOE 67. + w FORD satlonwagom, fons waver ] Oe ud fr nace ¢ / ud 444 ALE § / Takin, Bamalis IRs sion oe »¥ -~ Th i F Gy Pa whet 18 Fill bosement, Aly Frné nl thie week, $995. Barlow Molers, | 1 x 4 1:30 TO 6:00 ' are locking Vor. Aking price ond scree TY. serial i Wing Blrest West oe we x $12,500 with resienciie e coll Roy Flintolf D DISNEY {58 GREEN Bick sehen, immecisie| rT down peyment Aor Pid / 4 oo + Leondibion, oe SWReE, RECS LVR, 1 Tho Aunt bl radi BRA hack BERL BERRESE Tele: LOAN 4NEW MODELS 5 & 6 ROOM SPLIT LEVELS Irie ano money sr APPLE HILL pgp io 1 Bai ara i RA 3.23 pa | ¢ is dy ne SHELLEY AVE peceph (Eafe. Can he Imaneed. $99 I$ hf 10am or 8 sacri for x 0 NH Ps or pesiest ofisr. BA SHIR : THE BANK OF AND BUNGALOWS 7 WITH CARPORTS AMICK hols A . is 4 shored ; ee hb 0 A HR ESA ALE 4 ; 33 ATO i x NOVA SCOTIA ew : rE . $7,800, Immedete posses: | | hen has gond ding 3,500 DOV/N | NAGY MOTOR SALES | 2, FOR SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE son. Calf today or artes call oh eres with lovely bunge: \MERCEDES » BENZ « DKW -- | rypEwn poi, on 1 ET" CEE R ) 4 er, RA 5-2993 4 Foon harmo Soles ond service. Shewieem | GOT A BEE IN YOUR ih BF ] TER SEE THESE HOMES PRICES EXECUTI /F HOME Mill HA 299 vers, oil heat, fireplace, real 9 i TRA ' | elertile rest Herr, $96; Ed J J y or other " he LA CALLE AVE goed basement, 2 wells, bot yi iid Ag WEST "EASTER BONNET" Coon", fii ". 1 . : f nes A o GRIAGE, V4 REIR BIIRW: y alld £ Visions, f ROM $13,500 TO % | 4,900 WITH $13 23 TO § ut one 10 sit y J iscriming % i f a a Robs BITIRS Ji. t Ire Jorg hens | RA 37132 HR Som vito ow" tote fous aati (8. "l A : h 1 he oe i" f i | and ar Barf house miles from Whitby u ---- BON 3 4 # DOWN AND 1 N.H.A, I re of present owners, | Poved dive, my aie bet 71 ACRES | ovine OR SELLING 88 | Yee vou con depend on (GORD li md Wig BR ECTION | The er wom ont mc | with convenient 'terms, To | 17, nouh-west section inside TED CAMPIN 1966 PONTIAC 4dr, Deluxe tata i ri DIR reem will enhance the finest f id eR i 8240. Phyllis beth and oil heat, ewner will MOTORS Seden, In two-tone blue and fel Pilice : . fur nit ie This ' large brig! ' leis a3 : { sell 20 ncres separately £07 KING 57 . OSHAWA very FInaT Ausiy ny Pr TURN NOR TH ON WILSON ROAD T 0 oil di 2 paved drive of q HORTOP A A [ANP | ? ¥ rooms in south-west areq, (Just East of Wilson Read) 1955 CHEY., 4-dr Deluxe Eien Ad p] { ( 3 Gr AwaaE Gre eOms up § EEE & " LANDSDOWNE DRIVE, TURN EAST ON | porage Priced to sell with | os hardwood or ¢ oy Fa | RA 34494 Res 6 5674 #dan, two-tone, maroon en ml " aw down Rayment 1a 1espen Twa -bedroom bungs Ivery LANDSDOWNE TO MODEL HOMES sible pariies For appoint low, with poved drive, end m eg HH " id fo WwW L L | 5 1953 PONTIAC 4-dr. Deluxe ries § il i | ment to inspect esl today garage, Modern kitchen, and dio b in Sedan, very clean, no rust, fe i" . tiled bathreem, 21:ft, living down Ch STATE CALL RA 5-658 TO-DAY !| room new off furnece In en Pets wih fo lt" METCALF Reals £ A rc | eI |e iam | MOTORS | ss mck do rts ep rmit wi LIMITED Dick Young RA 3-7183 late possession, Please cqll, Evenings RA 6:1356 TAUNTON RD, E, back-s60t speaker, Ww itewall fle, 8 Haunt ry Clond Coren || RA 3.2587 | Irene Brown, RA 83867," | : Your AUSTIN fires, 40 KING ST, EAST DIAL RA B-4678 Charly Rankine KA B-d0h3 p emirs Oshawa and IRISTOW & OLSEN Dealer SEE THESE GUARANTEED Ca Pe 4 Elliott... RA B : : USED CARS of RA 5-033) Ru ot ras VER Wi 8% Pp wh 3 Et Ay BE We yA es A 4 BETA MEVIAR BE VIVE ROWE 4 S AFTER 5:30 CALL STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR Realtors We hove @ good assartment ROY W. NICHOLS [rive LAL Everett Elliott RA 3:9290 Joe Maga RA 59191 Marien Drew RA 57610 HOBBY FARM of Used Cars __GOURTICE CAR LOT |HEEWERENY TT John ¥emp RA B.2392 Dick Barriage RA 5-6243 187 King St, E. RA B-466] 200 f fit Aeoilnin ra [3 i acre large hip me _-- B-9518 evenings, y p y tment for Ww N(R \ barn, eight-roem medemized wn v A M Hy Exdelitn hy a MR ii pew 0 NER LEAVII iG Cl I / heme with city senyeniences 505 70 G00 worth of 1 e STLE HO ES Bullding, showing goad FebuER on your and wonts to sell this 3.year-eld attractive Broom modem Located 10 miles from Osh the pure NC. Ey ihvssment Apply Wiiilam Midietan, ranch bungelow. Stone front, large living reem, 3 good-size awa on a eaunty reed. A ove bl, onl mise hs toa m 1] b, Whith, LOOK ! § RY Wh Gusen BiEee id bedraems, large modern family kitchen with mere than ample gentleman 5 farm for $26 NO DOWN PAYMENT T0 Hid ve als! Harons' Home 4 SE = y or cuphegrd spece. This home Js pleasingly decorated, profes 00 with goed terms, For LEE CIR PARTIES nishings, mene Bouth, LL, BUYING 2." hat Mead monty! For sienglly landscaped, has beck deer patio arms and screens further information call How f ESPONS|BLE f . BABY plastic pull an Pani, | Wi A RAL g uy y H : pronf, hollable, wash He, 1 0 7 : Fintcs, gts Bimene Street South, oF Two blocks te Vincent Massey sehael in Harmeny area, Mow ard Forder at Ra B8-5107 or FAIRLANE B00 4-doer Sedan == 6-gylinder, automatic [cents ib tose i Sibeol Wot selling for less than brand new ene, Asking price $13,300, or evenings RA B.-2)185 ission, radia, windshield washers, twe-tene paint THREE bedroom, brick bungalow, with! reasonable offer 6% interest en the mortgage, Menthly transmission, radis, $0448 ONE rug, chesterfield i ent ad, wa singlé heds, 0) ¢ pet kent BHA IROFIEAES {Hh reads payments $68.00 Principal and Interest law down pay TAUNTON RP, WEST hoards, he then | Hs fie ( i [HA ioe Fiver § y | ment. Excellent value, excellent terms. Immediale poassession CHEY Bel Air d-door Sedan, B-eylinder, automatic trans: healer, dd slave, dresser, 70 | 2 bedroom bungalow, 13 x mission, radia, padded dash, widnshield washers, whites kr RICH Blares -- Vires, ald a be yi! aries fit an FULL PRICE ro Dt er For dependable friendly service call 1 living room, Modern kit a ag ain Bo Big 12480 'mie ioe, oe Haug hout 0 anditio ( pr nen a eaves AEE 0 FULL DOWN PAYMENT oul a ita" obi | STEVE MACKO ~-- RA 8.466] land. Heme enly 7 years old wrung hh Wl - (par Xo ry ne Wicks Health JACK SHERIFF RA 33-3775 | $2,000 down, | morigage EDSEL 4-deor Sedan, automatic transmission, radio, bask: ier aan yA ter a for the balance. For further seat speaker, whitewall tires, window washers, "eo if lgulation Dept, Dehaws infarmation call Carl: Olsen real beauty L] THE best bu FHT i CARRIES MONTHLY . . Ny A 8 JOHN F. DEWITH McQUAY & KIDD a Padi} or evrioge FORD Two-Dags Sedan = V8 automatic radio, podded ai tata Realtor and General 8 ROOM HOME dash, whitewall tires, windshield washers, heaut es Insurance ROOM HOME AND ane. finish N 0 Ww THERE 18 NEVER A SECOND MORTGAGE ON A Newcastle Phone 3341 WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK " 614 ACRES METEOR 4-door Sedan == Custam radia, this ene nde OM an a = y i NEW CASTLE HOME % ova. BY 4 . OPEN 9.9 of raspberry bushes, garden canditien Terribly Low Priced Visit eur furnished model home en the nerth park JR nel oH ond BYTES Worle a " 2 i farming and small archard FORD Four-Pear Sedan == V:B, standard transmission 4 ing lot of Oshawa Shopping Centre drive shed, silo, ete; B WHITBY MO 8:3414 TORONTO EM 3-9603 Situnied 28 Miles trom hi This Is a real special at We Cash N Carry reamed heme, heavy wired GENTLEMAN'S SHOW FARM ¢ Madern well-kept taste 954 CHEVY, d-door Sedan, a real clean ene in excellent gon RA 5 1186 Nate on lap in haute and bh fully decorated three-heds ditien $495 Masonite 4" x 4' x §', > barn. Asking $16,000 with Within a few minutes drive of Oshawa Whithy Tarenta roam brick hame with attach For Well Paneling low down payment On RGVBMER 4 AR "aus Sve v p } nl 4 FORD 2-deer Hardtep, autematie, radio, tu-tone finish A 2 F S "E 1D ho" White ment _ a yi Rig With reve in 0 tl Sse ho game barn, A real sharp little ear $545 For Underlay IW. T. LAMSON-~REAL ESTATE LTI 120.aere farm, located 8 a ; 804n dep \ thi For Basement Ree, Ream miles frem Oshawa, stream acres Bi Light clay soil. Ldeal farm far horses or shew cattle sell fof summer garden sup MONARCH four-door Sedan, eustem radia, haek seat |. F | ' A $25,000 00 down, Call Mr. Jacksen, plies. A V.L.A. opportunity speaker, autamatie transmission, a real sharp ear $845 ar Fish Hut B0' x 34' hipreefed bank Adi at $12,500, For infermation 2? IF1 barn, implement shed, ete; LARGE FAMILY HOME call Howard Forder at RA 2 FORD, autematle transmission. A real goed seeend ear Regular $2.88 delivered, 6-reemed house with furnace, 8-5107 ar RA B-2158 even for any family $195 Now enly $1,589 per sheat, running h it and cold water 4 good-sized bedrooms feature this split-level-hrick heme. Cam ings . Asking $22,000 Terms ars pletely decorated, storms and screens, T.V, aerial. Owner SPECIAL Other fancy plywodd in stock, le TT TO Ce Sve TeneTs. ranged transferred. Only $2,000.00 down, balance on ene 6% N.H.A 238 WILSON RD. § Alsa other thicknesses and tral, Phane MOhawk R896 for fur | orga Call Jacks threo iaam apartment, refrigerator and eentya pane MOhaw BI for Ty 100-acre farm. located 10 marigage all Mr Jackson 1959 FORD Fordar Sedan, radio, 6-cyvlinder, standard transmis standard grades enly at spe: tave, builtin euphoards, very eenteal, | ther particulars : - Fivé-roam brick bungalow in si0 Fes SPECIAL SA C vaillahle paw. Call MO Ba {Wi RY antral, two-starey hullding miles from Cshawa, stream LOVELY TREED LOT immaculate condition mission. A real sconamy ear, SPF k SALE PRICE $1608 clal prices, ¥ Huiltuhle fav profession 20° x 30° bankbarn, water d= Lady to mind ehildeen|AMBE PA ing Mi: A throughout, New hroadiear Come in and have a demenstration ride in a- 1941 FORD As Wi, in i daniven Phone al offs ar gammeraial Uses Reason. bowls, drive shed, 7-reomed On Lake Ontaria, completely lined fumished eatiage with ean iahou ew hroadieom \ AY Ment, one vigage for in living room and dining Consul, Anglia, Faleen, Menareh MO Had pis dow, Jayment, o io OHS nal heuse, heavy wired. Consider venience Extra large lot, Ideal site for permanent type heme roam. Oil heated, Priced ta GEO MACKO house Pky ' y ] y fd, Oshawa tar down payment 2 frontages, Goad location, Between Oshawa and Whith SEWING. Do you have goed, used 80306, Vlevd Wealty ag 1 ane Y sell at apl 11,900 with iY Rave them made over 198 YOU son HALE One Llayd baby ear $6,500.00 with excellent terms, Call Mr. Jacksan $2.000 do vy 3 Swies ill ile anes. Phane NO [ELT 4 ne hathingtle, twa dawhie 100-aere farm near Milhrack, : he wim | OO rofunhans MEY N3063 48 acres workable, stream, | MEMBERS OF THE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT held taut marigage for bal eawa O rs LUMBER CO. ATTENTION NRESSMAKING suits, coats and! shaped bankbarn, water en REAL ESTATE BOARD ance. Immediate possession {dvosses, allerations and slp eavers. Al yan garage drive shed, ele; - Call Carl Olsen at RA 8-5107 473 RITSON RD, § LAWN MOWER [geetest #4 Wiaranteed. Mew, Toms glcomed house with 3-piece or RA 8:3412 evenings RA 3.2732 fargn deluxe apartment, $100 BH | 150 a | hasement apartmen ® SPECIAL DOFFER Aine a ania h 0 83081 | 10-acre farm near Maple when you ean buy twa: and three-bedroom homes at your price 78 acres, 4 miles fram Part FINE FURNITURE § dams, private : she M 7-reom twasstarey house with barn. $7,800 room frame home with hh Tovey Wed Wom, fie] RIG pens drive. shed, ele; \ fame heme with ail The home of quality, tradi saw sharpened free, 1 Tlanks cleaned the sanitary way scree e Iv le d 200 A niture. Com 00m Qre every mawer brought in A Et anh ara. 2adl $16,500 with $5,000 down ereens, centrally located, only §8,20( sell, Offered ar $22,000 Mire. Co has do ES . $%.acre farm, located 10 property at eur affic Fa eel type power MOwers, |HOMEAWNERS Re fing, siding, living room, huge kitghen, starms, large lot, enly $9,500 petty ¢ of cation w= = RA of © savestanghin ns on, painting miles fram Oshawa, stream infarmatior call Howare LAKESHORE Aula Weegkers want iC ¥ $5.50 includes change t oil Winter Rrices. Pl Hy MO 84358 ; hy W A i at RA 85107 iy 9g PATS LV AL WHeeking Highest prices paid, HOUSTON S GARAGE = bath, running water. Asking Wh L M 0 R " \ 'M OWNERS FOR RENT = New tw hodioam i | 313008 wih 43560 tn ose /vone Nn ent COMMUTERS FARM RICHARDS ' a0 MO §-8462 i with reasonable down payments and easy carry ing charges Perry on 7A Highwe 9 t TIL APRIL 15th, 1961 aM Grove, 70° x 30' hankbam, ASHBURN a p ! A away 0 d sa ar cireular a pt | B:-roomed house with all mad P 2 heating, bankbam in geod One hand saw ar ¢ Nh Dundas Street West. MO 8.3080 Lon NEG hun wr A WHITBY --2-hedoom frame bungalow, aluminum sterms and condition. Farmer anxious to WHITBY, MO 8-3331 tonal and modern age Win g \ | available, Hand lawn mowers, $2.25; [Chestnut West. Phone MO 8350 WHITBY =-immaculate 2-bedream frame house, broadieam in with terms, Aerial phate af 48---Automobiles Wanted |48---Automabiles Wanted South, Bradley' \ farmer Ios | 4 8-317), L-shaped bhankbarm drive WHITBY 2-bedroom new hardweed toor storms and ele r check spark plugs bid h 4 ; : nea ond eh sharpens ib) FOR BALE Three hedream hunga shed, ete; 8-roomed house screens, planter, fully decorated, enly $10,500, 4 8:2155 evenings {RAS | AND SERVICE STATION SUPERIOR Taw, contral, decorated, aluminum all 29 pny Whi Reed your serviess ave : a SC d blad S¢ ex 1 SEN ole \ovkgage § peel heavy wired, Asking $22,000 . Olasaition sien now, bant miss] BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM: balance oll Ni in four SR Shrrring pry hy ivy MO ider house for down OSHAWA-=3-bedroom frame large lot, newly decorated RA A.5107 RA 5.4145 [easing Elastin i. Dial RA PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, APPLIANCE cvele engine. Wa sharpen all [E38 payment $11,300 19 ATHOL ST, W A310 Today 1 wart Yar Taw ost ad MOTOR TUNE-UP AND 49 BURK STREET SHAWA GENERAL REPAIRS ' types of saws and plainer : Rand we dea fame. biraalow. sree wt . AR . For reconditioned furmiture he X EASTER PERMANENTS eg ngalew with ¢ WHITBY centrally located 3-hedipem frame bungalow, exsel SPOT ASH a7 KING ST. W TVs Waka. stoves of ' i p, 45 Wt eanditie rica is 2.000 Members sha ang FROM $7 UP furnace i0 : lent condition, price is $12.00 | 0 ™ Rk \ : ats 0 ing PAID FOR RA 3.7822 We will buy, sell or tra ; 10 acres lan Ne. g | K. and B Soft curl or firm curl, basie Alan AJAX immaculate J-hedroom brick, fireplace all decorated, [we o 9 Shep Hours 1.84 pm. Dai Sharpening Service style or high sivie You 34.500 oh W th $ 500 do Ady i double paved drive, 2 blocks to shopping. You'll have to see [47 ~Autamabiles For Sale Gor 8 i ars Trad ile up 4 Automabile Repairs -- ; Closed hig it hi name it. We can da it this one I METEOR, radia and hoa asl A0WH, LIENS PAI a N oF an evaluater telephone 614 Dundas St. E, : re : Fans, 1H Shean CHevIolet teeth with | Dobb MOTOR SAL ES ANDY NAGY'S : COIFFURES BY KEN B:reamed brick house with all PICKERING=--2-bedroom brick, | Kitchen, double garage [pfaifimm and PACKS Gt Ses) hax ¢ S » Whitby MO 8.5124 odin convenionces on 3 large let. Call To - see It bib lb LAA Ton = WA PRY he's MRNA h BODY SHOP -- RA 8 4873 acres cated ¥ miles trom [hw Complete collision service REST UALITY -- " wel Qshawa. Price $9, 500. Terms WHITEY---3 bedroom house. attached garage. three-room base | - Radiator repais and te: WANTED FOR SALE Used boat, arranged ment apartment vented for $70.00 jh thie Rec room. Phone | CAR AUCT ION PB ALL CAS H ' bi an Anal Signe FURNAC : FUEL on and trail mate boat tratlers and of furth inte atian h Q S853 . \ bing gh equip canoes : | fen i " y es 3 150 A WY Mx 0, 5 MO 84088 W ah ry ok MO 82167 Every Saturday 10:30 am] For « ars we deal up of ™~ \ STOVE OlL. ment en consignment at your FOR RENT Box, boat and 1 Teupitn Bea fee A Pat Pawn MO 8:5092 Phyllis Thomdyke MO 8.4743 a & STEVENS N'S RD, §, Expert Service price. For Rent «- Smelt tat J trailers Shoin Saws | her ia | & 1 selection : Chevialets, Sawn, Lens ad oS A R445) DIXON'S Wem | TERE meet, | OLVEHOWE REALESTATE | ERUENCER SRA wea] QU |} | VICE & WA SERVICE & SALES Donald Mountjoy, MA 3.3950 k av bie 25 Geentell St. - 15 Bunion B MO $3226 [1413 Dundes EMO 83226 | 1 A, Pers, Clarke 2330 | 130 BROCK ST,'N, WHITEY MO 8.5053 | RA 83179, y | MO 8-8001 goed sedition wonphone RA AOR ®| (Continued on Page

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