The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1961, p. 22

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20._TV SWAWA YI, Toumiey, Merk 16, IN61 Stone Writes Fine Of Colorful Miche Historian Irving Blone Res gress wide The worid has wd ll of Ws grest with Et ed Wichelangsts Boom i A latest SIT, sewigion 67, poet ASY greiitect and engineer, Few wi i 1isis have matehed the grandest 4), winch novel of oA Wis comeegtions, or the power of We creations. Tn know We This well-written and finely life 15 1a know the Wstory of researched honk wheniial's gory Miehetan tongeth against Me fam chelangeiln Tonght. with eer y's ion, Pecame efi Minkle, princes and popes (oi me tied at the nee of 13 19 the precious commmishons, made painter Ghirlandaio Shortly Whetomg friends and Welong Biter this he moved into the, enemies, and hecame known (or dows palace of the Medici a6 bis Inghiful "ternbiitie'. He aiid protege. There, as an spent four years lng on Ws intimate of the circle of human beck #hove the oor of the Bis fot scholars, and future popes, tine Chapel in Rome, painting he studied the classics, carved the cefling for Pope Jibs | Bis first sewbpiures, and (ell inte eam the Ng 1a carve love with Lorenio's frail dangh. marvie ter, Contessing, # lave that last. Some erties believe thet this 4 Wim tor me full liletime hook is destined tn become # The hook brilliantly portrays modern classic, and well Mo one of Wis Breplest Passions ~ might he, one that aver ndes We spintusll Tring Bone has wilien # love for Contessina--his earthy worthy successor 1a his im love lor the dark-haired Clarisss moriel "LAST FOR LIVING or the mature love for Vittoria and this latest edition Aeserves Colonna. Wis greatest passion of long snd esting popiwianty oll, however, was his lifelong, BATHERINE RULME'S BOOK thane struggle to release the, Katherine Hulme has writen forms and beauty imprisoned in another fine hook in her late # pure white merhig. effort, "ANNIE'S CAPTAIN Florence in the year 1475 was (Little, Brown of Canada 144.) the intetlectusl and artistic cen Miss Hulme, author of the best tre of the flowering lalian Re palssance. Into this gemlike letiers, gris and "THE NUNS STORY", the love sellin this lime tells shout Story langelo Hilme's grandlather. Bom 8 Wew , Conn, lie ran off io sen ot 15. A Bitle more then '# Aesade later, Ld, A ikon TO REE BE CREN iy Lo gh he felis In | nve one of Wie passengers, the #ttractive and petite Boties. Up to now, the sea Rae | heen Captain Cavalry s rst and only love, om the long voy wonder the Sothern Cross, Ame captured thie hard - disciplined seaman, and despite her moth ers pimiests, decides that they shawld be marred on the quer terdeck when the ship 5 of San Francisen So Witle Annie Bolles, "who was Reyer cul out 10 he 8 eR captain's wile", became one gladly, shghtly madly, when John Cavalry asked her 1a, Mise Hulme tells throngh & women's, eyes the extraordinary story of her caplam's love and Wis chp per ships, of Queen Vietona's| Landon and of happy reunions with the Bolles family Wn Hawaii, of the Ban Francises) earthquake and of the caplain's| change-over from sail 1a slenm after his favorite clipper had heen captured and sunk hy # Confederate ironclad Miss Hulme is in her hest form in this delightful snd nos haigie story, and her many eity-state riled by the patron of story and Wie of action of Cap: readers will not be disappointed Lorenzo detain John Cavalry, one of Amer: in this worthy Medici, was born one of thelica's greatest skippers and Miss) Nun's Slory da successor (0 "The New French Magazine Given Good Reception MONTREAL (CF) fs 2 turbulent river and excliement at this moment in its history and its newesl magazine has Jumped in with both feet Ie Magarine Maclean, French - language counterpart of Maclean's Magazine, ap: gared with an insugural arch issue apparently dedi caled to the proposition that! the magazine and the moment gre well mel It commissioned Prof. Michel Brunet, head of the University of Montreal's history depart ment, to write its lead article on the "reawakening of nation slism in French - Canada," In & column on Quehee pol tics, Andre Laurendeau, editor fn-chief of Montreal Le De volr, gives his views on how things are shaping up in the first year of the Lesage admin stration In an illystrated article Que bee's reading public Is given the best look it has so far had at best « selling author Brother Pierre - Jerome, This public has already bought a record 125,000 copies of his hook Les BURKETON | BURKETON -- Mr, and Mrs EM. Adams were Thursday afternoon eallers at Mr, and Mrs. Ross Oke's and family,| Oshawa Mr. and Mrs, Ben Hubbard were Thursday afternoon call ers al Mr. and Mrs. Waller Kranz, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Terry and Laurie, Oshawa, were Fri day evening guests of Mr, and| Mrs. Howard Ahhott Mr, and Mrs, Norman Mitehell, Toronto, were Batur day guests of Mp, and Mrs L. R. Argue and family Sorry to report that Mr, A, C, Stephenson had the misfortune of an accident at General Mo Quehee| Insolences du Frere Uptel (The NB of ideas! Impertinences of Brother Bo: ularly strong hid is heing made | Anda), 8 BOOK CAUSED KTIR Stall writer Adele Lauzon ex plores the personality and hack ground of the young Marist] brother whose hook has perhaps fed more than a litle water into the roaring stream The new magazine's editorial staff of four men and four women operates out of Montreal under debonair editorin-chief| Pierre de Bellefeullle, a former National Film Board executive and parliamentary correspond ent for Ottawa Le Droit When the royal commission on publications held hearings in| Quehee City in November, Mr de Bellefeullle told chairman M. Grattan O'Leary that the owners of the magazine the Maclean Hunter publishing house of Toronto, have given him "complete editorial free dom." There, however, the purely | French character of the enter:| prise ceases, It carries only ad:| vertising that has heen soliciied| for both the French and Eng: lish issues, its subscriptions are| handled in Toronto, it is printed | in Toronto and its ecovers--al though this was not the ease with the first issue will be horrowed from the English is sue TOPPED GUARANTEE The first issue, the cover theme of which was a huge) numeral "1" in white on an| orange background, reached a sale of 05,000 copies in the firap two weeks, Bubseriptions ae: eounted for 65,000 | This, satdMr, de Bellefeuille was 15,000 more than the figure given In the first - [ssue guar antee to advertisers, His goal for the end of this year is 123 fh More than 90 per eent of the sales have been made In Que hee, where R000 outlets were ipolicy hy and Ollawa and a partie for New Brunswick readership. | dean Hubert of Moncton IL/Evangeline has & column in the first issue on New Bruns wick politics and this will ap pear again from me to time Mr. de Bellefeullle said he! also intends to give his readers "a good portion" of articles] from the world at large, The first Issue pe this, carrying #8 photo graphie collection in color of Vatican treasures, a regort on "the new China," and an ae count hy eight Faris newspaper editors of what they think about | President de Gaulle | Wants English To Emigrate To Canada BRISTOL, England (CP) = A Canadian immigration official has appealed for more immi:| grants from the west of England | tn go to Canada | T. I, MeKechnle, in charge of the Canadian immigration office in. Bristol, says teachers, medi cal auxiliaries, administrators and consultants can find "gl: gantie opportunities" in Canada If they are willing to work hard. | McKechnie deseribed the sue-| cess of Maurice Parker, form erly in the prison serviee in England, who emigrated to Can ada in 1047 Parker, married and a father of three children, "walked the streets' for three days hefore| obtaining employment with the Ontario government at a drug addicts elinie in a Toronto sub urh MeKechnie quoted Parker as Saying The whale feeling of this land is one of space and cleanliness, | tors where he injured his left|lined up, but the magazine i5|We are a young vigorous eoun hand and arm stitches Mr, and Mrs requiring B, Slingerland,| Oshawa, were Saturday evening sale previously and subseription| good education fe heing distributed in every Ca Ir} nadian city where French-lang uage periodicals have heen on economically sound perous and growing, "Our children are getting a We can take Dros: | eallers of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hub: orders have heen received from (rips in the ear which we could | bard Sorry to report that Mrs, Anthony Smith was taken tol Oshawa General Hospital on Friday evening with hlnod| poisoning in her arm A number from here attended the film shown fn Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Sun day evening Mr, and Mrs, Dave Gatehell Oshawa, called on relatives in the village on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Larm er, Peterharough, Mr, Allam Larmer, Toronto, were weekend vests of Mr. and Mrs, Harold! armer | Miss Helen MoFee, Oshawa, Mr. Ronald Huhbard, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krants, Miss {Hriene Dlachonald, Osh awa, were Sun ests of Mr and Mrs, B, Hubbard Sorry to report that Miss Alice Stephenson and Mrs. J. A Turnbull are on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grant and family, Oshawa, were Sun day guests of Mrs, F. R. Davey Mrs, Jack Sinclair was host. ess ta a Renald Demonstration last Monday evening. Mr, and Mrs, Orvus Smith and family, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Jack Smith Our church service was well Attended on Sunday morning Glad to see so many visitors with us. My. W. W. Crawford delivered a fine sermon. Plans have been made to hold an Irish Variety concert in the chureh on Friday evening, March M at 8 pm | Mr. and Mrs; Orville Greer and girls, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs, E. Bryan, HARD CASH The first hard cash in the world was made in Lydia from electrum, a natural allay of tLwaves, talking will he impos every pravines Largest distribution oul ide Quebec has been in Moncton never affard in England, We ean enjoy camping, fishing, hunting, | the sunshine and the snow," Moon Talk Inaudible Topies (his week; Short | horizons on the moan, sun: | Hght an the earth and | wasted water, MOON TALK Space ploneers on the moon | may have to use lip-reading or sign language if their radios fail The reason: With no air or | atmosphere to earry sound | sible Even radio has its limita tions, explain experts at Aero jet General Carparation. Since radio waves travel only in straight lines, a person oul of sight below the moon's harisen will not get the message. And the moon is amaller than the earth, sa its horizon will be only three miles away One emergency alternative Fire pistol shots inte the moon's surface as a distress signal, letting the ground carry vibrations to fellow | travellers ACRES OF SUNLIGHT | Small villages in the sun shine lands of the trapies might be able to use the sun's energy to produce electricity ~and make it pay, scientists tinuous power, you'd need sun: Haht collectors covering ahout 14 acres of land { But for a modern industrial town needing 50,000 kilowatts of pawer, it would take liter ally square miles of collectors | to gather enough sunlight HARVEST THE RAIN Just an inch of rain on one square mile means 72,300 tons of water, But the earth's abil: | ity to soak up that water de. termines whether it can be used ar not Rutgers University selen: tists found some soils can ah sarh nearly five inches of rain | an hour=while some others oan soak up only three-hun: | dredths of an inch Obviously for the farmer there is litle point in putting an inch of water an hour into his fields hy irrigation if they can handle only a fraction of that amount HOT OLD SOL When the sun is having one of ils stormy seasons, there are some M tremendous ex plosions an its face each year, Half of these effect the earth «from radio static and black: outs to spectacular auroras in wggest dlence now can convert 10 r cent of the sunlight eal | ected inte electricity, For | a small village that needs | gold and silver, about the sev nth h only about dd kilowatls of eon the sky, Some of the shook | waves and jets of particles burst from the sun taward the earth at 40.000 miles a second, says a Smithsonian Institution report. ¢ SWEET PICKLED $0 GOOD SERVED HOT OR COLD Cottage ROLLS SWIFT'S PREMIUM-~A ST, PATRICK'S DAY SPECIAL CORNED BEEF BRISKET ™"™ "79 1) MEATY = ECONOMY FEATURE PORK HOCKS 3 . 1.00 SWIFT'S PREMIUM . 3 Ls, 1.00 BOLOGNA DUTCH LUNCH SALAMI . 49° the PRICEY 29 48-07, TOMATO JUICE Best Buy--Save Be--~MAPLE FLAVOR OLD TYME SYRUP Best Buy--~Save 7¢ 3 VARIETIES AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR Best Buy~~Save 16¢ MOTHER PARKER'S +%s TEA BAGS a PACK Feature--~Save 1 1 e=~ALCAN ALUMINUM FOIL Featurs----=Save bc--~AYLMER STUFFED 16-07, DECANTER 26 39 63 99 25-F7, ROLLS 6-0Z, TIN OF 10.0%, SWIFT'S PREMIUM IREAL FOR LUNENES FREE! WITH THE PURCHASE OF 1 PKG, OF WALKER'S HEINZ TOMATO SOUP SALTINE SODAS AT REGULAR PRICE 33' OLIVES MANZANILLAS 2 3 LP FREE! > KLEENEX TISSUES WITH THE PURCHASE OF 1 JAR OF 64° "Clip WORTH 15¢ ON THE PURCHASE OF 3 LB, BOX OF This Coupon" INSTANT MILKO With Coupon 79 "Clip WORTH 10¢ ON THE PURCHASE OF A 10.LB, BAG OF VICK'S VA-PO-RUB AT REGULAR PRICE OF This g. Coupon GRANULATED SUGAR SUCCESS HEAVY DUTY Bc OFF PACK VLD, TIN PASTE WAX FEATURE SAVE 14¢ CAKE MIXES "vive. TOILET TISSUE "lorie ivuine WAXED PAPER FEATURE SAVE 24¢ QUT RITE LARGE PEGS, 10 " 4 100-FY ROLLS JUMBO SIZE ~ FINEST FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 45: RUBY RED 4.0Z, CELLO ¢ 2" 18 SWEET FLAVORFUL 34.08, POLY e 2148 REFRESHING RED FANCY a ZESTY RADISHES NO. 1 PARSNIPS EMPEROR GRAPES NO. 1 CELERY HEARTS. 995 1,00 $1 $1 FEATURE BAVE 24s ECONOMY 400'S SIZE KLEENEX TISSUE TOMATOES "7" 1A Mt Mil Sanaba CHoIC TUN A FISH FEATURE SAVE 1 Yo iv soup 3 CHOICE PE AS FEATURE SAVE 28¢ GARDEN PATCH 15:08, TINS BABY POWDER ion! 'ym BLUE BLADE SAVE 10¢ LETT Ue Cherry GUEST CAKE "iia" Hot Cross Bunelies *V"**** wes, $1 we $1 51 51 a9 ao 35° 30° 7-08, TINS each 12 Phy, FROZEN FOODS GRAPE JUICE "<* GREEN BEANS G0 CODFISH STIC RED & WHITE BON COOKED "Trim" Brand d 6-08, Tine 10.08, Phy. | BTS Phe, US BUY in attractive 2 «33 POLY BAG 23¢ BACH CRISPY RUNCHY THERE'S KR RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU! SPROULE'S Corner King ot Ritson MecKENNA'S MARKET 48 Simcoe $0 N, | SPROULE'S Corner Simcoe at Mill MAPLE GRO | BROWN'S MARKETERIA Map! Brooklin RE AAA AN

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