Tie HAW A Fs, Vinwendoy, Merch 16, 1967 § (F-- WHITBY AND DISTRICT TownshinKills 7 ™ © * sn CARES ETE AER) CoOL F romans ' Camera Club Sees Scheme For Coy Soe, ow, | Ee RT A RESLRG JR f Nature Oy os Sts. 5p ory Townline of Whithy one, O55 Of (EACH wok rest dd v LR NER RORESE RG AEE Uonhay, (Rak ROHR & FERIW. _ . br TRCN ny f Shed Hepatice, Wrngsh (entices oa The Righiight. sf TRG Fas BI), REPAIR i . c that (ey swpwwt changes Ww RT mestngs S Ooawe CRmers (49 ery We) Bussches, Trib A flake wodd Mow he 5 {Ander TR anianst. 1&% BEA wie Tike the Provieer to cover the fl © A Wane, (Hkegs ROWE WEEE (RE nits of RACER sok Rik WHEas pk DoRaRE p oF r rims, the Walcng Fem BimGes Wy Ge FOR M oo ATE JI with bey ferns proving v8 A Bichmons HW, the regvest yor on Fas fms of the lepyes 7al LANG reek sb Wiss Ia Ws holt wt bee you IB feror oF Your Benth and Wis 4% - ¥ ass rug WEIR thik RRIGTEAR (NRT SRT IE RRARERS ge 4; ' furs Wel g Fy EY y % 2 Boi, seb. 1 GEE TRE & ARAL aR BY RGR want of OB znd Has Winter, 05 4 ol WLET Series Ak NE A a 5, (og, 7 @ Fi ET (arin 19 be respmeie (or the Fast nk West, ig Sa . Kars # %u ¢ EWA BY £5sts Af RANCRIGOR WIEER BC ud Wis &t 4 ; r wich Rs Provinces of Optara?" $ wd Mes Soratt, 7 7 Wien HEM HT Toe Cr Cased Tonaitior Fim Binks sid Re a wih # oth was shown WB #8 Ws s Ws favor of the "Poymer 4 1 {+ wah : Mrs, Freeman, Heges ~ (he cope, Be ORY coying 100 per cent of the cot", WF } black Bree, the REE Regs EE a ET LRA FRY ERR J RR VAR PRES We #/ i : ' GRE | ih IES PRG WWE Ihr EER : ; , AR CREB tuber aneses WER £8 WMaRy " ff aif, IRER FRYER: BAK 2 z LITTLE AS ae ons Coen CORIEIR WW PAY IS '. 'ul : \ 7 (Rk KRIREI HY ® RA H % § I $ & wiser GAT FA EH i 8 : / : f ¢ \ gh y its oy 5 § 4 & 4 7 5 Mis, Feranson wes ome of these WMOWIe WW) 4 " IW oh 4 ing, bit the } / of ia | , go / a 7 " : . of £4 oA her ' | £ od | yh '% wd ! re Ed aT ' N (+) w a se fr yi {0 0|¢ Is I id we, oo APR CY, \ Sl fo op srr i wig eed " x. Nf Lf A * DECORATIVE IN- SPALY DRLLLFPRGE 5 v £ 4 7% 4 (4: eR IHanY GNESI gis oe ; : 4 : SY i LAY DESIGN The A tec, 7 etist Don't Be Prehietorte / 6 FT ves BU TABLE TOP "pleased 19 CRF RAR YOM I RA 4 4 iP # i" p " 1 i ped AR il . £3 MAL LESISTANT 9 of the members ha LL Jegaviless 91 of, hy, / dE iy y FORMICA TABLE in the Federatio 7 Hearse fr / -- 6 Hdd ot 4 ha ATTRACTIVE Wed Foren lever Bulova, ¢/ b ; #34 ; ' Vie VINYL CHAIR winning three Honorchie Teh | ult ; Pos 7 3 W r tet ry | Fat, UPHOLSTERY ons 1 aks Vert he vs SE LH MY Ln Prats 87 | SPECIAL NO-MAR Busse, bs iD / we L& Yt 4 LEG TIPS PRO- Chasczewski Aitemoon Guild SEESETion Fl | Wmscmmsy | ON ART), Here Trust Fund Plan Spring Tea| ATT os Aa fo DEAT Exot on The March meeting All ih 7 Fon 2 p " SH : e2l os : pty y EROMZE Saints' Afternoon Guild ea 1a! BEAL 20 48 ¥ 8 x #0! Lot #0 4 5-PC, SET: 30' x Over $1000 Tiesto n he bai. bl. Yio ig NAY : IES, | Tit a 48" TABLE; 4 B, Sith, the president, open sil BF x fi 4 , hn - : CHAIRS Latest contributions 10 the od the meeting with the mem: Tom Chasczewskl Trust Fund ; followed ) ¥ Haw by the y i A > j J have pushed it over the $1000 her's prays M « of " BY. ih said br i / i% ' f b POE ! REG J ivan Davie, an Lord's Prayer, Mrs, B rm viii i. 4 7 Lo id ® , . ! wild flowers mark, reports ) administrator of the fund strong was in charge of the d¢ Chasczewski, a 19 - year - old votional and after the roll call! piss TORONTO SENATOR LIBERAL ALLOWANCE high school youth, Inst his eve the minutes and VArIOUS Fe: Youth snd beasts se The srscitive look = during 8 pre-game hockeyiports were read and adopted coptured in this 17 1 tev in periorme FOR YOUR OLD WATCH is y ) i" g { ch with hes: apes but pot 19 Briss, p cent we fund ha During the business meeting woe we warmup recently, Th ih iully matched srpane 17 Jowels, shacks been set up to alleviate surgi- plans were made for fhe pring pili Ring LAM Ad, Your Choice eal eXPenses tea and hake sale to he held Fund total now stands at Wednesday, April 26, at the Only $89.75 $1028.65, Its goal Is $5000 parish hall with the following | } A benefit game between the conveners; home baking, Mr NO EXTRA CHARGES OF ANY KIND KING-SIZE 17-PCE, Whithy Dunlops and the Hill-iR, Carter; kitchen, Mrs, 6 crest Dairy Tvs, has heen sched: Lomax; social convener in uled for March 21. All proceeds charge of tea tables Mi A Comprises 36" x 60" table I from the game will go into the!Conrad, Coffee lovers wi e / : Aid x fund glad to know that members § : oni 6 Vinyl covered chairs, Following is 8 list of the latest have decided tg serve coffee as donations: well as tea at all functions | REG, 95 64 Can, Legion (Whithy) ...r $50, The members were reminded Peleshore' Junior 8 Hock: of he Rummage Sale in be CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD, 5 Anonymou 5lurday morning, May 6, The Kinsmen Club "(Whithy)' +r 25. meeting closed with prayer, 32 KING ST, Ww, RA 3.7022 Bi, Mos ity ' UAWA, Local 222, Oshawa 25. Mrs, Armstrong and Mrs, Con | Mls 2 C0 Mil iii edi -- Anonymous rad acted as hostesses during = Vier oH obi, i Belleville MacParland Jun the social half hour which fol: So ¥ i Ty a ior B Booster Club ,., 823,/l0wed, ' hi, Win, bili Special Purchase End-Of-Line ¥ Lurex, Print and Rayon Covers 129.95 Come early for best selection, You'll find WOVEN STRIPE LUREX, DURABLE PRINT, and ATTRACTIVE RAYON mattress covers in a wide range of exciting colors and designs, Other deluxe features of these SERTA smooth tops include: 312 coil spring eonstrues tion, erush-proof pre-built borders, air vents, and turn- ing handles, Choose 3'3", 4', or 4'6'" width, Matching box springs alse available! WOODEN STEP LADDERS | | EACH REG, 3. 95 EACH Handy 2-foot ladders , , , @ must in every ak heme, Reg. 2,49 Ladies' crisp rayon cela: . suede® half slips with lace KRESGE'S 1 00 trim areund battem and SPECIAL ' | Choose from 8 elastic waist, Pure white _- BN Shades in Acetate plus all dainty shades, Frieze | SM-L. Reg, 69, Features Include genuine Aim Ay 4 ; Bl foam cushions, quality uphels KRESGE'S SPECIAL " a SERA re § stery, modern styling, plus . " Bat strong hardwood frames built 2 for 1 00 2% » i bi ta withstand steady use, Suite ® SA, xd ; 8 is alsa available as a davens * Rea. Can. Celanese Tr. Mk a Ne part-hed. Buy now , , , only TR vi " \ $12 0 month deliver! BEEMIVE STYLE BUBBLE LAMPS | COTTON TEA TowELs || 179% \ Colors of white, pink and blue. Outstanding Attractive colored boarders make these tea towels value. Reg, 2.99, handsome in your kitchen, Buy at this low price ow KRESGE'S 1 97 REGULAR 259.95 » SPECIAL asors eens. & for 80¢ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Shop daily 9:30 'til 6; Friday 'til 9 p.m, Closes Wednesday at 1 p.m, 8