The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 8

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#04 the yarns that are WOVERAF VERY weak anh the shan We Hk IB Omens General Hos Women s Rernes, cael the welt or THERE, ahaa action in the fry PF There are fabrics on he Ceamng pcess removes some BEABRES WeIk Given by Mrs Mrs JRIW VRID yarns awd Reavier weltithus making the Asmage move od of Fowler and Yrs, Wi bis constrction is & fabric that] 77€ Y9% by. 1 you notice very Mrs. Frame Dovey and Ws bas very fine silk warp yarns fine yRIns in one Muection and Evert Dart and heavier wool yarns woven heavier yarns nied in the oppo KING STREET WA ihe Wels Sirection 914 EO Joe Brection, the fabric will be The President, Mrs w ¥ ¥ " i p ; § Owabon of Sik Ai md cotton! ECE ible 19 wrrp yarn break ments, such ps ladies and mew s wits were made from fabrics of th i mpd wool constrnelion Fhe fine silk yrins were cut by e heavier woollen yearn. This type of Bamage has been known 19 acenr plier only = (ew weRr nm IER) The damage wil firs nce where there is more strain and mechapical Retion sueh as pt the mderarme and proved the thane. You may sls fwd £ the fine WRIrY Yarns may long the edge of the or long sharp pleat break NIE 11 nk or NEES There are still many fabrics of this unbalanced construction on the market today. Some pre Lractive In appeRrance, many have heen constructed this way [or economic reasons LODGES AND SOCIETIES BAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND he regular meeting of the Daughters of England, "Em press of India, Lodge 26, was held in the Orange Temple Worthy President Sister Edith Taylor presided with yice-presi dent, Sister Edna Huband assisting Chaplain Sister Kay Large led in the devotional period Sister Jean Filches reported on members who were lll. Re: ports were given hy the various committees and correspondence read hy Secretary Doris Me Donald It was decided 10 make a donation of $10 to the Easter Beal Fund, Fifty dollars was! also donated to Hillsdale Mgnor.| Initiation ceremonies for seven A QUART FR os. 20 PAVED PARKING AT REAR OF STORE » massing ih wn Winky resemthy market ioday with very wes the beoken pieces of yarn BR Y WORE Dilahowgh. Wir, the members of the First Wom 1 BN a's Comteiener # Beswick om Bonthe of the girls, Toromin, wud the WHS had IR HER 18 R s06CIRE RYRIIRE (loweR with prises WERE Wm FRek # the chek. Mrs Ferry. opened the mesting withi spezk on her work #4 the Victor Because of Public Demand, Roxalin of Conada Ltd, extend their Paint Sele o t Poste's Store. HE NEW ROXALIN LATEX or SEMI-GLOSS WHITE AND COLORS GALLON FOR ..... WITH EVERY REGULAR PRICE PURCHASE OF SAME PATTE'S PAINT & WALLPAPER LTD, 90 Years at BS Simcoe St, North, Oshawa FREE DELIVERY Basniationn ELREWIE bah wtirnieh. Wis. Diowgins fed path 1s the BSrict rep EseRE Harry Biakaly remintet toe for the Rostherst Aatrie] which inciwdes the Vik poser] ry yarns. This creates an wohl noticeable eed, Favorne Bymps w £1 € September 15, 16, 1 was Aecided (6 parehese anced fabric with Bases serv. Examine fabric carefs SRE vas announced that 4 ceniels for the shines wid aftasaund > vr Be ' . g F od Ww Wo OR TRE FRET # weability. A typical example of be Befreshments were served by bovik 1 #t 6 Dam Mrs. W, H bandeges wal make them wo of the Ary meting Am ERIDYAINE CYERIRE WH KRIS Victor Home fon Herman anton, Mis Mrs. Arthwr by Mrs Hermid Bennet Baosthe wil wish to 1 00 PHONE RA 53529 new candidates was conducted under the direction of Degree Captain, Sister Beatrice Hurst Birthday greetings were given for Sisters Eva Simmons and Florence Greene. The evening prize was won hy Sister Annie Mitchell COURT CHARLENE The regular meeting of Court Charlene No, L1760 was held In the Orange Temple, Court was officially opened hy 'the presi dent, Sister Winnifred Killen assisted hy Chaplain, Sister Vio let Cornish The roll of officers was called The minutes were read, Sister Margaret Smith reported on those on the sick list. Correspon dence was read hy recording secretary, Sister Irene Nutter Sister Marie Manning report ed on the recent district council meeting and of the planned church parade, to he held Sun day, April 80, at Centre Street United Church, Whithy. Mare details will he given at the next Court meeting Sisters Margaret Smith, Doris Yourth and Emma Balson vol COME IN AND HEAR THE DIFFERENCE EXCLUSIVE NEW "SATELLITE" SOUND unteered to serve on the com mittee for the April 15 dance at the alrport President Sister Winnifred Killen, introduced the guest of | honor, Sharon Yourth, who is a | juvenile member, and recently wan the public speaking enntest at her school. She gave her speech for the Court, her sub ject "Casa Loma Court was then officially vlnsed \ DAMNING DEFINITION ESSEX, Ont, (CP) = Mrs Margaret Brown, lone female the town council made the mistake of asking the male members the difference between a hairdressing shop and a heauty parlor, Said coun member of TWEA CHNYENTIOVN Paiagries (6 The TI Qvatvese 8 THE CSHAWA TIES, Wednerdey, Moreh 19, 178) ggg Re Eran. Wir BW Baek, Hrs v ey te 202% GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES 7 rs, 7g eres Gee on od sr] EWS 1 BRIER | tommy. eset seri vi ms ok iad i wi WHE | 348 ARE 4 FABRIC TALKS A z he fae 1 AB oo Wh and WHE (RETR TRIERIE SE DEIR TTR Wy " We A ERG HR 6 i» he Reis. grime wa ania d oh wan to PHA CIAR HRTEE 0h B BOER FROHER 15 API RB DIBVISIRE CO Ronis Ball, ood om Bani TEACHING n sd i# to 2% 3 Wolke. B 8 the pent fom pov ; 5 The regis mestng oH he The symbol of Time Whi mk WK HEGRE othe wew # x fas rd Wes Harnd Te rl bof ARE Ae / = - TY --r > al Unbalanced Construction Plegsan Wonder ABET ON The theme of he feiolione Wes i Was " ws whl Vip. Wihars Com THE BH > 5 Riis le £4 #4 with fi PIER 9 3 A . dent. Hire. Enso radiny sre oi Mermng 4 LS \yrmy SUE WITHERS MY; Fiesey exgiesibh Footed vo the Wetenses_ on ' os » » sig Sates Bort A Sore Ly The regular Mestmg of Te thaws on What of Whe grown Wes (oF oe yew [iss spin will Limit abric The nol was salied by Wes. wha' or EWE Cami Scont Yorkers AwrNary io Ri. mien (oF oF CRG ARIe WIRE COMpRIe (sve of mw C Seria adopt Was. Bowgias am vas ih Tecra dy # the howe £remng i Wy 5 iG. Winte Dew v- COR. FRE ip Mes. Barry Widely (0G of & leans £ Th ; ba . . for ' By BEA BRIGHT Wany garmenis anh Arages Wesson was resh by Ws. Slamiey or : Fok Mer Willem Covionm. The ROT FEAE ARIE Wl FoFWRWIh schon hak only In & game of Tug of War' made loom lawics of thus con Berson. the secretary s re-7" president. Wes. Frank Bertie Eon SR 1 BI FR Fe amahery 12 years th teams must be evenly sr tion have been Ary ciasnes, port by Mis. Duncan Wiehe sak Mis LanrEnce BOR, ETE HRHRES . Harmony Fwikeh Claws 7am, how there gee TT malshed or else the game V0 and the Testing beeddown of he (iesswrer's report by Mes 140) rs Herbert Porter Whe mimes were esd nok last look. This rile can @lsn the fine warp yams bas been Wikiam Rees renowins, wed Wir. Franke. Wikem Coven id We aot to fame, I woven fab amed on the Ary cewmer. Wie. Wilham (Callen anh James, WHaRen. FAVE FRG erg sii adil cd Mr if ries, there are Wwe seis of yarns What bas actually happened ic Wis. Wargaret Joinston were Wis Dowgies Kasoath 1oa6 08 Sith Lhe yarns thet 29 59 Aefithis--belore fry cleamng, some TEPies Bek wns Mis. Wary cides H BaWis #6 ERIE 16 Was. Bastiets repontss on the Gown. walled the warp yas of the warp yeins were bisken Aon Dongideon was 1epories (9 port on Oars FIeshyilery executive comneil mesting he ALL VEGETABLE . A FINER BLEND YOULL BE PROUD TO SERVE! Blue Bonnet 1 BUEHLER'S... Salute the IRISH on St. Patrick's Day! WITH THESE 5 vy MEAT Ton Ay 17 Geen SPECIALS! ON SALE THURS. FRI & SAT. STEAKS & ROASTS! | RUMP ROAST (BONELESS) ® SIRLOIN STEAK ® WING STEAK / Hoe ily L' IA // TENDER CLUB STEAKS LEAN RIB STEW BEEF BONELESS POT ROAST TENDER RIB STEAKS 1b, 59¢ Ib. 29¢ Ib, 49¢ Ib. 69¢ A FREE 676 gf | occ | HAMS | : CLIP THIS COURO [ Guess the weight | NAME of the Giant Belogna on Display in our Window, repr rr RR REE IERIRRR IAS LADDRERS .......ihii trent S The 5 |TWONE i virr NRE E Winners' Nemes | 1 GUESS THE GIANT Enter your answer will be | on coupen and drop SRNOUNE BOLOGNA WEIGHT in the draw drum in od in our od | the store, In Monday's | a Times along with Ne Purchase Tuesdey and Wed: | hoo eroeeanitml ecessary neddeys Bpsslal: Loa mee mam mam md FREEZER SPECIAL! Hindquarters BEE Cut and Hoa " 55% THURSDAY ONLY! FRESH PORK 5 ib, C SHOULDERS SEE WHAT 1.00 WILL BUY! e SLICED SIDE PORK (2 lbs.) ® Sliced Breakfast BACON (2 lbs) e SPARERIBS (2 lbs.) e VEAL PATTIES (3 lbs, e COUNTRY SAUSAGE (8 Ibs.) villar Perey Lee: "You can get hatr frigged in a hair dressing establishment and mud on your face in a bheauly par lor youl WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CARP BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA THE "MILANO" - - ELECTROHOME STEREO The "Milana', Electrehame's newest model offers you a delightful combination of fresh, imaginative styling and sup- erb performance and a 12 month warranty en parts Meet the remarkable new lamp size speaker that makes other stereo sound passe. With Satellite speak ers yoy hear fidelity, drama and extiement like you have never heard before. Your living roome he: comes a concert hall where you hear the whole archestra fram right, left and centre. Electrohome is the first ta employ a pyramid of speakers facing upward, ane on tap af the other, like a fountain. And, like a fountain, saund emerges a full 360° with true separation and true direction na matter where you place the units, or where you sit. AND IT IS NOT EXPENSIVE, Satellite Speakers (Optional) Priced from $19.50 ea, [T= ---- "THE MILANO" See this beautiful Dailcrat 1 4 The cabi vision t Flectiohome nding ex ample of imaginative design and un hurried Wismanship w with 10-19 fan enjoy | 1 with 1 'w ¢ pilled rinks ¢ \ We won't an in to dela W Wt yal to hear Lobut we will tell vou this it has a 1 2-tube chassis FMAM Tuner and Trans former, Powered Sterea Amplifier, Gar ard automatic record changer, twa bi speakers. Why nat eall, and hear iY $389 Satellite Speakers ot Exta Goan Price DOWNTOWN OSHAWA i 1 00 FRIDAY ONLY only CUT-UP CHICKEN FREE! GET § LBS, FREE! o LEGS, THIGHS, BREASTS Ib, 30¢ ® WINGS 3 Ibs, 1,00 e NECKS 2 Ibs, 19° Buy 5 Ib, Junange Meat for only 1,00 SAT. ONLY! Tender Wing Steak w. 69¢ LOIN Sleinless MRS SLICED COOKED HAM HEADCHEESE SAUSAGE PATTIES WINNERS OF PIENIE HAMS LAST WiEK FMILY RUSSEL MRS. MN. FINTON, 51 NASSAU SY bo TANK CODPER. 714 DENNYSON ST, OSHAWA MM PORK CHORS (end cuts) 1b, 69° WIENERS 2 lbs, 79¢ 3:lb, tin 89° Ib, 89¢ ROWMANVILLE DiHAWA QiHAWA VY Yender EAT'N J TRUE -TRIMBEEF ({ » : A y 12 KING E -- RA 3.3633 BUEHLER ¢ ALEX COULTER, RR. 3, 490 BEVERLY §Y » W. CHUTE, 140 HIGHLAND AVE, OSHAWA

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