, Wednesdey, Moreh 15, 1960 FLYING FISHERMAN Ontario families would ent mare fish M they could get I fresh. Crane has organized sn company with hesdausiiers in Kitchener, Ont,, to purchase m t pay CFEED an [] enunell we I sole] " the i Ago aver {Polige | rr Canadian Fans Face Big Program £ hopts 1s eamtral same flying h tn the he | three Solent bring the fi Canadian market day it Is caught CF Wirephote 'Would Ease Traffic Flow X (Bla) Owen. Ashley Police Commmities Ajax council Monday the com mittee's findings on the Ajax Pickering General Hospital re quest to place adequate traffic direction on the Bayly-Harwood niersection in time. of hospital emergency The request to the Voliee Com mittee from the hospital was di regted at expediting emergency hospital traffie, which at Himes had been held up at the main artevigl imtersection during rush Guneilio chairman of the reported to hou Counaillor Ashley Chief George surveved ithe guested that doctors liege department emergency to - expedite thelr i¢ through the intersee | ton and that in every way the | department would guarantee no untoward delay A copy of the Police Commit ei ution te the problem vould be sent to the Ajax-Pick ring General Hospital Board Board, council decided Require Used | Dump Truck AJAX (Btaff) In the works eammittee report to Ajax coun: cil on Monday, Chairman Harry {Smith put forward a resolution {for the purchase of a used dump {truck for the Ajax Publie [Works Department In supporting the slated that Dunn had situation and. re: eall the po | in time of| HELL resolution Nous court son ASSAULT CHARGE \| ROWMANVILLE (Stat 0 Pleading guilty to assault charges, Tuesday, Earl Hooey M0. of Orono and DW. Heath #1, of Campbeliford, w each found guilty and fined $38 o0sts The men were charged fol lowing a report from W, GQ Andrews, 33. of Oshawa, that he Md lost several teeth having wn beaten hy the men wy ol ere and Ocean - fresh fish, from trawler to table the same Aay is the plan of ex-RCAF officer Earl Crane who 15 hetting his MUGLETIRE that more P Resoluti On A ti n Annexation | AJAX (Bilal) Ajax couns problems that such a Vignning ail on Monday passed a resolu: Board committee would he con tion that they would ask the fronting in investigating annexa Planning Board to appoint a Hon" The Hardy Report sug commitiee ta Investigate and gested a possible me Ww houndary an the need, henefii onsisting of that territor iT! whe ond fut and the tween Carvuther's and Duffin's possibilities of annexing certain and far north the areas on Ajax's boundaries and CUI tracks in Pickering Town alse when it is felt that these ship," he said steps should he taken Proposed hy councillor Leslie Pearce, the motion was put for. S g Pearce, (he mf wimmin voting on & motion to Yeh An amendment to this motion P | Pl d followed 00 anne In concurring with the AJAX (Biaflf) two Tan tion, Reeve Hohert MacKenzie deputation from Ala sald that it would be a #000 Swimming Pool Commitiee ap iden to annex some of the sur (proached Alax Council on Mon rounding territory. "We would), with plans and specifica: | have & ready-maae population (ions of the peel, te he studied| to hoost Afax' population Plug the council in anticipation ofl to 15.000, sufficient for Ir "OF | ocepting ownership and under:| poration as a eity" he sald taking operation of the pool Mavor William Parish not Wally Henwood, chairman of | that the Hardy Report, mn the Swimming Pool. Committee some time dealt with the presented the plans to eeuncil] land remained on hn ta 4 lanswer any questions gard | Found Guilty ing the pool from the Refers members | fhe detalled construction Of Assau { plans were unveiled at the last " meeting of the Pool Commities| ROWMANVILLE (Btaff) Pv Invitations to ender were Having (hreatened his father co "oo rive Companies for with a knife, March Kin 8 ine construction of the pool Argument paying far Wisi ™oo "date two tenders weve in| hoard and room, Cavin MUrFaY. ee "hands of the building com:| 8, of Beaver street, Neweastle,f on oe "sy "Henwood stated appearing in Rowmanyilie f furl, Members of counell asked him Puesday, was found guilty Off oe "he thought the pool would| Councillor Smith stated that he assault, but was released outlet ened Tie which he replied, and tawn works foreman Charlie of custody and was told to stay We hope to open the pool by|Heid had tried out a used 1067 away from his home mid-June in conjunction with This sentence was imposed id Home Week after the Crown was 1old bY In veferring the plans to the his father that they folt no 10nE-1opaioman of the Works Com er safe with him In the mittee for study His Worship Adult friends of the acoused|Willlam Parish sald that the vouched for his good be havior town owed the Kinsmen Club of and told the that they Ajax and the Pool Commitie would have him live with them. [much appreciation for the work Murray will appear In eourtithey were doing April 11 for sentence providing You have proved - that that he abide with the {people really want something, | tence [they will go ali out and wark [fo it," he sald Three Accused | pie miss ch ane In Liquor Case Careless Driving | ROWMANVILLE (8tath =| BoWMANVILLE (Staff) «= A Three Lindsay men, G. N, Coblchapge of careless dviving was| ling, 81, of Mill street, Kenneth|dismissed by Magistrate R, B Pearson, 24, of Peel street "el Haxter, Tuesday, against 0H. W Ralph Watson, 27, of Grennely|Harnish, 49, of Markham a appeared in Magistrate's) The Harnish vehicle came Court, Tuesday, on charges ofiinta collision with a ear driven naving liquor in a place other by WR. Feuer, a student at the than thelr residence, A further University of Toronto, at the charge was lald against Cah: intersection of Highway 113 in, that being, impaired drive] and Taunton road, Jan, 18, caus ing {ing extensive damage to bath Charges of having were dis. Oars WR Coblin and Pear] Evidence noted that Mr, Hap son. but # $20 fine was imposed Nish drove more than §0.000 on Watson after he admitted {miles annually And was the awning the wine found in the et of a Six-Year Safety Car, Coblin pleaded guilty to im ired driving and was fined 0 and costs havi ng heen Joutd Call enders guilty of the charge by Magis trate RB. Baxter _For New Car AJAX (Stafh) Alax coun: on Monday decided to let tenders for a twodoar four or siv-olvlinder compact type car {far Fire Chief Cocll Winter In his report to council Fipe Committee Chairman William Robertson sald that the pres {ent fire panel truck had been {out of action for the past six woeks and that cost of repair ing it would be high 'In Africa fire chiefs ride hicveles, I have been reading" Lh 1 Maver William Parish a cal far a resolution to ad vertise the tenders hey keep 10.00 shape 100." injected Deputy: (Reeve Pat Sheehan, | \ eople in much gested that all valved had had tee drink. derly {only dump truck which they thought would meet the town's need for the next three or four years He sald that the cost of the truck was 82500 and that a new tink would eost $7000 "I think we should take ad. [vantage of the $4600 saving hy purchasing this truek," he said Deputy Reeve Pat Sheehan lasked If council would he wiser to purchase a new truck, Coun oillor Smith replied that the mos tar of the truck and the power hols were new and that the tres were In excellent condi ton. "It has been driven by el ladies and executives he added aunell passed the resolution the purchase of the truck, { for ALN. Grand OI' Opry Nauheitle Presents in Person WILMA LEE and STONEY COOPER and the CLINGN MOUNTAIN CLAN SLIM GORDON SHOW 8:00 P.M, Followed by Regular Dance FRIDAY, MARCH 17 $00 PM. MISSION: show's b DANCE $1.50 PANCE ONLY, $1.00 RED BARN Advanca Tichew Wilsan & Lee or Red Bam Ke MAKE ( Ball) ~ A letier 6 Max comneis from # resident of the (own weged cowneli 1s 66 SomeIIing whoul (he "wah eney ie messy" chased on the siraeis of AIeK OB ERITEEE EO lestion day by garvage ene Without. Hyer Mr. C. E. Doeringsr, 91 Br Her pveie, Max, sid in We letter thet garbage WIswn oer the GFeeis Irom cHvErinss Cans wee . being picked wp by ont Aven, ond wis beng spread over town by dogs. Be sais thet REWSPRPEIE WETE ERAGE WD 8 fenass ond that (he gERIvgs weld siredlata sll over town in this fashion #1 Ihrough he TRET Councilor Owen Ashley gested that the garbage oan bi wers sither slolem or ran wer ches. He farther sugpsasied thet. one of the lock] herdwere sores sell garbage can Nid without causing their customers the expense of & complete wi Besve Kabhert Mackenrie said thet the situation cold be re medic by securing the covers io the canis th # short length ol Wire oF ros Councilor Wav oid eounetl thet #f that © AYE RB stem © sposal used in 80 ities Frngland st a OVEAWA (CF )The CRE anfe frmeas Tueiiay het HERRS EN REFEEIREM W ade fn ld aa grange' Viewers Ladd {4 I Wi 7 SLAs SEHK eatled World Spon H WATRERIGRN WG hes WEsWETy Bis PUILHRsER & halk of the Babli REWHE GER 4 With (he nacrslening that ity wili rep no advertiong bene fig in Wigs Fine Motorist Sum Of §36 FR MANYEY BE. Lands Beg ring » Jy Ars A CPL PRE A where ROEeT Commer i 4 iBLatl of BR fined Buty J # $9.4 wi " wh %, ng been tow Ly hha # hg Highway %, Maren » 15 and having Haw ar Mi RB piace] " ka than Wis Fesia6TICE i g officer Wowma vid We Gk! Pr oihist Inyestigatl i Pry Const wille de SEM Eharies 1. And had Moniresl where 45 stared giners, which wletef by men f vesiig during Mr Aen ovy Of were the gare he wes ng poss. ities of intro such a system to Alay Doeringer's request fn Janda f for study Students Visit Massey Hall By TINA HUGHES Bowmanville + Bunday the Orenes f ena erm 4 He at in fF #8 i fii istiute KH | guess | wa sme" 8 tod the 0 ng a he nities #! Aid $0 FINE VILLE 47 (Btaff) of 6 Vet Velern £ gan AAN Haye Bo Wi and harge of wing Impatred Highway 2 I , on Foromta 8 delighted Masse and Bowmanvill Under he MB hi Wiis 4 Vincer Schnnls studar i8lon rector Hi Mr rd en h bh red in Magis " iesday EXTRA SPECIAL Low-Low Weekend Rates BEAUTIFUL NEW 1961 MODELS TILDEN rent-a-car 45 KING 87, E, OSHAW/ RA 5-6553 he iner the i A Ww of alo Mi an Lundy and Mie Ho hey ehartered Rotary There they heard the Taronte By ira under the guest conductor hey also venson | Loran provided by A by the Bowimunville 5 ow A concert hy mphony Orch direction of Vietor Di Bello 1gtened tn Anne Ste pra fLernooy WEE Enjoyed hy dents would lke Beaton, his assistants, and the Bowmanville Rotary Club for making this excursion possible its 14 no al Masse all, The #sty to thank Mr Hall OPENING HOUSES | he first reigning monarch to preside at the opening of Cana dign Parliament was Queen Eliz | {abeth 11 in October, 1657 » has 6l@ wrewery 198 | the Leiey sing of the ay pony sharing costs wit REE the CB a present, the "ti Adan ugg said The brewery Wis Bpnes WW footing oat of the Wil a wh sich regions we the Mar WILE, SHOW RACES i £8 ¥ ine Roywl ft poechy match between ngland wy sae THEATRE From the United States wi crne the Visskness, Relmont Eipues wd Kentucky Dery Ww hove raeag, Bationsl ¥evthall isin waren on Bundaey alist as hd the BFL fed. Me jor Jip hacehell weames wii we AE ines oR Belinea s Aa wid the Big BRA SETIGeT , fhe CRE said that plans broadest "Haier Programe pessitie other" the Feench Retwors were fnterasion fn "OE considered FAMBY RETURNS ERISRANE (Bewiers) ~ Po x Ff Muay ta aef an RGTER Engiistuman und Wie lam Marks -- ""Wiracie of the idle y ol owing U8 pitlest 198, 114 "Sing Bw through shark intesied sens 0 Bi gugr 405 4.95 pm, "RY tor 56 9 # lonely iwiand off] $ & Cosesneland cousl, "The fam Worder" 115, 540, 19.48 pm y of Lowr and & dog came home, 1a8 wvppieie show 7.4 gain to party Coolitonn, Bl o vrmer RAF wiet Boned Car | enter, 45, said the family wil 4 out seein for the 6iand Re Gon Rs transportation cen be IF RnueEd ARMY onpY od The fivsl comprehensive Cank fan mild § pi ions were Kegen! r sem the governor of Canada tn Wong" shown Gaily st 10 Wh # letter from Vows iad 455, 8.56, 0.00 § Fast com oA Francs plete show Bl ps FOR BUSTYESS wil KIRTON, fy od : EV jo he Piers of wiheriand of have refused 1 . Plagar tm the wel com. Som ans " dios ma mesmor ating Vik cantiry wen | wpm hetmeen 7 ion Dobson. They oy Time ond Flemity' 1.48, 5.4 Poon wie # tesiatlinr B58 pm Las complete show "MEMMom # i" 5 ------ PETRAEUS EXPORTS Alt Rll # ¢ EIR Tanase ws raz Brock (Wisi). Fhe Fugl 000.006 gations, earned more tive Kind" 828 pm. "Se then 80.5750 in crete of the Purple Rosf $55 sod 199 pm. Last com plete shri #6 829 p.m iis Bre preowned Wy pre legietption Wil BE DIEWEry WW Bi LIARS i yd HiGaTs IE, 1 iad ff # an thie res GL many sO Eing even ' gas roel Lo coast he CBC English TV pet he snnoavceinem uid Liat A Wiad le Ehet ne ol Hy a Gel-Together Club Members WATCH. THURSDAY'S PAPER For A bhe | Cries wi Wana' $3 be Po WATE. ew 5G "A wo Wi wi In é Canadian eyent 7 three #4 | 5 § wha 'Fifee # es or ri Viera The Grest bs 135, 800, 000, 700, 9 Last emnplete show pm the Gueen's V of Veles TREGRIS MAkbs~the Hodes hampons from Wincipeg snd Canadian Henley # Cathar 13 ym ou PiENEs BHG Ww wl & "Khe World of Buile CommanPaith ey the Foothal the i & Wine ine AGE 14 de LL Hp Dnsls nd 2ND BIG HIT! THE SHOCKER ABOUT VYHE DRAG STRIP JUNGLE! SHARE THE LIVES AND LOVES OF THIS INCREDIBLE /MPOSTOR! .» His TRUE-LIFE story makes fiction seem tome! TSH 3RD BIG HIT! Out thers ot 20 fom lurked the terrar of the Ses! DAYID LADD ""RAYMIE" JULIE RICHARD ABAMS ARLEN TH GRE AT MPOSTOR | "SING BOY SING" "RX FOR MURDER" 'MIRACLE OF THE HILLS" A mm -------------- | FOMOND BAEK ARTHUR O0ONNEL GARY MERRILL: RAYMOND MASSEY JOAN LACH ROBES MIODLEION and Lo sinring FEATURE TIMES ALDEN 1136 HEH «5:30 LH} #8 "Father Dain" Low Complete Show STARTING TODAY START IN '6] Toward a Wonderful Job Fulure Enroll Now for the Easter Term at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Commencin TUESDAY, APRI ith L 4, 1961 i woking n op} of ie $ Ike a ¢ sant reer My 8 1] ( ers € neti Ir lized B or lent pre tes gel spe ass Tre Tomorrow Afternoon 2:00 - 2:30 CONSUMERS' GAS Begins New Cooking Series On Award-Winning v will be sublects » ROGEr At the 0sHAWA BUBINESS coLL1o ining f ng 2 ralsl wl ox pert 18¢ hers, oe J ate J got ahead THERE ARE SAVINGS IN THE AIR} FLY TCA J Yo |W ill f 10 help ye Even In this job scarce peried ates of the Qihawe Business College are in demand Eight courses tram which te shoose College is open throughout entire year Start now on gradunte in the fall = mare plentiful when jobs are NEW Modern Equipment and Teaching Metheds, Ask about the new student loan program, Phone == Write or Visit = LOW-COST ECONOMY SERVICE on TCA's North Ameri available every day, all year) an routes Obtain the Latest Literature, ACT NOW DIAL RA 5-3375 NEW ECONOMY EXCURSION FARES UP TO 25% LOWER THAN ECONOMY FARES on TCA routes inside Canadal Good from Octo: "Ch. 3 Women's Show" ber Ist to May 31st, Tickets valid 23 days for weekend, 24 days for weekday travel, Your fare "Tomoniow) (i, | | GME Juay Hoh i boi A BABY AND MY JR HiT Witte TIX we A FANBNS TODAY ONLY "THE WORLD OF SURIE WONG" (Restricted) PLAYERS THEATRE includes full-course meals -- excellent service» new speed and comfort on TCA's great aircraft ingluding DCB Giant Jets, powered by Rolls-Royce! WHAT REALLY MICKEY ROONEY HAPPENED IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN? First Class Service also, of course! COAST TO COAST IN CANADA To the U.S, ~FLORIDA NASSAU--BAHAMAS--WEST INDIES GREAT BRITAIN and EUROPE When YOU travels COMPARE THE FARE - YOU'LL GO BY AIR: For detalis, ask your Travel Agent = or contact TOA st 130 Bloer §1, W,, Toronte, Ont, 0) 78 CANADA AIR LINES SEF YOUR LOCAL AGENT MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Thomas Meadows Co, Canada Lid, 22 SIMCOE ST, §, OSHAWA RA 3.944) FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Pomestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements 57 KING ST EAST OSHAWA RA 8.6201 ADMITTANCE MILNER JRL Twseay WELD and PAUL ANKA AND FOR EXTRA THRILLS EITWEEN ME AND ERNITY COLOR print by Pather Starring LILLI PALMER and BIG CAST Book Through DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS E~--~WHITBY--MO 83304 IN TEONNIROLON - BILTMOREL="%"y --