The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 9

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™ Teensville Names | Five Councillors ASTER SEAL DRIVE "TIMMY" bye (hk of fn SE RIV WER [754 att RANE FaRML ap | have Mm 7h wi das GA when fiom Brachall games pie 1empor #riby postponed (or Cansdr's 1961 ""Dimmy' the represent give of a enpiied omidren whe wil nelpes hy The Faster Sesl Camprign. Wow RYE, MIRE-YERE-MIA Kent Sulh CNR Appoints Area Manager MONTREAI ment of the on March 16 ment of 4. A. Pollock of (HIaWR, Rs FcR were announced today hy J. A MeDonald, general manager of the Bt, Lawrence Region of the Canadian National Mr. Pollock announced the appointment of A. RB son, aL present superintendent of the Belleville Division, as oper gions manager in charge of transporiation, engineering, mn Hive power and car equipment The Jurisdiction of ¥. VF, Burns superintendent of the Oltawa Division, will be extended to in elude the Bmiths Falls Bubdivi Hon The Rideau Arca extends fram Dorval 10 Oshawa slong the Bt, Lawrence River and to Ottawa and Whitney along the Otawa nver. A number of of wry # W YER LLL bern cured and ' '] 1 WeRIn ane Fis f Fhers RIE Thaw Fh tablish Rideau Aven app formerly MAanREeRy P new ana Ihe 1 | FOLIOCK hi | All BV are new faut carried i8 K through a mation ply ta the \falrs fog fallow wintey work hlevens re of the program PrOEress work General hese wer dered paid AeOOUNIs disenssed on undesirable nd Neveral other to council an Na definite council action has heen announced men subject port the spoke workshop Con Rrawnlee the prompting will handle and properties nn i» he supery of Jean dan, assisted hy Keith and Margot Samuel LI branch lines in between are IA also included in the area. Be: in bo in Belleville, which ha tant Communitie SB C0FRWRlLisnd where the ON already ha rockyille, Kingston, Belleville, (po required facilities, inchud broke Ottawa, because of Ws larg The new area is one of the population, of the role it play heen divided hy the CN for ad: industries, will continue to he a ministrative purposes major railway terminal in the MANCHESTER The regular Three Plays chester on Monday, Mar. 6, wilh all members present, and Heeve prepared hy the Durha mifrem Join @ Alber khhea req be 13 {1 1 } L] '! y Drama Workshop, will be pre ehinal Yefuesting hy tigate and advise ratepavers as at B16 pom, at the town hall, fg fe Jie ai the i 2 Madeline Tooley will direct \ 0 {the township reasse all vil drama, "Dark Brown ned fages and urban properties and ed in the cast of thi Pat Lucas, (Manual as recomm i ! i aN red nded hy A Pligaheth Frawer, Ken Dennis, Hepditeh Lak Vi Wanda Hobbs and ampter and collect the proper iat the town hip His for "Dark Brown Dept. of Munieinal Aweel Mystery" is a delightful parted on the farce by John Kivkpatviek, and|present wines High Hchool students who are Stevens presented voucher Na members of the Workshop, and! and road account of $1114.10 Stacey, Pat Gill, Mary Munday Helen Vanstone, Anton Forster {Council adiourned to meet | Monday April 3 Mystery," with Doug Oke, Garth Gilpin and Win Wonnacott as has sponsored this produetion. | The final production of the PICKERING Rill" New man headed a delegation 1a setting and a universal theme : A Battle of Wits" will be di council that a camplete ban on hunting wa hudy Jeffery, Mepv English Frank Stenger, John Rrownlee the traditional empty stage of the Chinese Theatre ference of the 4 Arts and Crafts Association hy sides the national capital, i heen an important rail wa metudes, among other Ampor- senive for more than 100 yes Trenton, Peterborough, Lindsay ing dispatching and mainte Port Hope, Renfrew and Pem: pance services four business units inte whieh on the national and the cultural the BL, Lawrence Region has scene, and of the size of it The headquarters of the area new area Worksh Prince Albert meeting of Reach Township wa held in the Township Hall, Man ROWMANVILLE Oyler in the chal ning of three one-act plays A deputation of ratepayers drants In the Village of Prince sented in Bowmanville Friday Ahr Con Ake if pine Mar. 84 and Raturday, Mar, 2 It was maved hy Larry Doble the fipst play of the evening econded hy Morley Bruce, that Philip Johnson's mystery melo hatthng | buildings in the townshin as and exciting play ave: Gladys oarding to the Provincial Piteher, Jean Darvch Toh Halli- tion wa day, Bde Cale will ant Council put \ comedy will Dark 33000 for another Hrawn" on the program Ah (pragram. Road Supt In directed hy Vie Auger, My Mrs, Crosier presented wel Auger has cast his play from) fart account of $438.35 Supt High School $1455 85 Larry Thompson, Carolyn and oy Heth Crowe and Fred Graham comprise the cast of "Ah, Sweet Prampter and in charge of prop 1 ewman erties, Bowmanville High School | | S k evening will be a play written by a Canadian, with a Chinese Piokering Township Council last week in an effant persuade rected hy Jerri Ross, and will star Tam Park, Helen Nelles UWRReOON SAY and Apha Hodgins, This Noy man Williams comedy 15 sel onl Later in April, the will be represented this production of "A Battle of Wits." Win Woennacelt and Jahn wlern Untarie ORF © By vd aher Tackson Ison i | lon iam Gowan Hears Ne hie New of mayor of Terme With these words PAV Howard CRA Haff adoisoy (4 Tarreoilie ited Beart CABhe WOW A fen 00 citizens of Teasneoilie TarnayiWe darted iw Logie of game, Later wn he yesr W WRS ACIACh (Rel THE Comme Wy Barraation Aesncialion womid fall wdovaow for he prpose of We vieng he Aavers and Tove # EW NAT Ne VRRRGERY Aan RAFTERS Bil Wowwnid, # preltime CRA Haff member, whe WINRAR MVE TREN OF TERE IR TRERGER PFOETRIINE, WARE RSSERER (Re fack of forming Re Rew wh with he posistance of # few (arpaar WIE Ts chneen from fhe gro attending (he dances AIPWISSION CHARGED it was decided (hat member HW CRIA WIA Be sia IR Jan ANA RAIS HONS (RATERS in Fetwwary. AMier # REET ati FIECTION Wr fier fe WAY " a] Ha Wary Harling sifficrent reget V4 wh Was to he Motherin 404 Fen 0 Fi IE | 4 Weil An Hany Fhe 10%) fidl yh Ca @ re Ld fort wh an A COTINE RRA 6 Ero Faster "# Ld wil ace SHRARY mary } Hoty Trimity CR en mmserved the fourth Sen day in Lem (Mothering with ¥ CEYEmOnY 5 The golden Aafiom he wlan with heiguet Fw WWE 8 4 4 "w "wher f f Cif Wichaet Bis Ambulance Involved In Collision Al WInaay) Hs Customary FOWeE] A { Ma placed SETVICE iene / Were wher of Mums ana pmnk snaparagons Fhe Rev, WH. G, Richey Welcomed the J13FEe CONEreRR ment Hon {hy of our Irie he rol flow Called wetore WA hewitt il whi FEOLHY ' resent in Mather th f1eha Fria ne ines ¥i Fan | §] Wrting iting General MOrmng was at the narth (RiEeh of the 1 "i 44 Has Wiessing ana ola were forward the allar # dalfodil whieh presented to thei lowing er 7 fient from he iamt In Oshawa Vining ital, ear COI fo n COrne and Britt | wh thi Fil Lo receive they, in turn mather In his yinven camnsian treet f 0 men freel We Jar fainted Adelaide sermon, Mr Iichiey took his text from 1 Bamuel his And David danced might Hy before the Lord and drew parallel hetween music and God's Kingdom In music wid Mr. Richey we are free 0 express thoughts and Ross Thinks Starr Should Leave Post It is time is street Work th uninjured in the mishap pin the ambu lance ground. It came to rest 95 feet from the point of impact fahn Whi 9%. of free {, was driv Donald Wil of 301 French ng the other tat fl mari WA whith fi Fireman {sit 1271 King ing the ham Blache) street Vieni Fi ir dgmnulance an mlved Wh en The ambulance was travelling north on Simcoe street and the {Blacher vehicle was westhound Adelaide street east, Dam Age to the car was estimated at E00 and the ambulance al $250. Credit Union Names Officers ATAX | in the Honorahle wel Starr, minister of labor, dis-| plaved some of his honar"| and resigned his position in Par lament, the Oshawa and Dis trict Labor Council was told esday night L regular He should allow into hoard of direc: Parliament that will respect the! Alax Community people who elect him Keith following the an: Ro eeretary-treasurer of the the following ap: labor council said vere made and! Mr, Ro as commenting formed the fact he had not received an Vie Walker answer from Mr, Klarr after al president, Ivar Collins challenge issued (oo the lah lary freasurer, Mrs, Norma|minister by the labor council, in Hayoraft Iehruary The challenge de Insurance Vie|manded (hat Mr, Klan face Walker, CIA Huss Reid, !the unemployed and starving Cunag Mutual people in his own riding, Osh Publicity awn al public meeting Mi "I don't know how long leen hould refer to him as the arable Mr, Blarr, when fuses, by his silence, (0 of the. hoard and give an account of himself Mrs. Frances ML: Iss said Gleen © Raveraft Mr, He ref reed to the labor commitiee How minister's attack on a person who appeared on the television Mrs, Gloria Coe 3 "ey " ¥ hel and Mrs, Margaret Hoyd; |PTORram Aseup Lb the most despicable thing | have Credit Commities Mrs, Al i heard leen Kpanger, David Green and ®Y0! William "He went to a lot of trouble to find out all the activities of this man", Mr, Ross continued, "1 (don't think he is being paid to gumshoe and pick on people who appear on television programs." "He, either purposely or hy goeident, developed this TV eon traversy to take our minds off wan the unemployment problem My, Hoss sald, "Ho was 8 nilee Paundation citi: manoeuvre, hut 1 was cevtainly Aecretary it was an not honar," « "yun ihe Stare of "Hddling I. H, Heed I'he labo Kiwanis Club aooused My mount, Oshawa. The while Rome burns, | hope some pecified as the Dis: one steals his rose colored glas Award, came ses', he said +] was When Mr, Ross vesiterated his Free: | statement I still think he Al the the fir QI ean meeting of tors of the Credit Union nual meeting paintment commie President { Vieg secre commitiee Mi education Ld Mrs, Ii Boyd wil and Bateman and John Ww Hon he re Come Jaye vicholson Chapter representative Other af director Conant + and Rupervisory ard Goddard members Kiw "nis Wins Top F vard 1] tap rational ha wil the an Kiwani i tenth nual Freedom nahin vantest nounced tod hy President of We high honor tinguished Nerviee tn Kiwani I'eh |presented at the annual ol | an "ldoms Foundation awards cere: should resign," he was loudly pposident al hy Labor Counetl was unity is required sald Mps, Agnes AMaska at a public Hotel Genosha last alate MOY Valley Farge, The applauded award made for Kiwanis' delegates Citizenship Quotient praject which encouraged citizens to de . termine the extent and kind of Sees Mankind their Individual citizenship ae tivity (eitigenship quotient) and . ] to take steps to correct any de Needing Unity ficleneles noted, Kiwanis has won a top award in all but twa, "Religious of the 19 annual Freedoms|for mankind,' Foundation citizenship contests, | Harrison of According to Mr, Reed, "hel Meeting al Freedam Foundation Award night. rout velizion i the has long enjoyed the same sta Hi a : ure mn the community sorvicp|WOrid, INOUE thelr Ahidue ig i the en io th ne folded the spivitual understand Emmy in the television field ns ol We RAINE x mn 3 Ahout 1200 Kiwanis elubs in Hh Lig Ji , i the United ANE Canada) vippe unique religion founders are currentdy aperating CQ pro SHE as Krishna Moses grams, and several hundred oF | Ryddha, Christ, Mohammed and ganizations of other types, in (jaierally Baha'u'llah have cluding manufacturers, other praught to mankind the knowl! SOFVIce Organisations, trade as adee of spiritual existence and OCIALIONS, O10. have alse Sart in" (his age, when mankind od CQ pro volves ta the condition of ma 1 will wide differ ences of opeed, rave and calor dent and jain tegether in the spirit (of harmony and brotherhood," 5 \n \ SL Wi re 33 hy daw Foundation, (Reed said awards 1 he sol b th Py made Free The Oshawa Times Jel wl The CINVZERS (IE hers) electing # comet and SECOND SECTION mayor. As ThE PIaNG DYSEFEsE: aft 7 seeond CRA adoieor in he wer amny of PATE Cake wae Fopmne. 7 TF anmagoiiie The resol of hese plans #nd the election of Neil ws mayor of Tesnsoille ior alerted comme ions 18 gasiot Ww iw governing Teens yiite fon FFICIALE SAVED 86 thetr fivst official comment meeting Friday might (hey pameh thelr commities heads for 1061 me follows. finance, Hichard Aomis. poles and five, Clinton Brown. reerertion. Johw itr. membersity and pk feet y Karen Bell. property git WeMastears The following wfficials for Taamevilie were pppornied by the . comment: town clerk, Ian fee. (own trerswrer, Andy Her. rell. recreation director, Veler {160A Fi IA Wks SHETIA tendent, George fee; owef of wlver, Jim Wilson. depty chief of phere, Ken Baral H way (Fite Wi H WA f i ty "Hove Church Observes g Day Piet yet there wna mythm have to be ow selves of the order and God's own Kingdom Following fhe COTRIAUIION Ser EVEFYOne was inviled to the lower hall for coffee and of ""Bimnel Cake VERIE REN, Rinmentices awry from home would take this very neh fru cake as #l gift to their mothers on Mother: | ng Sunday. i wisn the cus Lom QURnE Certain ages 10 serve his Rimngl cake Christmas Kuster and other special fest Vit) OWaARYS We Serve Mo in honor of our mother fhe church ir inst he Similany wm freedom Fitet iiss hythm of Finn rae an ve we frie ICES "Rect Many Wa fil e members of Bell Tele § Oshawa plant depart honored al & recently the Fhe jhane ment Leagm were Joseph Larogue, Br, mother the parish asked to preside ml the table and to cut the first of cake Arrangements for the social hour which followed were made hy the Duets Club, under the leadership of their presidents Mr, and Mrs, Harold Forsythe CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- | dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth days today lack Dillon, street Carolyn Cornelius, ne Baldwin streel Mrs Dingman, 132 Lakalle; Wil lam Hrehork, KK Gordon street Valerie and Bu Usher, 378 King street Wie Judy Morrison, My te, Mrs, Laura Genge, hid Adelaide west; Adelard Mor in, 17 Cedar street, Whit h Colleen MeAdam, 252 Groom Harry Clark 17h Grierson, Mrs, June Brough, 72 Wilson road N.; Wally Kuzenko, 26 Bucking | ham avenue; Allan Boivin, 21K Court street; Bob Brown, 1058 Hortop street; Joyee Huis Ferguson avenue, Hrookling Mary Passant, HI 1, Burketon; Mrs, Gor don Coppin, RR 1, Oshawa, and Lucille Crampton, 20 Colborne street east I'he first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The current attraction is "The Warld of Bugle Wong' Reports on birthdays will he. received only between the hours of § a.m, and 10 a.m, Phone RA J-8474 aia Whe head pec f m Toronto first nanguet in To Specify Complaints The Oshawa and District Ta hor Council, Tuesday night, de cided to write again to the Cen tral Mortgage and Housing Cor poration asking for improved standards of inspection on homes financed by the corpora | Hon A faking piace in had made that huilt from com com the Fed 161 Albert sen 1] want of are improved inspection," he hers \ said Press IS LAS Party 1 old-line alne 1a of previous | | reference to compliant home Inadequntely |The answering letter [ MHC asked for specific plaints, It said very few {plaints were received hb | *Lporaiion Enclosed with the answering letter was a pamphlet with sug gestions on how to protect your self against had buys in homes | Bid Burge chairman of the political action committe ald CMHC was placing the responsi ihlity of inspection on the indiv Idual buyer, He said this places ton big a burden on the property awney "All we standards sald Ald, John Brady said he had apecifie examples of complaints available fur the labor council to send the CMI Keith Ho ceretary-reasuy er of the council, sald he would relasue correspondence (o CMHC when Mr, Brady provided {him with the specific com {plaints AJAX Ken Smith of the | Rod and Gun Club says that H p Je ie Ntetiong are still leading arman al the league as of * March 6 Herve ave the scores! Stetsons . have seven wine for 14 points enin et with a total score of 7037, The Ramrods are second with five wins for 10 points, with total fune 17 han heen set as the soape of 7508, The Indians have {diate for the opening day for 7506 and the Cowboys 7460 (Harman Park located in Cedar Gordon Found tied for high dale, This important date Was individual prone with 100 x § announced at. the association Found is alse second in the en meeting held recently in the tire league with a score of 1968 clubhouse x Th, against John Hall's 1082 x Fred Carey, the newly elected 58 of the association, Now that Waster exams will chaired the meeting. Mra. | soon be aver for the high school George Thomson, secretary, boys, it is hoped to see more read the minutes of the previous hoys at the ange meeting and Mrs, Roland Mor vii gave the treasurer's report red Carey reported that the hinges would rnin on Charges Press their regular basis on March 17 St John's Hall he sports chairman, James Created Fuss Curran, stated that the baseball phe Now Party can cary on teams are now being organized without the support of Tim nd anyone interested in 0oaeh: puck and his Communist party ing a team should contact Mm. Clittard Pilkey, president of the My Roy Foster gave the siok!oshawa and District Labo CORVORAr's report Council, told the council mem A new property 'committee Tuesday night was sel up with the following jie was acousing the proas of members Donald LOavIL irving ta embarrass and down chairman, Albert Arey andl Giade the New Party by mak Fred Cavey mE a fuss aver samething that he next regular meeting of happened at a small meeting in the association will be held in Nova Scotia the clubhouse Sunday, April 8,177 the POS wants ta de at 2 pm something, let it veport what is wrong in low wage areas like MOVING SHADE Nova Scotia," he said LONDON (CF)=The followin Mr. Pilkey the vortisenen peared no alnot ve the national NAPA pel Artificial] coverage New tree on wheels wanted to eastihas heen 10 the a movable shade" parties, i the 10 giving PAGE NINE VA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 196) OSHAS OSHAWA TEAM WINS BELL FIRST AID COMPETITION Reid, Back row, William Han. eock, conch, and Gordon Rit ter, Each member of the team was presented with 8 silver, engraved stein Photo by Ballard and Jarrett, -- left to right Hull and Ronald Wil Middle row, Jack Mr. Macpherson, Gra Peel, captain and James company's annual western | sre kneeling first mid competitions Shown here receiving the ares award shield from W, C, Mac pherson, operations manager, Get Nothing In Return For Tax Levy-Reeve Scott BROUGHAM Reeve J, Sherman Beolt announced fo Pickering Township Council at their meeting Monday night that {the County of Ontario had sel its rates == a levy of $247,786.78 for the township 'One and one-half mills on our assessment," sald the HNeesve "for which get nothing In return OF the county's $82,506 956 » sessment, Pickering Township's hare is B18,880.070, or 22.06 per cent, Mr, Beolt compiled a list of comparisons In the road bud el last week, pointing oul the township's share. He sald that of the total mileage of county roads, 264.10 miles, Pick ering Township had 32.48 miles dames Ham Area Gregg ham road expenditures in Pickering. "It would be one thing," con. Township are $83,425, The coun-| tinued Mr. Mowbray, "i county ty levy on the Township is $113,-| government were elected on an 400, and the excess of levy over over-all basis, As it stands it expenditures is $20,075 becomes painfully obvious that NO ALTERNATIVE municipalities with lower assess Heeye Scott noted (hat there ments get a good deal out of a was no alternative hut to pay it, [few municipalities with large Deputy - Reeve Fdgar James! assessments," remarked that it did not seem' Heeve Keoll falr, and asked if there were municipalities any hope of getting an urban! paid less than 1 per cent, Note rebate ing that Pickering Townshi 'It 18 not that easy," sald the had four votes, he added that it reeve, "If it were, I would twist did not always have the sup« thelr arms." port of Pickering village nor I'he only other areas in the south end, done," sald Councillor Milton] "It all boils down to the fact," Mowbray, "is to keep raising a said Councillor Clifford Laycox, stink and hope that some people "that Pickering Township is with a conscience will give it a being used, 1 think we should tor 12.8 per cent of the total, On second thought and realize the'sit in commitiee some night and # road program to cost the County is pillaging their wealth: give some serious consideration county 608.145, the county's ier neighbors to what we can do," Union Costs | Lasor counci. Table Tennis Firm Work | NEWS IN BRIEF 'Play Planned . AJAX Plans for a table feamster official, who an. The Oshawa and District jonni" (ournament, sponsored nounced the organization of an Labor Council will send a letter yy tha social committee of the Oshawa cartage firm in Decem: 10 the traffic advisory commits Ava community Credit Union, bes Tuesday Wh id the em ted of He Duhava ¢ ity Counell. aro now final ployees might have heen hetter ARKINE Tha e Rlop Rig oop We , Ww htt if they had been left alone [erected in the newer residential, Tht event, open thelr Cred Hyd MoAfee, business repre. @reas of Oshawa, It was reports) oy will take ol ™ Wed sentative for Local AKO of the/®d Tuesday night, there appear ¥ Hy teu On Noduey | day, April 12, at 7 pm, and Teamsters, told the Oshawa and |®4 10 be a lack of signs in these | go Apr | District Labor Counell, in Do areas Sunday, April 10, from 14 pam. Trophies will he awarded in comber, a contract had been each of three divisions: Ladies signed hetween Galt Cartage ; Ningles, Men's Singles and Mix. and Local 419, Warehouse and, Sd Burgess, chairman of the ed "poubles Miscellaneous Drivers Union, | Political action committee, Osh "gnino forms are in the mail, t that time, he had said the Awa and Distriet Labor Council, impanhies are on display in the employees signed "at the peril] Tuesday night, moved that a lets window of Hickey's Jewellery of their livelihood," ter be went to T. D, Thomas, gore in the Ajax Shopping | Tuesday night. he MLA, protesting the institution) plaza council that belonging fo thel0f the § per cent sales tax, union has cost the firm work. | "Which obviously - will hit the Bh They were underbid hy non:| Wage earner", Some ney Student Named ' . To Dean's List union cartage companies, hel expressed the fear there is a sald trend towards antislabor legisla Richard 1, Moffat, son of The Rev, and Mrs, John King tion in the Ontario government . K. Objects ) IMoffat, of 52 Simcoe street To Kennedy south, Oshawa, was paid tribute T Ik Pl during the annual Honors Day observance, Mar, 14, at Bethany College, Bethany, West Virginia Moffat, a junior, was named WV ) A A : : NEW YORK (AP) Proxident to the dean's honor list and be: Kennedy has suggested to Sov ane an official member of A re ) \ \ 3) : : iol Premier Khrashehev that Kalon, leadership and construe formal negotiations on general {ive citizenship society, Moffat disarmament be resumed Sept is majoring in veligion 1, i was reporte ' of Awan reported today Rev. John K. Moffat is miniss the New York Times, which ter of the United Church of Cans gave the report in a Washing aes si " ton dispateh, said Khrashohey was understood to have objected ada in Oshawa to the suggestion "with some iar on Th ern that fi Pet Wolf Finds Haven he unreasonable The story alse said in pant As a result of Khrushehev's reaction, Kennedy's advisers on disarmament are trying to de HULL (CP)==John MeGovern termine whether the new United sont his pet. wall, Cindy, te States disarmament proposals haven in Ontario Tuesday to ess can be campleted in time ta cape a Quebee ultimatum permit an earlier resumption of MeGovern hiteh-hiked across the talks Canada with Cindy last month, I'he advisers are believed to He said Monday the Quebec fish he aiming at a date near the! and game department warned beginning of August him it was illegal to keep a Kennedy's su gg walf in captivity without a les ven to Khrishehe fence and he wasn't likely to get one He said the department gave him eight days to get nid Cindy or face a $10 fine 5 iald that with some one vole wi thing that can he TO PROTEST TAX told the DEPLORE LEGISLATION Sid Burgess, in his last report an chairman of the Oshawa and District Labor Council political action committee, asked that a letter be sent to the Canadian Labor Council, deploring antis labor legislation in Riitish Cos lumbia, "Premier W. A. C. Ren nett is trying to weaken the unions in that province," he sald, "He ix no better than Cas no Khrushehey My. Rup HONS "We must fight this type of thing in Canada." He was referring to legislation against 'union checkoff methods for donating money to New Party Wunds ol sald DONATE $23 he Oshawa and Labor Counell, Tuesday decided to donate $35 Oshawa Union for the ploved, ta assist them work Pistriet night to the i \ 1" ART TREASURES WARSAW (AP) About a0 000 Poles visited four-week Warsaw Museum exhibition of the national art treasures re raned by Canada in January Valued at $50,000 000, the col lection was taken to Canada when Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany and Russia in {the Second World War Rk 0 8 Hon was hv Am Mhamn The covered \ | Mareh a ' AT Ulowalt SOR Wm Stheria 9 President's me § 8 (Ofer subjects ¢

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