The Oshawa Times, 14 Mar 1961, p. 5

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new addition to the Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans, was instituted in Whithy over the weekend. This, the pisy Endorse Resolution For Aid For Retarded thelpeid to the municipality issu- of Ontario he requested to en e following resolution The second report of / he OFFICERS OF ELGIZA SANCTORUM, Elgiza Sanctorum No. 29%, 8 | branch of the 100OF, was in| Shown shove pre the officers | stituted at the Anderson Street | High School suditorium with | dinner later served in the ' TOOF hati on Brock street Standing Committee in Finance ing the debentures was adopted during week Parts of the reports are 85 petitioned by the Council of the Saving Time Ontario County Council proceedings last SOLVED THAT the Legislature Gegree of uniformity in connes THEREFORE BE IT RE of the Province of Ontario he Y grch; Harold Wickett, Grand {| Magill, of the pew senciorum, Front | Monarch; €. French, Vener: | Wickets, row, left to right, H. Simpson, | able Friar; D, Wilson, Bank | Marriott Collector; B, Lymer, Regis: | er; back row, seme order, V. | Counsellor ter; A. Loyst, vice Grand Mon- | Cole, Grand Executioner; H dorse the | HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Plan Spring Prom At Henry St. High By JOAN CALDER Grand Herald; W, Grand B, Slentorss; B, Love, J, Bremner, Grand Gide, ~Oshawa Times Photo {possible results in the COSBA | By cr conven THE OANA TIES, Taesiey, Mende 14, 1961 § Manager: Vioyd Robertson "WHITBY and DISTRICT Whithy Busan Office; 111 Dundas $4, West : Te MO, 89798 Important Fourth (Township Treasurer Tilt Here Tomight will be a rel test 19 the Wiithy Bilicrests ms they wre faced with the task of coming wp of the floor with # win oF Banging wp the skates for the yess, The Peierhorough Camcks will invade the locsl rena with » 39 record in the playolls so far snd have their sights set on meliong i fowr Wn # row, Personally we have Beyer seen B Whithy team yeti thet fuss Sowed oul (our straight iond we do not expect thet the \Hiticrests will spoil our record The Hilicrests have had a lot of tough luck of late with n- juries and fellows quitting the mest Jocwls ch when they were needed. Bight now the have three or four fellows whe pre Aowbtiyl starters spd g couple whe Aefinitely will not be there. The two whe will not ibe able 10 make i pre Tom Chascrewsid whe is in Oshawe General Hospital and he \operaied on again Sunday, Gary McCullough 18.00 Flint, Mich tending the General Motors Institute studying 19 he ar engineer, Rickey Switzer has an infected foot snd may not he Was at ready for tonight's game. Geo Ashby is a doubtful starter #lso, Bobby Tripp end Len » ] " At V4 Tonight (Resigns At Meeting t Whithy meeting, the frst mesting His psu isles effest on slalements were Rot March 9 CREEL, IRETIRETS Were Ret The resignation come owt of zwars of what was be prepared. Commcilior John Pryde charged that the 9 i" slatement. was BOL presented February ond wt Monday's of # »n the council ot Ws meetings Orpheus Well Received 'By Whitby Audience KEN ROBERTS player on the Whithy team and A capacity pudience witnessed Canadian artist, was owistend he will receive the MeCutlough Jeweller's watch for this honor Ken is » real heads wp defence the third presentation of & se-ing in his major role, Together nes of theee concerts by the with Barbers Strathdee. An. Whithy Concert Association per- drew MacMilion snd Jonnne man, one of the best in the formed by the Canadian Opera Ivey the cast of over 9 was league, He will be trying 19 Company st Henry Street High well prepsred snd rehesrsed inject that added spark into his School Saterday night for their Whithy performance, mites for tonight's game as the Orpheus in the Underworld, a. The opera was the latest Whithy team hight 9 keep their lepothy mythical opera, was Addition ty the Canadien Opers playolf hopes glive well received hy the audience, Company's reperioire snd was "IN ORDER to provide some The Henry entrants in the finals, If our team wins, the Aarch 18, LOSS fingls, the formal on 8 Mardi Gras theme tion with the term of Daylight Girls' Benior haskethall team will be a victory celebration for Bobbie are both nursing injuris performed for the first ime ot that this Council cleaned the Ajax team 29-17 re follows County of York te remit al) Petition the Provincial Govern cently, But the Henry Junior Mr. Gordon Riehl, of Mon: subsidies paid on permanent Ment requesting that considera- team lost §-8 teith, Monteith, Riehl and Com-| improvements of high schools tg Hon be given 10 passing appre: They seemed to be progress pany, Auditor, has requested an the municipality that issue the priate legislation for the termi- ing towards a win in the first increase in his present Budit debentures nation of Daylight Saving half, but Ajax overtook them fee. Since the last increase in Time on the first Sunday prior The Benior game was hard and the auditor's fees in 1956, there AID FOR RETARDED to Labor Day dirty because hoth teams were has heen a substantial increase We recommend that the fol "We recommend that the fol- fighting for top positions, Con in the volume of work ~ for ex-|lowing resolution of the Council lowing resolution of the Council sequently, there were many issued have in ample, cheques creased hy over 50 per cent and during this period the expendi tures of the county have in creased from Approximately $1,120,000 to $2,500,000 "We recommend that the auditor's fees he increased from 1.630 to 82100 and that said fees he apportioned as follows: Gen eral account, $760; Fairview Lodge account, $500; County Roads account, $450; Suburban Roads account, $150 and regis try office, $250 "We recommend that no ae tion he taken on the following resolution of the Council of the County of York "WHEREAS High Sconl Boards include in their expendi tures for grant purposes the yearly payment made on eapis| tal expenditure which includes) debentures issued by the Coun | ty or loeal municipality; | HAND WHEREAS many mu: | nicipalities are burdened with debenture debt AND WHEREAS debentures will be more in demand if the capital grant on High School Permanent Improvement Is Bolahood Rink Wins Dow Trophy Jns, Bolahood's Oshawa rink skipped hy Ralph Bemis, Saturday claimed the Dow Tro phy at the third annual Dow| Men's Open Bonspiel at the Whithy Curling Club, The Osh: Awa quartet were winners of the 11 am. draw and heat oul Cheevers' Royal Canadian rink by twa nnints to take the tro phy and prizes The Bolahood rink scored three wins and 45 points to win. Members of the rink were lead, Novingn Ward; second Jos, Bolahuvod; vice, Alex, Wil son and skip, Ralph Bemis Winner of the § a.m, draw was the Cheevers rink from the Roval Canadian Curling Club, with three wins and 43 points Second prige In the early fraw went to Walker's Oshawa rink with two wins and #8 points. Third prize was won by Bates! Oshawa rink with two wins and #0 points Consolation prize Risebhrough s Whithy Second prize in the 11 am draw went to Unionville's Kirk rink with three wing, 4314 points went to rink Third went to Roy Howe's Whithy rink with two wins and 85 points. Consolation prize went to Frank Godden's Whithy rink Some 3 rinks, from Oshawa Whithy, Sunderland, Port Perry, | the Royal Canadian Club, Tam O'Shanter, Weston, Unionville and Honeywell took part in the 'spiel ony |attend, fouls for hoth teams, Top seor ers for Henry were Joan Fair of the County of Elgin be. en- of the County of Peterborough dorsed he endorsed "WHEREAS under the pres: "WHEREAS the number of 140 08 the Beplor leam and p Mary Lou Cuddy on the Junio ent system of education, equal- requests for statistical infor y y 0 10 ity of opportunity of education mation with aecompanying leam is not the same for retarded forms required from municipali children as is afforded to pupils ties from various government of public and secular schools departments is steadily increas "PHEREFORE BE IT RE- ing, with accompanying de SOLVED THAT the Department mands on municipal officials of Education give consideration] "WHEREAS these reports in to grants to schools for retard. crease the work of Incal staff, ed children to enable the said necessitating increased person schools to provide transportation nel with additional cost (0 the and education for retarded chil: laxpayer, As an example we dren in like manner as is pro-| Wish to cite a new monthly form vided for other children requested under the caption of "We recommend that the fol.| Government and Payroll" re : hobabid pid a quested by the Dominion Bur y fl the Coune . lowing resolution of the Counell| Jo" eit ine SPRING PROM A display of posters in the school halls and in various downtown stores are advertising Henry's Spring Prom on Friday March 24, Tickets are available to anyone in town and can he hought at either school during noon hour. The Whithy Concert Associa tion backed and supported the Opera, Orpheus in the Under world, held in Henry Bireet Auditorium on Saturday night of the County of Middlesex he "502 y A a _|Bome high school students at not endorsed THEREFORE BE IT RE:|tended because it was an event SOLVED that hy - unanimous| not often seen in Whithy, "WHEREAS a resalution, Jo | agreement. the Council of thel specting Daylight Saving Time County of Peterborough in Reg:| has been adopled by the Coun-'yiar Session assembled request ell of the County of Middlesex; the support and co-operation of "AND WHEREAS it is deem: the Dominion and Provincial necessary to bring ihe mat. Gavel nmenis in the elimination | er forcefully and clearly to the of duplicity and growin gl 0 attention of the Ontario govern: volumes of A IR LAA A | PERS NALS ment, in order to eliminate the he filled out hy our county and . annual confusion and inconveni- local offices. These reporis are , The euchre club met at the ence caused hy lack of uni: increasing the work of Ineal home of Mis. Edna Sawyer, RR formity in the termination dates staffs and will certainly require? Whithy, The lucky winners {of Daylight Baying Time; {additional staff at our local level WETe: first, Mrs, Rose Barring "NOW THEREFORE BE ITI the near fulure ton, Bookiin. second, Mrs RESOLVED THAT the Councils] "We recommend that a hy. Grace Hicks, Whithy; low, Mrs of All Counties in the Province|law be introduced to provide Mary Woodward Brooklin for a reserve of §15,000 for work. FUNCh was served hy the host (Ing funds, The purpose of this|®88 Assisted hy members of the | Successful Euchre Baskethall teams have heen practising madly to get the best WHITBY {general financial reserve 15 to fhib . Fhe next ent hre will be {maintain the revenue fund in a eld at the home of Mrs Hane | At Sinclair H and § | sound financial position so that| Hicks, Byron St, N., with Mrs | Winnie Covyeow, of Oshawa, as there will he less necessity for Boake L 4.1] the County of Ontario to horrow| for current purposes and to nay) charges pending the Youth Council members of the | Whithy Salvation Army who at the County Levy from [tended a Council Rally held in A very successful "Huehre Night! was held last Friday iio ost evening at hinelair school under soeint of By ons 0 e Home an locs ' fhe apie oh Hom ond the loeal municipalities Belleville over the weekend nenoal ui AU. re . were: William Bates, Sylvia P n dud tod: | B ill Bates, Angela Gillam, Arthur rizes were awardes 0 w Gillam, John Gillam, Ropald ladies' high, Mrs, Ruby Brown 0 manvi e and Donald Baheoek Margaret Him Leann Wright iy Mrs C M Dudley, Richard Care, Clarence M, Brisco; men's high, Fred b T Kentner, They were accom Williams, Mrs, D, Arksey, Mrs I eam panied by Captain Roberts 8, Kelly; door prize, Mrs Wi Mrs, J. 7. Age, Byron Bt. 8 Brady up prize, Mrs, Brack, ns Tourney is in the Oshawa General Hos r. R, MeLaughlin, repre y . senting the schonl hoard, ae : q pital, Her friends wish her a | J A) Branch 112 of the Royal Cana: complete vecavery cepted the donation of a radio dian Legion plaved host to the! for the sehaol presented hy Mrs. |Z ane Cribbage Tournament A very enjoyahle party was W, Bryant on behalf of the asso Saturday, March 11 held at the home of Mp, and ciation, A vote of thanks was| A hundred players from Osh. Mrs, Ross Cookman, Black expressed by the president tolawa, Bowmanville and Uxbridge! Water, to honor Mrs, Gearge HH Mrs, MeLaughlin and his com: (were weleamed by Compade| Wickett's birthday, About 45 mittee for planning and ar Vern MacCarl, Zone sports of- friends and relatives were there ranging this "Euchre Night." [fieers A, Cocker and W, Beaton/#nd she received over §0 Mrs, A. Suddard is the chair. of Oshawa were ably assisted | Pirthday cards, lovely gifts and man of the nominating commit: by the local sports officer J.|1W0 birthday cakes, All imme tee, Mrs, M. Morrison and Mrs M, Melvor dite family relatives attended, W. Bryant will attend the con-| The tournament was a clean Making four generations pros vention Gn April § at the Royal Ween for Bowmanville, All four| ent, Ten ales 5 bards WA ye York Hotel, Toronto Couneil| AWARE Ing Rositions were tanen Played and be IE FHT 1) 9 (| ag | By em 0 fam 0 | Wilh at y A f i 1 meeting will be held Mare h 8 Bhaaks. A. Wel nL. Kimble |Mrs, Reg. Cookman, Mrs, H, H with guest speakers, Mr 1 i . 4 Wicket. Mrs. Ross Cook Ai J GG, Maven, G, Virtue, 8, Dunn, |Viekell, Mys, Hoss Cookman, Kirk, from Ontario Association | ice Bet p for Retarded Childve B. Mairs and R. Johnston Mrs. Bruce Heaton and. Miss ™ a bh hr a . The Whithy No. § team was Povothy Wicket, Guests were e next general meeting at) oo00q 4 oi present from Sunderland, Lind sinclair school will be held April] 1260nd, ene paint behind the| hy 1 th A R ha A 0 held ADM Bowmanville squad. The draw|¥8¥, Little Britain, Toronto, Osh of Ly Nar eRavn Princinal tor a hook was won hy Willard | Awa and Whithy § ge, as § i Padd, We ) y Aw \ speaker, All are invited to i ' 1d, a le eal me mher Miss Evelyn Virgin, 630 Cen The dance committee thanks yee 81, 'N., i8 in the Oshawa the comrades who pitched inl General Hospital where she after the festivities and pre: \odorwant surgery, Her friends BROCK Ffvenin Adult Entertainment PLUS "SECRETS OF Last Complete Show at 8:20 pared the hall for the regular : A Overy dance which followe d the Wish hor a prompt recover) tournament Topping off an active week rend, the Branch 112 bowling! which qualified far the District Playoffs in Peterborough on April 1, were treated to a free practise session Sunday evening at the Red Wing Ovehard Alleys 9 Shows at 6:55 & 8:20 . Ward was received on Sunday that Mr. Isaac Hill of Little Rritain, died on Sunday, March 12, and funeral will be on Tues day, March 4 from Mackie's Funeral Home, Lindsay. The late My, Hill is the father of Marvin Hill who used ta live in Members of the team under, Whithy and some of his friends Sports Officer J. Melvar wish/will vemember him visiting 10 convey their thanks 1a the here. Mr. Gerald Hill, af Osh management of the Red Wing awa. is a grandson | Orchards Henry as well ss a time 10 but will more than likely play CYOWR B NEW queen Harvey Burke snd Dave Niche Fhe cheerleaders have lishen did not show up for the changed hands again since the hig game in Peterborough on resulls of the exams are com- Saturday might and whether ng out, No person can partici- they will be out for the game n & a vities less ) pate in school activi WIESE tonight is not known. Anyway ley have a 64 24 per cent aver manager Davie and coach age, This leaves many people ceo n wad the vest of the out of sports but they should IY Howp working out last night work to get a good average so ond they ris Bg a bo y ' 4 they ean play on the teams rolling tonight ADDITIONAL, WHITBY NEWS| Pictured here is Ken Roberts p GE captain of the Whithy team who IN PAGE 4 was voted the most valuable Round $3165 NEW np CUSHIONED AIR RIDE BY HIGHWAY TRAVELLER Jan Rubes, the brilliant young Whithy on their C i (our The opera written by Jacques Hienbach over 2 199 years ago is 4 clover parody of the Greek lege Orpheus , The maich was one of fowr tegen of The and Burviles, which preceded the heavyweight qance routines are comparable championshnp contest between 10 # Broadway musics) Floyd Patterson and Ingemar a d Canadien welterweight cham. Johansson in Miami, Fla, On & Phe production was under the pion Gale Kerwin of Ottawa closed civenit telecast in 12, musical direction of Dr, George The 150-pound Ross outclassed Eastern Canadien cities, Brough, It was under the gen Durelle throughout the fight, A erowd of nearly 4.900 ergl direction of Herman Gelgerr walched the bout at the Gar nel and eodirector Maver "Moore, Wins DECISION TORONTO (CP)~Don Ross of Toronto won & 19-round wneni mous decisicn gover Joey Durell of Baie Ble, Anne, NB at Maple Teal Gardens Monday pight in 2 fight billed gs & welterweight elimination Boss will be matched against I48-pound Maritimer was the ninth, when he nearly knocked him through the ropes, There were no knockdowns Ross' hest round against the dens $7950 4 DAYS IN NEW YORK INCLUDING RETURN FARE, HOTEL ROOM, SIGHTSEEING, ENTERTAINMENT 2 EXPRESS TRIPS FROM TORONTO EVERY DAY! VIA QE, WAY AND NEW YORK THRUWAY BY BUS WASHINGTON, , . . PHILADELPHIA . . . ST. LOUIS LL EE I Ee ER | SAN ANTONIO, . . . WINNIPEG ...... VANCOUVER, 8 8 0» MONTREAL. . ... SAULT STE, MARIE . Saat] . WHITBY = Har All round trip fares are low! VIA GREYHOUND LINES IN USA CONSULY YOUR LOCAL AGENT FOR ALL BUS TRAVEL INFORMATION § Donald, Agent, 300 Dundas 50, E. Ph: MO 8.3475 $ 330 30% 384 77% 59 109 17% 27% J Second Feature Attraction in eolor, with Jott Richards THE PURPLE REEF" RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP NURSING CLASSES WINNIPEG (OP) The schools of nursing at the Winnis peg General Hospital and St Boniface will admit only one MONTREAL (CP)==Dr. Inge: borg Radde of Toronto has heen | awarded the CIRA Medical Res| search Fellowship for 1961, the CIBA Campany pharmacen class of students a year instead tieal. manufacturers has an of twa, starting this fall, OF nounced. She will work on al ficials say the wave will allaw thy roid physiology research] the schools ta give header and mare flexible training, project at Queen's University | in Kingston, Ont, AJAX == (South) The Cottee Cup, Phi WH 2:2940; (North) OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL, 18 Prince Street, Ph: RA 3-224 GRAY COACH LINES (hi Cotten Shep, Phi WH 2:33%0

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