§ THE CSRAWA TIMES, Tesshey, Merch 14, 1967 BROVGHAM "% was there," said George 7. Todd, chalrman of the Pickering Township Wianning Board, and of the township, bgay wae take § \ wife Offer of aperess Nancy | Ewan fo teach Ertish sol ders Chinese and chopsticks has been rejected by British army because she is "loo benutiful," according to Capt, | Anthony Hare. He had adver: | tised for a teacher and, 10 In- | sure good class pitendancs | specified she must he heauti- THEY TURNED HER DOWN ful. Hare says Nancy would be too much of B distraction Teacher idea was (0 prepare & British regiment for duty in Malaya with instruction in the Chinese language, use of chopsticks and other local ~(AF Wirephots) Apartment Theft In Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Thieves gained entrance to liv ing of E. Fairey owner of Crystal Dalry King street east, early Monday afternoon, making off with close to $500, hank deposits left on a kitchen table The theft was reported at 2.06 pm, when Mr. Fairey went to get the r to deposit, He believes oi the gang was in the restaurant below the apart ment at the time of the for the purpose of keeping his Jean, busy while the apartment was being ran sacked quarters the singles = theft! days sional safe-cracking job which ng Mrs, Fairey sald that a man had lingered over a glass of but termilk at the same time the nt was empty and while working gparime Mr. Fairey was the back of the shop G, Fairey, son of the owner said he had noticed what he described as three "'seruffy looking characters" parked in & car opposite the building about the time of the theft, This was the stores reported in the the other being a profes netted thieves $1000 from the IGA Store last Saturday even Dodgers 8, Arena Triples over 700, include 250 Myrle Reeson B15 in Scouts, second theft of last two | BOWMANVILLE said Clare Balsdon, for om my Beye Willson said he met every train on the big occasion with his team and wagon. He recalled |singing in the choir, and train ing might after might with choir lender Ed Evans BANDS AND GAMES Lloyd Johnston, clerk of Pick ering Townehip, & small red headed boy on bis father's farm, where part of the cele hentions were held, remembers bands and games and food laden tables, ladies and gentlemen ar riving via democrat and buggy and recalls sleeping on the floor to accommodate all the "com | pany" Represented at the organiza tion meeting for the 1961 cele bration were the Pickering Township Historical Bociety Pickering Home and School Councils, South Ontario Wom en's Institutes, Pickering Town ship Planning Board, School Area 2, Rouge Hill Lions, Re creation Committee, Boy Pickering Township School Board, Consolidated Building Corporation, Joy Re bekah Lodge, Brougham and the Pickering Rotary Club Dates were set for the cele bration of the 150th anniversary | Kiwanians Hear About | Farm Clubs (Staff) 'Pickering Plans | Big Celebration (of Plekering 7 git on these commitiees Gets Acquittal Seek Change In Signs | MRS, CRARLES WB. REESOR FORT PERRY ~ The month ownehip as June ly lncheon mesting of 9, July 3, 2 sed 3, 1001. The Chamber of Commerse was | Conmaii of the Township of Pick- held at the Flamings Restan ering will ennstitute the overall Fant an-ovfiimating committe, ArTAngRMER " Herve J, Sterman Scott gs gen- M016 the annucl meeting for ET, TENE oo ro le hme of, Commerce 2 Chairmen of a start TE & Special eveming of ier were appointed, yj As of SHOWIng sexnes in Cuba, which asf " Br. Wm were preently taken by Dy. J Mckay, Publicity, Donald Gib sow, Mugenm, W,. G. Lawson; Recreation and Sports, Baler; ts were made to Mrs. W,. Brown; Grounds, Mrs op signs te vieid signs E. Annis; Registration and In| Once again the parking prob vitations, LT. Johnston, Enter: lem in Port Perry was discuss fainment, €. Ufnal; Carnival ed at great length and it was My, Weaver, and High School decided to meet again with the Opening, George 'T, Todd. Var counell, and try to come up with fous members of council willl concrete plan fo corveet this very had situation. A meeting Reeve Scott said that he was will he called with aif the re in accord with making a special 14/1 METChants as soon as some- | pecasion of the anniversary, not- ng definite has heen decided in this matter, The in-coming president, Dy John Price, President John Orde and Past President Ted Griffin will form a nominsting enmmitiee to fill the six vacan- would be officially opened this cies created by the competion year, the new High Behool,| or sueir twoyear terms om the Claremont Conservation Park, po 2 vd namely: Harvey Ma and the Water and Sewerage hatfy, Glen Van Camp, John ing that tre publicity would he good for the municipality, and possibly open the way for much needed industry, He related that the Township Museum (Plants, ond that these events opde Ted, Griffen, Art Pana: cold be tied in with the observ: baker and Storey Beare ance | The secretary was instructed MEMORABLE YEAR to organize and distribute the "It is # memorable year in tickets for the annual meeting the Township of Pickering," he!as soon as possible sald The Chamber was host to & Among suggestions that will "Meet the Champs" dinner for he considered 4s an outdoor the local boys who were the All Church service on Sunday, Ontario Junior C Softhall Cham sports events, games, parade, PIONS of 1960 mammoth pienic, & publica! Pr. dohn Price, Incoming tion, & tour of the Township President of the chamber, was by one of the old steam loco the Master of SsTemonies for motives, bus tours, early eos... FYEIINE F hsence 0 the president, Mr. John Orde.| tumes, bands, choirs, street a . hod bh dance, fireworks, and many oth- br Pri 3 extended eongratula- ers, Events will take place in Hons 2 4 % Players and jo thelr 7 aE ¢ Brougham and other parts of on behalf of the members of the the township Chamber of Commerce The vanous committees willl My. Jeffrey introduced the meet prior to March 24, a tenla- (players of the championship tive date sat by council to meet team and spoke briefly on a few with them and report progress. highlights of the baseball sea- Ison, He expressed his hope that » the same team would he hack Truck Driver playing again in the coming pea:| son | The team Is comprised of alll {local boys and are Richard |Carnegie (captain), Ronnie Men PICKERING (Staff) -- Charg- 7ies, Grant Menzies, Bert ed with overtaking improperly, Brent, Jim Carnochan, Waller a Claremont truck driver, who Sandison, John Abrams, Art pleaded not guilty, was acquit-| MeArthur, Jack Chapman, Mur: ted by Magistrate Crawford ray Birkett, Wayne Powell, Guest in police court Monday, Tloyd Wilsen, Archie Menzies The court learned from the (pitcher); David Johnston investigating officer, Constable| (coach) and Harold Jeffrey P, Nichols of the Pickering (manager), Township Police Department, The Hon, Dr, M, B, Dymond, | that on Friday, Feb, 8, he in- When called upon to speak, con-| vestigated an accident on the gratulated the team on their| ment, and said that in his opin- (326); Al McHaffie 708 (200); Kiwanians and guests receiv-|Brock road and 4th Concession fine sportmanship and achieve ase 0S S Dick Adams 775 (282); Bob ed first hand information - on|of Pickering Township where he Adams 742 (376); Ed Samanski activities of the 4-H Club and! found two trucks involved, Ld 1742 Driver $100 (260); Jim Ross 714 (255); Joe meeting of the fzatt 713 (267); Claire Hutcheon! ¢lu In 700 (257), 5 police court on Monday a| Singles over 260 ~~ Marsh ' Blessor 817, Village Tom Semple 207, George Rich: PICKERING (8atff) man, who was Pickering the village ats Cherrywood chased by police through high speeds up to 60 mph, Was Boh Green 260, (201); Merv Bemis 726 Bill Gordon ardson 287, Charlie Sawdon 265, found guilty of careless driving Marty Jordan 278, George Town by Magistrate Crawford Guest and was fined §100 and costs or|y 10 days and was suspended from driving for two months In giving evidence for the crown Constable Lawrence son of the Pickering Village] Police Department told His Wor ship that on Jan, 16 he chased two cars through Pickering Vil lage that continued along High way No, 2 where they failed to 271, Ah, Samanski 200, Bud iragg 269. Bill Jordan 264, War ren Watson 262, Jack Lee 268, emphasizes Al Hewis 207, Larry Donald 256, | projects cover a general field the road was cy in patches, | Success Wat {Fred Major 266, Jim Wilde 258, !in community activities, where: Jim Kirk 258, Doug Smith 253, EARL INVITED LONDON (CP)=The Earl of {Harewood has been invited to stop in turning up the Brock tour Russia by the Soviet min. road, He said that in the chase| on the Brock road the cars| were travelling at speeds up to 90 mph, At the 4th Concession, | he said, the cars went different ways and he chased one of them one mile west along the| 4th Concession | The accused, Frank Sipher, 21, of Cherrywood, told the court that hefore the chase he was driving west on Highway | No. 2 when a car overtook him and its occupant appeared to) throw a bottle at his car, He| said that he gave chase and caught up with it in Pickering Village, Sipher continued that as he overtook the car it acceler: ated and chased him along the highway and north on the Brock Rd. sometimes as close as five feet, Magistrate Guest learned from Police Chief Howard Nick:| ling that the accused had pre: | vious convictions of careless driving and speeding WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITRY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE Wednesday Section BR and R 2, Mitton Machine 1; Hoffer Valley Meats 2, Alsco 1} Millwork Builders 3, Fittings 0; Dupont 3, Melody Grill 0; Ram: | blers 3, Whitby Barbers 0; Le: glonnaires 3, Yardbirds 0; Bathurst 3, Legion No, 4, 0; Munn's Press 2, Firestone 1 Triples over 700, include 250 singles = Clarence Moore 838 (291); Kilesay Thompson 720 (251); Bruce Morrison 712 (208) Singles over 230 =~ Les Reed $42, Vie Wilks 272, Bruce Hands: comb 372, Reg Thursby 269.) Andy Myers 262, Joe Minnis 238, | Bob King 233, Russ Game 232] Mae Adan 250 Thursday Section Amateurs 3, Coca Colas 0; Abner's Esso 2, Silversmiths 1; Legion No 2, 2, Red Wings 1; Mowat's DA 2, Old Sweats 1; Firemen 3, Ottenbrites 0; Coun ty Bowl 3, Knights of Columbus 8% Credit Union 3, Donald lin 1017, ister of culture, He would he the first member of the Royal Family to visit the Soviet Union since the Communists took over 8 XX ! ; of | J | KX | -- - a" Alistair Simpson is about to land in the Thames river from the Lambeth bridge in Londen during test of a new suit of buovant overalls de- signed for painters and other people who have to work on bridges. Alistair, a South Afri 306, | manville attended the program BUOYANCY TEST Junior Farmers, at the weekly | Bowmanville h, Monday night, A. O, "Dal" Dalrymple, agri ultural representative for Dur-| am County, defined the two! clubs as providing training need:| ed for the future farmer, He said that farming today is a Jack Beott 280, hsiness and that those involved | on the Brock road when he had|standard in baseball must have an education to sue ceed in this field "The Junior Farmer Club self-support and] as the 4-H Club is the responsib- ility of the agriculture repre sentatives and emphasizes farm activities of the youth,' said | the speaker He noted that the hoys or girls {who have either of these train. {ings feel that they are ready {to face the problems of life in [any field better than those who {were without the training, | Guests from the Westmount {Club and John Regan of Bow ed SX | I | | | | | | - can, floated easily in the | buoyant suit, It is an inven tion of Mark Shaw of More cambe, England, and is no bulkier than the conventional | overalls, | ' (AP Wirephoto) | [the back seat of the car, § | For Drinking {lon too much stress could not| He sald the accused's vehicle be placed upon sports in Can was in the east ditch and was ada as the health of the nation lightly damaged, and another Was one of the country's great- truck was parked on the side of est assets, He felt that (aking the road, south of the other ve. An active part in any sport was hicle, {a fine contribution that any The accused, Clifford N. Lee, [Youth could make to his eoun- told the court that prior to the|try, He hoped that Port Perry accident he was travelling north [boys would maintain their high to apply his hrakes as he ap.| Reeve J. J, Gibson presented proached the other truck, whieh the team, on hehalf of the vil. was also travelling north and|lage, with three-quarter length was gaining speed, He said that jackets as a memento of their He also stressed the the weather was blustery, and|importance of practice and the truck was white {team work, He sald that the As he applied the brakes, he actual game was only a small said, his truck went into a skid part of the whole achievement, and he had to overtake the He felt that this principal ap: truck, but that as he was so(plied all through life, one's ac. doing, an approaching car made complishments were in direct it necessary for him to cut in/ratio to what one put into the on the truck, in order to avoid/iob. Reeve Gibson also pre a head-on collision {sented the All-Ontario Trophy In dismissing the charge, His|!0 Mr, Johnson, the coach Worship said that there was no| 1 he champions were seen on evidence except supposition to|lelevision, recently, over Station support the charge CFTO » yr ' . Institute Whitby [Zire iis wi ree ! of tine 4 were installed as follows. KB. Senciovems were jsyresenised Wicket, . Grand Monaveh, A from the sate of Massache Mystic Order On patardey evening, & new veh, conferred the degree jn C addition to the Ancient Mywic's very able manner in the after Order of Semapitans (AMOS) neon snd the Supreme Mon was horn in the instituting of archos Erme Miller, and So- 95, pereme staff of the novthern| Sanctorum No division, instituted the sane Flgiza Whithy "oilentor; D, Wiison, Bamker, sey, Peterborough (Cole, Grand Executioner; | Wickets, Grand Guide; Maomitor, Marne Loyst, Viex Grand Monarch; 1 setts, Ohio, Hew Jersey nd Bremner, Grand Counsellor; W. New York, aise Windsor, Brant. Lymer, cK, Simpson, ford, St. Thomas, Torts, Lind Hitawa, L. ond Kingston wm Ontane. Ales W. the iadies of the Ovient (LOE) B, Lave, were represented ; B , Slentorss. Upon completion of the de Magill, Grand Beraid. gree in the afternoon, held in French, Venerable Fra, ey Prana f forums in the evening. Bohl Present and past Supreme the Anderson Stress Kigh School Pi ver of Ott Felions events (ook place before a\0ficers In atiendance were: sudiioniom, every one relied was sarted during the past Gathering of app ff Mongrchos Ernie in the local IOOF hall where # month, the first Cass of 13 can PWoveme officers, ohieks and Willer, Worcester, Wass. Su meal, to be appreciated didates, #if drawn from lodges PAMArtane preme secretary, Chnt Jolly, Queens snd Kings. was served of this district, reasiving their pom the Supreme Monarehos (Senevs - on - Lake, Ohio. by Sister Jean Wicket and degree of hamility in Preterhor. a Supreme staff ta they] Past Supreme Mon were: | committer, Mier the evening on Feb, 77. the forerunner, Wea stations at § pm, the|Max Kendall, 8. Thomas, Ont, institution & large pomber aise of the degree whieh took place] 8TEE atiendance was seated, in w | retuned to the hall to periake The degree staff of Cyriens Pring the Sanctorum No. 24, Peterhor- Divisional Supreme officers of A very appreciative vole of institution cere nosthern division were: Carl thanks was extended the monies the charges were al Dresser, Windsor, TT ------ try, Belmont, Fred tn Coven adept Sister Jean and commit Dunham, tes THEATRE GUIDE Bilkmare "The Mountain Rod" 12.30, 3.48, 6.50, 10.00 p.m, "Edge of Eternity" 2.29, 50, 845 pm. Last complete show at 835 pm Brock (Whithy) -- "The Fug tive Kind" B20 p.m. "Secrets of the Purple Beef" 8.55 and 1020 p.m. Last complete show at A pm Grand OF Opry Mashville, Presents in Person WILMA LEE and STONEY Marks ~~ "Miracle of the Hills" 250, 715 pm. "Sing COOPER boy, Bing" 405, B35 pm "RX for Murder" 1.15, 549 ond the CLINCH MOUNTAIN CLAN SLIM GORDON SHOW B:00 P.M. Followed by Reguler Denes 8.16 p.m. Last complete show a 7.15 pm "The Great Impostor" LAs, 3.06, 5.30, 750, 8.30 p.m Last complete show at 9.20 pm Regent --~ "The World of Suzie eis vm om Last com | FRIDAY, MARCH 17 ; plete show al Vi p m 9:00 P.M. ADMISSION; ESPERANTO CONGRESS HARROGATE, England (CP) About 2.000 delegates from #40 countries will take part in the 46th Universal Esperanto Con: gress which opens Aug. 5, Hon- orary patron will be Lord Boyd Orr SHOW & DANCE, $1.50 DANCE ONLY, $1.00 RED BARN Advance Tickets-- Wilson & Lee or Red Born | ACADEMY AWARDS NOMINATIONS ANNOUNCED! We ors thet ""MOMINATIONS FoR ¥ hAWARDY 5 the Solow: ing pominated . the PLAZA THEATRE, I proves » point. You con on best in entsrtsinment of the PLAZA, yew friendly, family thestrs, BEST PICTURE ~ The five nominoted hove yed or wil ploy the PLAZA, "THE APARTMENT", "ELMER GANTRY", "THE SUNDOWNERS", SONS & LOVERS, end "THE ALAMO, BEST ACTOR -- AN Five nominsted hove ployed or will ploy hy ALA BURT LANCASTER in "Elmer Gentry" ACK LEMON in Ad J in ment", SPENCER TRACY in it the Wind", TREVOR HOWARD jn 7 & Lovers", SIR LAURENCE OLIVIER in "The Entertainer", BEST ACTRESS -- OF the five nemineted, four hove ployed or will play the PLAZA. GREER GARSON in "Sunrise at Compobeile", DEBORAH KERR in "The Sundowner', : SHIRLEY MockAINE in "The Apertment", MELINA MERCOUR! in "Never on Sunday", BEST SCREEN PLAY ~~ AN five nomineted hove ployed & will ploy PLA the ZA, "ELMER GANTRY," "INHERIT THE WIND" THE SUNDOWNERS", "SONS & LOVERS', "TUNES OF GLORY", A RECORD THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF ! Ar JIE the BEST of the BOTH FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS! | EEN ME AND BILTMORE 59 rosomeow James Stewart in "The Mountain Road" Added "Edge of Eternity' in Color! he INTE #0 es ADAM NZ] y AL J rian RLY - i. HELD - OVER! LAST 2 DAYS! The most tender and touching love story of our time! 'key W "4 KWA IDE Woe ' SYLVIA SYM" MICHAEL WILOING Jou Tox | RON LA Jrvisiry FEATURE AT: 2:00 » 4:38 6:55 » 9:20 Wine Drinking Proves Costly PICKERING (Staff) =~ An unemployed Fairport Beach youth, who had been discovered by Pickering Township Police] to have consumed a quantity of wine in a car, was found guilty | of drinking while under age hy| Magistrate Crawford Guest on Monday | Constable €. V, Cooper of the Pickering Township Police Department, told the court that on Friday, Mar, 8, he checked a car parked on Lakeview ave nue, Fairport Beach, where he found the accused, William Ball, [AWAY romonnow " on AMHR OCOMRELL JM BLACKMAN ROBERT MIOOLET wee by LIA O'BRIEN wed ty ROBERT MULLIGAY odwed by ROBERT ARTHUR yn 0 UNVERBAL INTERMATIONAL POTURE $7 NEVER ON SUNDAY (Peiiiiiiing "THE Ana Thrills and Suspense Galore (1 RX ¢ FOR MURDER" STARRING MARIUS » GORING WANN OF THE ri § \ hry wii 3) REASON + LESLIE + GERSON 1° An Avociated Producers, Ine. Production Weleared by 200 Century Fos 4 RICK pos 3 JASON hdd of 48 Lakeview avenue, Faire port Beach, stretched out on He added that Ball admitted that he had consumed a pint] of wine and was very co-op: erative f Magistrate Guest fined the accused $25 and costs or 10 days, | | | PICKERING (Staff) -- Twa youths were hrought into town ship court Monday by Ajax police and pleaded guilty to charges of consuming liquor Magistrate Crawford Guest learned from the officers that on Sunday, Feb, 12 at 1215 am, the youth's car was stop: ped in Ajax and that the investi! gating officers smelled alcohol on their breaths Martin Udall, 16, of 19 Prince street, Bowmanville, was fined $35 and costs and the passen gor of the car, Norman Marple, 18, of 28 Kent street, Ajax, was fined $50 and costs or 10 days It was the latter's second simi lar offence, Youths Fined e PLAYG OSHAWA RECREATION COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORMS Now Available for Summer positions as e SWIMMING INSTRUCTORS Forms May Be Obtained At C.R.A. CENTRE, 100 Gibb St, -- RA 53-1111 APPLICATIONS CLOSE MONDAY, MARCH 27th CRA. & ROUND LEADERS To EUROPE OF COURSE! PARIS - VIENNA - ROME or the destination of your dreams! SWIFT DC-8 JETLINER or ECONOMICAL DC.7C DAILY, through Montreal or New York See your TRAVEL AGENT, or call KIM Offices in 12 principal Canadian Cities Book Through , , 300 DUNDAS E. DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY MO 8-3304