DOWNTOWN OSHAWA AT wt OF MONDAY WICHT STORM Py Cone hye Os! 0 Time 4 SECOND SECTION OAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 196) PAGE MINE The bank of he iar Bag ment wi be penises wel Swans AR was (Rowe wREK ot PIRSRRE RRRET IW 4 sarin of) WIRE 0 CREATE (We Friday | Wane ww the VE anim The Swest Adeimes wi We A pertah by Bewey Titi The varia wosrem of seins fine (9 Be presented by he bend wl be Suscief oy Pod ¥F. 1 Francis. LERAM. ARCW.! ye. Mss The program for (he owes fins "6 Canake Bagimemtzi Sow UWaick © Wen of Bene" Trad : "ry War Tow $1,800,000 To Be Cost erie "Tab rfine" (The Mage Fite) Moran ety loans or ver Of 42-Class Building H SIMCOE STREET NEAR THE FOUR CORNERS Stvesm 7. Seog Fos Powe Tr NSWEPT SOLTH SIMCOE, STREY 'AR THE FO ge Sree) 2. Saving For Pyne To WINDSWEPT "i Oshawa Times Piolo 047 3 Sha peIty Eiond . " The Oskar Borih of Educa (ir aid poor planing, especial. were in favor of the proposed Trombone Bolo "Nirvana 4 fiom, #4 & special meeting Mon. 17 when we know that the Idk plans ; Stemhen Adome, Soloist, Wisi i day. rowed the constrvetion of the students sre from the Trustee Robert Strowd, whe S.Inch ek A Comper Ql the proposed i. 6 Mel aah covth of King sires had been ot of Lown on baste Foe EELIRARTY ol idl, @le Add ovelty "Rrnes Bond Wives" | A comune secondary tenes THREY, TRUSTEES ABSENT Nel, filommed lila, thd wih fvor ( in the northwest section of fhe - ' ; 4 Ivor md. city. The boerd will ask Oy IR FY oR, WE RIE ROL (he chattman's Temarks on the no Sik John Fes litt ? a Comma 10 sell Aehertures To AE Ronest Rt Ths seRom or Phithips CR a I heen Acleted 19 4 y 00 MER Res 4 . Wan i 9 f $1,500 908 (5 finance the cost of ring the cost Aown, but | know GIVES VIEWS DW Eee AA ' er g Chaneston, 1. Kentucky Babe Comin tion (oF the hi a a we wre gong th have to pt Trustee BEraud seid, "Al hi ed bas wis ugh iP loi oh 10 VE many of the items hack into it, along | have felt it an tori haracteristic Piece "Fhe Ferty tor the Fo IY if or #08 Eventigally the cost (oF the nate tution for Rew (Fwstees of heavy wet so por ade of the Tn Solder Fight pg bated Ror waded paris will ring the price (a be presented with the prob wi RIA Mist Leon Jesse of the schon 4 ile at aret y igher (han the amamt we are lem of the school, All we conld Ary meh Lor the second Hime Fath "The Cossack" Ei ' gpa go si A Chatman Sia AEhentunng fon Ao was Weten. Bometimes we five Ray : Ball i en ©. Savwell indicated that Frivastees wha voted in favor were 10d fhe school was 106 Last meht's storm Wiew in ot 5 Fatrick # Dey Belection ua of them were ih favor of of the school were: 8B, (6, Bay: Wg or 4 was in the wrong lock: of the east ge Ma the one last "Fil the Fliers Be W Robert G. By encral the schol #8 recommended Ad HB. Armstrong, E. A. tion or that 06 per cent of the Wednesday which Mispelied any French WERE C7. Fol 44 4 Basset, G. K. Drynan, 1. G. pupils Wved below King street, fears that the city wowid emerge Overture "Morning, Now ager of the Toromo Fark The school has heen Wh the cover' 1M Greer, Mrs, €, C. "Three of us went to the Ontarie £rom the inier snow dice. Mid. Nigh" Supe wharity, whe will address. Hanning [ages for rn YoRrY Lee, and BR. J. Murphy Department of Education for or weather | mormng fumed 5 f Adeline Chori Pal Fiat wifairs com: 1 was WHER deh uh Li Board members ahsent were: thelr views on the school. We the snow i dush All Frayer 7 the OERRWAR mMEEIINES ARG WARS RB Ent ET iT A ¥ Weill Hew F were told that TE was oe deel Helped along by 1-miles Hymn Tune ""$t. Clemer ther of Commerce at ie (Hl Ione ml the FECERE WME cofrey and i H Stroud. Chair: sion. From the figures that | hour winds, th Zi Regimental Mareh John cheon meeting in Hotel pal elections man hen G, Baywell said he can get, | have 10 agree that g Pes nosha 1omorrow, Member The school, OREN BIRted wg" oc "now how Dr, O'Neill the school will be filled over onal ae well as Avie [Lo cost B2.505.000, ran inte ary oo i g ; n intended 16 vole, hit he knew the fiveve Is! ent herds RIE EEPECL: opposition. An RUG erivm ana f J Ai with J he Nvevent pian, Tha he dar ipis 4 ff i t7 learn about the wimming pool were Aecleled from conversation with Trus- only way that we could Justify £4 10 # 0 14 ERT RINE THE | SWIM nw THE tees Coffey and Stroud that they) the choot," J » Hy { fi ; oY ouths Admit " @ims and duties of the Toronto from the plans bringing the cost and Braud that they\the building of this school ghowt 5 p.m. rush how CIT: 9 } ity / hay in $2.062 5600 Counat wi escaped homeward mated 16 the Cuil the ceiling (Bee Page 4 lor district weath cost on the school wold 1 Q erin er story.) u 0 e Di b ti £1.00 0H i apetic ahandoned vehicles # d { Fa youths whe drove @ HELD MEETINGS police eruisers created havoc en car #0 miles before being Be hoot Board Chatrman Bie for members of the Oshawa! AUENLE Bnd returned 10 Oshawa Tou hen Saywell stated the honed n ui ing Police Department Monday were remanded week fo had he id & number of oa" ie MEht and this morning entence, hy Magistrate meetings for the past W 0 ! 4 45 da ; i onthe tn decide the fate of The Oshawa Board of Educa- he able (a speak and fo write An ima od $4 dima Ebhs, Monday J 0, 000 mo chon. The fecision to build tion decided to have part of the. reports in English hed from & woe ion. Edward Dwaine Browning, 17 the school for S1.800.000 was name lettering on the Oshawe! Mr. Lunney said he hoped to oreo of 5 #0 wn yk Ath ui iy ey a gi oe Oshawa and District reached at a final caucus meet Board of Education Administra: start a program of preventative F i } i Vi J an Ames van Ci ) n Ishawa n Ln. A > p RRR, a p driven by P. Aurelio Jeronima hell, 16, of 148 Cs Au pu Bri anch of the Canadian Dia. NE last Thursday ton building completed this year maintenance, rather than walt i hy b ) mime, h h, 0 hone street Branch of 1h } Ta reduce the debenture cost #nd part next year, It was de: G11 heating equipment breaks of 406 Bimeoe street north. The east, Oshawa, each pleaded guil- hetie Association 1s launching cided to secure firm ices on dow driver of the other car was Ed: tv 1a the theft of a car belong: 1s. annual appeal for fund on of the school, It was decided to the lettering for firm the wi - i ) ward Thomas Edwards of 1401ing ta Dr, Claude Vipond. Mar | Wednesday of this week, Mi leave two of the 18 shops un: Ih 18 mly th 4 Chairman of the Oshawa A 2 g furnished, and not staffed, until "Board of Education", How:|\Board of Education, Stephen Mill street. No one was injured. |? singleton, of the King street)! ¥ 2 Faolice Chief ty rhert Flintoff In a statement to Oshawa po. hraneh of the Toranto-Dominion # Inter date evep, it had heen decided ot h\G. Saywell finally got the Board ! nel Trustee Margaret Shaw, who meeting in January to have the of Education to approve the if BOW RIA BOW) i 5 (hi We § nr AL ; ih . today warned motorists to take Vee, the youths said they were Bank, 1s chairman of the local opposed the school as oullined, lettering on the new bullding chase of ladders for (he Jur. wi 5 it easy until roads return to) BOING to drive to Fort William, #ppeal, of | slated her reasons for the appos: read, "Administration Bullding, secondary schools, and the Ad: N. oy y pi ; + " normal, Driving is | herous.| They were stopped al White i. M. Turner, chairman [ KING STREET WAS DESERTED LIKE THIS / oy 44 ¥ he Abii nt River, The statements said they the financial appeal on behalf | Hon Ishawe Board of Education" ministration Building, " " Oshawa Times Phos | Joseph took & girl with them. The court of The Canadian Dighetie Asso Ghe said: "Knowing the num. The decision was made alter] The ladders presently in use trucks were out last might from Was told she was a juvenile ciation, said today that it would her of students faking o a It was found the lowest tender gt OCVI and CCT were described 6 nm. 0 0:90 p.m. sanding and| | THY seemed proud they had| lake all of $150,000 to carry oul (raining, we could number the submitted for the leitering was as "very unsafe! Maintenance " p h graduates each year on Our $686.70 Supervisor , RB. H. Lunne h Salling. Th hy a "gotten that far Sergeant of the program of FXpansion de p : Mnney, whe S eaker ( 1tes Vali 1 al ng Phe trucks yon called | Detectives William Jordan tes. manded by the public, "There fingers. Tn my Apion the | "1ehe original amount estimated has been requesting new ladders ih when he HW Deca 1001 (ified. Sergeant Jordan had heen 566M 10 be & new awareness of [shops are located ' the WHORE hy the architect, and set aside|for ¢ fiuite some time, told the Wavy for the abrasives 10 he of dorciiod to bring the wvouths the value of the CDA to the Area of the city if we are 1050 the hoard for the lettering, board that he had instructed his any uae hack th Oshawa community," he said "and the encourage technical training. I oe eens ™ Bul the subject of men not to use the present lad: hd Phen two large plows, 100 "grouning's' siatement said FOSIL 18 that its services are in|l8 not only the Initial cost Of het atiering has come up for der ders Of School Grad ua n faders we Wing plows and » sald they had seen Dy, Vipond Ereater demand than at any he building. but the upksen P hate several times, and the num: Trustee Saywell had asked the 1 he oe ou the bn all night | leay 6 Mie kevs in his car. "We er hi said that the Ca: i if we haven't the tech her of words were Increased (hoard to approve the ladders at they were aut from 0:80 p.m. 10 Fart faking Rhout going to padiin association was ane of nical students to put in thei Trustee George Dryana saidi|a hoard meeting at Adelaide YI am alvaid that Canada has training periods are relativel Phere ¥esuils of high. sehankh SIN. Wty Fa ligm, The more we (alk eh Se naialions throughout | shops, 1 have said we are in It doesn't seem worthwhile to House In December when he depended far ton long on catch: shar raduation are expected to he Main streets and bus routes i " il fh the mare we liked, the world and that each had need of a school in this section, (NAME & hullding when everyane noted that sufficient money was aseatehcan methods of on. he even mare marked In the future, received most of the attention, | Tor tr, ME statement said, |G. Sone ane of the necessity and alse one in the southwest knows where it is' in the budget for their purchase, ioh training for aur work force, THADUATES DO BETTER This 15 a serious problem today 08 MEN ON JOR Po Joga { Bowmanville) coe coring place where dia: section of the city, hut {a build Trustee Margaret Shaw said: However, the approval for the Mare highly organized and In 1001 a study was made of and it will be a serious problem Today, (wo front end loaders) He pil ig Ar far Browning, {cic could he coached ana en: a A8-vaom school in this area "I'm glad (0 hear you fellows purchase of the ladders was des tematic . co-operative (raining students progress after leaving for you tomorrow, Same of the are clearing intersections and hays the ma Hid ol group Of couraged to face the problems and have children coming all italking ahout being so thrifty==|layed (ill Monday, when the programs. must he provided hy school. Within twa years of leav: drop-outs will do very well hut, parking Iots, Twn trucks arelto deal with Were * ua Aoroed peculiar ta living with a dia:|the way across the city, 1s un: but I'd like to see the building hoard was told that & bad acels dustry in co-operation with ini enna, Ihe vi ion the average, they will find hack at the salting and sanding. | the Hime the pe _-- " \ jo hetic condition properly named dent might result from the use education for upgrading and re. noticeable difference hetween|it more and more difficult', the Allogether, 05 mit of th i) y men are ei Crass materialism society has Like the Canadian associa Principal N. A, Bisco of the of the present unsafe ladders, training on & continuing hasis if the progress of graduates and speaker continued gaged In eperating trucks, clea) develops d." He said it became HOD of which he is honorary Donevan Collegiate said: "'I feel the productivity and quality of drop-outs, The graduates Were weit canada is undertal Img ng eateh basing, sidewalks, | Necessary to ask society to ac ol president, many of the associa hadly about the letiering on rk ae 18 ) § we BRITINE Hang whi i ' ] f pb / | fiir work lores Is in provide f hi ' RIrata a Xo thi a i A vast vocational traiming pros roads and intersections cept some of the responsibility | 11" ih hier Count are Following are news briefs) Rehevin Collegiate. the archi 200 Attend these ¥ ng plo | andar en ramatiny a gram for unemployed persons; Cit ngineer Fred Crome(In the farm of probationary || is Charles WH. Best. co-dis, from the Board of Education te et chose the colors so carefully) of living which ant them tn far toa many of them have nat said today the city's main roads] ¥entenc of Br, Charles | meeting Manday night fn balance that they hlend right| eniay In the future alary increases. Graduales en 0 eaverer of insulin ( 8 od in a wider range of mare SUEACient academic background are in good condition and 'we The magistrate said it was March 15 15 the Appeal date in| A letter of resignation was inta the colar of the huilding."| 1] 1 A [4 i | Buch was the Challenging interesting jobs, Graduates ene [1 Aer Rke the training avail: are pow working on side Me the hovs started accepting canada and danations may he received from Dudley A. Bris He Ly nh joe the Tek At Concert Halement Mad hy i H fac: joved more' rewarding - reopen: AEM 1 15 stressed treet Some of their awn responsibil: | forwarded to 06 Bloor street law, viee « principal of OCVI, to Ly, yf fe A ul Culsh, trade specialist, Depart: ions and hobbies and (A 10 am, weather report si he effective June 80, 1061, My. Trustee Margaret Shaw fol¢ NE An hes partic: NEED q { in pa wast, Taranto B, Onl 4 pid] ment of Labor Cas, In 0 nated in more group activitie io Pi i J ANE wag Predicted o high of 46 degrees Mr. Regan said (he car thefl ' Bristow will assume duties as the Board of Education that, "If! Almast 200 Jeaple defied the address a ie meeting of the al f 3 § : [snowstorm Monday night te \ y Wis { i 4 2 | we Rotary Ciah of Oenawa Mande anil hawed mors loader: (old, has become an industrial 048y with cloudy and mild ean y in act of immaturity principal at the new Composite we ean afford to spend #360, 00g ar the Rowland Pack Ene hip Mm f ditions far today and | [Collegiate at Pembroke, Ont, [for a Board of Education Admin al Hotel Genonsha Bom Hi Ahan (ation and requires a large num I'he Madar HEHE Tw bi by 2 Youths Face | The hoard will hold a special istration building, It Isn't reason: [ome presented hy the Osh. Grade 1 students fram. Osh her af well trained people to 8 MH! i " '| CELEBRAT ol {7.80 xl' Mor able fo redender for a s400 AW& Branch of the Canadian awa's three secondary schonl i maintain her mills and factories, "* (OBT0ES.) ING Car Theft {meeting al {40 pA, he } Coneert Association, at the Dr, e Oshawa P a ) amount 8 were guests of the club Here high schanl graduation 1s The Oshawa Public Utilities day prior to the Public Behool AM m1. 8 Jf. Philip's Publie School Commission reported this mom: BIRTHDAY Board meeting to hear an en: Maintenanca Supervisor, "wm important i i all f Phe speaker was introdused further traning | PREREON TOF ing "that ll hus services were gineer present plans for the re: Lunney requested permission utlorum, hy Norman Bisen, principal of ; k P'wn Niagara Falls youths he The program included | unhampered hy the snow and ota : a placement of the heating sys: from the Oshawa Board of Edy: | program included musie Pr. FJ. Panevan Collegiate : h \ Afar WhOR #ipmtiaed hy i 2a Bo v SangvRtulatinm and heat we Arrested and ¢ harged with tem at OCOVI, Maintenance Bu:|eation to hire an assistant (hy Handel, Couperin and others, " 4 y iluder wi AVETrag i ] allow i f } ¥ \ y tte Phi Hank Bi A 4 Hv bags I 7 LH ily ave view avenue and Oxford street dents w hn are ce RINE faa shovtly alter a slation w Agon | ervisor R if k 4 told dhe The Abslstan Would have to he Krier. the Instruments wed He M fe voiced By HATHA mechanieal Wide | were the only tharaughfares| their birthdays today was slalen from Kenneth May 0ard It was ahiolitely essential we ual led for the job and . 0. Murphy, principal of Central Anieal aptitude faves that the work he ecampleted be a second class stationary corders, The spinet, Krumhorn Collegiate J rT; Ai ; sohaal hefare graduation ta take Nat could not he used, hut these Katherine Allen, 197 Sum. |Kle, manager of the Dominion | a uinaa | Folchine Inetiue Jie Ro employment in what may, al Will probably he cleaved by noon! mer street; Margaret Mer fire Bare, in Oshawa he Jpg } (i. Ravwell ay to oe ho d| i an a CUBS. VORANORR] ARIVIER COM the time, appear 10 he an alirac tnday Inger 188 Lalalle Mrs The car was stolen some time| ¢ aim. | Ronen A yw RE he et N A Pack, completed the le mittee, which sponsored the ive and good paving job only ta A Grey Coach Lines spokes:| © W. MeMaster, #8 Pats (hetween 1 pam. and 8 pm, An ahi iy ale yi of con ; pat 1 1 hea § : Ants in the ReK, ' meeting, conducted the pra find in later yours that he 1s on MAN reparied that there was nal Tela avenue; Cindy Toy | thony Frank Ryms, 10, and Hon: Mon WHEY ie Som Hi i 2» " | od tho Hon ni Ee linane Ridicare grested the, pets gram a deid ond street. Very often BeTious diffioulty Tast wight,| Brough, Taunton vaad east, [ald Clare Vant, 17, hath of Niag: responsible far the excell He on io attention they need. farmance with enthusiastic ap i even at the height of the storm: | FRC 30 Paul Coles, 018 Ring: [ara Falls, were arrested hy On {Plays that have heen presented Ho said things should be cheek: plause the Iongest delay was 40 minutes! Cane: Doug Kintan, 163 [tari Provincial Police an High:| in the scandary sehools oiled, hut a lay-persan is not pres" 4 1 @ Metealfe, president in ane service. Today the situ: HEhland avenue: Mps. Dare [way 401, just east of Oshawa A policy regarding the attend. pared to investigate these mat: of the Oshawa hranch of the ofl OY Lilies, RR 1, Osh A (ruck was stolen from hesfane of trustees at conventions ters. He charged that (he pres: ooncent association. said the awa Brenda Vermoen, 250 ide the home of Betty M. Law, was reached during a vecent ent systems of stoking 1s wasting wrnese of the association Was Wilson road south; Patricia | 249 Mary street, late last night caucus meeting. The paliey {fuel "The qualifications af the i \ ] Canadi tists to th Bishop, 40 Simeae street [or early this marning. It was re [alates that any trustee may|/man I want must he high, hut y Hing Rast a a o 0 north; Mes. A. Philippe, 128 [eavered on Quebep street hy Pos attend any four conventions, |! want a men who knows what RE: bili tne mah td Me wood reporied [our In liter life the sacrifices are (on COMPLICATED PROBLEMS g Groat tn retrace his steps to gol Prefacing his vemar) My Li an the throughway to success MaeCuish cammented that mor and the realization of his ambi #000 18 well nn hand, in spite than ever hefare Inday's world fons and the full use of his abil. dEaish, slushy road eanditions has complicated and difficult Hes ald Mr. MaeCuish BUSY NIGHT problems tn he faced and solved Three looal garages, Foole's 3d QUALIFYING ROUND Onl { ! § ) The adventure and challenge of i aan. sleeaond thal (ana Matar Bales and Nagy 8 Park voad south; Barbara [lice Constable Erie Mayne, at| provided that no mare than twa he is doing. Oshawa is the anly amorrow 1s as greal as it was § FORRES ial high Tawing Service, reported that in] asiek, RR § RB \ lay had heen ves f the faur he held outside scl "present series. Mr, Metealfe \ # sehanl graduation 1s the aualif hkl | Hiosie A, Bowmanville; [5.30 am. today, It had been ves aut of the four he held outside [school hoard anywhere near this Abii in the planeers who apened up ' Hi he qualify: the 'period from 7.00 pow, 1a Mes. Alice Peebles. 100 Cals [ported at ahout 4.30 a.m the pravinee sta (hat hasn't a man in this "414 (he campaign for member: ng round far th neve F ! ' A ! f woh 90.9 the Dominion it Ini als i thi WIE Shain goo nah to A Ha his mOrming | hare street past Hans A questionnaire regarding the| capacity ship Wi, be held Mareh H-3, wiledquate hreparation fo th RALLY SPEAKER hilits. tha ig He han ty they Noe culled out 0 total of Nlhrieh WE Arti Moe! Rahman of 3 Stary of hon] He noted that vecently he had oa aruen_Suarier_ iholiudeq amarraw depends upon ; Li { 3 assist sles | ™ ary Haves iR N Cl ararium ta school trustees was to bring a man fram Waterloo ta t* ¢ } °K adueation, ITaINIng : and experi: | , the self ineipline the fortitude od motorists and calls were! Oshawa; Rlaine Tait, 7 | ew u ouse veforved (nA caucus meeting. (repair certain heating controls, [MANd and wife), Hugh Orr and ence. The difficulty is that those | A. W. Rundle, of the Oshawa 83 Wi and 1a Hiiah the still eaming in Oshawa boulevard north: The questionnaire fram he as there is no one, to his know. VOUEanE Grunsky, Mr, Grunsky S60 8 i ™ \ 9 i wha will nat he adequately pre: Garden Centre, will speak to CREE TARAC HUATIE WE Oshawa Alport veparted a Mrs. W. H. Pawer, 46 Mary Read In A ril Research Diveotar of the And | lodge, in Oshawa with the quali: NAY Subititating for Donald paved through eduoation and] the Quehes oh Are important in theiline down today, whieh left]. street; Gary Coaper, 325 Kus elated High Sohal Boards 1sifications to make penaivs, He Whitton, who normally teak training will not find adventure goo L og \s world of wark and will remain them without power far about! lalie avenue; Foster Jones, _¢ heing submitted to seha . said this is costly some recorder parts and played but instead will likely suffer in| 9001S ARA NUFSORYIMOR'S AS: (rough spats 10 minutes 130A Kimeoo street south; was announced at 8 Meek oards acres the pravinee, ANG Tinney alse told the hoard he Viola da gamba, seourity, hardship and extreme: sociation, al Montreal tonight High school alse provides the) "Tt wasn't toa sevious." said| Kelly Dilling, 101 Dundas w of the Htarie Park Neigh present, trustees are not PAI at he one id 10 A the bo i ly diffieult competition far the! His subject will he "How Ta [educational background and de: Gearge Slocombe, airport man: Street east, Whithy; Len [Dorheod = Assaciation hat the far their services ihe Government that he had to RORN IN LONDON wherewithal ta make a livin Operate A Modern Garden VOlopment whieh is the foundas ager, "It only took ten minutes] Smith, T8 Lakeview ave new clubhouse HL] expected 10 hel pe prepavation of a hrass poo. qualified engineers the Rowland Pack was barn in My. MaeCwish painted aut the| Cent H nn outl tone upan which all future des ta repair ner Charles Johnson, 48 (ready in April The meeting dis plague ta he placed on they, Ve Sia Hed oh oars in Wh \% London, Ont. He was principal fastest growing aceupations ml oa 0 WH BUHING BREW volapment takes place My, Slocombe said some drift] BYOek Street east; Mys, [Oussed the ueston oF INSU Lvant of the Board of Education he aig Biing yg MW callist with the Taranta Syme the work fore are In the pea: "00 Modern methads of mes Mast high schoal students ing of snow had ocourred andl AWA Cameron, © Rossland [ance far the building Administration building, was re ' a0 He NOWinhany Orenestra until he resign. fessions and the skilled and! "handing. Nv. Rundle, wha want the best of life bul same the runways would have ta hel YOR4 west, RR 1 Gifts were presented 10 jarred ta the next regular meets (ASSISIAN 10 train the presemt|oq™in 1657. He alse diveots the technieal categories. The pea: vesides at 1018 King street want it ton quickly or toa Mh plawed fhe first five perdans to | Goatie Mueik and Bill Fodor ing of the hoard, Trustee MAN Tathey than have to 1a¥ Han Howse Glee Club and the partion of waskilled and semi: east is a f at One time. With the result that inforfh The Oshawa Times |czenko for the entertainment] George Drynan noted that there! 81 one off Rowland Pack Chamber Sings skilled Jobs 15 docroasing. Ih the | ho +o RUE SUAITIRAR oF A long range view of life MISSILE N '. of their birthdays each day [they save vecently at & park|weve absentees fram the met The maintenance supreviser ors Rca oF Ua shad TRAD the "gavden contre committe Rusrod or hard 'a nd te y P Li AN Mn KN will receive double Hiokts ta | 80Cial evening ing and that they would he "ted that there would he we Caval Pack was barn in Trail hays and Bivls ave leaving) CAWAAR Association of Nu [ign must realise that short eu $i CANAVERAL, Fla Tho Regent Theatre, good The park plans to honat 18 interested in the lettering on Shortage af work fav an assist. & She " her ly a Mis ) 8 aving ealige that shart outs (AP) AN engine malfunction | fap a four-week period, The (Pee wee hockey team With althe plague ant in the 31 Beard of Education Ale met het hushand while 3 school before graduation and Serymen', Hg is now a diree: ape not always the host roads to sent a giant Atlas intereantin current attraction is "The [banquet as soon as the elub Trustee Harald Armstrong buildings in the elty studying an a scholarship in Tos Serelore Hv hen ed tar of the assaciation. He has SHecessi that read success andiial ballistic missile RIAREINE] Warld of Susie Wong," house 15 in use suggested (hat all the oourses/ On a question about language YON0 ona Mo Rood Thhaiiiies We 0 \ Or Ad yeas on Peal salisaption. as well a Mio the Atlantic acean Manday Reports on hivthdays will The draw was won hy Mrs [taught in the secondary schools ability fram Trustee Shaw, the Hugh Our taught himsell to Hon for these jobs will, he said 1® PATRAS | devant il a Ba ish Hr Front after IL Was ho yeoelved only between [D. Gaolden, Annis styeet be tied together, Ho nated that maintenance supervisar noted PAY the racarder, He has given he Very stiff hecause veauive. 110 1 0 wwdeners With divida 1 his af 10 : a 4 WY 0 A \ \ " an VA an A reeord: the hours of & am. and 10 Tack Cameron conducted the moving from one school to an: [that he didn't care what race, "ourses af instruction in Taronta ments ave not very high and! all ; Alden aunnlies Madea WH IVEEAROR and iste Hig ht a 8 mile jour am. Phone RA 3-MW™ meeting, Mrs, Jevame Hickey other was like moving inte creed, ar calor his assistant/and at the Otter lake Musig § 8 A Supplies, (Apttudes", said the speaker. (ney inte the Indian Ocean presented the treasurer's report. | fareign tervitory, (would be, But the person must|Camp, Landscape Gar \