The Oshawa Times, 12 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUCHT FOR TODAY With those picturetaking sete- be sure Joel Hite civeling the earth 165 "ENEEEE When you Say ny VOL. 90----NO. 60 FRIENDLY ON THE SCALES their heavyweight title bout 1a night in is Nils Blomberg hwedish trainer Floyd Patterson ) on and Ingemar Jo hansson shook hands during weigh-in ce today for Farmer, 70, Rifle Defy Entire Army Champion Beach, Centre Johan scale i on's remonies CAMP AGETOWN (CP)=Armed with an old joined fle, Neil Harnish 0 officer held grimly to his farm in this Equipped rmy and isted trucks they very expropriate or house viet more four: But one Mountie CHIS 1e of the He keeps his rifle loaded in through a window and saw Har # back room of his small, ram- nish training his rifle on the shackle home and makes no door, The Jawmen returned to bones ahout his intention to use camp headquarters with empiy it if he thinks it's necessary, trucks, The army has offered him "My vifle was loaded." Hai $1 500 for his property Int he nish suys, "and | was ready to says he's entitled to $15,000, Ifiuse it" he took the army offer he says) "I couldn't possibly get another farm for that," | Harnish claims he owns 175 acres, much of it woodlot, The army says the figure is closer to seven Bores Whatever the has the distinction of having outmanoeuvred the Canadian army, the RCMP and the county sheriff since the last army area' settler left in October, 1056 About 960 families were placed when the army took! over the 427-square-mile enclo sure and turned it into a train Ing camp. The last expropi iation | claims wore settled Oct, 24.) 106 Two of hig children live with Harnish, who is separated from his wife For vem tiated pationtly mineq offers { the provost with | sheriff Iwo to memnei 0 Ory RCMP Pearson hig the ) ' ind with drove sr ri for 0 ahout ha "rm camp re farm effort him for urea to than lipped 1o the naouse glanced size, Harnish dis { army officers with the deter farmer. He rejected all Norman Pearson of Mau gerville, then sheriff of Sunbury County, tried to evict him eral time but there wa ways, the 22 rifle One day last the army lost patience and planned frontal attack, Two or three nego SWORN IN Alex C, Hall wa worn inte office Whithy Saturday detail of the ceremony at the On tario County Courthouse tn five Congo Chiefs On Federation By ADRIAN PORTER (Pravdi. the Coma TANANARIVE, Malgasy Re: nist party organ, termed the public (AI Political leaders conference decisions a colonial of The Congo have agreed to ist plan to break up The Conga replace their centrally-con: The Soviet bloc recognizes Gi trolled parliamentary BOvVern: enga's regime as the only lega ment by a confederation of Cango government) stmi-independent states headed by President Joseph Kasavubu, SF 8 RECOGNITION The adiion of the political' gucavubu conference here on the island of authority recognized Madagascar, which ended Sun United Nations. mess day. raised hopes in Leopold headquarters in New ville that the way has Deen wei for recognition of opened to an eventual end to etup and continued. ceanomie the chaos and warfare that has gediciance. He said a nome plagued The Congo since it WON union has been achieved and its independence from Relgium he ot 4 civil mar last June 30 I'he conference's munique made no mention Antoine Gizenga, whose mumbist" forces control eastern provinces of Oriental and Kiva. He was the only ma leader absent from the talks. Kasavubu told reporters that if Gilzgenga refuses to along with the conference deci he will he declared an out Presumably military meas then be taken tolled hy Oy nminlly foi in Ion uminet urn i page novel the only Con by aged York to the new nlese the UN dange) werted of His cable to assembly Pres Je dent Frederick H. Roland the | Neere Lar v-General Dag final com and Ham marskjold reiterated the confer earlier demand the cancellation of the 1y Counc resolution of 1 which authorized UN in he Congo ta use force if neces to prevent civil "nee for Soeur Feb troops joy 1) Say Wal del tan Yark sembly at the von law ures would supplant him CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.3211 Kasavubu said officials. of will ga 1 the decision lcanference Moise Tshombe, president of Katanga province and the man who dominated the week-long talks, declared We have ted our affairs among and naw It is both the Kast leave us in \ K y Ne al A made gation rovines ta tel] abm \ tien ourselve NOCOSSAY and the peace." y tha West 1 She Oshawa Tone Price that Cue 0 Canty Por Copy 1 Wirepholo) \IT WORKED FOR ' LAURA SECORD FA (CF) Lsa-lsa cha-cha on the road near ne Wine 0 peeain is ind hey Harding Just out ri VA ma Brookla choo down ATE Ir vepean Township Ottawa, | id her onto the road Vii Harding is aver peeding past motor Cow Doroth threatening 1o incensed the peed Cit he " Him imposed on Meadowlands Drive so youngsters will be ahle to walk safely "Motorists aren't concerned about' hitting little kids but they think twice of hitting a cow with their precious cars," she sald $0, she plans to lead Zsa-Zsa on a merry cha-cha across the | road four times a day---every choo want time her son, Michael, 7, and his friends are heading to or from school Army Command OTTAWA: (CP)=A officer for the first heen named to take mand ion Army headquarters here today that the Queen has proved the appointment of Maj,» lean Victor Allard a of the 4th Army of the Canadian time has over com sald ap tien mander Hritish Germany thine in of officers between British and Canadian forces have taken place during and ince the Second World War, hut this is the first time a Canadian has taken British Agree Plan I'he division conference agreed on a two-level central co-ordinating regime to replace Kasavubu's central government in Leopold ville. Leopaldville is to be come + neutral federal distriot he higher organization will be a council of state, in which Kasavubu and the heads of the tates will set general foreign and domestic policy, A cosardinating council will serve as an executive hody to earry out the council of state's deci sion I'l miitay whi Congo conference also ratified a pact in which Kasa Ushombe and Albert Ka longi of South Kasal agreed to a mited front against "commu nism in The Congo" he name of the new confed viation and the number and } of the states will he another meeting in apital of South province, in about two \ third conference is to at Elisabethville, capital Katanga I'he deles ight state had out and their leaders But when the lengthy ion ended Sunday, after an ap wrent power struggle, the con fe deration \ makeup Was nol aw nounced \ nega Cleaphas nundarie cussed Rakwan Ka a 1 al ok Saturday heen staked named final ses es said colleague of Gi Kamitatu of wovines, attended and Is reported | the federation political Leapoldville | nference Ho have approved (cannot oom | Division, | Old OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1 WEATHER REPORT Another storm from the sunny south will probably bring more snow and sleet to this area, 961 Aner Post Office ed a5 5 Secird Clow Capariment; Ma Ataws EIGHTEEN PAGES LEADERS LET CYPRUS INTO COMMONWEALTH Canada, U.S. Start Economic Talks Hi-Jackers Loot Vault MONTREAI could have lifted sized house with burglars used a tion jack to grind their # bank during the K5 safety deposit Provincial Ba sithurban | (CF) Frediur Instead constr way nl ind 4 giant fn weekend hoxes of ( lon Abord How Im 4 fi cin not @ known ne hank of mediate) track what the ored in ifet deposit hoxe Lacoutire to figure take Aker Manager i she d WAS imilar theft four Vis timated faulty bu ice and My ck. It had hefore wrong checked the and looked inside alarm went off earl day. The The called Mir Lacoutyre Knowing of the faulty alarm, he didn't check until Sunday, when he discovered the burglary Police said the thieve into the basement of the huild ing through a side door, Once inside, they set a solid steel har atop the jack, raised, it, and forced the bar up through the floor of the bank's vault, | They made a hole hig edough for a man to crawl through, and 50 gol inside the vault, ) ouig 1 wit how much In a in Outremont the F250 000 VeRrs nago y [ A Lint dinrm nre |.a ZONE when the outure off the off there wa nank ra everal times nothing Poli door ( han after nalur nothing the could see got Toronto Gas War Spreading TORONTO (CP) About one fifth of Metropolitan Toronto's 1,300 gasoline stations will he in a price war loday, Kenneth Langdon, field manager of the Ontario Retail Gasoline and Automotive Bervice Association predicts Mr Langdon night about 180 already had dropped vrices hy the weekend to match reductions. He pre dicted the price war would con tinue off-and-on all summer sald Sunday uhurnan By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Stall Writer ASHINGTON (CF )t wp | the | " nd m nited Male npened yor economic | toda in 4 conference ishir between 1) Lhe aan John Policie ng nist of dent Kenned onter ted b complex f ph hath avernment field of tant wus food 4d indus two pressed ession finister he Rusk 1 1 I be in dian nl ile Foun hn inisteri hi thie the Canada I cession fl of and nea commit to het hehind closed turn into em mie fe re ol ade difference the two countrie thes philic doors before huren he Kennedy ( He first ueh meetin il gi opportunity to on the new hefore the comnletel took office, it f im | Ken for anada an need tration nedy team ha mulated its trade policy UK. CONCERNED On the other hand, the U.K is anxious to be reassured that Canada is nat embarking on any scheme whieh will hurt Amen ean expol f More trade pre i admini flows across the Canada-U.8. horder than he tween any other two countries Both sides are seeking har monious relations in the light of stiffening world competition particularly in the six-country Common Market of Europe American sources have let it he known that they feel Canada was not always treated too well hy the previous U.S, administra tion Kenned dented si will take an unprece in Inviting the Ca nadian ministers to the White House for pri chat Tue day afternoon I'he higuest American concern ou ftih Army dvi ROYAL NAVY SECRETS Spy Trials Start Today LONDON (AP)==An American 80 lo with stealing Royal Naval crets and passing them on the Russians pleaded not guilty today at the opening of Britain higgest spy trial since atom spy Kalus Fuchs was convicted a decade ago I'he main courtroom of the Ratley==where [Fuchs was found guilty of giving the Soviet Union the keys to the atomic bomb---was filled as the opened betore Lord Parker chief justice The accused are Gordon A. Lonsdale, 737, com pany director holding a Cana dign passport but believed hy the government to be a Russian Peter John Kroger, 50, book seller, and hs wife, Helen, 47 who the U § Federal Bureau of Investigation says are Morris Cohen and his wife, Lola, Amer lean eiligenas and former resi dents of New York City Harry Frederick Houghton, 5 and his fiancee, Kthel Elizabeth 16, both British evil sery Cae the Gee ants WORKED AT BASE The government claims they stole secrvis from the Royal Navy's underwater weapon al Partland, where Miss Gee worked, and passed them to Koscow aver a high-speed radia transmitter hidden in the Krogers' home Among the came into thelr hands ocution claims, were of Dreadnought, the subinarine, based supplied the base secrets which the pros drawings British nu on de United clear Ngns Mates The attorney-general Sir inald Manningham-Butler the prosecution. The govern ment contends that Houghton and Miss Gee passed secret in armation Lonsdale, who layed it to the ring's communi cation ceplie, an innocent-look hy Reg heads 0 " Maction ing bungalow in suburban Ruis over command of a couple and three others charged lip occupied hy the Krogers Mingled the courtroom crowd wore British counter intelligence agents called to tes mn 5 Uly on the first day of the case Intelligence officers from sey eral Western countries also were belivved attending as ob server ; The trial is expected to last a week Conviction carrvies a minimum penalty of three years und « maximum of seven The Daily Herald reported to day that a weekend decision to produce a surprise witness was made. following a rush invest gation in Canada by the RCMP There was no elaboration on this | Ice Fight Police Action Investigated TORONTO (CP)=Deputy Po [lice Chief Robert Kerr today fapened an investigation inte the of three Metropolitan Foronto force officers in going on the ice during a Saturday night NHI, brawl at Maple Leaf Gardens It was believed the first time police had intervened in a game at the Gardens Toronto Maple Leafs and Chi Lago Black Hawks were in the middle 2 long melee when a ergeant and two constables climbed over the boards and warned the players to stap fight ig. They did not use physical force The officers but off duty ens to patrol he sey AVIng of uniformed the gard were paid by the rink was quoted Frank Udvari waved to the officers for help seant as referee inada dian { ween 1 {white th bi posed b nag' | Ion the ( government and now or | if re pe ina the ject of parliamer debate But Revepu Sow lis the d (George W prog igned f crn smer can good Fhe very € he in a termining the Kind of goods that JT the sting J on proposals would gi ment more leeway Cin imported under iff oH A Fisle good produced in substantia amount Canada ha lean one authoritie ex pre hgher ta { ed coepeern iM ( ma fo on a wide range of asia! and chemical 1000) Canada con ubsid 14 cerned ove colton of ¢ at | than { Ie ana he f port domestic madign manufacturer textile market Miner } ure eat in nto Canada i Hicism dithoritic of the change re aware but that no contemplated thi YORY Canada also | hope the US reduction in re ind zine EXP essINg may consider gp trictions on lead Imports LEOPOLDVILLE (AP)=Nuns GAP-CLOSER ? Jame L700 .000 Union nn Hoffa Toronto said Hoffa p memix pictured at he re Team a har aturda will ef ident of the Ley Huet My hargain with Canadian employers per onall Canada A 7h-year-old nun said she hrie Ri tn WHR ige the ip N (CP Wirephoto) Wild Congolese Strip, Beat Nuns wa were stripped and one American thrown out of a truck en route missionary girl was raped hy Congolese soldiers on the ram page in the rebel province of Kivu, the United Nations re ported today UN Malayan patrols are push ing out from Kindy, trying tn reach isolated village where al the mercy of the soldier are Congole Wi penple 5 all these We in of vee gol to reach sid a UN official have reason ta believe (hat many cases IL 1s a maller life or death. Kix Belgians and whites, believed to mese, were flown here Kiva Sundp} All were badly heaten, the UN spokesman sald I'hey told of daily beatings in the streets, pillaging and threats execution One report sald an missionary girl was raped hy four Congolese I'he girl has heen told she will nol he allowed to leave Kivu province, the report said TELLS TALE OF TERROR A nun reaching Kundu from a mission station al Kasongo told of 48 hours of terror, rape and hestinlity soon after the death of ex-premier Patrice Lumumba last month, The nun sald nine sisters from the mission were taken to the local jail, olthey Portu from four he of American heaten and troop Ne Thivty of ada's United ment in Th RUAF wt The am MX servicemen members ( Nations Congo arrived Trenton meluded an detach atl ont the hon who figured | phy, ta the jail and her arms broken shoulder dislocated reached Leopoldville and her ha In nun iJ Aer fool on st hymi Vere the n oldi He on thelr I'hey ing they for les to he our poor speak of them NeXE mm freed and allowed hack mission »s BRUSSELS (AP) Rad In ian Gen three ISI army Maondomh Oriental I'he Wi ra disn did things platoons wison made ur ' one 1% In courtyard fo dance id gravel umumba Khe The hare sing Then locked up in a room tht wit ers, Tl the I elothe did no hodies one ni armng tation io eph rep Mi 0 today LA) near din sal rmed h three ( ey were ound and rape o di that i" we ( of themy much less in sald the nun fo I'he ted (roo hutu f the n the (41) Lan Ikeln hore provines in Mande 0ngo made trip hut gusting to lo not write were their 1 Bel ns of tured mb and ler of platoon imho I'wo were captured in Tkela, last tronghold on the road to Stan leyville Mondor though were Lrnops nee mn nhe a qu upied proving nd Ikela ator hy Lumu capital of the Lumbist controlled Oriental e al province, mhbist More Apartheid Troubles Ahead The Com The apartheid issue is being ministers ad- brought up us part of South Af Mh mem: rica's application to remain British family of na- Common weaith member after it hut put off until later takes on republican status the question of Both Despite the earlier belief that member: continued South African mem: bership in the 12-member fam. Iy of nations was a virtual cer tainty, a rrisis over the issue seemed to be building up during the weekend POLICY CONDEMNED African and Asian leaders of Commonweaith nations had con- demned South Africa's apartheid policy last week but none had indicated that they would force a showdown with demands for Bouth Africa's exclusion FORDON (CP) monwegith prime mitted Cyprus as the ner of the tions toda in the da Afri ship The dealt fore apphication clash over a continued Commonwealth leaders with the Cyprus issue he turning Bouth Africa's and an expected that country strict ation voting for to policy Cyprus' ad mission the prime ministers sent a message 10 President Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus inviting him fly to London for the remaining sessions of the conference Sierra Leone also has applied for Commonwenith membership, . A top official of the Ghanaian but it does not become independ-|9elegation said as the confers ent until next month and will €nece resumed today that Nkru- not he represented at the cur- Mah feels the problem of apa theid cannot be separated from Bouth Afvica s application to re main in the Commonwealth I'he prime ministers met amid Prime Mister Diefenhaker reports that Ghana may force called al Js own request on {a showdown over South AIFiCan! president N 1 apartheid, Malayan sources sald Aden krumah Sunday Prime Minister Prince Abdul mht, apperently to try to dis: Rahman of Malaya will also tel)|"WAde Nkrumah from forcing a fellow Commonwealth leaders showdown on the South African that the group of nations musi wane, . be based on common ideals in- Pome of the Commonwealth cluding respect for human leaders ave striving to have rights and no racial discrimina: South Africa's application con- tion sidered as pn matter This morning's session lasted which would require only a gen- move than two hours eral consensus rather than a Prime Minister Tefenbker unanimous vote, and George Drew, Canadian high commissioner in London, PREPARE TO STAY ouy left the meeting and strode di-| The conference also was faced rectly to their car Reporters With pressure from Tanganyika, were not able to reach them|the British-administered United immediately for comment Nations trust tervitory which is Newspaper reports said Pres. headed toward independence, In ident Kwame Nkrumah of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika's Ghana may threaten to pull out chief minister, Julius Nyerere of the Commonwealth if South repeated that Tanganyika would Africa is alowed to continue its Not join the Commonwealth if membership when it becomes a South Africa is allowed to re. republic on May 31 main a member But the Ghanaian hifh ot missioner im London, Sir EF More Money For University 'Teaching Staff a contingency which has not Attacks Mike Starr ~~ OTTAWA (CP) Canadian arisen," TORONTO (CP)=Rev, Shaun universities have made another Herron of St, Columba United hoost in salaries of their teach. Chureh criticized Labor Minister|ing staff averaging 5.8 per cent Starr Sunday for his handling in the current academic year, of the case of Glen Exelby of the Dominion Bureau of Statis Hamilton, who was featured last ties reported today week on a CBC television pro-| The average salary at 17 unis gram dramatizing unemploy. versities of all teaching staff ment from lecturers to deans is Phe minister said in the Com- 88,404, The bureau said this is mons that the CRC and the 45-120 per cent higher than two vear-old salesman had misled years ago, viewers as to his unemployment. The average for the eight On problems fario and Quehee universities In his included in the bureau's survey Herron accused Mr, Starr of is $8,042, These eight include Sinhumane and irresponsible! two colleges in the University use of prestige, privilege and|of Toronto -- Trinity and Vie. power" in commenting on thetoria, as well as Queen's and program, Western, racial After SEEreg 1] rent meeting SHOWDOWN POSSIBLY, Toronto Minister Sunday sermon, - Mi CANADIANS HOME FROM CONGO mn troops are: 1 Montreal RLERIN incidents Ww Neate « Pl Montreal Vancouver ith Heft Albert to Te Daniel CR Congolese | wick right ley Herbert Muy Rost Hatfield, NR and Ross: Beggs Kingston, Om Standin Sigmn. Cecil Rate Toning, Ont. Begas ha plece of plaster on his forehead to-ccover a slight wound. Ile was one of five Ca. nadians held prisoner hriefs Iv at Maiadh and said he was grazed by a piece of debris Kicked up by a Congolese bul let, (CP Wirephoto) a

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