The Oshawa Times, 12 Mar 1961, p. 14

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14 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mersh 18, 1961 Coll The Direct Classified Mumber RA 3-3492 HE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM, to 5PM, MOMBAY te FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 A4A--Apts, & Flots id NEW BUSINESS [= UNLISTED NUMBERS tment ale und y seGRs HE FBI AE Aetias Syne vy ow RAPE Meir MH LANG'S MEAT MARKE yay A a nd id a JH y GC J 005 74 Cs RA 3-7827 ANN'S FABRIC SHOP ERP PLIANCE SIMCOE AP LE flaw we, Pld ad wh dd hot Pd BA 87 Arm birent ARRFLIRER // RA Fe f 14 WA | OPENING Vo BUSI NEW BI onal JS N Business Opportunities 36--Female Help Wanted ATTENTION 42---~5tore Space and Garages g FORF RELIABLE TLARLY NOWNTOWN apa PART TIME FOR RENT 17-=Women's Column 19 "Personal 1 Tele ed Beaied apariment 10 p hor b APPLY | » 23 CELINA ST ap, . FOUR 4 MODERN Fel OFFICE SPACE ' | T e TA 50212 for rther pit Ie: | | apartment, fu rnished nd re Ar tral ly 143 Hiro Street TWH room frigerat t CBF 3 | $90 and up MO J | TELEPHONI B384 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT hedron 6 Lo} f OPPORTUNITIE IN THE ROYAL ANADIAN AIR Fi FOR SKILLED AN | UNSKILLED Alf 25---Pets and Livestock BEAL Five vi i Apply Mrs bik - mr --1 26--~Farmer's Column TRACTION 1 Fou k ver IN oot Ie i MODERN twee V partment MANURI ' rl f jie, ) rator ove her, Arye ed. Telephone RA 59765 for pd 4 | i THE TIMES BUILDING Phen 44 "e tele 1 Auli manthly | » one bedroon [THREE 1 ONE heated parking near HA | ) Fo i King EVENINES | | |FIvi J | entrar [ 3474 - ------ - { ~Houses For Rent WATER Purified ter for gist unfurn ¥ hed { Wanted 37 --~Male Help OPENI / 1 32-~Articles Wanted WANTED G for RA 8-47 f quiet and FURNISHED f 1 Khapy fut apartment heavy vate wor en king weekly ESTABLISHED ontranee rated. Suit |¥ Ample park! RA B-8066 |! unfurnished reams, private en lf and hathroam, eubpards, ve |M tor and Apply 383 King |t# Kas } THLY facilitie Folenh on MON bu on FOUR ora stave reel [FURNISHED (hres se!f-eontained a0 hunga. [jj 4 ih [) East amonth SPECIAL bachelor apaisment, In apart: | | ment building, private. Ideal for eouple We included, TV outlet, hildren Blreel for oom apartment, [i mant Telephone Bloor Iria EC Hi | |n AUTO Wi NG CO vebrigerator HA 34245 apartment, wels 1 WL PEIVAL Avenue West do {rovn ated contrally all \ autlet Telephone Ave hy TE, - --- MODERN self-pantained f roam | yg Apts, & Flats Iv piete_ halh, heavy nm round For Rent ef RI IN THI ANADIAN Ri ; SCRAP 1! ! i POSSESAION phone HA UNFURNISHED three-room private hath and entrance utilities paid, wiring BATTERIES. Ete } apart \ park RA KILLED MEN ADELAIDE TERRACE ment 06108 TWO . hedroom apartments in modern apartment building, available MO 83002 after § pom, 101 Craydon Road, Apt. 4,! Whithy de IM S¢ heavy 2 329 m bedre A 'frig includes om aide | Tv 5 | ar [FOUR roam furnished Ap ly Apt | refrigerator and stave way, private entrance, three hlocks fram dawntown, Apply 95 Colborne | | Street West, afternoons only I | | BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT large Two-bedro room, m kitchen le bath Call Te M WIREENBERG & SONS BER de § i" A |} f 3 { r St, § apartment, garage, drive. |y {ta f ] facilities 5 Employment Wanted i hay Y #iven ta children, Phone 54376 nt SEWORK i clea wanted Fhe full ar ine RHA #5 part ONE MONTH FREE RENT H | HA #4 YOUNG ye m dern nvenient rent living employy \ \ | M ¢ ant an Teleph ¢ bi \ RA 5.0243 field Real § ition, YOUNG a Henry ta 108 i W RA 8-8676 'WO BEDROOM AP; AR I ME NTS rs tate wit HA ¢ MODERN SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT VERY CENTRAL PER: MONTH TELEPHONE 5433 aor RA § d6--Female Help Wanted | Steno-Clerk ' ition, New bu LOYD REALTY RA 8-512 38--Male or Female Help Wanted f $68 MALE or Ww MALY RA § n¢ ¥ A na 2267 i One and Two Bedroom [A APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5.38) 3 or RA 8-64L5 BAL Ty BOWMANVILLE MArket 3-3311 5 {ROOM and board fo on private ha bus, Telephone RA 5-640, . TREEE THOMAS M treet Ba and Bolieitar, Telophane MANNING Bolieitar eli | BOWMAN tor, Barristers L, ~ [BATHROOMS il 'mates, KA 33 & Flots Rent wnlasmisiinh 1neoma A4A--Aots, For oo, vo hehina ta pro iy TF WOBERY frigarais éioney, Arps FRR Ayana VHiG THERE - room apastment nina Bone 4 iy, A ua 8 Li tiarmaar ner Ratt ¢ East EA ad Kinsr 22 RALRE side stp R ESHA "how fam Strats Wes NEWLY Aes spprtment, Ritson Ess EB y Ha RRA entEapes, o v yd Prose BA EMARTY, m ment apd FIR. Rat. RERLE# EA BA4is oF Lelephons Aehty BA SHE or wi aomyeR: ra free 4 wales, BHT5 THRFE Pui LARGE i BUS | b Six REYRES S4A--~Apts, & Flots A rn we hedevom Gad Samet peri ARORA mara FA A at ween § 4m RAGRTREL Baad, 14 Esinghome HA LVR THE ek r FH he, wih reing # Any i | ad 4 fowth wil Anl Bair apartment whbirnisian parking hares fas waht FV sutint BA 5 EAB INESS 5 dol id TWO formished Rowsehessing Fooms [logon Ele birmighad apartment, KARRI RAR BR%, fH arstnns eA Basar ant apart iitins BRT IARE FREEIERE WAY {teedtte na i Cimighn enierind. Agmvy WM Firaew Bipent BA HL hetwenn § r # p. FUENISHER aR led ond Gams ANE trimas oe ¥ Aan u J es aerial, Ryden, wasn refed | REYARS Vicant. KA ald aiaied ws ad Ld a] nd nd powing " ys r Bade om apartment Bn pew ERinigarator, wave, Meyer, TY ABEERRg, PRES FavRk, Ress Bus, Shopng Conte, GM. Aly 307 Fink Lapas Rye AWE jevei, mi womitment, tied ERER, Feiner dew WIRE. LATER patie VAG #1 £5 R ¥ EE ¥ » heated, Wrne renm Bathenom and Wt WE ave, Reavy Farming. Phone od Hi walay as on Bus Hoe FY swtiet Henry whtsemiohed apart ok and ap inwndey Tom, FER wining. Adwits. RA adil ah; i. 448--~Rooms | For Rent we ' « ¥ farae winpintely furmiek. ed a TT oF and Eley isier ; Hk Ra Arye Con WE BROPIIRE cERLIR : » Hh ISHED be v FER Aiki fot wake vam KERURIRIR, Aha § or ApPiy 7% Gilad } FLRNISHER r" oF " HA 8-867) Accountants wisn G I 1s WAR p Street, Osha IONTEITH MONTEITH RIERL ! Co ered Aceon ' FEOPLY WATER Te ls ) f i TELEVISION § HUMIDIFIERS PE-HUMIDIFIE RECORD PLAYERS RADIOS & SUNLAMPS MEAGHERS 5 KING STREET RA 3-3425 A VEST SICKROOM EQUIPMI NT FOR RENT OR FOR SALI wheel be utches | | Auto Parts Tire and ul hays to KENT 8 Western Paris W teed au tive 145 ries "Five service + | Barristers BEER and HA 1964 Bl HA and THOMAS ters and RA B64 Gree nee V, Kelly RALPH JONES LEER A A # Lor Mortgage 130 ¥ i loans avi RUNDLE notary publ Ph RA #17 AMES A MachONALD Yarvister and Balicitar and ereial Build antarie, Client ih et East, lahle harriste int tar and « hing t ne | n Lon Ary k ih A MURPHY un, |W Soligitar, 6 nw Ontario. KA #2071 FRASER, DRYNAN and Barrister boll hi Bank LUSSELL BA barrister and ast, Oshawa RETGHTON, TURDOCH iry Publ Simeoe ian, QC; mG, 1 arranged HEAKE tor of Commeros ( Mui er, QU G 1) i, NHA mort ONALD nONNS, HBarriste ile King Street Fast. i ness HA 42201, Hes HA B.53473 FV, SWARTZ Notary. Maney to loan Bruce V. Mack HA 2664 King Sireet Hesldenoe, Dial IBEW PF, MANGAN alieitar, Maney ta loan ing Street Kast, Oshawa esidence, HA 5-340 DAVID L,, Barrister Simeoe South, HA 5:0008, RA 8.0264 GIBBON and BASTEDO, plieitars. Clients' funds avallahle enoe Barrister A550 Hen Hast, HA 34080 ae ly Al Havrister Offige. 14 RA B8A232 He fick ih Wesi nee Barristers, | far first mortgages 20 Simeae Street North A S8066. Charles ©. MeGibhon, dgar F. Bastedo, Qf IOHN A CAMERON, v and notary publie, 18% King Sireet| ast. HA 3.22609 NHA and private ortgages arranged UMPHRE Ya (18H | barrister, soliel Hillman, | Boyehyn and Solieitars; Nn. Hum | Havehyn, BA, W A. | LLB: 86 King Street East mes: Offs, BA 51177; Hes 1604 or Whithy, MO 82761; RA 55203 ney ta loan I HALME A BA, barvister, | lmeoe Street North fee WA Het 1h Residence RA 1A33 | weve, QO 6G, 8 man | soliel ookkeeping | SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKEEPING SERVICE, . INCOME TAX RETURN 686 OSLER STREET RA 2-9953 | | | Building Trades inh 3 ating WW HA plumb ne d engineer uh ¢ ts built, all No fob ta small aes af aliera hone RA A le Chim Hnings in na LHOME © Breet PAMIR ECOVIAN hie Wid Bivect Nesth, RA 334403 1. Braet (AE an ALTERATIONS women He DRESSMAKING children's price HA MINOR ladies wamen DRESSMAKING dren's Felephane oad delivered Building Trades BAOFING paint H #4 I bial Flow ¢ ready-made Business 162 today ta start pr ronfi TY FERRIES TED VE WELL i =NHOF DIGGING i deepens ORK 1864 PROVEMENT VICE g COMPRESS R A HOMI C [¢] IM SEf delled for ta 1 deal Budget Beaver I J ver 0 0 B-5818 COUNTRY? I WALL? RE) ELLINC OR SMALL AJAX y ALL 3103 IN THE I} MO CALI THAT'S A 8B EAST, AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION i Cartage TOHN'S Mao Hea ad an ing and nih Blovage, Oshaw aul RA 8.010 fast depen job hith ile Phun for ne ued Cartage servi or [] Nao ton small MAKER hil en's vales in drap aban Ie RA 6: nthe Telephane af all and ehildren ile ( hie Kind Farmal ly, RA 5-3466 me ver kirts a speci alterations wear, reasonal and and ladies! RA B-R666 allerating wear. 48 of Elmgrave an children's ar Albert Siceet (forme and Park Road.) TERATIONS of all Kinds for and ehildren al dye versihle skirts specially. RA 5-040 ahi King me and all ladig alterations iH wear HA FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, of Aah Alterations, Rem LOW PRICES 22 ROWE ST, RA 8-6706 deling iA [Food Freezer Services STOP Ho MARKE rer |! Wa o vithy and I f Fuel "and Wood ney fireplace $5 Phone RA 3004 ve mis AA ot ad ro, oo dresses hag | large | $48--Rooms For Rent in ham Shinn Wa a ONE farm with ATTRACTIVE BED "-- A4B Rooms For Rent REPRAGH r frnioRad, dass, Sow SRL, ARE Rome, we Helle v Wary Wiesel, BA $6148. wpuptamant, dan aves FAA IRR, PINE SR ARERy iE Cana Bassi. Taiaphons ih irmiotal [a MOE head 45---Real Estate for Sole 550 1oW peien, idina Iok, 59 by OF, IB as sein, news Ties Lake, Toler « BA Lvs VORUARTIRE FR an Moky oH Rh 3764 ARLE Forms 3 dad a oo . IRE, KE Wing. Ab Hiisng Rand hy BE iaige Kaan nd oie rent prs men only. Fo ERNIE E » WE : ik . FHF we far dau ad REIRE # Ets fine Int 166 = 9, aAnEn EK Weil KA 5786 $1000 DOWN 6% MORTGAGE AN ed Ae Hit fs Aginy TE Aik aA id ae Hf qryaiog ne BLERRL Bath forniatiad hedeaom for KEBOR, WR PI Rie pds howe, Wai TER AVRRGR, PRINIE BERGE id askmikrit ndscsped jot on fined en iA Siete lumi orm YISHEDR room In 7 ERVICE DIRECTORY Food Freezer Services FER # family of ¥ 12 pound io Bordon and Supplies DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Sand end Fill, D RA 5.5279 OSHAWA |HOME LANDSCAPING|§ of fruit | gr jee Bid RA 8-6366 eo EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE Thinning fing, | ne | are ne Nursing Services Pruning frees omame irgery ren p work hi | of Fruit |¢ Trees ping | [si ar Ornamental Van Belle (ag dens MA 3-5757 » BOWMANVILE (3 miles East en Ne, 2) | Tnstruction tar PRIVATE teacher HA student counseller ence, hy interview only id he TILLIAN MAE MARSH, dance tar, dancing sehool, haliet, tap aeranatie, pre character d Baturday, Masanie Temple 1 educa Baton, | cal Te re [ha Baton, High! RA G-6122 school Fl HA is - [HARVEY 11 He He DANCE ACADEMY il A ny Hallet, 4 § King West, gisler now LEARN to dance hallroam dances rhane BA 8-5383 expert instruetion in For appointment, tele _| Insurance |ALLSTATE Aute Insurance. Save 0 per cent, six manihs to pay at your home up| Far | oll tn per 1¥ RA nil servige | 1d [Money to Loan __|FIFTY 10 five thousand dollars == [warthwhile purpase, lowest vales aboard Finance, 201 Bly South, HA 86283 08 WE HAVE clients' monies avail A: for 10ans an first and second mortgages | and also purchase of mortgages and agreements of sale, Louis 8& Hyman WO, 27 King Street Bash, Oshawa HA 1-404 fast | py 4 Bimeoe ga HA "MONEY TO LOAN! $2,000.00 te $50,000.00 for loan en first and Mortgage Aaree for Sale, on vacant and ved property, residens tial. and industrial eity, sub and Sum al V v ) immediate Second n | bo if Amy I Hl urban and country mer cottages Limis Street RA Summerland Securities ited 112 Simcoe North, Oshawa Phone 5.3568 MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types is tor first and second rtgages on all types of real ling vo ant lands; for ond a Jreements purchased Ap 26 King Street Yelepho ne RA ni lal of mart BE jages PEC estate inclue ft term first and wtgage ( and i age § ale Swartz f } Wwwa | Martgages MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET D INVESTMENTS COMPANY ST RA 3 Mc Ru MA ALLIE |W NC 199 Ber On okers Asso M n cia Mortgages $1him AE ond |# [Optometrists HA 34161 Painting and Decorating ee | FAINTIN PAINTING v AINTING and anv Personal Service TRY QUR | BAR-B.QUED CHICKEN | GI Plumbing He cating PLUMBING ting ORON Rug--Upholstery Sery VIUR J [LE CHE ana TERFIELDS LIENTS UPHOLSTERY reighton I KA CHESTERFIVLDS AVAILARILF i CHROME CHS RECOVERE FROM 3.75 | Warkmang O5HAS WA AUTO £2 BOND ST, WW RA 5-8042 HOOD f M John BOLA fed | or rt | age n RUGS & CHESTER. CLEANED nal Clead or Plan of the MN tituet of Rug Ci NUWAY---RA WI. - -- id asl! Aiey ikhtful sare for | of Oshawa NDIVIBUALIZED the h person in B invited, KA ---- Abhi M ers Doctor in n RICHARD tomet BLACK amination of 8 hy appointment | Surveyors URKAR fe § est, Whithy, H TUCK { 0, i 10 B48 mo al no, Hid il nptametrist 06 Dundas | 6G Closed Wed NEH The bu ¥. HORTON tavio Land Survey and Ih, optometrist downitawn Do lan treet invalids ex ial HA G-4567 Aik PLEIN ar, sami a, \ ork RAAT TV Radio Repairs |, reasanable ry winter L nk ar Burk ned at home " NONEVAN tario | Finting AND IF] | ng eanty ME wank ver an I Nn THOLLY 216 Adel i -6081 HW FLIM I and I I AN with ) als used HA anabl tL ma 14 | HADI radia 1 Fleetran RA 50702 (Fre DO IT NO\ A b |! intenng paperhanging 204 Chireh I Avenus idip h 7207 8] ORG RA OF EBSIONAI nee painter work and papor guaranteed 3 estimates x 5 ft wi 4 PODD & SOUTER #403 PAINTING & DECORATING INTRACTO! ¥ rl W YOU PR SION SEF Len and Lo City T.V. Fa If TELEVI G f inting Full Paint IN [ Murals, ig f 1 l MO RA pray 07 BYRC DAY NIGHTS WHITBY 1231 7426 TER Pan Day 1aery, all ar hall 8.80 to 5.30, BE1 Simeoe Novth #2604 | SURVEY 5.7844 Ye eh THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW CHANNELMASTER NMA attached to gq § HT TOWER and § ha the best I THAT ClEAR TURE NOW! w aluminized picture talled by Tv and you'll. have Ma prices and Ch ch h ken plate french en fi hat with hamburgs, shakes MODERN GRILL DELIVER RA SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED r lengthen garment pocket rer K ¢ butte ns GILLAR DS CLEANIT SERVICE RA 1958 chips milk i Wi 5.3887 0 Pl an : expert anarten ¢ Cutt Ce and ve ¢ est | L lest mplet TRIO. TELEVISION | 171 B¢ STREET EAST | 8.6781 LTD. ND A ) s and. heating pipes, fit new and used, chang tank ta sewer a spe ions at reasenahle And estimates free plumbing, Bilal RA! fixtures from seplie ty \ SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, Jé61 GIBBONS ST, aie Any i i Foley ATTY Barn. APPLIANCES equipment, ESSQO hot pumps ed air fur 5 part ind PART NEF LUMBIN [8] NOW AND NIGHT SERVICE SUNDAYS e Tube Test LOU'S TV 844 or RA 8.3804 xture DAY Iv PLUS HEATING Night a- Upholstery Service ANT URY ay of | | | | H LEN & LE pha | / EGERS G AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS ing VICE WHEN YOU WANT i DAY OR NIGHT} T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8.5286 All Work Guaranteed + OSHAWA ELECTRONICS | at Wwe Price RA 5.7488

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