The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 8

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' hen. Loyalty Wenders. Lin onlels Hoegiond, Lonw read by chaplain, Beter Ger vary oneer Ae Welrermad, Winchen. Wav Wooper. Patsy Falant, 7% nm & trode | om. Winwtes and cor: game Wille. Bettier mawk. Bini Delaney, Fannie Swale and Bie respondencs were read Wy rer ade, Son Sargeant, Settler del Hille » vdieo retary. eter Eide |Party And Badge Presentation sonic, Tote adgs. Lovaity Chef Gide Wes, Westinke Howard, The Sek , We i ii fhanies (he coloniels (oF TN gms fy aepaty We rese, Big Sow / wep of fh Ecomronhcter, otont . mg E S Se Sata SY od Mo er nto th ii oy the Pgrim Brion of pris dy sph Ply Pai Bini bade Bay | Gets ammeter of the Check, TI for The ant bavigwes We Foner gas of Cammy WE games wha or rane if al died fhe mmesting. with prager. 10 be Reid on Friday, Mavek 11, Vie CEH Fame Delaney eh the soREest fasee Brenda Westiale Vor. There were doe (8 19 pres Were Mesiosed. Si members The Figom Avision of he pared wie peasated (RE DYE 4g "ont 4% the menting PIER trending he Bangs Were ase Fike Powers (oi AE TR Ration of Pekar ard Gaede Fat asym foerderaft A (9 Ge gi 8. Sadvew's Unwed Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Edo add RA B08 Gor Choesh Rd an Encame Ses. Westlake received Wer fades ensuite. Zemin. Sef arch for the tapuer #6. S10 a Went. menting on Wonday rosie safely hadgn and TER resent flees y + "Weil fdan Fat LODGES AND pW herp Aer swper There 8 THE GSA W Ah Times, Thorsbey, orch ', edd we March 6 a he folowing With THREW fads i (6 Be AW erianment in (he Diese The WEIERant Pam AWRINS Winn Suits Femi ' Vo ivaman Erm Wer. qlee # large moby of Conde, Wes. fowm Rooper. Jr Py Covi for MAL big Roi gsi The PA pe Pn HETREOR WH (RET Badge. Batety Droge, Sewers | mess Ad Uarwhai shi CATAG ' oR ns vi i " Avian Ysierie Bavdonw, Wander) were pvesenied fo Samy Ko LOYAL TREE BEEK were. served Wy id id AL the THR WEARIRE WWNGEE Fait) The 70 tables WB Pe Afar the MERinG ering Wp Sil Sewn aft 4 udu ith ay ctor Phe Lavit Trwe Bie fede ware Breather Tas Kesler sey of Me. ond Mes. Bier DG WEEE Gay AEC mes WW nd Colom Cones IT derson, bik Badge! Seleom. Share " Hrrioom pos' Weld te gine mesting on POEs Ie ------ formic Reiss FReanivy, 4 # (OUR RRR AS RESON ye i HE (ode, Mrs wan Westhat 1 va IIRERY TRE [nde Saba Frnaday Harek 7. wm the JHEHE NE a Fn ig I or Mev, Dat dos We SA sir IRA Taft, Wiel Wale, 19% Cotomar annie Sits tod » range Temple, with Aepity HOUSER or rons, Fort Dery, COMME ? er P from fi Tv ow, AY ry for Bib ie Exploration Wires, Ster Rath Gatehell, New lions on the _rmariet Boy, gw gy Ard f " . Wr ig fi ' A L. J ig fi FRREIAT FAY sani all | time. anh Clase tis Pret of the IERANE. ReReten By Peel Bel aye wade of mits - estled eer ig TRERETRR FFI Fmtrnt pail v1 br pCO RES erty we 2 a4 Wied Anwe Henkalonan. Wolk Badas, mecting 90k FRyer 7 HAE SIRE Sister Alter thane foam WRECK will ph Wickham, Win eg Mamita, Wis aheer FAG, FH AL | 7 th Mili conduct Gad Frekson. Kitchen Wefan Lefrashments Bad Ween pre SH wr te oveiate freely. m Eriorifes W roxio Kamera. Wachionaia, © 4 ¢ g FARIS Ew 9 ary Hanning, Safety, Ki ¢ a TR en Ot rw: md I a b ciraiiate | wing ond Estevan. Assetng WE. wndime, Wis 6 w 4 Lav? w wh 7 by Cole Berighees and prayers were 5 con, wiler rs A or a the weicher Woodward, Wie Sasi. My tow were Mr. wok Wes. Jack lo. Lakh wr ® Gonion { ogemen, Wr. pad Mis. Alex FOR Mrs, W. Mach Maher, Mr. ond Mrs. Downs 'Hodason, Wr. and Mrs. TROWwRS Wis Mervin gay Goch, Hrs. Wiliam Kovkush, RIERYE, FREBHRET 7 Mrs Helen Kiemeon, Mis EWOErs of Beta Sem wer koma on These) 6008, reas, Mrs, Edwerd y vores K 4 whet ThE EERIE a Ritwal of Jewels was font : id : : wed Wis. Harsid Bali yes vor on ve Griff BYICag ; daar, Mis mod 2.56. Chesterfie'd si RSE WY SETVIRE a " y ast of Wing. We know ood fos wand Lek Hg Wirtihdeys, pritins Rifle pis TRESS ks CORRE RRA ERED Hh EHESISE BAG YON WR low 4rd comforts 4 priced 10 well. 14d 15 you > per & new scot, W of : pb 4 Ria BIC falar fy Foyments we low os $2.50 por wesk terest WIS CONIA 3 fEIERONE BF ¥ 4 eal " ure a + Foulaton, News EXTRA LONG FOR THE : 5 Mis. Orval Casemen Wanda Bakplarz wand Fiks Foland » Mr. # ve. Orval CHER FOUR A Boman K ancivk. be oA 4 is Baka and Alma , wt the weekend Oshawa, Wilk WRITER FEE bridegroom is | Wf uw Stinking ater ATG 6 oH by ot 85 Hedwigs Bomar Catholic Church. The bnde is # PY the daughter of Mr. AAR) i 0 by Ma Fathers Take Over Meeting For Dr Phillips H&S Assoc, The 4 Fath fest re : ther, kt ' Wh #4 i ihe new ¢ £IRGIE LOOK Ove 3 5 J J 7 ) Wl ARGIOTINIR BF Monday 4 i i : i March 7, somsored hy the (sh Home on po 17 4 yf id wa and District Associstion Me Proud d 4 ' OF 3 i f Retarded Cmigrer The Alig By ris Yar RIG LAGAEE RITMREER THRE oon veners were Mrs, B.D, Shor dept, wh Mis 9 io J ceiing would eh CE eR eich and Mrs postion & OE hand ; lh adi on Edward Brown. This was Ihe was taken by her hushang yi i i hide and Mr. Malcol Adan Reting " ; EY oA cen £ took the form of a Bi. Patrick's in bis wife's capacity as v ' am presigent nade an important aPRouncemeEnt gid Erected pes ple as they came i Mr. B. W ducation wn the Pinder belped Mr. Adam in this district in Toronto duty, and Loth were gratified no "Lilzensiy see the arrival of many fathers spoke of new ideas and Mr. William Dell presided at fresh conceids as valuable 1 a the publications table. The fol democratic society, and pointed lowing gentlemen served 168: gut that this type of thinking het Mr. Fred Bidgood, Mr, 90K musi be encontsged neh SEATS FOUR PEOPLER]. . , COMFORTABLY Thaler, Mr. Frank Farncombe, dren who were going to he good Mr. Geoffrey Andrews, and Mr. citizens George Slocombe, CORVENers| whe various BONE. with for these refreshments included wuich the child became asso Mrs Murray Macleod and Mrs ciated were treated in some de Look charming while ¥. A. Mcliveen from Mrs, Va, tall, and these Included the vou wait, and enjoy be ' eq f ie | "Ef i 300d value j he artist's leas class, and Mrs VW. } An group. the neighborhood " f act / yg Bi [' « Gi y opre and ltabrie Gillette ana Mis, A, Khibniskl 4 he logit SrouD ing active, in our com RIeEia 2oia 4 fal from My. Heron's class the realuntay ns eniation fortable. attractive, up Zr OUP GROUPS, CLU BS IT ie £ ane Re yi en ny RUXILIARIES [Giouia brovide accommodation and incentige for the olun LEGION AUXILIARY tary association' group, He ae The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana-|[elt that the schools. today rei EXAMINER USE OUR CONVENIENT dian Legion, Branch 48, met on presented far too large a part LAYAWAY PLAN Tuesday evening, March 7, with|of the tax-pawers' money to he A licentiate of the Royal A SMALL REPOST Mrs. Edward Bouckley presid- closed ai & pm Academy of Dancing, London with HOLP ing Ir. Ross touched briefly on Miss Pauline Dibh will be Goods donated for the bazaar the subject of religion in the conducting examinations in were shown and it was decided |schools, saying "we cannot al: dancing in Oshawa on Friday to have & shower for the touch!tempt ta bylld citizenship with-| and Balurday. She 16 a mem Black / \ FREE and take hooth next Tuesday, out religion'. He quoted Al ber of the panel of children's 4 Mareh 14. The date for the ha- teacher shall ine Neale hy pre:| examine ra has her own ' STORESIDE PARKING gaar is April 25 cepl and axample Christian! school in Essex England LADIES WEAR LTD, The Night of Cards will he leaching Mr. William Ross] Last year, Miss Dibb under held on March 21. Tickets maylalso stated: "Religion is a per-| took the Far East tour for [| 72 SIMCOE 57, NORTH he purchased at next week'slsonal and solitary experience."| the Royal Academy, visiting OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 4 p M meeting pi at the door Mr. (Geoffrey Andrews thanked! Hong Kong Malaya and Bing RA 5:1912 ML The catenng report was given the speaker nove hy Mrs. Herbert Bathe and 4) substantial profit given to the! treasurer A social evening will be held on March 28 and it is hoped to as Hera | a have visitars from two other| BE ere is relief from auxiliaries There will he enter i ik follow i] hy a oh le | ly RYOUS U PSE A] supper 2 4d \ \ y Names may now he given in to Mis. Peter Chryk, convenes for transportation, for those} 8 a 4 OVEFWOrK ,.. lale ILE A wishing to go ta the Zone Rally y k late night v TIONAF ta be heid in Bowmanville on f as vals April 10 t meal Mrs. Charles Preston and Mrs, Newlan Stacey was re: ported ill in the Oshawa General! Hospital / conditions which often result in m AH CHARTER, HADASSAH headaches, stomach distress The woanthly meeting of Pi y vah Chapter of Hadassah was A andl sleepless nights held recently. The president, SE i Mrs. Jack Appleby, called the! SES . : Buy a 35% Sundae ot the regular price Hiv Tack Abilene te PHOSPHO PLEX is 8 modern Got another one absolutely free! Kutzener opened the meeting § { with a shail prayer 187 a . g The main topic under discus 5 nerve and vitamin toni Even ot the regular price, these sundaes are @ real sion was (he annual bazaar to formulated to relieve nervous upset, J ! bargain, Delicious fresh-frazen Dairy Quaen, extra thick he held in early May. The Con-| 2 veners of the various heoths| 38 and help build up your system ; and creamy smooth, heaped high with the topping of gave reporis an thelr progress : i / | . Fyn your chloe, Mmmmm « , marvelous! and th ving convener, Mrs to make foe A ou fee y Harry Finer, reported that hun ¥ y be ter quK kl dreds of Leauticul aprons have . already been completed hy her shiny clean and ready for business eommitiee 4 dvailable in liquid or tablet form $2.50 vour local Dairy Guess will ones ad 4 s AWWW SHR UR SR Se RR Other hoaoths hard at work an vhiig elephant candy ] ) RUB 4 manufacturing, cake and home PHOSPHOPLEX another Wampale product he the meeting place for folks whe prefer i LET'S ALL GO TO THE DAIRY QUEEN baking The tea room will serve its the country's tastiest treat] usual delicious assortment of home baked pastries and a THERE'S ONE NEAR YOU! ean bes ats | n | TF by SOUTH STORE fee. Many beautiful plants are wieoted for the plant] q hin bs b (8. F 235 Simeoe St, RA 5.9792 haath and it is hoped to make this vear lisplay the most at tractive to date | PRESCRIPTION the loss of the mesting " " CITY WIDE FREE el J o Vv § R 2 5 0 5 1 a ¢ : o s 5 NORTH STORE ORES CANADA 1347 Simeoe St, RA 8.1162 Friday and Seturday Only, March 10, and 11th engt f the Sofe 1s MAn-a-ty Inches. This suite was priced down to sellom to-date maternity fash ions for Spring BUY ONE SUNDAE GET ONE FREE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 9, 10 and 11th * all wear you down all contribute to many upset nervous EHH { 8 KING SY. E 8 BAKERY SALES )S 30 SIMCOE SY. 8 PHONE RA 32245 OSHAWA 5 It has been estimated that iN PHONE RAG 3546 sales of bakery products: in ROSSLYN PLAZA RAB 4668 Canada will be more than $300, ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA $00,000 (a 1961 .

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