Tye Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Mewpapers | imited, B6 King St. E, Oshawa, Ont Fog # Virsany, Marry 5, 196) Reasons For Drop-Outs Require Investigation There is & great campaign being waged agninst early drop-outs in our schools, The argument is thal educa tion is needed by the jobseeker, and the youngster who leaves school he. fore reaching » certein grade will probably join the many thousands of unemployed whose lack of education keeps them from finding steady jon This argument is fine -- gs (ar #8 it goes, Ii does not, however, go far enough. A youngster can #it #t A desk for a dozen years and still not have an education, And faults in the educations] system he eontribe uting to the pumber of drop-outs, In other words, we need more informa tion on the purposes of SRYINg In school apd on drop its Benjamin Fine of the BAA news service, sa is evidence that out of school, at all levels, in relatives ly greater numbers than their mates, He refers to the United Slates of course, but his observations will he pandered by thoughtful Canadians may the reason fon education editor # LhEre Creative pupils arop Classe The creative pupils drop onl, Bpper- ently, because they are discouraged by their teachers, Their cassmales and even thelr parents, The reason for this, according to studies made bw Dr, Pail Torrance of the Univers sity of Minnesota, is that the creative child is less of & conformist, and ale most everyone, including the average teacher, is a little afraid of original creativity and monconformity, The creative child does not necese sarily rate high marks on 1Q tests, bist may be siperior in school achieve: ment: he often is not interested in high marks or 16 scores and crea something that cannot he tested by mechanical means, Yel 45 Mr. Vine comments: "In an age that nigh premium OB ime seination and vision, It seems Incred- ible that the creative mind is forced V.ducators eas, BVIty Is places a into & common mold are now beginning to recognize nat Lraits, he. measured by 14 Here is a genuine challenge to parents and teachers there are many valuable sides those that shold be nutured Job For Health Week Next week is National Heath Week ghout whieh if is customary to ga something nice is becoming move and more Aiffieut Unfortunately, that tn do, What happens during Health Week? Dr, Gordon Bates, general dis rector of the Health Lesgue of Can ada, wrote recently that a national committee "organizes and publicity all media, churches, service clubs, departments of henlth and education and organiz ations throughout the country for a hard-sell annual week promoting good health throughout Canada," He crows that "it 1s the largest annual publicity event in Canada, the biggest annual Health Week in the World" And, we suggest, If it were aband- nned, its loss would not make a par ticle of difference to the health of Canadians, Indeed, if the money if costs were used in a more construes tive way, it is quite possible that ita loss would be the country's gain, par- tieularly if the Health League were also dropped, The annual budget of Versions Of Patrick Nicholson has devoted two of his col submits in schools, Gur Ottawa columnist, umns to a rosy look at the apartheid policy of the Bouth African govern ment, There is a curious similarity hetween his version and that pros mulgated by the South African gov ernment's publicists, There is a curious dissimilavity between that version and the one given hy news. papermen, church leaders and others who have spent a lot of time in Bouth Africa, And we have been able to get a first-hand version from a journ alist who was horn and educated in South Africa and was, until recently a member of our staff, And on thal evidence, we feel impelled to say that My, Nicholson takes a much too Mi cawherish view going on in the Union One could point to the restrictions of what is The Oshawa Times Lo WILAON, Publisher and Gansial Manage! C GWYN KINSEY The Ohihawa [ies som i and abiined Vatutary of Canadan Daily Newspaisin Publishen The Canadian Prew A OD poof ond the Ontarie PB fhe Canadian Pe ' he use tar epuhilisal Wm the paper cradiled 19 WN @ Praga 1 Rautenn and ale the leg I ovahis av woesiad dsrpalirea ® Associated ews published despaiches ae alm Othiess. Thamaen Bulding. 48% Unive A Toranta Ontana 840 Cathcan Steel, Meniresl SUBSCRIPTION RATES Linawe ve & } Whitey, Aas art Barty Prunes nana Bay Eoin ion \ laremant Frans 20 Dunbarian Lessaid Burketon Greenwoast aie. Raglan Blackstock Pontvpasl and Seweastie. nol over 4s By mad {in province oF Ontanal sutvas primis anlnery areas 1300 shewhaie 1500 am Circulation for the issue the League Is £150,000 money coming from federal and pro. vincial grants, bequests, fees, a small amount of advertising and a healthy §76,000 the Community Chest of I'hat buys a lot pills I'here field the greales! about the from foronto sum of is a great deal to be done in Lhe of health in (One of needs is a consolida tion of the numerous appeals now he. ing made by various groups Interest. ed in a particular disease, The way it stands, the most successful funds raising appesls are not necessarily for the most urgent purpose they Are successful hecause they have a more highpowered organiza. tion, We have suggested repeatedly that medical organizations could give a lead in the consolidation and direc. tion of such appeals, If the Health League and the promoters of Health Week hent thelr energies to this pure pose, they would justify their huge propaganda effort The success of a "Week" is nol de. termined hy the amount of publicity it gets hut hy the good it does, Apartheid free Canada more placed upon expression hy the Verwoerd government and to olhar vestrictive policies, but lel us confine to the race program, The apartheid policy, or Bantustan pro. gram, provides for the segregated development of the African popula- tion within "Bantu homelands," Buf though Africans in the Union out» number whites by 10 million to three million, the Bantu homelands com prise only about one-tenth of Union territory, The result is crowding and aver-graging, If the South African government succeeds in hemming the Bantus in these areas, with their troops and armed police, (he result can only be an ultimate reduction in the African population, The Union government claims thal the Bantustan program was accepted hy the tribes concerned, The record is otherwise, There was no consnltas tion with the peaple at large only with government = nominated chiefs, and these who demurred were replace ed, while those who accepted have be come overlords, kept in power hy govs ernment force, The approved chiefs extraordinary powers to dias pense justice, levy taxes and allocate land. In almoat all cases, faxes have heen increased, Ihe Bantu Bducation Act deliher ately imposes a low standard of edu cation on the Africans, This Act ens sures, along with the land restriction, that the Rantus will always be in an inferior position "here has heen violence in South Africa, There will be more Bible Thought Is it 1 whom they provoke? ,, Js it ourselves hy have A THE OTTAWA REPORT Gives Boer View Of South Africa By PATRICK NICHOLSON (OTTAWA here 1s spread misunderstanding in Canada about the task facing the South African government today. Yet i is the nas faced ¢ nther thority during hs "The Wind. of blowing through to help the black man to aenieve in one life-span thal HNMEnse development which occupied the whe fone Age no this wide HIE BA colonial decade when Changs Aare Arica Very al yamely man trom tw Aloinic Fra Far ihre centurie VAanous Kuropean nations have created faw and order in much of Arica Now the African is demanding the same self-gov ernment as he sees within the Western civilization The conseaguent transfer of au thority 15 being achieved under conditions ranging from peace to hioody murder, In cireum lances from orderii ness to hatred BRITAIN'S FORESIGHT Britain had gradually helped the natives in her colonies to bridge the gap between tribal superstition and westernsiyle educated democracy, hon Ghana, and especially in Ni gerig, Independence came In peace and often in friendliness Belgium, in stark contrast, had done much less to prepare the Congolese Lo govern themselves with tragic results familiar to us all The greatest difficulties are arising in areas where whites have not heen Just & Hny minor iy of visiting bureaucrats and traders, but have settled in ap preciahle numbers and now want neither to vacate their family homesteads nor to sub mit to the vole of the African INSIDE YOU democrat VRIYINE Needles Could Be Block To Measles By BURTON NH, FERN, MD LAKE unreliable Capistrano swallows, measles comes back every second or third spring Parents still go on thinking measles 18 simply a red, hiotehy vash=until their own children are caught in the wave of the epidemic For days before the rash, the swealy, feverish measles vie tim 15 (raubled hy a hacking cough, stuffy nose and ved inny eves, The rash serves as a blotohy distress signal, an nouneing that the two sickest days ave about to start On the first day of the vash the ehild 1s so sick he's afraid he's going to die. On the second day, he's so sick he's afraid he's NOT going to die. And on the third day he's suddenly healthy again, The rash starts in fade and only complications can prolong the illness NO LONGER IMPREGNARLE For centuries, measles seem od an impregnable fortress. Rut a few years back, doctors storm od ils defenses wide open with gamma globulin derived from blood pasma Today gamma globulin Ix pooled from hundreds of adults and 1s loaded with measles anti bodies. An injection of this gam ma globulin before measles he gins can protect. You and Yours DOSES VARY # od / = Nl 4 7 / INFILTRATING JUNGLE -~ the palicy African go elop he and educa! $y Bano io the po where they formed ing their riba Fhe whi [> Bouth Afrieu thu ! erate and devel homeland Algeria in ong major } wn WR allel tines ccparate #il passe has je wirliare in Rhodesian and Nyasaland Prime Minister Sir Roy Weld sky believes that Africans need 4, move training helore they he ready 1o assume the re sibility of government, Mean while white settlers there fear Congostyle wlfrage and politics withheld from the Africa | mn AN Ung e eighth the size of Canada the home of 9,000,000 Bantu 01 Africans, 3.000.000 Vuropeans and all-white states in i toric These Bantu veloped from {ale the n f reation of ad gpvernment comparable munieipalitic hey Known =a Irihal headed bh fue on regionat Our province inlence ff umversal paver Af Mrican authorities man f {Ine auth the largest of gall spects Cis "lerpitorial the authorities AS form of all-Banty nin to de conomically oitically can he -govermng independent Bantu provinces on avernment ecking par Bantu err op Rlong would taking parlia BY-GONE DAYS 7" YEARS AGH ' Genergl Motors of Canada gone the re-opening of tx Feaginag plant fev. B.C. Jarrett, Jvenie Court Judge, repovied # 8 per: wont Aecyesse in juvenile defn. gency in fhe ety Aldermen $. B. Jackoom, Kd wand Jackson, VP. A. Macdon wid, City Tresswrer P. A Black born and City Engineer W, € Smith attended the hananet of the Ontario Rosd Butiders' As aoe @tion Rev, € KE. Cragg 4 the invitation from the Word of King S. United Church 16 remain #s pastor for the fourth ferm The seventh anniversary of Oshawa's cityhood wis MH served on March # Oshawa's electing ysiem showed a surplus of $51.256 in its operations for 1998 and was allowed surplus towards the cost of # new office Wtlding Bill Wanless, star of the Osh pwn rughy team, was transier ved to the Montreal Zone office * of Genersl Motors A convention of the Provincial Vederation of Fire Fighters was scheduled 10 be held here for a three-day session Former members of the 20h Battalion, Canadian Expedition ary Force met and formed the 018 Comrades Association with ¥. Clarion, president; B. Nor: 1s, vice-president, and ¥., Hum- phrey, secretary Thirty-five members of the Roval Templars of Temperance gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs, Wiliam Newhall for a social getAogether George Roberishaw was elect ed president of the Oshawa Anglers' Association Whithy town council approved #8 proposal for a vote of the ratepayers on granting # gas of franchise to Ben ¥, Tate of 10 Chicago City daylight April 26 to Sept. 27 council decided (0 pul saving into effect from i931 would he hottom up forms a our our counties and would authorities' chietigmn-an-coun and ments, The first has already of been formed This plan recognizes the his torical fact that the Bantu con sist of distinct national units living In scparaie Breas, com parable to the nations of west ern Purope. I is # wise and generous plan=-all that is wrong with it is tha! it has never heen adequately publicized abroad he he and 2,000,006 of Asian or mixed origin The land formed Al which was inte the Dominion of Howth pea Just 50 years ago originally sparsely inhabited by nomadic Holtentols, a small tribe which has now almost disappeared Three centurie Ago, Europeans settled in the outhern tip of the continent. A their numbers expanded, the began pushing north and east into the empty land AL ahoul the same Lime Bantu from many different tribes hegan pushing southwards from the poorer land in equatorial Africa Thus both Bantu and white are immigrants in South Africa Each group settled on land which they themselves had chosen duving their respective migrations The Bantu lands are reserved to them hy tradition and law The policy known # APHY theid"' is very different from the hateful policy of agregation advocated in the Southern State of the U8 A It is best described hy the phrase "separale paral lel develnpment Under this Wis T0 NAME ADDRESS PHONE: CITY; COMING OSHAWA the house of charme PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT COURSE All phases of grooming FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL RA 8.4685 or Mail Coupan to Box 513 Oshawa Times RL Preventive doses are reserved for the very young, the sick or the weak, Doctors prefer to give everyone else modifying doses The mild measles after these shots still produces a permanent immunity, and when the GG wears off alter six woeks the child is still immune, Just how strong the immunity Is remains A question OFTEN UNPREDICTARLI Gamma globulin 15 often un predictable Nevere measle with complications may develop in spite of modifying dose Modifying doses may prevent the illness completely, while preventive doses sometimes only modify Many "prevented" cases actually represent vashs free measles without symp toms; laboratory tests have proven this Sympltomless rashdrvee mea sles alter gamma globulin gives the child some mild, but per manent, immunity When he catohes measles later ons=even though he gets no fresh shot of GG==he winds up with mild measles ASPIRIN STOCK-UP TIME ven with a rash, modified measles may give only partial immunity the first time around When the child catohes measles again, the second bout will he mild and possibly = rashifree Of course measles doesn't strike every child during an epidemic some are left to cateh the full TRADE MARKS RES SP 243 iY Sy fl are | ADA Nteones \ QUEEN'S PARK More Rough Days For Mr. Nickle By PON YREARN TORONTO~H was one of The roughest rides Reve in many ennge Yet there were few whe would sey he Sidw't deserve i RESIGNATION ASKED By the end of the afternoon and evening hoth Opposition gps had soled (or fe sor And they weren't simply play. ing politics, They meant For in Wis replies Mr. Nickle was often so off - handed or vague that he was either being derisive or showing ignorance of Adepariment io use $OI0 of Hs pig WAS DERISIVE Sometimes he just locked blankly hack at the opposite benches despite repented reauests (or an answer At other times he was de risive When # Liberel i 4 i i 1 i 5 il i i | i ii g 3 i : : i | ] § Hd 2 2 3? 5 { 3 ¥ 3 jd i i i l i § i i gi'l g gd 5d { asked him what a certain hook: let cost he said he Sidn't know, he didn't have the bill yet When the member continued to press him he said. "Oh you only talk drivel anyway" AL time of writing Mr. Nickle still is not through He still has bis most impor: ahout sll the spparent disorder liness At least it is #2 lively House And that tends to make for lively government Employment "FINANCIAL ADVISER ~~ Lwin extensive finencigl or Energy Boerd, Ottews 61-800 mir ond Commerce 61-806 Trade petition "SPECIFICATIONS WRITER alterations additions Works ond Ottowe "MECHANICAL ENGINEER $7,620-%8,700 Otigwe trol design, $8,700 ? Ottawa $6,840-%7,860, ment departments, Dartmouth, N.S Commission, Ottewa, ence, to recruit abroad), External Competition 61-804 61:375 electronics, heat, light and National Defence, petition 61.125 Technical 61.563 Surveys, ally qualified, to werk in electronic equipment ems; computer petition 61-1151, years' general or specialty petition 61.732 and experience inecludin $5,160 61.483 tional Resources, Ottawa 61.479 Affair 61.733 Edmontan, Alta Studies (with a number of laboratory work), National $4,080.54,800 ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN (10 holding Ottawa room), Animal $3,750.84,200 procedures and techniques) vision, Mines (Civil Service of Canada) registered membership, through written exemingfion, a recognized professionel sccounting organization, and account $14,00 DIRECTOR, DESIGN BRANCH (to be responsible for the od tration of the Design Branch and the co-ordination of work programmes initiated by the Metiong! Design Council), Ottawa prepare architecture! specifications for buldings, os well 8s $8,120.%9,800 SERVICES (vith professionel qualifications), Public Works, Competition 61.1202 ASSISTANT DESIGN CHIEF (with many years' ence and a good knowledge of Conede's manufacturing industry and educational institutions concerned with indus. Trade ond Commerce, ompetition 61-807, ECONOMIST (to maintain continuous eppraisal of prospective developments of the general economic situation in Canada), Forecast Division, Economics Brench, Trade and Commerce, Economists and Stetisticiens are available in other govern Competition 60-656 MECHANICAL ENGINEER ~~ ARMAMENTS (professionally qualified, with experience in the design analysis and svalue- tion 'of mechanical systems), National Defence == Navy, Up to $7,860. Write to Civil Service Functional giving details of education end experience RECRUITING OFFICER (with relevant administrative experi Canadian Technical Aid Office, INFORMATION OFFICER == FRENCH (with a number of years of professional writing experience), Division, Transport, Ottawa RANGE SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (with university graduatien In 0 recognized course of general physics Including electricity, and in pure and applied mathematics), Inspection Services, Nicolet, FUELS TECHNICIAN (with many years of related experience, and a very good knowledge of coke even construction and operation), Fuels and Mining Practice Division, Mines and Ottawa COMMUNICATIONS/ELECTRONICE ENGINEERS (professions specifications; specifications; multiplex; telecommunications; electronics test equipment; fire control weapons systems), National Defence, Salaries up to $9,800 depending en positions available and qualifications of applicants. ments Division, Civil Service Commission, Ottawa "ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSING (with registration as a nurse In goed standing in a province of Canada, and five tration as an assistant director or director of nursing), Veterans Affairs, Vancouver, B.C, RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNICIAN (graduation with diploma from a recognized technical institute, with specialization in a field of technology related to the work, or a good general education acquired as a result of adequate formal training courses in physics and mathe: matics), Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Competition 61.564, BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATOR (with a number of years' sxperis ence in art work, preferably in a scientific fisld), Nationa! Museum of Canada, Ottawe LANDSCAPE DESIGN DRAFTSMAN (with a knowledge of plant materials and horticultural practices used in landscape work), National Parks Branch, Northern Affairs and Na: 'PSYCHOLOGIST (university graduate in Arts with specializes tion in Psychology, and at least one year of post-graduate study in Psychology, preferably Master's degree), Veterans TECHNICIAN == Atmosphere Pollution and Industrial Hygiene Competition 61.734 the research hatchery including the operation, maintenance and supervision of the constant temperature-humidity egg Research Competition 61.526 ANALYTICAL TECHNICIAN (with courses in chemistry and mathematics, and a good knowledge of laboratory or shep and Technica! $4,200. Competition 61.566 Opportunities NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD Nations! Competition experience) $15,000 $12,500-%13,500 Com- (with sxtensive experience, 0 Public Competition 61.1001 MECHANICAL BUILDING to existing buildings), related experi- Ottowa, $7,500. Other interesting positions for Requirements Division, experts for service Ottawa, $6,660-57,680 Information Services $6,000.56,660, Competition the general properties of matter PQ. $5460-56,180, Com: $5,100:85,650, Competition the following areas: tri-service communications sys radar counter measures; tawa, Reply te Functional Requires Com- experience in nursing adminis. $5,040.85,580, Com $4,620. $4, 440.55.160. Competition $4,440:85,160, Competition $4,380.55. 880 Competition years of experience in related Health and Welfare, Ottawa be responsible for operation of Institute, Agriculture Fuels. and Mining Practice Dis Surveys, Ottawa, $3.750. not themselves, to their own confusion? Jeremiah 7:19 Let no one suppose we can make God lose His temper. We just lose our own and the snd » ow own Iruatration Small shots may "modify the measles and make it milder larger doses may campletely prevent the illnes Bt ance the cold symploms start, the iG 1x powerless tn help the + fasasied vieum of Feb, 28, 1961 17,223 blown misery next time If You and Yours haven't had measles and are exposed to ameane camming down with ask your gamma 2labulin oonel the beter For competitions marked (*) write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, for details and application forms. Unless otherwise indicated, for other compatitions, details and application form at Post Offices, Nationa! Employment Offices and Civil Ser vice Commission Offices, Quote ber, 9 SIMCOE ST. N RA 3.3431 abot The doctor needle i» ve Lg