The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 5

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THE SERAWA Times, Vhordey, March 9, WHITBY and DISTRICT CanucksDouble SCOT, B,ookin Wins Game ww om TAKE Two-Game Lead With 5th Period Goal Manager: $iwyh Hiierisom Withy Barzan fice; 111 Dundas #6, West 4 \ MAKE PLANS FOR KINETTE GAMES NIGHT Making Kinelte ( held March nity FE ams arenas gums Hewson Huth 4 ohi AT KIWANIS CLUB Troubles, Successes Of Whitby Council ki Cluh given npera of the ans Members of Whithy were this week 8 CIOSEr INSIENL Into he ton of municipal § ernment Speaker the reg dinner meeting al the Hotel Royal Mayor Stanley Martin, whose address, incidentally, came on the heels of Whithy council's announcement of the 1961 n yale Following an introduction bh Kiwanian Don Kidd, Mayor Mar tin prefaced his h stating thal he might have entered the contest had he known In the duties expected These, he said. rangs way up to calling oul a pn Of the arena, His Canada dos men as the try and as a complete cammunit al ular remark not for ad mayo all him the ance of all Canadian munmeipal Warshiy ad thal nat hreed state da in the uit ald coun there | nl in a the rf ern represented local council. In Whith sald. council membey plant manager Insurance foreman, a dent of the Incal, an engineer mer mayor In said, council i elerk with 4h and with nda grants ll} ears f would not he tan much PERENTURES INHERITED When his council tank office in 1860, he said, thev found that they had inherited $2,700,000 of unsald debentures and that $1,200,000 had heen horrawerd at the hank against the dav these debentures would he sold The hank, he insisting that he sold and first million par, at 6; cent interest Far this sale, he said. mem hers of council were eriticized but, he said, councillors are not expected to be secand guessers and there was no reason far them to know what would hap pen an the bond market, He said that the debentures were sald only after taking bids fram all the stock brokers and no pri vate deal was involved Currently, he said, the town is barrawing about 20 per cent of its assessment, which, he said, is just about the limit However, he said, a recent sale of $880,000 in debentures he include a wife, an factor a houss alesman lawyer | rest aren rar ne ruhhen ind a addition halstered Veal ex] hy a rience of perience fem ald these according! were sold vas then dehenture the under ner Price mare than 48 per although als I ax hill $156,000 ent year, he said interest lagpaye of Whithy 8466.50 In We were aid tudent to high school Waorshij WETE and $188 for one that pupil old debentures If you have students in hoth the $100 carrying #4 public and high schoal" said Wi the hest His Warship you need a reall any municipality which hig if paying hentures during ¥ehruar aur on Eduration OTHER PROBLEMS tional produet One of the fallacies busines council ald Mayor he said have vas that they knew that these student committed for a th us when the treatment plant, a new therefore the cost hall and additions to the hauld he tion em yet the ansibilit ear and sald the He told the lowered financing mill-rate han had lightly each yea Allin vould tn help reduce BIOUERL an nvs idea ine Wa it cost end ang for pbs qauile nappy Hi nce aware had Wi mn eal municipalitie school at 899 on per cent price of old ds Omi received are tax hill sain, 1s na and we have nn up the tah ne guarantee will graduate nf thelr a national nome you the he WAY of past Martin Wi Peking Wi WEF stay and en new CWARS town educa cation re ame oul mitl-rate that even of the new town awn proniems left $100,000 to he the new hall, hut this ted in 8 per cent bond vhen the time cams ell they had ta he sold under wise the such low each meeting being the wa If raised aid i hank ture deht If the Industral ass had continued ty hy, he said, there prablem there | heen he nave ] i the i" rth used for dehen inve tn ment Wit: nar hes not interest However loss of 810,000 cads of wneting come to W hore vould have heen the although this was a h irtue of meeting called hy Inyee Burns, council In avi 510.000 furnishing for now think ge gamhled ald { the new the 40 of a fae ton I rather and Inst hie Next problem Lo face council, he sald week far the department he sald VOrkKing 0 the manag $14,000 hall WINTER WORKS not On unemployment and for Work Hi Warship reparied a that thi aar there are no more pet an relief in Whithy than the last despite prahlem of unemployment in I'his, he said, can he tn the winter works memhey In red yaould much difference, hut a ven-day week, this made considerable eruption and could not he set in mation hy jusi adding one man ta the fares hi ar, he said, the commission could not settle the police department request and "have decided to gr arhitration. Last ye hi the commission weakened fare going ta arbitration However, he sald, the council is required hy law ta budget for the amount asked hy the offi cers and this year that budget 5 aver $100,000. He sald that the afficers were asking a 8700 hike for first class constabi He added that the He hazarded the apinion that ald ward the hoard of arbitration would Would probably not give that much maney in pay of EDUCATION COSTS Turning to the problems hour Lhe Lor mn maki police neh a winter hour an re Were year Lhe Hi attributed area palies with program Winter works n used to raze he said, had the .ald town hall and build a new works department building. Unemplay ed persans were given wark, he ald, and the town had only fn pay 25 per cent of the lahar cost We were not smart," said Warship, "it was just a mal of timing." tn ain he His ter af the property ta the PUC bring enough town's share program Kiwanians that for of much of last year, the tawn had education costs, His Warship heen without an industrial com sard that for the first time in missioner and late in the fall, histary, the cast af schoal oper: Larry Cond, a farmer council ation in Whithy represents mare lar in Oakville and a salesman than 80 per cent of the tax hill. by trade, had been retained Last year, he said, their cost He called upon Kiwanian busi nessmen to give the new eam: yale Lhe the winter works He told WHITHY PLUS YOUNG ng-- Willard BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 7 and 8:20 SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 2nd Feature Attraction missioner all possible aid. One diveet result, he said, had heen that the industrial commission and the chamber of commerce Are now speaking terms ASSESSMENT APPEAL speaking of an appeal hrought | hy Whiihy [cipalities against the equalized assessment af Ontario County, | His Warship said that had no ap peal been registered and had Whithy retained able coun isel, the town well have [heen saddled A Breater assessment But, he said, the appeal cost [a total of about $60.000 and he | maintained that all this could have heen avoided if a new county assessment manual had heen prepared We ne said, "when a tribunal says that the appeal is 30 expensive on nat conld with JESSE JAMES" PARKER Merry ANDERS Ale HIRE Justice he | president [opened the meeting with a hymn noth men Hen Fhe ZENETR WOES in na Vimes Photo WHITBY PERSONALS Wilson, Vernon Rivell Margaret Wigston Paul Cornish, Wayne Pickering Don Mitchell, Dan Pair, Joyee Crawforth, Dorothy Dair, Jean Mary Anne Hardy, Lois Jean Howlett, George Dair, Davie Mitchel, Valerie Wilson, Beth Cullen, Lloyd Cul len, Dorothy Cullen, Karen Dali and. Faye Wilson received awards for the Sunday school attendance for 1960 al Whithy Baptist Sunday sehoal The hooks they received were pre: ented hy Rev. Thomas Webb, assisted hy Mr. Len Rich, Bun day school superintendent, al a Bunday mourning service Danny Dean Wivel frlennie lenny home of Whitehurst Mrs, Mona Johnston, of Toronto Graham, of ts at the dE Becent gues Mrs. and Mr 125 Kent Bi, were Tyack, Mys, Violet Irs. Bah Johnston and Mr. Harvey lagara Falls most successful hake sale held on Saturday under the of Balvation Army thoaol This was a raising project for Mis sions. General convener was Mrs. Hewiz assisted hy Mrs Shephard, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs Carr, Miss Angela Gillham. The group 18 very thankful for all vhn donated, atlended and special thanks to Mr. Bill Bow for his valuahle help A Nak auspices Bunday money Mrs. Dudley Wilson entertained al Sunday on the Mr. and Colborne Bh their home on occasion of Mrs. Wilson's birth da Dinner guests were: My and Mrs. Dalton Alderson, My and Mrs. Clifford Watson, My and Mrs. William Jones, Mp and Mrs. William Watson, Mr, and Mrs. Stan Alderson, Mr, A 5. Wilson and Messrs Ken and Don Alderson Those al tending the Ham mond-MacKay wedding whieh took place Saturday, March 4, in 'St, John's Yark Mills Angh can Chureh Faronto, were Mrs. David Mowat and Miss Margaret Mowat ADDITIONAL, WHITRY NEWS ON PAGE 12 | St. Andrew's WA Plans June Tea St Andrew's Preshyterian Church WA held its monthly meeting an Tuesday afternoon (at the Sunday scheal hall, The Mrs. F. Lawrence, aceampanied at the plana hy Mrs, BE. Guthrie, This was fol lowed hy the reading of a psalm hy Mrs. Dalglish During the business meeting the members made plans for a coming afternoon tea and hame bake sale ta he held Friday, and twa other muni- June 2, at the church hall, con veners to he appointed at later meetings | The meeting closed with the! Mizpah and lunch was sevved| hy Mrs. K. Guthrie and Mos. | F. Mathison that it will he launched Again Cancluding, His Worship com mended the Municipal stalf with any success we have had has heen with the eo-aperation and help of aur town stall hanks to his warship was ex tended by Kiwanian Harry almpson, \ i never CLEFT AWE D 7 = Aiaany um FARE Thre B45 0F) & gry fwaia =& they Romie the Ww 7 Willer sie £71 Rerk eet mah Whe sccmin gRime of Ihe Aone. The WE WHS fast gawk BE ww Friel mm Uondaey maw The ea Fai orp misli m RA THE we Tuesday A The Hie [kwh penn Awa WE TRE Deis RR BRIE tat hE (or @ls fore sm Aon! topsifer There for either (emm wnd Brian Fietaher the Mitkmer ¢F Ben Mckay, fim 6 Donel Eon Band Whpking the fhe WIRRET SHAS £9 da Gh Fe habe da aiadari a SHR ¥ es yan BR wr Sify mia LIN Foe fraveTh RAE REFR RIN we firs dade dl gRine Meh iW RE The Petes had. Bt BRIE BEER ADR a. IRER SW = RA Ae wy wk of the ; # ht WEE By § DL] was tn wh ul fr ¢ SELON to £7 WR #5 Pat £ / on 15 RE ics The Hitlers als RIERA form as they Wrday mn the Belle opened the ed pt 3 neat Middieim dad Kay wa Was | hams shen Nix ¥ dll ERA ibid h lie w effort or the ERA TIAN pn & WE WH Were Bers WH 4 Fi Fran FRA Play with Pete i Wik ale ne n classy | VISION Aaa unheata fhe in he h Pets Wi ! first naa from waren HIKE GOANARE § coved the ther ar AME Nl Engl A hekinn the the mi Watl nel JHICE ani het a in i Ween COSLS LIMITE) MRORTED | | Frank CABBAGE RTED US LETTUCE fo Impatied U.S No. | Flogida 5 NO 11) FRERG Imp NO. | KK y CHO CAKE MIX' DETERGENT FACIAL TISSUES 28 NOW. GET NAS AY PG 5 hd § {hi A3i3 MG © Instant Milk A EARMAN Coord Ham 5 Elsie Ganse. P LIVING les s 6c BEETS 2 29¢ PINEAPPLES 1c STRAWBERRIES ,, 39¢ A EM SOM I STRAWBERRY 1AM _ 43¢ SPECIAL PRE-SEASON OFFER 3790 86 sarin n (eg and the post. The whe Ke 7 Re 11 5 mark ang Wk gee REE Res WY A . fo {HARTIRER PRAT FO) Wi EH BIE Tlie Friariwimiak (am kad # HE Th PRET [RE BRTTAR WEE for Re WIRY (EWN wey alacant he lwcate 30 WR he imal IW mwas of piey. We Kay staetan the all FRE oF # pase from Win #t he 307 FRR RA ThE BRIE DRE A FEA Wo Aa Reid vie Aoww 16 # F HERA ge FIVE GF Pow WKH es fh We Ca bR RGR ¥ an sient 14 TRIER Eat Twi. RE DRE RENE THE JAR the Wiay. Wackfired /s WIEN RE 1&8 HYRY RRA Fy vii at a he a 7s HRV (am whl J ine fats # E69 oiler ol AREF ICE CHIPS ~ The Hillcrest find themscivrs WR the wf in win Le HE Ihe Res sn Prierioroeh 9 EREYY OR WR IRE Tine Peierbor BH of i frie a ead yROWR $ Eastern Star Makes Plans Rummage Sale FRM meeting of the Chapter Bo. U8 Orger Mass fodge Hall worth fatron. Kav Brow jams Martin el iRE opened iT ¥ Fiti pe The Withy Ar W i PFESINERA in form ented ms shel Marg to the East meet ne we altar the M iA EEEOTLEN { the Wy Minute n PrEVIAHS a by coretar PM. Conducts PM. whe was fillin Louelia Conk, 0 FORNEEs | om he thama Matrons present FM in other PM in office Hin office, Helen Edwin Breen, PP FF in office Various com Bleck and Julia Breen, PM Jeff Mi of £ rn the BIVEN ani Keport mites wel YORE ks GFF FTI £8 PREM) Crackers . KRAFT VELVEETA your Jj SMART'S EHOIER - Cream ..Corn PENN BRAND BTA Peach Halves I Gh GIANT AS vour | Franh Bune [Y] 2 Pun HES 25¢ IMBRORTED Frosh Yiapical Tuest fal FIMPORTED US. NO imparted US Ne, } SPINACH 2 10-03 sella phan TIARAN WinaER HEAVY GAUGE ALUMINUM CHALE LOUN JUNG LONG LASTING YOUR FREE GIFTS 25 til 2s | STAMPS But JHANPS Detergent so It 0 {il STAMPS ht (AY tie Wax 25¢ = Wathed x EVEN FASTER WITH THESE BONUS fadi. RR (REAWS They eve & Raw we PRE TE AVEC) HE he Ret fw (dda d. whe wel (wired 15 { wfiay the Harr of The BERHN hey here one of the best Jr BRE SEER BW SWE ANGER TRE JER AINERYy o£ ARR GET Vf FARES WER iad SL WHARY fs Period WIHT. FTW {iA Af 1s Wiwthsy . Fletakher (A Ghali Rwy ys Hekay 2.19. Bow Tiss (FRY RG fake 1454, Tr in fy Frmwiting iH In 245 Ind Period Faierbmiongh- Wills Frruitic Ashby (maior) 1546. Mons 1345 wa Period 4 Fetermoromin We Kay (Mitbwrn. 7 Bronnelt) Ptartormigh £7 bonnet Wekay, Wats on f 4 wk wh. Nand Kadwell 11.22 ~y WRI im Hw IW J 5 »" §¢ ~8 R&A fit Ka) Li ad IRE FRI WERE EVER get WEN WY "TRY Matin ness from the GERM. WHR RRA hé VL 1e86h BRWETR FEIBAEE (4 IRE FHIMIMRER BRM i Home Dake spice 18 he Res March 18 the Hall between the of len am. AR ORE PIR the mesting closed wm form with the Worthy Matron giving the IRFEwEN EYE Y one fn WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY CGIT MEETING h Wehh of Whithy t Church spoke (0 the COVE girls last Tuesday ryemng # Chmak to the Bible study Ruth Mitchell president of group acted as chairman Boris Lave was in charge AYO ONgal Service Webh led the girls Ww A wf La Saturday Ld Fievire EROVER B YETY Né " WERE Al wa as i the Mi of the Rey choral Singing in OL JAR f Butter UM PLAIN GF SALTER ALLENS ib FEG ALLENS choice "0 61, TIN NEARD 15 0F7IN YAN CAmF SORTER SIZES FANCY 1501 TIN choice - ULL ROUND " - RUMP ROAST FRESH | LEAN RIENIC CUT "RL JL 5 hi S Ths MEL NAY MEL GOLEEN GLORY Pineapple Juice Orange Drink Grape Drink your choice CARNATION Evaporated Milk Beans with Pork = BOTTOM | ROUND i was # fast herd Lge and IK wae fey we of the Feene Havers sl faran & sian sie owe hes miei Wr Bois Pong the #6 jd fowls me Womdey) fromis Fn | suoved Wy. Redshaw, ¥ Fer The same wt the snd of regw oom, 2. Bow Cherry, 2 fer pierng fie wis BF. #6 toe | Cherry 4 wnd Harvey Roberts, ARG of (he BEE svertme pened | the score remmned fied 7 89. The second game of Te semi Fergieon samen for Bison wi finel will be paged im Winey the fifth period for # 1808 ww Veneer AW pm = ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK M, Just Morth of the Four Corners OPEN THURS. TH 8 = FRI, TH § =~ WED, TH 6 P.M, '21 | CookzD HAM 1, so) FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF SIRLOIN or WING 5 9: ¢ | STEAKS Ib, 35° bi FRESH HAMBURG STEAK Ib, 59° Leen Blade Roast "ei Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast [ psi Point Brisket The Baskin Hockey Ch i the (WRH Adefamian Favvie Wy 7 si The (Tk -ARiae [Rar " fie sarnid Merle pared in game of Fore Perry ihe first for Bewokiin were Round Bone Shoulder Roast Boneless Plate Brisket FRESH CUT BUTY PORK CHOPS Prime Rib_Roast Beef Lean Stewin Boo! on Fresh Bulk Wieners FENN BRAND STANDARD 98 BF. TIN Dessert Pears BRIGHTS FANEY 2007, IN Applesauce ORCHARD KING RED FITTED CHOICE Cherries "7 your choice Hal 1 467 TIN i801 Tin 70 6%. VIN table Soup SORELY E FANEY doen IN Tomato Juice MIAVO LONG 14 BF, /KO, "TOL VIN fg CAMPBELLS 1807. TN S§INTS 7% 01 PKG Kraft Dinner vour choice your choice Jone, Porterhouse, ' 75, 85; TERESI TASTY Beef Liver ONY li 39° "PINKY COUPONS! re 25 Bit, Tp Jor QUALITY THIER SLICED Smoked Fillets LL) INKY § {ils 100 BNAY STAMPS bi J ry ay Yat REE A weed i LU OPEN THURS, & FRI, UNTIL 9 PM, ois ROUGE NILL PUNBAS WHITBY = NAY NEL 2 BVM Be ANY VARIETY 0% side Bacon || ORANGES IN a STREET

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