AB THE COHEWA TIMES, Therdey, Merch ¥, 196) | Starr Exposes | PICKERING TOWNSHIP . High School Rate |1V Complaint "3 . » ' OPTAWA (CP) ~ Parfiement Even io get #8 iob ss 2 House Grim Picture was & pol-poweri Wednesday of of Commons [REsEERger Hie BROUGHAM ~ Beeve J. 5... "When you pul a ceiling on # golitias, patronage and , Gipvimmsiy raided, Labor Min ister Sarr 19d the Commons must "ialk 19 B CETIER WE ber" Mz, Peters sid. He favored the coil service b : : # in in Australia, Sets described the 1961 high salary" sai Councillor Bo ¢ 5 het wnempioyed salesman ey Zo ha 0 Britain and her school rate as # "very grim Degldn, "yon fre putog # picture" at a Pickering Town ceiling on ambition" ship Council meeting on Mon Councillor Chitiord Layeonx day might. When the rate was reminded Council that a sched struck last week, Councillors wie had heen Grawn wp some learned of a requisition of $258 - time age of yearly increment GEN, or 1595 mills, which and thet cowmeciliors felt at that compares with 8 1566 reauisition time thet Be one coWid. sway of S198 488.02, or 11.92 mills them, The resve ascribed the fn "Mr. Goslin made 2 presenta crease 1n the greatly increased tion" ssid Mr, Layenx, "I am county equalization assessment, "ot 18 favor of # i we sliow i and to the loss in grants to one we will have application "The higher the assessment" from all our department heeds, said Mr. Sent, "the greater the, Councillor Milton Mowbray loss in grants, The Township of spoke in favor of the motion, Pickering is subsidizing the Vil- saying, {i that 2s erin: are inviting » log 4 Pie i and the Town that # one of the salaries is not & proper salary in regard UNFAIR TO SUBSIDIZE to all the circumstances, i "I think it very unfair thet should be considered, especially Pickering Township should be in ght of the fact that no in asked tn subsidize other press" crease was given in this case sald Councillor Harry Boyes. last year" snd Councillor Clifford Vaveox. "We expect Mr. Goslin 1» seid that he hesitated to think of supervise the assessment of the what the reaction of ratepavers township" seid Rreve Seo will be when they learn of their "which is very important, 1 be taxes this year leye the position of assessment "There must be some other commissioner warrants that way it can be handled" sald salary. I the individus! is not Mr. Layeox. He sucvested an- adequate, we should engage one nexing Pickering Village, or who is." wilting out of the High School a Ad ' PI v0 mIRE ASSESSOR The reeve said that # was Councillor Harvey Spang took pssible to get out of exception 19 a resolution which almost impo : I ' the high school area, noting that Was passed that the assessment Glenn Eacellyy, whn claimed on the CEC TY program Closely Tuesday wight that ke was down 15 Wis last $18 in a fowe-month search for & jh, had heen paid $25 2 day by the CBC during the fining of the program "over # namber of weeks" Other "real facts)" which Mr. (ries where the cv gery: ant. he bad some wahepighie "We in Canada have been in this achieyed ist action Storr implied the publicly" © + ™ owned CBC shold have re- yewled Mr. Exceiby, who Nyes in Hemilton, hed avi a 5508-5 year Job last Sept. § because there was "no future" In ¥; had held a $9h-a-month ob in December and January, and turned down #8 pumber of fur ther offers because the TY broadcast was pending. Applause came from Consery- ative backbenchers, touchy on the subject of wnemployment and ofien head tn complain thet there is Liberal-party influence within the publicly-owned CBC, The corporation said it is look ing inte the matier. ALLEGES PATRONAGE During a brief debate on » proposed wholesale revamping of the civil service act, Arnold Peters (CCF~"Timiskaming) as serted: "Patronage Hse, even in RB political sense, is pot dead." Ajax could not both get out and leave Pickering Village on its own. He suggested that Ajax may hike to withdraw and have its own Board of Education SALARIES BIG ITEM Reeve Scott said that the big item in the high school budget wes salaries hich this year amount fo $420 421 "We are dealing with big fig ures." said Mr, Scott, "and we do not actually know enough shout the complicated operation of a school board" and Pickering Township Commissioner be authorized to select an pssessor from a pum: ber of applications he had re ceived for the position, Mr Spang believed that a bylaw, not yet repealed, ruled that recom mendations should come from council The seven people here," said Councillor Spang, "would know better who to select than one! person "It is dangerous for us 10 In| + AJAX (Staff) » The annual in the affairs of 8 de: fund raising campaign of the partment," said Councillor Mil-| Ajax branch of the Canadian ton Mowbray, "except when i Red Cross Society will be from RED CROSS DRIVE terfere BUDGET AFTER In other pssorted i Finance Wiser Peming said he colds bring down , External Misirs Mipister seen said prospects for re sumption of Misprmament ne: gotiations pre good, sithough i is 190 early to forecast when or in whet form the talks will be held--"the whole disarmament picture looks considerably then MH did before Legislative progress was con- fined to third and final reading of a bill to introduce a two- panel operation in the tariff bogrd and 19 increase its mem bership to seven from five $2000 Target For 22 Canvassers stressing the personal service, gs well as providing material gifts and seasonal entertain ment, Some branches include is obvious that the department is Thursday, March 9 to Thursday, visits to hospitalized aged CAS HOMO 16-0Z. JAR Feature Save 12 OAK LEAF CHOICE PEAS or CORN wor C TINS Feature Save 50¢ NESCAFE -- 30c OFF PACK 0c OFF Best Buy Save de SHIRRIFF'S Instant POTATOES Best Buy Save 2¢ JAVEX LIQUID BLE 64-0Z, BOTTLE 45¢ INSTANT COFFEE seven per not being run properly. We are March 16, This year's target! Women's Work: Volunteers cent of the enrolment in Pick. responsible for policy, As far will be $2000 and a team of 22/ make thousands of sewn and ering District High School is as detail is concerned it is our canvassers will easll at every knitted griicles of clothing and from Pickering Township, which job to see that department heads house in the community, bedding for shipment overseas pays 81.11 per cent of the cost, follow out our policy," The branch, which has heen as well as supplies for disasters Said Councillor Laycox: "If in operation since the war, is at home, outpost hospitals, blood HEALTH UNIT DEFICIT FiftyAfour point PACK Feature Save 2¢ KRAFT " we alter our policy we are aiming to raise funds to aid a transfusion service, and other Gordon Bray, secretary of the : South Ontario County He alt hihiring of all help," Unit, submitted the 1060 report) councillor Spang went on rec of this organization to council, ord as opposing the motion showing a deficit of $4022.31, and asked for 81 per capita for PROGRESS IN WORKS DEPT, 1961, 7 cents the regular rate, A resolution authorized T, O and three cents for home nurs Jefferson, P. Eng, township en. ing service ginger, to make his own choice] "The health unit is one of the! of applicant for the position of finest things that has come to|Piumbing Inspector, at a salary the municipalities," said Mr.|of $2500 per annum Bray, He sald that over 100,000] The status of Frank Prouse immunization shots had bheen| building inspector, was changed given, and described the unit{from that of a part-time em-| not as dramatie as surgery, hut! ployee to full time employee, preventative medicine, with a salary increase to $4500 "The hest hargain In the per year Township of Pickering," Mr Russell Ferguson, employed Bray continued, "is the three on a part time basis as main cents per capita home nursing tenance man at the West Rouge service, which is available to Pumping Station, had his sal:| everyone in the township." He ary set at $2600 per year, this said that when a - patient re-|including all duties laid down turns from the hospital, he is under bylaws covering water: taken care of, given advice in works accordance with the doctor's! The works department was) instructions, authorized to purchase a front Mr, Bray sald that he felt end loader to be used in the some action may be taken bv| garbage dump, at a eost of some of the adjoining munici- $4500 palities in becoming part ofl Another resolution provided the Health Unit this year, {that all garbage dumped In the INCREASE SALARY [township dump he charged on After considerable discussion the per load basis, truck capac-| a resolution was passed to in-|ity over 10 cu, yds, $4.00 per crease Assessment Commission. load, under 10 cu, yds, $2.00 er D, ¥, Goslin's salary hy| per load, effective April 1 $400 to 85200 per annum, retro-| A Bani Van model garbage active to Jan. 1, 1061, Roth truck will he purchased at a Councillors Harvey Spang and |Tender price of $0522 from the Clifford Laycox opposed this|Sicard Company motion, len TA PY Couneillor Spang said that ho{TPLGINEER REPORTE orto felt that whether an employee that in the Bay Ridges develop was considered underpaid or aR of overpaid, that due to the eco. MER, that a el nomic conditions salaries should MAINS, #510 y not he increased sewers, 20.525 feet of "I think employees' salaries should be more in line with storm the street line had been laid going to he plagued with the homemaker service in Ajax. In departments within addition the branch is active in| relief, disaster, nursing, loan| cupboard, blood bank, water safety and knitting team en- deavors, MANY SERVICES The Canadian Red Cross So-| clety serves Canadians in the| following ways Junior Red Cross: Almost 700,000 students of elementary schools and secondary schools have heen active in promoting good health, serving others and aiding handicapped and crippled children at home and abroad, Major projects of this organiza: tion consist of three dental coaches; one mobile eyesight| conservation eoach; orthodon- tia; grants to the Association for Retarded Children, Medications, drugs, dental care, homecraft, wheelchairs and orthopedic ap- pliances for needy children are made available through the On- tario Junior Red Cross Outpost Hospitals and Health Centres: In northern and north western Ontario this unique ser vice administers to the needs of the population in large rural areas where a city hospital is some distance away, Red Cross Lodges: Attached to many of the military hospi- tals, providing a club-like atmos phere to convalescent veterans, and supplying meals and over: night acecommaodation to visiting | relatives Individual Emergency Ald: This service's aim Is to provide welfare. assistance such as food the Red Cross Senior Citizens: Trained vol unteers provide a friendly Visit- ing Service in homes and in the Community and stimulate inter est in communities to form their own Senior Citizens' Council, In 1960 & new service was initiated to assist Senlors with any prob lems they may encounter, Blood Transfusion Service: A program which started during the war to supply military hos | pitas with much » needed blood, | and has heen continued in peace time for civilian hospitals, The Blood Transfusion Service, be cause of itssmany technicalities, | is administered hy the National) Office of the Canadian Red Cross Society, but the recruit: ment of donors is the responsi- bility of each provincial divi: sion, working through the many Red Cross branches, { This blood service was extend. | ed to include all the hospitals in| Ontario in 1060, This means that any hospital in the province, he it large or small, will always have a supply of fresh blood) products on hand for emer gency, Someone in Ontario re-| ceives a blood transfusion every nine minutes, WMS Plans Family Night water fuel, clothing, bedding, shelter,|/the Women's sanitary transportation, on an emergency ciety was held in the Sunday rather than long term hasls, In lenquiry service ratepayers' means," sald Mr Spang, "I think it time council hrought some of these salaries to a halt," Hazen Argue To Address Party Rally BOWMANVILLE ~~ Hazen Argue, national leader of the and all roads cut, He said that) Volunteer Nursing Service: 323 dwellings were under con Home Nursing Courses teach struction, all NHA approved," |women to he able to help them Mr. Jefferson sald that the selves, their neighbors and waterworks pump house was al-|others in time of illness or dis most complete, would he tested aster, on March 8, and that all work| Water Safety Service: To re was on schedule, {duce the number of drownings The engineer submitted the and to promote Water Safety, report of Laughlin, Wylie and this serviee 1ssues four Red Ufnal on a proposed water sys: |Cross Swimming Awards, trains tem for Kast Rouge, which|instructors, and offers educa: would secure water from the|tional material and technical as- [West Rouge water system, The! sistance total cost would be $171,050 and| Disaster Services: Disaster minimum charge for water on a Preparedness and services are 100 foot lot would he $68.51 per/a charter obligation of every year; $47.01 on a 60 foot lot Red Cross Branch, Emergency Mr, Wank, of the East Rouge [aid is available to disaster vie go Sherative Commonwealth approached council about waler| Una regardiess of race, colo, of the national committee fop|[0F the East Rouge, ane Advised 1 is provided he for { 2 Jal ooh that some residents were eager #id is provided in the form o the New Party, will he the to sign a petition to secure food, shelter, clothing, medical a. {on "hall ath 30 held ator on a local improvement and enquiry services, Your Red 8 tow a i p 8 r "UES this Friday, y PI hasis, oa hy Joly te Sue dius: Mr, Argue, who has declared GRANT FOR HANDICAPPED to disaster areas anywhere in his intention to yun for the| Mrs, Lois Wheeler and Mrs. [the world the moment such a leadership of the New Party at| carol Plitz appeared before request is made by the League the founding convention Inleauncil requesting a grant for/of Red Cross Societies in Ottawa next summer, will speak the handicapped children swim: Geneva, an the development, aims and|ming classes Loan Cuphoard: The Loan proposed program of the New| Mrs, Wheeler said that of the ounboard is a pool of sickraom arty 42 children who received in: equipment and supplies organ Bruno Morawetsz, former Pros struction 20 were from the town: ized by a Red Cross Branch for fester of Philosophy, University shin, The cost had decreased | iho use of peaple who are ill at af Toronto, will also address|from $25.00 per child to $31.40. home. All articles are loaned the meeting, He will speak The organization is operated BY free of charge about the danger to Canadalvalunteers, except for two men Homemaker Service: A home: from rising industrialization of paid to do the lifting maker is a qualified woman who the communist countries and its| 1 consider it a very worth goes inte the home fo provide ultimate threat to our economie|while cause," said Reeve Scott. care for the children when the structure A resolution was passed that! mather is ill at home or in hes: He will alsa touch upon the $100 he granted to the handi pital, thus permitting the father inability of our so-called free capped children's swimming to continue his work assured his enterprise system to cope with praject for the year 19861 family is well cared for this threat and his belief that! Counell endorsed a resolution Voluntary Sepvices: 87 per the formation of a new truly of the Town of Whithy that cent of all Red Cross work is i 0 ASHBURN == The meeting of Missionary So-| [Sehnol Room of Burn's Church ewers and 825 connections to addition it operates a civilian on Wednesday afternoon, March {1, with 16 members present, | | Mrs, Deeming opened the) {meeting with a poem, "He hears | {our Prayer". Mrs, William Gar. | diner read the seripture. Mrs Deeming gave the meditation on the Seripture and led in| prayer. The study was taken by| Mrs, Sparks, | The tople was "Together We Provide Christian Literature to the World", | Mrs, Ray Taylor spoke tell: | ing how the Christian Literature | Hy being sent to those who need) | Lunch was served hy Taylor assisted hy Mrs, Heron and Mrs. R, Graham Plans are under way for the ["Family Night" to he held in |April, the program being pro. vided hy the CGIT, Explorers, | COC and the Wee Tats group, Parents and friends are cor | dially invited to attend to see the display of the various proj: | ects of these groups | The Women's Guild is spon-| soring a St. Patrick's supper] and program for March 17, Everyone is welcome | Mrs, Alfred Parrott is a pa. (tient in Oshawa General Hos. | pital, | » Deadline To Stay TORONTO (OP)=The winter works program will not he ex tended heyond the present April [30 deadline, Labor Minister Starr inforwed Toronto council Wednesday N/ A letter from Mr, Starr ar Winter Program | DINNERS SWIFT'S Round Steak or Roast C Rump Roast "30" i, Sirloin, Wing & T-Bone 99° BUTT PORK STEAKS " PORK SHOULDER ROAST . 49° SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRANKS .. coon SWIFT'S 49+ RINDLESS BACON" .. nc 69° Bakery Feature SUNBEAM CHELSEA BUNS 8 to Pkg, CREAMY SMOOTH ICE CREAM GOLDEN HOUR POPPING CORN EDDY'S BOOK MATCHES PINT BRICK 1-L8, PKG, 50 PER PKG, 39' 25° 19+ 19* FROZEN FOODS FEATURE ~~ SAVE de BIRDSEYE BIRDSEYE STRAWBERRIES 150r. ag¢ 2:18, BIRDSEYE POLY BAG BF PKG, GREEN PEAS Feature Save bec Brown Bear CREAMED HONEY 2B, TIN a7 Feature Save 12¢ (20¢ coupon in each pkg.) CHEER DETERGENT * or rack Feature Save Treesweet LEMON JUICE Feature Save 6¢ Crown Brand TEA BAGS "New Taste Sensation" Dairy Maid MINT PUFFS GIANT FKG 76+ OF, 2 Ai 10¢ 100 sacs 78° GIANT CELLO PKG, FAMOUS CHIQUITA LARGE JUICY CALIFORNIA LEMONS TENDER FRESH SPRING -- NO, 1 ASPARAGUS CRISP CURLY ~ NO, 1 SPINACH CRISP, ONTARIO, HOT HOUSE 99 DOZEN 39° LB, 2 10-0Z, CELLO 25¢ FOR 2.18, demoeratic party, with a pro: (county council be represented] handled by volunteers. The wark rived as Mayar Nathan Phillips POLY BAG perly planned economy, is theiby population rather than alof the Valunteer is not confined |and controllers made prepara only way in which ta meet this/ maximum number of four votes|ia ane service but they partiei [tions for a trip to Ottawa to ask challenge per municipality, Under this|pate in any one of the services/@mong other things, for an ex The meeting will be chaired! resolution Pickering Townshsip! offered by the society (tension of the winter works hy Rev, Harold Stainton, of would have nine votes, based! Hospital Services: Visits made program ta possibly a year Courtice, {on their 8300 county voles, {to hospitalized DVA patients, round program, 5% CUCUMBERS gh EACH 25° SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL WHOLE KERNEL CORN SPROULE'S CORNER KING AT RITSON McKENNA'S MARKET MAPLE GROVE MARKET 948 SIMCOE ST, N, MAPLE GROVE BROWN'S MARKETERIA | BROOKLIN