FORMER MANAGERS ATTEND KRESGE STORE OPENING dials from Toronto, Seen with { the store manager, Lome | Nancekivell (second from left), left to right, are; Ross | Noel, & buyer for 8, 8, Kresge George Bower, g yer and A large number of Oshawn | done and new shopping facili. | shoppers were on hand this | ties have been installed in the | morning for the official open. | stove. A new lunch counter ng of the 8. 8. Kresge's stove and soda fountain are among | Simeone street south, Exten- | the new features, Present for | sive renovations have heen | the opening were Kresge offi WINTER'S WORST STORM Six-inch Snow Fall Snarls Area Traffic Early last night, the Toronto Slocombe, Whithy drive wis (aking two the hours with 30 mile an hour speeds on Highway 401 Whithy district school buse brought students in on time thi moming CAMPAIGN POSTPONED Bowmanville OFF and reported no accidents by the weather, One casualty was the official open ing of the Red Cross Campaigr for funds, which was postponed The local public utilities com mission sald a two hour power failure last night, from 4 to 6 {p.m,, was caused by burned ou! switches and cables in the eas! end of town, Temporary repairs were made on the spot in an al tempt to keep the dinner time interruption to a8 minimum TOWNSHIP ROADS OPEN | Most county end township nehes of thick, The airport never reglly closed pided by adown, sald George hour and described the wing Rs on Oshaws big enemy. Gusts of up to 40 & Whour miles an hour were reported and early & said runway good with same is and heavy Four 10 seve wet, anfting snow stinging #0 mile an wind, swept down and district over period Wednesday Thursday morning Light snow came with a brisk bare wind about 2 p.m, yesterday. By drifting. One plow 1s busy clear $ p.m, rush hour traffic was ing approaches "We could snarled and homeward-hound ing one (plane) down now motorists were in a hurry 1o get! he gid, "without muck off the streets trouble.' Today, flabby snow-shovelling General muscles were called into play ticular weather problems with as citizens cleared walks and only a few late today, mostly driveways after the first real those from outlying districts storm this winter A Central Lake Ontario Con The latest weather report €8ls servation Authority meeting was for the barometer 10 TIS€ | cancelled as some members had weather clearing this afternoon; lio come from Reach, Clarke clear and colder tonight; Lomor- and Pickering townships row will be sunny with a 40 de However, eity council met for gree temperature its fifth budget discussion last Few accidents caused by the night ather were reported and city Trains in and out of Oshawa township and county roads are ooo venorted on schedule, with roads in the Bowmanville dis-| op {no more delay than is ordinary trict were open today, The Dar- LL NIGHY in this weather | ington township sander-snow won ALL NI AE erimtandontl Dairies sald deliveries were| plow was out at 4 am Town Joseph Wood sent four tricks Just # hit slower today, Oshawa streets were being ¢ ahs ny and eight men out at 8 p.m, |General Hospital reported no ac: plow-equipped grader and tru k Wednesday on sanding and sait-| cident or storm victims All main streets were open ing, operations, Two big plow Auto service departments had early and residential and side . fi east SGC Ne CONMILIONG Were per Hine tow palice caused Motors had no par two graders went out at 7|trucks going all night on tow| streets are being plowed pm, and worked through to | ently | Highways 115, 4h, Aol and 2 a.m, today Whithy reported town and Were never closed, The High Two more graders and three| county roads open, Department| ways Department had five sand: wing plows were dispatched of Highways plows were out all ers and snow plows working early today plus a front end|pight, Whithy OFP noted few | round the clock od loader for clearing intersections. accidents and 'surprisingly few Burley Bus Lines reportel | Twenty-five men are shovelling|cars abandoned on the high-| service on schedule although sidewalks, 25 more clearing way." hampered by stalled cars on crossings and an additional four) m-- { trucks have been sent out on * . sanding and salting of hills and S bad stretches of road | ed rive 1 S Mr. Wood estimated he had about 100 men on the job and . most will he working all day, | Although roads are generally) ee 1 ren retty good, Mr, Wood blamed] or "the north he sait wing fof the worst,""| Next to Christmas the biggest| will give i three week holiday avalanche of mail to deluge On: to more than 1200 children who LITTLE PUC DAMAGE [tario's pogt offices came when|would otherwise have no such Public Utilities General Man:|gervice cluks in Ontario mailed| holiday because of their ins ager George FV. Bhreve noted | iheir Easter Seals to everyone ability to attend conventional little trouble either in the city|in the provindelasking them for (camps This is the higgest or rural areas, He reported bus yen in their eryppled children's) camping nrogram of any single es operating within two or three work The Rotary Club of Osh [political area in the world, and) minutes of thelr rush hour| awa is conducting the appeal in/its importance is that it not only schedules this area gives a holiday, but also teaches Mr. Shreve sald Stevenson Hvery service and activity {children who are often embar road between King street and such as camping, nursing, treat |rassed by handicaps, to care for Rossland road, and Wilson road{ment ¢1in i ¢ 8, transportation themselves and get along with south, between Hulalie andi corrective surgery and research other youngsters Bloor, were had early today bullis heavily dependant upon the Clinics for examination of ¢hil | that city plows were fast catch [pontributions resulting from the/dren in areas far from major ing up Kaster Seal campaign, and this hospital centres are also organ | Mr. Shreve said power was off year no less than $76,000 will|ized and attended by top medi for 80 minutes Wednesday after /do the job efficiently for On eal specialists, If children need noon at Pickering Station, a re-(tario's more than 16,000 handi- hospitalization, this 18 provided| sult of the storm beating 1 capped children on special advice, and local doe way north and eastward |" Last year the Ontario Soolety|tors co-operate in providing "Altogether," he sald, "the|far Crippled Children, w ho & e| treatment at home | night was good to us only annual appeal for funds is| With the opening of the 15th] Oshawa Airport said the last nade during the HKaster Seal|annual Faster Seal campaign, aiveraft left at noon yesterday, campaign by 228 service clubs, [there will be thousands of serv: carried out its bigrest program ice club men and women wor lin all its history This year the| Ing for a better future for Tim: COMING EVENTS number of erippled children| MY and all his pals, Your con: have greatly increased because/tribution to the Kaster Seal ----rrme Faron tall (cor, |ONAF0's SWiftly growing popu: CAMRAIEN Is needed ser of Bloor and Simene) 7.90 Friday lation means hundreds of new aight. Twenty games at 86 and 810i oa as pach year feta kid wn, No ono hocks at your door OBITUARY Whithy eserves Friday, dune d for to sell you Easter Seals. The sfternotn tea, bake sale, aprons and entire campaign = the message] GRANT W 0) FF al aries 01 ek ior iicar | "Lope and opportunity for eri] a a BUMMAGE ae hy Me Shalt, | Pled children = is put squarely Hope, died at St. Michael's Hos: 130 pm to you in a letter, You are ask-|pital Toronto, Wednesday, Mar PONT fardel Buohre Right at Singlair ©d to read it and if you thinkig in his 30th vear foal briday, Mah 10 a1 8 pm the fause Worthy enough, > He was born at Peterborough, | BINGO at the Avalon Tharsder Maren LID Your, contribution In the the son of Mrs, M. Gifford and] Bn, Sari Oahawa Fark: #6 and (Pink envelope the late Warner Gifford, Mrs 110; seven Jackpots The organization that carves Gifford now lives in Taronto ha Scout Hall, Gibbons at Buena | for this great number of chil:| The Yecensey had resided in i i rn Tg A on ou dren is amazingly small, A|/Port Hope for the past three prizes Refreshments, Admission N tightly knit office staff at head: and one-half years. Previously] h, NOVEL BINGO |avarters in Toronto, a score of ihe had resided in Whithy for (Rishi trained nurses, a corps; many years THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM, {of volunteer doctors and an| We is survived by his wife Seahorne i" and Ronald Port ot ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $120 JACKPOT INCLUDED] Mit Door Prize $15 SALE of HOME-MADE COOKING Sponsored by WA FIRSY BAPTIST CHRUCH 'Meagher"s North Store" Simcoe St. North MARCH 10h | PM, army of publie spirited citizens, {the former Jessie {who give freely of their time {four sons, Grant, 18 Leslie {The result is a volume of serv. Robert, 13, and Thomas, 7 ice out of all proportion to thelone daughter, Mrs spent in the wark Heatherly (Patricia), of work takes severaliHape {forms, There is nursing service,| He is also survived hy three imade up of 27 graduate nurses, |brothers, Mel and Cecil of Flo each of whom has taken a spe-/ida and Sam, of Oakville; four clal post - graduate course onlsisters, Mrs, M. Jackson (Mina) orthopaedic nursing which qual-lof Bronte; Mrs. BR, Tedman ifies them as orthopaedic nurs: (May) and Myrtle Gifford, of ing consultants Toronto; and Mps, A. Willman These nurses visit the homes (Darothy), of Brooklin of handicapped children, teach The body is resting the parent how to administer Jex and Smith Funeral Home {therapy treatment, or direct a Port Hope, for interment in child to medical attention Port Hope Cemetery, Saturday | Five summer camps this year afternoon { at the | expand |of the tax field being vacated from succession duties, CITY AND DISTRICT FEHPS CLEAR CORN (CF) ~ Henry L Uartin of Kirkiand 1ake fwmped dleny Wednesday might just he fore a freight train destroyed iis ear whieh had skidded 15 # slop # RB rRIRY CYOSHINE NAMED VICE PRESENT { "Johm 8. Low, of Uahridge, » former warden of Ontario Cowty, was elected viee-presi- § dent. of the Ontario Momcipel Electric Association at its con vention fn Toronts recently 1.92 president Jefferson, gat the job by answering an Jefferson placed tn 61 the position Economical way i» get the best workers is an Osh ans Times Classified ad Pisi BA 33407 today » stars yours for action | PLACED ON FROBATION | ORBLIA ~ An Oshawa girl, {Yvonne Johns, VI, who told the! {magistrate she Md not know (why she stole & transistor radio, | (valued at 550.50, from an Orn, Township stove on Feb, 27, was | | placed on provetion by Mags : trate K. A. Cameron this week STREETS CLOSED The Iotlowing streets will be closed for construction 1omer:| row, March 19. Bloor west at 10-73% "we THE WEATHER OFFICE | storm. Skies will clear and | gions, The disturbance #p- | save & gradual improvement | temperatures will drop in On- | pears to he the last of the a 4 r & 1 Pe a Stevenson Toad south; Steven] WW WERther 8 tania tonight, The snow which | present series and showld | son south, from Gibb to the] "OGERoW southern Ontario, | has been falling over sowth- | bring & major change in the Vi Shen : | with the eastern part of the | ern sections of Quebec will | weather patie PR. Stevenson south closed af) province being the last to feel | last 'most of the day and the CHI; Mohawk street, elosed| Bre OE ast mi y an he M. p | the effects of Wednesday's | gradually extend to other re from Eherwood avenue to Bed slrects. The motoareyele WEATHER FORECAST ford myenue MOTORCYCLE FOUND belonged to Franklin Robert] of 174 Athol street east . Storm Passing » Sun On Friday A motorcycle, reported stolen fyi. han, & bover and also for- 'March 7 recovered Wy ge was stolen from beside Wi Er 1H of this Oshawa Oshaws Police early this mor Lome sometime between b store (1007 4% ning. It was found Bt the FRAT| nd 7 om he told po (Oshawa Times Vhoto. [of a store at Ritson and Arther je St, Thomas Kitchener London Wingham Yoronts ,,., ONTARIO RETAIL LEVY Progressive Conservative gov 8 A dual i 2 . ernment took office in 1943 ynopsis--~A gradu HRprove the orderly extension of serv om gp i" o pil AUTO RECOVERED men weather is expeced f f mn g Bpila ie 0 ie : § CAD } $ as i FRUS = ie Eas } gross receipts of $84,390,000 Oshawa, Wednesday morning, " Trenton ,.. Bt, Catharines Hamilton uskoka ,, Cillaloe CP Wirephots | former manager of this store, (1948-50) and Keith Ga wae p.m Mer. 7 NO ACCIDENTS Despite treacherous road eon | ditions, the Oshawa Police De | partment reported there were nol TORONTO (CP) Forecasts wrcidents in Oshawa since Wed. issued by the weather office gt morning » am, ES) er 20 2 m w a 15 nesday (Continued from Page 1) in part of the wovinee being the last to feel compared with $0,547,000 esti- was recovered hy Ontario he pias re of Wednesday's mated and $105.437.000 actually! provincial Police storm. Temperatures are fore cial position feopardize ourlTCCEIVEd In 1960-41 and gross tal JOSItion, JEOpA WE outinys of $324905000 com. "Lack wild onl of action st this time indermine our finan Bowman The 1 it ville, it was reported today tn M 1952 model ear belonged K ow down IF OVERPRODUCTION 1S YOUR PROBLEM, SEE SEABOARD , , , CASH LOANS $50 10 $5,000 SEABOARD 29V4 SIMCOE ST. §, OSHAWA R A 8.6283 ch drop tonight as skies ered and the rele 2h K clear pared with 8302567000 esti W es ol 7 p r sion Western Lake Erie Lake Eariton of our economic expansion Dothio.cieq and $200,255 000 actual, |George Giles, of 410 King street y estern i i i now and in the futire, thus de - As usual, Ontario got its hig-|east. it was found on Highway Huron, western Lake Ontario, Sudbury ' tracting from rather than con Georgian Bay regions, Windsor, North Bay ,..,., ) gest chunk of revenue in 1966-61 401, two miles east of Oshawa tribu io high and from corporations tax - S187, stahlé Ing ------------ nury Agnt and in of London, Toronto, Hamilton, Sud eval mviorment I snow and some ddd 4 00.000. Gasoline and diese! fuel 3 AMBULANCE CALLS drifting this morning, clearing taxes brought in $163.500,000 The Oshawa Fire Department this aflernoon, Clear and colder Ontario thus joins all Other the personal income tax rental ambilance crews answer e ditonight, Friday sunny Winds provinces fanitoba and Al-lagreement with Ottawa $113,-|three routine calls since Wed-|porth to northeast 20 to 30 he-! berta in the salestax field 500,000, Liquor Control Boeard|nesdsy morning. There were no! coming light tonight No other taxes were imposed, profits and fees $50 500.000, mo- fire alarms during that period) Fastern Lake Frie, Niagara nor were changes announced in tor vehicle licences and fees of time regions: Light rain or drizzle existing $68,400,000 and succession duties followed by some snowflurries £36,000,000 INCOME TAX IN '%2 Mr. Allen is banking on the A Personal Income Liane today. Cloudy and a little cooler tonight. Friday sunny with a Tax Actisame rich sources next year, few cloudy intervals, Winds] will be introduced to give effect He expeets to bring in $192,000, light, becoming north 20 to 30 the proposed tax-sharing ar-|000 from corporations tax, $166, this afternoon, then gradually rangements advanced at last 300,000 from gasoline and diesel decreasing tonight month's federal - provincial con-| fuel taxes, $120,000,000 from the Eastern Lake Ontario, ference, to come into effect inlincome tax agreement, $81,100, 1062. This will permit the prov. 000 in Liquor Control Board ince to take over that portion profits and fees and $35,000,000 to Hall burton regions, North Bay clearing and turning cooler by| evening, Friday sunny, Winds | northeast 15 to 25, decreasing tol {north 10 to 15 tonight, f Kirkland Lake, Timmins-Kap-| uskasing regions: Sunny with a| hy Ottawa, Minor amendments to the Corporations Tax Act and the Buecession Duty Act will be HEALTH COSTS UP 3 Education and health remain NPP i | {the biggest money « consuming| § ; | BRANDED BEEF CHEF STYLE PARTIALLY BONED Snow and drifting snow today,| PORTERHOUSE T-BONE ROASTS 79: of a technical nature not involve qo "0 ordinary secount, Be: {few cloudy intervals today and| ing higher levies ltween them they will ahsorh | Friday, not much change In| For the year ending March 31| shout 74 per cent of the increase | temperature, Winds north 15 fo] Mr. Allan announced a surplusiin next year's spending, educa- {25 today, becoming light tonight of $208,000 on ordinary account| tion going up to $270,061,000 and Friday | the day «to-day expenses of from $227,680,000 and health Forecast Temperatures FRESH MEATY LEAN SIDE Spare Ribs Ib. 49c¢ running the government---hase Jumping to $186.207,000 from 1 . br § | Low tonight, High Pday. on gross revenues of 8775977, kod 599,000 Windsor .. rere DEVON RINDLESS 1 LB, PKG Breakfast Bacon 1b.65¢c 000 ana_gross expenditures of yo the health field, $6,000,000 i $770,084,000 will go for additional staff and . pe THEATRE GUIDE il p= "Look in Any Win NAMED CHAIRMAN (nimore = "iach In, 407 0s The surplus was recorded services In mental hospitals in: after applying 877,000,000 of or: cluding retarded children's George L, Roberts has been | 0 "vWicked Wife", 12.80, appointed education commits | 315 6.05 9.00 p.m, Last com dinary revenue to capital proc schools which are associated jects compared with the $66, with them 000,000 estimated in last year's| f . But the big factor 1s & jump hudget; putting shout 817,000,- "tye ps Rin contribu: ye ie the inking fund LOT! tion to provincial hospital insur. oe ehaliman of the Oshawa | plete show at 9.00 pm debt retirement and distribut 5 4 - amber o ommeree on . ing 85,465,000 in supplementary an My §0oli.0tn trom 416. sidered to be one of Canada's |Brock (Whithy) "For the " 8 leading educationalists, Mr, | love of Mike", 7.00 and 9,50 Hoberts has served as chalr p.m, "Young Jesse James | man of many provincial and 8.40 only, Last complete show | national educational bodies at 8.40 pm Marks = 'Inferno', 1.00, 4.08, estimates istration costs which also are He is a past president of the 7.10, 1020 pm. "Gambler FRESH LOIN TENDERLOIN estimates each to | RIB END ROASTS PORK SALE Ib. 55° END Ib. 59° Centre Cut ROASTS Ib, 65° These included 81, horne by the province, At a pre 000,000 the teachers' budget press conference Mr, Al anadian Teachers' Federa tion end is now chairman of {from Natchez", 2,30, 5.40, 8,50 p.m Last complete show and public service superannua an said there will be a $40, tion funds and $1,000,000 in spe 000,000 increase in the following the studies committee of the Canadian Conference on Edu at 8.40 p.m Plaza = "The Misfits' (adult) qualified publie hospitals In the Rising hospital costs they pravines went up 20 per cent last year- Other grants were $300,000 for are heing financed from gen: oapital purposes to the Ontario|gpal revenue rather than raising close contact with federal and SWEET PICKLED CRYOVAC WRAPPED Cottage Rolls Ib. 85¢ cial grants of $75 a hed to alli{hird capacity Mr. Roberts is in Last complete show at 9.30 | Cancer Treatment and Re-ithe premium of $2,10 monthly search Foundation-Ontario Can-for a single person and $4.20 for cer Institute; $100,000 to the On<g family hecause, "under pres: tario Heart Foundation; $48,100 ant conditions, increases of to the Ontario Society for Crip-iihe magnitude required could ada, He is the principal of pled Children for Convalescent produce hardships and increase | provincial government and | labor official as well as leading Canadian citizens eons cerned with education in Can fiscal year and $48,000,000 in the cation (1962), In his latter [ 1,06, 3.10, 5.20, 7.25, 0.85 p.m. | | { FRESH SLICED LEAN | Cooked Ham p.m "The World of Suzie Wong', Feature shown daily at 2.00, 4.35, 6.55, 0.20 pm Regent = Ib: 89¢c Last complete show at 0.05 | . | the O'Neill Vocational and Cols Camps; $6100 to the Convales: ihe number of drop-outs," | [ ly | legiate Institute cent Children's Camp at Bur y | . lington: $4800 to Mlahee Lodge,| The dump in educational out: | | Cobourg, and $4000 to the Ca.|lay Includes an increase in leg. nadian Mothereraft Centre, Tor: islative grants to elementary anto {and secondary schools of about For the coming fiscal year, [830,000,000 to .§161,000,000, of Mr. Allan predicted a surplus/which $28,000,000 covers "the on ordinary account of $854,000 normal increment of growth" from gross revenues of $858,000. and the rest goes into a new| 000 and gross expenditures of program designed to ease the | $857,142,000. It would be the 10th tax burden on residential and consecutive surplus since the!farm property owners | ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS o THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS PRIME RIB CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF STEAKS RET re-- F. RICHARD BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE NAT COLBORNE The Examination of eyes Fitting of Contact Lenses And Glasses Children's Visual Training EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT For Appointment Please Call RA 3-419) GOLDEN NOTICE! MEDICAL PHARMACY Due to the destruction, by fire, of the premises at 107 Simcoe St. S., and pending completion of the SIRLOIN, T.RONE & WING RED BRAND BEEF MAPLE LEAF SMOKED PICNICS FRESH PORK END LOIN ¢ Ib C Ib 45 39 Wax CELLO MACS APPLE CHRISTIE'S---24.01, BREAD CUT-RITE 100" ROLL TROUD FOOD MARKET 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH YELLOW BANANAS 2 Ibs. 20. wt 39: 2-39 29: Paper BLADE PRIME RIB4 9) sRisker 49 | 69 Medical Arts Building at 300 King St. W,, a tem: porary pharmacy will be located at 95 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 8.6277 TELEPHONE UNCHANGED SKINLESS WIENER FRESH PORK Spareribs ¢ 1-18, Ib CELLO 39 49 FULL CuY order RUMP delivered Oshawa end have # anywhere in Delivery Service Shop for your $20 and over FREE $10 to $20---25¢ $3 10 $10 35¢ Under $5. -- 45¢