The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY A witderness fe any place more then four mn tion, VOL. 90--NO. 57 Frice pist fer 9 Cony For Copy Lo d wid Fhe Oshawa Ti # oy % DUKE AND HIS FIANCEE The Duke of Kent, 25. walks | dence at Kensington Palace | Puke with Ja Janata Katharine | today. Bhe is the daughier of Ehigheth H ; orsiey, 28, in the gardens o p \ Yirephots . PF shey J bis mother's London resi Witham Yorsiey he from London) School Boards Get Record Budget Total FORONTO school hoards will 4 An (cP) Ontario's cent of the cost of operation in partment ih n id re J ; chal of teacher | record $I61.000.000 from the The special assistance grants Ontario College of Vducation province in the 1961-62 fiscal will be earmarked for the re: Ontario Velerinarian College year duction of residential and farm and the 0 Provincial Treasurer Allan real estate (axe Mr. Allan Colleg: also announced in his budgel said regulations relating to the. Mr. Allan said $23 Address today a new system of grants will soon he issued 10 the increase in le special grants for the henefit of school hoard grants will A AXPAYETS Erov y Remi a 4, ISPVEE wpycupion pumps Wim creme of grow 5 rink Altogether education will cost He said that this growth fas mentary and secondary schools a . ; «tor plus the planned special the grants will rise to an esti- the favernms nt an : mat a Via pannel spec al mated $54.000.000 in 1063 fi4 -- Jia a, un 8 Fran esti- that by 1068-64 school grants tom $7,000,000 in this fiscal WIGS will total $265,000.000 or $104 i f g 0 3 The S7.000,000 represents a Besides the $101,000,000 fin 404.000 mote than in the current grant of 85 for each student, In legislative school grants, which "7088 FREER 1962:68 the payment will be in-'are up from $160,800,000 jn! Provincial grants to univer ereased to 817 a pupil, and in!1960.61, the eduention depart: $ities in 166162 will fotal 836, 1068-64 to 820 & pupil for elemen: ment will spend some 878,000, 900,000 compared with $26,600 receive ection ont ihe hi arin wuitura) 00.000 uf felative school provide for the ablation earch world ten 8500S In apinian proposal urthey where YOar==th OTTAWA (CM) Camp Pelawawa ald Mr af the Ottawa Heautifull Mr, Harkness said a hoard of an the hanks! inquiry convened hy 14 tien River 100 miles F. 8 Clark, chief of the army west af the capital, has pros general staff, will investigate al Boon told that Vided merriment to the Cana: logations that soldiers wer of our business Han public for at least a de campelled to pay a $1 member not the intention ade ship fee to the sailing club and But if the public has laughed, "Na toparts of the matter to JOVEPRMENtS have not heen AYMY headquarters were ina Vnused curate of a Mr, Harkng Wis mile on the face of Defence ANEYY an the latte Minister Harkness in the Cam. 90 Feb. 237, an the basis of mons Wednesday when he an. [Peports received fram Camp nounced an army board of in| POtawa, the minister had in His plea came quiry . 1a investigate civoum. [formed the Commons that the stances surrounding the Pet. [0b was entively voluntary and AWAWa operation of the two-boat (here Was nothing. in reports satling elub of the Regiment ofthat soldiers had been compel Canadian Guards od 10 Join at the $3 fee CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Like the late Brooke Claxton Subsequently, it tured oul former Liberal defence ini 1h ane company of the hat POLICE RA 5.1130 ter, Mr. Harkness faced up to/talion had posted orders that he 1ask af dealing with a mat |BVATASMON were a pay up oF FIRE DEPT, RA 36371 or that could strike Canadians! De paraded 1a the eammanding out of military uniform only as, Ofiosy PIT 3A 2.99 ) } ) | h 2 HOSPITAL RA 32310 [oqmical, "I would appear," My A) tagy and continuation schools, 000 in such other costs as con: 00 In 1060-61 schools and $40 a pupil for vo- perannuation fund and capital 000,000 increase in outlays for cational schools and maintenance grants to uni- education hy the province cial grant plus the per-pupdl Another $15,000,000 will he expenditures hy the government grant may not exceed 05 per spent hy the public works de: for education in 1945-46 NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) long discussion of labor's public B China proposed ofall «time public gaining, under study hy some y agency to investigate the merit (1600 full-time trade union of dent ) i i hasie industries Another union official=Waood gent Renn on yu yi The idea was advanced Wed: row Ginsburg, director of re 1 DUE hot al Li Formos the past Canadian director of the United bile workers in the United Ay or other aulpe of Btelworkers of America (CLC), Btate upported 'the idea the Canadian Labor Congress. TAKES DIFFERENT TACK the Chinese Reds--who are de He advocated a permanent However, Professor H, D termined that the United States increases nf hig business bhut/elations dopartment of Meili ReNNeAY now Is thrown hack an not antral them. A similar pro University, "took a « different! M5 Negotiniions with Saviet Pre United Stat hy the United Emphasis of purely eco ol Ways of easing Automobile Workers Union nomi¢ understandable *"N hour that will expose to the ple and appeals strongly to the ®Xehange press corvespandents light of public opinion what the "Men members," he said, "Rut With the Chinese maintand and want to defy public palatable ta the other Publies Can prisoacy I'he Chinese. in that's their 1 esponsibilit with whieh unions deal ambassadorial talks al Warsaw mare caneerned with the seq. "houlder Phe Ntosiworkers Un bo ne nomic merit of their case and! Hopes of more harmonious ve whase Bi moemhben WIA An Canadas sequences as hasio 1a their own have dimmed, Kennedy told his has been seeking a government policies Press conterence Wednesday Guy hilw toed Takes His wea a step In the sieel industry npen later nis Steel WOKE 1s Jian haa promised to proposals provided the cam PAROS Jive sOme Assurance reduced prices That wepasition of ours ha Mahoney Wet have Alu that 0) of the campanies to make them 880 a pupil for seeondary tributions to the teachers' sul Mr, Allan noted that the $41 However, the regular provin: versities exceeds' the $30,500,000 Board Suggested [Kennedy A top Canadig labor leader has responsibility in collective hii of price increases in Canada's ficials WASHINGTON (CP)--Fresi nesday by William Mahoney, search for the United Automo: priee of surrender either of al a labor seminar sponsored hy Rebuffed in ney with hoard that would lok into price Woods, director of the industrial Should gel aut of Formosa posal has been advanced in the Mand mier Khrusnehey in hi "What I'm thinking of is a hecause it is dramatic and sim Fhe United Stajes wanted to favli are and it employers [18 becoming incroasingly less Mave the Leds free five Amor I helleve the unions should be B8ve hath proposals the cold GOES FURIHER ; make up he prepared to accept the con: lations with Communist China thee biggent Price but My. Mahoney's new LOVELY, LAUGHABLE PETAWAWA REW Wige pegotiabions are io reduce ar minimize is wage they would sell their steel al Alwar a been rebutted PEICOS are none BUSINES #0 OF aw MUST DE MAND VOICE PHOCS are 1a be jected Ie wage pogaliation then a BAN Wil aie 1o demand a voles 0 setting them There wasn't the trace abhviously SOOF during a day Hark : a cit in the organ is believed to And the fall continued na More Camp Capers [feos in the olub and that the in lear and oolder tonight, with light winds, sonny on ¥ridey, TWENTY FOUR PAGES Airar aad ow 'aon Cig Me Fost Nm gsi imas, . (Hone OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 196) ONTARIO RETAIL LEVY | Adding To Debt As Well As Tax Snow, Rain, Wind Lightning-Ugh! SHIRE rn Wednesday received the first of a nets punch wn what should he the last round with Old Man Winter bom Free fas oOw. Mem 1g Bask, bh / NEP HIN Ie if Misruped Power currents when ma were disrymied Omang bydre-Flecine Com warkrien toed through the nOng back 19 fans Fai POWER inAEF, NEMmng ang ne po hows Fhe storm was moving east pnd ward, ht forecaster ag MH losing some of Ms punch both Monticnl and Ottawa had area snow and high winds forecast AImumeat ion eft tree 1o five inches of in Hs wake Foday's forecast over the predicted hight snow. for 194ay then clearing and turning cooler Temperature hy tomght mal wm hs Hardest hit freezing rain and the Toromn area hour traffic wa Faas nw Wi mostly were below nor with How pre Harime Wednesday wi rush when { Hn Wry nm leet, British Co'vmbia wis dicied Most of the where bia Prairies reported femperature while Preparing in of the many ay Lorin maying rin ol accident lippery Surplus of $205,000 on or: dinary account in fiscal year ending March 81, Surplus of $054.000 forecast for new fis: enl year, Sales fax to produce rey enue of $60,000,000 in 1061-62 | fiscal year, $150,000,000 in full year grants of 85 a pupil school hoards 1a provide relief to residential and farm property owners, Education tops spending on current account at $227,680 000 with §270,061,000 estimated for next year Highways top spending on capital account at $171,080,000 with §100,440,000 estimated for next year, Professor ness sald reparied JOBS IN ABEYANCE had told the' House of Co mons yesterday that Exe! Glen Exelhy, unemployed Hamilton industrial salesman wha appeared on a CRC tele aver a TORONIO (CR)~The Omario will need sonually for the pest government, reaching for rey: five years but was unable ta ob enues 1g Lmance g record Bik- tain in (ederal-provincial Discs) Hon - dollar spending program, negmtiations last month at OF today announced & thres per Lavi cept relgll sales tax effective Big new sullays for education sept. | and hospia' services helped (For detailed report on the PUsh Mr. Allan's program fo sales tax, please turn to Page combined gross ordinary and 2) capital expenditures in the 1961 There will be a variety of ex ¥2 fiscal year starting April | emptions--examples. food, chil- 10 $LI41L53T.00 compared with dren's clothing and products An estimated $988 959 000 in the used in farming Provincial Year just ending Treasurer Allan said in bringing Despite the added revenue, down his midget in the legisia- the budget calls for a record ied Wp ture addition fo the net provincial made The tax 15 expected to enrich debt of close 10 §150,000 000, ie hy the snow and provineial coffers hy $60,000 900 bringing Se figure 19 about Publie transportation wis at lor # this year and over a full year 220000 east an hour behind schedule Pacific should produce $150,000 000, the no RECOURSE in some areas of the city amount of additional revenue! The sales tax is being adopted gust of wind hurled pn 18 D Premier Frost has said Ontario pecause the government con workman 1a his death when he eat S cluded increases in personal in. wis blown off a seven-storey MOVING MOMENT come and corporation tax, gas high scaffolding. Hospitals re HIGHLIGHTS oline taxes or liquor profils tho ] d 0 Riltish sition Vivien asl | rived loom Linde. She could not he made "without af- causeds by falls on ame n presented. this picture at New | on route to Atlanta, Ga. 10 OF BUDGET fecting development and ems treet York's Idlewild Airport Wed: | oyong aise anniversary show ployment in this province," Mr No major damage was nesday night, as she walked the fil g 4 Allan said in his third budg ported in other parts of South torm out on newsmen because they | 08 of the film = an epic on |g wap CANADIAN PRESS addres 4 i untae. but winds dam hdd | couldn't recall what part she | Civil Wa days. In or mem- Budget Highlights He added aged hydry wires, leaving somi CHICAGO (AP) Winter had Played in avi Cone ony fal Jnyone V- i : § " Three-per-cent retail sales 3 a iudicious and balanced lasex County residents parting blast at the midwestern! With The Wind." Miss 1eigh rou pd 4, ear HERI L Lax, with exemptions includ: ponicy of taxation and borrow: without power. Other commun: states, whe up 10 16 inches of recently divorced from hetof | ! uy AR Wirephoto) ing fond children's clothing, ing, we have heen able to put ities were swerved hy alternate snow paralyzed traffic, closeg! PY Taurence Olivier, had jus Ad / prescribed J edicines and ma: off the imposition of @ sales Lax chools and caused at least 15 ferials ysed in farming, effec: co a number of years, We now . ' deaths, faded into the northeast PLUG IN PUPILS hep, have come to the conclusion F H t today od that a further postponement of ire 1 1 The storm spewed snow, rain the imposition of & sales (ax and sleet today over New York could only he realized at the ex: M state and inte southern New! 1 pense of inperilling our finan Bi Church Fngland ompu er ed cial position and therefore our It appeared that a storm of capacity te assist our municipal major proportion was building . ities and our ability to promote up In upper New York state i' In Toronto Many upstate areas counted | or Education (Continued on 'Page #) from five to 10 inches of snow ONTARIO RETAIL LEVY TORONTO (CP)==A short ip. WW We carly hours of the day' wASHINGTON (AP) Bup:| A program of instruction Ant - pose you could hook up a teach: mathematics, for instant Special have caused a $200,000 fipe! Snowlurnies still dotted poy er electronie computer, plug inlwould be broken down into tiny, to h : ¥ Wednesday night al Park Road Hons of the Midwest today, "The la student, and turn on a switch. hits and pieces of knowledge de-| 1ax 8 awa ir 8 Baptist Church in mid + town clean-up process was slow, The How much would the student signed to lead the student to Toronto now that ranged from siX 10 jearn, and how fast? mastery of the subject at his ere : AL least two firemen were 16 inches, with driffs piled up. Much more and much faster own speed Provincial contribution 10 Movie Debut overcome hy smoke and treated two feet and higher along high: than ever hefore says Prof The program of instruction! hospital insurance plan in : : : al hospital during the three: ways, had fallen over Nebraska Edwin MeClintock of the Uni- would then he fed into an elec: creased hy $82,000,000 to meet NEW YORK (CP) = New alarm blaze which they fought lowa, Minnesota, Ilinols, Wis: versity of Iino tronie computer on tapes, films rising costs York's Canadian colony turned for several hours during a snow: consin and Michigan, He says the process *com- And sound (racks out in force Wednesday night fall Southern Wisconsin gol eight hines the best of the teaching Next, the student would he Gross ordinary expenditures for an advance showing of The Four other firemen were 12 inches of snow, forcing the machines. the best of the com- Plugged in by attaching a de: forecast at record $857,142.000 (Canadians, a technicolor film howered with burning sparks |, ing of many schools and paler and the i best of the!Viee, similar to a lie detector,' for next fiscal year, hased = rather shakily = on a when the roof of the building's! factories, Countless roads be siudent + teacher relationship," [10 his arm -- famaus incident in the history of fast end collapsed while they | game impassable Here 18 how it would work With a flick of a switch, the Supplementary es (i mates the RCMP were inside, They escaped seri machine would begin to present| from this year's account in he Canadian audience ous Injury the material on one of several clude grants of 87% a hed (0 headed hy Consul Generil [small sereens facing (the stu-' all public hospitals Harry Seo, who said he en D 0 B ; d | £4 tart a < dent, On another screen, @ pro : ro--r joyed it, watched three mems og n oar |Tessor's face would 0 KON A Corporation tax biggest sin: hops of the RCMP's ancestors he discussed the material, with| gle revenue source, providing ) : olice ' ' ( the Northwest Mounted Palice M hig voice coming from a re $187,000,000 this year and esti pacity §,000 Sioux Indians whe Red Spaceship n 1sarmamen corded tape, mated at $192,000.00 next fod" aver the borden iy Can Once the problem had heen| year, agi 8 bao er inte Lh ! J The § wente yf y ada 1 ulle ie g LU} [ MOSCOW (AP) = The Lia ial LONDON (Reuters) Com: al some stage. They feel there presented. the it Hil nvould General Custer at the Battle of in orbit and returned safely tol MONWeaIth leaders settled down ican he no veal disarmament whe pic™ work" an' a roll of pane the Little Big Horn : Learth a space ship containing altoday to discussions aimed al less China with her massive Chick 'would be fed hack into Also present was the film's dog finding .a common approach to conventional forces, is a party the machine. Since there now feminine lead, lyrvie soprano The Soviet news agency Tass World disarmament tn the agreement are electronic computers thal Teresa Stratas, the 22-year-old said the dog, named Chernushka Disarmament was the first. Prime Minister Rohert Men can "read" numbers and let Oshawa, Ont, girl making her (brunette), and "other biologi [specific Problem an the agenda gion of Australia is sald 10 have jos the computer could keep mavie debut after winning a cal subjects' had heen safely the nation Commonwealth told the conference's OPENING | (pack of the student's progress Metropolitan Opera singing con petrieved through the earth's Prime ministers co nference session Wednesday that he If the student got hogged test, : atmosphere after a wide-ranging exchange doubts whether China would down, the machine would take Phe space ship weighed 4700/00 views Wednesday on world go along with any decisions note and a recorded voice kilograms, ar slightly move than, Wa4es reached between the Soviet bloc would "say: "Look, you need live tans Conference sources sald all and the non-Communist world if some help, Why don't vou go The Tass broadcast said the delegates wep agreed an the she had no voice in the negotis| gee Jones in Room Lspace ship, after "the fulfilment WiHeney of getting iast-West ations, Lk of the planned program," had disarmament negotiations ves Marshal Mo ha m med Ayub "pp computer might ask him heen landed successfully "in the Started quickly Khan, president of Pakistan, an the other hand. "have vou roquired avea of the Saviet Un: But many saw @ major snag 01d today's session that he bes govaaiion such = and » such a on I added to any effective disarmament leves the Commonwealth mem: sions ap Sdidn't you put the Phe dog's condition 15 nor talks oF Communist Ching was hers would get a lot of backing qacimal point in the wrong mal not brought into the negotiations [In the United Nations if they: ape could formulate a common pal wy on disarmament | Prime Minister Nehru of India 2 (said the time for partial dis ury in S armament is past, There are . only two. cholees left==total dis . armament ar a major war, he Ma G It a n Guilty The views af the Common wealth leaders on the problem will he conveyed ta President Murder Kennedy hy Prime Minister "hat some degree of Ws sentence undeservedly, Macmillan when he visits Wash compulsion was used to secure] heeame the most famous one In ington early in April Mi SUHRANE : (Ch Owen the payment of membership! the report He will alse tell Kennedy of heed Ww bai ) X Ry ie During the cleaving of this the Commonwealth's attitude to Jilin B Pgh fay ah FROM formation sent to headquarters area (166 acres in Camp Peto ward admitting Communist Chonling ho i a A on the basis of whieh 1 anfawawa), horses were hired by China ta the United Nations, i ig Wig: gd Nahoed 10 swerved questions in the House, lapmy personnel and placed onl which was disoussed at the open Yon In the hush near Was ot accurate the payroll under the names of ing session AN allmale jury deliberated WOULD SYMPATHIZY han-existent laborers J : 18 winutes to reach the verdiel IF Mp, Claxton were alive 10° OTHER GOINGS-ON M H It rejected a last minute insan day, he would probably he an BIER 4 NN iA had gone assive ousing Hy plea entered hy defence the telephone offering merry an at the camp counsel Hush Latimer sympathy ta Mp, Harkness Mr. Currie Program For US. Twa psychiateists called hy Mr. Harkness was a member : Latimer said Feener was of of the apposition which rode] Some 330 tans of "scrap WASHINGTON (AR) Pres: subnormal intelligence, but ro Claxton unmercifally inf Metal, including stoves, heaters, ident Kennedy sent ta Congress|neither woud declare him in 1952 and 1933 aver the Curple/=#nd oven Kitchen sinks--hadiiaday: a $ save-the: sane repart=whioh subsequently he disappeared cities housing program, 1a be Fooner, a miner, was charged came Kknawn as the horses on Pwo freight carloads of pulp run hy a prapesed new cabinet: after he led police 1a the hady the payrell" report out fram a power line right-of rank department of housing and'of the Timmins domestic. early Mr, Claxton himseld half way and hauled by an army urban affairs Oc 8 in a remote area 11 miles asked Mantreal accountant! bulldaser vanished In 4 special message Konnody | southwest of Timmins had Wl $28 lay f Learge N Curie to imvestigate]. Some 18000 hags of coment called for prompt housing logis) Dr. Hans Sehwaval, psvehia- Vision show on unemployment, | Teeeived an a day iy rregiiaritios nthe army works disappeared into thin aie, A $4 lation ta spur the economy and trist the Ontavia Hasnit il sald last night he has held | the OR nimbhey vice. When he tabled the ve: 0 dam was haill on a creek. | reinforce the cities wn their! North Bay sald Foener was un-' twa jabs in abevance since | weeks and had quit a Sa part, Hs cantents caused apparently to oregle a fishing! 'desperate struggle a gains tstable and had the intelligence he stavied filming the pees | avear Job last September laughter {pond {blight and decay." (ka higholass moron gram, Labor Minister Slarr (CP Wirepl a i, me

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