10 omaws Ym, Toto, mort 9, 9 ___ (Babyy Carriages | in cht br p, "How can DOMINION sel is own brands fo From the Aswn of Welory Alls have hash CATEEy Rs €f, 1enferiy looks alias, PRek of licked anh endored love wd tantrums. From the Bmp 1Rg Aol 19 the most Meike walk: ng, taliong crabby they pie the darbngs of the Br ery Their Witle owners heve packed Rem Wy PRICE, | tucked them Wy WooReR Cre Bios pnd pushed them alent with an Resortment of 1 beprs, EOWOES wa Ducks tn AB crrmiages Diem WB Aolis have heen pera ed tn the same nd of igi d gs His Majesty the Baby Dow there's Even # mother and Aengimer set of carriages. Mother Fhe baby Ww ome f Aanginer pushes her Aol in the other. Al the features of the baby _ RRITIAEE RYE TED waded in the doll carnage, BH Is eqapped with biske and fenders a washable fabrilite hood come plete with swn visor, The Ae tachable body may be weed as 2 hed for the doll, just gs the body of the baby carnage mey he wsed for long nips Ww the car, While hahy reposes on the hack seat, baby doll can THE LANE BOYS rest glongsine When Mother goes owt shop Sons of Mr, snd Mrs, Frank | Nova Scotia, and great-grand- | ping or simply walking her ht Lane, Oshawn boulevard | sons of Mrs, Rebecen Dickey, (He daughter will he kept out of north, are Richard, 18 months, | Foronts mischief looking Riter her own Fred, two and # hall years, | ~Phote by Hormshy baby carnage and Wiliam, fone ad 4 bal Rickey, Freddie @ ihe | |} MINION F B nd ii, Fst, 0, Wi Buy DO amous Brands Mrs, Arthur Hanna, 4anetyilie, ; ? : . . Ontario, and Mr, and Mrs Kenneth Lane, _ Spryhield RICHMELLO--INSTANT Bc OFF 20¢ OFF COFFEE = 29 = 75¢| SALE ---------- PLAIN OR PIMENTO--RICHMELLO yim CHEESE SLICES 'z29d,,,., c he ' PEANUT BUTTER = 37 ™ oHOPS FRESHLY GROUND TO SUIT YOUR TASTE RICHMELLO COFFEE i: 67<| prumi res SIDE BACON i: 79e | IMAKES A DELICIOUS CUP OF TEA--RICHMELLO ORANGE PEKOE : ht TEA BA G % me. @ Bel swerr ano suiey -- easy To ren GCG JAFFA ORANGES = 59 Cc BOOK MATCHES "19 i c READY TO COOK IMP, NO, 1 WASHED FOR FASTER, EASIER DISHWASHING---~DOMINO SPINACH 2 Git 25¢ 31.01, BAGS LITUID DETERGENT ™ 63° FLORIDA NO, 1 FRESH GREEN SOAP FLAKES oe | CELERY STALKS 277 33 SAVE ON MOTOR OIL--DOMINION S.AE, GREEN ONIONS 3: 23¢ MOTOR OIL mw 98° - MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM A EO A ON STOKLEY'S FINEST FANOY QUALITY nw PY HILL TOP BISCUITS = 35°| rv poo wa A i Am MACAROONS OR WAFERS PEAS CORN Baby hungry? It's a cineh to fix really smooth eereal N Th DOMINION BUDS Tid, 39° oY in a flash, Gerber Cereals stir to ereamy perfection ARR ; J in seconds when mixed with formula or milk, What's i J aidk { 0 more, the eonsistengy stays smooth throughout the ) AS Le 15-02, serving, No wonder these quality cereals are so satisfying ? | i " : COUNTRY GIRL 20.02 ™ # oy bay, | | | RAISIN PIE LL 39° \ t Digestibility assured, Gerber Cereals are thoroughly i | BUY THE BEST Re a sd an DV A AS A ene he hh ---- / | "| | 1 | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 | 1 | | i 1 | | 1 ! t 4 A J | | f | | | | | A ®) a \ 0) & r 3 »' pre-cooked and twice-tested ta insure easy digestibility, . § . = Nutritionally speaking, they are enriched with the iron 4 RICHMELLO WHOLE CHOCOLATE, WHITE or HONEY SPICE PILLSBURY i THRIFTY Jf inn aria ono homo wo | 4 WHEAT BREAD =v 19°| CAKE MIXES 3 "« 89 vide aver 100% of the Recommended Daily Dietary hy ~ J LOAF PKGS, ( J Allowance, In addition, they're enriched with B-vitamins . "50 NOY, 3 IbPACK | H and ealeium, ; Cl STOKELY FANCY : : po i DOMINO--FANCY FORD HOOK of allvegetable Blue Gerber Cereals, like all | torhe Ip! 4 | ¥ / Jd 9% ¥ all good-tasting Gerber Baby \ ; Bonnet Margarine affers | 3 i (Vf 3 el 9 LIMA Ad ¢ Foods, are prepared by specialists who work in the " you sanvenience and interest of better nutrition for your baby Y FV ay / 45¢ OFF scanamy, Each pound Is - * ; | FRESH FROZEN > 9 " RICE CEREAL i A } ¥ Li : WHEAT OEREAL J KEL ; ad 8 | i ORANGE OATMEAL FEREAL aumle | JUICE STOKELY'S PINK (3¢ OFF PACK) DRINK BARLEY CEREAL i MIXED CEREAL 4 af PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT PROTEIN CEREAL » n $14.08, 73: a 000 : ¢ : TINS dell at \O\\ n ' ' In aor, Babies are our business ... our only business! [INSEE ERR ANNE S N rh A © : p Ne EVERYTHING GUARANTEED erber iy OREAS| Weald" | Te op, D === 0 Cas &JOMINION VALUES EFFECTIVE AT OUR DOMINION STORE IN OSHAWA AND WHITEY UNTIL SATURDAY, MAR, 11th. individually wrapped = a A ---------- you san keep the unused portions fresh, ALL-VEGETABLE BLUE BONNE MARGARINE ---------- GERBER PRODUCTS OF CANADA LTD. NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA Sn ', \