The Oshawa Times, 7 Mar 1961, p. 8

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The OA A Tim&s Yuesday, March 7 1964 HAPPY LITTLE BOBBY raid Be thie i ' a i and Check Suppleness In Buying Furs Advises Expert By ENA BLAKEY Canadian Press Slalh Wier TORONTO (LW) A om Resi' t Rayer 14 pampw 15s for IRRAEY 1H ERGY gelling » En fy wa Eonmwtsy (wires He CORGACEE SHPPERE the fur one Hf the Wy (95 BR WORAR CR WW baying » cont, Firs mows he soit wud supple and if # fr bas fick wy ET RIESLRER TRE Pe A gi Fhe best meshing, SHEERS, 16 1H VISH. YEE TRY Walie BITES RIA COMMERIE YR wes, He RB EHAOIREr W SOR IRIN ARO SHArs CHOMPRNIBE | M2 cout is well § J A herp oa Ihe ERimeEm herk Whi A Hot SF Hd fon oh Psy ke fp Mr, Bogy RY EHRIVY RE Let 18 Wel mals Whe Way Lerial FREE, And hy WOMAR a Pockets 1a # h well mass 10k Wi bis Bk Flt 19 see Wi Heh Ar Hh Js wy THE BEST £9 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES mar member had minut mn in friend A nance ACauAInIances nov the Home After Louris the wrt hedroom upl and some of the Bimens that | of the | oun returned 10 Church | A Lanny reeing dale one Homi triet the and Mi ded for th Minutes and roll call were and plans finalized for the Patrick's dinner-dance on M 1 and further plans the April Follies to he pres on April 21 and 22 Refreshment Mr, and My group 1001 busine mei Were Serve IND GROUP COMMITTEE March meeting of the I'he Parents Commitiee of (he Guide Association was hel (inide House, with the p dent, Mrs, Frank Ball pr ing I'he read h end My the treasurer Kirkland report William heorelal Mi report #isn pave det account of the recent rum Mi Ball ¢ to all those way, Appreei od to My Mi Wil ale and her thank helped in any Was also expre old Jackson and Arnold for lankin freshme for hinkin Da nro in the Brownie Pach I decided no ki mother » and » daughter very informal this year potluck supper to he hel the Waoodview Park Club oan Friday evening, April ¥ Colored slides of Camp 8g church parade and scenes various weekend camps hel the Guide Company were sl With the Guide captain Retty Naden, and Mys, Ball viding the commentary Refreshments were Mrs, Hall, assisted bh fen pre who ni Eh I ram wa en Mis FRIENDSHIP GROVE he regular meeting of Friendship Group af the King Street United Church held recently, Mrs, Wilhus nell presided and opened meeting with the Lovd's Pre Mis. | Myers led iv devotional period; My i Davis read the scripture le Mrs. Douglas Lander sang Irish sangs accompanied of plana hy Mrs, Clarence The secretary's report given hy My Clarence and My LeRoy Kellar the treasurer report Plans were made fo party Refreshments were Mes, Harold Rabbington her grou NING STREET WMA Mrs. Wilfrid Harris of the WMS of King Stree ed Church opened the ve meeting with twa poems a raves A | read the secretary repay Mrs, LI. Ho Muldrew repart from the WMS 1¢ recent he Ki hi a YW Pen Thank. = afly SOrVICe 15 10 he held on Tae evening, Apri 4, at ¥ a's Guest speaker will be Mrs old Hare Speak an Land Mis fram M Easter in the nar FANE made Waller H alter the resident 1 Unit 1h Sires Hl nest di I We: hope of the Ling read hil areh for ned n ah 0f fl Ind | Girll given hy d atl the resi esid Mrs. la alled nage el had alin} Har he liam i restof oent | be held! ne he nner a 10lise § HINA from fd hy| own Mi nro Nae turned mn | Ji) irl Gude and a hh dent ier ciation the welcomed th reg Mi Fh hi troduced mont Mi ecretalr Vi ine Vas! fortheomin in Ik present asked to telephone Disc held in the Vi asked the Lienry uli House { Plliek ol PARENTS inl hi d COMMITTIER presi meetin A ni repor m member held mitiee al m Vi yire Leonard Dubbin ] { treasurer F'onk in Mui a ra Atkinson reported on the Hide fn I meetin given out to th ent ap « Arnoldi he held on Mareh #0 Douglas Kirkland gavel gins announced ol annual meeting willin the ith Group i I fall follo decided that each mother and Brownie ne hake Vii April 6 Hh in Toron I the ha HE apron vaterial w ra a membhbed pon \ social hall-hour wa with a with My mien ment Charl Hurron \ white cro an Faster hip centre of ih 1] held in the Mi ha Her Frans he ivational pe WA of Gordon Fipture My | prayer dey Mornin companied Seott wil Hu the Aor the H SON Iwo in 1 Lhe il Wi hoot M Have fara | pd hy Lhe an who Leonard Brash pre tar the hu arved hy (it wa ne decided to have [211 Hog rif Hot \ ister and | in if Hal i} wl ll) £1 Mi Hit a hy joined # duet in th Lave Hh Hoa R Way LAREN) wa fen Hoag TEs and! Auxilig { of the ciety glan] py Wom M Wien nl alsaci Allen! far day Rr lock. Te Hay Haly an ard Wivive from Whithy wha will Larimer the on far the story id I THORNTON'S CORNERS apen Bil mrmed the hunday After di danation Horepart Assisted | whi Lid ind Dangla oar tu Hi Ay M hori eadin Even h Live yell ale | Hn in HHT would Hall and 1 W hehon dod an ou in and th n WA inl or aster mee! | # hake di 7 ton Provincial and on gn Io a he April meeting A real lod | I an aster de the Koad in an Faster Clarence Landes 8 lowed with the er canvmiiiep PANTON ALY an"s he ha an YHe¢ Wame an od his Te pall ident ary Wer AH ry As Wd Holy and RELI PAY ¢ and the ihe Jnyre SOUTHMEAD PAKK Thoma wren report mntereshin Arious activi present of Bouthmend yelghhorhood guest formation of It wa iIsiation com acighion td) Veral new Wil peaker ed he enmmitiers ted that a he 10 Cu LER sent Lo call on new amie yelcome them Li neighhorhood he Park opening plann ed for June 1, M Toh Van dertoolen Vid nominated a or i [3°] the chairman open in A euchre Wed ol anned al the 17 ol party was pl di March 29 My Fred Beck road Donation for homie Havin Prise Fred Beck vhuk, Mi I'red Dewshury Kirhy and Mrs, Thomas Kidd Refreshments were served h the social committee, Th prige was won bh Mi White were promised h Mi Mrs, Fred il Norman Hall, Mj Mi Harvey dani (ST1]] Nl he PETERS WA Fhe ular meeting of Peter's Anglican Church WA held recently wilh the ident My Gerald Craig iding, Mys, Desmond Tay lor led the devotional period Report ven hy the relay Allister Moore the treasurer Mi Desmond Faylor, The study peried was in the charge of My Gerald Creal ie who fn olulk I'he Hihle he Valentine tea which wa held recently was discussed and thanks went to all whe had help od make it a Plan nd suggestions were made for the spring tea and hake sale which will he held on Saturday lune 4, Canveners for this age Mrs, Desmond Taylor and My Prnest Langdale, All member reminded ta hving in then far the Lenten project the closing president vel Wis pre re were Mys of and gave on Hees were artioles Following Lhe prayer hy hime were served LOU he Louie HOGARTH GROUP Hogarth Group of the WNN of Albert Street Unit od Church held monthly meeting recently mem hers attended the el vice in the Church thi film VThirty Pieces hilver shawn hort busing i" he Lenten whore of Wis \ fol Mrs y meeting president Lawson Parks, presiding I was decided that the meet with the on Apel § at the special Sroup Mission 730 pm would Cirele to heat speakel Some of the pd Lah Ry a yah ad a Ce "rE fg ws RITA Kus of | ERIE BH aE me i the sw Western Rez ed FRR few ua Wik do] * - wana A itu #5 wba a a pyoRe wud Hs wR i fi tu Ais A he WARARR (AV Wy aad Bot Kay 2 of ms FA We et ad ol ae! GEE RHE naan of hes fr fe FH aR S41 NEEL # Flaaua Sn £ [ne # aad nk Buss of Was Bose Ww 2 ne an Hd CARGARaR WB WAR or i oh Wo fioy #8. 7 Rekst wy mows E ihe of the CR Warr a ERR WR THE COMMUNITY PAGE FRIENDLY NEIGHBORLY SERVICE HAYDEN D, KEMP Imperial ESS50 Service 's 'good cor keeping time ® MINOR REPAIRS ® WHEEL BALANCING #» LUBRICATION ® ACCESSORIES Complete tive snd boticry pErYiLS Free Pick-up ond dehivery Phone RA 5-3680 288 BLOOR ST. WEST A GUIDE TO VALUES IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT &, The € w VIN€S avy LOCAL AND DISTRICT MERCHANTS ON THIS PAGE £ One ) £ ANEN © Jhon Times commen . TRADE AT HOME The merchaor Why? Becous £ sewhere, ot pr TY 4 INE GF ways to the welfare ¢ GAG LGgHG pege 6 SVOWE NS B14 we offered By mr oil order ¥ , they hove soonsored Progrems, / y the citizens of & £OAHIrting trict IT 15 In YOUR INTEREST 70 PO 50, fig Textile & Carpet Mills Discount House 75 Simene 5. RA 5-161) RUGS 47.95 .. FREE UNDERPAD RAINBOW OF COLORS PLAING - TWEEDS AND TEXTURED Regulor Yolue $120.00 Cshaweg ond g in the belief thot the a will give you better serr HRIHS 1G large payrolls nd bic ¢ big nd SPOrts prizes PATRONIZE THE MOTOR CITY BOWLING 40 MODERN OFEN LANES FREE INSTRUCTION --OPEN SUMMERS OFEN 9 AM. DAILY AIR-CONDITIONED Moke It A Family Might 3212 FHONE RA LANES SETTERS "BRUNSWICK AUTOMATIC 78 RICHMOND §T. W EARL GATCHELL White Rose Products TIRES AND BATTERIES CAR ACCESSORIES EXPERT TUMENFS FREE PICKYFP & PEL PHONE RA B-B78) 1047 SIMCOE 57. § VERY NORTH OSHAWA Plumbing and Weoting wn A SFEERY SERVICE, REPAIRS STALLATIONS, ALTERATIONS COPPER PLUMBING JOBS FHOME RA 5-3715 52 WAYHE AVE HAMBLY TIRE LTD. 1 3 SAFETY THROUGH QUALITY fH} A Complete Vite Service wy % # KRAFT SYSTEM RECAPPING % av o WHEEL BALANCING 534 RITSON RD, § om 0 WHEEL ALIGNMENT FPHOME RA 8-622) ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 24 Hour Service Towing Bodigtors Repaired and Re-cored PHOME RA B-4451 STEVENSON'S a SOUTH SHANK'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Ethsient and Prompt Repwir Service te AN Mekes sf HOUSEHOLD POLISHERS and YAEUUM ELEAN ERS FREE PICK -NUF ANB BELIYVERY PHONE RA 5-845) 124 OREHARR VIEW SUDDARD'S CCM. and RALEIGH BICYCLES 5 Parts JAR Service Keys Made PHONE RA 5-3979 497 SIMCOE 57, SOUTH REAL STONE Mantels -- FLOWER BOXES ond FIREPLACES CUSTOM BUILT For Free Estimates Call RA B-1022 Now FOR NATURAL ALL COLOR STONE FACING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OSHAWA WATURAL STONE PRODUCTS King $7 Old Henderson Block Foctory) OSHAWA RICKSHA DINING ROOM BRING YOUR FAMILY Al FRIENDS FOR THE BEST CHINESE FOODS Open From 11,30 AM, FOR TAKE-QUT ORDERS Phone RA B:1676 42 KING ST, WEST Mrs. H. Mann 49 Arlington Ave, Oshaws SPECIAL THURS, TO SAT BROOKSIDE Reg. 195 BREAD 2 LOAFS FOR 33¢ FRI, AND SAT HAMBURG 3 Ibs, 1.00 N, & G, Fruit Market 199 KING 87. Ww KA 32643 aw g/A, FIORINI ws " CONTRACTOR ® Industrial ® Commercial # Residential ESTIMATES 76 BEATRICE RA 5-4647 GUARANTEED USED CARS ROY WwW, NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville o CHEVROLET ® CORVAIR ® OLDSMOBILE Sales and Service Always a good selection Phones Bowmanville MA 3:3922 or MA 3.3353 Custom Uphslstering 77 CELINA 87 RA 8.5342 Now Is The Time will install or repair oll ® TY Aerials ® Rotors HARVEY BANEE ACAREMY Register Now For Baten Twirling Beginning to Advanced § yeors oid and wp by IRENE WARVEY, We WB.T.A ", A424 KING WW. RA 56122 ® Apartment ystems We Feature ® SAMSON TV TOWERS PHONE RA B-B180 OSHAWA TV, 361 Gibbens 81, HOWIE'S B.A SERVICE Washing E a ae Lubrication Tune-up---Towing Open 7 am, to 11 pm, Alse Weekends PHONE RA 5-5337 SIMCOE 87. NORTH HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE | Jk E W RA 3.7822 67 KING STREET GALT CARTAGE CARIFULCOURTEOS ) MOVING STORAGE We are naw agent far MOTORWAY TRANSPORT and HILL THE MOVER ALL LOADS gd and | If Phanes OFFICE---~RA H-4619 RESIDENCE-RA 8.337) 153 CONANT STREET FREE « Merchandise or Service FREE SEE IF YOUR NAME IS IN ONEOF THESE ADVERTISEMENTS This page is a weekly feature of the Oshawa Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week the names and addresses of people living in Oshawa and District, Read the Advertisements in which you found your name and present it within one week along with a sales slip te the Oshawa Times Office, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely free a $3,00 order to be spent for merchandise or services with one of the advertisers on this page, Winner must advise which advertiser they wish to spend $3.00 order with, Patronize The Business Firms On This Page ---- VAL METTE PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs=--Installations FREE ESTIMATES 23 CELINA STREET RA 5.3279 LEE BISHOP RARIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning & Recoring Mew and Used Radiators Phone RA 5.1633 42 BOND ST, WEST Mrs. L Haward 242 Conant, Qshaws MOSIER SHEET METAL ESS0 and GAR WOOP HEATING UNITS Sales--=Service--Parts PHONE RA 5-2734 292 KING ST, WEST STEPHENSONS' GARAGE SPECIALISTS IN frame straigt ening, wheel alignment, gen eral repairs 'ad headlight ser vise PHONE RA 5.0522 15 CHURCH §7 wa ii | hag wa members that ma owas announced wm hoon donated hy DEARBORN GROUP Nellie Dearborn Group with "Hva Alexander | Stephen's Church on Tuesday « My oriplare NELLIE Fhe met the roup Vening Heard read th Ay Alex Perig ory A Caron HY Pall a fahn PARKER ELECTRIC Fis * RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL + INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC HEATING 253 GOLF §7 RA 8.842) FREE To The Customers Of The Week This Could Be You | ORDER INVOICE WILL BE DRAWN ON SATURDAYS GET THER HIGHEST QUALITY DRY CLEANING NOW MAPLE CLEANERS PHONE RA 5.0643 504 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH TED'S WHITE ROSE AND MARINE SPECIAL 12' CARTOP BOAT §185 Regular $235.00 alse SCOTT OUTBOARD MOTORS and SERVICE STAR CRAFT BOATS ALUMINUM ALSO CARTOP BOATS RR NO. 4 OSHAWA KING §T PHONE RA 8.5924 PROFESSIONAL BROADLOOM CLEANING BY NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS RA 8.448) 174 MARY ST, N MEMBERS OF NAT. INST. OF RUG. CLEANERS ILONA'S DRESSMAKING SALON DESIGNER PRESSMAKER WihhING FORMAL COCK TAIL, alin MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS nd HOUSECOATS ALTERATIONS RA 8.577 44); SIMCOE ST. NORTH CLAYTON ORPWOOD TEXACO SERVICE Features MOTOR TUNE-UPS BRAKE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS FIRESTONE TIRES BATTERIES PHONE RA 8.6011 461 PARK ROAD HOTEL LIMITER 194 Simeae St South SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES ON OUR MODERN ROOM PHONE RA 5:3743 Mr 115 SPECIAL INSTANT PERM Reg 10.00 8.50 L) NOW Phone RA 5.2821 GENOSHA BEAUTY SALON 64 KING ST, EASY Muray W Glensaim Harper Oshawa \ trie con 1 H ol Mi LO0K fed ishing of My lh ohn 1 Gasol prayey Alex Foryig and My aweel How panied bh avin an Pravel held suhon on AURUAY LE MOULIN ROUGE CATERERS FOR WEDDING and BOWLING BANQUETS PRIVATE PARTIES SMALL OR LARGE A PHONE RA &.434) HARRY A PICKISON Custom Built Homes Specializing in Recreation Including Remodelling PHONE RA 5.8213 FOR REASONABLE RATES NHA LOANS ARRANGED Reams FAST 24.HR, SERVICE NO, | FUEL OIL DNIPRO OIL CO, LTD, 190 BLOOR ST. EAST PHONES RA 8.0742 RA 3.078% GEO, M, REID Far Quality AWNINGS VENETIAN BLINDS CANOPIES CANVASS 44 BOND 57 RA 5.0602 BEST IN QUALITY AND DESIGN Interior and Exterior Welding and Steel Fabrisating, Pesigning Eatimates Free OSHAWA ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS PEARSON 57, OSHAWA RA 3.416) REESOR FUEL AND LUMBER ything Iders Supplies Lumbe Coal We Specialise In Summer Cattans Needs delivery in Lake onan hil i" Part Perry YU 5.79% 1] Fre n J hey work in the mis Eo church! showed some pictures "ol Bu Dearborn. Broup

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