WHITBY And DISTRICT |Whitby Mill-Rate Set Missiles rontaining instruments and fle cannot tel a» FPFIng ha jes W a ANDERSON THIRD SPRING JUST AROUND THE CORNER street north { of to know WU intuitively. A sure en thet soring is just ground the corner is the ht of boys playing marbles Weyne Robertson (11) of 435 Brock Weather balloons WE stations Yung boy when rived, He seems 215 { er 4) Srey wn prety § Bre & CHIRETS alr the Whitby Schools In Wrestling Tourney The Wrest hein 1egIAe |) March 4 Thi ment sChools wrest of wre displayed d The | Whithy Anderson INE oul vigorol the this tournamen The two Le Street High Sci Friday in al p.m found and so they excess welght room of the se Most of the the weight asterou yhen compete, The competition they had met Ander Le plac ing third In nf Wis a eal Wwrs thing V1 Hi wh N of they ins The teams from H. King The Hem fortunate However they should future were He Ams { th a High scorer for team was Die KEN ZAYETTE blreet opportunity am afternoon Winston Chu ny were had INsing sti hefore nui W, ith more dn points, Henry's high score Zayetie with 12 nine as Key Churem rhoroug yl Brock Feh. 16 hand turn ded a which i tourna ) with 14 d aver 0 ferent kind [2 , Hsin, ¢ but none were fortunate enoug ] n Henry ory quad entered on in the 115Ih This wa only Ontario Championshi| brought to Whithy Saulnier of Anderson suffered "9 his first. loss of the year hy week 107 being pinned in the finals by!" to compete ni Foster of West Hill Jefferys of Anderson also wa left Henry defeated for the first time at 4 p.m, onlduring the year by Zayetle o and weighed! Whithy (Henry) rehill at 4.30] Others suffering their first e wrestlerslloss of the year included Win overweightinacott (And), Hinton (And) to lose this| Davies (Henry), Davidson (H.) the boiler Long (A) Anderson had three wrestler found |in the finals which brought them dis-|to a final score of 53 point tol Henry had one wrestler in the thelfinals which brought them awards testified any! total of 12 points going along Following are the final team 45 mph. on am did well by results of the tournament: Beal|{1?. Bryan the tourngment.| Tech (London) » 71; R, H, King cost strong! (Bear.) + 55; Anderson (Whithy)| A and Winston Churehill (Bear) {1 Nelson H, 8. (Burlington)-road, Ajax yas not a Kitchener ( | 35; 146 mph weed 11th. Listowel H, 8, « 88; West Hill - glstrale perience # Thomson 20 London Police Con in thelCentral 16; Henry Street Baker (Whithy) Karl Haig ling at 45 (Torontn) Richmond Hill street east fi testified hy Tud tated £400 Woda The 4 On Cidhs stl HI tha f neg fron ek ang Were work sly all ul stop before street, He sald travelling down {the road and lost Alfred driving if p was driving the road Laurence rantn, said he ahout 85 m.ph Police Con mn in hool wrestlers Process hegan found than fle Was speeding al ino Romano + was 41] Ww io fad ( i p f hetter 12 9 m.n on that the Anderson fefferys with k entering Brock izgera table I { and Bi the y wa wl )SNawa Fin Four Cases In Traffic Court whn behind Fitz centre of seemed control of his cay Roffe vehicle Lellan also said that Paul Bryan frave when Kenneth hi ha Dundas Sunday n fined re reduced a! Gg I'eh his read 35 m.p.h, at the Ma strate Gue WHITBY PERSONALS their 4bth When they greeted bh lovely cor and also an/"t WI occasion of wedding anniversary arrived the Were the family and sage of nink roses on th Hari tree! Glues Van De Whith L that his s i Charged ith sj At the BL In list CWI meet the parish hall ther Leo J films on (he West Indies wi tn visited reece sons of My a McEwen, By hrated their si cently, For the Wis arranged Ing guests; Vi Lintner, . Keith Vickery, kent Mosher, Mi Mrs, C Games and re enjoyed hy ull Mrs, Frang V brated her birthday on Monday wish happy returns of the day Her friends Mr, and Mrs celebrating the anniversary today wish them every happiness, Mr, and Mrs of Whithy wer Sunday, daughter and and Mrs, Ken 1 Austin Mis J John and Jim McEwen, twin A the Meshey the orehld was pinned on Mrs. | oo cn ad hn The FEvange: Harding and a white earnation 14 Magistrate ng to he held inihoutonniors for Mr, Harding sos and eos this evening, Fa: They also vecelved a lovely 5 will show |bouquet of pink and white car work In pations, Just before sitting down Aus hountitul turkey dinner ensts nan eh Father 1 ding on Broek 8 m.ph Gu 1 87 h | stahle sald Homann ght / Frederic) A om ( |] Romano peedameter speed trap fined him Well told i Ma fined him dometey BShy RAB TEER RIK Uonday mal hat se vi wn 19 il. TROY ® WH hav Wet # fie jai 4 ¥ the general residence ya gL] 71.8 mills fein yene's 0 mi mercial anh iwdasts bs # ast pay bad ups last / BAA A Samiey i Was pr stor FEF As CRE rates, Mayor LABIA RE | the f st wine than half f thos money gnes for edu The new pas w the following r The 1961 cow wm year Fa hk frie iy FB BATE DECREASE they wi 4 gates fox he year WEIR AA aR BY The CoaRest #54 year's the mh is 1208 -Up By 48 he putes A ah pay da SA & RIGA Vif 4 or: LH, was Aas the rl tim. Bm 7A r fen wv a varia atiar VER WR AR RAEN oe Key Wodesd £8 WAS asad nad pend Ih A 5 framed Fak of (oa Wa i 456 Rew y Hart's ERY y hat is tax is 15 bo the 1H grant. Be We 14 fall HEL have found dR REGU BEAR 5 7 Bat wa. "a w . RY ; wp of pals 1s BE PEREIRA Comncitior Berm that he was & a a ast miner 15 the 1 that Hu RL VIE Aire Ae / a ¥ lod TO PARING nik Ld AY in wa Fh yy wig hai fa er) Wh BEAM ed Ww ith we £8 inh EREIRERT RRNL ES Sik oH Fie gen winted tha 4 e until the BIGHIIGHTS wok A Pras eid mie a that fronm whieh Mr PEs WHR on btidgrts ans H per town ok f service el & on of 0.246 m 27 84 { WRIRETL, #4) 4 sew Vast Fats 5 fro { 45 or Robert Ha eon Counc he street {tos ouncil BI: DIORER © Crime Decrease Chief Reports ye ' J table Rank " , hi on 16 the Whithy ? Commission he hows laid in 182 i report cnarge WEEE pared with 195% Following is & offen and the es In 1660 and 1959 18 (37 in 1959 16 (20); hreach of 1: uttering, 3 B charg dry grancy nizanee 111)" Id i nire 10 have wa of Was Mie eralg of of To Hing hithy Fd heen el al Feh 85 and Alex the County fon on Saturday, Mareh Until Saturday he will Ixth Crown Attorney sine of the County of Ontario His Honor Zacheus Bur a local harri had he pointed the fudge tarin County 1852 to that he w United Countie and Peel, He position of County nearly 40 years In 1802 Judge Davtnell bh the second judge of ( County, He in turn fol hy Judges feCrimmon Intyre, 8 Rudd livray Thompson and MacRar Up until recently Pritchard was Judge ounty. He had he since 1068, For C, Hall 12th judge at a neci il he in of ( al cou Uy TT dq I against Hurley from hy Ma Whithy Ler first in Pr judge of 0 acount Jud travel Dunda York L] Wa 11 High (strate ith WHE " f Vas Tudge I tarin pasition on Feh BOBBIE BOBBLES ntly Judy Richards and Kim Reatt, grandehildren of bride and groom, present 3 ed each with a heautiful ring in street, eelesioo 0 ihe family, Mr. Don Rich Ath birthday ve: qe (sk any moving pie occasion 8 PAIL ves "of them, opening their with the follows! ii" ana uiting the inseribed nai fell Tod, pink and white wedding cake Mar art an Attending the happy celehra Percy Pascoe. [HOR Were Mr, and Mrs, Har oor Eivey Clarke, Barrie, Mr, and and BUSA Abs Frank Harding, Miss Nan freshments were oan ™ Harding, Mrs Cameron, Uakwood, Mr Mya. Don Richards, Miss Richards, Mr, and Mrs many lam Porter, Whithy, ttle nd Mrs Avchireally laid the Judy Wil andenhoven cele 6:1, in the Eastern 1 first her OVERWEIGHT HOGS WINNIPEG (CP) = Manitoba hog producers lost more than $1,000,000 last year through im proper management, says gov: ernment specialist D, 8, Steven [aon About 60 per cent of the | 207.066 grade B hogs marketed home of their(in 1060 fell into the lower cat:| son-in-law, Mr legory because they were too| Seat, Oakwood, 'heavy, Bruce Shier are in Peterborough ir 30th wedding Their friends Grant attack for the James Harding, 2 entertained on the local crew BRO WH '\ KEENAN ThoY Starts 6 KV oii wos ZIMBALIST + KERR VFRANCIS WYNN+DONARUE ABULT ENTERTAINMENT conduet an the CI Evening Shows Ar 6:55.8:35 BY Last SoMplete Show at 8:35 PLUS THE p [GOEIRE Swans scant GLUN wy DE Luke en him up somewhat charges as he not a4 man on played up to his can he sure i "DANA ED ithe whip and JN The Peles showing. wha gan they the Whi tea ing whistle. H first of three Prasanigd by WARNER "BROS LOR With \ NOC Dy Belinda Lee and Jack Serna Starts 0:48 33 and 0.5% night, The fourth here on Tuesday night Hetferman paced ( anueks lash to the and less Whithy Hillerests last night! as theyswhipped the local team, ane game B group finals 20¢uhd game is here tomorrow Bath teams were penalized later night and the third game back in the period but neither man on saturday ay ied to take advantage of the sharp at this early stage game The show list howeve and go Hillerests some fight back at the 3.18 m Burke scored the only g the game for the Whithy the The of game will beloxira man power winners with trio of goals with Milburn add-| ing two and O'Donnell one i was {Burke with the lone goal Hobbie continues to talk when (he should be listening and did nat help the lacal cause up a misconduct and game second thre Perhaps a twa or spell on the beach would Manager Davie wa perturhed the LLL that lehange here tomorrow coach Gagnon will be know {for the big let down last was things mare than at figured there was am th 0 Wy n eracking lime boss vod 1 al and the Petes were looking very Just ever a minute later 0 from i a the \ iN he Peles again opene in the second period ane the lead for the second ti Hefferman scored his marker and this one prov game winner as the Wh team wha appeared tired trying were no mateh fe well rested Peterborough O'Donnell made it 31 periad. || 4 mark and the locals same fe0med ta rebound after one sman the For Harvey pleking mis ¥ O'Donnell was penalized just his seoands after hut try as they were unable ng scoring might the to get a ral his who Ong will ht a ie at 11.48, He argued and gol a misconduct not know enough reason mouth shut and got a misconduct, Sure a big hi injihis stage of the game this! down three goals at that into, Less than minutes apen: Nwitier wi Off by hi weals : he il th Mithu mark lowed with second pi the an in UL] lwo tort his that 1960 com number care Judge Hall Is County's 12th Coleman ark second Hohhie got a roughing penalty bie tn kee 6 ta remain 5. (h) on, 7 (4) ¥) common a rE Cause obstruct ai Ww (47) wilful the 6) pssauit of nal negligence I drunk dwelling bouse, | night, 1 (1); offensive 1 (8); fraud possession and property, 1 136 » (1) enter theit 9 fh indecent of J J i 4 recos there ime: year thre at some dicial du in the County As Crow succeeded The tario County was Farewell, QC, He hy Col, Grierson hon (now Judge Lindsay), Gordon sequently Premier and Allan Annis Clerk of the Peace all Crown Atlorne Judge M. A will preside afternoon ses the [ Aliorney Annis n Allan n talled mtarin Nu 1 he the e 1877 Col Wis J. A 7 Conant of nham en an of On eviou of the ntario ed The for was he the Bat al on CREDIT UNION The Board of the Whithy Co-op Maro met for thes lowed in (he Odd Fellow's Mo Friday, Maveh 3. Busine CHE the annual meeting was a od ta, supple ed for ments and conducted 16 CCUme Credit monthly 8 na John general of On Id the! Next Bowvd of Directors many ing will he held April 7 Listless Hillcrests Whipped By Canucks By CLIFF GORDON Peterborough Jy Add threa more The fired up Petes were dia/ly rolling again in the that Period and added three as nal of team in the r { team, Milthurn with Heffernan with his were the marksmen Don't forget the second of this series tomorrow (Wednesday nigl 8.10, The third game horough on Saturday night the fourth back here next day night, More in regan the up and eaming games marrow night's paper, SUMMARY Ist Period Peterboroush (Dalliday, Morris) 4. 2. Whithy: Burke | (Fletcher; Sheaver) Penalties--="Tripp 5.86, 1.05 wo third Ad fast 1 took me as od the ithy ar not ar the club al the never this Ind Period Peterborough {Dalliday goal locals ly go b | Morris) Penalties Milhaurne major 3.11 point | Babhie, minor d did] game misconduct Pp his| 13.41, Milburn 14.45 game ard Period elp at rbarough: Milhoury and MeKav) 11.43, Pete (O'Dannell Peterborough {Marpis Dallida Peterhoroug! h y bh later I he mil enally 3 Mithaury (Armour, O'Dannell) , Penaltic Middleton (Heffernan 13.507, Shearer ¥ furhance hreak apd damage found trespass wt weapon were two judges and performing uw same Alex first crown Attorney of On followed Melb MefGihhon Ontario) The position of Miller of Cobourg Directors meeting Hall husiness| without a reply from the Whithy will he in W 5 in P Heffern: 18.59, ¢ . BIA 4 L ereased by $000 to $15 tact (i) drive for seaul police 4 n erimi n stolen Hime Hall 1946 5: | of (sub Id hy urday nf Union on from ttend nay meet real final more and goal game hithy 11) al oter and Man d lo in to g Progr that was etenked to eisd Wn five or seves WE Rew pray eas wm 11 years He forsszst that wwiess thes some lief fuom the semior CY ETRIREIES, IMR KR als Ww be forced io pare sad pore ie YREIE 1H ome 9 make fie LAK KRGRIAS RE fms The time is not too for Ais ant" Be said, "wien # wl LARK & BEE TREBIRSTIItY SRETY The oak of stiests ahucation" Crmited @ we fo thar £5rBIBYS a Raimering he pew Widget. ast year, when the rate took an Howl bis Wany (orecast thet 4 weodd tas WH CERI my is yerr be wick Ml RAGS net wd Aehemivie payments, Com lete Arts wm the budget wil isha later mal KIPEI ALAA he pub Following mre the hig Bo change in 4 the mayor wa Baad ' Reif " the VA ry first wit budge aA ing vy 9 dr ener $1Hh budget DRIES By .- $27,084.77 Police commis $I 54 Budget for sapitat rediiced on budget on pnd we fare we $6498 10 0H 57 by Budget for 5 and p 195, afier ant re Wa eased from $20 598 to $22.01 and Hi Dropesed traffic light, at Mary and Brock $t., at #2 cost of $5108, was deleted Kt res protectin WH of per § iy wa sof 2 70 0 n is budget was set at $127.00. snow removal in this hudget was pared from $5098 to Sh Aewalk repairs were M9; snd of $9090 for new ma was dropped Whithy District High Budget was pared from $276 BIZ01 Lg 8255.885 96, Councillors noted that thelr budget included more than a one-mill levy for capital purposes, contrary 1o the and reduced the budget ae cordingly The Public an Hem hine Schon) School budget, of $495 006 was passed as present ed, Councillors noted that the in crease is due in part to an in. creased debenture payment school costs F Name Officers Hillcrest H&S The Yar mesting crak Wome wad EN oR was Reid #6 Be show i) atk ifay Ee Ws HE RAKKE Yaigess, Ww ne RET ERA #hf PE 5 he #4 gowian fon wih WEE RI AT President Mp t WRAE IE RRA ng sex fA Ma Baw SH Mes. A 'eh 5 Were Es Pn Mes. J G. Kirk ed Dog Ca Miss (Glenna Eirkieod of pg st = the ser 5 ION # 7060 soln for I. the Liat d £ i WRE . 4 cele wan Aid ohisnnh the 2 Dewigias Y Lady Curlers Have Club Day held re the by played and 4 ) won by of affrey and her 77 won Bonnetia and al prize do dent, Mrs. Flor i won by and her rink 0 presented to the previous 4 WAS n A nated by President ence Lott. v Alleen Phil Prizes the wir cheduls MAY SWALLOW Hair dyes, cold wave prepara tions deodorants, bleaches or Iotions containing elcohol gre dangerous to small children £ Were 4 J a of fk n Heffernan, 0% i. Peterborough: O'Donnell 7 | Hoh: | O'Dannell 8.97, | misoonduct Switzer and| e 7.08 Ny} 14.54 \f 18.50 10.17 NEW YORK $319 ..wATLANTIC CITY 33% "WASHINGTON ~ 33° Heffernan THE GSHAWA TIVES, Viwoboy, Monch 7, 19868 § PATROL SERGEANTS Chief Recommends Promotions Of Two i dan pecomemend thet wn wher cower Be added to the = SE BY faiumest sc # he present Ed rah " dl Game (Baers we raw t Ww he hesomiag of 1000 Face thelr own cvs and this ReUah 'OH wt er HERET (6 Pre- prritice Tia he Cl minates vile aheniain Goliee prtection The Investigating Hfieer coil for the town. wh wen the W- Hen use Ws cay Bower week coming We HERS A wodd else recommend thet fromm J aniary 19H the ran of Corporal be dholish The wacom of this Wo of aud the rank of Patrsl Ser: Proneit our HIER Wp (8 RE geant substituted. This wold reamed monet for SHRITIIE op necessitate wn increase W WG REPRITIRER.. BIH pay The reason ton tis Tecsm: PBIAREE BF eendation being thet Sergeants Wink. "TIE are ayziiahie toy eoseses where: #s the rank of Corporal is aot walnded wm thie pesgram. This dasa erat the Fe: oertment " VOTING PROWIEM VANCOUVER (CF) =~ A svg gestion has bees made hegre tht voters be deprived of their civie franchise for # i they fal to vole two yeers IB # vow HY COREY Comp ics i$ Hr Dd Harmmmmanfiatione ® ae wont SE. ah £5 t Arik g Bt 1 vey Wee BEAR wn 19 fhe L slow EIR eg In werk EN 4 have the plesswre of that since Sgt. Gerald RINE RR the F Eimme gation cowrse Ww Haws (attaining the Wek mark of 9.5 ey - j knowiekar 64 pairing have bern a great asiet 5 Da prtiment. | feel 2 fis LIRR B CRIBATR 18 RRLRESATY 3 WIRERA WE DRIChese a facilitate crimmined ines i gah ions . yA : yhRE 9 A studying the propossl O.H.A. JUNIOR "B" EASTERN GROUP FINALS (Best 4 out of 7 Series) 2nd GAME WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th 8:30 P.M, PETERBOROUGH Junior Canucks vs, WHITBY Hillcrests Whitby Community Arena Adults 1,00; Students with cards end Children 50¢ Une Xo Spend for Fan... When you go 0 ty Blu ROUND TRIP FARES ARE LOW BOSTON MONTREAL OTTAWA $3390 17 14% Make Early Reservations For Package Tours Including Hotel Accommodations WHITBY -- HARR 300 Dundes St mn Y DONALD, AGENT, E, 'MO 8.3475 OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL AJAX wo (South) The Coffees Cup WH 2.2940 {Narth) vir Safler Chop 18 PRINCE STREET, Phone RA 3.224) £53 GRAY COACH LINES