THOUGHT FOR TODAY gw THEY'LL SHARE BOBBY to marry Hi Da Lordship Witch her. But ordered out of foe it Jae fame 5 Fue Wit her mother Two Men Admit Peugeot Kidnap ANNECY, France | Hew: sid Loviay thal a paratrooper and an accomplice have confessed to the kidnap #8 ming last year of four-year-nid coupie seized was about auto heir Fre Peugeot to speed off in @ sports ear, Al After questioning the pair for new hlack sedan was stopped in 46 hours, police said the men's nearby town and the other two had admilied Parbicipaling. Inlgouples weve-piaked up, the kidnapping last April 12 which netted 50,000,000 francs WAS LAVISH SFENDER ($100,000 ransom, The blonde] Holland was identified as a 24 youngster uf gute magnate Hol-lYesl old ex-paratrooper who had and Peugeo: was returned un- heen spe nding lavishly, although harmed he had po visible means of sup The part, He mintained an apart parted tn in Faris and made fre dentified a weekend trips ta Capen ilse known as with the Danish beaut fort, and Parry Bodin, who was picked up In some quarters tioned with him Beau Ber lusurious eight hey preparing for a police closed wn on them AV =a stay in a former room hale apparent Were ELAW iH ne Iwao men who were Ji have confessed ment Raymond Holland Holand de Beau Larcher, known | Lise of Paris as and gue WOT fhent nagen wanted by police extortion and for pana hatlery I'he Peugeot bay was kid napped from a playground just ide Paris from under the es of 4 enaulfeur and note found Larcher was n Pars for and ON SKI HOLIDAY hey were picked up | fin along with another man and three women, including a Da nish beaut and a Kur asian strip tease artist. All hadl|' heen on a rk val Me: A LOVE andpnie I'he father I'he VHB fa: |rendegvou after aul queen 4 Fansom Vid in ation al Peugeot family made a vith the kidnapper reesiving mysterious tel calls On paying the ran Pou sought to di further ve the Furasian=--whost Am PANEEE=--Wd Mitsoukn I'he thre High Ware I'he three and mother ntified rican ihe ani " phone il ind 1 her som He aol ater released COUTaES police 1" couple had heen hon of Ane Commonwealth No Bets On O LONDON (C1) saphistieates who complain thal don with ag the Commonwealth lacks drama Whatever the premiers may find the missin there bv always the upplied in abundance at that a chant starting Wedne \Mready, suspense Is high, A Cammonwealth prin apen mind Politica! who si Coming to nen ton pons hiny element meet rear mn day CHUSE an ox plosion Fhe olash of personalities ie the conference in London, there London's stately old Lancasteg that they House refloet the passion take 1 of the racial ssa 1-day that have placed South Africa A Cammonwealth credential Com: Je in Ha room al isters assemble 5a gbneral awarens are playing far high For the care of the conference 15 whether rica 1s te remaln in manwealth Unthinkable as 1 In view the Cammanwealth gentlemanly traditions, theve | a possibility that the Union may he hlackballed fram the club, or ton) 1s an article of faith decide to leave of if He is cord hie, robust Part of th While hody can Ie Wee will ma happen. Beitish diplomacy, 1 ald, has canvineed south Afviea APRON: ling Sts u0ch as Ghana, Ma India and Pakistan--that a line should he followed WATCH Two Hut Ceylon the warkd's minister, My anaike. There Hons that the Canada's Jahn min may nature Nouth the in apardy For th ine will feat time, tH be put at the confer nee hy Hendrik Verweord, a tall, white-haired Afrikaner for whom apartheid (racial separa union WAY seem af awn intellectually formida In argument but ca of considerable charm. He try to convinee his that apartheid is than arama is that no what ool noth hho Ey! CaN am AH Ing more aod nel ahyviow Val FAVORN EXPULSION "Verwoerd is bevand th Woh of The ectatoy Hit AnNiel A i 0 ) a auth the reason an independent that Avs asin faving wision tram In the mags Nogal write whose representan rica ox ORIY woman im onwealth Ronald M rwoerd Lake (durin sirmava Randay ATE Als gee man to watch | 1] he sa the ¢ at way Wl hi HY Diefenhakey CITY EMERGENCY 'Mrscwer. = PHONE NUMBERS de; he can only be defeated I is Britain's keep POLICE RA 5.1133 \ Baa aver du FIRE DEPT, RA HOSPITAL RA a2 a mandestation of will oan hape 0 RS under Passihiv | via d \ Ww or wil \ ihreshed owl Wn Wy (groups at ¢ mau hequers, the British 1 nurse Lit fie Oshawa Tunes yor foray Fer Copy -PINS Expert Seeks 'Compulsory Blood Tests TONTHIZAY chemist called for breath Le pected of mpaired driving Mr, Peclol vineial medico Laries, old Lhe ence of Quehed that legis ih paired or drunken drivin Gold Runs eH) med (CP) Fie ard Pele compl blood Ber toda 0 ana far motorist H expert at the pro legul labora trafic confer! mumeipalitie ded on of nm tion net HN I ent aetly Gold en vhiat hy determina TORO thusia gpparent tion to hold the metal present level hgh al the ow the elopers A he traditional prospecton tll feel fall v0) m, | 0m American price a continue in en I ihe rent con tion of Prospectors and ociation ald-minded last thal onrn old pres than a Hash im the Hi Vis mon And the hit Talk: utcome Prime Pan parently helieve Onn Pee minist dene I'he tran 1" and against Prime Minis Heves thal Commanwe fo pasta Macmillan ho dth lead el rusts to ature Man-mad hn Ht station we tran Ho natiana hist avern Avie will hut countrie fold CHUNG ment in south not that eldam 1 land last Taroves Lhe tum \ ind leave family Hy wi lxpulsion of feel manwealth Other We Just a Hh remain interpreted hy South Af 11,000,000 nonwhites as a thal monwealth can fate of re Hurma deem to show Ain Cam South He Walid rock the ure that allowing Union 1a will he rica san in the hout nobody Com their Queen Meets Two Premiers | I'he min Nigeria lay on duly after a aul Wa Ahan Ni Abubakar Tal A 1 Robert Mensie AL called on the Queen at Buckingham Pal ave Nh and her husband Prince Philip, had heen hack in England than MH hours fram th le \ Pakistan \ ! LC ster SHAWNA, OM TARIO Nkrumah Opens UN Session RT iT (AP) President Ku ame (hana sels the stage renewed dehating on The with # specen- to the United Ba (Ener! Resemmty rom dan for an @W - Mean UB he hae ¥ SATION of fon fame Prin an feay tions fis CATR mand Cnty Braman {he fisted for TFE GPETHINE BES fhe wed FAN SEY, WHER |} aly speaks om fe (reneril certain to Mw dominated vy Fhe Lamgn fs on the eve Bewvief sifiaed of Vd 3 JRITING hots the session Fore gn Minister fiimied a IReneasn General Dag Ham Monday fon wher Andie CGromyko BeCcTetgry kind or Ve riman iar Graomykn 5 hoy preted 4 EIving iene his tn pre the | IT Cambie wn end of ana the kjoid fon ma Russia will demands tor Congo operation nation of Har VErimal fit mitlined ary The "nl on Conga, # INCENTIVE TO LEARN (AF) The | hire Light Infan gavertised toda n fon dL) must he beaut) re LORDON York regiment Own Landon nese [| paper eneher egimen Anithean adn Hare plained 10in yids men Lo Lake regiment this the n Or falayn later We wani an interest and the peopl Hare hopes to get 100 volun teers to attend night classe in their off-duty hour I think if we can gel a pretty teacher they will he more inclined to put in a few after-duty hours of study," he continued A wil commented Buch instruction is all right 0 long the teacher Is properly qualified the angus office spokesman reed give nerease will he a internationally tores sufficient warld currencies In the face of Lhe American and the return ta normal of London price peakers so far haven't heen able to offer much to fan the enthusiasm But, supporting the ton theme 100 Gold Mining In Canada applaud gold the Canadian nie falth in it OUTLINES RECORD V. €, Wanshrough dent and managing director the Canadian Metal Mining A aclation, In an address today aid that aver. the 100 year $5,000,000,000 worth of gold has heen produced in Canada, and that the industry has paid oul nearly $000,000,000 in dividends George O, Avgall Jr, editor of he Mining World, San Fran cinea, urged that both Canada and the United State ming more: gold and silver Chinese Move Troops From Border RANGOON (Reuters)=Rurma welcomed today an announce ment that the Chinese National iit government an Formosa is taking steps for the swift evacu won af Nationalist irvegulars from Burma and bordering countries upon gold hack in vilue to statements hy administration canven of they tn Y 00) contribution and enduring value economy ox ol Chinese have heen on since shortly after gained independence AR In TIEN I'he FOORS Are remnants of Nationalist Chinese Gon, Li AL Yunnan army, which retreated Across the boarder inte remote wrthern Burma when the Cam NURISLS he mn 1 The Nationalist Rurmese Hurma fram Bpil Irregular forces onl averra naimnland Burma han land Chinese in been "living aff the their arrival COOrOINg Burmese and making Maney mam apium 1 Ay local good I the Ba { A) hoon upphied ORAL arms and ammunition hy the Nationalists on Formosa ' the ( aillers An wan Famine Phe Vif ie 1a iid Mie fheae Warply from wands, | nil mm Mean UN he sel Bp WN aver full re fa ana order Comgalese grmens ws IRETr PRT aCKS Rerr weapons Io Es command pew al Command wild Fhe HF Z, Al Congr 16 Fake imihity law wanila fr SUFFEnaer PEt? ana (Hi Sinean personnel EFVIRE W iw CONEMERE RITVIEH wold he cxpelied ab once ihation contre, alk po wong he Commie ne cmv ened Graig Skpnamiatic (mee the mtlitary is Brought nae FHA the WIRE fitien leased and HWatnem Fit f Fike entalives would for the time new UN com with and ne eave Fhe Io give the " Langn Feng manag a hal 6 Gperie (LN TT a eheduied a Lrenera)l armament aps that the UN dered replace general man executive iounced in Moscow i would drop Ms UN to eon the EEREr 15nkie hefire i Fhe uh detinung fre emily Ww 7 ruetyre Bb COretary lias ation the neident inking the demn nited Biates for ia Liz Taylor Still Grave But Better LONDON (AP)=81ill gravely Elizabeth Taylor rallied to alter blood transfusions and reported to be "hreathing quietly and peacefully," A statement issued by the 26 cur-old film heauty's doctors sald she is "definitely improving although the general situa remains grave,' Haggard from worry and lack leap, singer Eddie Fisher for third night remained near wife's bedside in the exclu clinig in the heart of Lon I'wo were In the wekroom throughout the night Her medical team of six do lors saw the actress this morn ing, They issued this bulletin | After a restless night with high temperatures her condition In definitely improving this marning and she is hreathing quietly and peacefully although the eneral- situation remains rive A eeond breathing Dr. Robert Beaver, was in to ald the actress, who un derwent an emergency trache otomy Saturday, A hreathing tube inserted in her throat then und aw electronic lung are help ing keep her alive Al period Monday Mi I'aylor trength hut she rallied after heing glven hlood transfusions for her ane condition 1 day Wi Han ol the hi ve don doctors expert ane night mi called ohhed, | TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 196] | EXCEPTIONAL ELK Joseph Jones. of Garson, | Ont, proudly displays an elk's head with a B6-inch spread of antlers, He shot the elk in the Bayswater, Ont, U.S. Not Prepared For Limited War WASHINGTON (AP) ability of the United Btales to intervene quickly and effectively in a hrush-fire he in serious doubt because of alrhift and sealift shortages This fact came to light Mon day night Pentagon disclosed aller a the requirements this BOUrC the study oul Checkin study with auree these 1. The air force has fewer than half the planes needed to My a full division of 17,000 men limited way completed earlier thi other facts emerged requirements veopros. DIEFENBAKER PLAN Commonwealth | Bill Of Rights? | Prime Minis came oul in favor of a declaration of LONDON (CF) tor Diefenbaker trongly today Commonwealth hi \rrivin at Landon alrport from Ireland to attend the con ference of Commonwealth prime ministers starting Wednesday Diefenbakes told reporters Phroughout my life 1 have heen an advocate of the. basic wineiples of freedom and equal iy." He refered ta the Rill of Rights passed by the Canadian Parliament last fall, He had first introduced the bill in 1941, and it had taken 18 vears to get it passed I" GOAL FOR ALL MEMBERS It took us many years lo bring this about, | believe the Cammonwealth should have be fore (1 a stmtlar abjective We ultimately must have a abjective a declaration of which all Com manwealth auniries must stand f Asked he hopes for action at the coming conference Diol cited: a Chinese Prove ol principle fm whathey nHakoy rh VOIY Journey of 1 years begins with ene step! Dictenbaker arrived from Dublin accompanied hy his wile external al afficials. He Admiralty Minister Mac and a of irs oe numer artment IN neh House w milla Macmillan 15 believed ta be seeking that the apartheid to persuade ministers controversial topie of) hould he considered | separately trom the question of south Afvican readmission to the Cammaoawealth AVOID ACHIMONY The British prime minister's mative is to try to keep disous sions on South African as re strained as possible Also arriving in London today | was Prime Minister Nehru of India here woud be no "shortage" complex and difficult ques: tions at the 10-day Common:| wealth conference Diofenbaker| sald, The paramount' question would be Jdisarmament Revertin 1 apartheid, he sald Canada detests this policy hut the tion of South Api] can membership in the Com: | monwealth iw one for discussion and consideration hy all the Prime ministers Diefonbakier mm bublin was a Canadian Ireland Mp, and Mrs, Diefenbaker ve pald their rish hosts Manday nmeht with a small recoption for government, educa Hon, the judiciary and other fields. Ther they gave a dinner for Irish bFromier Sean Lemass and his wile at the home of Ca? nadian Andbassadoar and Mrs \ a4 R al \ HS | ol us three-day stay the first visit of prime minster to loaders a onbakel and Lema minute held a conBidential chal MORE SOLDIERS 60 INTO CONGO Sudan Quits After Shooting distr the in 2: The navy has barely enough WHr appears 10 (eaap ships operating in the Al lantic et third he bagged an elk in the ares. The to a combat area and sustain il action I division If hard pressed in the Pa eile finding of | muster move one reinforced marine d vision CAN'T MOVE SWIFTLY In hi Pentagon Slates has seven combat-ready divisions marine HIE ar mercial atreraft and ships have would {put them into the field swiftly To make up its deficit in alr 1] deered omergency NtERMERIA LEOPOLIDVILLE inforeements hegan paldville today Nations contingent diers United small Post fico Bepsriment, GWews Today's fine weather will probe ahly be drowned ont Wednesday by # rainstorm forming in Olda- hema, SIXTEEN PAGES (AFP )--Re of Moroccan sol arniving in Len after Budanese troops and # of Canadians were forced mut of the vital port of army Arrival of the troop Budan's iis with that Matadi by the Congolese emneined announcement withdrawing its 400 men from the UN force in The Congn Ihrahim UN Budaness command president the ds Abboud accused of carelessly playing the Sudanese contingent at Matadi and failing to provide proper reinforcements for the outnumbered garrison The United Nations is to negotiate its the port eity Irying way hack into and the reinforces iments bolstered its negotiating | position The Katanga Moroccans from the flown Province, were first to arrive in Leopoldville Emergency arrangements made to airlift 600 soldiers to The Congo Tunisia day, and the vanguard were from Wedne # UN spokesman said of 3.000 troops from India probably will arrive within a week The United Nation called up its reinforcements alter a week end of bitter street fighting he {tween UN and Congolese (roops in Matadi ended with the sur garrison | The Sudbury, It lese siraight year Wile that (CP Wirephoto) A UN - put Matadi the asserted He far there for 350 days » sealift hall a marine the navy could transports wever enough The 20,000 men victory "We certainly ments but we are not using any awainted threats in our negotiations with! Malagasy Cangolese sald inforcements sent to the area 80 The Congo have nD | render of the 135-man Sudanese Sunday and a warning spokesman need reinforce authorities,' the only UN re heen a company Congo Famine Nearly Over UNITE ( United i.'!Monday that the worst of the away province of Katanga dnd famine in the southern part of {main NATIONS Nations (AP)= reported represented a {show of strength hy the Congo army difficulty faced hy the Upited Nations if it decides to (ry fo disarm Congolese troops reiterated the United Nations' intention to ig soldiers hack into of of Indonesian soldiers. They flew to the coastal hase of Kitona during the weekend. Kitona is MM miles from Matadi Kajeswar Dayal, ehief of the UN Congn operation, postponed a flight to New York for consul tations with Becretary-General Dag Hammarskjold hecause of the mounting 1ension The United Nations has about 16.000 troops zy The Congo With reinforcements from India and Tunisia, its strength will be honsted. to around 20.000 men Closely questioned by report ers on how the Malad fighting began, a UN spokesman said an inquiry is being conducted Congolese officials have charged the UN f(roops fired first; UN officials say their men fired only in self-defence UE yay vessels carrying i marines sailed toward Con. waters off Matadi but a state department spokesman de- nied that a landing was In pros pect The Upniled Biales has tricted its operations in Congo to transporting and plying "N forces The four-ship task force was diverted fiom a goodwill mis. sion to Town, South Af rica Gizenga Holds Up gnlese re The sup Cape Peace Talks 4 TANANARIVE (Reuters) "Congolese leaders today the arrival in this republic capital of Antoine Gizenga for the opens ing of a "peace conference" aimed at ending tribal strife in The conference had heen due [to hegin Monday but its open: ing was set back 24 hours to laway province of Katanga and {head of the administration in Stanleyville and former deputy premier to Patrice Lumumba, A source close ton Moise Tshombe, premier of the break: the confer promoter of the Congo's Kasal province isjence, expressed hope for 'far. lef, though the United|a large suffering three 11] and ability four army It lacks the sealift some U.K, com Congo he fast lo comman: in a developing 178 per | Tora 1n Nag The statement In a report covering UN civilian truly representative meeting of operations for January It said that as a result of the combined staff, and the generous response hy Belgium. last June 80 many countries to appeals for help, the death rate was cut by|arrived here Monday for (he cent, aver but it has left in its wake|reaching number of Congolese from malnutrition was contained the UN authorities efforts of local decisions" now that (Gizenga has decided to altend the talks The conference is the first all administrative and tribal sections in The Congo since fighting erupted there after it gained its independence from Kasavubu President Joseph talks, TORO TURNS TABLES falling , but injury { od in the stomach and vight { horns a second time while | IMgh and received twa brok La gh In the amr wm Son. Plaza de and hit the od AOS Sunday Kasqueda | escaped serious Esqueda was wound en hones In his right hand hut returned ta fight his second bull (AP Wirephoto)