The Oshawa Times, 7 Mar 1961, p. 14

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14 OA YA Ym, Hh 7, 'Lumber Firm Today' s Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange Works All Winter t Pei Pri had i Toe 4 pw akbon Vn 4 # pr Spire Wogh fow om" Prin # la Woah br » om" Ed Eid brs Wph bor 1 Pr " i A wah Low vem ad od BRAESII OM. {OP Vlg = 7 neh wih 2 / # (774 ; ws Fy 4 4 A . pa. : fiamm wine tok the (eRe sl amy - the sx 19 11 wanihs a adr er y , 7 4 # 4 ' . her wiRer methods, The Rest 5 Wher Yass for pet TVIRE Bas WEAR RRE #9) YW ictin wash Aher Wher mw +4 in weiss ad whe RIE HADBRE I IH Eh WHER WISE TIARR WT RIE ' wher the oe wh 7 Is ry the 34% A FAS 7 WA J wi fy Sst n Fak eT Company 4 A isis oii ATER. RRA 16 Working Bewriy THREE (is WHET Rave Been hensrs = fay 16 Cele wo oni Aowbie whit weWid Reve back rer: WER. (in ivhiit wider the md wy Trade Wimisier Hers stad [ER OF BOGE Hionage TRIAS, wnt Monday nd lerined Workers have iE memth sys Be £mpany We BI 1 atl slit REITER RE CREPE BRIS HE BB SIRE Vimna wa WW. W. (Bud) Vesna, sries maneger for the NET EARNINGS Lib -vepr-mid lawn Yalley firm SHEET HHGVIRE RRIEEL re pits A IRE EOVEIIINGD / vy THE CANADIAN PRESS Sait DERaRIon LR ET ERE Sugint anatian Vly 4 Par Mave ast Bovember. he sw wr (Fr BRI CHaeh fer We EMPEY Ee ed & Wg 1e 7 i966, S4068808 $498 @ Aewiers show fy hare. 199. 51.704 899, $1.4) ¥ fon fis IY siadian Celanese vesr home with ovder p 4 1 [. 1568. S208 150 wp seies in the United > ih. 82799999, Kangham Wy 9% ing hk i Eah VRE ie Ein fat Sunvernmem mbar 1rads o PYIIPY ream Company : ; 8 " 4 : / A on Wf last fall. Dew sak A ar ended Dec. 35. 1968. net : i 4 " 5 : 4 i" " mation wn The West indies § loss S87 4. 1999. net piss Edn : Sod PR $45 7 7 bith ah 4 oy | fi FeRny BEANE Tesui 50% bi ' DEATHS : ] 48 ov Ai A : Comp Cb hd 1 TH TH : " HAS GOO CHAN Woh Via Jal Via y 0 " Hai 12.568. 2 cents COmpany. Yesr 1668. 87 507 M98 sow he con 4 4 i . fH EFREE BITRE IEE ING Wuph MIAN y ; : g 5 Baa a Cm f& Berl LIfe y gona Ehanek { ak mers f Viiked Eomnany in the fou y Bon oH Capads | ear ented Dec 4 Me (C8) or 4. 585.157 M9 WA. 55 sh HH $1 41 FORO ) EP) A SREOINE arket meintained earher 19s KOK bt 4 { and dined on the down . " LJ ily Key Lo bus T J ed moderate (rating an Gillies Brother an fond Men May Toe Ottawa Changes Mind On to1CL COLONY oii line velit "ran, ain sn 1 method decided 10 lake a ¥2,.- 1 ld anids dipmed 1a a Wh 00 gamle / 0 flown 3 #t Fashion Line Congo Troops' Allowance Comes Home oT yt HT AE il Fea, When ean proce ' the 4 $ J Yolume for iT 3 PTA e 1100 n The Congo and log inte finished lumber, wn A hy 3 ) / Ld 4 ad p bor | 4 iid Hare COMDRTE | ni and { f members of the Com SEATTLE (AP)="Fhe dream gave i our hest but it was (oo one 100f covering hve acre j ddd ROWHEN. C1iltord 4 Srila J ! ment I Ha / 1.227 000 traded Friday Hindas » A en atlo ) fina min # I E and annount 7 pet J were critical of the Dec. of establishing » get away much for u 13 diving kil and a in $V 1 lost V4. Consol nd Dominion at 43% and den. he ¥ f h # ) OW BNE cement. Soldiers com: from i a) colony on the Gal: Alb had high hopes of estab: plenty of automation method awd In bh HTH milita VSO ed tha discriminated apagos islands has faded and lishing a new We away. (rom the mit} can produce one-nel ho hove the bur: the 1ast of the would-he colonic: the problems of civilization boards ready for use in as Jithe j ar { { of helping get €F5 has returned 19 cwilization POORER BY $10,000 16 $100 Gal a f / YaLions operation mn older ang phy ad: poser Fhe disillusioned Harrison, from the U.S, Pacific northwest, On the winni ide, Viddy Pa " was announced Feb. | n whic going last by about $10,006 worer hy $10.000, told a re: joined the venture, Families per iumped 200 1a 61. while the government said it would he "We lived like animale Le paid 82.500 each for a share in Dominion Yar and US, Ford retroactive to Dec. 1. 1860 Def A i Harkness was like a nightmare," Charlie | want to warn anyone con: the colonizing company. War: gained to 1h and 77 WINCH ange of policy Harrison Jr., said Monday as he idering anything like this that rsh 1eft the islands afier a few Falconbridge vose 1h at Mh LOCKE'S FLORIST ga Commons ques: and his family settled in their the imagined and the veal are Month hile Hudson Bay Mingin asined 7 i : 4d bite. vl y home in nearby Kenmore " BH I Nickel eral RIIGngements "i Hi natura ola i | F k E id two different things We lived in a shanty said 14 to 4815. International Nicke ens | i axe rviaence EFPRCTIVE FROM ARRIVAL i ol - requirements - for # ul i ia a fitted jackel, and nal Harrison, one of a group who 11 all started in the summer Harrison, "The roof sagged and advanced at 67%, BUT Nor: PEEFOR / or consideration of all the left here last March 25 ahoavd of 1658 when Dongld Harsch, the hoards were rolled. It was anda dropped Ye (0 44%, Denle OSHAWA SHOPPING For Divorce facth hd ed," he said, "the the vessel Western Trader 10 an unemployed tughoat skipper, so hot you couldn't breathe. son slipped 47 cents tn $990 ENTRS ST MUST MATCH : WErRmEn ha Aecided tn colonize in the islands ail he advertised in a Seattle newspa: There was no FUNnINE Waler ff d Gunnar sid 20 cents at 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE ee 8 est must Match the sult: HAMILTON (CP)=A nih ) Id Riawanoe i Ps wie nd ive on Agi! for "a0 adventurous fam: electricity, We burned candles 87.50 : RA B.6555 H I d CIEmMpora) 2 who sought a divorce fram he 4 0 4 ANAL an we we last 1o Jed f ih bea) Ad ilies to establish & model for umination but you had tg Among golds Ker Addison Hong! Meh ire Ou BUS hoshand testified in court Mon: Who hi erved in The Congo, post off the Ecuadorian Coast. community on a beautiful Pa- he careful that the candles didiwas up ' al 1186, but Giants enders or braces are DKewise' gay shat a Hamilton private de. eifective fram the date of their: © gyeryhody's gone fram Gal: cific island." not hend double from the heat Yellowknife dropped 8% (no 1, GERROW FUNERAL or eca e ik i kdupel is pant 6CUVe arranged 10 fake adul A al Fi dhe (HP be service: APRROR NOW " he said. "We' About 150 persons, mostly and start a fre" "Hollinger mines Jost V4 at 24%, he wide, peak-lap Wi 3 vit is 'ah a ae CHAPEL nf the British look ind is the oY SYillence lof hoi 18 told men who have returned as well (rousers minus cuffs first gp in the return 10 0 Willis 8 those still in The Conga willl 5 : ( udge Wiliam | hwenger # n Kingnass. beyond r 1 Seen Huge double-hreasied sul and a 12:man jury In county receive the hepefit of the ex (4 g 0 [5] yet within reach Other tips from Mr. Taylor: court that she paid anothey tended allowance, My, Harknes gif ORONTO ({ aul 6 Bo not use shoe lace elastic: woman $50 Dec, § to spend a had said earlier that practically % 90) RA 8-626 I nad pl A fi Paul A of sided Wellington hoots are more few minutes in a hotel room all memhers of the force serve : " rt J the United Nation necial fund. comfortable and look helter with her hushand, Rao Mor: In The Conga for six months ni vants $350 000.000 000 in good Do not take wives along when |e 1) nore and would qualify for the OSHAWA and service duis the dor ( shopping for men clothe Standing trial on a charge of BUOWANCES ARNYWA MONUMENT COMPANY decade tn raise hy 25 ner cent! they don't know: anything aboul fabricating evidence are private The fiyst Canadian (raps a) PECIALIZING IN the personal income of 1.300: them detective James Lawrence, 3b rived mn The Conga in mid:-Aug Monuments, Marke 000.000 persons in 100 countrie Do not affect a medium in and Gwendolyn Chigmpi, 21, Us! Memorials, ( tanes Admittedly difficultie nei. Clothe as do President Ken: They pleaded not guilt - I'he defence ministe noted itutary. of all type dg J y ned Prince Phillip and An Crown Atlarne Harvs Ie. Canada has some 280 soldiers RE 4, KING 37, | des 9 the achievement of the than Armstrong-Jone in the Culleeh said police uncovered serving in The Congo==maost nf RA B-3111] RA B.-BB/& nal | have uggested for ihe haope of not offending anyone the alleged offence when que these are signallers and head 100 Make 1 0 torn able And to he well-dressed, a man tioning Mi Morley after he quarter nersannel hesides 5€e how ; i 0 oe Ent : on n hould have, the following ward-ltried to hang himself with a ahout 80 RCAF men IN MEMORIAM rier itis' {ine hold tot, own, wars tun Lo nk, bef wi, 2 hipved. maviding ue take ad: Sul twn sport jackets with'He had heen arrested prior to HOME DELIVERY to save : lack PATS the Ahout a minimum of four alleged divorce fabrication I per cept of the : antage of the « ieriences AWRENCE 0 ne nory Ail : of sho and as many shirts had escaped, and was year: hake) ales in Canada are or A nel BA mh Lah ay Muchos passed # AY Bld Au Hig 0 Ul and underclothes as he can af: vested, after which he tried to made hy house « 1a house de ; My. Hoffman spoke "ford hang himself, court was inld. iver ng tL road to cial convocation Wn ir 0 : i 4 pf H F 0 upenin Manda nl mn dl her, We ance k Ho hraith Buildin I 87.000.000 y wor po 0 y Wi home af th ulty of applied ha go bg, oS Ena Wt bo for each person had heen { ( neal a IntEnce | | ment AO i LJ L} and vestments in he" io | travelling with you autre i ng { toca 4 Big He sald Vas three hut there i 1 lwn ped annual ine n papal Holtman il feanomi hal nalitics pans I must ha ather S400 000.000 annual MARKET -PRICES FORONTO (C1) Whale ruil and pgotahble prio HEAD ame today wert Apple ems stn a oe, ie: EE lS Ll ; WITH NEW DISCOUNT TRAIN FARES! oll 4.00 A aw FOR TWO OR MORE=ROUND TRIP + ANY DAY OF THE WEEK + ANYWHERE IN CANADA hamper I : Firat class, Tourist or Coach, where individual regular raund trip fare 1s §7.80.0r mars eHow Wh { 1 a4 Bu shel: hraceali 3.954 @ 5 Wy : See how discount train fares cut travel costs! nrus A Fri a el prow drum, cabba old 85-1, Texa BT Tn ar Mos dma ant tT If your return fare is § 10,00, every additional person pays only § 6,00 each washed 1.50: cauhflawer 3 ARETE | RAR ATRL : aid hd If your return fare is $ 50,00, every additional person pays only $30,00 each 400 a ons ranhervies 44.35 Ee hi A carton: cueambers 4.38+4.73 if your return fare is $100,00, every additional person pays only $60,00 each RAINS ARE NEEDED per 34s; leeks 3.3 | 1 Huan WASHINGTON (Al) The basket, lett 0s 20.95, WM 3 A032 75, Clunese 1.a6 a bushel number of waterfowl abserved|®a01 TE, LIEAG LA0 NEI The Call Director. This one does all; N CERTAIN AREAS MANY DISCOUNT FARES ARE ALL:INGLUSIVEmAND PROVIDE BED, MEALS=EVEN TIRS during the annual winter survey has nian cooking La §a was 11 per cent more than last] wi 5 pound ha Sohn ig Begg RO. anion 3.30:4.13 Doubles as switchboard, Conference table, loved and (4.25 pear this time are the driest in 95) S00 0 unwashed hel, washed 1.251.970 Manda ST La A : Call your local ticket office for the DISCOUNT FARE that applies for your next trip winter snows and heavy kel rhubarb, No 1LET Nef Intercom system, Talks the language of business, rains are needed if the(? 65.75 quash, hubbard CREO on Peaster ivesione GANADIAN NATIONAL ZEEE CANADIAN PACIFIC ulares MATEY Wa mast iw annual winter surve hE PL uD Clea, rom the Bol. RA 3-4122 RA 3-2224 goneies said the { ¢ Vi March. 5300 Bg By 3 RL \ the ane seures for all business communisalans sper cent abe arch TH 0 ow § ihe gna sours all 3 the interna department oY 1480 {a0 the

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