MA=Avlh, 4 Poy (45--Resl Estate For Sole |45--Reol Estate for Sole (A5-~Resl Estate for Sole | A5--Resl Estate for Sole (45--Reol Estate for Sole [AB--Automobiles Wontsd | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tassie, Merch 7, 1967 13 BEVING & howe! Bend mone? Pix 7 . RIV BTR sin, SII A00 1k price, mod: $08 BOWE. Loos [6eston, wawe 14 PRIVATE whe A y s-- " ie yn (1 Fri Te F's y" os wens Rims Weick ng iow, Bf. Bese Wiest Boh, § motern five I ge sopaiad, vir BRIE Dunas, Worm Rens Pg ew Ter oo Kart lew FOO trom frmihed hase ment et 186 Rasauining wing [06 WNen FRAFERINGS FI, HOPE BOR TOR BECK RGR Ra hems he Gill ca He 7 (memes re fm fansns dd § RIF. BRIS, BEE hh f bo on on these GTRERG; NE DHA ma SRITIEE, (iB, BERS BOR. ik, FW BENE JERI 53 4 - WERE, frien FOR RE, BEG PE # ie For move WI imatm wh Ress Iie i ad of Wee lawn 3 reer wih oder: FIVEFILER modern hers opactmans pa uamrgmons Yad » 4 3 FON WRB BROWER, REPRE Be a oy REIGN, i : iar 'y AG id A» Ms eh dure, AL wr hawt ia Paiaient WE Bmw, nines 14 Wi RA sore " [2 My hows KA $088 16 Aiwa, Wi it estan pd wm, "A pow Py Pais 4 yf Fatih hn - SETRERS frwhay ho WAT [moms memt. Bey A ia SITIES, EARNER K iy So s---- POUR room sper ent, immedieis a x wm win vied wm, iow FOR REAL ESTATE 6 for ay wie ps WO ot 4, 109 Wines Bireet, Wins. 09 cot aoking. 65, Dire a ! -- i A i i Lida a TR jo" Ths. 1 45a dc #7. BA i7isd, Wenberiey Ras Coots -- me -- £ ML, IRAE Eeeely. BRE, Giack mechine. Telephone WA SW Af & & ™ | Brmie av farm Age - rr hat vo niet, $78 mnie. WA 500 DON 6, SMI (Rawr, oh a WARE fom, pews [Adie Wokath, work, expert service LOTS : | HARMONY VILLAGE Vg Wii MR HM BM Wy 44B--Rooms For Rent : | my Vickery Rest Estate | Open 2-4 pm, deity, Trade, (Vind (rp Warten' fo Tein Franks Be 590 re , : FURNIOWED hosesherwing mom lor $2.506 sack, loested in -- JOHN F D WITH Nr ated ORpOie Baris SO : ont Som Benauet of the Mid ps rom th ¢ gentlemen. copier Wows worth Gh Mores Hhity Call Business ip BA1IR ' Dergvan High Schest, Wer. (87 =Automobiles For Sole | ANDY MAGY'S Cubs and Beowts was held on Comment 4 Hen IL ada & f 4 5 4 . : . en en Comin tanie ovis TF Elan, Mrs. Tierney, RA 55207 Po BA 8489] | Rasher and Ganert Inwnence | mony R45 7 AHONIE Boer 1 Bork 7 BODY SHOP Seturdey Evening a Kedron Wr, Ted Waldman eased NEWCASTLE ABP aa. FTV asting, Dives Church, The Ladies Awphary the congrititatione of the Dis Jeae Simeon £750 : {ae did Ls wot sah * Comm Hise gery Beemer wove, large Fe LLOYD REALTY | PHONE 334) BOLAHOOD LTD Noire ler WH a, 7 PTR | Cote soon verve Lserved u hen turkey dnner Wisriet Sel om the ropa gronth KEDROYN = The first Father ley Richardson bronght warm rider law Have > a sia Bia tiene, ol, $7,800 income heme 4 Fagitsr Insnenes 1s CORY compe, Wine Wilh wike| orng Wneel ohigrment, wt 85 hays and fathers in of the Bea Movement in in dowsiown & PEE ORR 15HF or frirmeea id reried for $60 monthly. Low Fig benecs Strast, G§Va-roomed, Hap. Barry edie, Wromee, Tala, EL Frome and wheels HIGIGHIER The Sunday Scho room. whieh commun He wet om 19 / y tom wierir. Tl "A vi new, brick bungalow, twin Shiaruty, SOapiong ig was very gay lor the occasion speak of how Lord Baden Pow: i Mask shony Eg trimming aditin valence i maewinie Inoh na. FA B-A45I 4 4 the first po Giaust ten, Me, | ooh ; ' po _ With ored ties, The lables were de Program wh place and box, exaust ton, o APPROKIMATELY (a , besmhy Wetomy, Wit, Bly | 50--Articles for Sole corated with hyacinths whichihow even the worm ex - i & § founder mE ~~ WORKABLE LAND riienste, umd iomiion, Win tsk TPF Piesiomid armmpsiion ros sia he hors had £roun ' aid gi oe _--- he Secon' Crew Street, b-ro6med bnek ouch Wrade, Toieshine BA +2917 (acart ves, Root odes, In #xim Hey wad ~~ id har Don) A bin (] 7 y 3 FLA 4 at » # # home with modem Somers ith of orm of complete {05 ARSHORIE 0 (ondorr hark \gwesiar, Weewonst potars, Ye 0H ay p/ He Vopuiing 9 the 2 i Hh ed prwrch, nn KN HED Foo or fee wg reader! i p 4 form with hess or fur adie, ByRrmmatis wir Mew AI, } #iRgle w hon WI 39697 | ment, Coll Bil Horner now $70 monthly Self-contained ther intormetion telephone yenels inten nes Rent er. BA woos Toe of egiier snd pin pina Aer dinner. Scout Tom Ogle For # change Bin rohowe Vimar i BING LOTS of PA 85123 paving $11,600 with $1,500 | RA 59970 or BA 59929 KL pm a ANE re Vor ply the Rational Anthem (Werry led ihe growp OY # Png om h / p k, 5 A Bill] # i i i, "ne ry Tih dais" beds BUILDING LOTS INCOME: HOM # rom Ay BOK 637, CHAAR in tics red Las (hoy Whier's Vit sed Wetoner, Wr bere Barnett, hair. ws and in " Barnett shin : ! eiaits # King man for the evemng, proposed 4 some shdes rumhe, tl a] ne it Gomaws Boe ideal building ots In vera Fa brick 2Ya storey da Bid . Re aan] oa oe V0 | Pri Gin ne ed | Cote, Veter Bt 2 le ST tl, MA rig, Hi is id the baa Vn. the cen, ad Revie nd poiade i" Comp home for mm sitamie 1ov| information plese | y / PAP w, Brick ngs "v0 x oy # # : » weniie BER oF edier Mes lass on] sompie's £ om fer ' My ang tie floor Junace, low, ® toi nidsrws inden R VICKERY fi Hd Seawny Motors, Whithy, Hin " ad eon Felemhons LL iroduced thie a the haad na. fos: With Gun wadie Beds, Eo0sinE pro a 4 : AGGIE BNF TEETS 4 whoGany 11immir Mo. 1 34 -- 4 Hide Seouts per when, ¥6 weekly. Amy 4 Warren Ave | 5:7767 | tenn, Home is tostefully , a he To "4 hin REALTOR INSURANCE [ve FIEYRINEY, Dna - Sort: ie \FWRER sed, variable Ly gid Love, exeetive commis "ipaled In & knot 1ying compet: vv fisrniohed 1 ne whet, | covated and can bi (Ad ond, ody neste reper, $96 A # Bing room (8 pr ot iia vr lg Rg } 4 ot Rh 4 bi ROW 2 | valence A on Frokessional hopraises | poryindty op PAA Ihiernome Wh 3407 ; sioner Blaney Richardson, as uA Ue five lorem knits, ton. Telephone RA Hid ] en erie HT ck $14900 with . 6 Ki TW WCHEVROLET Verkwind inewis FURNITURE, power Wind sow, Wad. S191ant Aistrict commissioner y Bree ohn Rose and Vow 3 Langer sation wagon, YE swiomsiie, son ssl for cont, beds, mid secine Ted Maldman, Seoutmasters Blom Peterson were the win ONE (ss surmised om, THR | f A i oF i fa ofurm, Sirns oil the listing av vy 4 a / {wer Herp) he #1 prakes radio, wad hep # vse A ir a William Werry, Rov Robinson ners wner, now Gf FR A) Kove ned oh 4 4 ed Bosh, Whew lle, WAArY " RE WHER i " fréa CLEAN, vingle iim or househenping Rowe Wrest, brioomed br . ow, 3 moms (Can Dmence, W : a and Ross Velies, Cub Leaders The Cubs (ormed & ring FURNISHED ad ram fms armary ides fA 5.5007 THEN CALL YOUR MOVER copie, Bh Banas ARE ALR RA 8466. 4 0 6 Fm $1 000 DOWN MHA 58 RESALE Cirnighad Tipineian at] 4 3 -badrat rick Bungalow, 14 wh WAI, 4 We entennes | $4,500 tM price, $50 mont # he wo " poss A wi facilities. Ales single Hehe! . grge WEF wakes ing rao with wasnmom.) 1 POYMENT, IMME iGIe pos mom. Paved dArvewsy, Many Very cohteni. Apply 85 Conti Sere | sespion, new furncee, |6rae extras. Full price only $12 oA Coif Con Howe "FA E60 00 with w down Poy ond tie Poors, Price snd E A arranged 50 ACRES OF 54 BUICK sedon Trio, "yadin,| terme £NEES Upstairs remied for Tank room, seen, on. tones, Col Mrs. Tierney 57 WITH LLOYD | " Pit yh TO RENT TINGE Toit dur vedere iil "7 ewinres dni f , : A" | fon Wings. _mehogeny Lp fekon, hls car Io Im. STEVE ONS RD. § with the lags and Imightly col ell ame 19 set wp the Scout | A i tn LOPES FIG " BE saerilice for guiek g I Koom ih mien ho a HORTH WEST AREA home, Gi modern Sony Corner lot [ele BA §-1im ns, see Jar PEA ys, Tiohert Dale and Mrs \arownd the campfire snd sang tamer io & fianeral Motors, bus M neces, Lpstairs remes, Fee p ; "4 cil Boiipil g war old brick Bungalow nis fo big ] / 4 / 133, See at 96 Gikkons "9 EOKY AIH Waris [ i wo A "A 30512 Cif Hopkins, Cub Intructor three songs. Beventeen first & i i oT y i did ( { § # fy KA) fa A hovite ie vith Garage. Paw es Kil: | pice and terms Grignged a fer ite, # ots A mee, IIDGE Red Ielevisian piwik John Bose and Cibs Donald year service ars were pre he i ' 174 { 4 7] " Wit on gr A 77% 7 ' ae " : yi sel, WA BVI Vilrioitn Avimaa "TAGoR BOY M9 Werry, Charles Love and Ralph sented to the origingl members Feeds bedroom 4 1 V2memed brick hows fier Six CUSTOM in the Bosh) Lransistor £85 ; Barnett of the pack, and one second : . a om with vanity ond. 2 A Ue wif oa vy) 2 fA 7 L bs " ormimion Taw ® EV. FV, General Motors Frigidaire WRT . 67 KING ST. EAST / Bewmanville with ell n ' BZBLR vation Irom wtls Try Tromimion Wim Ll ol condiments Cub Robert Smith proposed a year star 10 Douglas Pascoe : bgserr fierren ( Max tf MO B.245] (Bares, HB Bond Bleset West 4 ° , E filly burnished ruotn on third GeEMmE 4 COWEN) EINER Ve 15 she 4 A ined Aa verhavied 14 i 4 LANG v furnished puom on a inf sot Temnt Pat. Dopevar BA 37315 Ui CAMILAL Tooke runs well, Fin Legh, pert ating aeder. WA dam Hoast to the church, to which who transierred (rom another Lar itaine for LEht Bosekerping ' HT pariah cam wir re i Feinnsne WA 6 WA LUCAS PEACOCK 5 TV, tome os alt ee Den. Smit RA B-4B79 lem radia, Sits. 768 Buick, a FUR Ince, miuskrsi (hacks), size 16, NE Minister responded pack wo pret Hed 1h " kitchen and he wv rivewe Immediate passes: $146500. Term HOARE to jl Neath Hild new, Felephone BA 47016 twr Beowt James Fraser propos, The evening was concluded alt waier, venisel, AY BH ARO REALTOR rm omarion A p 5 ? DO YOU PLAN |iwer enigpen, ion hitton Seine I ed the toast to fathers and Mr. hy benediction by Rey, R, Love birent East I ' {| AIAX, Pickering Beach Rood Fela phe bw CLARE -- BIRTHS W. Watson responded and the usual closing ceremon roomed home with 3p TO BUILD A RUNING § cor Need money] Wor low, | WOOKEY. = Rom to Ms. sod Mrs | Exgeutive commis sioner Blan-ies of the Boils and Cubs, ONE args hight furnished rom; pee $5123 ! 3 ; h y {, Garage. Ask ast rales, fast v, Beaboard Fi BRIry Hoviey (nes Lavender) _. a kitehenetie, with Bui In cop oRET 1 be 9 " : ieg) d., Res 3 3 Hy 9 3 yl stonnt | ow Wel, Bhs. 2 oin., on Wednetday frigidaire, #lenirie ph pp ppd y 3 100 with $500 dows HOME / Mret Boh, OF a "ion al Dshaws Generel Tianhe), | prelerred. 156 William Eis a bbl | h {hime HA 406 Many thanks to Dy, Hussell " 4 f h ose: | Ne f i B-51725 sik Hunter iA 5:297 Belisve you of all the worries 6 ds a LARGE room for ie ht hoves CLOSE TO WILSOM 4 Fr ' # A £974 ove Yo AAA WE REICH "Bier sedan, Mame | Gln Ole ner Repsirs, 3 makes keeping privilege FHFIRETALAP PLAZA } oe 5 Donald Meuntior MA 3-3950 have an expurienced builder [eustom radia, good eas WOK DCs" Hoses, Brushes, Gusronteed hare, nick Auiel home. Apity 4 put 9 home on your own lot |" YH 445, "RA 4474, extension 14 rebulite, estimates res Wallace 1060 YOLEBWAGEN deluxe, new 1st Vacuum Berviee KA BOWL apylime ed Breet, BORE Bim oe 4 4 f hed 4 Three bedroom Bir nn any lacation In Oshawa CENTRAL lavas furnish . : 5 Big ta ' Aust, Cash or will gonsider Wade and ! room, alee Adeubie roam, twin beds, | { hie 4 x 17 We buy the best material In {cash Welephone iA S758 4 haanRiIeH Mares -- Hien at . hd Haunt hovsekerping facilities. 14 Figin ny f y ' shot Arrange for your \SELEING 07 busing, Siew 18 Worth 6. | vision Theilts Budget Plan. BA p4543 Figin East. HA Siw KY rhe 4 4 | moans woblems the MHA ng. Lash far your ear or will sell on i i i | TWO light housekeeping Fon wit | transporial a i iG f the home of your Fy wn. Lis A ofl ny SED parts and Fears for 8 makes SIE 10F Working person 4 pus Phyl J A { / A of wringer type washers, 's hp motors! Fn ha 4h, d H fit AL cha gil the builder { 4 to 88 guarantend reconditioned wash TORONTO (CF) The opps { e ey" ater 8 pm. wt WH Chari / a terme, Wil wp br down 0 vl i! i 1 OPPO: NOTE EXPARSIONATY Polley REALTORS better homes, See the JUDAR |Eofilnve Rand, BA 6-010l, WA Sis. |(7% #30 Bloves, Waday's Markel, Hemp | jinn' eg unsuccessfully in the! 8 ; ' ONE Turnished Light housekeeping rom IMCOE at SANDRA vy by Val on, £6 $54) 3 HOMES in the Cedar Yalley 1008 FORD oir oor , ACL mechanical lature Monday to have Pub IHITS LAYOFFS with ise of reirigeralor. Aply 168 Sim leg) We are offering a Ranth « « { | DO you want guiek warranty service 1EEIR South y / i] OFC oT elo 3 y I #l by wt #295, B | caw Sree bmi f | Bunaaten, with attached gor WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. § rd po |b in ns veel at 5, Bw inal an Srwumens "177 Wi, aml | lic Works Minister Connell doy Wi Jachonald Sescrihed pe {ton, Office Fauip, Ashburn. All used ment & statement that the prov: ) VEIN an inhuman " | P ATTRACTIVELY Gge. Bik SPACIOUS FONE EM n 1964 FORD fordor customiing, Tadin, machines, one yess Susrsnies 4 s wf ACT ROOMS four-piece hiled bath, glum OPEN 9 9 A JUDAP washers, and plgnale, Al cantition, | pg BUNK push Bitten radia" wilh | INCE 18 gelling as much as 30 [ih Yorks dipaniment 8 ying 4 M3 num storms and sereky | 283 SENECA ST RA 6.8404 |T00F like new. Telephone BA §71 ransislor, portabls, less serinl, per-|per cent mare for its construe-|? SURE Workers in mi Basement is presently thre | WHITBY MO 8.3414 TORONTO EM 3.9603 73 ) : [1060 WORN Fao tractor, Ill Wr oveF- (fect condition, $66, Phone WA 8809. tion dollar than it did before the #INEr Auring & period of heavy Available priveie me 100m GPGIIMENt €or of hailed condition Vike new, reasonable. | Cus fur cont, TARRY bRreoRl, dust|aurrent recession unemployment B2 Pork Road Men Call i on Dadian ' JOHN May be Hinanced. Phone WAIRuL 3-600 fike new. Telephone RA 80831 for In oy living reer J 8-ROOM oF alter 7 pm. O%Kfard 19648 fhe new. Demands for detailed explan: M7 Connell said his depart. etween § and 7 § of f i 4 i" 1 Ef i" J | 1, wick split-level with anached garage on Cochrane BO L A HC 1006 BUICK sedan, radio, wo Tone, oe | Gye oa ™ RE Viste ation came from CCF leader Ment has tried "very hard' ia RA B.BAT7 separate #ntrang Term ' f hithy, Pleasant g room with stone |ireploce owner, rxesllent condition, May he seen | *I¥S TROWOME" as 1 nM ition Sams Sram harp [aac lavoid any layolfs during the , | Arranged with marigage large fiedrooms plus den, Kitchen has bliin f winter, "but this has not always as Rr | iF " a 8 | at 4 inspect, please i p Nemants. Many: other. Sabi Re bl LIMITE( 1067 FORD FA00 tractor, Tull ale over. (Parkway Television, 918 Bimeos birest| Wintermeyer during a supply) {heen possible." ne hd ate or sale | call rene Bra wn RA 5.3867 hy $ {1 80 th $6 000 is dhbbdd hd nui ly h a haved, excellent condition, reasonable. | North, Color TV on dlspley committee debate on works de I PALL 3 $4 500 00 FULL PRICI is RIV With 26.Yvy Sawn REALTOR INSURANCE Mar lw financed, Elite tpt VOM CORY" thiewmirier bo bate i [partment estimates of #56347, | premier Front said Mr. Mae i J 1 - " a Bie i, Pee 8 wal MM ve brid N 01 0 4 3,900.00 COMMERCIAL 167 SIMC OF 5 1058 OWEVROLET, goad nunning eon | 46-40, price $10. Telephone HA b 000. Mr, Connell said that while) Bona een Among those : Fo potless room Close : . / 4 & couldn't document the esti-|/demanding & reduction in the BOLAHOOD hf 6M \ vr light industrial 'building far lease in central Oshawa. 52,000 RA F£ 5.6544 Ailion, 200 Telephone RA §-4008 MEE SNINGE," Canvas, Prompt somes dnt, AoEum "contractors department's casual work force Ents redis ite dn CHa 772 Whitman Crescent |¥iee, mighest tradedn ' sllowsne fo North Venetian 4 REALTOR blinds, TV aerial, gerage sq. Nh on Fon of Bond Brant and Mes! fon Pa ' Ariple |'#0 PONTIAC, good molar, very go Cleve "in: Hin Bimios' Norte whe will justify these figures." He sald many of the casual em- > , parking, Includes arages, leading dock, freight elevator / Lenndition throughout, Apply J n's n 298 BRUCE §7 / fang: im gore 9 4 BROCK ST EAST LT Aiber Biyast corner Athol | A WORdeRT DppartanIy 8 Wiy oA | rhe public works minister|P10Yees who receive union wage a good sige, and very hirigh! | SIL) ) ) tape recorders, hi-fi and slereg al ware rates didn't want to make the RA B.417]) Immediate possession. Call ! . . d if 1060 VAURWALL Victor. perfeel condi: (house prices. Come ta Radle Whole [sald thal In some cases the fig f ola . ill Te ba VT, GOING CONCERN Asking only $1,500 down, (ton, $1560 Telephone BA B-AI68 for fur |e, #37 Simeone Sirest Bouth {ure has heen 40 per eent lower Inancial saerifices involved in CENTRAL oy Flinte 100-acre dairy farm with 2:family briek house. 285 con quota, | ven ram, Iwi torey, ther information LARGE wil space healer, Nor. i0i|He attributed the drop ta hoth hecoming eivil servants, King East and Drew area, 2 LACK OF ROOM now shipping 1,000 Ibs, daily, The fellowing improvements are Harn og ond ag (HOY your ear for ohh Sout gnnlifen: HH shh Jo toot copper Wning, Tele: | isharnening of pencils" byl Mr. Connell said only 100 em: storey six-room brick family Why put up with it any all new steel stanchions, water bowls, 32:can bulk gosler, Norns yi A ig oy formation lelephone RA B68, Bea: | Fo Ashu oR we the contractors and his deparl-|ployees have heen laid off by home. Three bedrooms, 3 fonder If you need that EX surge milker, milk house and well, Includes 38 Guernsey saws ba Aig orl $10 hoard Finance, 30% Bimeos Birest ples, w and used, terms 10 per sent ment's new policy of tendering the department since last Sep pieca bath, living and dining BEDROOM and can't School an property. $52,000 with $25,000 down. Complete 00" Call Bill Ratcliffe RA 1060 AUSTIN Bprile, cherry red, Imma: Brest Vert, {H, More, vant for all major capital projects tember, He sald the departs room, modern kitchen, oil afford the higher priced as A geing concern 8.6644 ' culate condition, 11,000 miles, Terms TV TOWER Ty WI sid Wl rather than doing the work it:|ment's policy Is to lay off single heating, immaculately decor homes, buy ths one, Gnd AEMBERS OF THE OSHA £7 arranged. Telephone CO 88078 |S Sul lids intel bi nnn, | 5elf men first and ex « servicemen ated. Twa blocks from all you'll enjey many comfort MEMBERS OF TH TA WA AND DISTRICT $500 DOWN $500 0 CHEVROLET four. door sulaiwalle| nel dnienns, wiaranised one year, Full Mr, MacDonald asked how last schools, $11,800 with $800 ghle years, Four bedroom REAL ESTATE BOARD . {transmission 87.800 miles, brand new (price $68 Trio Television, BA 88781, | poiioh of the saving was com down payment, ene ment family sized dining room NHA Rewls roam |e nA Cae etn! ETH OF BOs WACRWOW hive giarier yard Varta ing. from "pencil sharpening" ATTACKS POLICY gage for balance at $65 living room with fireplace brick bungalow In goed | model L4!, powered by eat diesel, Jaen fl ! Charles MaeNsughton (PC menthly, Possession 30 days and @ modern. kitchen 10 area with "schools nearby; | AVEATATE Aute Vieiranes i plo oe nearest offer, Fhone Wainut 9 and how much from public tend: |g ony spearheaded an opposis TOWNLINE NORTH 14. Garage and paved drive home newly decorated Must [Oar anal' opie af alle te Bor Ww pel BA PL Li (uN ering tion attack on the government's Near King E. $8,500 at $500 What's mare It 1s Only 8 | ef I 0a a Sal Antheny li meat and nub grinder, alee blender, $55 TELLS OF RAVINGS poliey of handing out informas block fram Br, Phillip' #0 VOLKSWAGEN, Micro bis delyse, ist Uke new, Anply 168 Grenfell Street. | nip ~ connell veplied that n/tion on works project when he down, * five-rcom bungalow Echoal. and five minutes to . low mileage, sents 10, sun roof, Will three bedrooms, three-piece O'Neill Collegiate, Here OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 5.6588 GOING! GOING! [finance RA B01, HA b143 NORGE slactrie stows, In Wii one ease # building that would sukgested the House was faking bath, living reem, madem ar chance. mak " ALMOST GONE ! (1088 FORA, cheh oF term Prieed Ten: (phone RA 81773 or apply ak 10 Ariing. | have cost the department $168,100 much time with minute ex kitehen, fully serviced, decors | fiat . vada 4 FAMILY y ey j [ay Telephone BA 85014 for mors fon eset -~ 000, had it been but hy the de Anination of the department's ted, landscaped, oil heating, | WANT TO SELL? Phone us ving to the fullest in this sumptious 4-bedreem, ranch brie) Gye oo VOR Fo waaay LE te cvaahu, ov OF Widget navtment, waa tendeted for half estimates Immediate posession, Please new far an appraisal withewt | pusgalaw, Rural living at its best! 214 miles en pavement to $4 500 hot Ria Rison 14 [ wood lho na bikTT shar em RTS oa Kn strnat ems, Torok BAitha cost, Another hullding, built] Mr. MacDonald said it was phere RA 84171 or R cost or chligation. We list A adioeert 1a shal Priced ta s4il at 317,500 fr. only $800 downt Call (108 MONARCH wuiomatis io (WE par highest prices 5 eof hy the department, took three|time the government stopped 6382 anytime Photo Co.of LARUE W fa al son, good molor, sacrifies, S195, Ben [for used nen Jia oie Used Purnl: [years in construction, while a|using the "public purse for par Member of Oshawa and Members Oshawa and Distriet | : : Row Jor, T4 Sunninghom ar way Matas, Whithy, MO 8-430) lure Blave, HA 83871, 444 Bimens Aanih similar project took a private tisan politieal purposes." He Bistric! Real Estate Board Real Estate Board | DUPLEX ---RITSON RD. NORTH LAE PONTIAD dour oars 818 shel: Aes Arann, ig Ou eantractor only 14 months sald the announcement of gov: > a" Four-reom apartment with, bath, separate meters and 4-BEDROOM fr AWRY RATRY Tov Aonr sedan. Man, [BWR Hardware nd Elecirie, § Enureh| But Mr, Wintermeyer said injernment projects within a con. CASTLE HOMES entrar leaving the owner 8 lovely rooms with. fireplace in | BUNGALOW aa mare Tor 7 and 4a 'Chev tad Alrael KA 37 the ahsenca af full dooumenta:|stitueney often fs made through the living ream, modern kitchen, large dining resem and 2 Celina. WA 0-904 URED Tires, oo WIT Wien, ¥ rl Up. [tion the reference to the savings the "local Tory commities or LOOK !! | nicesize bedmems, full-sized sunroom. Paved private drive Only § years ald, In beautiful | jas" GWEVROLET We door, an (RF. Goadrich Bares, RA § _ (was an inaccurate statement of (he defeated Tory candidate.' with | lea owner will accep! ysanahl ndition. Owner-built, must [lent seeand ear for any family, i |WAWY Bargaing, ane week Ih 0 \ garage. . Hou id ne Call RA 5 658 | sell as home is too large for |Seaway Mators, Whithy, MA 8380 |atfer public policy Mr, Wintermeyer said Mr, | [down payment with ene martgege for balance Earlier, Mr. Wintermeyer Mac FULL PRICE $11 976 todd hm how he ha ul a FORD. in sxceliont, epniition. ot po from #841 tarke full panel cribs, eriticized the public works de. ry uae ugssttion in, / GHer ome and 1s ready 10 (Lac of aayments, RA 50073 between | I\I30 ane dn, hight ire othe semall [DATIMENL estimates as varying demaeraey," He sald the oppo NHA RESALE five, Qn you need o larger 17pm a -------- er W wralt chine from Inst year's figure by only sition should pursue its investi storms and screens. All rooms $12,200 full price for this lovely S-reem bungalow. Oil furnace home? Here it 18 10 Inspect | trent "a very few thousands of dol FULL DOWN PAYMENT $600 d-piece tiled bath, fenced lot, Carrins for just 463 a month, | new eall Anthany Sikleck, RA BUYING OR SELLING SEE | WEAVY di Mallar sive for fa, 8 lars." gation even further For insoreTion toil todays hRdd or 5.4362 god condition. Telephone WA 3.891 He said speeches hy Mr. Cn In asking approval of his esti | Member of Oshawa and TED CAMPIN THREE - room house trailer, M x # Salad speeches hy Mr, Con mates, Mr, Connell sald his de . MONTRAVE & PINE District Real Evtate Board completely sql and Fold nell and other government offi:\pariment's head office expenses CARRIE M N AT ly JolwwtsManville Nded.. with double 9616s MOTORS Mw Sondivon, Wi Terms elals Indicated they favared ex: were down $100,000 this year modern, appoimiments witly low taxes. Asking prise $8,900 a Lice. FTO Fravielal panded Publie works PIORFAME Ay well, fravelling expenses There is never a seeend merigage an a New Castle Home | immediate possession RI TOW & OLSEN 607 KING ST, == OSHAWA (EIRENE 3 one hair, frutiwaed, | MEANS 1a relieve unem: dropped $40,000, unemployment Visit eur furnished model heme on the narth parking let af : : ; Gust East of Wilkon Read) |euersasusinnn and ds ploymegt insurance costs were down #40, uma Bag Ti. OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY REALTORS RA 3.4494 Res, 5.8574 [Anoe sale. store sample If this 1s the ease," he sald, (000 and workmen's compensa A H Pl 1} SCENIC ' A must oh Twi i of fd wel, "Why aren't we pursuing alton fell hy $10,000 ier Ours ease Lo N i ne anly ] RA A.) 186 Dick Yeung RA 3.7183 Lloyd Corson RA 3.2537 148 ACRE FARM NAGY MOTOR SALES |i tel feshed 1 ne " LL} Wy MOR Ly . phi Charlie Rankine RA 8.3682 Wes Elliot RA 8-058] Situated high .on a h oF wile, i, : ¢ , 8 LICL «na hill enly . . fo h | FTUTEW Queen and service. Free /l0ni completion of Torontn's W. T. LAMSON---REAL ESTATE LTD 12 miles Tom Osnawe on [MERCEDES + BENZ « DKW sles somple Site; iria toner Aemaniration Telamnane Wa Ajo (yerson Tn stitute of Tech | paved highway, 7rreem heme Sales and service, Showroam pu ening + threy oN NOORA for sale, inalde doop $0 s/nalogy: a new Taronta sehoal of L S, SNELGROVE CO. LTD. with all city conveniences open until ® pm, at ony fh i maker, rag, 040, Wurvy ha ali somplaation doa. Peles 08 nursing; the new Torentn Pay yes ven town walter, Large 08 KING ST. WEST nr Win fringe and foam daven «= [chiatric Hospital and a Windsor panelled family eam with 4 IN port sel, double construction, reg, $360, [FOR THE best in runs ant #4 [{anoher' enll | 43 PARK RD. § stone fireplace, Large pieture 370 © |worwseus dentin, NAR VERFLY Ameri: Pets, by NuWay, Dial KA #4 Ch RE { windew with a millien dollar RA 3. . . A very Rewesl, ig ih, A 0 TERING Shaner Bi tie SHELLFISH MARKET | view of lake and miles of NTR apace saver davenpoit, Ide Al for \ Oy A wanted Town Whithy 10 Tarante: | N TWh FROME, $40 me JLL 0 save, Ah I PRE. 8100; 8 Th BKK. ACERT FILE EA ET | $8,500 FULL PRICE fsuntode:* Lihopd born WILLIS [indie Wiis it i Sholboia'dikinon, oulivs] VANCOUVER (©F) = Five evenings Rigel" Wiokering (hack nor § 1 om, i beds ov hungalew hh hy i ran i ahs tomy $Quipped With milk ite and prastioally new phone RA Bassi, | MEY skin divers ave testing the fea- WANTED TO RENT House or da | ! (10 modern kitehen, goodie living rool piece bath, ty f8l slabiing 10 three-car RU . " sibility Ves il Plex ia Rai Phone MO B48 [TWO height modern ane and two hed: | #0 high basement, large lat, logated Taunton Rd, Bost, close garage, all buildings painted MOTORS hn u of FAY oT 1==Lost & Found British torn mg Malan, in LOST Nueth of Whithy, female hal (Team apartments, § nies, laund ta school, call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 and in excellent repair, Duel new, Telephone RA S637 far more PAIR of A meh lost, ee tasty shellfish h } tof wn dog, pointer. collar ved brawn |B "hae MU AAI lneation, fran . ¥ ; pond on property. Excellent TAUNTON RD. E. Infarmation nd Amey i pase hy WAI i rod Led Oheia are rig J an Fost di dounl | NAME YOUR LOW DOWN PAY MENT eeuntry hams with future Your AUS) IN RENMORR "7 ol KHL Ft Hel hate w ii] - an pane tro litornta | ar double roam, one ar we a ) " Fain Caine AAA Hoend [died welcome. Call MA MAT) Yooom storey brick, hardwoed and tile 'floors, large modem Sharty value for raidentiol Dealer ditlan. Pane Whiths MONawh ah FRAT J BA hd FOR BENT = Three roomed self Fon | kitchen, nearly-naw fumade, garage and private drive antl a it habnarlynity . h ow CH "hn "Bums tained, unhirmiahed heated apartment Inetaion Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8741 or RA 5.4142 evenings rafitable investment. Truly RA 5.033) -- RA Vien" oo w : BEAR ANCE aig a0 Wneles Special heavy wiring, eeniral Reasonable ron, 4 4 A onal during Marsh son's Oyele adults predates ¥ 17.400 FUL LL PR ICE HOA mand to. Cl Me Wa have 500d averiment SY QUALITY a 1 an FURNACE FUEL OIL Sales, 106 Calharne Street Fast We SEPYIC Tanks cleaned the sahitars wa fa MO BAT new els Anstaned oy Ww Tha Mi Central losation, 11% storey J bedroom home, modem kitghan avenings RA A.215% T living room and dining oem, J piece bath, good furnace. Aw --. | ing $1,500 down. Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810 COCHRANE ST, A8--~Automobiles Wanted STOVE OIL EXPERY SERVICE rent Modern asif-cantaified Chestnut West. Phone MO § 3364 hive roam apartment. Call MO G3. FEREWRITERE. adding machined | WOMEOWNE Hs Roofing siding, [low averhead, low prices Call' us far | PORT PERRY vestraus hing Wmaiation, PaIRLAE 1a home, alfice, demonstration. Bi! An\er prices. PRI Harper, MO B4388 | Hamillon, Ashbira, Broaklin | $10,600 FULL PRICE | Dtorey, Diroom frame house SPOT CASH DIXON'S FOR WENT Whithy apartments and [R(. S§ RYNES Campléte hookkes : " } with ga in ? P ROUSSE, Todern ane ABA twa DOSTOAM |IR§ SOTVIER: FF SMALE DOSARKESE: WeEk n | tarey brick home, spotless condition throughout h WR LE hy) ined Find : PAID FOR RA 3.4463 sullen, elairically equinped. drapes (ly, moanihly ar " desired Malemantal ulira-modem kitghen, all heating, A 3 » king $1,700 down A 3 p ars Trdde up ¢ eutlels, washer, diver Inehers [prepared Income tax peluris. NO Call Keith Pete RA S876) partment rented, Large kit : 182 evenings jown. Liens paid off | " " ATKIRE. Rentals S85 ta S130 monthly |§-8358 | ehen. living oom and three RICHARDS a Wedern hres and four hedroam | < a DRESSMARING Salle, eoals and| bedrooms on main floor DOD D MOTOR SALES BE Tati "oomiant" SA" cher [dresaen Sheraiane sha un ope | STORES orp JL 14 PARK RO. § FINE FURNITURE LEG ao TH Ml guaranteed, Mis. Tam 3 10 choose from, two central eation, ane en No. 2 Highway Only $9.500 with terms. For "TRA 3.9421 The home of quality, tradi IN WENT - This a TL Re Tr -- - just "eoul of City limits, all with living avarten various prices mare information gall How | tional and modern age ha ariment buildin an and op a ane \ als Ins ¢ or at 251072 or | oy on n n mI wears Wilda We] EASTER PERMANENT Shan 10 allen, wuninanle down Boao IEW BY | eda dae HQUSTON'S GARAGE | nite Complete oom grovps PATRIAG. available immediately. RA FROM $7 UP PRNImen Call Nd Mah . AND SERVICE STATION { gvatlable 295 Simcoe St N { N : | auth. Bradley's tormer lo Man 4 m4 AD | APARTMENTS far vont in new triples, | 300 gurl or fim sur) basis WHI TBY \ OMMUTI R'S FARM BRAS SPECIALIST COM cation RA 8:31 washer, Hever sie. Phane MO 4310 style high 3) W \ down. Soom. bedroom brik alow abou 4 mites trom Port Pe on PLETE BRAKE SERVICE ame it. We \ v heck this One w by callin eith F highway. 900m frame MOTOR TUNE. UP AND WANTED COIFFUR E BY KEN 54781, | RAS Se Sig fel hey home with ail heating. Bank GENERAL REPAIRS SUPERIOR by barn, all in good repair. 48 | 67 KING STW APPLIANCE Used boats, motors and trail . . a 8 et at rms. { on, we wil soll your soups |____MO 88124 | SUMMER COTTAGE aA 19 a. Cot Howard | PALI eel 49 BURK STREET WEA! on cantignment a1 Yeu! $3,500 full price, § 3 ¢ " f t RA A.5107 RA we | J price OOM, bedrooms, kitchen and In 0 8.51¢ ) - prise. For Rem Smelt FOR SALE Used boats oom with a screened verandah. fully humished. locates 8.2188 evening Al L ( ASH $ v solomon lanterns, For mators, boat baller and \ els, coleman lant . » Comsara on Va-asre lot with shade tees. $1,150 dow RA ; V's washets. stoves. ale Sal Ine Ms, hog cance . . 8.6148 al Bol wh hoan FOR RE) ' Bax. boat and | Pendle. Call Sid Maryn RA ).9810 RA 2 4 4 ? ean s we or | We will buy. sell or trade ND C\ WILDE 'RENTAL Saha y a é& ACRES Shah ) J Lent Pa " Map Hoy W i. Distrito by Noon Fh one SERVIC | WILDE RENT A } Chaistmas 4 Ww. 08) NICOLS MOTOR SALES | For an evaluator telephone | "Wateh! I'll whaok him on the shins, and he wen't id Tor re-tonditioned fumiture AND SA | SERVICE A SALE h Jo Bin Tabs Jy Po ne Eo Peters R: aha ot Oahdwa Sud $12 BROCK §T, N., WHITBY RA 8. 4873 know it for five minutes MO 1] 1224 11415 Dundes § MO 8.323 28741, or RA 54142 venings { - Distigt Rea ET ¢ MO 3-800) |