2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 4 196 'Useless War' PARIS (Rewters)--What Pres ident de. Calle Bas called "thie nseless war" on French ride by independence - SREEIng Algerian nationalists now Is SK JES and fowr months old Its toll has heen staggering at least 190.00 dead by French estimates, 1000 by insurgent anes, nn fiahting and terronst of Being foreed (Bow 'we Tam where their families often have ved for iw century or more, The £006 008 000 European settlers sre tpiirnihered about % 16 1 Many Moslems are caught in the middie--pressured by both the French and sippori-secking, rehele. Moslems living nn Met ropoitan France Rave hesn : slain for refusing to support the factions: 4 diz Lx, gs rehel canse financially or as French taxpaver, the death of VeHime of rivalry between in the Fourth Freneh Republic "REAL GFOGPY waves of political warest, and The rebellion has passed the tying down of the hulk through three phases--inewr gen of France's army in Algeria, '16rionst aitacks, then warlare weakening its NATO contribu Wh Wg rebel bands roaming tion the mountains. and now, {ollow So official casualty tolls have TE the French Army's 195 of been released in France, But of [ENIVE, (erionst attacks again ficials estimate that the war bas, Warlare in the normal sense ltaken the lives of some 9000 Virtually has ceased. It Is rare French soldiers and 1999 Euro pean settlers On the sixth anmversary the beginning of the war French officials estimated 150 000 rebels Freezing Rain had heen killed and 13.000 other . ' Hazardous Driving Moslems had died for support ing the French. An estimated . 3000 Algerians had been killed, TORONTO (CP) ~ Freezing in France, many by rival insur. Fein Was predicted for much of Ontario today A waming issued by the gent organizations LOST ALMOST 200 600 weather office here said i moved across Lake Michigan This total falls just short of 180.000, With allowances for!into Southern Ontario early to bringing the toll up to date, of. day, causing hazardous driving ficials estimate, between 150 000 conditions, and was due 10 and 200000 persons lost their #pread over more of the prov ince during the day, : : A a md ha. TT rebel hand numbering than a don or two mare ad for French troops to fight sirenewsd foiming between (he Canadians Flee Villa Costly To France Ope Still Missing (MTT SATIONS (FF) Wo - ETRY Eight of nine Canadian signal Canadians (5 maintain com wnched | eopeidville Sun munications with [eopeidvifie after their the The Sudenesr acted ps guards t Secretary Ceneral Dag Ham marioid (old Wis 15-nation Co advisory «ommitiee here Sun day might that he plans wrgent action, wit officials whe re ported this did not elaborate However, the Nationgl Broad pasting Corporation reporied in York (ndav that 1000 Mo roceans of the UN foree in The 1 Fie sscizted Press reported C pnan have heen ordered to es from Leopoidville that seven tablish themselves in Matada- Sudanese (roops were wounded ny (ores if necessary mn gun battles Satiwrday andl NBC correspondent Welles unday at Matady Hangen, iru report from Leo Fhe report said a communica: ooldville, ssid the order went tions Wackowt Wid the fate of out 16 the Maroceans after the I Budancse at Matadi after (35 man Sudanese garrison withdrew from Matada in the wake of the fighting Hangen «aid the pine Cana dian soldiers had also with drawn and had arrived in eo poidville The eight Liz Taylor Improving' LONDON (AP)--=Actre Kliz- ehinie day ila In Watad hy Congn wrt of AVRTTHN nee parently trae ms The Canad Army on a sa fhe esght were rela Hively waharmed," However, the whereghowts of thelr com mander, Capt. Gerry Belange: of Cele Cy, had not heen Aetermined WAS # j# in ' 4% Congolese troops and the UN eoritingent I was first feared that the mine Canadians had heen cap tured after the Congolese Lrnnps apparently overwhelmed he Canadian whe by ambulance Baturday villa manned By hes WINDY CITY This is an serial view of southside area of Chicago that | a windstorm running info Apart was swept hy doing damage millions of dollars Dief To Meet Irish Leaders DUBLIN (CP)=Frime Mini ter Diefenbaker Is expected fo have several talks with Irish government leaders during his three-day stay in Ireland which hegan Sunday The Canadian prime minister will begin the discussions when he has lunch today with Eamon de Valera, the man who he came president after dominal ing Irish polities for 40 years Diefenbaker will also confer with Irish Premier Sean Le mass, AL a press conference Sunday, Diefenhaker said there was no planned agenda for the talks Mr, and Mrs flew here from Belfast, where they spent Saturday and part of Sunday as guests of Lord Brookehorough, Northern Ire land's prime minister, and his wife WELCOME 18 WARM The Diefenbakers arrived to a warm welcome in the Irish cap ital. Thousands filled the air port observation decks and many Canadian flags were in evidence in the city A group of university stu dents who waved a hig Red En sign at the airport piled into an| open jeep and, holding the flag high, worked their way into the maotoreade taking the visitors to their hotel | Diefenhaker PM's Conference Focus To Be On Verwoerd LONDON (CP) When the conference of Commonwealth prime ministers opens in Lon don Wednesday, its central fig ure will be one of the Western world's most eriticlzed men ~South Afriea's nationalist leader, Dr. Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd t will be his first appearance among the Commonwealth pre miers. Last year, just a month before he was to attend a sim. ilar conference, he was shot in the head by a white farmer at the Rand Easter show an event that seemed fateful for the inflexible Transvaaler Yet today he 1s perhaps more firmly entrenched than ever, armed with his mandate to cre ate a republic severed from the British Crown and committed to perpetual 'haaskap' or white supremacy growing number of whites in the Central African Federa tion, feeling deserted by Rrit. ain, are taking an appraising look at this ramrod Afrikaner who seems to shake critics off his broad back like raindrops "1 never have the nagging doubt," he once told a reporter, 'af wondering whether perhaps 1 am wrong." HAS BUILTIN WELL Along with Verwoerd's as sumption of divine right goes a built + in well of bitterness against all who appear threaten the unity eof the Afri kaner. Into this category Rritons, J e wish businessmen and South Africa's non-whites Born in Amsterdam brought to his adopted country at the age of two, his roots are not in the soil of Africa -- a touchy point His hatred of Britons arises Jess from memories of the Roer War than from his own unhappy schooldays among British colon jals in Southern Rhodesia This led him, in the 1920s reject a bursary te Oxford. He chose instead to pursue his ad 0 vaneed studies in soclology and|Gagnon unger arrest ' tripped in and a por atop roof at ment roof center and nt tion of garage bottom | Al top i (AP Wirephotn) lives But statistics shed little light on the human suffering Summed wp, Furopeans live in fear of terrorist attacks and 'NO LONGER abeth Taylor spent a resiles It. was expected to Bit sue poh hut showed a slight im cessively southern White RIVET, oy ouement this morning in her Kirkland Lake and Haliburton go.o0rate fight against phew regions. Over the southern ake Huron, Niagara and western There fs light improve Lake Ontario regions, the free. ment in Miss Taylor's condition ing rain was to change to rain but she is not out of danse ; 01] hy noon yet," said a bulletin from her monia, her doctors reported s\MEht with staphylococcus pneu monia, which in some cases re sists treatment by antibiotics An emergency tracheotomy was performed, placing a thin tube inte her windpipe Miss Taylor was given one hour to live at one point during the eritical first night in the to fall| My 12,000,000 land andarated several weeks ago DESIRABLE WIESBA DEN, Germany (AP) American military special service officials have yanked an embarrassing travelogue out of US, army and alr force movie the atres, The 10-minute film had recommended a vaca tion on the lovely and lush island of Cuba Heavy Toll On Highways |For Weekend March came in like a lion on Canada's roads this weekend as fatal mecidents took a heavy toll A Canadign Press survey showed at least 23 traffic deaths across the country from 6 p.m Friday to Sunday midnight Vive other accidents connected) here and avoided 1 yort conference Diefenhaker fiuestions Al pres in Belfast answering partition of Ireland and ahout 5 2 he within the boundaries of a mem ern Ireland her state and in relation to all In Dublin. he was asked if nationals of member states?" apartheid would be discussed at MAY BE TOUGH the Commonwealth prime min Nome oh Aly vers interp. normal weekend holiday istars' conference London reted this question as an indi. ' Bhd ; this cation that the prime minister Activities increased the fatality would take a tough line during to) to 28 WILL CONSIDER the sessions In London Nine persons died on Ontario He replied that his informa: The prime minister noted that roads, SIX In Quebec, five In tion was that South Africa would! it is not the business of the British. Columbia, two in Bask seek continuance of its Com: commonwealth to sit in judg atchewan and one in Prince Ed-| monwealth membership, Allment on its members, But he ward Island matters related to that would stressed that Commonwealth There wns one drowning in be considered countries must accept the fact Nova Scotia and another in Que- Farlier, at Belfast, Mr, Dief- that the Asian and African bec, Two persons died of suf enhaker warned that member: races have taken their rightful!focation in Alberta, An Ontario ship in the Commonwealth can-|place on the world stage man died in a fire not he considered automatic] Asked here if there was new| Newfoundland, after a change of constitution,|thinking on a wider concept wick, Nova Bcotia, Manitoba He obviously was referring tojof the Commonwealth whichiand Alberta had no traffic South Africa's application to re- would hring in those nations|deaths during the weekend, The main as a member of the fam: with identical principles, the|survey does not count deaths in ily after the country hecomes a/prime minister sald there had industrial accidents or known! republic in May heen a great change in the con: suicides, The Canadian leader dis cept of the Commonwealth in| opiario dead cussed the issues confronting the last 35 years, Since the 8ec:| Garfield Parslow, 64, in a next week's conference In the ond World War, many nations eric accident near downtown form of a question had entered voluntarily without Brockville Saturday, "Are we now at a stage that accepting the British sovereign William J Snelgrove, 21, Wal: membership in a multi-racialias their head AR aL Bale ae Commonwealth carries with it} His own concept of the Com Jusehurs, wheh 4 oa nt ort} obligations on members to pros monwealth was of a fellowship|tHENWaY Raturday an mote certain commonly ac-lof many races, colors and plunged Into a creek . cepted standards in relation: creeds with a bond of common Leonard Giergon, 36, when his ships between peoples of vary-|interest which defied descrip. "#7 hit the centre pier of aj ing racial origigs and color|tion or definition bridge on Highway 401 at Osh:| : awa Saturday Kenneth Hartte, 38, when his cur crashed into bridge on Highway 7 near Kitch: | ener Saturday | Ludwig Stolarski, Ste, Marie, when his car hit a truck Saturday ICE GIVES WAY in week New Bruns: Marie, when his car crashed al the uni: native affalrs and began vigor: through ice on Lake Lauzon Hamburg ously to expound apartheid as alSaturday | national philosophy | Albert Wray, 76, Aylmer, in mn : The question at the forthe a two-car ¢ thw Africa. It became apparent that 9 at the forthcom a two-car collision on Highway the brilliant university. profess "8 Commonwealth conference 73 Saturday, sor sympathized with Nagi|Will be whether this churchgo. Glen Russell Miller, Omemee ideas, Tn 138 he Ted & protest|In& patriarch, known to his own district, in a car crash on High: | against the immigration of Jew {opposition as "a good hater," Way 7 near Lindsay Saturday can keep his republic within a Frederick Collins, 55, London applied psychology [versities of Leipzig and Herlin Soon after his return to South Ish refugees | As editor of Die Transvaler| Commonwealth dedicated to po. when a car skidded off Highway during the war, he was sued hy| litical freedom for all races, 1t/99 and struck a pole Saturday a vival for making his paper "al!8 not even certain that he Frank Clarke, 29, Sudbury, in| tool of the Nazis." wants to, a fire Sunday which destroyed In the 1048 election that swept| He may spring a surprise in/the home of his brother in| the nationalists to power, Ver. London, "Perth | woerd's campaign leaflets ™ showed a mastery of the condi. tioned-reflex technique featured In much Nazi Propaganda= oversimplified, repetitive argu. ments based on racial fear In 1950 he became minister of THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WATER MAIN Sealed tenders addressed to the Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission, 100 Simcoe Street South, Oshawe, On. tarie, will be received until 12 o'clock neon EST, on Monday, March 20th, 1941, for the construction of o 24.inch diameter water main en Stevenson Read, Husband Faces 'Murder Charge WELLAND (CP)=A murder charge was lodged Sunday against Ravmond Gagnon, 28, of Niagara Falls, Ont, following the Saturday night shooting death of his estranged wife His wife, Shirley, 27, died shortly after receiving a blast from a shotgun Gagnon was Thursday The shooting occurred shortly before midnight at the home of and Mrs, Keith Harold LeMasierier in downtown Wel remanded to Drawings and specifications with blank Form of Tender may be obtained at the atfice of the Public Utilivies Commis: sion or at we of Gore & Sterrie Limited, Consulting Engineers, 1130 Street, Toronto, on payment of a deposit by cheque in the amount of $25.00, Such deposit will be refunded on the return in good condition of the seid drawings and specifications within twa wes. fram the closing date of tender, Police sald the Gagnons sep: | They had no children | The LeMasieriers were forced {inte the bathroom, but the hus band managed toa escape through (a window and went ta get help NHe found Constable Thomas Carter on duly ne home and as.the two ed wi heard Mrs. Gagnon: died bulance route Constable \ Boch tender must be accompanied by o marked cheque in an amount squeal te 214 per cont of the tender sum, The lowest ar any tender not necensarily accepted, the ret twa H, F. BALDWIN, Chairmen G. F. SHREVE, = Secretory, shots $ | Gore & Storie Limited, Consulting Engineens March 6th, 194), am 10 ho A Carter placed A L] Guelph, | al® - 28, Sault : ie |W Juling Tarum, 50, Sault Ste, | team of six doctors Dr. Carl Feinz Goldman, Miss Taylors personal physician aid she will be in the London clinic for wt least another 10 days and "she will need a long time to recuperate, perhaps 8 Year The prospect raised another hospital, her hushand, Fddie Fisher, revealed "I think she corner hack," singer has and the turned the coming year-old now sald is E]] other meats, apples anh some fresh vegsiahies The price level wm a other seetons of CORSET Spending was unchanged in the maith Living Cost Drops Again OTTAWA (CP) Canada WORE. DANGERS {living costs dropped in January. Persons with colds showid not for fhe gy ian mosh » a come In wontact with babies ber 5 lower 2d theeeienths of a point off the CAUSE GRY FRSIIROFY gg 9 in conswmer price index, The index, MOTE angers ta an Infant dectined tn 1259 on Fe, | from Han 16 #0 acu 1292 & month earlier . The derfine reported today by aA EACHeR r i Ld iH. Harn Frank ' were $ Grieshack Weed, ( EB. Bostwick Sigmn. Boss Sigmn. Ce Timmins Sigma Charles Janwles, Toronte Sigmn. Herbert Sirike, Mont veil and Sig. Daniel Murphy Yancowver The Asseciated Press gnoted! UN spokesman 3 reven Sudsvase were wonded) "phe gecine in Jomsery was, 08 Sse Sunday Matadi, wheres the! Hie entirely to lower food costs 4 lk of UN supplies for The The food index dropped a fulli oe A with Congr are landed 150 miles|point 10 123.4 from 124.4 ss price Ay Arg 4 yo down The Congh Ter (1omicuts on citrus fruits, fresh 1o- matoes, eggs, lettuce and beef feapoidvitle. The AV said seven Sudanese troops guarding theloutweighed higher prices for Wer ramiured The UN radio at Matadi wem off the pir Baturday just after the Canadians reported (that their villa was heing hit by mortar and small arms fire The Congnle garrison is sity ated on a Hill above the villa. | It was reported that the fight ing in Matadi, most intense of the recent clashes between Con ulese and UN troops, grew out fear that the UN command planned to try to disarm Pres ident Joseph Kasavibu's army under the new Security Council mandate authorizing the use of force to prevent civil war ita; Sat IAFY WET, Hatheld, BB begs, Kings w why pon the Dominion Bureau of $latis- 7 ties followed a drop of four tenths of 2 pont in December from the Dec. | peak of 1295 The Feb. | index was higher by 17 points, or 1.3 per cent, than the yearearier level of RYE 127 1 WHER man $8 roa a as oars atte ih 4 wd t CYSTRE from § os $160 LORRY BRA se BOW IRL rReiah You 148, tation hehe ee gai. d 4 of SENSATIONAL MEAT FEATURES! Tuesday and Wednesday Only! 39 29 59 29 SLICED Breakfast BACON SKINLESS SALES AGENT REQUIRED 0 sell builders' popular low priced fixtures, Ex clusive for resident agent presently calling on builders of new homes, aperiments end motels within 30-mile radius of Oshowa. Applicant should have non-conflicting companion lines and established connections with builders Write in confidence to; MRS, E. DAVIDSON, Secratery, 119 Cortwright Avs., Yoronte 19, bathroom TENDER CLUB STEAKS BREAKFAST SAUSAGE hig question mark over the fu ture of the multi-million-dollay epic Cleopatra in which Miss Taylor was to play the title role Dr. Goldman said the tube inserted in the star's throat to help her meathing had made her restless ILLNESS COSTLY Cleopatra was scheduled to start rolling again next month after long delays due to earlier illnesses of Miss Taylor, It is estimated that the delays have cost more than $1,000,000 so far Spyros Skouras, head of 20th Century-Fox, said in New York that he will wait for the out compe of Miss Taylor's latest ill neds before deciding what to do about the film. Previously he has sald that no matter how long he hus to delay, he will not replace Miss Taylor in the starring rule The 20-year-old beauty was rushed to the exclusive London «= IF YOU |] » Have Left School Without Completing = HIGH SCHOOL LJ you are Invited to write for Free Booklet that shows you how to earn a High Scheel DIPLOMA AT HOME Prepare for College or a better job, This is a Cana dian High Scheel Course, AMERICAN SCHOOL iL] 100 Dundas St, De Ontario " ADDRESS cITyY a Our 63rd Year EE EE ENN NE) COMFORTABLE four-room sulated, hullt « in Lovely location overipoking lak: ta hus, Reasonable rent, HA Te Hoom South 6 OPENING THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING BUNK beds, two double hed with hookease he All very good condition. Telep PORTABLE single unit formation milking Telephone for $18 MONTHLY = eight bedroom house, olose to public room sohonl, present TORONTO'S ONLY DOWNTOWN MOTOR HOTEL Jarvis at Carlton Street Opposite the CBC Tower, One block from Maple. Leal Gardens lan F, Munro -- Manager Positive Proof OSHAWA TIMES GLASSIFIED ADS ...Do Get Quick These Advertisers Obtained Immediate Results From Oshawa Times Classified euphoards, continental machine modern conveniences, transferred out of town, Telephone Whether You're Buying or Selling YOU TOO Can Get Quick Action From Oshawa Times Classified Ads Telephone RA 3-3492 The First Day! Hise in. water, e, handy hase we and FURNISHED (wo - room apartment, new beds, small ator and stove, Television phone included. Telephone GERHARD Helntaman upright exellent condition, Apply and board for MN eneral Motors twa, close plang, In Telephone , beds, adhaard hone WASHING machine good lounge ohaly and stool) hot water tank. RA condition; lawnmower; SCOUT uniform size 14-16; fibre glass avehery how: sports jacket, bay's, size 14, RA new, nore FURNISHED 214 roam apartment, frig., stove, washer, TV, radia, dishes and linen supplied. RA in ONE green chesterfield and chair, $18; ane Aine-plece walnut dining room suite, $30; one § x 13 rug and pad, mushroom, $30, RA Ma JOHNSTON outhoard eondition, Phone four in very good tenants _