The Oshawa Times, 6 Mar 1961, p. 13

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MB--Rooms For Rent [45--Reol Estate For Sole (#5--Real Estate for Sale (A5--Renl Estate for Sele these fom PRE Beige forme ed Fav, sewn PRIVATE Pow sewer ois, su roms FOF 75 28 with ek well, four prvrents ricer pins on BE meinen, BL ERROEREREES, WRENS ROVE BRE BETRERE . iiarn. Mes samen SEE os." Hrs Desh ry Booming fanien Wen o0y. W Emenes res rome, (enews iw yo Won naam. Toeghone BE SOW or ib F794 a way Wash Eotaia erat Wiod, WA STI. by IW, SRW " on oh "vn ee Bom hove ud soe pol pe BOVINE + home: Bend money fo me 5 of my at sil g #O om, FEN Rown. AIRY y / oo Beats ift nw, Fat ay Ww lla ut ok a ga nian Fence. 10, Sine Bes So WE water, cenit. Apply BR Ad FIVE od id pm Rosse, thie, Mosk PHione RA 861% ; Wegst Rael. : HARMONY wit LA GE vid fino, PvE vas i ERNE. Tiking Wis ah or Worms Ef « svar PB 7 dd Simane Bivest Booth wes, WW x 45 POE lovgs bright frmoned pwns wow. Coen 1-4 pm. dsily we gh At po op Bit A CL a Vert fasted A all ise huis ug Py Bs oy osm iA oo gr a Pde, sestria Wve frontiamen Cr ran High Schent, Mer Hy BRE. God | [nastion, SIRE 19 suoice spertins. La WB Horner wEterves. 156 Wikiom Fost. A VEIN oy Bd Dosa Sirnst Sorth, » modern foe A Bh Bill ster hoses WA S04 ey uf y A ue ad el " FURBIAED hm for Lenton; ori A. J id a bovis RF oiiipr ih amel-h Loyd Realty |i i---------- yh . foi y er loon baer I Has di id | BOLAHOOD LTD, 7 Sa im x To oh To nd" Fasitor ww lmsinGres we and ot, TY pene H Fi | RACTIVE formiones bukvmmms oy, wr $arenne, (Jwher _(Eamelerred dad a el Rave SLA fay BReE Pe i. " | vr ul bovis wise Phe 4 FAL } Ad rioting nants Nasa oinn Insurance Associates Lig ima Roman i, a - - aot. RA +0 { [3 LOOR sagls forniohed rom #it BOLAHOOD . . 1 MAIN Fi 'os " $entiemen, sentint tn Anions, Tre BROADCASTING CENTRE Mone BA L406 or spy 19 tv Frew FEALTOR 3 ESTATE FOR REAL ESTATE . oT. WES Hoan A -- 728 BRUCE ST $60 KING ST. WES y , h 7 c i Lorge Parking Pres ot Pas ATTRACTIVELY RA 8-417) DON SMITH | buts FURNISHED ROOMS : REG. AKER---Frs URMNISHED OMS CEMTRAI . Wg Vickery Regt Estate Bill MFEETERS--Vice Fres { ps . King Eqst ond Drew greg, 7 ; BI boed view "0% | worey sincroom brick tomy | By rors BA BHIIR EXCLUSIVE LOT between 5 ond 7 pm | home Three bedrooms, 3 Fe BA BABTT | Simecos Street Morth ge RA 8.867) | piece both, ing Gnd amid meet land Bood ores 106 ' 4 150m, modern kilehe o" . 8 coe ond a depth of hesting, ImmeCAGIEry Geel A YOU PLAN i Lar deanping mplers 45--Reol Estate for Sale sted. Two procs from oA O BUILD A lowns, hedged, trees yr Br w Wick and sean. Shoots. $11,560 wit $860 IN NLT a SHIRES, BONAR BPE Gown [ry ment, NE marie "HOME 4 further information calf Bill ran Anns Ham mania Gow gege 15 isnee & $45 Mek aeier doytimes FA Webs Penile i Prime = Be " " * { ve ' Bereer, Rh 27 wir Bh CPA. marily. Possession 30 46/5 # of G1 the worries 3-27265 w= evenings RA (8.744 MORTH . gx enced &. 1774 TH LIM J 81726 3 os £500 "eo » LSE THE Weer King E. $8,560 gt $500 y ow " / of ' Je eX | (LOYD REALTY Arrange for o ; / ¥ r 1 OSHAWA TIMES do iam the Bo ro] 7 WITH LLOYD ! ; Ee be, oe | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER CLASSIFIED ; ee the JUOAR COLLEGE HILL eder Volley COLUMNS CASTLE HOMES LOOK !! FULL PRICE $11,976 FULL DOWN PAYMENT $600 CARRIES MONTHLY $68 There is never 6 second morgege or Mew Castle Home Visit our furnished model home on the north parking lor of ishawe Shopping Centre RA 5-1186 W. T. LAMSON--REAL ESTATE LTD Harry F. Millen REAL ESTATE BROKER--GENERAL INSURANCE WHITMAN CHESCENT APPLE HILL This 6 room Ranch brick bungalow hes attached garage, broad loomed Living Room, three good bedrooms and Is spotiessly dec rated throughout. Clase to all schools. Monthly payment of $84.00 per month includes interest piincipal ond taxes. Call Charles Smith Days RA B:1679, Nights RA 8.8254 A HOME WITH DRAMATIC FLAIR $26,800 Seven room ranch bungalow, large kitchen with eating area, separate dining reem, living room featuring beautiful stone fires place, family room off the kitchen, three hou hedrooms, 4-pe bath plus 2-pe, off the master bedroom. Double attached ga age, all nicely decorated, Substantial down payment required Call Loreen Kellett, RA 3:3770 $750.00 DOWN A-BEDROOM BUNGALOW If your earnings are over $4,500 a year we have a new fully decorated 4 bedroom bungalow waiting for you. Many extras and '"Meo" second mortgages or hidden costs involved. Call Winse Bradley Days RA B-1679, Nights RA 3.2006 CADILLAC AVE. N $12,500, Immaculate 6 roam bungalow with 23' br finomed living room, roomy kitchen and 3 geod bedrooms. Landscaped and hedged lot with paved drove and gorage Starms and screens VY. aerial included. $3000 Down. Call John Field, Days RA B 16479, Nights RA 3-2874 DON'T DREAM A DREAM -- BUY ONE $21,900.00 ves Its @ dream, sunken living ream, panelled dining ream, ultra modern kitchen with built in stove and oven, three fine bed coms, 2 bathrooms all fully decorated. The grounds are nicely eed with patio. Oh Yest ograge § attached. Call Charles Smith Days RA 8.1679 Nights RA 8-8254 After 5 p.m, Call John Field, RA 3.2874 Charle Ninse Bradley, RA 3 vilth, RA B.B35%4 20064 Loreen Kellett, RA 3 DOWN $15,000 DOYWM ( old brick ck A. JUDAPF | storey home on large ECA ST. RA 65-8404 scoped lot jenl family home / ting of ¥ " q AA fry 9 r i TO RENT three bedroom 4 pr FOAA nd 5 ment Plu wr term H APPROXIMATELY Cree Excellent finencing 50 ACRES OF f more tormal } NORKABLE LAND Gerry Osborne ot KA B-5173 With use of ber moiere | LLOYD REALTY TD, f with house For fur REALTORS ther nformanon telephone 5 5 , & KA 5.9970 RA 59979 RA 8:5123 > RA B9 # write BOX 637, OSHAWA RA B-5126 TIMES 101 Simeoe 51, N | SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Lid MAIN FLOOR BROADCASTING CENTRE 360 King Street West LARGE PARKING AREA AT REAS | REG. AKER BILL MecFEETERS Pre Vice-Fres CENTRAL PARK BLYD, SOUTH $13,500 $3,000 down, just 2 years old, Fed brick bun galow, 6 ms with extra jorge living room, dining reem, and i g te bedrooms end be High dry basement, pil heat J}, 9 im doors and screens. Located in on area of nice homes. Call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5:0243 2 YEARS OLD OWNER TRANSFERRED List price $14,500 6-room brick ronch bungalow located north off Rossland Rd. 'W,, Lshoped living and dining room kitchen has a good-size eating area, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bath. High dry basement, large area for rec-room. Completely landscaped, paved driveway, $3,000 dewn and balance on 4 bc martgage. For further details, call Bill MeFeeters, sven | «ings, RA 51726 PICTURESQUE BUNGALOW | Srcom brick bungalow with breereway ond at ed j Interior immaculate, éxterior complete with planters, | Hower beds and patio and barbecue, An ideal home for some | wha 15 proud of their home, call Den Stradeski, evenings, | EA B.B423 NORTH-WEST AREA -- MUST BE 50LD / m trilevel situated in choice residential area of 1 iy | 01 Ig condition inside and out. Lovely landscaped grounds | hedges, flowers, shrubs, ete, Good size garage with extra starage pace. Owner leaving city, Open for offers. Immediate posses n, Call Russ Reeve, evenings, RA 5.4840 THREEFOLD INCOME Beautiful rug brick home at a very busy intersection berween | vritown and shopping centre. Provides income through busi I 4 apartment and living quarters, Owner leaving city, will tific for quick sale. Call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 0243 LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMEER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD |. METCALF WHITBY CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE LTD KING ST, EAST = DIAL RA B.46478 -- RINE wanied fram Whithy ta Toronto, (WANTED TO RENT -- House or fu EY! ' 144 Monday to Friday, mornings, MO 84177 | pleg. in Whithy, Phone MO 84482 ; 'A HEY IT'S SPRING : evenings TWO bright modern one and two hed Lik Rimast spring at lags ity Hime to Give some thought FOR BENT Tae rn monthly [FO Apartments, balconies, launds to these new home -buliding plans yeu have been dreaming Searing minded Anely 86 Church toom facilities, excellent location, fram ibaut all winter, Bring in your ideas or plans or pick from our Street, Piokering (hack doar). WH [8A Phone MO 8.8388 pl and get the figures from eur very best builders and ds L210] TV TOWERS, 40 fi struclure, hot diy 1GNe - weil Iv dl i « \ Lowy North of Whith fe Male Sant hell A ated Rony) a Fal ng dog, pointer, collar red hEOwR, | orioe 855 Trio Television. HA 8.8781 seven months ald, if seen please call | | | H Rishon No i 61 SEPTIC tanks Siaaned the sanitary way LOTS ' LOTS 5 LOTS (new tanks insta Walter Ward, 204 WHITHY Coin Laundry and Speed | Chestnut West. Phone MO #3301 NICE SELECTION AND LOCATION Queen Wash Being this ad in for free | oug 4 a ~ wash. Special all week, 106 Brogk 81, 8 | Eo Sovdle whim, She or twa DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $635.00 UP bh ARANCE sale of Diexsies itd FAA WRITERS, "adding machines discount during Mareh Hsan's Cyelellow overhead, low prices. Call far and Sales, 108 Colborne Street Bast, Weia home, offige, emonstration, Bill GRIERSON AVE deliver. MO 33740 Hamilton, Ashburn, Brooklin | : ] TORERVIOR = a Your present home toa small? We have this fine 11% store FOR ent Modders i-enntained - amplaie hookkee f i" wan $ 1 00 - 3 Prey roam apartment. Call MO 8 3988. [08 Services for small businesses oh h A vith 4 bedrooms, large kitchen and living room PLUS {ly, monthly ar sired Statements a d-room basement apartment with a separate entrance -- PLUS HOMEOWNER = uhiating, saitial ((anared LE melurns. MO a i ible garage. Located on bus line, close to schools, ehurches nn and other fine homes and good neighbors, Lew down payment Winter prices. Phil Harper, MO | AREREMARING = Bulls, eonls and| of $2500.00 ' v f FOR NENT Whi artim ty and | dren y A iy and all a houses, modern one d twa bedroom parfect fit guaraniesd ve. Toms fits electrically Seiineed JSriee NO $3 ¥ BYNG AVE ¢ autiets, shar, ry ockers a Parking Rentals $88 to 1h manthiy $988.00 down ~~ top location == high quality = lovely new Alsa modern three and four hedroam H hie k home in much-desired nerth section of city. All reams Dungalows th fa JUI3 monthly mi e ing large. Birch cabinets with large dining area in kitchen -- 3 HR large bedrooms, ceramic tiled hath, Pierson windows. Rec FOR RENT $00. Three ream apart is fun reation room facilities. See a model home today ment in apartment huaiidin all eon venianoss, © seve washing facilis | PORT PERRY parking, vallahh immediateh HA AK any repr native \ Sate apt Immun i ¥ THE d FOR SALE OR TRADE 100-a¢re farm with good family home APARTMENTS for vont in new ivipien,] FO7 #07R a3 you learn, makes entences, Will sell for $17,000,00 with $4,000 00 washer, dryer slo. Phane MO 8.378 new friends, pay back hill : down trade on good home in Oshawa or Port Perry | fll or part-time work, high | | ! WANTED a somminsiom. Colt WE RIVERSIDE DRIVE N Used boat a ad + 8.0627 lect 3 nt Ek bungalow 3 large bedrooms. kitche with ¢ ve will sell your equip» | | Rete. la Ade aped. aluminum storms and sree eh Asking Ment on tontighment of vour | : > DF ¢ . $13,600 with low down payment, balance one 6% NHA ent of amen at you EASTER PERMANENTS | Ra | ' \ | | mortgage f # F Rent melt FROM $7 up | et en anterns ' | AFTER 5:30 CALL Sale Used tents, boats f1 ew firm curl, basic i tors and traile | syle high style. You ¢ 1 A¥2R0 Joe Moga 5-919) WILDE RENTAL | wme it, We can do it lohn Kemp 8-2392 SERVICE COIFFURES BY KEN Marien Drew 37410 Dick Barriage $6243 Fas! 5 5 MO 8.5124 [47 --~Automabiles For Sale 47 Automobiles For Sale we -- ! fre FORD radio, hoy nin molar | 1AM rONTIC ji dow r APARTMENTS FOR SALE Used boats, [send 1150 WA S1re alles § gm. (AT share. Telephone WH 31713 afer | motary, boat vratlers and lian MONARCH automatic transmis (4h CHEVROLET four dour sedan oo IN WHITBY | candes Son, goad moter, saorfice. SIRA Sea alse parts far 47 and WR Chey 18 | FOR RENY Ros way Matas, Whithy, MO 83330 Colina. RA § 3044 Many Extig Abin traile hain saws PONTIAC. iw . a WA CHEVROLET tne #020. an exe Reas hie ¥ teady tend " 1 Wi hy Ar bh ) y , y "RA ) 1 Wi : : E ') 493) i Wi ILDE RENTAL Te LN Wr host ole RA Seaway Motors, Whithy, MO #3331 L + Si : after 3 pw. Private _. SERVICE & SALES Is IM VAUXHALL, four door, super. ¢ " 4) i 2 TON '83 Chev. pickup, good condi: cellent Hn, COLLECT AFTER 8 P.M, [1413 Dundes MO 83228 [the are' co Suchahun, out cond sallont oondition, ane swaer. TI wiles. (Telaphone RA 3018 WANTED = A niw owner, wiaeraar | ow try the best, Eat better fe I or 1 GMCT also Go Kart eae] Tor less BO® groceries sup wlor Dave, RA 5.3856 plied, all wellknown pro [WANTED '30 or '51 half-ton Chevrolet ducts, highest quality meats Houek, in wid manning order. Tele Lifetime warranty freezer, Phare MO "8.3311 LL the only ens guaranteed hy LAKESHORE Aule Wheokers waml| Good Housekeeping No cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid down payment, Call now for | | | | Good clean cars, Trade up APPLIANCE or down, Liens paid oft 49 BURK STREET DODD MOTOR SALES 114 PARK RD. S For reconditioned fumiture, RA 3.9421) T.V.'s washers, stoves, ete, pre -------- a ---- We will buy ell trade 49 Automobile Repairs hep Hours 1-6 pm Daily Any N AWARE Aol habla dhol wark expert sen for ¢ a ™ Riise paid er a Simi | x ardlan's Garage, Corde ad {(acivse from South Plani) RA said RA 8.4873 (47 --Awtomabiles For Sele (49 Avtomobile Repeirs [id VIEW READ Aetiise Rew ' she, FAD, WIRAOW Wehers, lemier ANEDY MNAGY'S pee $s 4 i i id " £ Bi 2 fap ; BODY SHOP -- ~~ Complete Wis YI Gi AARNE Boser W hevhiny ete "Serves wis si, GREE Wesving, braves, ¥i-l » WIE GNS SNE Ie as # fete! suieon ning finest gligrment, wie nites, WH L479 X : 1 Frome ond whes's straighien- ono ERY MIR ige, Tie wn hie wig tiny. BARRY WITH, FAATROE, TRS, C5 STEVENGS RE, § stay. Fulah ne Bh 1574 iA BAAS Aenod Ran I Besar oF, This fi 18 ZZ: 50 Articies bor Sele w BIG. Brzvs " atm Wing yA BBE Finstnomd combination radio £364 aah Rages, Bans mokes, (6 excsfient : KAS, fhe Tals Mary Wes oT CE 1054 PEIEE sedan. TI naniow rade; sweater. Pheasant patisrn, Mee 6-4. N ! # Wis, Ek condition. Wl teke bes Veteshone RA 59% Frlnghione A 12817 Frome pgs Sg ge dl Yih amy person whe witnes RM Is ar dad HAH F WE Lwihanr BFS waigaper, s4 Iw a6 19 SRE Fie fo sed Bn RELIG WINE GC wv, aig by # a gi es $2.50, regwisr howder fran 6 3% mow! Grid on the 31s sey of #ashery pled glans el kere Pome snd Seeti, Mo , 1959, on Mighwey be 2 A014, Proviece of Grier, ia pnp. « seh Saris Friend 5a WARY chem KHogh's, pois o8s. the Ornigric Comrythuhon Fav prinhe # VE ae Arar ad WRIBERe BA Boras Fear, | £ i adh ort act ia iw gwd comition. Tricphone Rh ty he OR at" abs 19 FORW for Ar wr seden, 0 8 wit d . wader signed ols Qech sharin 7. wusiim hii, \RWREE ~ spend. poviahie reco h dent occurred on 8 Sunday " i, HAS. Ses ten 3, Whithy, #F, Wha nev, wait Smeg mow oie ICING GRIWEES & CGF WF i B9 Keiaphone RA 3-57 ed and wpercted by Aired FORTIN, ower Winker snd FERRITE RE, Joes void pew Wed | Froncaek ond 8 581 oper pw wamy i badd aad . ut 4 4 7 : ] fi "wa FL Frirohane Rh Ksook, 14 Wesaprn Ay |Past shest, wis. RA S000 Im wp ved if pos A bs a {iu LW mtment Rest wesh $6 rest © ecider ; meme COLEMAN oi sosce Tesiér, Tadiom| Pred Froncrek wes inyired wea CRE VRET fh + Baor, SRRINE size, cheny, MWY VM Poses Fi | ond received fut -gid from gid, hidy pends reget, BW wr oiler. wa 32552 ] d ¢ Teicihone RA # 118% persons yr nonn beleved 19 FRIDGE and television, IRE-om have been foliowing the Fror Ho OCRE yRaLv Firkoimd mine pas tole, #4 fn good pondition. Bw y t cz ehicie Ed Gite # fers hy gud Fo igent? Frirlaigh hyenas : é x 4 / at 4 Pgs Boi By sis A Tn wie VRRIGHT mano, with heheh, in tice! "A a Ww, the Bckstent i 4 0 Annan TH an tiien for prt fw sandion, Bi. Pime Mrs. Fred Biiils Yee Bf he KA BL en, Cowrtice. BA BAW time of the secident wos wb FORD ah, ee ome A Cleaner Reppirs, pi makes traveling in on Essterly de il ERR, E06 tim But un. Ft Huprs Brishies fruataniont | rREtion Wanet, spt hd Fh kihne RA SRI. FEInidiis, estimpias res alan Tn ar ange | Vac Series BA WOH _snstime.| OY witnesses to the § Monia # . den » 5 with Bear silt, fly summed, com B. F, GOODRICH Bires -- Tires, hat] 960% Veal or to the fects ' Lig £1 mls Won miles. Tories, Eeivinplor 1einEsror, 1£ie immediately price to the gcc» KA Bion vishow. Th ify Budget Flan. BA B4543 der kindly comet the ir ii dig ' transistor car ERERN pare snd reppivs for pi makes aersigned forthwith rth 495 Eni ion Ties MH DIBERT type »ashers By maiare i 4 i Bond Blies ' i ' F185 to BIRTAIREEA FE okditioned wash Jormes A. Macdongid EE» #5. Paddy's Market, Hemp Borrister B 5 1% FAAING §, Baw 1s worth v-lioe, £1) 3204 4 hy Cah § nr or wi seh wm a BH King HIRE fest peid oil my ey BEVEBTEEN sor windows; Eole i OSHAWA, Omiario 5 Botinr used cars. Easy Ian MOVE, sampiete with sand 2 » or down. 2m $0 Chest of drawers, $i; Meh hab chor Alfred Fronciek £wrd i. B I, RA 5-168) $s RA 37 1056 FORD tour dear + A) mechenicsl- 0 want niet warranty service. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 4 4 $205. Beary | Without argument. Try Bi Bam 5, W iB th, Whee Erp, Askin. Al used I THE MATTER OF THE WHAYE Js in wheel Arve. Dail Hemnes, of BB BHaraples ESTATE OF ALBERT WHIT : did ow pnw, excellent. BUICK | button radia Pith NEY HAMBLY DECEASE i KA Ao ' prt ainle . 71a U 1954 FORD of TN feet sondition, 85. Vhone RA 5 eld A persons having Gime wis hi snd pansle, Al condition LARY B fur cont, mas dust! aaoinst the Estote of Albert Tele se HWA 57118 # Telkphone Ha for » Whitne Hombi late of the formation y Preah y, 9 4 1950 FORD Fm tractor, nll » or Cit of £ 7) I ey amin Hae ain eneomante. ELECTRINOWE WER Victor, a | NY Pity he M5 A. Phone WAlout 36021 mien. The hinest in TY, Hi sed ser ity of Ontario, Merchant, pd wm. OKinrd 135k es, Wghest Laden Bliowsnce » who died on the 15th doy of Parkway Television, Bis Bimeos Bliset 5 05% BUICK sedan, radia, tue Lone, ORE North olor Ty > Sisley dir A o 1964 ore hereby ) excellent condition, May be seer r 18L y send Ie Ne under RE Way eh gomdieA SER CONT hres nuarier, brown Wid in : golidiy Dg y iw 1800, price § woul boucle coat, gned on or belore the 318 1957 FORD #00 tractor, Tull » pres G4, price $10. Telephone RA S914 day of Merch, 1961, full ha fl a. timm Gh al E " hy Uns be Tmancad Toone WAlnt 3642s AWNINGS, Canvas, Prompt servies,| particulars of their claims ' y OKinrd | 45% / i al alot :! hats oils. Lentale immediately after the seid ox Sime orth 56 8 19k LL VROLETY. good running con | date the gssets of the said 5. Telephone KA 84088 after STUREN Int ' Hopes " yah ie Apwroont | deceased will be dstributed , aely 040 shouts s eller mize typing | bh . ted Dew Shr fox only 81.09, App) among Me partie entities # FONTIM Hood vin 4 oi 7 re "" Lion Deparment Oshawa Times thereto, having regard only to " y net cor bas Atha A wonder! portunity to buy ratios, clgims of which they shall ape re Bif) and stereo al ware then have notice 10h YALXHALL Vi perfect eon: house J Come 1g Radio Whole Tele phan Wh Bhi for WF: |salers, $37 Simcoe Blreet Bonth DATED at Oshawa, Ontario t ni thon ) ) y ARGE oll space heater, Norge, 100 this 17th de f Gr 1966 AUSTIN Sprite, cherry red. Tmme i wi Lenk. 26 feet copper Mning. Tele hy Ih day of February, p on, 11.000 miles Werms iphone WA B 3584 of 4 i. Telephone €0O Vis - GUNS, » ton and hunting sup: 5 LL VROLET four - fony sulamatie | Dies, new pod used, serme MW DEF st0h Messrs, Greer & Kelly, n, 27800 miles, brand new Gown Dominion Tire os, 4 Bond | Barristers, &c., / I. Heal clean! BIBTS or best | Sireet West, RA 5651 4 " : f BA 56308 TY TOWERS, #0 ft structure, hot dip: 7V4 nImeos Street South, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance Seve up in ped galvanized, Installed with all ehan OSHAWA, Ontario 7 # Six months to pay. Forinel antennas, guaranteed one year. Full! Solicitors for the above estate. 1 pl services ab your home call BA orice $66 0 Television, KA 86781 3 sm-- | BACKROY (hres quarter yard Tarsin [130 VOLKSWAGEN Micro bus deluxe, | model 141, powered by eal diesel, $2500 ! pele sun roof Willior nearest offer. Phone WAIub 36022 I nee iA B0311, BA §1343 or aller 7 p.m. OXiord 1-358 PONTIAC four door sedan VE 35 gp Johnson outhesrd moter, 1959 [ tandard transmission, dus ex node] with electric starting. Telephone sist, radin with back seal speaker | BA 53287 HA $007 afier § anes | MIX MASTER sompieie with Frill press, | 1055 KORN, cash or terms Priced rea | meat and nul grinder, also blender, $58 {aor ul y. Telephone RA 85314 Yor more just like new. Apply 168 Grenfell Street ie I ils ORGE electric stove, In excellent eon hd YING a | a} Need money For tow: | om reason for selling, moving Ae esl Tales, fal service, BEANOAS "iphone RA B177% or apply sb 10 Arling 1 pg | y Ingnee, 20 bimeoe Blieel Soulh, or (lon Reet. Pry» SOLINA The CGIT grou) [hone RA #6283 SED televisions, $30.98 wp. [BUY your ear for epsh, fast gonfiden: forms RB Goodrich oo tial services, convenient terms, For in | 8-40 43 ing Street West formation (elephone WA 86389, Bes. | # Ring Mire {WE pay highest prices in the city for need furniture, Preliy's Used Furni paver tars Blare, WA 3.3871, 444 Bimeos Bouth whitewsll tires board Finance NENSMOBILY convertible | ates wer hia i eine condition. Telephone | PAINT, interior, exterior, #305 gallon | TV ne 1454, Port Hope or MO 53-4082 | All golors. Guaranteed, Nat, gloss. Osh: | fer 7 § # " awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church) ) FORD aTiont eanditian." mest | Digest HA 17434 in exe it en F "nr cepted and take over hal-| USER Lres, mast all sizes, ¥ and ui { payments. BA 5.0078 between B. ¥. Goodrich Btores, RA 54583 ui {WARY hargaing, one week only for this offer. Spring Nlled eribh mattresses 2 " 86.86; clearont of 1960 model haby chr BUYING OR SELLING SEE rages, from 824; Tarke full panel eribs, Hoxalone . or natural 5 prige TED CAMPIN playpens, 88 88; highehairs 87.88; stroll: MOTORS ers $4.88. Wilson Furniture, 30 Church Slreet , *- WEAVY duly Moffat stave Tor sale, In 4 KING 81 OSHAWA fond radon reshma RA Hp p \ na 8 } and daveaport clear (lust East of Wilsen Read) [Soc ® dis" sore samples, everything RA 4494 Re 5.5574 must go. Two piece Serta sofa hed sef, _ {reg 8210, one only $97; Scandia design davenport and chair sel, sleeps wp reg. 5240, slashed $119; Serta four Hi | NAGY MOTOR SALES [¢:* wie. "iham" 'cushions, res. 464 stare sample S188; fries venport, MERCEDES » BENZ « DKW wardiohe slorage space, pe two, f 1 ses € howroom * spring construction, three only $68; three-piece sectional suite, "foam ensh . 1ons'!, famous maker, reg. $348, hurry nountil 9 p.m, at for this, $318; frieze et foam faven en {port sel. double eanstrel jon, reg, $989, KING ST, WEST {FE gorgenus design $159; "Farly Amen RA 3-7132 ean' chesterfield suite, foam cushions, the very newest, reg. $380, slashed ta $170; space saver davenpert, ideal for home oF cottage, $36. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street W | LL § PAR THE best Wy nie aad oar " els, ty Nu-Way, Dial RA #4 MOTORS rive paper on sale, letler size, ») yhite newsprint, buy n hulk (Inte and : ave. 44% Th. pkg. $1.00, ). phy TALINTON RD. | {$2.00 Cireulation Department, Oshawa \ Times wi Your AUSTIN I TILT Table saw, mater and stand, $35. Phone RA 3.0840 Deale; RA 5-033] have a good assartment af Used Cars A8--Automobiles Wanted Y FOOD & FREEZER PLAN u may have tried the rest We RA Ala Demonstration == ne obliga: tion RA 5.3709 BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OI HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND STOVE C GENERAL REPAIRS Wall, £ 67 KING ST. W RVR RA 3.7822 DIXON'S I --r RA 3.4663 $ALL CASH$ | ---- RICHARDS F clean cars we deal up or FINE FURNITURE " Liens paid oft The home of quality, tradi NICOLS MOTOR SALES Honal and made age tur $12 BROCK ST WHITEY | Dlie, SOMBER? Som giours MO 8.8001 | Sout Bradley's former lo RA 8:31 SUPERIOR SPOT CASH | -- PAID FOR Lond whe Ens (PMR of ladies Po L.A "and (51--hont & Found id cid ise tie rE from inet i ad FEaghone JE b eT or Bappuaried wi Wikihy ess Seven 4 # ed + Ja AAA E BBR Piises Papen #dsn pi. 0 ax Biatuw. Wewah Bsnra, loot A airman ss Gi ws VIEEY RWRtE fh a Fri gris Haseer ont, gre Pue leplhey cose by FF Vi Vaiagiime Wh i404 we Wi WRIST WATER SATRRTE, Snel Imet at the home of Mrs, J 1 Knox on February 20. Roll eall Sunday morning (was answered with an African was al the McReelis - Arlene! ding in Hampton Church and the worship Sunday guest of Mr an Boy Langmaid the) Shirley Westlake visited her| 'disease, Wendy Neshill assisted hy Jean Baker, Westlake, Sharon Bpires Joan Westlake in service, Helen Knox read article on diseases among Arie ans. Lunch was served hy Mrs The Knox 4-H Club met on Febru new project Sixteen girls were presen! leaders are Mrs, B. Hooey and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, The offi. cers were elected and are President, Lois Ashion; secre: tary, Doreen Hamer; treasurer Jean Haneorek The next meeting will he on March 18 in the hall at 1.80 o'clock The "Men's Brotherhood" will meet at Eldad Church on Fri: day night, March §. Mr. Tay: lor of Belleville will be the guest speaker At a social evening on Fri day, David and Leone Kellett (nee Peele) were honored hy friends of the community, on their recent marriage at a gathering in the Community hall. Rae Pascoe as master of ceremonies expressed congratu lations and best wishes to the bride and groom, on behalf of those present. Lloyd Broome Joe Snowden made the presentation of a card table and chair set and a bud vase for which the young couple voiced) their thanks, Lunch was served after a short time of cards and chatting from the Haspital for Sick Chil dren on Thursday. Everyone was pleased to see him out to Sunday School again, morning CGIT Group ary 24 in the hall to hegin the|d "Featuring Fruit." (Sunday guests of Mr The Walter Taylor returned home| Sunday THE AWA TIM, Mendey, Merk 6, 196) 13 Senior Choir Holds Party ENNISKILLEN ~ The mis Begley, Miss Muriel Griffin, and rain. of Friday wight bad were Sunday evening viens pt ory Aammpeming elect on the en- Cordon Shunk's, Vor Perry thusiasm of the guests at the Wr. and Mis. Arthar Jackson, third in a series of card parties and Stanley. Toronto were Bet Weid n the community hall whey guests of RB i. Orme under the ruspices of the Sepior 1 § Choir, Wigh scores tn enchre Yr. spd Wis. Sandy Moore, were won by Mrs. Grant Werry Shirley, were Sunday £vemng and Mr. Win. Forder, and low visors st Mrs. Fred Toms standing wy Mrs. J. Golo and Mr. snd Mrs, Elwyn Dickey, Faw Mr, Leonard Stainton and Velma, were The ohoir eppreciates the Sunday guests of Mr. snd Mrs, I kneping that has been £ap- YW, Stainton whiny dome by Mrs. 6G. Worry, Mr. apd Mrs, Allen Martin Mr. Balph Lamb, pssisteB BY 40d family, Bowmanville were Mr. BE. Wright with Mr. wand Mrs. A. Brant, Mission Band congregsied in the Sunday school room wader Mrs. A. Perigo, and 4 4 ee Cars ER, WEIR OVEr - Wight the direction of Mrs. F Wright. guests of Mr. and Mrs, T, The ooeming worship of Sundey Werrys Setml conducted by the assistant supenniendent, Mr. A J. Werry. He was assisted by seven boys from Wis Ir. Boys Class whe Zave RB message Wn poems they ress Our reguiar CGIT mesting held on Feb 22, opened with CONT Purpose and Hymn. The Mission Sindy was gven by # number of members wn the form Betty WEE Miss Sandra Werry 1s spepd- ing holidays wt her grandpar enl's, Mr and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Wher paients Mi and Mrs. Allan erry left y ming (or & week's vacation in Flonds Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Mell were Sunday les guests of Mr. i. A Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox and family were visitors at Mr. and dine Werry and apes Raloh Brown's, Brovkhn. Marie Draper had the Worship. "sy "and Mrs. Russel Steele, The offering was taken wp. The Purple Will, were recent visors Fill call swered with A with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin book from Tr The Win sr and Mrs. Keith Ferguson utes were read and domed We and family, Mr. Leonard Brad: had busines # Short joy Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs of # play was nina fnliowed by game, We closed with Taps Donald Lee, and family. Miss Doreen Layton, Oshaws, Mrs IRSONALS yom, y 4 50! A " | Kichard Gpriths Union, weirs Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb visitors ub W. Ferguson's end Donna were Saturday eve Congratilak Io Mr. ond ning visitors at Mr. and Mrs Mrs Keith Cryderman po the Bill Holroyd's, Hampion arnval of a fine haby girl in Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore Osha Gene have returned home from hol Iehawn General Hospital days with their daughter, Mrs.| 'WEEKEND FIGHTS Wy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ney ~Gene Fulls i Wen dorian Utah, Fr ponied nson, dy oy (Fulmer ik ov for, I title) Milan, Maly; ordane, ud evening visitors at Mr, and Mrs Uinant wer EF Fre Grant Werry's Yama ahams, 159, British Mr. and Mrs. BR. 1. Ormiston, | West Indies oltpointed fae cart Garvell, 161%, laly, 1, Thornhill Earl Trewin Sunday eve and Mrs Haydon Cox spent the Miss Diane js Reg. Weaving | Mr. and Mrs and Donald wes (ming callers at Walter Loveridgs Miss Wendy with Mr _ weekend Avery I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bigin ton, Bowmanville were Saturday IMr. and Mrs Lloyd Ashion's of {Haydon together visited Mrs.| Tokyo--Ray Perez, 114, Ha {James Brown, Newcastle wall, outpoinied Masan Ogawa, | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson,|114, Japan, 10, Shirley were Sunday visitors at] Kingston, Jamales ~ Virgil IA, L, Wearmn's Akins, 148, Bt, Louis, outpointed | Mr. E. W. Begley, Miss Carole) Gerald Gray, 148, Jamaica, 1m, Brenda and Margaret, Toronts, visited Mr, and Mrs. E. Spires and family. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten and Francis atiended a» party on Sunday, honoring Mrs. I, B Williams of Bowmanville on her #0th birthday, Mrs, 4, Knox and Helen visit: ed relatives al Brougham, )| Mrs. Rae Pascoe read a story] Mrs. J, Knox, Mrs. Frank the program, Westlake, Jr., and several CGIT | girls attended the WMS Preshy- Miss Pal Knox was a guest terial meeting at Trinity United Macnah wed:|Church, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman Salem, was a and Mrs, A, J. Balson were and Mrs.|Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. BE. Larmer, Blacstock Mr. and Mrs, Helmer Freitag cousins, Kathy and Stephen and sons, Oshawa, were Sunday | Land, Bowmanville |guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross | Mr, and Mrs. Ken Pascoe and | Cryderman and children, daughiers, Brougham, were Mr, and Mrs, Stan Millson and Mrs.|and sons visited Mrs. Ella Tay: Harry Knox and sons {lor and Sandra at Secarbore on Mr, and Mrs, D. N Spires, (Saturday, "MERRY MENAGERIE on missionary Mr. 1. Squair i | "Poor guy! That's the third hel You'll Sell OSHAWA TIMES Just Phone RA 3-3492 It Quicker Through... TT ASI AD WEEK MARON '@& ALE EE

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