The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1961, p. 5

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| -------- WHITBY IN THEATRE GUILD'S THERESE Shawn shove Are member fave / fogn MH of the Whithy Theatre Guild | and Beryl Garreit. The make walihing Yainwi f in ha i HH FROUIIE make up { Jif [; Mihi a he hia fn TINT herent REE vey msiderably during Fhe awar J Ihe 4 ka oni nie presented last meht al Hi rect eharactenzation I avin Farish oH gon Wainwright wa (I aT west, and will he presenied monstration on | hry AEA Lomignt. From ef 7] hiked be done hy one of To right in the photo gre Jean ranin anling dithar VY arminarsm Ber HERVE) eonnecien wilh television Red Cross | VON Nurse Speaker At Fund Drive Home League Is Opened ahion Sm Amen League held ary If plans proceed as scheduled, ¥EKY TECHIE with Mis, Fife avery hame in Whithy will have no Ga ¢ EFoiy i a peetin opened with a 1 a visitar on Monday evenin is 1 M hf Phat if atinngl CIvive enon 15} "ren 9 " " MM WE Earle and closed in praver bh one of 1256 canvassers who seek yp Camain Hohert tn raise $4000 in a blitz cam A short busine meeting fol paign lowed and further project ore The campaign. under chair discussed vf a rd ing Mone man Ronald Armstrong vusing for the Fresh Air | amy actually runs fram March & 10 Fund and also a lighted sign for 11, The committee hopes that the Citadel, Mrs. Raberts intro the objective can he reached on duced the Monday evening hul fanvas ersl evening guest speaker for the Whithy VON Miss Anna will have until March inl Tean MoLeod, who gave a mast ecamplete any visits not hh onlinteresting talk on the variou blite night phises of her work. This wa Householders are requested to followed hy a& question and an leave porch lights hurning (al Wer period show the canvasser thal some he meeting closed ith one is at home. The visits will prayer and lunch i erved hegin at 7 p.m hy Mrs, Karle and her group This marks the first vear in Next week the members will the past several that there has [P81 Visit the Fairview Lodge heen a Red Cross campaign in residents a nd will afterward Whithy, This vear, the United| "old their regular husing } F J meeting al the Ciladel 1 4 hi a A 4 Bide anied Dannitharne and her group will ana a 16 eharllahle organi Ihe in charge gations within it have had tol make their mame CMe Andruskiw the town be Ligne f IW oan hair, Ras Deen |e wmsitile for wll the [adie Vin Ie MAKING An exer! Wh of copying the siyies of that era. The ied in ana see these BIRE th fe then pun e | mn fine frre Vinile Harry iL duction of Therese hy 0a directed hy ' Hime Foanignt wy farmance. starls at 8.20 p.m WHITBY PERSONALS Ihe Alex Rebekah Lodge én tained the residents of Val ew Lodge al their mamhi hirthday part All Rebekah were dressed i uniforms of ai ferenl SAIvVices Arm "i ana I Varce INgINg the old me songs of the Virst World Nar accompanied al the plang h Irs. Alma Dewey, of Whit hy, Dancing was alse enjoyed int ere presented to every ane whe celebrated a hirthda during Vebhruai I'he cake wa til hy Mi Jessie Bell who vel Lunch closed and ehrated her 95th hirthda vies served, the evening with "Till We Meel Again' the "Queen Mr, Arthur Pritchard, of New horn, spent 10 days as the guest of ms hrother and sisterdan-law My. and Mrs, Lew Pritchard, of Dufferin 81. Mr. Pritchard | Heeve of Newhorn and attended {the roads and hydro eanvention in Taranto Mis spending hey left Alewyn. Blolk Is Ix weeks abroad visiing family in Hotterdam hhe from Malton Airport My HM Van crescent hirthday today Sheppard, Done is celebrating hey Her friends wish GIVES LOCAL AID her many happy returns of the an ete oi oon 18 WA Hostess ™ ciate the Red Cross work with Mis. (i. HH. Blow has returned national dicasteg weh a Mi Anthony Andruskiw pom a vacation spent in Han floads ar major explosions, hut opened Jer hame for Almonds! Bepnarding, han Diego, and Las in actual fact, the Whithy| thi: WA meeting and a Vega hranch of the Hed Cross is a/birthday party. Mi Loyal VEY Relive group " Pog the president opened (he KRabert, son of Mrs The branch ha pent sao0g mes Hing ih a poem entitled Roman i celebrating his hirth in the puvchase of eight ho Lasley day on Bunday, Hest wishes ave pital heds and eight wheel Mi Peay Pascoe was in offered to Hobhert from hi 1 hay which are madi available] on nf de vation he APOK( friend on Lent Easter thoughts and In all Whithy resident nn a I'he weekly euchre club mem Inan has fevations, Mrs. Haddon Rime 5 GEE (he ome of Mis road the Beriplupe Ty Iohn| Pera Mel 4 LLL 8 . Also available for loan are| Newton presented several recap. LTace Hicks Ryron Ht, N camplete sick room facilitie Pa hyn Whithy, with Mpa, Rose Bar tan Mi Maude Cameron wrote VINELOR As hosts I'he ladies During the past year, theand read an article on the Played cards al two tables with Whithy branch of the Red Cross Spirit of Forgiveness'. This| he following winners: first ha wpplied fuarts more than 4000 reading of milk to needy families! of forgiveness in the hero in town. This tem alone!day," ta he unforgiving deprives! 10W, Mrs, Edna Sawyer coats the branch nearly s500 us of a great joy and stunts hy. The hostess, assisted hy fhe Whithy hranch alse our growth members served a dainty makes available to residents of Mi Laval Pogue extended neh, The next euchre will he Fairview Lodge a shopping ser very: hest birthday wishes tad the home of Mrs, Fdna viet in addition ta regular! Mi Cophas Os horne, Mps NAWYel weekly viata and Christmas! Ceol Pascoe, Miss Birdie Wick On Monday Mis. ¥ W rif Anatner major and un: 0 My \. Hadley and Mis goawne Dundas 8. W., is apen heralded work of the W hithy (Norman Woads presented achive ver ame at 2 pom, to the hraneh are vesular visits - tal l8dy with a gift exeoutive members of the Vis patients at the Ontario Hospital fhe meoting closed with count Greenwand Chapter 10D in Whithy In most cases, (hel Prayer after which dainty ye freshiment orved hy Hh hosts melding a hivthday cake made hy Mys George Haweott. The ladies were Wer ANY VisHES Hines : are made ny worker an tu patients receive Hine hraneh volunteer I 18 yo I | UF rospoanse 10 this Gon "aratoful to Mis. Rowentt Ane that will mamntain far Mrs. Andvuskiv and her mathe another year these vital Rediavd ox pyessed their appre Cross activities in Whithy Says! piation Campaign Chalrman Armstrong Pelashak &R2, 1. Shaw M1} WHITRY LADIES CANDY (reenley Sof and 6. Sandford EAL Wil Paints tar the day Allsart Ningles aver 200. 1. Mather 1. Gumdrop 1, Humbugs 0, sill 313. 231: K. Lovst 979. \ fellybeans 1, Lifesavers 0, Lolli: Brawn 248. D. Moore 280. A paps 4, Maplebuds 4, Pepper: Anderson 29%. 1D. Kehoe 997 minty | HAM. Duncan 295, BE, Walkey Priples over 83 1 Mothersill 234, 210: (i Sandiovd 217, | RL, BE, Walker 627, A. Anderson Riley 316, 1 Greenley 213 R WD, Kehoo 380, DD. Moare 388: Peloshak 212. A. Hewis 208 and KN, Layst a7 BH Pascoe 203 BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m, WHITRY Feature Starts at 7 and 9:20 ARITA LARA NK PRANK SINATRA !! DEAN MARTIN SAMMY DAVIS. PETER LAWFORD HOGHNICOLOR® PANAVIBION warns WARNER AROS Tomersln hy WAR TOWN 3 Paths ¥ aN IWC SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS AT 1:30 Pascoe 366, R. 8 told of the great need| warld to] decorated Whithy| sed Hartley Mrs. Grace Hicks ond Mrs, H Oshawa Whit Young Gary Sharp, of Camp hellfard, is spending two week with his grandpavents, Mp. and Mya. Ivan Whalen, while hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sharp Are vacationing mn Flavida Miss Evelyn Virgin, Centre St Nis .eonvalescing at hey hame after a stay at the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital. She was the gues of Mrs, I. Weeks of Oshawa when she first came aul of the hospital 1nday Sahina where and seen My \'\ Verfaillie left fram Montreal hy the Airline jot far Relgtum he will visit hey mother family wham she has not far 14 year Mrs. J. Smyth Co-Op Hostess fhe Coal Wamen's Guild met A the hae of Mes. J. Smyth of Henry St, on Thursday even ng for their regular meeting the annual reports were given Arrangements were wade fo (the next month's meeting ta he held at the home of Mrs, J Cowx, Dundas St. W lames were enjaved M1151; of the leky \ va ¥ The draw given Dathy were .co-hoslesses and Kenneth Kathleen Howe H and § Seventh Game Tonigh * THE OWAWA TIES, Saturday, March 4, 1964 5 And DISTRICT Hillcrests Win Again! Guides, Brownies t Badge Report The 71006 member Watinnal (Base Society wm England ie the largest spariahet flower snciely (nthe world REWARD Valin ing iw badge report 187 BROWSE FACK B " for Wnty Condes and Browi Cinen Hand Jamice Beaton Be CLIFF GORY grils of the period gs Nichol fester Wes, K. Sa¥eohe m8] 1. inboamation on the parent Whithwy Willerests Hrged (he hen wie the real hers that he 250 COMPANY B Vrkehard i PEYER J). GRAMMY snd Wg comehack fast mE in Ld 4 Hostess hadge Billy Sone TSH PACK DAML GRAMMY, (ormedy of Beflesifie ae they whipped fhe ICE CHIPS = We muy Wave hover, Senha Bm. Tester Cobiector: Colleen Jensen § WHITRY, Ontario nes, whe figh flomg Maes 15 the Wg been somewhat crwel Ww or BB fer and B. Enghish. hue! Marlasne Whwieside Tester, HB wrt § v& in Hew York Hele sith game that cond have Fas dawies of late in regard (wards $ioaetmnse Vester, BK. Prt Winter PETER J. GRANT vi. married tly spetiad doom fay (he Winthy the Wiithy team Wirt we feet that chard. Melody - Pascge. Tridy 157 PACK A 16 Emma G6 Farinell at Wnty team. The Wg seventh and Ade or impressions of the way that Buichings. Testers, Mrs. 6G Swimmer. Lorne Hawking, § nv 1867 the Inept tepm Wad been playv- Foster. BE. Pritchard Vester. Mrs. A. (wens BLAS viding game will be paved here Ma £5 12 Mise £ K Simpron, 1omait when the winner will Ing Wi 10 the last two games had IRD COMPANY TH PACK ory, Srovavide Lametery have the night 16 meet the win something tn do with sparking Handgwoman badge. Swan Howse orderly. Sorma Wi raobivm, Ont ner of the Kingston - Priey them mn ta the platform we ev Miller, Buelyn Hickey. Bionic son. Susan Treland. Testers havo sevies lor the Fasern pect In ser them reach tomo Allan, Pat Bloye. Testers, Mr. Their mothers (mtanin CHammponsiig $0 fans remember, hing and Mrs. KE. |. Pritchard -- ---- 8 arwl { Big Dave Niholishen was (he glong » friend for toma . Ehild Bwese: Caryl Mian vert gin for the Whithy tesm game, as IW prowwises to be one Nancy Allard, Linda Finan fast maht me the colorful eanfre of the Waaest attractions at the Mara Bardo Svante Wire fed ne less thm four goal Whithy arena so far this year, Wart, Donna Parse i Brigid i ure 65 and all Bet earned the Whithy har none, And by this we mean Armstrong. Testers, My Fi team inte the sudden death the Dunpic-Hull game included Kaiser H Pritchard a game 'tomight. Nichahohen, # We Wmestly rupees tn see Frymaker Mana Faraaoe o_o - @ Donna Parise. Testers, K. Wea fate starter in the season has the largest crowd ever tn enter Nome Fa EMMANUEL heen a tremendows (ower of the Whithy arena this hockey ver i Prkcherd. J Let's All srenath 10 the Whithy team rod season his far wn the 196081 Hoste Caryl Allon Domi REFORMED we feel Wis great efforts will be wasn 10 attend The Hil Fa #: Foster Willer ' f 5 Ea eels have wven hey VERVAS BEY GERRIT REZELMAM well rewarded. here (omight "~ " Rye DIVER Me yond # Homemaker Jucaneline Wen (s] THIRD CORES IN, WEST the twa team eet in what will dav. that they gre true cham : ' fs Teste OF GHEY Vi ' he a sudden death game for the DAVE NICHOLISHEN ons despite the nes that Arik dd wh pl / { ahi 1a advance in the pla { fiave hefalien the clih They Bs. Baieer, Francine Clairmon 10:30 AM oe 9 wi f from Gover and 1. Hu Phe ant more than anything else to CAryl Allan. Tester ¥, Milley urc Dutch Service dl Wines Lok the lead Jess than twa IH COMPANY 10:30 AM 4 . tived win this senes for thelr inured ' : Fhe Ma WETR Fed FEED insta fer as the Belleville " Cid Nurse Mary Miller Sundey School, Englisch un for this game and had Wah ro rrey WCE 5 i nate Tom Chascrawski who 1s ania Kiliott: Tester, Mrs, K : 2:30 PM hones of sendin fhe i hithy fal did ' Py : asinaer (shawn hospital right now. o " 4 om 8 E 4 |} 1 English Services, Whith team itn the discard. But the THe waa Hie ' piv jog wllering from the loss of Wi Mats hag iy Virgin. as 230 F bs / Ie ¥ f ' wis mimost drowned om ws Be jog ove pe hie fi f 1 ih YIrgm Werks 0 1s under the watchful eve of RL MA BaME NEFE RRIVEF ; Yes Mrs Warship gt Bowmanvill is i De vb pi a I atiempled Lo announce the gi this week. Bo fans, give the Hill Anne outer Yoster, Mt n Sunda ! po pH in Biss ( ons had different ideas WIE fons nearty Wem ANA #5 crests your full sport here Barter : p y Bowmanville Sunday School Wis Cagnm: ha HIEren i Weston put (he home sige 0 0 (oni atu Remember game $in Homemaker fariaine Ar EVERYONE HEARTILY WELEOIE #5 10 the outcome of the alle, oni by th goals just one min % 70 ington. Tester, B. Pritchard a favely opened the did ue and Al seconds later 4 SUMMARY I .aundres Mary Miller , for the Macs as he tinned ms p Teste RB. Pritehard 4 The Whithy team having ha Ist Period ! h BAPTIST Camels in th yin i oy Vi / ' Uf he § A 3 ed the ond. Mg Ehi--and the will to win |, Belleville; Mave fo Woman Adu nr Ld _: 4 oN fn hr of ne "ay hat ha srried them to the gh On (Hunter i'n it it pi Y) { us yh ng PRESBYTERIAN 419 Brock o W, Whithy WHT rF of far 40 I 4 | y } # grin the Belleville team had started 'AF0 Championship ast year 72, Whithy: Middleton tim Wik 1 Y. Baro Pastor: Rey, E, €. Corbett, §.Th ¢ Whit howed just what makes @ rue (Fran) 7:1 nt J , d CHURCH off on the right fool. The Whith d { " Fire Brigade: Melonie Gag team bounced right back and Champion and they fought ng 4. Whithy: McCullough on, Judy Virgin, Virginia ¥) i A n hack and scoved a pay of teliin (Switzer, Nichohishem) 9:11 1" A y 9:15 AM knatied the count at one all # cored on # 4 NM. liott, Mariaine Partington, |e Radio B Kl fiddieton scored on a nass from E08 p Heian gh 1 18 / helisvlil Mavety Aone Bouter; Tester, Fire Chief 11 AM ade Brogdcost CKLB Tra { the 7.23 mark. MoCyl 8 rom ONES Qf ST ¢ (G, Hull) 10:2 g { Whithy Fire B " : ' (ah it wis rm hack aif mark and the goodly number of Penalties. = Wavety, 19:16 Bruce Comer, Whilky Fire BRA popninG worsHIP nh en our he wav fiom Clinton of the Winthy fan who made the 1) ind 17:30 hd BEGVIERS' LABS Bib ' 4 7 LUBA fort game scored the Were going wild, Jake Fenlly ind Period ' JUNIOR CONC SEATON 11:00 AM. & 7:00 PM next goal and 1 may have eoreq the if bi o His py / i y Whithy Nicholishen i 40 Castro ] Support Our Pastor Speaking piaved a hig one. However B85 DE FOURGES (41 8 HF IWIZET) ' . 945 AM ' ' with Middleton at the 6, Belleville: Hunt H / special Music favely scored | second anal |WRY ay With h ile uniter of the game just seconds Tater 1990 mark of the second sansa (Goyer, B. Will) voi B47 oun eclining CHURCH SCHOO! Everyone Welcome and the seare was tied at two And gave the locals a fiveall HET 7, Belleville: Gover WASHINGTON (AP) =Fresi " { { the end #5 they headed into (he final (Hunter, RB, Hull) + B00 dential assistant Arthur Sehlels A . all, the av it stood a th 1] of the first period of pla erin B. Belleville: Weston inger Jr. said Friday the pop Whitby Baplist WHITBY The Hillerests opened up fast The hig third and final period (Titterson, Forsythe) 0:41 ularity of Cuban Premier Fidel " in the second nerind and anened is all Wstory now so far as the 8. Whithy: Nichelishen Castro has faded hadly in Latin Church UNITED CHURCH the searing as Nicholishen start: Belleville (ean coneerned (Hoherts) 12:25 America during the last six Rev Pdi ed his onslaught Fhe Belle Fhe Whithy team 'proved in. Whithv: Luke months Re Thomas Webk, Minister wv: Im ys BA, 80 ile team were desperate {they are made of the stuff that (Middleton) , 19:50 On the other hand there 181 Mrs. W. E. Summers, ATCM Rev. A IA Butler, BA, yy v ™ V '8 Ne i ) Assistant inser kept in the fight and Hunter makes champion he Penaltie G, Hull, Burke, very geal excitement and ex Aetinta again knotted the count at three | fought tooth and nail in the final 8:45; Titterson, 19:45: Burke, |pectancy over President Ken Mrs. 1. Beaton, ARTE, Orgenist all al the 6.47 mark on passes period and scored the only two Kellar, 17:20; Goyer, 19:50 nedy and the new American 10:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM fird Perind leadership," he said INFANT BAF T15M 11. Whithy: Nichalishen 17:20 Schlesinger returned to Wash SUNDAY SCHOOL THOUGHTS ABOLIT REPENTANCE nny: Niehahishen ington "riday mm & ree v CLUB ALE D 12, Whitk Nichalish § Frid from fh 9:45 I il 14 hs 3 veurs g N AR (Tring) +, : 17:54 week trip through Argentina 11:00 AM & 7.00 P.M and over Y BY DAY Penalties = Middleton, Titter: Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Panama 100 AM wioitle and boys unde hy i q 3 ) re R » years MONDAY, March 6 DA od " on 10:2 and Venezuela where he accom REY. THOMAS WEBB 10100 AM infant Care, Junior Ca:Op Credit Union hank night Shots on goal Whithy, 87; panied the United States food Worship United Church YI FELLOWSHIP Group | Bellevilie, 20 for peace mission ! oh ¥ 4 | RCH ni . Whithy Baptist Church Explor Ihe regular meeting of thet Whithy Ontario Hospital Faith Baptist Vellowship Group Nurses' Alumnae was held Balurday evenipg All Baints' Anglican Chur eh Bowling was enjoyed al the HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, Patron Evening Guild Branch Oshawa Shopping Centre how! | Wiad Chupeh Se nor Fvening ing alls returning afterward [J , oii in the home of Mr, and Mrs, ( h levations and fel UEND/ » ) 7 Milhurn for TUENDAY, Marc) iowshin. The next meeting will ! Whithy Red Cross work room he held March 25 Whithy Baptist Chureh CGI I"aith Baptist YPA INDIAN DRUGGINTS Ni. Andrew's Preshylerian | The Collahuava Indians of Church WA South America, known as "the United Church Afternoon WMS druggists of the Amazon," make cough medicine from tree hark and poison from plants Whithy Kt. Jahn Baptist Church WMH The Evangelist (WI WEDNESDAY, March # Nt John's Anglican Church WA work meeting HL. Andrew's Preshylesens Kinette Club Assn Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Bt. John's Anglican Ruth Group Family Menuments Crented ro A Individual Reauiremer o STAFFORD BROS, Manumental Works hureh adian Red C IHURBDAY, March § ilvation Army Women's HI Ninelalr 1 and § Assos Whithy Garden Club 318 DUNDAS EAST FRIDAY, March 10 MO 68-3552 Nenior Citizens Group { able? 0) TIME 55:5 SAVE MONEY -- DO-IT-NOW PLENTIFUL LABOR SPEEDY SEASONAL SERVICE Your MODERNIZATION, REPAIR, and REPLACEMENT HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING REQUIREMENTS FREE ESTIMATES---NO OBLIGATION EE i § DON'T DISTURB YOUR SAVINGS! Buy on the LLA.C. Merit Plan 4 Vou can wart waing your purchase immediately, pay for it ful of earnings at law rates and an ARnvenient terms, when you Anance on the LAC MERIT PL 11's thie saniont way "n Reel ar res L™ the LAG, MERIT PLAN Way... and onjoy af the axtra benefits| of us, nnancing Arrangemeniy tor TN In ane vansaction an the spor 1's Canada's most CARTERET Way In hay an Hime and their tal ST an wailing and wondering, We look afier of EE MSS SE FR SERIES E "1 Modern Indoor Comfort | | Saves Nealth , , . Saves Wealth served refreshments Dear Whitby Resident: This is a De you know of the wotk done | in Whitby by the Whitby Branch of the Can "DO YOU KNOW" Letter ! roms? eking financial support for this Welcome the canvasser with a generous donation, fon. Qrmatrong ACTING March 1961 ' Do you know that 8 hospital beds and 8 wheel-chairs are available te Whit« by residents on a loan basis! (at an eriginal cost of aver $3,000), Do you know that complete sickroom facilities and supplies are alse avails Are you aware that last year over three thousand quarts of milk were given by the Whitby Branch of the Canadian Red Cross to needy families right here in Whitby? (Cost last year almost $800) Are you aware that Fairview Lodge residents are provided with a shopping service, weekly visitation, and Christmas gifts? Do you realize that the superintendent and staff of the Ontario Hospital here in Whitby are really grateful for the work done by the Red Cross for the patients there? All this in addition te the other great works undertaken in the relief of suffering and distress both locally and natienally ! March is traditionally Red Cross month, This March Whitby will see several hundred volunteer canvassers We in Whitby have not had a Red Cross campaign for several years, and it is our duty te support an organization that has done so much for us, yet asked so little very great work, We can all have a share in the work of the Red Cross, You, the citizens of Whitby are asked to do your share by welcoming the canvassers to your homes and offices, and by donating generously to an organization that has the support of millions of Canadians who are proud to give their money, their blood, their time It is your response to this appeal that will maintain for another year these vital Red Cross activities in Whitby, CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN

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