The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1961, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Serwdey, Merch 4, 198) [2 FA THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS =i NEW BUSINESS Ee BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY oo 5% | Go its Tria na UNLISTED NUMBERS "TLE MOULIN ROUGE pre a Rug--Upholstery Service gir oD Td ww AE ef . nh 419 MASTER hid 2 A RE : Ra PET wae, Pree Ri EReE, . Grey we wil on "ee or Sly y 1% or CATERERS BOVLING BANGLETS WE MONEY ASR -- " AVAILABLE fi i AY A ALY 7 jase ELAN, PRIVATE PARTIES wlyrrent interew Rete Fost Confidentiol Service prov re by o or ae and LT Gi rgd [tt oe pibrv » Wad Ld wakes Ld oifice pita / ff {97 paitehie Lepami, #4 ed 4 AN Hd id LA RA 4 BOON bed Wowid, sow WAR | Teiepune B4® i Tr di Al ind 194 jas a4 Koo "ond i # Wowd apectoity oa " a Res Tenors ne 8 BA di far tunities Ful ond Wood Business os {i Bg al WH" dd PRY basdniod TH ava anin oh ag 1 ee Bowls n (A an Sons fyi Pans fr oe, » piss ollie if Wohss ix ren 4 "n sooty Food Fraoner Services STOP in nd spher. Lal RB. DICE bedroom 4, me Fenn phat, rox y io ones ine, La Wire py a BETTE tor ous ota ------ MOMARKET Foes ard Frasisr Compeny now wesonghie prices, ~~ 2 | M&C DRY GOODS fi 'y 2 _ Coling $1. PAS TR2T ws wt, ures Penang #4 Busy Blgnwey seiner, sie Wire ¥i Debwnni K.}, Fr aervies sation % Figs elle the a? din pil g (Ad pr palsy, amd" oor #4, " Whitlry, Otters the fires food 'servica In Onterie, Mi pare brand groceries, Steers ond ANN'S FABRIC td 7047 Wusindes snd BURROWS, Chartered oman ts A Hotton vi 0 M a 100615 10 aulight the eve, M ral "rh, heed #1 § (Eh ERLE AA LA viorel ne ine WA PO ae - tA os Jo Laid Tl) 4 af bog are "d/ ! gidnons) : yi hdr dt a] po We 86s be ments ELANEY'S fniarin Aceon Lim pie Rosisaepng Bond Blessi Wes i] RINE Lair GRAY win, EW ial Foo lad Unioris i Sl pi mt be y 4 % fore dng Ji fl LiAig Meameriame. Laine / hid wil be od om ny nA oH ond Joe nd EN 3 Be | 'oar fines wii Wil resprryiig 16 idle a ments §mmi nd sere "w ren n wri ner Vor merg En ere COrriel ination of ery 88 e fisement, Aer Eesera he Brice herged 16: 8 Vagle relies ne AG Enisement in which ser PEs. And gli ime e he Hg 19 6losaity adverining aeerifing 18 We oon classifiestions In» of dap merits mer wi 1epensikle 16 nee rngt whigh the secupine. The pubis Vo opie ce 8 adertising morte Esrrectly BA quires ng Netty UN NSEE Reiss nm any orm o sortg'rad me ry fi aad be CHEST eid Lid | MEAT MARKET | ad whic Hidden Ber RA 8-436) LANG'S OY aiid | Addis $e or twa gsntismen niiiing ante, Dane eds, Bosed opraRe. (53507. 46 Bmete wie Chertel Mortgages tio Co dgneis ~Foyments ta Suit Your Budget har Prone "wn, #tiie HL ER) 528 [Fgh ad bad iA Fd an Jone RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS 5 ging o & prices RA 57488 CHROME CHAIRS RECOVERED FROM 3,75 UP Expert Workmenshin SHAWA AUTO TRIM 62 BOND $7 ALiciyiely | # f bo yy ¥ id wel he fied gnaer. [els A vs Jnless 3 Md f brik EREEK il SHOP Cisomitiod bestion 113 BYRON §T, § vies Vl leon Ch ; i 272 M.BERY $7 | WHITEY = MO 8.8182 vine W, py "Fimand Burrows, Ch 14 Wr NE HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES | KOOM wid board Tov Tad Ta oleh E PEWAR Co, Meet | Sih ani y 4 ' oe ve va wosls, Spring print, yi poiiriv Ag' LiL tie tl Tudl on Wa GENUI on prices, 1 ng Ko A A rv SE : 4 Ec WE DELIVER FA § i - 6 per v8, Le dg HANTEIN, HONTEATH RIEWL MONEY -MAKER | or repped Li he 1 Pd / e srlErm asl bes G ; ff tL] f loyment Wonte. BERNIE $ nA, sud TY Central. Bear Worth Alps WH 108% hrm Ror FULL OR PART TIME vane frig: i home font 4 . fon fag 4 APPLIANCE SERVICE pian nh how a weremy, A ary ie FraRiy, WB BY fa wonow nd ™ | ' - \ ks, you 48 SIMCOE NORTH (Regn) (fick: dais omg: aod Gott sod A161 for Rent TRAMP-O-LEAP | fomily of four con live 'wel his given ie ehiiAren, Your factory autheriied ser " [Lad y Park Worl South tor mors and own 8 freezer for $16.00 Wik ies depot for Philes, Moffer, / ere | TICKROOM EQUIPMENT JUMP CENTRFS per wee For formation GE, Vastinghouss, ec 42--Store Snace ond FOR RENT Qf FOR SALE h le r y 4 Hd RA 5-117% _Gerages hee! chairs ia SEALE foi vent. 8% 4 BEY FRR Warkeinp or J ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMBANY a waned. cle ping Wassine pd snk EIR BE Jhe. Heine [49 Fevers. ARyiBing sonsinersd Vio a BA Bouit pr v ERR ' 1Gspitel Led Froless ne BA 3 /466 Barden ond Supplies DRIVEWAY GRAVEL od wie for SPATE al Bisipeny valid # 37 Mele Help Wanted ++ od i TRA : " jobr th Cansds, US, bo INE J Weieshone WO BWA rite, oo Regn 2," OFFICE OR 57 ORE | Ah wen 44 ¥ slop 8, Boston # rang The : SPACE FOR RENT Aute Ports Re H ave KERTH Waslern Wire, Busraniesd 84 36-~Female Help Wented | YOU Lomative parts snd accessories, 14 EARN 3 weekly plus » lee werd Fhe 18 yOur epare Lime a a Plan for Your Future faery Nismo, 4 n (#4 May Amiel Ros Fashion Fiucks to friends went GLLEE TE f ~ pr " . Barrister and bolie on 19 Be 8 man with & plan! Je 0 | E 5 F Tie Commercial Building, 2 8 : wo Loy . country, You've d ghboyt ane of the Canadian Army's FF W PAC i Der ithe # Ontario. Vent parking i / Lite, Look Well Shee! JIChes ane Gre Arise ent arg kad "4 Rentals RA 5-1644 KING STREET RA 33992 Av bor bey or Evaning ppeintment Die me unit degler NOW 15 THE TIME TO PREPARE gsi spar whole aa Ll Ek Approximately 12 by 38 or larger If preferred APF) 23 CELINA 57 VI=Wamen's Column nil arEnCEn foun Harmeniy signed hil Solrells res ions Y onan I Hendershot hpon RB "ive west 1) Pais 0 Send il Dial RA 5-5279 SHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Nursing Services INDIVIDUAIIZED though for Pruning of fii tress end [gach person bn Byunsorhe dies | anamentals, tree surgery and on 2 POV ined Inquiries Invited. KA removal. Expert werk guer #0 antes RA 8.6366 EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE Shaping, Thinning of Fruit end Ornements! Trees | Van Belle 12g dens | MA 3.5787 . BOWMANYILE 3 miles East on Ne, 2) ying Bires Five wer Barristers you" 17 AFFILIATED OFFICES I ' ACROSS ONTARIO gheg v ue Eqs this exciting ne yeep Ine riesn Fashion Member Ontgris Maorigege Brokers Association iisl Biv ehirings RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED Professions! Cleaning Home or Plont Members of the Nations! Institue of Rug Cleaning Poctor of He Rone NU-WAY--RA 8-468) (Elbe } hon Evenings he A pointment Surveyon eb NEIL 0. BO, sptometsiat, | PONEVAN AND FLEISCRMAN, "Bh |Bulte 3. The Dindas Bldg, We Dundas taeio Land Surveyor Sommer J (West, Whithy, MO b-971" Gord Wet: bi 13 Bieor Hires A CB TUCK, RO optometrist . By Bceounts st downlown Gomi 4 6. 1. BORTON} | Bank oF 74 Burk tresi heals es tario Land Burveyer 4 od af home. Dial RA B48 gineering, 806 onder Hie! [} MO howre th Whithy, {Painting ond Decorating i -- PAINTING, Ascorating student counsellor, | Work. R shle Jus) ears' maumiiencs, by interview only. Eschern phone K hel mow, WA 1004 . through an . a Var FEOFLE who need your wrviegs are lety store In your awn living ete veading Classified right now. Don't miss 0 | offers under this pendy-made business. Dial BA | Mlseslisne Classified S408 today te start your low cont ad. | PAINTING ahd Bhpsrhen ing, Winter LEARN to dance, sxpert (nstrustion In (pater. 6 Sng, 204 Church Street, | ballroom dances. For appointment, tele: (Telephone [Khare RA 8-634 |FROFEBSIONAL painter HLLAN MAE MARSH, dance hice: Ranger, guaranteed work tor, dancing school, ballet, & baton, [Male ee estimates, Al acrobats, pre-school, charse rr apy, saturday, Masonic Temple, RA| CLE] | HARVEY DANCE M vitnd TP Ard an 4 dealers ranged install ping Centres ABSOLUTE PROOF of centres paving for then selves in B 10 10 weeks of great gdditicnel profits for dealerships in heme units "CANADIAN TRAMP-O-LEAP" An 9. | An vy 1} Co trally lor ares, now Bolieitars "Jour Busineanl 1 A or Wishes Optometrist KF Bow Unomstiy oly n Maederare oveilohle THE TIMES BUILDING m " Barcisier East Henl "Mims regardin new Irlends jou ys Osh 9. Gi rflueus hale All Canedian Cempany ence (0 take charke of & drug and por tions depariment In Oshawa Super: market, Must have high school edies tion, Fiease state full particulars In| own handwriting, salary sxpected ste. Box M08 WHEN ANSWERING HELP WANTEI® ADS Send copies only of references Biggest and most experienced by far will give every as sistance In locating, Instglling ond financing. For the best return en estment | FURNIBWED apiriment Nesidence, BA 54 instruction it omot | [with private hath entrance. Closes BOWMAN Ay vo PRIVATE Ankehsr, bdhey Mae {to Shopping Conire or on direct bus iy, si alms sa Bou Ay | ole Wainer couple. Apply Box 707 dence. RA B01 0 shaw Times | MecmBON - PANTERO, Barristers, NATIONAL organization vequires va: |golicitors, Clients' funds avaliable for! cant gomm | lots on busy thorough: first morigages 80 §imeos Birest Horth fares to le Write Canadian Tranip: [RA #3 fig ¥ aries €. Melilhbon, QC) Olasp Lid, 485 Gloucester Hires! | | Edgar § Bastede, QC |QHlawe, Oniarie JON A, CAMERON, barrister, WOMAN with three children yrgently io and poten, Joie 14 Kin needs 13 bedreon apartment hy [East RA 38880 NHA and pr March 8, Write Oshaws Boligl Tesi Remove! of wi arriter, Marie Murduft will be In la Oshowa, March 14th ond 15th, Phone Geneshe Hotel en these detes for eppoints ment SCIENTIFIC REDUCING Start today te be slim end trim for Easter, OSHAWA'S FINEST Times INTERESTING POSITION AVAILABLE reading accuraly 18.hoon Wented A WANTED 88000 private loan at 7 per Frocks, Lid, 442i | went as # Nest 'mortgage on S25.000 Dept. G366T, Mantis farm property, ner Oshawn. Reps? MARE beaiiiiv Rite snnisliy plus Interest, Reply © pachisces #6 him crack infantry regiments 19 te a Box 44 Oshaws Times, 10 your friend: Excellent profile, Ben day, Applications ere sgain BUMSELS J. MURPHY ws be Sv 9 ond | Short bigger ; o | 19=Persens) for" PH Sholentls "lord | being eccepted for snroiment y | East, Oshawn, Ontario, KA B85) vestment Just ar in asengl wievh | ' Vou dre Tha ir coun, Ont . . ¥ CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN snd 20 Shop Wt fora vay ois S00 The Conadign Guergs | Dv Wong. Ts ait porting, sears, J " win . GHIMGWN / " Wit Vo bos 4 Net an ni Frits Box 401 "ade. The Royal Canadian ot Leal (F Bimicon Brno! North, BA Vi: T,X, | dd [} y amy rr Vi mide 4 desi fod Fon_0ilies Toronto, oh Regiment rei ntan, I Murdorh NHA gh 4 ty Shr Jor sy IN ENCWANGE = for dar, tare of foe) The Black Watch [Haier Arranged aden ME oA A entertainment, #1 Nhousekesping room. Telophons BA (Royal Highland RONALD JAKE dat | - WAY to dee our DOTHE Jor further partieyars R | f) f d HA idk Pushes W hh ayes Whalley, TRAINED clerical help, for specialized egimen RB. anaae hay HA 89378 y Wear: Brer Brush Company, office ponition Must be secirate wl The Queen 5 Own MANNING ¥. SWART EH Bavil ih 3 ol 13 . | 3 fe rh y ood ks short he Rifles of Canade ; IL WILSBN pleitor, Nowwry, Money 16 lowh, | re Telebhiua TIA 13 If 17 10 25 d woniger 4 Block ht King Hi aet East, HA fined woman with yoy are ¢ an L a Raion a AE ey sales exper: tingle and can mest the high Phone RA 3 3474 ls A001. Residence ul 34 3-402 " | nvelment Wanderds, hers JAP Y, NAYOAY, OF, Bais Your ghana for an axcellont 43-~Wanted To Rent King Breet Eos shave, BA 44 career with o ture , 8 life of chelleng, travel ond adventure end an Inter: osting end healthy man's job our Iny write galiar dia Tram pO-Leap 425 Gloucester Ottawa, Ontarie EXCLUSIVE! PHILCO-BENDIX EQUIPPED Coin Operated Launderette Has Lag and other papers, end avoid : Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centra, 27 &. Clair Avenus East, 10th flger, Toronte, 7 Qntarle Telephone WA 4-734% Please provide me details en $TUpIO Rowling, Personal Cheque Royal Canadian Infantry |€ 204 KING E.==RA 5.2363 | Printers, 75 Richmond 5t, W, Corps career oporiunities g I would like an interview at 25--Pen_ond Livestock my home ul WAL are black and WOODLYN Wo) BEAUTY LOUNGE at the recruiting station [7] Name Has an opening for an exper: Addren lenced competent hairdresser, City/Town bre Wages plus commission basis, Pravines Phone Apply In person B) Simcoe St. N Last school grade SWITCHBOARD | RECEPTIONIST Age Able te do typing and othe light clerical duties. Exper: #nliel Street Breet Yate "WA paper ad mate Conroy, BA possible loss of erigingls, od Redie Repair "A ohy io veps Fed A pion Piogin lott Avenue box morigages HA THOMAS M, RUNDLE, barsister, soli IN the market for 8 Mobile Homa?! Be |oiior and notary public, 8644 ' King Sire io Shack the exceptions buy | Stress East Phone RA #1768 0 rad ALi A in the Oshawa Times HUMPHREYS, Bovehyn and Win 4h | Hdd Holicitors; W Hum fw, or three « ream ap " hrevs, QU G. B. Boyehyn, BA, woA private bath, by Mareh 1 Hillman, LLB: 3846 King Street East within two or thres blocks o Phones: Office, BA §1 ihr) Ren, HA Anply Box 408, OMhawS | 54804 or Whithy, MO 8.87815 RA 5808 | Money to loan bedroom house In nd Kell Taunton or Courtice ares. Phone RA GREER ' Tw AR A400 (Dial RA 32578 Residence WANTED summer cottage slong lake: |J. M, Greer, BA, 0, shove In Whithy, for summer months ence V. Kelly, PA, Wel {bY young family, Write Box 348 Osh IRALPW JONES BA swe Times | Greer, Atuaciate Barristers ellors. 130 King Street apt, Heures For Rent {Svar tgage loans avaliable house to reltable (BOWMAN, David | i $06 monthly, heat and hydro |t08 M6 Anions 3 i ineluded, hasement occupied. Apply [fence R Ll 467 Bloor East, RA 4131 | A SALMERS BA, barrister, ! THREF bedroom house Alii for, ete, 1915 Simeoe Street North Brel, furnished. Telephone 7067 | Offiee BA 33741; Residence RA dad for further particulars FIVE room bungalow Mies! Appl #4 Gliddan telephone RA 5-3304 RROOKLIN Thies Upstairs apartment entrance, cupboards, and lawn, $85, Telephone OI FOUR - voomed heated apartment for ALL [tent Private entvanee, - socand floor, [Ph Tsluphane RA 5.0812 for further partie: [Lid | ng Must possess goed ability ond be speller Typing essential, some knowledge of Shorts hand preferred" Apply Mr, G DODD & SOUT ER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Paintin Paperhanging, gretes, A Wall YH | B49 Spray fainting HEAVY EQUIPMENT 107 BYRON 81, §, WHITBY OPERATORS DAYS MO 8823) Are in demand for bulldozers, | NIGHTS RA 5 7426 scrapers, graders, draglines (Fareanel Service and shove 7 ¥ i fy lify, yeu 1 Fan Day Nursery, sll or halt it You qualify, yeu will be 8.30 to 5.90. 81 Slmeos North trained by top Instrueters [RA w'gsus right en the equipment | pon T DELAY--INQUIRE NOW Write including address and telephone number to NATIONAL SCHOOL OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS Box 8501 Oshawa Times Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet, Reglaler now, 484 King West, RA 5.612 ATTENTION MEN SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA B8-8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIBBONS ST, 40' TOWERS $45 30' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 20' ROOF ANTENNAS $22 Completely Installed With 2-Year Warranty LEN & LOU'S «ITY T.V, RA 5.7844 802 SIMCOE ST, §, T.V. Service Calls, $3.00 NOW DAY AND NIGHT TV SERVICE PLUS SUNDAYS L) | ent, April four eommers Times. TWO = or three + Barristers, Bolle Blreel Jouth sD hone J Tor! Be L} ia Thomas H ad Boll A AA 46 PARNER I YY TREN RRR RN RENY Amazing Profit Patentig! EI EL) "EA AVVIOL baby Fadelen Too fo for Ll Ll Wrend "iy il Eh Ne ir A WE CAT twa years old elephane 3064 for further particulars yon FALE -- oho German shepherd | * nine oaths #5 heen spayed. Tele! phone RA #8 | from rmer's Column | Baled for nals. Tole ¢ alder, Brooklin ATALLIONS, while, 334 and 114 years ald, black mare, for sale. Write W Cll, Quesnshore, Ontarla or apply 31 an Bireel (evenings), ARGE quantity of hay ond Wraw, | Komphans RA 54083 | | rare with Double-Load Double-Profit WASHERS | and Bollel Real Barrister RA §-0ap room hrieck F60-33 | TOMORROW'S NAVAL OFFICER COULD BE YOU ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY STUDENTS The Royal Cane each year makes availa limited number of naval officer cadetships te Cane dian high seheol graduates Applications are being accep ted NOW from senior and junior matriculation students desiring to enter the Navy as officer cadets under the terms of the Regular Officer Training Plan or the Venture Plan THE REGULAR QFFICER TRAINING PLAN is commen 10 the three Services, It pic vides a university degree education, at the Canadian Services Colleges or a uni versity, laving the foundation for a professional career sollel half chicken fish hot Chicken plate with. french fries, chips, hamburgs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL RA 5.3887 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Shorten or lengthen garments Cuffs and pockets renewed Complete stogk of buttons L ARDS CLEANIT SERVICE RA § on HA ww iis | Building Trades Avenue oF CERAM tle laid rates, work guarvantesd voam heated, | Mates. KA 4-085) private hath and [PrOOR and plast ol Wale Karden reasonable rates 4080 $082 ween § 8m and dogs ii bn reasonahle Free esth yall Insurance WE DELIVER ~ ence on PBX. Board pre NON HOLDEN ferred, Neat appearance, age 18:25, Salary commensurate with ability, Apply te TENCO LTD, Alax TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN | tle laid al very | Phone Al Stachel, MO and 4 pm Fire, auto, and eas ualty Insurance. 81 King mre. a, Oshawa RA B-0081 Hes RA 3 (KCLTATE Auta TRwiranse. [to 20 per cent, six months to [Rereanal service al your hems in Coin Operated DRY CLEANING MACHINES Withoy Lantact DEAD farm slack pleked up promptly 2s Phone eollect, Hampton, COlax 3-878) Margwill | Fur Farm, Tyrone WATER and heating supplies RA G-3681, Harald R, Stark, phim bing, heating and enginesy 9 of Street South thie hed: (ROOFING repairs of all For move [voofing applied. All ark or WA Free estimates. RA 3.5815 All buildin f eluding tno ea ehimne ° ROW Vacant. walk HA 8.0364, Gordon Ma in he plumbing Lu ip r eal kinds, new E> mom brick bungalow guaraniesd [ moms, Southmead do wie, Information eal RA 1} 36358 | SEVEN Mom house, [elt contained apartments, ly decorated, KA 5.0378 [NOMEONE with oash wants your "| FIVE room house, near Raglan, alll | langer-used fuenishings Find NY n conveniences, 540 monthly Tnimadiate day with an inexpensive Classified a iT Flore to sehpols, Call BA YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim neys hullt and vepaired, gas linings In NEW six « voom brick house, two |gialled, furnaces vaouumed. Free est storey, oll healed, all convenlences, mates, RA 3-208 NA #oosd logation, Telephone ALL YVRES of home repairs snd ve madeling recreation am raoling [FIVE room three-bedroom hungalos Warkmanshin guaranteed enll {oil heated, hot water, large Tawa an i mates, BA 33408 garden, close to school, $83 monthl ROME owners Om [TURN storage goods it oy EI Advertise them for in He on Oshawa Ly ined { Ml RA 5:3404 now to place your . Money te Leen 80 TO 85000 for any worthwhile pur | pose, for lowes! rales, fast servies, Sea. | hoa Financ, % Slmeoe Street South | Phone RA 8-62 WE WAVE for inane on first Fairall St EXPERIENCED SALESLADY FOR JEWELRY STORE Full time employment WRITE 503 OSI/ANA TIMES [37 --Ghle Hitn--Wanted WHITRY 5 WARE men required for sen ioe slation ww with Canada's cisterns ed ar id 1,000 gals Special rates en request for | arger amounts 8.4771 30-~Swap & Barter WILE swap euity In two stores industri hullding, one house for squily In any olher properly In Osh Aha area. Telephone RA 41688 even ngs RA 37a 32-~Articles Wanted PIANOS wanied, any make or alse Will pay cash. Write PF. Pike, 138 On tania Sipe faranio, Ontario, or tele phone calls EM 61831 WANTED dign ble a Foe TH 5:-3555 strough 1 aloay Fe nlarmatiorn Obligation Kein Laundry Sales, Ltd, 20 College Street Teronta 2, Ontario ( ? Telephone! WA 5.4818 Cartage JOHN'S Moving and Slorage Surveyors | W, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario | d Surveyors, 818 Adelaide Avene | Complete Tube Test Fant. Phone RA 3-6001 ' PROFIV by reaching (oan proep ai LEN & LOU'S TV 1 dally wins blah inierest, low mon bir | R RA 5 7844 or RA 8: 5804 iY 19ahe en fire HH nan Oshawa Times Classified A ---- gad 1 LM , at ood Nal RA YH bow SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT i GL 3 Wing Sireel Barly OMA M Plumbing Heating IT = DAY OR NIGHT! Oshawa 1 Ty [PLUMBING and heating pipes, T.V. and RADIO Whitby = Reasonable rates, Fully FIRST and second morgage Fran Hit NG NE heally fit| iil CALL RA 8-5286 one Free \ gan' wi work hard and vith customers J wd apportunity te ad seellent -amploves henefits, | Canadian Tire Corp, 311 Broek Whithy, between # a.m Monday, Marsh § bn chaige of estimating depant far rent, $70. side near Telephon a office Stieel, west hus station div 14 1 Kw VARee " Appl Street North and 1% y insulation palnting: Whithy Professional \ wer 4 y [} nd Information and next \ ape han \ nel Quitting, Raper heer [dren's wean, alterations of all" kinds, EOS Frahnlen, Bartels [14841 -- | ELECTRONICS 1 RA 4.8031 eavestvoughing i. Whith MO EA NN [Dressmaking BEY FeRAONA! yeating fl ¥, Pole Ky plumbing, Dil hla hold repairs, RA 38 telephone RA 3-825 Slieel East. RA .¥ BEATTY APPLIANCES Weick Roi roam bungalow, near Sane, Weiofing, sing, lequipped and sured Phone RA 8:3660 [ed W Sohatemann, Maile fie 8 Rig RR chang: ding us | Installations Fringe Wing | Sven A ors All Werk Guaranteed wooling, plaster mM : \ novos WRESKMARING = Tadios' and ORIEL loonts. potehased and WA HAWA Can be seen al anytime, Avallab {women and ehildren, Farmal diesen. | IMPROVEMENT SERVICE HOME naw, Telephone Orang 3053 fap ith Aron 12 Phil Harpe FIRST and second mores atimates free FOUR |AVFERATIONS of all Kinds for men, -- Jitu niation | Reversible skits a speelalty, RA Hy \ t matals Saturday ICRAP IRON. POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.33724 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Mants cars for wrecking Parts or sale, alse s¢rap iron and ele bought Op en all dav Phone RA 52311 89 BLOOR § TELEVISION SETS HUMIDIFIERS DE- HUMIDIFIERS RECORD PLAYERS RADIOS & SUNLAMPS MEAGHERS S KING STREET West RA 3.3425 | SA -- wp ployment Wanted A capable ™ oe dav weekly Nn LU WIT experianced 4nd Vor would like housework, two o References Tele Phone RA 5 RELIABLE SAM PARION practieal 1 available AAR or wp SITS bow farmation YOURE man, hres Yel WOU EWARS Hme, good cle RA il a oy Telphose R . Waring aifios experience Goad wo Th hetds smile ment Ngh sehoal Plus els " ephane RA 34710 janie. full or pan ¢ Phone RA $000 ¥ A 0 ows Mame a Thm Wall § pw YOUR WaMAN Ya da | 1 iy EXPERI Neen mission work or eooking, | 5 a i THE VENTURE PLAN course of educ training espe for young men wh fly with the fleet aviators No fees are charged unde either Officer cadets Box 8 Oshawa Post Offies are paid "343 a month and receive other allowances and benefits, including full medi TOWNSHIP cal and dental sare. Uniform OF WHITBY | &'sireind The next ROTP and Ven ISTANT TREASURER | Squats bean in Sor TAX COLLECTOR | up Hh pay ination | af hath home (mprovement | Puplies for & very pm sompaneal st © hhy MURS _ am in the Osh Wrile Box Wd Oshawa a atien and designed want naval and ph VA Ave \e4 as Awa aval AA Kitoly service station abahle o epi | YeAROY hil iy, Salary and eam | "| plan {boule RA LLY hed ro For fll information on som \ the al Cana visit or write to; R.C.N, Recruiting Officer 27 St. Clair, East TORONTO, 7, Ont | Telephone: WA 2.9492 1961 a 1) LAL" missions pane dian Navy fqualitied and cap ling the position of Treasurer Tax with apportunity of Hon, are invited ed 10 the under bafore March | nea ints Reeruiting Office the Armouries 9.3 | March ém 38---Male or Female Melp Wanted | a e al M NY) Pan | TOREY vealion ream LIGHY (hol Waler healing, garage jsiranes Apsociates, Lid, Harr 5-034) for fy Sehon! snoes, 380. Bowmanville, MA 3.3313 |THREN and a hall, four hedroams | bathroom upstaies, three Tooms ta \ bathroom dewnstaivs, tabbed ree 1 imp Felephone RA & 0750 in delled ne for m the | home ements d u { Aver ! oan house Narth Osh pla { Ang imal ehildien weleame, Close (0 hus, th able Maoh 15, Call RA S844 : famplel With ne piece hatha. term on Oshawa | Lumbe Sehafield In i -- Stingon em lea Budget HBeave ait i € am home ons, wo three "is MO b 5818 vard, $88 monthly A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? A BOATHOUSE? A NICE GARDEN WALL? REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OF SMALL CALL AJAX -- THAT'S ALL OFFICE or STORE 8.5103 FOR RENT non 83103 $70 AJAX REPAIR AND PRINCE ST. W g hig. heat : LTD CONSTRUCTION elephone RA 8.81735 rent bedroom hungalow fer #3 Inoation. Telephone RA \Viher particulars MANVILLE, house ta rent, three Ame, 140 Blopks north of Central SATARD. garden. all canvenl high in South General Motors, Available Telephone RA S607 for further mation | hedraam previous Municipal ex any and any on whith may roan TEACHER wanied for Ree FoAge Saturday a N fagoliated. Phone RA T Post ition Bay WN, ly nee, if wher informatie be of interest ame 10 he sub mitted in whiting a Liesl slanting date apted for these position Or 0a dame sooied Rmale, experiance iW 0 LT XX 5 Rye Times meals, Engle rons. five nutes walk MALE or amas, ¢ 4 workers Write Box #41, Oahana Times MALE » Toma ww mission anly. Wile 41 Room & Board ROOM aad board to Nord Flash. Appr 32 K 4 4 PRL ng ba fy Ys MA--Apts. & Flan Bookkeeping ALL PHRASES of alfice nam PREROANING, ip so Tommane RA 86418 § For Rent Business Opportunities OL o . ve and Two Bedroom APARTMENTS A SALLE COURT ihe #2 PHONE RA 5.3815 or RA 8.6405 WRERAMARING lie | \ A fee. IIA ies" MINOR alleratin Reversible skirts--~a specially | alleralione and ot WRAY, PeAsOn on ehildren's allie ven, 483 Albert Sieeel of Elmgrove and Fark Road) ALTERATIONS of all kinds fn samen and ehildren \ EARN HAIRDRESSING men wanted, greatest ¢ Po Maran better pay, pleas sant catalogue free Write: Marvel Hairdressing Schools, Branches, Hamilien Ottawa, "Canada's Natiena! System work) FURRIER and DRESSMAKER Alterations. Rem LOW PRICES ROWE S71 RA 8.4706 New deling ) Food Freexer Services AW PER Wak dane at Hines of voll ere Week assures 8 fawnily Sod dving, This intl Westinghouse foods proc Think af shapmag om dat urahle ue centre Wm your ki Your three months supply of food aniees better han planned meals al far OU Ate MW PAYIng The cost BR DOIRE sueh as i ow pureed a a CONOMART. Wd o Wis mani, 13 phat wea Pach and fare hy Sehaeld fair weather ar foal, men, | Formal dresses, RA 32dse | short be | mongages | | | Barn, ERR PUMPS, S50 MONEY TO LOAN BE: Manes for all types of met gages for first and second mortgages en all types of real astate ingluding vacant lands; term martgage for first and second and agreements purchased App! 264 King Street wwe. Telephone RA burners, het water and forced air fumaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service ART NER | Sr aiNG AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day er Night | (Plumbing and Heating Jiiders aie | WATCH REPAIRS J. Cornish 299 King St. West hpRcialising automate watches RA 3.4545 TO THE HOME OWNER DO YOU HAVE A HEATING PROB. 2 USING TOO MUCH FUEL? NOT ENOUGH HEAT? MONEY TO LOAN $2.000,00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on first and Second Mortgages, Agree ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen tal and { ab and Sum You We will gladly repair rb sent heatine system me We ae alse sgu LS average x Lind pped 1 Sweet lee RA We wi 1 you fstam are build Mortgages MORTGAGES anged. Bought and Private RA 5.8544 B QL ANGOD Kea ltd Morigage | Brokers Association | Sold Mer he ane and sen wut $7 50 plus Ave you an estimate RA 5/1044 Two Phones to, Serve You WHY NOT HAVE QUR HEATING EXPERTS GIVE YOU A COMPLETE SURVEY OF YOUR HEATING SYSTEM FREF AND WITHOUT OBLIGATION TO femove Or replace your pre het a hot water--steam fe y eating sytem, po PRlDie we stan "9 a home. we will help you plan yous heating LORNE GOODMAN HEATING SERVICE 758 MARY ST, OSHAWA RA 8-604

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