The Oshawa Times, 3 Mar 1961, p. 4

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& THE OOHAWA TIES, Wider, March 3, 1961 | : 'Circulation At ~ | Library Growing BROUGHAM ~ Librarian wre. Librarian, Mes. IL. T : Mrs, Lioyd 3. Johnston present J , BRCTEAREY - LIRASNEEY badminton townament will be " ed an optimistic report at the Mes Elizabeth = Roherison Bowmanville : hb AAU yo A Brougham president, Mrs. lLesiie Balgw Blank played vie Mar. 11 Charion Players from Picton, Na The Coy Association Iibrary Wednesday ad disecsons Mrs Nid Miller, evening, March 1. id hy, Mrs. Donald wymoppned (CP) -- David p 4 10 the clus | Although the hook circulation Gibson, Mrs. Leila Beer, Ap 1d , Belleville, Peterborough in 190 4 rok exceed hot o1| drew Glen and Urs, hb, 0, B08 Lem atm Frydman and Bowmmile wil compete est pymber of 19%, which Mrs, Johnston de-ry, he couldn't remember stabbing scribed as an exceplionsl yesr| A junior board, the members Corl Ludwig, %, to feath, lip the life of the small Bhrasy, of which have ass sied the Ji 'B is charged with the |i was 72 per cent Bigher (heh hrarian during Worery howrs 608: murder of Ai shee Bo 2 fight 0 fn i he ast year was slao appoint y's restaurant Dec. 1, : Wno. vance, .. BORROWED | Y Dr, A E. MecKurcher, 8 psy: vt bits | wes open IIery Balge, Alan Johnsion,\chiatrist from Westminister Hos- Wh ' Gary Day, Yivien Dube, Beity he I in 1960, and a total of ' Bone, BET pital in. London where Brenner fir} Shocks were borrowed The|7eon Knox apd Patricia Grey, spent several months lor ments) 10. mo. Ng. Un | juvenile popslation of the village TRIBUTE PAID treatment last summer, sad : | read 95 of these hooks, Volumes) The Moranian paid special Brenner a A psychopathic 8 (of fiction borrowed by adults!tribute to the y hers per lity and it was posotble ee' | numbered 61, and nonfiction, | whe officieted at the library on he had pmnesia phowt #iah- FUN-FILLED NIGHTS WEEKLY 176 ! |v 1 4 and Friars, and folbing. Berks. 21. deatiied Brougham Library houses [| t members who assist alter Scott, 21, testified ear: : hooks and a travelling Whraryied on Wednesday nights, The lier that bis friend Brepner was J-- FRIDAYS --- = SATURDAYS has heen used as well during secretary - treasurer whe also!" drunk and staggering all over' / the past few months, The Wbrar- commended for her meticulous the night of the stabbing. Canada LJ top Canadien Winners of the ian noted that the hoys' andl pe Record Hop Qieimenonel once Bond Gr . Lig ; "on # % i (rls section deserved special > Continous PAT RICCIO NEW BRIDGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION AJAX | eine our present book} DO NIGHT & (Doncing to the 1b com porn ( ; . favorably with the boys and Por 4 ording Ait w way and the CNR tracks and | the span, The existing single. fayorably 8 | Rh ¥ Sis WA hash oun roa wil serve the northbound traf: | lane bridge, which was built girls section o many libraries Something New ot the on Hi Fi, " 7! : ary AVENUE 4 much larger nan re of Highway 401 in Ajax will | fic of Harwood avenue n 2 years ago, will serve the Mrs. Johnston ssid that pur be replaced by @ duallane | Max, The Gaffney CORSE: | Lo yppoing™ trate of Har . near future will y VARIETY CLUB on JUBILEE PAVILION ' ring { chases in the e across the highway, | tion erews are securing foo : : i Br will he part of [} ings for north, centre and | wood avenue he made with the needs of the THE system spanning the high | south abutments to support ~Oshawa Times Photo older hoys and girls in mind Swing Masters NEED MORE SPACE Problems of Brougham Ii LJ . J - on Draft brary remain, first that there} oo Ba $30 pm to 12 ik ( /) ays u 1V1isl {is not sufficient space for ex wor Donces Ld Fin Gelere ; | ansion, and secondly that the YW.0.A, » 199 Centre 8t, . [ Ld number of adult borrowers does 1 | not compare favorably with the Io ec 8 unicipa 1 Y {number of juvenile members m---- ---- Gratitude was expres sed 10 % TURD Y HAMPTON (Btatf) Reeve! "Perhaps it Is a bit extreme of fees for the inspection of the Brougham Citizen's League, | JOuW Wine A A Garnet Rickard was forced to now, said the reeve, hut we septic tanks and plumbing in- who expressed hy letter to the voice his concern, Thursday, at|must maintain a patiern for spection, Library Board. that the library STEWART GRANGE ; SHOWS START AT the bi-moninly meetings of the those planning to build in the " sep -------- section of the fire hall building ilk j - * ion owmaii" Counc, ImwmaID whch wil Toe thm emer be ceoied, end fre, for) EAME KOVACS (PNR) y a » 11:00 A.M, regarding the way It was ap-|lo follow a bullding requirement Present Pin means a great deal to the lis Fagin 4 i proached by those attending, and will also force them Lo carry oe ApuLT 4 47 - Can playing for dancing end listening plecsure ] 5 -- -------- ¢ thrary, since final word has "From now on, those wishing the hurden of the debentures on [Came from the Department of to voice their opinions, or ques: their own shoulder 4 Education of a decrease in fi tion the council, will do so at] Reeve Rickard agreed with 0 181 or {nancial aid to association librar: . y aScoPE the council table, not from their| Mrs, Budal that a public meet ies COLOR by DF LUKE of 1 » => » -~ A H chair, and unly one person willing should be held to explain By GRACE MILLS | TODAY & SATURDAY DOORS OPEN 10:30 AM, speak al any one time,' sald'these requirements (Correspondent) OFFICERS APPOINTED ABRER ~~ SATURDAY MATINEE! The y setors i" " the Heeve Accounts passed for payment) ATAX = Mayor William A. ae Hol bra of direetons BILTMOR WITCH DOCTOR" (Color) BIG SHOW STARTS 11:00 AM, \/ a Mrs. Mary Budal, who spoke were; general, $26,136.47; $12,000 Parish was an unexpected gues for the Darlington Ratepayers' payable to the Memorial Hos: at the meeting of the ernonn | a . | WALT DISNEY'S Association, foresaw future pital, Bowmanville, the Town: ship Club Wednesday afternoon, I \ # : --, . problems arising from the sub: ship's share of the debenture when he dropped in informally _. y W, | division draft prepared hy alfor roads, $3,504.60 and enjoyed a cup of tea with " i uo! ' CARTOON AND COMEDY FESTIVAL & consultant for the township the members, There were 22 a \ {A Verd few people are aware EINGINEERING PRAISED members present and all en : L , . COLOR by of the draft, as It wasn't pub] Reeve Rickard voiced his joyed a trip across Canada EB / ¢ A licized and those I have spoken gratification on the satisfactory from B.C. to the east coast via Hq t. y i : i CARTOONS to agree that it is far too ex- manner in which the culverts fiim, | oF id L / Ae treme and quite premature for/were doing their job One film. 'n calor. was 2 ; Wisp i Ry Suny d oy ws this igi via Lig Bu "he engineering Pyle dons pecially lovely, "The Wonder. | d B onroe : 1 THE 'Word oF / ; plus dal, "'It would be all right for &|on the installation of these cul: land of Yoho Park" in the! - i £ Zi g city, but it tends to put far too verts last spring was good busi: Rocky Mountain region, | In fhe John Huston production A J E : THREE STOOGES many restrictions on sub-divid- ness for the township." A hearty vote of thanks was! 1 Iheina Ritter p Is | g 1 4 0 G ) 0 M E D | E $ ing In this area" Third readings were given to extended to Mrs, Marion Lapp, Reeve Rickard noted that | ne a Hi Walch ylaws concerning the payment of the Ajax Film Board, without such a draft, as in past . . bringing the films and showing ears, subdividers could hulld them, A game of whist round: | n the Jowhep, Fomove tare) London Proposes |e out the afternoon, sums of money, then retire from ¢ : Pi 6 ord PRT the aren, leaving a debt on the Spending Program | a abby Birihady was tung Jo NOW PLAYING SYLVIA SYMS WOHAEL WILDING 04 PATRICK municipality {tings on Feb. 26 and Mrs, Grace | EE -- ,eosT.r Ed | FEATURE TIMES (22 BMITTANES LONDON, Ont, (CP)~Mayoy MIs on March 1, Each lady| yop . 3,10 » 5:20 - 7:28 » 9:38 ne Groin . Gordon Stronach told Chamber received a birthday card and al ApULT ENTERTAINMENT| [fa VREAL Twinkie 10 00 of Commerce members Thups. ©0FSREE, I ER AL day hoard of control will shority Another member, T, A, Nigh: |= recommend to city council al0lson, who has been visiting his E N spending program of $10,000,000 daughter here, and was leay: Xams ear a year for the next five or six!ing for his home in England on . By PAT GILI years, Thursday, was presented with a FAA y "A The o ba y Iver Maple Leal pin and ar hid The city has in the past spent ® | I ) DANCE TONIGHT FAMOUS o SWMANVILLE - Baro hous only up to 82,500,000 a year, the Address hook with several ple: PLAYERS ville High, The count down has mayor said fires ol Alax and district to re y THE THEATRE begun, Only four more days| Most of the money would he me ys he lib, the high - 19 fe before exams, Students of SPent on education and the sew.| Cb fh YE Whi 4 d Mes grades § and 10 are striving, or| Ae system, in that arder, The bt " Jie id i at ah E JA : y TORNADOS should be, for the highest marks ely must also launch a subsi Welf sigh Sy y dy "i 8 possible, For, if they obtain 66 dized housing program, Mr Melfare won the draw prie per cont or aver in a subject| 1¥ONAch told the chambers in: The parting word now is "See . MGM GLENN FORD Toronto's Most Versatile Combe they do not have to write the|@Wstrial promotion commitiee, [You next week", PRESTNTS final exam in that subject, Sp _-- w ERNEST BORGNINE Featuring Those who are lucky enough) J : ' EDD I'M ' $ h 0, guitar to get off with all final e 8 TORP. RU " ' axephons, plane, y A Tel Ho 2 ws pid Travelling Overseas CINEMASCOPE & METROCOLOR Ace Stevens mandalin, vialin, vesals, | longer summer holidays | DIANE miwsiie Bean JONES Steel guitar, spanish guitar, AT-HOME FINISHED UP WHY NOT FLY Rudy Veltri |}, bo For those who attended the BHS "At Home" and don't real | ie how much work is really HakOL Jack Hansonvum bass, vocals, MCAURRAY « MALONE - BRENNAN put Into it, the student councils a rice ahd Bowinanyile | G Git Jerry Veltri wm siren, dum, vocal UNPOINT ! --AND SPECIAL GUEST-- ling matters and paying hills, 'The modern way to ele, although It was held three) . ) 4 | wT oy weeks ago travel is by air, [EINFNAS COPE | Nisord. 4k the ui from Edi id Pe 91 TEGHNICOL OR vd of the piane, from son O'NEILL BEATS BRS Art Dimilo Hotel, Torente, he HHS Junior Basketball | o- TT a ------ som cams who last year wal ol | DMISSION gan tet | por inormation geiog (ER TT] '(R| RED BARN A205 oven pincad in the is a] any form of travel , , , DIAL RA 3-944) rics ryiryirytrsiryirsaAos your, Last week the last game Wa have a direst Tarente telephone line tor prompt Airline Reservations and oul team was beaten 41 to ; MEADOWS TRAVE Eyer 1qki Donevan, O'Neill, and Lontrai| L ERVI E fro living for Hist place for] a3 siMco ST, SOUTH, OSHAWA piaL ha 30401 [§ WILSON & LEE the jumer championship, Sened dnd d by Thomas M ond Go. Conade Aid: LIMITED Our senior givls' team also . lost to O'Netll, Donevan seniors have won the senior champion re J] I te Ta ' ------ Sp -------- Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments mn one brand juniors placed second in ieir | The Royal Canadian Air Force Association | ACCORDION ® CLARINET series It's obvious that we haven't (7 ( 8 1 i SAXOPHONE ® HAWAIIAN i eke Nuit Ny By gsi VIOLIN GUITAR @\\ Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies, each bered that we're on shifts and ] = SPANISH GUITAR @ TROMBONE e 2 2 : " Suzi d h afoot wr avers sant wake | FRIDAY, APRIL Tth--9 P.M, POPULAR PIANO ® VIOLA / with its own distinctive characteristics, and then Jiicuses Ade 4 few greduaten| TRUMPET e CELLO "i aged them in special oak casks, Now, Adams has last year, (These aren't excuses At o either, they're facts!) $44 : 2 Hick: Thursday, teams from Port ST GREGORY'S : Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion married these 29 vare whiskies to ereate the superb flavour of Hope _pinyod wuhibition somes J at §1,50 weekly includes the FRE® use of an Adams Private Stock, This custom blend is presented in its here with BHSE bay's basketball i | MN h : to T | eriod which is taken : teams AUDITORIUM wd aesotdign qutny Thee p crystal decanter at a papular price, BOYS PLAY HOOKEY? ' ' IVS noticeAble that a few of our boys have been leaving | Music by , , , school early lately, Where avell @1 | Squadron Band / they going? Wha are they! 3 Qa S fhey've members of the Bow: : J H g : manville Juvenile Hockey team ® Special Entertainment a \ . 3 Wieh 1s In the semi-finals for ® Prizes { ay all Ontario, t 4 tam since o Jo ot the players] © ATP ern | CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY aro from our high school For Reservations Phone RA 8.8997 M usIC STORE ; 4 Right now they're playing all Tickets Available at . . , + Thomas Adams Pistillers Lid. Tarante best of seven series with the! WARD'S DRY GOODS LTD. 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 \ Alliston team. Alliston is a long way from here so they have to ADMISSION $5.00 PER COUPLE » SEMLFORMAL leave early, \ " - 1]

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