The Oshawa Times, 3 Mar 1961, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March ¥, 196) wi 'DAMSEL' IN pothole season has ar manns ived in Ottawa and motorists can expect to find just about anything. This young "dam- in distress (the upper | Still Stormy Over Tariffs The gov its pa ind controversial first iid It has estimated that more than 000,000 in anpual import ted Ve i quin) pas motorist from one the ng sel water-filled crater al hefore readin OTTAWA (CP) propo 1 nt's bitterly olution defining "good or kind made in Can lly got through the affec Thursday W There were strong indications erosion that the next legislative step--|lerring debate on the bill giving it ef- Fleming fect will be every hit asthe heen 5200 vill De riff re f ac ia' fir Cor there ha id Mr. Pearson, re to Finance Minister earlier statement that an amendment to "the tariff law, merely sought to of the resolution restore interpretations that had came on the sixth day of inter-/been eroded in the last decade mittent debhate--going back over through appeal decisions a period ot a month---in which] He also restated Liberal ob the Liberal and CCF opposition!jections to eertain arbitrary parties roundly condemned it as powers the measure would in a hightariff measure and vest in the repudiation of Canada's obliga. revenue tions under GATT Richard Bell The resolution defines goods secretary to Mr. Fleming, de of a class or kind made in Can: geribing Mr Pearson's state ada generally as those goods ment while addressing Speaker whose normal Canadian con: Roland Michener, said; sumption is filled by domestic iyndeed, gir, in my experi: | production to the extent of at least 10 per cent mon heen no measure tormsy Passage parliamentar DISTRESS minister of national roads are ahout as had @s can be," says they Lloyd Francis of Ottawa (CP Wirephota) 'Moosonee Disputed By Leaders TORONTO (CP) Wintermeyer Frost Zain In the | day Lhe Moosones Libera and Pre exchanged Leadey mier cgislature Thurs over proposed port of I know money aj ject made of the commerce department Ir. Frost said the govern ment was waiting for an engin Wintermeyer wanted vhether there was propriated for the nn mei mn Lin the estimales 0 pro hecause hefore commitments northern area further financial Last year $50,000 was approved | being undertaken| ie Ontario and federal gov: for the hy ti ernments, urvey Mr. Wintermeyer said he op- ence as a member and observer posed the development of Moos: Controller words neean to any was and development er's report on the undeveloped making] N.S. Premier Softly Booed Premier Robert Stanfield was the province's other industnis booed softly by 199 cor) miners He urged ar investigation into in he gallery Poursdey When he woodsmen's wages told the Nova Sentia legislature . 0 it would be folly for his Progres- WAY FARM TROUY sive Conservative government Momisier or Industry Leo Ras to take over operation of the PEF W Hu nd up the throne {ailing coal industry speech debate in the Prince Ed The miners applauded CCF Word Island House Leader McDonald when he sald) cast jn Jomiie Commarea) ! ' en at trout farming in the province (the Maines Must remain ODen BL Quebec's Liberal Premier Ie Three of Dominion Steel and 5age introduced a bill to sel up Coal Corporation's Cape Breton|® cultural affairs ministry mines are 10 be closed this| Whose task it would he to pro year, The pits employ 12800!tect and spread the French cul men, ture in North America H, B, Wilhiamson (1L--~Glouces- ' / ter) wrged New Brunswick's gift to give a neo-Canadian than As Divider 'By Senator By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Sialf Writer WASHINGTON (CF) ~ The question of Commumst Ching may be "the one issue most likely to produce a major pol ey spin between the United gressman Samuel Stration Canada and the U.S. appear in he moving apart on the gues: tion of whether Communist China should he admitted to the United Nations, he said in # statement Thursday The New York Democrat, member of the Canada 8 a nm the United States to take im: ChinaSeen predict Record Budget Deficit TORONTO (CPp~The Cana dign Tax Foundation in Hs an nial bude forecast predicts the federal budget deficit. is Hkely 19 chimb to $700 000 408 harming 'ex changes, nthe IML fiscal yer Fh Frenrd peacetime deficit with a tore: Slates and Canada, says Con: is $600 000 000 in 198-5 The foundation also predicts the 1960-61 aeficit, on the hiasis of tax collection figures Sunng the last two monmns, wilh be Rake han $4 0 Finance Winister Fleming, in his supplementary budget Dec, Lh, estimaied the deficit al Pimh, I Ag not know of & PICEX toons iamentary group, reed |W | The Canadian Tax Foundation Liberal government to establish|to offer him the mast marvel mediate steps to convince Can:lwas, established in 19% on Li wages for woodsmen compar: lous tool that human genius has ada and other allies of the initiative or the Canadian isa fabricated for the expression of thought the French lan guage," he said M. N., Hryhorcok, former Liberal - Progressive atlorney- general, said the Manitoba able to earnings of workers in i " . Fluoridation » ; Teachers' Society has an unfair Bill Proposed liu boy i TORONTO (CP) = The Pro- school trustees in Manitoba, He gressive, Conservative govern: urged the Frogressive Conserv: ment moved Thursday 10 im- ative government to put the plement the recommendation of trustees in the same hargaiming a royal commission that Ontario' position as the society municipaities he allowed to fluoridate their water supplies SEES LOW SPENDING without & referendum, but de-| John RB. O'Dea, member of clined to give councils power to the United Newfoundland party decide the issue absolutely said Thursday capital spending Health Minister Dymond in- in Newfoundland would be at its troduced & bill in the legislature lowest ebb this year since If to give municipalities power to) Liberal heckling forced Fdu accept or reject fluoridation hut! cation Minister Blackney (0 leave the way open for eitizens| abandon debate on the proposed to throw over the council's de- CCF - sponsored medical care cision by petition, plan for Saskatchewan: School The bill also provides that a children in the gallery laughed council, at its discretion, may 8s members thumped desks and hold a referendum hefore mak-! shouted ing a decision Alberta's Social Credit gov If 10 per cent of the electorate! ernment criticized the federal petition against a council's de:|government for failure "to de cision, "a vote is mandatory velop and enunciple a well-de and the council then just act inlfined oil policy," Premier Man accordance with the majority| ping said Ottawa's action in sel vote," Dr, Dymond said, ting targets for the production The bill also provides for aland use of Canada's crude oil vote of electors in municipali-| last month was two years late ties where two or more are! Attorney-General Robert Bon served by a common WRler 5Y6 | ner hinted that British Colum tem, for cases where water Ispia's improving traffic - safety being supplied to a municipality | ocord may result in 8 general by a private utility company| adjustment in automobile insur and for passing regulations KO: | ance rates. He said the Bocial {erning the type of equipment t0|credit government is holding in be used formal talks with insurance rep resentatives 10 encourage re consideration of rate structures Queen G I | SUNBATHER'S EARLY START FORT WILLIAM (CP)=VFor the last few weeks a Fort William sunbather sitting on his lawn bare - chested and tanned has heen surprising passersby, Frank Basek, 44, said in an interview on his lawn that the tan Is natural, "Friends who TEHRAN (Reuters) == Queen Elizabeth attended » listering state banquet Thursday nigh folly" of hacking Communist China's admittance to the UN In the past, Canada supported the United Blales Jontion hut Stratton said Thursday he noted an extensive feeling "even among fairly conservative Ca: nadians" favoring admittance MET IN OTTAWA Stratton, member of the House of Representatives armed ervices committee, was one of 24 congressmen and who met with Canadian legisla tors al Ottawa last week. He said the statement issued hy the interparliamentary group afer their closed talks avoided (he hig split on China that showed up between the two countries al the meeting He presumed. that "in defer ence to the United States," the Canadian government might continue (0 back the American poliey hut concluded "The prevail ing sentiment among Canadians on this sub ject is strongly different from that expressed hy a majority of members of hoth the U8, House of Representatives and Benate in opposing admission of Red China to the UN or recognition of Red Ching hy the US" This majority opposition American legislators was displayed in a paid adver hy | tisement published in American However, a con report hy senators George Aiken, Vermont Repub: |lican, and Wayne Morse, Ore gon Democrat, warned that he cause of changing world views it soon may he impossible to prevent Communist China from getting a UN seat ets Big newspapers gressional Iranian Welcome # golden coach drawn by six horses imported from Germany for the occasion, She rode with Red China's! senator 4 recently see my tan say I use 8 heat after Iran literally and lavishly (the shah and Philip and Queen AsBOcighion and Lhe Lahasan Insite of Chariered Accoum (ants, with & hoard of governors \0f 15 lawyers and 1h Recount (As, Ms purpose is ound taxation' througnow Langa ang Lo promote helier (Hnaersianding the Canadian {lax system i 15 financed hy contentions and mempership Lees trom corporations and in dividuals Ene foundation bases is pre tdiction on the assumption that Hh gross nebiongl product will grow hy twa 19 three per cep "45 IL did in 1960. It says that despite this growth, federal rey enues will fall slightly PREDICTS A DECLINE It predicts a decline of $17) 000,000 in corporation re 19 amam m lax "Peace Corps' Of Canadians TORONTO (CP)~Thirty five volunteers from Canadian uni versities are half way through A course preparing them for life under native conditions in Ceylon The Canadian counterpart of UB, President Kennedy's pro posed peace corps will work with natives, with only a small dietary supplement and a tiny emergency fund, Keith Spicer of the Canadian overseas volun teers said Thursday Ten of the 85 staff members and Laval chosen students and from Toronto universities will he g0 this year. The group. will train the natives in new methods and learn their way of life (Broker Fined Rv Exchanae TORONYO (CP)="Phe Toroms Sock Kuchange hosed of gov: erners has fined BR, A. Daly and Company Limited, Toronts slack broke ange house, $5.09 for ifringeme ne of REChAREE TREN: lations. it was announced This: EIA mae than Hiseiting Eins of shout $91.00 M9 in per nal income Lax and $49 590 6 in consumption taxes Any Fhe [onncation expects ex penditures i reach between 86, THe announcement said the fine followed a month-long in 0000000 4nd 56400000 400, / The main budget estimates YEMEN to (ransactions of tabled in Pariiament in January! he firm involving put-and-call mentary estimates normally are PPETRIONS added later Piss and calls pre a (orm of The foundition says increased, "Ns 10 iy and sell certain expenditures are manly the re. Fock al sprcified prices on fu sit of 4 growth In the cost of "re dates the government's present com: TSE Viesident Howard Gra mitments, including hospital in- ham skid the fine is the largest surance, rather than any Aefin-| ever imposed on & member of ie policy or deficit financing asthe house. Maximum fine pro a coumer-cychieal measure vided under exchan i "In fact, the very size of the Hons vias, iim to 3,500 from deficit will wet os an inhabiting "oo I 19 influence on the government when it congiders whether a Program of massive Lax culs is in fact a cure for recession "Fhe magnitude of the deficit #lsn leaves the administration withe little room for any pre election concessions Lo 1axpay- ers this year. GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINN BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-2 HOTEL LANCASTER -- NOTICE Effective March 4th OUR OFFICE | wiLL BE LocATED -- AT 37 KING ST. E. (2nd Floor, Alger Bldg.) | GENERAL INSURANCE SERVICE I RA 3.3843 or RA 5-687" | of this Parliament I have never onee at this stage and preferred heard such rolled out the carpet for her ar-| Farah followed in another PEARSON OBJECTS summarizing objections to the Refugees Get Welcome Here TORONTO Minister yaremko of Ontario Thursday greeted 57 displaced persons, 26 of them tuberculo- Sis cases, as they arrived at Malton airport from a German (CP)=Citizenship| SEE extravagance and immoderation of argument ~ such fatuity of reasoning as has {been unleashed against this res olution." I TERMED GARBAGE rt CCF Leader Argue said Mir Bell's comments were gar The House decided to adjourn {Monday, April 10, for Easter In the Senate, third and final reading was given a bill author: Nearby Otter Rapids, the On. line izing the CNR to build a 60-mile of | financial assistance to the north: Opposition Leader Pearson, language, such intemperance ern areas already sparsely pop: ulated "You shouldn't be Mr. Frost said development of Moos onee because your party has al country," Oppose wa) about Ontario He said the rich mineral lodes from Wednesday, March 29, 10 jy the James Bay region, the Hydro Electric development at tario Northland Railway 50 gloomy ahout the assets we have in this| "You i taken a defeatist attitude lamp." He appeared quite comfort: | able while exposed to a 10: mile-an-hour wind and 37-de | gree temperature, He said it's warm enough to sunbathe when the tem: perature is 15 or ever pro vided the wind is not strong. He rubs oil on the bare sports of his body, Mr, Sasek said 40 degrees | without a wind Is warm enough for a hathing suit and he expects to wear one hefore the end of March rival at the start of a four-day | visit, | The Queen and Prince Philip drove along an avenue covered with hundreds of priceless Per: gian carpets, At the banquet, the Queen said "it was the very special happi: ness that she learned the "joyful news" of the birth of a heir to the shah in October, She said her country and Iran shared a spirit of independence which had defeated all attempts over the centuries to infringe their liberty enach Troops with fixed bayonets and commandos armed with {sub » machine « guns lined the {route while a detachment of |silver-helmeled royal guards on {motoreyeles and other soldiers {and police in jeeps escorted the | procession | The carpets=worth millions of dollars--were laid down just be: fore the ceremony, The armed soldiers along the route kept a wary eye out for potential [thieves AT A LESS THAN 5 Pc. PRICE! refugee camp, The A ' : branch line to Mattagami Lake north from North Bay and the These were fourth group oi northern Quebec, The hill Shah Mohammed Raza Pah: refugees to arrive in Ontario natural gas line at Kapuskasing under a federal-provincial agree | "As already been passed by the ment, THe province pays full] Commons and now cost of TB treatment and the|®85ent federal government the cost of transportation The patients belong to 24 fam- ily units, They will be treated in provincial sanatoria at Kings ton, Weston, Hamilton and Ot. lawa | One of the refugees, Semen Horszeyzk, 38, and his wife and three children gre sponsored by the World Refugee Committee of the United Church at Lindsay, Ont, Premier Frost is honorary chairman of the committee, Mrs, Borszeyzk will be treated at Weston Sanatorium, Mr, Borszeyzk and the children were taken by car to Lindsay, New High Hit : By Industrials TORONTO (CP)--Industrials moved to a new 1060-1961 index high Thursday during fairly ac tive trade On index, industrials scored a 116 gain at HalL.70, less than four points away from their alll | time high of 535.65 recorded in mid » July, 1950, Base metals] gained 1.04 at 176.25, a new 1961 high. Western oils moved up 1.61 at 97.33, while golds slipped 02 at 4.4 | The final volume was 2 35%, 000 shares compared with 1,809,-| 000 Wednesday { (Gains and losses on the in dustrial board were mostly indi- vidual and fairly even among all groups, though many gains res corded were highér than $1 Crown Trust led industrials with a gain of 13 at 39, while U.S. Ford climbed 14 at 7644 Eddy Paper and Price Brothers gamed a point, Massey-Fergu on, Distillers - Seagrams and Hardee Farms all showedd gains! of % Goodyear Tire had the biggest down eight points at 145 Fart of Canada dropped two points at 136 Gaspe Copper led base metals fo their new high with a gain ( 5 at 22%4. Noranda ad vanced % at 43% and Interna tional Nickel climbed 3 at 665, an ajl-time high for that issue SY. Patricia My Karen daughter Sharpley, and Mrs Kent Sharpley, Minneapalis, chews on her own passport today while awaiting her trip | to England to see her grands parents Karen a brated her sixth month birth day today The young will travel with her mother, the farmeraPatricia Haig, to | of SO cele | ay ALL SET FOR TRIP awaits royal made the area economically im- portant Peterborough England 1 miles north of London, to Mrs Sharpley's former home. They leave April & for a twee month Karen was re- quired to have a passport far the trip. Because her 1 British subject travel visit the bahy on her pass- (AW ho 14 Metro To Spend More On Police TORONTO (CP) - Metropol [itan Toronto Police Commission | Thursday appraved a record budget of $17,000,000 which would add 100 men to the force, The budget, $1,200,000 above last year's, comes after an 11 cent increase in Metro erime, If the extra men are added, total strength of the de. partment would he 2,370 men, The budget will be presented to the Metropolitan executive committee for review, levi in his welcome speech said] Reds Rejected INTERPRETING THE NEWS that never hefore had the need | for "concord and co-operation hetween our two countries Rion By New Party greater as a potent and effective] element in the preservation off TORONTO (CP) =» [peace n | Hundreds of - thousands of [New Party In the next federal [Iranians gave a roaring wel: election, Communist Leader) [come to the Queen and her hus: [Tim Buck said Thursday, La: hand on their arrival from a bor and CCE officials promptly |seven-week, 10,000-mile tour of retorted they want no help from [India, Pakistan and Nepal the Reds The voyal couple vode from Mr, Buek said he expects to [the airport in cars to the out- make a formal announcement of {skirts of the city, [the Communist stand at a pub There the monarch changed to/lile meeting in Glace Hay, N&, next Sunday | While a number of straight Communist candidates will run, | he said, in general the Com:| Canadian Ry DAVE OANCIA Canadian Press Staff Writer Like the advances of a timid {suitor, Britain's latest avertures to the French-led European eco. nomie community appear des. tined for rejection This is the upshot of a se: quence of events this week that started with a British proposal, an Anglo-French tete-a-tete and a polite==but brief==public state ment in mid-week, | The communique issued at the| end of the talks between the French Dislike | National CCF Leader Argue British Offer | munists will not enter the race | {in ridings where the New Party [nominates a trade unionist commented that My, Buck's an-| nouncement will be just another {attempt to get Communist pub: lieity, Marden Lazarus, political ed tative liaison, a sort of tial Weation director of the Ontario marriage hefare the vows Federation of Labor and execu France the logical-minded ive member of the Ontario New and somewhat domineering pil. arty committed, said Mr | lar of the European community Buck's atm was to damage the feels the British must take the demoeraiie constitution and pro vows hefore the advances can £ram of the New Party even he considered Powerful arguments can be vv NU-WAY ¢ advanced in favor of Rritain's| RUG & CARPET 4 The common market is a dy | namie, virile grouping gaining in strength month hy' month Within a decade, this group of Communists will support the | French and English said only nations should have eliminated that the "discussions had been all trade barriers among them: found useful" but communicated [selves and erected a common joining the European family. | SALES * Inlay table top, * Six heavily upholstered chairs, The Many table lustrous suites ta choose op In from two-tone ELEGANTLY STYLER THROUGHOUT * Triple-plated chrome ar hranse top, ® 36 by 48 by 60-inch mar-proef table top, Family sized and built to take the worst abuse, inlay 5-PC. SUITES * Chrome or hransetons, * Contre loaf extension table, * Four sturdy chrome or bronze chair, ® Cash and Canry 0DD CHROME CHAIRS mother | {few facts about the real posi: tions These came later in the form [ot leaks from French sources {and expressions of exasperation fram the British The events this week started with a new British advance to linin virtually as an associate {member the European Common Market formed by France, Ger- many, Italy and the Benelux [countries Britain--with a family of 11 Commonwealth countries and a powerfully arganized group of | British farmers looking over her shoulder---now wants only a ten tariff wall around the six coun: tries against goods shipped hy outsiders : If Britain fails to join now, the argument runs, she may find it increasingly difficult in the fu. ture Britain demonstrates a reali gation of this, but apparently {feels she cannot take the final {plunge because of previous com: Imitments, These are with the Commonwealth, the farmers and the country s partners in the European Free Trade Associa tion -- the Scandinavian coun: tries, Austria, Switzerland and Portugal haosaold Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners, Installation by our own mechanics b 174 Mary Street b RA 8.4681 ® In sets of four only EACH SS 295 SIMCOE ST, 8. Store Front Parking Bradley's farmer location FINE FURNITURE

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