The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 8

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B THE OAWA TIES, Thursday, Merck 1, 1960 ! (SA League Of Mercy Holds First Annual Dinner The Salvation Army Leagne of Merry members of (biawa held their fiest annial Manes @l San Aslwned Restaurant on Monday evening, Feary 77 There were 18 members pres ent and grace was offered by Major Marsiand Rankin Following the supper, Mrs Charles Langheld, treaower welcomes everyone, and asked that they go on 19 even hetier things in he coming yess Mr. Charles Cathmotr, secre tary of the local grong, thanked | | ¥ 5 "4 7 : MC onde YH >. cu A dh a niversary party. Assisting her | charter member and who was on the left is Mrs, Charles | alse celebrating her Bbth Dolley, & charter member of | birthday the club, and on the right Oshawa Times Photo Mrs. William Collins, also 8 | THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA Mrs. Elwond Bradley (centre), president of the | Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club, Is seen culling the | birthday cake st iis 46th an Daughter Of First President Addresses PMA Anniversary ii dita tis ps The Pleasant Monday After-(were associated with the PMA tions for accomplishment in noon Club celebrated is 46th when as a child she attended the hoth job and financial matiers gnniversary on Monday and wel | meetings with her mother Be alert to all opportunities to} comed as guest speaker, Mrs.| The speaker was introduced advance now, Don't expect (oo! George Fowler, daughter of the hy Mrs. Ger hithread i eh along social or romantic first president, the late Mrs [thanked by | Villiam Ke nes, however Hatry Re recalled that the Mrs Elwood Bradiey presided i tomorrow 18 our hirtnday first meetings, started in 1915 welcomed members and Your horoscope indicates B gone were held in Emmanuel Baptist friends, A hymn, prayer and year ahead. Special efforts put reading from the Beriptures fol- forth now could eventually lead This day's aspects suggest you push ahead with important pro} during the LU SLATS Church on King street east, This! jou ed and the weekly reports. [to gain, both jobwise and fi and He Rew ehureh Je Ji for Mrs, A. Atkinson and Mrs. immediate results APHSL CRUFCH On FLOTIOR BIFERY | William Collins who was cele: A few admonitions: Avoid ex The Pleasant Monday Altar Mrs. George V, Lee and Mrs, with associates and superiors! noon uh originated in Eng Phillip Bell sang a duet, Mrs. and do try to curb your innate aitended by domentls # whe could cordion and sang a duet with and emotionalism. If you make) Hil HER } RE * WHMrs, J. A. Johnston the most of good aspects during and met on. Monday to have a ? H semi-veligious service and at|M7% William Colling cut the late December should help you {birthday cake expand Interests early in the| would be enjoyed over a cup of | | i tea NEENUILY AN should he at 8 peak World War, wives and mothers SOCIETIES August and those whose work they. could not alwavs attend especially well, All can profit | "PA REAL ed 8 PMA club, Their children BETA SIGMA PHI were welcome steady effort, A stimulating hymns were sung and a period|tarie Gamma Epsilon Chapter cial life, travel and, possibly, | a time of fellowship and friend-|the home. of Mrs, Bryan Cale, for late this month, also in Au This same pattern has con A special guest was Mrs tinued over the years and the Harry O, Perry, the sponsor and the hand of friendship tol on the ways and means) ' and At Dinner Party welcome ported on the social with spe Mrs. Fowler expressed y PM \ would con.|59Uare dance at the home of RR 1, Columbus, were honored tinue for mans {M1 and Mrs, Marvin Perkin, (recently hy family and close For her, many happy memories) The cultural program was in 25th wedding anniversary ser who gave a talk on "Na A dinner party was held at the ture's Landscape' ndscay Norris, Warren avenue, and the mems was Mr couple was presented with a kin complimenting the silver and Mrs, Kenneth Young as auction: tion and address was made by eer and Mrs, Percy McBain as the bride's hrather, Mr, Jack thridegroom replied Mrs, Francis is the former SUDBURY, Ont, (CP : y (CP)=A } Mr. Francis came ariginally {bed addition to Pioneer Manor from England and lived for will expand the home's facili-|his mother, Mrs. Thomas Hum ties to 208 beds, Construction] Phries, still resides { PROVIAING| ym arviod at 81, George's Memar {winter employment for many|ial Church and have ane son old church has been demolished Birthday greetings were sung nanclally=-hut do not look for en is place : has taken its place grating her 86th birthday travagance, he most diplomatic land, the speaker sald, and was; "8" Johnston played the ac. tendencies toward sensitiveness| Bunday, They formed a club ' y oy Afternoon tea followed and his period, a "lucky bread' in the conclusion a social time | new year Osh LODGES AND In Oshawa during the First {manths between naw whose men were overseas found requires such traits should do chureh on Sunday so they form-| however, through sincere and favorite] The regular meeting of On of warship enjoyed, followed hy|of Beta Bigma Phi was held at new romance are in the ship and a cup of tea who presided at the meeting. gust and November keynote 1s still good fellowship| Mrs, Kenneth Young gave a re: | Couple Honored port all, as every everybody is ade. Mrs, Murray Fraser re. thele1al reference to the recent Mr, and Mrs, Jack Francis hope that the years to come, | friends on the occasion of their the charge of Mrs, Murray Fra home of Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Assisting In serving refresh A bake sale was held with|pink decorations, The presenta clerk Copeland of Oshawa and the WINTER WORK | Miss Doris Copeland of Oshawa Sudbury's home for the aged |many years in Toronto, where work on the addition, Mr. and Mrs. Francis were workers, will hegin soon [Alan VA PH 1 A KR ESGE'S SUGAR 'N' SPIC By ALICE BROOKS So pretty for spring inte sum. | mer! Pattern stiteh is hoth| dainty and airy on warm days. | If she loves to go to parties she'll lave this ruffled charmer Easy - crochet in string, bahy yam. Pattern TOY; directions sizes 2, 4. 6 years included Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (ening) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) ta The Oshawa Times Household Arts DPept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS | PATTERN NUMBER JUST OUT! Our 1861 Needle eraft Book. Over 123 designs for home furnishings, for fashion knit, crochet, embroider, weave, sew, quilt toys, gifts, hasaar! tems. FRER six designs for Excellent selections includi "INK SPOTS" ORIGINALS "CHIPMUNK SONG" Westerns including: Square Dances with Calls, Wide range technical features will be realized on Hi-Fidelity Playback equipment real 1.49 S EACH Marvin Per: nink ribbon of silver dollars, | everyone for Ther co-operation and for the work that is being Aone in the Bosrital and nirsing homes and st Hillsdale Manor He read a letter of appreciation from = family whe had heen helped in sickness and hereave ment Mrs. Major Rankin gave # message from Mis, 14.Col, Gen nery, who was sick and cowid neh attend, then intrnduced Mrs i4Col. Regingld Gage, Tern- torial Teague of Mercy Becre tary from Toronts, whe Wes guest speaker She spoke of the progress of CHILD GUIDANCE Lack Of Early Will Foster Delinquency CLEVELAND MYERS Acres of print, hours of talk and an enormous amount of money and research have heen devoted to the problem of ju venile delinquency the print and talk and research deals with the delinquent afler he has got that way Some attention has, of course heen tuned to detecting the ehild of early and later school age who seems inclined toward delinquency. But almost noth ing has heen done to look inte probable causes of delinquency in the ehild from birth up untl he enters school Aren't the patierns child's behavior and the pat terns for his contrnl hy his parents at eight, 12 or 14 pretty well established long hefore he enters school? Isn't the delin- quent at 11 or 15 generally beyond the guidance and eon trol of his parents? How are these parents going to make their guidance and control ef fective then, if they were not effective in the child's early years? Disobedience toward his par ents is a common characteristic of the juvenile delinquent EARLY OBEDIENCE VITAL How is he to learn obedience 50 late if he hadn't learned i hefare the age of three or four? By 6 for the And if he pays no attention to | grace'; the wishes and commands of his parents now, how is he going to learn well to obey officers of Imagination justice and the law If he had respect them of | and late ghedience in his hefore-school | not learned the alphabet years? Therefore, research should first of all examine the prevail and ing theory and practice of dis: Book jackets given a thin coat eiplining children from ahout wn to six For half a century, young But most of Me. Yoeliey says the panting oA sammer flowering bili pick pe the labermee tones be LRG GRA CRORG WS 18 ERREE ded fox the end 7 Yay # (Hint OF Spring Alerts Gardeners y (AL Ny FREES the Oshawn gr, then reuet. ToROWIG (CF) Frost is Woogie grote many interesting sionies of Ber oof (zirly deep In the grownd g en the grown be years of Leagie of Mercy wrk, syer much of Canada Tt it ES workalh ie wh Ary and the thoi one received fiom jsut (on arly for the amatewr A 9 PrEVERt Tiling, he Ang the Work GRIRETET 16 Sarl, Making Aan She made mention of seversl Depending on where you live, START INDOORS families who had been helpef says Ermest Yardley, officiel of. Annals that start fevm small by members of the local grovp. a Toros seed firm, you may seeds sich pe the petunia, phiox whe were now, because of that figire on planting grass seed, and snapdeigom should he help, workers in the Batvation hedges, rt trees or flowering planted indoors In short tows Army oo sheihe in late March or early nese & sunmy window. Flats can She closed by taking as her Apri he oiained from a fish mer text 2 Timathy +31, where, Cavideners in British Colum chant. Finely pilserized en Pail asked Timothy to bring bela, with is mild climate, may riched sol 1s pvadlable to the donk for material comfort, bis £6 aR even earlier sar. Spring city Aweller from any garden oles for refreshment of mind, | WERRET GERETRIVY comes 16 DWIsery and for the prrchments, winch Central Canada next, several Mr, Yordley ways im is the word of God, She asked weeks ahead of the Prairies and portant that the tiny seedlings each memher to he sure to lodk the Atlantic provinces do not dry owt. Bobl should he alter the material comforts of FH bid § kept moist without When pectiings repch twy | them oF exposing their roms. "Vn inches in eight, iranspiont 8 nse (iis, & fine hosschold the Aesired lncition W WERy ie resented of x tn 19 show High In transpianting wulAoors, the RHRET RET shold Rng 15 the toks Most anny # ls thrive when a Pheveth Apmigs hg 8 hole anted In rich govden soll are Rm Ri the moos, inch earth Bemly TE SRRENt. Poorer lis may AEWA dem and water We improved by organic and wan chemical (ertilhiers Phas peat Bk TEE y Here are » lew ps om Plant BERR : y ng: The ponsy, petnis, viola phen: " wd dwarf noms grow fairy ¥ RIBEY FAYE RRR EIS sch oe the margmb rime oll in DOr shade is wll aster, larkspur, baby's wath ands war, and connfioner are panied mi- Plat dlysowm, California side in May. Bostier the seeds poppy, morning gory wd nas an cover with finely sled sol gutium, Little swmebine 19 6 5 Aepth bwice the IRCKRESS Looney tor the hegomin and the oA the seed and keep moist Some seeds take longer to ger. Wich bulbs such pe the tilly minate than mhers. And Aatindi] ths i yom haven't gh # wnrheming book, Aetasied ng instructions pre on & the sick and shutins, and the distribution of WMeratpre and papers, ie. it never 19 forget to bring the word of God to the sick and lonely and shutins, and 1a bring them closer ta God and His Kinghom Mrs. Ernest Sargeant thanked Mrs. Gage, 14.Col. Reginald Gage closed the evening In RETAILERS TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA TO THRIFTY CANADIANS OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M, "BUYS FOR Discipline parents have heen generally led io believe that they should train the tot solely hy love, per suasion and reasoning and that they never should use physical pain to restrain him, unless they don't now what else to do oF get so mad that they ean'i keep from whacking him RESPECT FOR "NOL For the many years I have heen writing this column, I have consistently questioned this the ory and sractice and have en treated parents to use the hand deliberately to train the child beginning 8s soon as he can creep or toddie, to respect with- out doubt or hesitancy the short word "No." I have maintained that his learning this is the essential foundation for his learning respect for the rights of others and regard for consti tuted authority--the foundation of good citizenship I have also heen saying that I helieve the single greatest cause of mounting juvenile de linqueney is the notion most young parents have that they should not spank & tot lo re strain him PARENTS QUESTIONS Q. Our daughter says they 3 EASY-TO-USE $1.05 SAVINGS! Stool Hassock, Plastic upholstered in decora- for » approved shades; gold-coloured piping $5.49 44 TERMS CASH TO USE, PURCHASES Value! immediately UY NOW AN Stock-Up e "CHARGE-IT" « No Down Payment CREDIT DEPARTMENT NOW OPEN! 1, "CHARGE-IT" ACCOUNT WITH OPTION 2, CRERIT COUFON ACCOUNT, FAST AS 3. SPECIAL "CHARGE-IT" PLAN FOR LARGER VISIT ZELLER'S CREDIT OFFICE FOR COMPLETE RETAILS, Fill out a simple application form end you will have your ""Charge-1t" Account almost THE HOME" CREDIT PLANS BIG VALUE! YOU SAVE 3.02 6.97 ALL-METAL Ironing Beard 14 by 54 ins. Adiusts #asily 10 your most comforts gble height, Lightweight, sturdy; non-slip rubber-tips ped £9.99 Value Buy Mew end ""Cherge-it"' Me Bown Payment D "CHARGE legs have a "queer way of saying grace at her playmate"s home A. Tell her that her playmate might he saying that your fam ily have a "queer way of saying | that it's a privilege tn learn of religious ways differ: ent from our own, so long as we PILLOW SPECIAL! ~ Shredded foam, Quils ted covering, Buoyant non - allergenic! $1.99 alll SPECIAL! HOUSEHOLD HINT New hooks need attention so they can he kept clean easily can he wiped stand hard of fresh shellac clean quickly and handling you, Come see! to $150.00, Fittings and sonsultat 72 SIMCOE ST, NORTH OSHAWY SHOPPING CENTRE STORE ppular vill caps, Quick -- send =~ TODAY, \ Our spring preview of the most promising fashions for the bride and her entire wedding party is now ready for Beautiful selection of styles from $45.00 ons Blacks LADIES' WEAR LTD, Open Friday until ® o'clock 36-INCH COTTON PRINTS 3 Yds. 1.00 Caottan checks, Reg. 9.99 -- YOU SAVE flarals Beautiful Easy ta launder prints, novelties BIG VALUE! Each panel 24 and B4 ins. long with blind-stite Man and colors Including abstracts, scenics Down Payment colors, attractive to Buy naw for Spring and Summer many ream-beautitying sew, easy florals Charge-It sewing SPECIAL! RAYON DRAPES--84:IN, LENGTH Lovely ! Ly Nylon CURTAINS 81 INS, LONG--Each panel 42 ins wide, Decorated with laew-looking flocked floral pattern. Smart-&-New "tailored" style, White Zellers 99 ins, wide hed hem! patterns moderns, No Thrift Priced, Pelr © p00 for Spring and Summer ATTRACTIVE, COLORFUL POLY-WARE SPECIAL! 23% TO 40% OFF! REG, $1.00 & $1.39! -- 4.pc. mixing bow! set quare waste paper basket, aval utility basin er dishpan, round laundry basket, Special, each 17 BUY NOW AND PAY LATER! Ask About ZELLER'S Convenient "CHARGE-IT" PLANS NO DOWN PAYMENT in complete privacy RA 5.1912 DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. §, PHONE RA 3-229 DINNERWARE SPECIAL! SWEET PEA 20.P0, "STARTER" SET 4.44 $1.05 SAVINGS! == 4 gach: dinner plates oatmeals or soup plates, bread & butter plates, cups. saucers. Open stock! $5.49 Value! Special. Buy Now and "Charge-It" WINNERS BABY BONUS DRAW MRS, §, FORD 165 VERDUN RD,--OSHAWA MRS, M, COUTURE 483 BYRON COURT--OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON'S RD. §. PHONE RA 3.2209 ZELLER'S LIMITED t i

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