The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 5

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EXECUTIVE OF LADIES' AUXILIARY CANADIAN LEGION Shown shove pre the mem: | Branch 12 Front row bers of the 1068 executive of | right, sre Mrs, WW. Norris, the Ladies Awnitiary of the | scconf Vice » presinent Yrs Bovel Canadian Tegion, | V. Movie, Secretery Miss High School Students Visit Ontario Museum eft to | Bose Ba Zime Crm wher, Jams ser; Mrs i £ £ oA Bowmenvitie; Mrs, F.| Monro, fist vice - pres i y : iy heck row, I6ft to Heit. pre HHELOR, 7 ! dhe Li I. Birk, sgl. ol-Rrms, Brown past GEER Hi nd esecutive members, Mis gulick, Mis, ¥ Yrs W. Parkinson Foster Mrs F and Mrs, A. Carr hein Wy Banaet Barion Mrs, F Bumphieys WHITBY And DISTRICT 7 SS000 Trust Fund By Linda Wackae « Grade VL thew B. Dymond who promis On Wednesda abl WEE y cerigin the Grgde 1} ner oH ARRETER nad from ad Ek St. High 96h 10 i the Rove TRA oF iF T RBIBEI. WIE i Farina HEREHIONE ig t The group was noder the super: WNEMPINT INE ation vision of Mis. L. GAR #06 Belore we (eft, HIREFRIG Ha i ation and rehalnlitation in the Mr. D. ( i and & rehef oH sel $5000 ! years ta folloy Lpon REF RINE i HE (imtarin EFE RAINITER f i . oi Sropah 5 : muse Im, hie Ae EVE The impressed studen left B I { we lay fn - . : Frid Miviaed nto Twa He for Whithy st 48 m. Hi 7 J 4 meht, if the team i ielorians Having # no 4} FFE believed some SLUAES iw RYE ! I then we will p event shown the n FREES id fim) left an bmpression mm BF I J } na Aeciding game in thy or he earn in id of differen pr of Toronto £ 5 h ' BaLurdar niet ak Reverth tHCKRASH JA f J I have eamtacied the | p hed landed : 4 J fe if SHH e Mel ariand nd they ha paris of ; sib WHITBY ! H sired me that i the 0 hai H Friday night they will definite LA virsr) DAY-BY-DAY [in te hay iained Eh ans with ll proceed painen Fhe 3 TH WET 4 ed 1 round and PUFRLICATY hina iad 4 : ming awards ! iy fom Cl} gamiy f 3 ol Bomar Yorth and Bonuth Spratt *" il ¢ / hid al nda J ef wen and Mrs. MacGillivray Ww Mr the ident | ; ! We will isn have a he i lan 7] f Butt and Mrs. Barron why , f Fed ' Eanme fa fom om VYuesda fine of the most interesting Mr, and Mrs, Baker, #8; Mr, "0 ht March 21, at the Whithy Com displa was the si ve of a and Mi Winter, B74; Mrs, 166 NW ! | ds munity Arena with the Whith Raman house built to sca Freeman and Mrs. Bowman Ay id / i | Hed Hillcrest Juniors plaving the The studer then given B74. Kast and West: Mr. and duis ven We Whithy Dunlaps. Tick may he free time. a visit was later Mrs, Wel 16s: Mrs. Watt He was treated on 1 il secured from an executive made to the Ontario Legislature and My Machmiuall 0; Mes, by Br, FA Cudd I mer 4 member of the Whithy Hill bulldings by some of the hovs Bovay and Miss Boyay, 8815) hers of th fal | n i" Crests and girls. They met Hon. Mat: Mr, and Mrs. Wilson UH Corps. Lal hi inved , On behalf of the Whithy Jun ta the Oshawa General Hospital TOM CHARCZEWSKI for Hockey Club | strongly urge Where SUFRErY Wag performed the sports fans of Whithy and have Heard, § Frank Allard, B10; district to donate to this worthy tarted writing his | ERAT nd Canadian Welding Gases, cause. Kindly send any dona fAnesAay mar He Oshawa, $10; Fred Hatch, #18, [Hons ta "The Tom Chasciewskl : an Callegiate den or Dam In & plea 10 the sports fans of oy RA Wily Ontario" | {Ap ii od y _ | Whithy and district, Ivan Davie 4 | PARADE lt fl, ie wp | Whithy played lasros € Wilh the ion wuesday evening, at the COFFEE WELPS in the previous vear played with Whithy Community Arena Tom ; NOTTINGHAM, England (CF) By GERRY BLAIR the Whithy junior hockey eluh, Chasczewskl, ane of our Junior Coffee bars are helping to stop Bee HRN game of the OHA Intermediate "A" Lakeshore semi-finals between the Oshawa Majors and the 1 Lumbermen takes place tonight at Whithy starting at B80 pm The Majors were on the verge of sweeping the best» Inaga the Community arena, of -seven series in four straight games on Monday night by taking an early § back to outseor€ the Majors 8-1 for the balance of the nignt 0 lead, but the Lumbermen roared thus winning 8-8, The series now stands st 3 games to one for Oshaws, The Lumbermen were quite reluctant about returning again tonight for the second t on Whithy ice. They felt, the power failure last Baturday night, the game should stralght eantes because of have supposedly classed as 8 Whithy home game, there fore giving them the next tit In Lindsay Tuesday night, The OHA stepped in and ordered them to show far tonight's affals Fhe Lindsay management are also gttempting to secure $48 expense maney fram the Osh awa elub aving to make a futile appearance on Saturda Hut realistiely they haven't a foot to stand on, as It was just ene of those unforseen ineldents which was neither the fault of the arena manage ment ar the Oshawa Major hockey elub Bo they appear lo he FIKINg aul on bath af thelr claims against heir apg n, the Oshawa Majors This series Is far from over, after the showing by the fired-up Lindsay elub an Monday night in Whithy, With twe goals to t eredit in the opening four minutes, Oshawa appeared headed for a landslide, but immed ately the turned, and the Lumbermen completely autplayved the Majors for the remainder of the game TOWN AND COUNTRY ate accident hefell Whithy ki ue A most unfortun- Hillerest defenceman, Tom night, when he lost the Just as he was stepping on the in the third period, ane of his team slap shot whieh eaught him direct Chaseezews an Fay S1gNt af nis tefl eve ioe to resume play mates let go with a iy in the eve. The Hillerests won their game with the Belleville MacFarlands 8-4 and stayed alive in the series, and now trail 3-8. The sixth game of this best-af-seve Eastern Ontario Junior "B" semi-final series | heduled far Helleville on Friday night Should the Hillerests win, the seventh and deciding game will be played in the Whithy Community arena Saturday night Ed Romanuk, left winger with the Ashava Majors will be lost indefinitely to the elub, when he flered a fractured nose on Sunday night while playing in Oshawa Major Hockey league action at Howmanvitle, This is the second serious accident for Romanuk this season, He was out for six weeks With a bad knee and had just returned to action a few days ago BROCK Evening Shows ot 7 and 9 p.m, WHITBY Feature Starts ot 7 and 9:30 FRANN SINATRA !! DEAN MARTIN SAMMY DAVIS. PETER LAWFORD TECHNIC OLOR' PANAVIRION wus WARNER BR peep ty AY TOW we CORES LETERER Prond wg Dvd ly LIS WLSSTONE SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS AT 1:30 ------ 'B' hockey players, | severe blow from a puck and a result lost his left eye, He was also 8 member of the Oshawa Jr. Imps foothall team nips Manly an Aflievast Untortunately the neither hospital nor medical in surance. According! he said Accident poliey and fom the benefits from the small in. ® Student, is not eovered hy ( surance carried hy the hockey !|'8Na Hospitalization | eluh will na more than pay for medical plan suffered a LL] me Ll any | {the hospital and surgical ad We feel it Is going to take a lenunts because of this accident. considerable amount of money! | It is for this reason that the to offset his doctor and hospital fund has heen organized hills, and as Tom 1s a hay of | Up te 8 p.m. on Wednesday, [19 In Grade 18, this is going to the sald, 888 had heen received Ne 8 great handieap for him In {in the fund. Donations came the future {fram Jas. Luke, $10; Ivan Davie We are endeavoring to set up 1810; Bus Gagnon, $10; Ger a trust fund with 85000 as our IMowt, 810; Murray Silver, 810; |ohijective ta help pay his med: | | Charles Btafford, 82; Dick| ical expenses and aid in his edu | f Pp bli S ki {and answer period the ladies] [Public Speaking [Vere iver tinal instructions ual thow 1a improve their speech | Classes Conclude il also general rules for good leadershiy | On Tuesday evening at Nl his was followed hy 8 mock ohn The Evangelist Church eling with an appointed pres {meeting roam, the last | wm ident, secretary and treasurer, | lon "Public Speaking and Lea: also reports fram various eons | {dership Cour nok pla yith ner Fhis mock meeting was Miss Verda Packer ¢ netry lone acoarding to ria Ire mentary proceedure | The group reviewed the pre A presentation was made to {vious lessons and were given Mi Packer in recognition of useful advice Eacl nemhberiher devoted services, Coffee went ta the front and recited was served by the social eam A poem. During the question|/mittee | | | -- I | y | ARNOLD'S | 115 BROCK N, Just North of the Four Corners OFEN THURS, 'TIL & FRI, TIL # WER, TIL & IM, | SLICED {i COOKED HAM lb, 89° FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT BEEF SIRLOIN OR WING STEAKS 69: { PORK CHOPS 1. 59° CUT FROM TENDER YOUNG BEEF PRIME RIB ROAST 5 9 ¢ Ib SHORT RIB ROAST BLADE ROAST FRESH CANADIAN LAMB... 69. 38° ROAST QUARTER FRESH FRESH WEAN, BONELESS] BONELESS BRISKET Country Namburg Stewing | "poi Sausage | Steak Boel | Roast « 29°. 35° « §9°. 39° (teen - age drunkenness, says Thomas Moore, chief constable of this city, Last year only one Mr. and Mi John Yeitenheim FEATURES: ~~ er of Bowman avenue Miss Joanne Verriet has re ® Automatic Buttonheler cently returned "from & five Open Arm month visit in Nineges, Holland the guest of her grandparents ® Embroider Bhe alsn visited olher relatives and friend ® Built-in Light On Balurday, Margaret Wol Automatics, zi ters celebrated her tenth birth 3 i " a day, For the occasion 8 party kJ ng Cave, Lifer me Wis Rrranged. Games were played and refreshments (served, Guests were: Beth Barter, Beth-Anne Parise, Jane Hurley, Monica Eyre, Tina Knox, Susan MeCarrol, Chris: tien Heffler, Patsy King, Chel ten and Alan Willison, B LI A vankle, Busan and 111 BROCK ST, N, Whithy | Nettingham youth was charged club 15 only covered hy a small with drunkenness Deng | 'Ehelr son To New Public 169 Pupils To Move THE OSHAWA TIS, Thorsdey, Merch 1, "e BOWLING NEWS LAER CIGARET LEMAE School Frighas wer §I8 ~~ §. Hands Abo oe SHARE TRB REARS he ww & gsies Pic Bho i les yesr v8 be iid "we (om, Ey; 6 Wiis Garde 17 lacaewe wilh wove wit vii a Drndes wrest (eae ng Gindes § and 7 a the V0 (0, 8); €, Denyer $57 fie the Kew g LE alten dAesses 7 the reg B. A Bost Hrisiom Piablic School. (258, 8); 6G. Welonueh $$ Vibiic Bahont mm Friday, Wereh ler frre from 8 sm. 16 room Wiss Eiesnor Yates who grzd- (005, IW), BM. Maloy We (B54); 5 Classes 9 hegpn #8 LOW and LW gm. 0 308 pin. Only wited from the Toros Teach L Walle #05 (O58, 206) W Ir five rooms of he 18 Eiaseronm #iv College Iasi year wilt be Belida 4 (208, 21); ¢ herry Kindergarten oiess will stant Ponds Sires Publie Bchoot terciing Grades § and 4 a6 the WT (06, 18); M. Brooks #9 on Wonder. Warch 6, ot § arm. Weve heen Hien for HE Rew SCHON (7%) Kindergarian mis wil milend FIRises Mise Lorna Richards will he Singles pyar 199 -- UW, Badyell in the torenoon only. There wilh There will be ro Grade # # teaching Grades © and § #6 the U6, G, Sendiord 1, ¥. Lott be 21 cider stiending kinder the 1, A Wilchieon Pile R.A Hichison schol, She 28, V. Sendiord 205, 1%, 5 ERIE Baku came from Fort Archer Atkinson 219, D. Guantnl T14, 16 5 VEAFF WENRERS Mrs, Elecnor Hobwnen who 113, A. Sharmen 204, 1, evens te Douglas Hogg will he the previously fase #8 the Wing 11, P. Davie 5 ' th of Highway PO0cipel # the schol, Mr, Sires Fuibic School will be Pinfak 28 pis 19 Aale = 7 will wtiend the KB. A. WORE previously taught in Bese: teaching Grade | 36 the school, Camens T6 Me. Viayers #1: son Putiic School for Wie. Be will be (sacking. Mrs. Bobena Anderson will he S01; Faporis 92 - BSI; der of the school Grades § and 8 gt the new conducting the THR kinder: Buckinghams #1 « 19. Win term, The se wih § CROACILy FORGO) garien session wt the new chesiers #4 - VIL. Winstons tor Th students within Ender. Wis. Gemgene Gibson who schon, She previously Lenght #6 98 - 6.079; Black Cats 3 + By puso tought at the Colborne Bireet Toronts Public Schools 0 Bools 18 - VB, The students who wilh stiend ' a the pew hoot are these whe I ---- have heen slisnding the pfier aon (1245 - B p.m.) classes ot the Dundas Street Fuwlie schon. This move will lower the popwlation of Dundas street schont fromm $15 to 915 The B. A Hutchison School is named plier mer Pubic Behaot 1 ne Lou or nt BIE BEVER the Kinaderg a the Dundas Street Pub Bona) Pubs the for ecior for h, Fhe SEOs Ineluding gt the pew Whe Beve WHITBY PERSONALS Dyke, of fines ner heen | Fr group Clearance Sale 1960 FACTORY SAMPLES Bernina Sewing Machines FABULOUS i winners of were: Mrs, P. Van Hyke. The £4 8 A&INLY WIReHh REDUCTIONS FEREEEEE and M Marcel Denis and WRINGEG, WETE 1a i guests al the nome ot fr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Brault Monuin dangh All Models Mr. and Mrs. A. Bishop and / Of Lakvilie spent the weekend visiting al the home of nllers, A gay time he enjoy led hy all, Available for this Clearance and Straight Stitch Machines, All with handsome carry- warantes Free Lessons, Portables and Cabinets, Midtown Furniture SE of Bernina Sewing Machines ® Hemstitches, Blind Stitches ® Forward and Revere ® Darns and Mende ® Built-in Mater WHITRY MO 8-498) YOUR THERE In time of disaster, your Red Cross is there, bringing aid and comfort, helping te save lives, through its miracles of mercy, The Red Cross is there, too, with help where it's needed , , , for veterans, members of our armed forces and their de- pendents , , , for children , , , for invalids and convalescents, The Red Cross blood program, first aid and home nursing programs give vital assistance in promating health in our community, Safety services and water programs are among the many worthwhile activities that benefit all, Whitby Red Cross Campaign March 6th to lu In your hand and in your heart is the answer to continued h by Red Cross, Take advantage the afflicted Whithy Red Cross, Volunteer Canvassers Will Start Calling RED CROSS IS ALWAYS manitarian services by the Whit the opportunity te help your fel. low man, to show compassion for help yourself and your community, Give to the MONDAY, MARCH 6th |" of '

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