The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 25

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HAMILEON (CV)~Controlieryof doing a "whitewash Job' on A HR McCoy's tmsiness re he case intions with the city provoked & SUDBURY (CP) wgainst Wim and said, "Is UME gud Smelter hoard of eontrol Wednesday heen pressing for # judicial in| hie ashes," awry, seewsed hoard members) My, Copy's Junior High Schools Close PORT CREDIT (CP) COMNGI. Was "hetraved"' ls city eonmell meeting Tiesday Inight, had backed away from three for a mdicial inquiry €iy MeCoy Machinery MeCoy DE OR Waard, Company, upply report ta he in # " Archie Turner, director of edu #0 Company, Court of Ontario ruled Wednes day that the Securities Act is within the powers of the On taro legislalure He dismissed with an application hy Darothy Williams and Harold Arnold Williams for costs an order prohibiting the On tario Becurities Comm sion from taking further pro SHOP THIS WEEK AND SAVE ON ceedings on suppoenas directed to them Grounds for (he were that a part of the Secur ities Aet was hevond powers of the legislature and econflicied with the Bill of Rights New Film On Retarded Children TORONTO (CP)~Because of the increasing numbers of men application tally-retarded children in Can ada and the lack of facilities and trained personnel, the On tario department of health | " umentary depicting their pA titled, One on Hvery Bireet, it will he shown Sunday, April $at 8pm oon the CRCTV net work Many of the sequences were taken at the Ontario Hospital School at Orillia, where there are 3,900 mentally retarded children and adults and a wall ing list of 1,000 Only a small percentage of the 540,000 mentally retarded in Kroehler Be Springs, cannot adequately eope with this national problem Those In hospital are taught covers 100 kif such eonking. sewing Green, Red, Brawn or Black and White halrdressing and trade tech ji iis ng AR i MATCHING LOUNGE CHAIR 67.98 their capabllities Loan Sharks * Lose Licence TORONTO (CPy--=Hoy White Ontario superintendent of Insurances Wednesday denied appeal Parontn loan against refusal nf a li head an hy & campany cence and said its actions "eon stitute deceit and should not he tolerated in mortgage or any ather business." During an eight-day hearing Osman Mehmeti testified he borrowed $400 fram Cro Canada Funding Lid, to pay off a mortgage and was told he wirld have to nay SRS00, "noth 1 more, nothing less," He er found he was also required NANDSOME WALNUT 10 pay a bonus and was charged FINISH CABINET 1g-per-cent interest on it | Parliament | At-A-Glance Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Wednesday, March | Unanimous third and final teading wa EIVOR a govern ment bill raising war disability wisions by 230 per cent, with Mareh 1 sel as the effective date of the increases Finance Minister Fleming an nounced departure of a group of senior trade officials for Hong Kong ta diseuss hroblems ve lated to imports of certain goods fram that crown colony CONVERTIBLE BABY CARRIAGE GENDRON car riage converts to car bed or bas All metal body inette, Fitted sun visor, visualite aprong, coil springing. Blue or JW, Murphy (PCLambion West), speaking on a gov Bronze, arnment 2gvieultuy resolution sald Canatla must not Sand ily by" while the US dumps radioactive waste in the Atlan tie or any Mher ocean 95 Thursday, March 2 The Commons meets at 3 3 pm. EST 9 debate budget re solutions, the Senate meets at 8d pm Hamilton Council Local Raps Whitewash Claim Union Boss Mr. McCoy angrily dared Wis president of Local 8 of the In-leave Thompson workers in the said new outhurst before Hamilton's] ellow controller (6 lay & ERGIEE (ernationss Union of Mine, Mili first year with rates ss much Workers (Ind.), as BW cents Controller Vie Copys, whe has, omeone came out (rom DeWind cig wednesday workers of the reeeived by Mine Mill members dustry has heen two Wg eastern lockls have heeniat Ineo plans here and wt Port! pecefid/ {that members of the hoard, # dent Kenneth Smith The eomncil voted 138 10 BaYE yany's plant wt Thompson, Man 3 Treasurer Dennls Young pcceptance had been recom «The study and report on all WERRSAE mended hy Mr, Smith #l the very time Mr, Me- You'll love the easy-care Nylon reinforced in shades of Turquoise, Toast, TETAWA (CP)=W, MM. Gil pany eheist, president of Fldorsds in Wining and Refining Limited today thet the federal gov 5 ernment's streioh-out program #0 hour below (ROSE gor the Canadian Wrasiem eminently sic began to Ae Don Gils, Mz. Gillis seid the pact would eompete em naustry hetween and March, 1962, w avoided," he swid Btrenumis tional Presi. Cothorne put iio effect Rov. 6, 1000, after agreement, compared with $2.01 to lay 8 man off if he does not produce in aecordance with the amounts they had contracted to state § § buy under contracts expiring in|" ® State building END FOR THESE BARGAINS YOLLES DISCOUNT PRICE! VISCOSE VISCOSE SIZE d-Chesterfield Canada are In hospital, The SAVE $32 | Modern Kroehler converts from film stresses that oul of every 83 children, one is mentally re smart bed-chesterfield to a bed In seconds, 9 X 6'9"" tarded The three schools in Ontario Features foam cushioning and deep spring: 95 Orillia, Gravenhurst, Smith . 3 ' Falls and the fourth which is filled mattress that sleeps two in comfort, ] X 12 apening in April at Cedar REGULAR 226.95 Modern Fleetwood HI-FI STEREO-RADIO COMBINATION ® Two 6" and 2 tweeter speaken SIZE 9x12 TORRY ¥ {A re ORR rb FR 4 se WEF be PRR @® Twin amplifiers for Stereo " ® Aaspeed automatic changer ® 5-tube steridard band radio 139° Adlai a Ta Uranium 'Stretch-Out' | Program Big Success 1960 and "now are scheduled 0 eontinue well into 1998.7 efforts wre Weng yithin the foresecabie future he deliveries under the present AXMINSTER 9' X 6'9"" sp A RY ap olles FURNITURE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thordey, Merch 3, 1960 25 New Province Seen In Far Northwest (FTAWA (CP)--Northers Af crease early of the {ase Horthwest Verritories next where the government has built Mar y i faire Minister Waker Dinsdale month a nlaidad ill have heen predicted Wednesday that Can HAVE CLEARCUT PLAN "There's sven 5 bus service ada will have s new provinee' "Northern development had rooming from Yellowknife to ¥4- heen neglected for many Monion" by ne He told the Commons re ¢ ¢ said 3 o! J ade Tile st said Ar " rf 4 The members of HE EIETD search committer hat the ore made Mr. idl Maly Fhe new province will come years," said Mr, Dinsale, but And the teriiiories are enter. # hd ro yelop other markets and f vast th gions now "with 8 le cut play' ained by CRC radio-but ne Mr. Gillis was reterring to & locals have heen hetraved Dyigram will prevent a "complete uses for uranium, te said hat fe THe Vast Borers Bon Ce will be "sremendoue toy. ilelevision yet mitt, had hacked sway from - yey contract approved Brother Smith," he said. "HWisleollapse" of the industry be thase efforts, together with de ne i, Yom and Northwest Shove will be "rem The Ekin ow heir prey i Monday by Mine Mill members aetions ha v € disturbed our tween March, 1982, and March, veloping reamirements for wean. 120 H0TI€6 sail In 88 Wier Progr: . ama. 8 rcioping wl the Imternationsl Nickel Com workers a great desl 1963 am 28 8 fuel for atomic power" rograms Include Lhe new rapidly 100, said Mr, fe, 14 rs f tI § Mr, Gilchrist was referring to Danis, "should have some fa "Everything that is being rallrond Inking fhe =mineral- and lied the exhibit he Arery raves wt Thompson SCF PUGH AAS A ovale effect before the fast af Aone In the North is directed to. VR Great Slave Lake aren inihere Tuesday might of Eskimo were $1.55 an howr before the # # Wvery program 4 Ad w the Northwest Territories with graphic art ss an example WARING INCTEASING AE EnBence Alberta, A total of 209 miles The Northwest Territories South Peel board of eOucation tions involving the eity and Con & Bots 3 A the 1errlones--coverng a to said Wednesday 11s umior Wehioroiier MeCoy's husiness inter in Sudbury, The three-stage in he United States announced firm comracts have been com tal land ares of 1,456,754 square of resource roads will he built Council, made up of five gove sehionts with he Aiscontinued 00 esis since his ection in 199% Hamilon Excavating 107 & em: crease woud bring the Thomp- Ht It would not take up op- pieced Ailes Sigh over the next 19 years ernment - appointed members ng the next three 10 (Ive Years. before determining whether a rach signed last November #08 on rate 16 91.94 tions to by Canadian wranivm - p ' " And there has been progress and four elected from the Ter: ve wef or 4 ng omuleted Feb, 11 b b after March, 19%, and March The Northwest Territories y " The hoard has operated Ihe judicial inquiry is warranied, COME a ' ds ren wi C ' in other fields, ritories, will discuss pf is a trhools for TH 4 "i . Mr, Gillis #lso sald the 1963 LIVE. RENTENCE Council, unique governing body! three-level system of schools for ERAL The Will wis approved for AREA AIR o of the northiend, decided af i The population of the Yukon northern meeting next summer the last wears in this Toronto} WOLVES SEVERAL _ | payment Thompson contract 16 ave the Under the streteh - out wen WARSAW (AV)=A Commun or fort i" , dech f @ } # and Northwest Territories, for the setting up of the Mackenzie subiirh, It has heen under re. The report Wo aneeth Iish Mr, Copps said the completion "OMIANY fr A 10 set produstion gram the US and Britain Ist court in southern Poland has as Fra Py Fu Algal example, has increased 99 per district as a separate territory view for the last year fess volying Jl / date meant "the work was go. hedules, with the opportunity agreed fo defer a part of sentenced, the chief accountant words formation of Drovines cent since 1951 10 5000, he ~first step towards becoming # seid. During the last three provines years the percentage of child-| The Yukon has heen # sep operation 10 next year, Bil the second step i Coy's solicitor was In here as : cation, said it would be cheaper Constrietion ond the Hamilton suring ws that the firm was not sehedie 1962 and 1965. Deliveries would We imprisonment for ember may 1ake 8 008 TUMDET Of ven in sells had creased tolarate entity with 8 fully elected 0 provide go Re bh Purpose Des he er ig owned doing any work for the ity," AL Sudbury and Port Col he stretched oul until Dec, 8, 7hing, The prosecution suid thet 7 o I #0 per cent from 15 council for #9 years, hut with " § § pan I " ohh Mr Nnnsale s 1 2s 1] & 2) he 2 Classrooms And faetitie Hh. by Thomas Christmas, My, Me: Other hoard members dig borne, he said, the worker 1 Leonard Filowskli stole more hee 8 Bove Mr. Dinsdale, 44 appara the quickening Interest in te oa. weld ThA d Coy' Mr. Gilehrist said that 5 ment's ronds 1n resources" minister of northern affairs only North neither the Yukon nor the is 1 Coy's hrother in-law agreed, saying Mr, McCoy's #0- ould he protected and given a than $456.000 in a three » year 4 i gets in public schools then GEE CCl e ee reapencd Wed. Heitor had indicated the eom ! monthly shipments by Canadian : program and & new railway for last October, pointed 19 » map Mackenzie should have to wal junior high school nesdiy en Controller Comps pany was nol ai present bid. Vance 10 slate his ease Velore producers, including those of|7r1od, spending the money on the Territories will help, Heldotted with school bells, indicat {another #0 years hefore they PT) Wesany when 4 ie [Hs pri y 3 ng {fh / do Kgl i prams challenged payment of $2400 Lo ding on city contracts & grievance commitiee Crown » owned Vidorgdo Coin holidays in Warsaw said he will make & trip in theling the areas of the territories are ready for provine inl status, we hos ; course content of the junior Meh school program was Aesirame } but the board's area did not . have the needed population 16 : sustain such 8 program Securities Act FURNITURE : B D L \ E A D SCOUN ; TORONTO (CP)~Mr, Justice B I. M. King of the Bupreme AND YOLLES TOPS 'EM ALL *33" OFF HUGE FACTORY CLEARANCE OF AND AXMINSTER RUGS Durable split-level pile resists soiling. Rubberized backing prevents skidding. Choose from 2-tone tweed colors of Cinnamon and White, Nutrig and White, or Green and White! REG. SAVING 34.00 9.00 59.00 15.00 NOW 25.00 44.00 Attractive Wool blend pile features tone-on-tone effect with leaf pattern, Axminster is completely mothproof, resists shading, Choose Beige, Grey or Green! REG. SAVING 61.00 21.00 108,00 37.00 SARE NOW 40.00 72.00 ¥ he 1 WENA wt Pa i eit) Kroehler Swivel-Rocker This Modern TV Chair Ordinarily Sells For 59.95! 3 4 4 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Kroehler chair "eushs lonized'? spring construction for Tel: RA 5-3519 -- Shop dally 9:30 - 6; Friday until 8 p.m, Store Closes Wednesday at 1:00 p.m, features added comfort, plus deluxe up holstery in a wide range of new shades swivel and only 1,93 Chains rocka! See it now, , o weak deliven ! gi

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