2A THE Gomama Times, Thersey, Merch 3, 198) Metro Government Becomes Popular PROTO EWS: Your atiention lswhile leaving others . to the Arawn to head - chowlders Metin mnicipalities themselves wm Bonnseastie of Win. For instance, there sre & wn gE losned Avg. HU, 1098; ified police lovee, transit sys ' of Mowireal losned 1610, sewer and wiler trunk ser Nov, 29, 1960, and Garfiner of vices, justice, civic financing, Toronto loswed Jan. 16, 1981, traffic rules, Fire protection re Cross - Canada Burvey mains independent, and so do Metro government ~-- Comains her services including hosp boldface téls and garbage collection By JOHN 1eBLANC TEALIWE OF AUTONOWY Press Siall Weiter | Each local council retains ay The growing complexities of lonomy, and this is & (actor MURApRl EOVETRINENL BIE ah may count hepvily eventually NE many Canadian commun: rgainst pmalgamation, The in ties toward some (orm of pool- cal politicians ds not want 16 of _Cvie FESONIeRs get swallowed up mitright emelgamation hes Elsewhere, the metro-versus been the answer in some cases. smelgamation issue does nol A type of autonomous confeder- appear 16 be one of hot topical sion, or metropolitan govern interest 3 ment, has heen the answer. In the Montreal #res, there elsewhere, notably in Toronts. are acension al grumbhings In - between forms of coopera: ahout 8 Montreal Metropolitan tion exist In other places Carparation, which was estah The vanation of views on the lished by the Quehee legislature most efficient type of together- in 1958 to dest with some mun ness for wan and swhwrhan cipal affairs covering shout 100 areas Jammed against one an square miles of Moniresl Island other is about as wide as the with some 1.000 506 people eountry Heel, a cross - Canada Chairman Roland Chagnon survey by the Canadian Vrese 48, president of a yeast - pro hows ducing company, has sald the Nowhere is the lace of unan £orporation £ main job gt pres imity more pronounced than in ent is planning for the future the Toronia area, the North Largely, the corporation American pioneer of the mel! powers are io study and recom ropoliten system of government, mend solutions to transit prob where. 15 municipalities were lemg, and the legislature must federated inta a loose union of approve before it can Is same 100.000 people and 240 money for them. The 14 mem square miles of Lerritor ber suburbs retain thelr own Eight years after the creation police, fire and sanitary ser of Metro Toronto, there is & A ies, bil the eorporation Aeals bate on between proponents of with uniformity of lax rates and the metro system and those 8d: store - closing hours, slong with voeating full amalgamation, I ming regulations could go on for another couple of yesr CITY HAS BIG ROLE { There have heen some com LOGICAL STEP? paints from municipalities that The argument for amalgama- the corporation costs them too tion Is that it 1s the nest logical mueh. On the other hand, some step past Metro. Other Canadian would like to see the corpora communities have not travelled tion get more power, particu that far on the road yel lar) to administer service Latest newcomer 10 metro rather than make laws, Some ranks 1s Greater Winnipeg suburbs feel that it is demin where 10 whole municipalities ated ton heavily by Montreal including the cities of Winn: gity J peg, Bt. Boniface, Bt. Jame However, the city authorities and East Kildonan and parts have heen cool to the idea. feel of nine other municipalities for ing they would pay most of the # total population of 455,000 are shot for services enjoyed bh taken in. Chairman is Richard smatier municipalities (Dick) Bonnveastle, 57 year Elsewhere old former businessman OTTAWA: The federal Na A Manitoba provincial royal tional Capital Commis ion 1s commission recommended Ihe responsible for over - all nan system as the best way of avoid ning for a capital area taking ing inter - municipality friction! in 1 800 square miles on hoth and improving planning efficl: | sides of the Ontario Queher ency for a growing area. Var|horder, Some municipalities enol lous services will be taken un: jaborate on certain projects der control by a metro council! such as the supply of water and MM slags pest control, but there have Individual municipa liti 268 heen nn official steps taken in Fr VP rE evry rrr r BEST BUY-SAVE 7¢ HEINZ BABY FOODS -- BEST BUY-SAVE 22 Chicken Noodle LIPTON SOUPS Tomato Vegetable BEST BUY-SAVE 25¢ WAGSTAFFE'S JAMS or JELLIES BEST BUY-SAVE 6¢ OLO BRAND MARGARINE BEST BUY-SAVE 16¢c ALL VARIETIES : MONARCH CAKE MIXES BEST BUY-SAVE 17¢ DEL MONTE Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink BEST BUY SAVE 35¢ DR, BALLARD'S Champion DOG FOOD = SPROULE'S CORNER KING AT RITSON McKENNA'S SUPERMARKET 948 SIMCOE ST, N, SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL BROWN'S MARKETERIA BROOKLIN MAPLE GROVE SUPERMARKET MAPLE GROVE, ONT, BEST BUY-SAVE 5¢ YORK PORK & BEANS 20-02, TINS * BEST BUY-SAVE 16¢ PUREX TOILET TISSUE WHITE OR COLORED 8 - 1.00 maintain thelr own police and) wsrds forming & metropolitan fire services, They will do their grea own borrowing and tax collec: VICTORIA; Has ® recom tions. Metro will handle, even: mendation for a reglongl plan tuslly, assessment, plannfhg {ning hoard which would have traffic regulation, public transit authority te ee - ordinate some water and sewage, parks, flood! services in eight areas with $F eontral, civil defence square miles and a population 3 f 140,000, The ? VANCOUVER NEXT of 140,000, These would include i land use, major road building Even hefore Winnipeg's metro and public transit, Af present | guments were on. They ranged the area's wa Fd i walter supply and gument swere on, They ranged p b } schools are under central hod fom ho centralization whatever! joc ktension of control does 0 Ihe opposite of complete po appear likely now amalgamation EDMONTON: The Alberta Wi iil Roblin Ruiing capital is seeking permission for le a ar h Bion od 1B A amalgamation with the towns of 4 hl hu ped | #0 jasper Place and Beverly and § gree Of AULONOMY parts of the municipalities of among the municipalities § Ne Next Yerrult 1a the mira oo tratheona, Stoney Plain and opt might be the Toor in Sturgeon River, Mavor Filmer i IWEF MAIN Roper says: "Amalgamation 1s d of Brit Cn Ja of British Mlumbla, ak: 50 superior to metropolitan gov pa A 0 NE ernment, 1 wouldn't consider Greater Vancouver distriet with! - the lg & population of 700,000 in #00 he Salter ut all, hid uant Yn square mile areal ! ole The provincial government | HALIFAX; Some members of LR is 3 has on its hands a report rom ine Halifax county council ad 8 Joint committee of the mun: yooaie a metro - type govern elpalities ade J \ | ipa f made . after a8 two:| ant for the greater Halifax Year study and pow being con| | , [i sidered hy the cabinet Hi ~ [ure @ bul the other munieipali ties Halifax city and Darl parted to recommend the estab | monith give the idea no sup Ishme 3 d 4 hment of a lower mainland port. Dartmouth and several metro hoard fo handle water suburbs. amalgamated Jan, | and sewer services public 5 health, air pollution and re and Aiblied for 8 ti eharte; gional' parks SAINT JOHN, NB There have heen suggestions that the MAYOR WILL FIGHT | aint John area should have ei Here again, there is no unan {ther & metro government or imity among the municipal pol {joint operation of police and fticians fire services hut nothing firm 4 Mayor Elizabeth Wood of New| has developed estminster sp We don't want metro. We'll fight it . Will co « operate fully with our NEWS IN BRIEF neighbors and the other mun leipalities in providing services ARTIFICIAL LAKES But we won't give up our inde.| Two artificial lakes have been pendence {ereated on the shore of the Mayor Tom Alsbury of Van. Caspian Sea for fish breeding eouver says: "I believe that/the Soviet news agency Tass game form of metro govern: reports, The level of the Cas: ment will be a must for the pian, abundant source of caviar Noor Wainland area nw I'm sturgeon, has heen declining Suggesting just what form It should take YOUNG COMMUNINTS And In Toronto, too, with its! MOSCOW (AT) he Soviet long experience in metre guy Union's Young Cammunis 8! ernment, there is still just as/1eague has voted te send 15000 great a divergency of views of 1s members 10 the Russian Mayor Nathan Phillips of Top Virgin lands, Soviet news ante eity, which has about half| agency Tass reports. They are the population of th metro to build communal halls sehools Area, says amalgamation must/and kindergartens be its ultimate destin "The only question to he an BEING REPAIRED swered is when and how," he! MEXICO CITY (AP) Fhe adds Pan American highway linking Mexico and Guatemala has been OPPOSED RY CHAIRMAN closed for repairs. It probably Frederick GG. Gardiner, hard i he re , y hotled chairman of the Faronto My he reopened in 8 few. weeks Metropoli t a n council. retort, SayS the communications min that critics of metro are "just an infinitesimally small number DAILY DOURLY 3 the Member of the Tarento ' AUCKLAND, N. Z. (CP) "This inconsequential minor K arity." he says, "speaks in the most general terms of amalga mile marathon championship mation with an obvious lack of here but finished in good time appreciation of what would be Fhe same evening he won the bound to haffpen to the taxpay L000metre Auckland steeple ors of their city chase championship, cutting 22.8 Mr. Gardiner's council of Seconds off the previous record which the mayer is a member ye 2 ~has launched an inquiry into GETTING READY the virtues, or otherwise, of NAIROHL Kenya (AP)=The amalgamation The mavor SOVerament of this British col would prefer ta see one made ON. now heading toward in hy the provincial gavernment. dependence, plans fo Africanise Meanwhile, Toronlo metro 5 civil service. It intends to goes along handling some civie train 2.000 Kenvans for job services on an over « all basis, (now held by Britons L | oung New Zealand athlete | eals farled to place in the 24 FINEST FLORIDA -- RED & WHITE LUSCIOUS FRESH PINEAPPLES i 29- GRAPEFRUIT ... Ld | NO, 1 YELLOW Se PALM GARDEN NO, 1 JUMBO 48's SIZE Lb. Cooking ONIONS ': 19 TOMATOES il 19 FEATURE--SAVE 17¢ FEATURE---SAVE CATELLI'S RED & WHITE Macaroni Spagheiti | Evaporated Milk 6 "100 7 vio 1.00 FEATURE-SAVE 65¢ WALKER'S SALTINES FEATURE--SAVE 8c LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 8 "x" 1.00 1:08, PKGS 1 00 5 FOR ® FEATURE--SAVE 25¢ TOMATOES MISS CANADA CHOICE 5 y 1.00 FEATURE--SAVE 8¢ CULVERHOUSE DICED BEETS or CARROTS 8 7" 1.00 FEATURE -- SAVE 53¢ FAB DETERGENT KING SITE 43: OFF PKG, 1.00 FEATURE---SAVE 15¢ CRUSHED PINEAPPLE ™*°"" § 15" 1.00 FEATURE--SAVE 14¢ INSTANT COFFEE ""* ™"™ aw 1,00 FEATURE--SAVE 17¢ ASSORTED JELLY POWDERS "*° * *" 14 , 1.00 EATURE--SAVE 16¢ PEANUT BUTTER "iGo 4 «iia 1.00 FEATURE--SAVE S¢ CREAM CORN "nev § WN 1.00 FEATURE SAVE 8¢ CIGARETTES vt maim xv 3... 100 FEATURE SAVE 20¢ CHOCOLATE BARS 12, 1.00 FEATURE--SAVE 16c BRISLING CLUB DES MILLIONAIRES SARDINES 4 1.00 FEATURE SAVE 29 WHOLE CHICKEN "/"" cannto rn sor 1.00 BAKERY FEATURE -- SAVE 4¢ DANISH PASTRY SUNBEAM AIRY ib 35° ons BRISOE GREEN PEAS "2 51.00] GRADE A 2 To IL Ave Ib. 69+ Swift's Premium Tender grown CHI ' PORK HOCKS. Lean & M ealy Ha. 87 Swift's Premium Swift's Premium BY Te PEce w