'Amateurs' A Joke According To Rule of Olympic Aficiuis the International Olympic Come participation in spor is Dre viet thet Rh everything mities's amateny rie, Ws # more has recreation sing 19 Hoyle on the joke, Here's what i sew; cy my , "hu smatess 18 one who per Feet OF the Rinutent ticipates wid WWays hat por: #atis nadine. Why 0 ticipated Ww ; 86 hockey? And at Coneda? | plessure and i wowid have made sense if mental ead sociel Oymete hockey stn tion and Farmer said Canadian players wowiae't of sad Aiveet" Nympie SCrwting fo PIRY ETS have had Farmer really lofi imaelf trmidie without these Pen foF criticism, OVympie ath I therm Sr letes pre passed first hay Sports BY ETRInG holy hot enadian by the Jational (hympie the gold medal ciation, * Farmer sey "dost ses how any of Lily HE ps they had pul the sesrciiigt. on Aersyes thereltom, snd 19 PRESIDENTS SPECIAL | WESTONS MAPLE CREAMS - = 33 CRA oo ib 33 CRACKERS onl iliyy wien Chocolate CREAM ROLL ... 39 PRESIDENTS SPECIAL | HOSTESS PRESIDENTS SPECIAL | HWOTTESS Chocolate MIDGET MALLOWS + 39: PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL | CHOICE HALVES CUDNEY PEARS... 2" 39: PRESIDENTS SPECIAL | COLOURED PUREX TISSUE 2-39 an 2 Hak 51 HONEY GOLD KERNEL CORN..-43 ¥H =: PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL | PANCY ASSORTED AYLMER PEAS.--.........3 4]: PRESIDENTS SPECIAL | DETERGENT WITH MES TUMBLER BLUE EXTRA-.-= 89 PRESIDENTS SPECIAL | FANCY LIBBYS SAUERKRAUT -- PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL| CHOCOLATE, SPICE, PINEAPPLE, WHITE PILLSBURY CAKE MIX - PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL | LOBLAWS KITCHEN MRIDS CHERRY PIE .. 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Loblaws 3 Little Pig PORK SAUSAGE R30 Coupon Expires Mar, ¢ EXTRA STAMPS With €aupen and Purchase 1+lb, Pkg, FRESH FROZEN HADDOCK FILLETS RAY Coupon Expires Mar, ¥ WIth Geupen and Purchase Wh Pkg, ia Golden Shore suded Round Shrimp aupen Expires Mar, COPRPVOO0OCOOOOO S00 GOOG OIGOGOIGS EXTRA STAMPS XTRA STAMPS With Coupen and Purshase With Coupon and Purchase 14h, Pg, Any Beef Roast SLICED LOBLAW BOLOGNA QUALITY Bier R41 Coupon Bupires Mar. ¥ R4 Coupon Bxpires Mar, ¥ C0000 GOIGOIOIOIOIO [SOO OORIIOOOOOOOIOGY | EXTRA STAMPS WIth Coupon and Purehase Foun, Phy, TURFY'S NUTS 'N BOLTS RAY Coupon Spire Mar 0 gg -- S450 00000 S000 0000S- STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS With Geupen and Purchase Yanoy WETHEY'S PURE OLD WHITE CHEESE R44 Coupon Expires Mar ¥ EXTRA STAMPS With Coupan and Purchase Two 15-01, Ting HEINZ BEANS In Tomato Sauce R46 Coupon Expires Mar, § With Caupen and Purchase Fl, Ox, Jar APRICOT JAM RAS Coupon Expires Man ¢ AAA AA A A A RAR RR Aad A A a RR EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon and Purchase 12.01, Phy, 2 Phas, Desert Sweets Brand FRISCO'S FRESH DATES CHEF'S SALAD R30 Coupon Expires Mar. # R31 Coupon Expires Mar. § EXTRA STAMPS With Coupen and Purchase | #2, novia Fw pig " [starts Thursday would be wen } veld fa between (he ( GENEVA (AP)~Canada's fee hock : Sweden was 3% PL pd 24 Sontur might, Canadians also have heen Wp the a on thelr "The Europesns Row sre tour, OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS SS #1 end Evelyn Wewley 9, 09 mE To 0 oiekl Single ~ Mawriss Rich Iangiiers ~ Midred witter | 5 470: dv i # 1844) BAROw VENER a " ke bP Res 4 Fiwen 42 FIRE 4 arin A wi; Heien ron bb [3 100g 6, Hows 5 wpe fb Divinity Coeman 06, 075 Mary Fimpsen 8. A Voge 1 Ly? 3) Grey 4, Hed 4 Jan OR 1 Grnee back Wi; Lave Almas Wl Bomrman 9, Wack fucken a0, | Boer 4; 6 oa br Voie by Teton © and Winnie booth 269 Ladi Wah mogie ~ Fran SHmpson Wary f frre witty Com ban prady fol Heh tor the wereieh "we Sod Triple = Fran Simpeon, Peart 40 soores -- M. Quanta 40 as, Tn oy, We Fae Physi - W. Hessor #0) 1h, Bibi M005 010 (45); Peres Cink Ghened ME (49, 1115 V, Jowmeon B61 ws (Wh); Glen Mander 131, i Vemon | segue es is Gtimonr, § Bf, Hh, UB BR Amhery Wh (B01 Get aah, 510 (08 Wii Betiie Tem to, Crriermn He ns 4 0. douse M4 kil" Pike 218; Ene ih imam 1% (4 ws inn Grandy Wd snd Bien Giny 2% } § VARIES MAJOR B LEAGUE one 1 wa LJ Weass ak Faidy. | Freak Pd RY aot, b hah Bints took sil lowe from Borne, | 309 scores - ley #99, V. Burr i Hil po then Some Whites with & 3 ts 1 vier 164, ©, ReApath Yy Pon intelt 2, M. 514 i fan TAweon over Deities |W aeren wis, M, Coskerion 29, 4, Hen Shermilé "$11 A Je Herdersons #5, 6, Glover 414, A A AL, le 206 1 Howie Mor City ind ty Hone yh rh i " gx sis H, Pesker #1, M Hon Wn #nd Mi } # dia Beywells ke Bil, Je have 0 re. hi 44 lo poe thete we, KW y h ne russ Wennite in 1 Sorel J ets or L. Clemence thé md ¥ Hao i, on Fiorevee ves" Hiller JL §, Herder Bbw ey 18 00 Chums have WW, ters 18, sl MBERY FIREET ORURON VEAGYE | Loney Ae "5 Bake hers 1, k a { i ia 6 tid ores Mclean 44 14 pel Just twa seraieh howler the | Echoes nd Conries 95 Bare and P Bennet 642, Bernice Primer #08 pee Women #nd they are Mar) Fn ckiin With 8 and Beavers § Heer fo dine Simpson $14 nd | Helen Trott 465, Vers Bint |ush Vy Greer Wn, Nelda Thompson Cicotte Will Have EE -------- J ' A Good Chance BT, PETERSBURG, Fis (AP)~Righthander Al Cieotte, the International League's most valuahle pitcher last season, lost record and a league-lending 170 earned - run average last year with Toronto, ® The Cardinals fave up three players to obtain him and man a all I want, » good chance," the pitcher said, "I never felt 1 got one the several springs | was with the Yankees and last spring Cleveland used me only three innings before sending me to Toronto," SIGN WOOD, SHATTO TORONTO (CP)~Casey Wood, all-star tackle from the Univer ty of Toronto who was the top college draft choice, and veteran halfback Dick Bhatte have been signed by Toronto Argonauts for the 1061 Big Four foothall lea season, It was announced day, The six-f 0 0 t-five-inch, 243 pound Wood was considered the choice in the draft, picked him on the first round, The 27-year-old Bhatte will be playing his eighth season with Argos since joining them from ing up 708 yards rushing and 804 a8 A pass receiver for a total 1,608, HONOR ATHLETES MILWAUKEE (CP) = Wilma ored Monday as the female ath: lete of the year, The 20-year-old Tennessee state sprint star was resented the Frederick C, Mil: er Trophy awarded annually by decathlon champion Rafer John son, the 1960 male athlete of the year, did not appear to Jiok up his trophy, He reported, from Los Angeles, he was unable to trike, SEEK TELECAST TORONTO (CP) = Two Ton onto television stations are seek: ing to broadeast seme home viee - president Frank Pollock sald Monday night, Pollock said representatives of CRLY, a CRC outlet, and CFTO, a private sta. tion, had conferred with him sald Wednesday he expects to receive a better trial from St, y Louis Cardinals than in previous chances with American League teams, ager Bolly Hemus has said he plans to use Cicotte often in outstanding lineman In Cana- dian college football last season the University of Kentucky in 1064, He was the league's lead: Rudolph, tall and slender triple gold medal winner in the Olym: the Fraternal Order of Eagles on the basis of The Associated get on a flight to the midwest because of a reservations backs games of Toronto Maple Leafs] | in the coming International about obtaining rights, No Leaf games have been on TV in the Cicotte, 81, had 8 187 won fin St i id Fi and Argos, who had the first ing yardage gainer in 1060, pick: ple Games at Rome, was hone Press year end poll, Olym plo log from the air line engineers Raseball League season, Leafs past, NOT OPTIMISTIC GENEVA (AP) = John (Cons nie) Pleban, coach of the United States amateur hockey team, predicted Monday the world championship tourney which hy either Canada or Russia and that his club would not finish better than fifth, "I think Swe- den will come third, Crechoslo: vakia fourth and if we come in fifth I shall be Lite satisfied," the Shyearold Duluth, Minn, conch anid.