The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 19

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phy, the Oshawa rink, which Club yesterday, Shown shove | consisted of, left 16 nent, are the winners of the General | Liovd Maghl, Tan Metab, pre Untars - Rotary Bonspiel Free | senting trophy on behalf of | here #t the Oshawr CHIME OSHAWA BOTARIANG were lop dogs" In The Inter - Cli Botary Alita) Fansgiel Oshawa Rotarians Dominate 'Spie Kasoingrr ed PIU 47 Tuesday might #f Bowmanville Ahrens Wn the first game of the two finel games schedmied in the Civil Service Hockey eagne, hus ousting TU from # playoff berth. In the second game the leagie leading Deirymen eked & win | fromm Figefighters by # close 124 save | KASSINGIR WANG UP TTU | Prior to game time, TU re quired two points 16 fie the Im | perigle, whe mre in (owrth spol in the lerge sandings, ana in ithe event of # win they would have taken the as play oAf pi on the strength of their hetler {"gonls lor" RYErRge Kasnger, on the other hand | needed win fo tie the Fire \fighters for second piece and | provided the Firefighters lost in their game with the Dairymen the Kessinger squad wold end wo in second place on (heir hel er "'gonls for' RvErgs Johnny Hogg, from Dave Din een, pit the Krssinger squad one wp wt 540 of the first pened 6 take the initial lead in the game, Less than three mines later, Kellington upset Pipher in Fis net ss he scored at 8.55 on & fine three-way play with Hogg and Rilehey Then at 10.45, Dave Dineen was the marksman when he net ted the puck on & play with Zaver and Rogers to give the Kassinger Boys & 340 lead ITU, missing & half good seonng chances Newt Rich Nathan and General Motors ards, skip; Alex Mery Cryderman Cshawi Times Vhote Amen ERFHET Baker drove & Wigh one past Wiltshies ot 1490, with Duwrno FREEITIAG The aesiel Kasoinger's Woght, however, in this pened nl (aried to sone, Hockey Lergne 16 the Pacific at M25 sawed from Richey 16 end the seoring ns the first period In the second hall of (he game, TU definitely owiplayed thelr opponents bl ETE bit one goal. D, Tavior scored the goml wt 5.90 from Red snd (V0 The balance of the period was sanreiess even though FT made some very fine pieys hut were foviled wp by Kassinger's str rearguard, se Wiltshire plave excetiongltly well in the Kas "inger s fet 'FIREFIGHTERS 1OSK in the second game played the retion was close and the Dairymen had to play herds wp hockey to heat the Firefighters The game was herd fonght with close checking throwghowt and penalties were the order of the day as officials dealt om mine penalties including & 19 minute misconduct, The Fire fighters received eight of them Welsh of the Dairymen seoved the first gos! of the game at 1816 of the first pened with Burminsky and Corbey recely ing the resists. AL 0-15 Welsh scored Wis second gol 1a give the Dairymen & two to nothing lend at the end of the first period. Duma and Fry were given pesists on the play The second period only saw MINOR BASKETBALL Kassinger's Advance | Eliminate Printers Construction defeat finally regiviered # goal Ae one goal sored and That Wis by the Firsfighters, # 52 when Huthie tallied from Mroereck Firefighters were & resi (hreat thas the Datrymen victory 21 Bext week hese same Wo teams play the first game Re they start their play off series the best 2 owt of 3 CVI SERVICE NOTES: Well, the regir schedule is fin fahed with the Dairymen on (6p with 25 points, thus winming the lergne championship. A pont of interest miso ie that Dalrymen's Chuck Durne won the league in vidual scoring race with peArte consisting of 71 goals and 19 aesists, May we extend mw congratisiations for a fine effort We may wisn say thet lermmale fry, Welsh missed ot by one point as he chalked wp 78 goals and 18 aesists, which ls leo a 7 fine sesson's reed Wn #16 game schedide, The tay nils start next Tuesdey, March 7 with the first-place Datrymen being host to the 3rd place Fire fighters in the first game while Imperiale, whe ended wp In fourth spot visit second-place Kassinger Construction in the second game. All play-off games are the best 2-0ut-0f 3 series, wn cluding the fing! FINAL STANDINGS WLTV APS Drirymen 12227745 Kassinger 77 27M8 Firemen 77 246316 Imperiale 02012 mu 2476500 410 pieture, as they completely onl Pacific Coast-Wha? NHL, would expand 6 the West THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thoridey, Merch 3, 1968 19 NHL May Expand © ,._ : LOS ANGELES (AFP) ~ fen ranciscy and Los Angeles of Hciale pledged themselves Wed nesday 10. make # jot sppesi for expansion of fhe Nations! firya#l Mayors Borns FPovison of Los Angeles and George Christo her of Ban Franciseo will sign # letter to NHL, President Clear ence Campbell soking hm 15 place franchises in the two oi. ®s Supervisor Warren Dorm of the Laos Anghias Connty hosed of supervisors said Campbell indi cried 16 Wm & year ago the Const i San Francisen would join Los Angeles in applying for # franchise wrday, Mareh 4 ~~ OCVI, 4.09 W., dayess Blues vs Jayese Whites; 10.06 am. CKLE vs Folahoods Sporishaven; (Sim. coe Hall), 930 a.m., 86. Job's dels vs Firefighters, 10.50 am, Medical Pharmacy vs Provincial Tile CLEARANCE WINTER 5% OFF STOCK On The Following Items: SKATES SKI EQUIPMENT TABLE TENNIS EQUIPMENT DARTS & DART BOARDS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT AMCHERY EQUIPMENT HO TRAIN SETS LIONEL 027 TRAIN SETS LIONEL 027 ACCESSORIES GAMES & TOYS JOE FLYNN SPORTS 9 BOND WEST RA 59741 EXPORT ¢ GWM ANY IL ' The Ohows Rotary Clsihe "lost souls" Drives, with ospues pesto (paw il A J A om annual inter-cluh "open" hon: three losses and #& Bay's PAA 1. Celine) 1. Harper 878 Lohde ie LONSIGRE 4 d Bid 15 lead § ¢ here vesterday score of W-plus § (minus) # #187 # Brey By' RANG Fhe shims ge » » ERTNE AH ra ry Wi held Ee bi fal " J 0 sh pA puss & Me Kay Wi Gh "Hh iremen a cee 1 es The high scorers for the win f Bi WY fin Low A mi 6 W A 9 d NG OEE EE Ach] i iidfingion 2 ins 4 FETERRORG BOW MANY ILE r ners were Wayling and Bell success with eight local NES pink, with (wo greal Wig wing esHAWA HAFAHEE hid Hy with 10 and 9 points while the and out-ofdown Rotary entnes in their first two games, enter: 1om Heid 7 i 44 sx Walter ' : xq da [ i best for the losers were Beaton filling the draw £4 the third rouna with an ex 18 iH. Ramsey, ¥ p! rie ' Im ortant Wins pw Jn the lo # points apiece Newt Richards and Ws Osh: cellent chance of capping top Mi enki , FB Mamed » ' ' u pops kip . awa entry, which included Merv honors but "Army Armstrong HALIURTON RON MILLS FENELOM FALLS WHITEY . ad TEA WIN To Cryderman, Lloyd Magill and and Ws rink won the thira oA rh Camere W fy Ai the first game in the Minor with the Radio boys coming owt. The third game was between Alex Nathan, emerged as win- game h4, in a hard fought fone #4 Grier / Mis ihe League at OCVI pitted the Bt, with a 134 lead the Jaycee Blues and the Jay ners of the day's top prizes and battle, The win gave "Army He wart Me f y Se John's Cadets against the Fire: The second half was not as cee Whites The GM-Rotary Trophy yith and his men three wins and Kip # if b LEASIE fighters, The first half was & close, ag the CKLEB hoys applied The first half was in favor of three wins and a score of 20°10, for (hird Wghest Prizes ang HALIBURTON he ae cinse affair with the Firemen the pressure and walked off the the Whites as Salway cut loose plus | Pave Martin. of Leaside wasp 'S00 ' coming out with a 18 ta 8 lead, floor with a 33 to 21 win, High for the sum of six points to give Bill Minett's rink ympeting right close on his heel with! is ' ¥ The second half was & litle scorers for the winners, Calder!the Whites 8 halfAime score of in the same gary Aras had three wins and a score of nine. | H. Big 4 ASHAW A TORONTO more one-sided as the Viremen and Kolesnik, with 15 and 10 14108 three wins and a score of 0 Roy Whittington's rink was GSHAWA A: Ki f lowly pulled ahead, to end up points, and for the losers It was The second half was still in plus 8, 10 EIMETEE In FURREFSUD easily (he hest Iwo-win Wili- |i Eryderman, F. Lindsa F i with 8 convincing #M to 18 lead, Burnett and Stepinak with 10 favor of the Whites as they oul position while "Army APTA ners in the 1100 o'clock draw, |§iov8 esi A, Aimstrng vey High scorers for the winners and & points scored the Blues 16 to 11 for & strong's rink, in the 1100 6° clock with 16 plus 4 and next in line fis it sit leonines | caldonme 0 7 were Dobbins and Chaytor with MEDICAL BOYS WIN final score of 30 to 19 draw, had an even 10 for INGE was K. GG. Ball's Bracebridge skip Hi $kip 4 | Bon / eight and six points respective: In the second game, Medical High scorers for the winners three wins, (a finish in the INE foursome, with two wins and a SWHAWA ROWMANVILLE |v ly while for the losers, It was Pharmacy and Provincial Tile were Balway and Hrayanyk sint core of 18 C Stephenien, fea, Slephen £4 Mekay, King with 14 met, The first half was all iniwith 12 and 10 points points Pave Martin's Leaside Boo pio seocieliand's Whithy! 5d aR, Riek & Bry kif 4 The first game, played at/favor of the Medical boys as while for the losers' was Hit Bil " Mel Giggles, 4 , ( tary Club entry was fourth 0 oi"w es best In the one-win| wo! ' ide y, | SOLRGRNE diigo Bimeoe Hall, was between they came out on top with a/Planche with 11 and Gaateh line, with three wins and a qo icon with 8 plus 7, for their | asHAWA FENELON FALLS | en Beams Harm Glscas CKLB and Bolahood's Sports 10-4 lead with six ; : score of nine one lone vietory and Cliff Dow: Ken Crone 0: Fh al comma Fruee brdlerr haven, The first half was close! The second half was the same! Games scheduled for this Bal ia f n ! Lg 4 = w pS Minett's runners-up included coos Tarantn entry, with three foe mi) N. Gray 8 kis J Murray Mcleod, Ce Hep W nsses and & minus total of 20 Mai 6 Part, ¥ y Arthir LA: Awaie: Beeand Game ror. son, yd Hopkins and Bill Min: oie 7 won the "lost souls" | *F his p ¥ Meleliand, 17; €, Dawson, | 2 ott, skip, with three wins and oooes'in this draw L Walling cand ay : |B Mari i" n heek-aughling [] ; " h | Ww W. Hert 0 121 Ne Jenkin, 7,11 Rundle h an ' g f § kd i A Si tre sirly 000 oclack draw | Be enpervived the presen 4 bo Hahrinr, i ¥ hi he, (| BF ka in ! J Kirn p inated by Qh: Lion of prises while club presi: (2 Heres AA oifarean, br Enema +: 8 dent John Lowry officiated at! eharde. AW Hews | Third Gams only did Newt Richards and hi I ipl y th Tan Me: |W Richart, 13: Jar Rewer: 31a, Strike i; 1 Ewarl ¢ rink take it all with Bill the presentations, with 1an { fi. Mekaughli MuUnFGe p] H Nah, of GM Public Relations ; Third Gams Fr. Perey | Ww. Falmer Minett's rink in runners-up spol . ). Kemp 13, M, Staples 3,18 Mart 0 F Patersan 7 but "Nic" Jenkin and his Osh Pept, making the official pres: |b "Roberson, 15; WW. MeArthur, 1,LA "Armstrong, 6. RB, Whithingten, 4 . nls A p entation of the GM Trophy te|W. Stewart, & | Walling, AE J. Bal i MH, Rundle, 4 #wa rink had 18 plus 18 for two the Bonspial winners N, Richard 13, M. Hart 41k. Wilsen [] WeClalland, # wins, tn cop the prizes in that 'M% NORSH dh MN. Minit, FE. Vakes 1A, Bove Ih fiawsan : d le M i Following are the complete jy Jenks 19 Pr. Harper, 1 vision while Maurice Hart was! ults and personnel Bf ne 14 FH Black 7 the second winner in the! ARG PEER E. Grigrsen iH B, Mayhew ' I] two-win group, with 18 for twe 9:00 QELOEK BRAW 1100 O'GLOGK BRAW tee 4 n wins First Gams First Game { y " 9 BRAMPTON SCARBORO | OEHAWA PORT CREDIT . Dy, Harper's Preston vink, | Hare Ww. Willsen, Chas. Werld Ww. Finnerty, with 8 plus 8, for one win, was |p. Kir B. Branksien, Tack Lewis 0, Evans 0 ems in the bh p EN Br, 1. B Freeman, | 0, Langmead lahn Rae He " n he division while 2 / Br, Fresmall Fr. 1. Fareyma 5 Munres OUE Mayhew nl apanee won Kip 6 skip 6h) skip AW) skip #00). | [ Bantam Puck Teams Having Good Tourney In the fifth game of the Han: second goal of the night, scor: Blaldra, Peyton, Ross, Woods, | tam playoffs, played at the!ing in the empty nel Kelly, Masterson Children's Arena on Monday, POLICE ARRO( Chapman, CAN. TIRE Hall, Selleck night, the pack 1s beginning to] DeMille, Zarowny Cameron, Davies, Clark, Maynard, Han spread out, after the following Baron, Zufelt, Crimmings, Wil-|owski, Werry, Pearse, Judge action in the Bantam League on, Anderson, Richmond, Wal: Mathersill, Levine, Glendinning SRI A RD linspercer, Zimmerman, Daw:|W ra gg Hanewieh, Baheock N { Hy ¢ ' SIVAN ig ) J 9 son, Densham, Smith, Sawala Lloyd and Beharrel Civitan elub paced hy Hoh dnd Martin PUPLATE 4, W. KIWANIS § Gleeoff who scared (he hat| HOUDAILL} Moore, Blauf hese two clubs are now tied trick," continued to hold down fer, Keenan, Oke, White, Bow: win three points apiece, after third spot In the standings, man, Colfard, - Foster, Hayes, | (hoiy nightcap game Gary Bradley potted one and Clarke, Cherniek, Stacey, Logo Runlate ) eked up two assists while Man Miljour, Heattergood Juplate was leading on three Richard Townsend tallied the! Pingman and Taylor unanswered goals hy Pat Mur B dock, Terry MeQuade and Bob final scare and Stan Hartshorn earned two assists on the night, HOCAL 303, 4; LOCAL 3784, 3 (Burk when Peter Kaplan foi In a match hetween the twa Kiwanis seared his fipst of two The losing Local 1817 club, Union teams, Local 308 came|unassisted "picture goals" of Whe started the pond Ml fived-laut an top in a lively third the night up, have lost their last (Wo game of the night On both ace | ; § i \ acecasions, he shifted games and now find themselves Mapt Brownell and Alan (he defencemen Tight out o on tied far fourth spot Griffen each scored twa goals their pants to bre sy P . hid The losers' goals were scared and one assist to pace the win: Molt Jltiia 19 bioak no Ji H) A Mikias h Total hy Gard Myshynski, Bill Elliot ners into third spot, Kinski and! Ted Tilling scored from Clapp ONTARIO AHR B'S = God and Alex Talkachoff. Assists Btudley alin picked up assists, and the game was deadlocked dard 1 Raramak & Milosh A were picked up hy Dennis Steve Halter and Barry Hobbs until Bob Burk potted the win:|{ee 4. Gunn 10. Cole 1. Barlow Kwart, Talkachoff and Cole. scared for the lasers while Rob: ning and his second goal of the 11, Tot | fouls = 17 for 98 Alan Trotter continues ta play inson and Valineourt earned night fram West. Assists went 0 MODERNS WIN or weady els for this eluh RESIS to Dawe, Thompson, Gow and yy tne final game of the morn: CIVITAN == Steveson, Hrack,| LOCAL 204 = Pollard, Mar. West with two ing, Modern Dry Cleaners com:| Sills, Bradley, Townsend, Harts: lowe, French, Kiniski, Balds:| Both Nott and Smith in the iolely averwhelmed Kinloch's| horn, Barclay, Dick, Glecalf, DD |zek, Griffen, Brownell, Andrews, | nets played well all through the Coekerton, 1. Cockerton, Peel, Abbott, Studley, Hansen, Assen, | game Bouckley, MeCullough and Ped: Stone, Muir and Cullen DUPLATE + Nott, Dawe erhecki LOCAL 3784 -- Metcalfe, Pa. Bremner, Parry, Sutton, Gil LOCAL 1817 == Trotter, Teles: kosta, Rosnik, Llayd, Myers, |lette, Thompson, Burk, We st, nicki, T. Taylor, Ewart, Stew: Greenwood, Dick, Hobbs, Rab-| Reid, Murdock, art, Weeks, B. Taylor, Garel: inson, Graham, Sater, Sneider, and MeQuade son, Elliot, Talkacholf, Raman: Halt, Gray, Planke, Graper,| WEST. KIWANIS Smith, 18kt, Myshynski, Dionne, Davies Valincourt and Lodge Clapp, Neate, Tilling, Slack, | and Cale a Akh ax wane o Brown, Bryan, Syinyk, Kaplan, & pat WNAT W'RITH §, CAN, TIRE 3(Clark Tonkin and Wright POLICE §, HOUDAILLE 1 Bob Waters continues ta set! (fivials Burne, The second game of the night the pace for the scarers as he and Hutehinson was a close battle all the way | Moked up another five PONS "eam standings in the play between twa evenly - matehed|on Monday with three goals and! ss up to and including Mon Gillies, Gow Kemp teams two assists to keep his elub day's games on Feb. 3 and 15 paints while far Kinloch's Coach Larry Steffan hasitied for tap spat when they he FLT Ps Winters with 18 played an in hrought the Police team along downed (he last place Can palice Assos 10 8 I spiring game until they are naw tied for tapi Tire team R'Nai B'Rith 109% MODERN DRY CLEANERS spot in the playetts Chuck Edie and Phil Soloman [acal 308 1 1 1 ¢ (Goldstein 15, Fuller 3, Tunni. John Baron started the win.each tallied one goal and One| Civitan 3 1 3 4 |Olitfe 17, Seneca 8, Harrison ¥, ners off on a pass fram De.jassist, Hornshy set up Waters|yqeal 1817 y 9 1 5 (Ferries 35 Kutziner 18. Total 80; Mille and later Mike Orimmings/far his third and wining goal. [{ qoal 3784 3 3 1 5 (Fouls = 8 far 30 potted the winning geal un /Canadian Tire's scoring was! Houdaille 2 3 61 KINLOCH'S MEN'S WEAR = assisted. Bob Colfard tallied thedone hy Bd Hanewich, Don punlate 1 3 1 a (Winters 15, Hooey 3, Bathe § lone goal far the losers, assisted Wrage and Jim Pearse with wast Kiwanis 1 4 1 a [Brain & Rudy, Burke 2 Cole hy Lagoman and Hayes Werry pleking up two assists! can Tire § 4 1 1 [Total 30; Fouls = & for 1} Coach Jahn Melean far How and one hy Pearse Games for this Saturday daille pulled Moare fram the R'NAI R'RITH Spiers, Me The shortest river in the /Mareh 4 and next Saturday nets inthe dying seconds of the Cann, Waldie, Hornshy, Waters, {United Kingdom 15 the ane: March 11, 1981, have heen can game, in a hd te even the Edie, Solomon, Luke, Moak, mile-long Bain River in Wens: celled due to COSSA and Black scare, but Baron picked up his Rodenburgh, Kehoe, Hamiliondleydale, Yorkshire f | low Playoff Games The Oshawa Y's Men's Major Baskethall league played at| OCVI Baturday morning, saw the Ontario Steel A's and Kin loeh's Men's Wear gel elim inated in sudden-dealh games In the first game of the morn ing, the two Kleel teams hooked up with the B's eliminating the A's hy the score of 52 to 46 in a close game, In the first half the Ontario Bteel B's held a 28 to 18 lead, led hy the fine shooting of REGU Gunn and the play-making of Goddard, while for the Ontaria Bteel A's Dalidowlez was hest' with six points In the second half with the R's facing elimination, they shocked a comeback out-hooping the B's 40 to 20, but wasn't enough and the B's knocked the A's out of the play-off picture The high scorers in the game for the B's were Goddard, Bar and Gunn with 13, 11 and 10 (while for the Ontario Steel A's {Graham and Dejong hooped 20 between them ONTARIO STEEL A's == Gra: 10, , Dejong 10, Dulny 8, Mewitt 2, Dalidowicz 6, Rowden TABLE TV LAR 279.95 ECIAL 249% OSHAWA'S MOST FABULOUS PRICE ON 23" TV ONLY 10.00 DOWN -- 2.50 WEEKLY Men's Wear hy the scare of 90 ta 40 In the first half, Moderns gave an indication of what the game was going to he like as they took a commanding 41 to 16 lead led hy Goldstein with 11 In the second half Moderns walked all over Kinlaeh's as the hapless Men's Wear bays fell apart. The winners were led hy, Ferries with 23, getting 19 in the) DISCOUN TRADE NOW! TERRIFIC "Snow TS one, fast half and hy Tunnieliffe, Kut giner and Goldstein with 17, 14 ball tournaments FEATURES: * TOP FRONT TUNING * SUPER-POWERED CHASSIS with S.vear w ranty on etched circuit board hea Admiral TV * NEW "GOLDEN SIGNET" TUNER in distance stations clearly no dis ® FULL FIDELITY SPEAKER SYSTEM with righ FM MODEL T24LIX NEW BUDGET fitten wars ol you ACOOUNTS WELCOME wou WE 00 orion, ne OUR OWN FINANCING DIAL RA 5-4543

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