The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUCHT FOR TODAY A deplorable number of penps who don't know what to Go With themselves spend a lot of time talking miners into horedom, 199, Algerians Will Join Peace Talk BABAT (AP)~The % rebels 1oday pecepled Pres de Gaulle's hid for to end the long and co genian war. Mrect appeared 19 be The rebel goa! In the penfence softened i that Mornces Yiof { EENa RIE : Hy 'vols u ak Gk ceasefire would robbed the A isis of the t Bourguiba of Tunisia wntil just 5 before dawn Bourguiba had come directly from Paris beanng a new offer for talks from Ade Ga 4 indore TEROI EE Me BLE en Fer that de ( e told Bour fron ew ONEET I sha France is no that the rebels aown ations federe with P. 100s friendly ties The rehe in a jon after talk gerian nat) their two parte Fumi Rebel Prep conferred wil Montreal Gets Power Back MONTREAL, (CP) plaints have dropped 600 an hour, indicating tha gre made in re electric na main Bannmi COMMUNI GIL WEeRN here het for aw Gaulle par future independ of the decide through free elections from Francs Gaulle has ene on hoices de outlined Con to ahout Found Near Home YORK (AP)~Ten-yi arie Michel, 1 Wednesda Wi today hiding in a laundry of an apartment house than 200 feel from her aence bhe apparently w good health Fhirty king looking § Heng power lost dur torn Wes a storm left 806.000 of idents of the gi) area withou Heght and Wb Bunda Asirous Ice The 2.500 000 re Montreal city--heat Cases waley Hh nee found eater parl L electri: room SOME |¢ re ] mn 5,000 Mont can fire Wednesday night in 8 M-mile radius about real still were reading bh dielight or hefore blazing places home - grocery using lamps to Light the custom er's way and service stations rigged hand pumps to gel gas into auto tanks Crown nme had who policemen heen for Donna ished while on her from school Donna was minor scrape in at school parents might her in way nome worried over a she was involved and feared her he angry with LOFES Wer Ontario County Crown Attom heen appointed Judge for the County of Ontario, it was an nounced today. He will succeed the late Judge J. ¥. Pritchard wha died recently. The appoint ment is effective today Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace, for the county since Feb, 1, 1946. Mr, Hall earned provinee-wide fame, In recogni tion of his abikty, he was ap painted special prosecutor In VArious cases across Ontario His spectacular not confined to Crown Attorney elected Mayor that time he Mayor in all the youngest since 1016 Mr. Hall of being the the Oshawn 1983. He voungest federal election tht candidate RECALL Many career Wah his stint as In 1087, he was of Oshawa, Al was the youngest Canada. He Ma in Oshawa Was | had the YOUnge CHy "isn distinction t member of in the 1045 heer Council HALL 1020 IUDGE He age i ALEX ¢€ wen the had mservative hud candidate in He ressive Hall the During Hall PANT Landing vill remember School, he Matars strike HV Oshawa championship AL Mitchell University College, U. of T., he 100 Provincia track and field meet cham train thre in a row, He order "as also of the junio let the Tughy team ports he train goll el jun man raduated In at of 2 Hrog school vear Ale himself an out While high wan a gold medal for ms proved aihlete al peaple the big General in 1847, when Premier Hepburn brought Policemen tn Oshawa to maintain law and Mayor Hall refused*io Pravincials leave the Noon after, the strike wa tied peacelully, under the digtion of Oshawa's 25 Police Department Other people will remembel Mi Hall as th pecially appointed crown attorney who spent seven months in Windsor during 1951 and 10582, cleaning up & luervative illegal race result information . service to bookies, called the "wire I operated in the Toledo -Detroil Windsor area The had 237 telephones in one roam And an annual bill $50.000. As of Alex Hall's seventh month visit, the wire wa vil years captain Other lacrosse hy pion en were curling FIRST CANE His first a murder case; he subsequently handled equally important Sept, DE, he was appoint crown attorney for Ontario County, '0 succeed J. A. Me Gibbon, KC, who resigned to take his place on the bench as County Judge Victoria and Haliburton counties. Mp. Hall held this position until O¢t 198, when he was succeeded by OGL. Conant, Kt Mr, Hall maintained a private AW practise in Oshawa, from he fraduated ta when I listed in the army, in 10 He had already been a mem Oe second Battalion Hih Army Tank Regiment, and Went ita acuve Servis mn November of 190, He went Ait the fourth Armored Division 12 ow CHEE As A lawyer z won | He man athe In ol Cases 0 oa head man phone result down the closed and ring when man members of jailed Alexander ( Mi Hall and Mrs Lauder road 194, He al the \ his Was was horn the Donald Osh farted ol the M awa son of Hall Feb PHBL NW Wersea oven, Dassing ORLIANCY gion ho 1 A August of matriculation Far a months bhi Faculty AS 8Lwith headquarier's staff the University Parante. He at Canadian pecialized wm Political Seienve. adguaners, in Fram there, he went ta O quarters Sat of the Third Ca CITY EMERGENCY | PHONE NUMBERS nadian Divisian, He took pant ou myvasion of the om Re 184 served through CAMPaiEn, In. France POLICE RA 5.1133 A and Holland FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6371 Jam HOSPITAL RA $221 reltum * in hon ana in ter he PARIS When a four-year Iw he of tha Militar England. He Vi of hi division 2oode Ca he tinent ne 1 the glum and nis LLU TR he was appaint | \asts adage \dvaca General for Millauy 1I8strict| ahada of 1943 Atl Attorney Hall County ney Alexander Carlyle Hall has ; | exciting he Oshawa & bit © er yo Fer § Lo wy LF FF £ A Uorncen and President Habib POLICEMAN SHOWS GUN BARBER, LEVY, Missing Girl, 10, 'Shoot If You Must' Youth Held Canadians Told LEOPOLD il (CV) 0 Fwenty four - armed f rected with corted a group of Canadians to the Wednesda meh corl men Pa ches ne relayed Hai mer with I in The ( must 1 yi airport Imhnar ¢ hen and and vehicles to ation mail render the to shoot if il then USL mith said in an Interview Los ons and are ar fo Adele The Car hoped for 1 lines aller healen and their Away elve W We are not heing asked to commit smeide I was very pleased with the troop 0 my announcement despite all the reaction Morale pushing Han ia nog around Although it might he difficult to provide & continuous large | ese ort, "orders are heing given land we intend to earry it out TROOPS GIVEN WEAPONS All UN troops in the central J udge EN Bt such as the Canadians, FH] He, was heen given weapons, The new present al courts Order fills a serious gap in the A is N's armor. Up to now the 4 troops have heen forbidden to similar to the judge in a Judge fire except in eases of extreme and jury iniat provocation When appointed in 1046 late Allin F had held the previous eight jurisdiction w ing 70 Ont 3006 advocate Kingston some martial judge Many of the recent attacks on troops started mildly, then savage after arms were taken away Crow ior the UN Brew safely ney he succeeded K( for ANNs who position the his treteh Like VeRr Under As an area mile north of OSHA WA, OF TARIO, Aare planned WALKOUT THREAT THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1961 mes WEATHER REPORT Wild, springtype weather wil coming ite the weekend, with only » little dod. Ye iiead) Ru tiad Cigee Ma Feed Hee Eesorimery, Giews THIRTY FOUR PAGES CONGO TROOPS Canadians Go Deeper Into Debt OTTAWA (CP)--A 16 tn day on the amount of debt car ried hy Canadian CONSUMERS trong emphasis In recem warnings of the effect growing hurden of con creo { ort official of the SHUImer Debts in. three areas of eon wmer credit totalled 81,758 900 M0 at the end of 196084 per cent higher than a year earlier the Dominion Bureau of Statis ties reported The thres zonds loan companie glment credit companies, and tn department Al the end of 1958 51.603 860.000 There TOOK FROM BOY Consumer finance and in Areas ny cash sales ans hy small Acenunts owing stores Classmates At Gunpoint BURG, M nid Canadians nwed mn A h. (AF) } fields ho Ww held today three schoolmates rl he had heen last accompany him on 8 of In a A ahn's, Nid ward of the 100 y gun in sehool Coyne of the ¥ sald consumer fired toward Give ion into said police. He held his gd for an hour hefore surrendering one w injured started In a for one cing of them a ¢ November tn rel eeing 8 hrief " recent speech al Governor Bank of credit mean! financing con n ferro Jacobs, # milled day and Tony fale "a Wedns teacher hostages quietly No the high ended nver otherwise would have during available for financing Cana in dian development under Cana and dian ownership and control Mr. Coyne said as episode that honl classroom when the hoy handed his .22-calihre automatic to & harber, Nelson tol conservative than the Ameri Chane cans in using Lonmumer credit "We were all iu sities waka: Hr sinee Wl in v ny the rie Worka ad Son growing a seared," Held as hostages with faster val her were Hdward Carter and States, The amount of eon Eimer Beach, both 14 sumer debt in Canada now re From his home across street, Chase saw Jacobs J captives into the girl's!tax as in the U8 By telephone he talked wort hen wi ie car: eked POlic@ Chase Ends In Death hoy then, with his car, ficked up Tony and the girl at a drug OWEN SOUNI (CP) men were killed here early to home Ontario and and He representative Roberts was responsible administration area, He Justice team the Palice eas! Incal Kelso and general in hi part of 40 mile the Hon general the law on west wi of the attorney for nl Kenya warked as a ) all his! Ontario camposed of Department area. These Included Provincial Polieg Whithy, Ajax, Village Fownship, ( Brechin Police in (Reuters) Kenya today with a mass walkout hy elected African legis in protest against a Brit refusal to free Jomo Ken yalla I'he threat developed Wednes day night after Governor §ir Patrick Renison announced in a radio broadcast that Kenyatia will be detained until Kenya's new government is working well," I'he announcement lowed immediately hy of resignation fram Commerce Minister Kiano Kiano said that neither of the two leading African hacked parties--the Kenya African Na tional Union nor the Kenya Af rican Demoeratie Union=--would form a government! unless Ren ison agreed 10 the release of driving in Ne dine gonvieted Mau Mau Terror rather have the magistrate rule way the other tn ist leaden what description fits Another African nationalist mg all the evidence wader, Mwal Kibaki, said \ I want it decided in an open Kenya government in 1961 with before th of the out Kenyatta is unthinkable." and § in his announce hy a ment just a few hours after nal an expert Kanu Secretary General Tam he ha Mhaya demanded immediate LATE NEWS FLASHES Communists To Back New Party PORONTO (OP) ( part the New Pa mn the Cammunist ler Tim Buck NAIROBI was threatened possible newly lator Oshawa Picker and nl ing anmnglon Department HAS TWO CHILDREN Mr. Hall Cameron His wife 15 a conser sald heing the attorney 1s heing People al night But she ish has | 4, and Lol 1y wo children Heather, 12 her hushand hh Crown Hive man ol Lhe wif i mueh married always with ald and ame " doctor lat troubles heen life telephone then i mntere was fol A notice African Julius ha an sling Alex Hall has also occasional made the far his stand on drunk driving. A first offend er convicted of drunk driving is lable to a 0 days A first offender a of im paired driving get a maxi mum of 80 days, Mv. Hall tries lay flat charge drunk ly new entence of canviet can of 10 a court LYE ane i) after heay the my Renison made court 1" pre ihlie, not artes policeman or, eve WOTSE who sald on drunkenn Communists federal general today inadian next said will, sup election Tug Beaches Canadian Tanker CORCURION (AR) beached the « tanker mom today TEN Allannk Langos In Keap Mie German tug Andras Fortune in this fishing pont n wadian teira Bay hie mile ner from Cary Explosions Rock Louisiana Plant RATON (AM wl Ua toda? and od warkers ROGUE. La wation Ti Three hiasts ambulances \ hug APE upward Mississippi Rives { shook hogan mushroom the ving a num! \ i, yellowish ol spread hanging over the Mau-MauBoss slore dav when a car being chased hy a barricade at a street excava tien Joseph King, 28, and Peler Winfield, 10 hoth of Owen Sound were in a car reported stolen at Wants of here Provincial Constable George Bantey spotied the ecar--a 10456 model owned hy Robert 1 I'vake of Allenford freedom for the 64-year-old Ken yalla Mhoya's party won 18 of the ad elective seats in the eight-day election for the legislative eoun i 4 oil which ended Sunday night miles an hour when it slammed This bloc of was the through the barricade and into largest tn to any one party ® 2-ton power shovel in the which returned i an African majority in the coun! cil for the first time, The rival KADU won 10 seats and is cer tain of support fram two inde pendents and possibly another four Both the Sealy gn election KANU and KADU wrties want Kenyatia to serve as chief minister in the new government Kenyatta, a sonality with hinding oratory 1954 during . the Mau emergency whieh claimed the lives of 167 troops, 11,500 terrorists and 1.877 civilians, 82 of them whites India Needs | Massive Ai FORONTO (OP) DK Nehru, India's raving economic ambassador ald today his country will need help from friendly foreign governments at the vate of $ a year during the next 10 years This would be about triple the foreign investment and ather help India received during the ast decade, but Nehru, India's eneral for argued that flamboyant per a gift for spell was arrested in six-year Mau camm anes eon namie affai the stake re high Ther® are 1.200.000 000 people the non-Cammunist part af we underdeveloped world," Nehru said in a speech ta the Empire Club a all of them the removal of paverty fram AONE MAST 18 a categar am which their their leaders ihe wal imperative fy governments. ana SS be cannnt escape There Wa. contrasting conamic devel h hald tf Ale : LTE} M Gra Whevman and hive-dav-ald son Christopher (are gelling special aueny ell 1aday exemplified hy Clans and the other by ladia, - 1) § the o 1nans these was an increase of two per cent in December alone from $1,704.700.000 at the end of James Canada a sumer credit of savings "which heen Canadians used to think they were more rate than in the United the resented ahout the same propor: herd ton of personal income after Two family FATHER, LAST CHILD Horror RICHMOND, Va. (AF) » In of the mmer of Dudley johs worker midway rides , his y heir children left fyracuse; in a hattered sedan. They {headed south to join a carnival, their family around in an old a sometime me: panel truck for which they had have eracked the second major chanie, junk dealer and odd: swapped the sedan, were head: evedit card swindle to centre in == haped to repairing east from California in De. Montreal in 18 months, His wife, when cember, KILL CIVILIANS ' Riot Starts Street Slaughter LEOPOLDVHAE (AP)--~Lm gnlese soldiers killed 44 civilians wn hitler street fighting gt Tuluahourg, the capital of Kasai province, the United Nations reported today The troops ran wild through the town after three of their comrades had heen killed and three wounded hy a mob of supporters of slain Premier Pa trice Lamumba The violence hoiled over in the after of last week's eaplure of Lulughourg by Lumumbist troops from Stanleyville, These troops pulled out two days Ago and left the town in a ferment Lulughourg, 400 miles east of Leopoldville, was the scene of tribal clashes in the days just alter The Congo gained inde pendence. from Belgium last summer SEEK PROTECTION The Upited Nations reporied that after the hattle Wednesday some 1.000 civilians sought UN protection Luluahourg Ride though officially Kills Kiddies fe ETT Lh abandoned mine pit, The Dudleys, Ishe could get the job, would sell children died tickets | But the gypsy journey hecame PIED XMAS DAY for the Dudley nightmare of hunger [death youngsiers a horror and! Phoenix, Ariz 10, died Dee, 28 in Charles, 8, two Christmas Day--in Norman, days, later Five of them died hefore the the same eity anderings ended Veh [the parents' arrest for child, Carol Ann, 7 CHARGE MURDER Wednesday the charge Came more serious Cnty, Va, exposure and negleet, wartdants charging Dudley and his wife, 44 State police investigator i fore Caral Ann died Feh | Near Baldwin SPECIAL ATTENTION FOR these davs in Kingst Dien Hospita Their nurse is Carol Wheyman, a second year § continent-spanning me he Hanover where police say Hepworth, ahout 10 miles west oqeai Ann died of malnutrition The Dudleys kept on driving 10 with east and south, and, police said neglect waited until about Jan police crashed at high speed inta|leading to the death of the fifth pose of the hays' bodies 1 to dis Then they wrapped them in blankets weighted the human cargo, and tossed the dead boys into a lake in Louisiana Then there were three Debbie, 8, was next to young issued est of the children, She died at 47, Gary with murder, days later, Dudley wrapped her M, and was Lloyd said the record of hunger chasing it at speeds up to B0and death had started iong he lord) Fla, on Nov, with W.Va, May 21, 1060, Bix hody in a blanket and left it in the woods off a highway in Ken tueky Then there were Carol Ann's fwo. And death hospital's maternity ward Mrs. Wheystan hold her son now carrying | 1066, when two other THESE PATIENTS on's Hotel | student nurse assigned to the within the orbit of the Leopold ville regime, is heavily popu lated by tribal followers of Sg miumhba A UN spokesman said | trouble started Tuesday no when a yelling mob des strated to demand the re of an officer called Col Iumba Mulumba was arrested hy hi own treops for showing pro pra-lumumba sympithies during the takeover of the town The moh attacked soldiers with home-made guns and shot three of the soldiers in Teopoldville, the United Nations ordered is soldiers 1a day never to surrender their arms and to open fire on any me who tries (0 make them Reliable sources said the or: der went out to all UN forces around the capital. It followed a number of incidents in which Congolese soldiers arrested and disarmed UN troops There was no immediate re- port of any Kuropeans among the dead at Luluabourg. Figures for injured were not known al UN headquarters The 1.000-strong contingent of UN Ghanian troops in Lulua. {hourg took no part in the fights ing Police Break MONTREAL, (CP) = Police The latest police sweep Is scheduled to veach a elimax tn. day with the appearance in court of a h7-year-old native of Florida to face 18 charges of fraud in connection with the use of counterfeit cards of the Din: ers' Club eredit system The swindle resembled a $260,000 fraud perpetrated here in Beptember, 1868, which re sulted in the arrest and eonvies tion of several people now in prison Chandler Coury, & Diners' Club executive from Los Ange les sald here the swindle first became apparent Feh, § "We learned that our eards were heing used as a means of identification in cashing fraudn lent cheques," he said, The Montreal Gazetle says the abuse of credit cards here has reached such proportions that some major credit organization { last | officials are considering ceasing 117, 1088, death claimed the first/month, only ene: Christene, 14, laperations in Montreal, 3 while daughter Carol looks on, -(CP Wirephoto)

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