The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 18

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IB THE GSnaw A TIES, Thwdey, Merch 7, 196) MAHOVLICH GETS 46TH Maniago And Stewart Share Glories In Win Bs TRE. CANAAN PREM of March # congle of (howeand eft, inciuding When the finat w RESLEE yearw arch lid willed boy retaves Frank bdvan sone. the thwnderows roars of. 16 was The second victory i Kon Sewer sash Toone s IncInming < misconduct ( Foam 14,584 thesis in Tonomta's mid hice WHE games for Waniagn. AIRer (we goin, one in the sec (wy Gendron of Montreal when (OR Cr rl, made GRE TIRE CRIeh WP TIO Spokane Comets ond perion snd one in the (ha, he srgwed show 7 Boidieg mw clawr = Frink Wahorkah wil of the Face Const 4 wf #lier WahorWew mpeneh the fas Aw ROVE (8 WOVE WIEE OF TRE Bal 16T SREESI& IIE (6 Johnmy (loiter at 708 of he fecond The Brine gm some (Famen eit raserveh (or idols of Ton- ower and Gerry Maliamars. Berrie (Gesfrion, |eagne dows work fiom goie Brae tn UWasie |anls (#66 He wlowen only owe gomis In scorer, gh ie Fist gost eerty Game, oho 27 Mew Fem the Big M scones (he (ees games wn the hed York shots wn the fest (we per the Gest godt, Ws Wik of the For the Leste, it was their. Wamiegn, 72. # 8 Mant inde wile Ioim Bacyk wae @v SERE, IRE WTRIION WaE BIREIER [OWITR CMB Eive game with. resi anes Wily Jacques Pianta ing last-piacs Boon & I0 lead Ww ere mers wt the WE & Relant, InCIiding twa wins twrned aside 35 attempts on the Bt Dean Freptice bake the, Lending work of Eanghng, fark: Wer the Babs Montreal Ret, IRCindng several ice wt 8.25 of the third period hwires Cosi Manag HANGERS WANG ON mere Bilieit then amy Mamegs and Cami Hemry nd Firs Hooda afier he pisdy if ad As the beats Aelenied Mont In New York, the fiithwace had 19 free Sith winced WK wp. There inlined Haring for Why rast Canadiens 1 and srstahed Bangers raed (or hice gowle The Canadiens were widely was less Vian (we mies lef Hite ests i an Ontario Bock: their National Hockey Longue in the last 15 mines (6 Getest oipiares, raved By Flames 1a pam when Henry fied the, ey Association Jumier B lash 19 Tow pois, the YOWmE Brine 31 and Jeep WIRance or, SEYEIRE GRERIONS, WIRRET, [ACRE We Low Fontin: at Wiithy. He was Wit # wer performed with # flamboy- (heir shim pieyolf hopes alive, anid became so heladdied st ome wos 1ehownd pak when 7 leammate (ook ance that showed he was wi They Row wie 18 points back of age of he second pened they The Rangers sre gt CRcagn g Slaphol G9ORE BR WRIMID pertained by # fate that belell fowrth-piace Detroit Red Wings were cant with x men on the Red Wings wt Boston 16° period CF Wirephota 1 ameske of We on fhe 10ers aha 65h 163m has ne Eames the ice Win May Give 3 Yul & Kingston Take Wolves ng Peewee Honors md Place Tie In High-Scoring Game Peewee Honors CHATHAM (CF) Chatham Maroons closed thelr Omtans PeeWs hey PERE rh ys ey gil Ly or Kingston for KA Balink, Fromenaes gos) WNIT Y yd ha f a J her Kenia Wo Langue home schediie Wednes- ¥ FOMERRER WOR # IRRHON BER tender sent by Wis Toromte 169 oH Kingston # 5iEth gost by id ' 2 epg ar, WOEKRY ERB E GYRE BNAWITY p (0 wink claiming he © Right, Acfesting cetinr- | pj Map wis owners 10 § " ah GAME WRK ight for 2 # We bs heating cel 4 Wolves 74 Wednesday mem 19 Maple |£afs owners 10 Suahry EIOVER he [HEE BR RR AETEER / 4 ame wis hard f We wth bhtletics et Yio remtace Cesare Maningo and. d . any gol deficit, These 02 helore #93 fans £9 fonr points herd In thelr f whet Iheaugh mae of PIRYETS: corn ihe rath wp 18 the fing! Wattle Tor the fowrth and final Gerry McNamare, hoth called Kincston goes to Montreal 10F bnrrer y v Bree pgm. (WW MERE eRe ies were | REMOVES LEFT EYE Factors removed the jeff eve of Tom Chascrewnd, 19, # PLANTE CLEARED THIS ONE, BUY THREE FOUND THE MARK IST GAME OF TOURNEY SPORTS MENU By Geo B, compbent | SIMOK1Es Face SPORTS EDITOR Cryin' Swedes 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' This Guaitying as the seventh Jack @ KIRGHTON (CF) pil pn GENEVA Akafrilf WHE hE (LP) FERRIER Bim ne he wight Box entry Trail. The winner of the east Ger Baskatenew sn (BREEN) (out nu JOYCE MeKEE and he { captured the 6 officis / ana # tr} ea of Maroons thus kept alive their anEnip IFVINE ERgmp REF Point this WERK BOW Digmond "0D" Cg ey are currently undefeated oss, Ontario and British Col rk P ' sip Fig Nav ada ide RIN Alb twa Aelepls W imhig aw he Quebec hen Wooley s on Tuesd McKee and Nase Ontario ring ne twice ay Jnyes and of us Oshawa last hest We BER Ihe 0 representatives L begins to look Very to catch even third or fourth OSHAWA'S COLTS (Freddie Thom k, which includes Reg Smith, Eimer ) defested Peterborough in th J yesterday, winning the first' game wd 18-end battle and taking the The Oshawa rink Royal Asay Bnd I0cal euriing entnusis are popular rink Oshawa Rotary Newt muen we po 1 hut Jim playofils 65 In BN game 18-4 fingl play Toronte pulling take Here Club held their ar Riel wilh next moves Into Lhe cket naw, al Canadians rink Oshawa to all @l nual local Wing esterday lub hongpie with ards ana COPPINE the Lop honors local Rotary Club entries dominated wit the visitors fared » little hetter BRIGHT BITS» Hockey fans of this ares us well as all sports fans of the district with deep regret yesterday that Tom Chasezewski Whithy Hilleresis, suffered the loss of his left eye in freakish secident, Tuesday night in Whithy., A ard-playing athlete has proven a star in hockey hall, safthall Tom has been 8 popular athlete and | to hi ports career is vegretied hy all SWEDEN'S hoxing bosses have t Avechie tan ald to tight any more this turn of events NOXINE authorities stick 1o thelr gu even smiling, as he walks to the hank hecause e'll be going empty-handed ITALIAN SOCCER League may ease their han on imports and. if they do, t could mean that a lot of British soccer stars are going get some very tempting financial offers all of hig adds fuel to the five in that argument shout ~Talary limits," ete, that is eurrently being disputed nvej LOCAL, BASKETBALL fans, whe 8 game without the onus of home-team hould take in tonight's game at Donevan Col when Kingston and Toronto YMHA play thei rd and deeiding game of OBA Senior playdowns MAX BCHMELING has offered to give advice Is that good? Saskatchewan Nears Crown OTTAWA (CP) Baska! Lineup of chewan seems pointed today for| which begins the frst Canadian women's curl: | Baskatchewan ng crown with an undefeated Newfoundland, Ontario record of six wins and only ohe loba, Quehee:B ( inparent obstacle In the last New Brunswick draw I'he eighth draw was sched Alberta uled for 3 pom. and the ninth record while Beitish and last--=harving tie-hreakers Columbia, in third with two which will he plaved Friday Inases, appears to be the only for & pn rin with a chance of sopping In other fifth-round matches askatehewan Queheo edged Manitoba 8-8 and Phey clash in the eighth round Ontario heat Newfoundland afternoon easily 10:4; In the sixth New foundland upset Manitoba 13:8 I'he longest night game was Alberta's win aver Nova Seatia nearly three hours whieh meant some six hours of curling for Nova Seotla counting the drawn-out game with RB.( Between rounds Wednesday, the rinks relaxed at a tea ten dered hy Ottawa curlers OTTAWA (OP) Results in the Canadian women's eurling championship Wednesday Filth Round 230 011 001 0 004 100 310 3 000 340 304 3 111 001 010 0 101 083 031 x 10 100 100 x 030 130 020 3 110 001 202 © 000 110 601 0 1000 130 2 Sixth Round 000 130 100 V 113 001 623 0 10 002 108 301 § 12 130 010 030 3 == NW 11MIN = WO AL Lh =) 001 BRL DOL x | 110 310 M41 x 1 10 O06 301 " «10 123 a0 il] Le { Ihree hig early araw section ine in the ialer nN parties learned of a Ha BOTOUS, font ele ninw Suggested tha Archie is ha but If the Archie WIE B Bwedish Nig 18ugn at will not ome Vani nyvalty eglate tn enjoy in Ing emar Johansson the seventh draw al Bb am, today VELL, Alberta Mani Nava Beatin hres One game hehind 15 ih a hl hi Naskatehewan won fifth Wednesday from New Bruns vick 113 and trimmed Quebec 110 Wednesday night in the ith round, Joyce MeKee's oung Saskatoon rink, eurling with the precision that has marked men's rinks from the Prairies, had ton much five power Alberta won 13-3 aver Prince Edward Island and 10:6 over Sealla, keeping close to Miss MeKee whose toughest game so far was a TA extra ond decision aver Mrs, Darathy |B fhompson's Edmonton rink NA a RC DROPE ONTARIO PEI Hritish Columbia lost 10:8 to Sask Soota's draw specialist, INR still with only one win, in the Que morning but came back Wed: Man nesday night ta stop Ontapie Nfld 1:7, the third loss for Mb ont Emily Woolley of Taranto After six rounds, New Bpuns: Ont wick was ted for hy with At Nid 1s Nova - § m1 =14 » & 1 Nova . 3 = 8 - A 10 9 3 Ontario, winnings its thind game Wednesday night 3 avep/Prinee Man Pdward Island, PRI has two NR victories and 1s ted with Que: PR | by Newfoundland and Mani: Que Wha Nash N With the N.S on (Alla ava MN Win VLA Fal {promised PIFER Sake Eaters prepared to meet many Norway game (odzy he darkhorse Sweden in the world comes the eighth cowntry in the hockey LONIRGIMEN. OPERIBE 10- championship group, The day Wn two famous Bwiss cities. will he » rownd-romn wn i we can gel by Sweden I ERER CONRIEY PIRYE Ih fink we'll gn all the way," the SEVER REE president of the Canadian Ama: LSE NEW PLAN leur Hockey Association com Twenty Countries were en mented Wednesday plier he ered in the tonenament, hit wn ved By (ram 150m der a pew system of seeding they wana We # based on past performance game ERIOpean world competition only eight WEEE a whieh ther SINOKIES AF) aly SUCRE where sini 18 cENIMLan our The Bweds CRI will romp champonship Wn ympie competition digns Bre not so sure i that easy and the Russians are non-commiiagl Countries eligible far the AMER championship their 18th The remaining 12 countries world and were divided into twa Broups The Cana: that will fight for places from will be nine to Switzerland joined Tialy, Po land, the loser of the East Ger evervhody else can many - Norway game and the a two-team race--Can winners of the Britgin-Belgium with the eham- and Romania-Austria eliming pianshin up for grabs on the Hon malenes the second final day of the tournament, Broup March 12, when the twa power Playing coach Bobby Kromm houses meet for the seventh recovering from the 'fly sald {ime in international competi Wednesday the Smokies were tion. Canada has defeated the hushed" after the long over Russians four times and lost night train trip from Italy, He (Wiee called the 18-game Furopesn Swedish sports writers hit exhibition tour "rough, really terly eriticized the Smokies' rough rough play in three exhibition FOST TWO OF 18 games in Sweden last month, The Smokies won 15, lost Iwo but Swedish eam manager and tied one, They scored 8 Lo-| Helge Berglund Wednesday tal of 104 gonls and allowed 47. we won't retaliate! In Sweden, they lost 4-0 and won the same way if the Canadians|4-1, #1 and 41, Russia's Dy get rough today. "We will leave namo team defeated the Cana it to the referees to enforee the digns 82 Another Soviet eam earned a 88 tle while Canada whipped an under] Russian team 4-1 ana he [7 Nearly ony ada and Russia ff 4 rules TOLD TO BE TOUGH I. ¥. (Bunny) Ahearne of Lon called the tournament's erees (0 a meeting Wednesday ghout," sald Kromm and fold them The trouble over the "Be strict with rule breakers German (18 g started and be very, very strict with Wednesday night's game dangerous play that could result 'We won't quit simply in injuries Lo opposing players The Canada was scheduled for 2:45 p.m. ground to the Kast Germans," EST in Geneva's handsome, | Karl Wild, vice:president of the new glass-and-concrete stadium, | West German lee Hockey Fed AL Lausanne, 40 miles from eration, Geneva, Russia takes on the|that the United States, also at 2:45 p.m Czechoslovakia meets Finland! "vegretied' that the team had at 1 am not withdrawn on ils own ae Twa other countries had to cord when (he Fast play qualifying matehes to en: flag went up ter the championship hracket off The official expression of "res eight gret'" was interpreted here as a West Germany overcame a strong suggestion that the West minor hassle with the Adenauer Germans leave the champion government over the flying of| ships in protest against the dis the East German flag and went [play of the Communist colors, on to win & thriller in avertime which were flying from a staff 4 over Switzerland Wednesday next to the West German flag ® Majors To Tangle With Lumbermen TORONTO (CF) he num:|/decision to Lindsay, The winner her of teams in the running 107 of this series is scheduled to ie, oii, Harker ASHEN ot Toronto Macedonians in srmediate ay he mn 1 veduced to 15 tonight when Pestafseven sel, The winney Oshawa Majors meet Lindsay plays Napanee, which gained a Lumbermen in Whithy in the bye inte the finals fifth game of their hest-of-5even wadnesday night, Ingersoll group final took the first game of a heat This group is ane of six tak: of-seven series with Exeter 4-3 ing part in the Intermediate In other group finals already playdowns, The groups ave under way, Guelph currently Group 1: Miltan and Barrie, leads Waterloa 3:0, while Bars Oakville and Georgetown rie took its first game with Mil: Group 3: Meaford and Calling: ton #38, Second game of that Kant he Bonn government Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Ontario New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Quebec Newfoundland Manitoba Nava Sooty wood; Group §: Guelph and Wa: [hest + of + seven series will he terlon; Group 4: Ingersoll and| played Saturday, fxeter; Group §: Oshawa and oakville and Georgetown will Lindsay, Toronto Macedonians, siart their series tonight, as will [Napanee: Group : Welland and Meaford and Collingwood, Wel: {Part Colborne fand-Crowland and Part Cols After taking the first three harne clash on Tuesday in the games, Oshawa dropped a 53 first game of a hest-of-seven se ries Dates for intergroup playolt STANDINGS have not yet heen announced because of diffioulty making By THE CANADIAN PRESS {rink arrangements Canadian Women's Curling 0 y " § ap AREAKS OWN MARK ShAmplomaii tanding after six MIDDLERURY. Vi. (AP)= Phil Latreille of Montreal [soared seven goals and four as [sists Wednesday night in Mid diebury's 173 hockey rout of (Dartmouth, breaking his own searing record, The Middlebury senlor now has ¥8 goals and 37 assists far 100 points this sea son. He set the United States National Collegiate Athletie As sociation record last year with 81) aa JE CE EEE Ee 1 AS AD AS Le de TNE OF dl dn dn sl TD a RD "oause of the flag dispute and| 0' the 10 penalties called Sweden match we certainly won't surrender the 8 ule sald today when told Tiger-Cats of the Big Four Foot ) of hall League announced Wednes Chancellor Konrad Adenauer day they have signed Lorenzo Pay otl spot in the Eastern Fro up by the Leafs aller 1eguiar o came Thursday mah, over chances of Bmshing in & tie with Galt Ferniers for second place Chatham has one game Jeft fessional Hockey | #ague Kingston proved & mghimare fohnny Bower meeting the Rockets wn Strath roy Saturday, and is (we points behind the Terriers, whe alse have one game FEMaIining Fred Vlelseh scored gonls for Chatham. Junior Maroons recrwit Terry hres ] tallied by Earl Towers, Pole is another junior Maroons reer drek Stoddard and Rie Caron seared for Woodstock the first period hut Maroons moved ahead 4-1 by the end of! the period. They added three unanswered goals in the second period hefore outscoring the Athletics 8-1 in the final period Ray Dunn, in Woodstock's nets, was called on 10 block 42) shots, while his counterpart, Al Bennett, stopped 24 There were no penaliies Woodstock playing coach Jack Stoddard was presented with a trophy hy Maroons captain Jack] Douglas hetween the second an NHL BIG SEVEN hiarded with them From pow erm (Boom Nationgl Hockey ng race he gorl gave Geoffrion a to 4 points of 41 gorls and Woodstock took a 10 lead in(42 assists--seven points hetler wha tal of than Mahovlich gorls and 0 assists The leaders Geoffrion, Mi Mahovhiech, To Beliveau, M1 Moore, Mi Kelly, Tor Bathgate Uliman, NY Del THE CANADIAN PRESS Boom) Chap-irion of Montreal and Toronto's man raded we snd singles were, Frank Mahovlich each scored a , Bob! gral Wednesday might 10 keep Fale, Brnie Dick and Joe Malo. their onetwn standings slop the League when the Genff In the first faced 18 Fromenacs SOF in Kingston ses has Wolves howed moments of weakness Two gorls were dispuled hy Bank who skated ot to cen tre ice hath times 19 Rrgue with referee Bruce Simms WRS Ines AL that Basiuk was ane of the wars of the game, He was hom MH shots blank range defence Tia W taking a postponed contest ew RESULTS Years Day A SECTION Kastview 2, Valleyview | of penad Babiuk shots and held goal mi red two the Hed Ouelletie"s gol which tied the score aller Jim Pappin scored his first of two for Sudbury HHek goils in the second period hy) Boh Attersiey and Dick Meis| f 4 ih in 4 vl] 1% mn A Fis 41 # Mm 76 4 Th MW "WM il Hh ta cul Fappin and lead to sner and then in the third 13 lied counters hy Meissner Goose Gosselin and Orval Tes | sier after Bam Beltio had se ared Kingston's Allersiey 64 (their second" goals of the night 60 Ita end the scoring 82.1 scored! HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS third periods, as the most! go PHE CANADIAN PRESS (San sportsmanship visiting player to Chatham this season 8t. Michael's Tie On Osborne's Goal TORONTO (CF) Sonny Os: horne gave Bi, Michael's Col lege Majors a 22 tie with Tor The Smokies came out of the onto Marihoros Wednesday | don, secretary of the Interna: exhibition series in good physi-|Mght, scoring with 23 seconds tional lee Hockey Federation, cal shape. "We have no injuries | Femaining in an Ontanao Hockey 2 vel or anvihing like that to worry! Association Junior A game Defenceman Paul Jackson nred Bt, Michael's other goal before Frank Ridley and Gary Jarret! were Marlboros marksmen Bt, Michael's picked up Seven during { ga TICATS BIGN BACK TORONTO (CF) Hamilton Stanford, a senior from North Caroling A and 7, Stanford, six Crerman | foot-three and 268 pounds, 1s a tworway halfback Taranto antrenl Chicago Detroit New York Boston Boston | New York Montreal 1 Toronto Thursday's Detroit at Boston American Tengu WL 410 Al 48 Al a8 27 46 28 24 34 4140 Springfield Buffalo Cleveland Rochester Hershey ueher Providence Wednesday's Results uehee 6 Buffalo 8 chester 4 Springfield § Tonight's Game Cleveland at Hershe Eastern Professional League WLT ¥ | Hull-Otlawa K-W 282 9174 207 48 12 #6 14 161 219 gr) Halon Tuesday's Results kl Games |New York at Chicago ¥ Kingston A PL Budhury 168 B2 Montreal 9 75 #0 Bh 8 161 08 | Budi Tonight OHA A Windsor Gall Chatham Stratford Strathroy Wandstock P 1] i" A PI 4 74 Ki : jie iH is Woodstock 2 C 0) 168 105 62] 4 218 168 60 2176 170 60) Guelph 2177 210 60(8t, Michael's 0 164 270 42 Niagara Falls Hamilton ft, Catharines Peterhare Mariboros Marlhoros 2 Bi Tolnght' OHA J w 26 28K 210 200 #4 zy 's Game awa al Bault Ble, Marie Senior WELT 20 1h 18 20 Pl] hatham 7 A unior LT ¥ A 209 0 6241 156 66! 161 146 H7| i 160 167 40 7 181 145 47 i 160 108 86 7 157 181 47| 148 200 87) Wednesday's Result 26 15 42 10 a0 19 1744 1h 44 RL] Michael's 9 8 Games A616 6 286 168 82 Niagara Falls at Peterborough| 26 98 10 200 106 66 Mariboros at Hamilton YT To MEN'S SHOPS !...DON'T MISS ONTARIO'S SMARTEST MADE-T0-MEASURE "SUIT SALE CHOOSE FROM THE NEW OLIVE AND VARIED BURNISHED TONES IN FINE ENGLISH WORSTEDS Phone RA 85-0712 for your personal oid ont fo be measured SF Ess SSeS RE EEE EERE REE RRRREE EEE ERENT EE EEE EXTRA PANTS AVAILABLE IF DESIRED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NNN MN NE MEE ANN NNN EREFFEEESEF EE SEE ER REE ER ERE NER RE EE BE EEE ESSE EE EEE E #206 288 H4 21 82 B206 241 Hh 17 82 12 144 102 46 Wednesday's Resulin ry ¥ Kingston 7 AP 24 18 8 107 140 BO) 20 18 6 181 125 46 4 172 108 44 1 147 168 37 § 156 162 H1 1206 2127 175 26 Wednesday's Result LEISURE HOURS | OF GENIAL "IKE North Oshawa §, Bore | Wondview 2, Bathe | Fernhill 4. Kingside |, B SECTION: Kadin 2, Harman } Nipigon 3, Sunnyside 0, | Connaught 4, Rundle } | Yoke Vista 2, Bowthmend 4, SATURDAY, MARCH 4 SECTION B: Harman vs, Radia, T:M s.m ve. Nipigon, 7:48 Sunnyside LBL fm Take Vista, FAIM BSPRINGS, Calf. | (AF) Vacation i ng ex | president Eisenhower came 10 town Wednesday 10 watch # practice hasehall game of 10% Angeles Angels, He had # ERY Hme Kidding with player He oid husky slugger Bleve Bilko, "Bleve, yo look about 80 pounds over weight Bitko hung his head Eisenhower asked ihe club punhicist, rv Kaze, the whereahouts of Cuban Julio Becquer, who played for Washington Senators ast YER Bald Kau Beecquer hasn't veported, but we're still hoping he'll show up Hunde am Bosthmead 8:2 am SECTION A: Valleyview am Blane ve. Cannsught Ve Eastview, 10:08 North Oshawa, 18: Hin 12:2% yh am Bathe a.m Kingside vs nm Waondview Fernhill REGAIN SQUASH TITLE LONDON (AF) Britain crushed the United Slates 54 in women's squash Wednesday and regained the Walfe « Noel [Cup Altogether Britain has won He may he leading the rev: olution (Cuba)." "Either way," Eisenhower sald, ""ne's going tn have rooters," down there in | lie Ch Jima Hin, bho. Amark Pl L = GEA GOD OAL IN USED CARS (SOLD) (SOLD) with radia (SOLD) ROY W. 1960 CORVAIR DE-LUXE 4-DOOR 1959 PONTIAC STRATO.CH 113 1958 CHEVROLET DELRAY 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 1957 CHEVROLET 1957 CHEVROLET DE-LUXE 1957 MERCURY 4 DOOR 1955 BUICK 2-DOOR HARDTOP 1955 FORD DE-LUXE COACH 1953 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR 1958 VAUXHALL 1952 HILLMAN SEDAN SPECIAL ! (985 ONEVROLET DELUXE 4.DR, SEDAN V-8 engine with Paweralide transmission Two-tone Green and Ivory with whitewall tires and eustem-huilt FULL GUARANTEE 100% for 30 days. CALL RA 8-6206 AT THE COURTICE USED CAR LOT radio \

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